The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 25, 1947, Page 8, Image 8

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    B Th State tman, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday. Norember 25. 1947
Mrs. Berg
Talks on
Mexico i
Mrs. Elmer O. Berg gave San
informal talk on "Her Impressions
of Mexico" at the regular lunchon
meeting of Women of Rotary Mon
day afternoon at the Gold Arrow.
Mrs. Berg spent the summer in
Mexico, both: traveling and study
ing Spanish. Miss Edith Faicham,
Junior at Willamette, university,
sang a group of numbers with
Miss Patty Jo Hammond, also a
Willamette student, the accompan
ist. Mrs. .Walter Minier arranged
the urogram.
The tables were decorated with
chrystanthemums, leaves and fruit.
Mrs. Arthur Hay presided at the
short business session.
Guests were Mrs. Robert Wulf,
Mrs. Roy Lockenour, Mrs. Wheeler
R. English and .Mrs. Ervin Potter.
Mothers present were Mesdames
Arthur Hay, Charles Fowler, Rob
ert Hutcheon, L. O. Arens, Ralph
Cooley, Homer Smith, jr., W. W.
Moore, R. E. Lee Steiner, Gardner
Knapp, Roy Harland, Frank Bur
linghajn, R. B. Lesher, L. Fran
sen, Harry B. Johnson, Abner
Kline, George Grabenhorst, George
Arbuckle, Arnold Davis, Henry
Carl, Walter Minier, Thomas Roen,
N. S. Rogers, C. A. Downs, R.
Ivan Lovell, Fred S. Anunsen,
Robert Sprague, Fred Gibson, J.
C Perry, C. E. Bowen, Charles A.
Sprague, W. H. Baillie, H. F. Phil
lippe, A. F. Marcus, Frank Craw
ford, Hugh Morrow, P. H. Brydon,
M. C. Findley, A. A. Lee, David
Host and A. A. Rogers.
Parties Given
At Covert's
Mrs. Robert Covert has enter
tained with two affairs at her
West Salem home recently. She
honored her son, Dafrell Lynn,
on his sixth birthday at a party.
Moving pictures were taken of
the suests. Birthday cake and re
freshments were served with Mrs.
S. F. Hartman and Mrs. Kenneth
Dodge assisting. Honoring Dar
ren were Edwlna Fitzgerald, Toni
Kertson, Tonya Sytsma, Danna
Glasgow, Linda Dodge, Laurel
Malbon, Angela Hartman, Karen
Covert, Butch Holderbine, Jerry
Taylor, Stevie Schmidt, David
Hubbard, David Gray, Joel Park,
Douglas McCormack and Dennis
Mr. and Mr. Cnvprt wprp hosts
at dinner Saturday night in hon
or of Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Hartman,
who celebrated their 20th wed
ding anniversary. They were pre
sented with a gift by the group.
Guests' were Mr. and Mrs. Roger
Malbon, Mavis and Laurel, Mr.
and Mrs. Loren Miller and Garth,
Mrs. Isabel Schmidt and Stevie,
Miss Angela Hartman, Mr. and
Mrs. Covert, Karen and DarrelL
Mrs. S. F. Hartman entertained
y.t a bridge party at her Frank-1
im street home for a group of
friends. Prizes went to Mrs. Roger
Malbon and Mrs. Glenn Brown.
Present were Mesdames Kenneth
Dodge, David Gray, Glenn Brown,
Leonard Jensen, Roger Malbon,
Robert Covert, Jerry Calaba, Or
vil Davenport, Loren Miller, Wal
ter White and the hostess.
Nuptials Held at
St. Mary's
MT. ANGEL Miss Margaret
Schaffner, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Raphael Schaffner of Mt. An
gel, became the bride of Donald
Zollner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hen
ry Zollner, at a nuptial High Mass,
celebrated by the Rev. Vincent
Keppert, in St. Mary's Saturday,
Neyember 22, at 9 o'clock. Miss
Helen Keber presided at the organ
and accompanied St. Mary's choir
and Miss Eustelle Bauman, who
The bride who was given in
marriage by her father, wore a
vhite floor-length lace gown, with
Sweetheart neckline, and fitted
bodice. Her fingertip veil was held
in place with a cap matching her
gown. She carried an orchid on
a white prayer book.
Mrs. Christine Grossf. sister of
the bride, was bridesmaid, and
wore blue taffeta. Miss Alma Wolf
was matron of honor, and wore
pink taffeta. Each carried nose
gay s-of yellow ancVmnk carnations.
- They" wore halo style headdresses
matching their gowns.
Alton Zollner was best man for
his brother nad Clem Hauth, ush
er. A reception was held in the
afternoon at the Legion hall for
friends and relatives. Mrs. Ed
Holm cut the wedding cake and
Mrs. Ambrose Ebner passed the
guest book. The Misses Annella
Bauman, Bertha Hassing, Carlene
BelV Lorraine Kotlre and Shirley
Wurdinger served.
Aloha Xi Delta - alumnae will
meet with Miss Elise Schroeder
tonight at her home,. 388 N. Win
ter st., at 8 o'clock. Colored mov
ing pictures of Guatemala will be
shown. All alumnae in the city
are invited to attend.
Mrs. Ralph Nohlgren will en
tertain members of her club at
bridge and a dessert supper to
night at her South High street
tome. T
How To Relieve
)r Bronchitis
' Cftomnlslaa relieref promptly be-
fcaua it com right to the seat of tna
trouble to help loosen and expel
germ laden phlegm, and aid nature
to soothe and heal raw, tender, to
fiMt bronchial mucous mem
teams. Tell your druggist to sell yon
bottle of Creamnlilon with the tm
testandlng you most Met the way tt
quickly allays the cough or you re
to hare your money back.
for CMgfcvCfcest Colds, Bronchitis
Society . ...Clubs
Music .... The Home
Women of Rotary luncheon. Gold
Arrow, 1 p.m.
Marion County Republican Women,
meet at chamber of commerce,: 8 p.m.
Chadwick Assembly, Order of Rain
bow for Girls meet at Masonic Tem
ple, 7:13 pjn.
BPW dinner meetings, Nohlfren's,
6:30 p .m. j
Bridal Plans
A number of "people will be in
Eugene this coming weekend for
the marriage of a Salem man,
Samuel Bruce Huston, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel C. Huston, to
Miss Joyce Ann McCracken,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
C. McCracken of Eugene. The
rites will take place at 4 o'clock
at the First Congregational church
on Saturday afternoon with the
Rev. Wesley Goodson Nicholson
officiating. Miss Darlene Gard
ner of Salem and Miss Aldene
Gould of Newberg will light the
Mr. McCracken will give his
daughter In marriage. She ' has
asked Miss Barbara Jean Berry
to be maid of honor and brides
maids will be Miss Mary Jean
Huston of Salem, sister of the
groom, and Miss Dorothy Deal,
a Delta Gamma sorority sister.
Nancy Lee Pender, cousin of the
brides will be flower girl.
Jay Denting Huston will be his
brother's best man and ushers will
be Richard Page, who will be home
from Stanford for the Thanksgiv
ing holiday, and Dale Bates of Sa
lem, and Paul McCracken, cousin
of the bride.
A reception will be held in the
Wheeler room of the church. Af
ter a wedding trip south to San
Francisco the couple will be at
home in Eugene. ,
Vows Read
MILL, CITY Miss Betty Bas
sett, daughter of Mrs. Fred Bas
sett, and Verne E. Shaw, son of
Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Shaw, were
married at a quiet ceremony No
vember 4 at the home of Mrs.
Beatrice Muhlhausen at Longview,
The bride wore a Kelly green
suit with a corsage of pink rose
buds for her wedding. The Rev.
C. H. Sprague officiated at the
double ring ceremony. Standing
with the couple were Mrs. Lucille
Hunter and Mrs. Beatrice Muhl
hausen. The couple will make their home
in Mill City.
Guild Feted at
Bibby Home
Mrs. Max Bibby entertained
members of the Junior Guild and
their children at her home With
Mrs. Carl Ditchen assisting. The
group has organized to do wel
fare work and is now tending a
box to a needy family In Europe
each month.
Attending with their children
were Mrs. Delbert Baer, Mrs.
George Davis, Mrs. Evans Jones,
Mrs. Raymond Bibby, Mrs. Wil
lard Hornschuch, Mrs. Donald
Matheny, Mrs. Donald Cummings,
Mrs. Leslie Klampe, Mrs. Eleanor
Klampe, Mrs. Carolyn Howe, Mrs.
Willard McCloughy and the host
Dart - IP
K'r i if
r t
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Olson (Bette Vorseth) whoso marriage
took place November 7 at St Paul's Episcopal chapel. The
bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vorseth of Wood
burn and the groom's mother is Mrs. M. A. Olson of Salem.
The newlyweds will live in Salem. Oesten-Miller.)
Study Club Today
At Phillips' Home
Mrs. William L. Phillips will
preside at luncheon this afternoon
at her West Lef elle street home
in compliment to members of her
study club. The group is study
ing "Race Relations" this year and
Mrs. William S. Cole will give a
paper on "Japanese in the U-S."
Mrs. Merrill Ohling will give a
report on the progress of the Bruce
Baxter Memorial Scholarship fund,
which the club Is sponsoring.
Members are Mesdames - G.
Frederick . Chambers, William S.
Cole, Chester A. Downs, Charles
A. Sprague, Merrill Ohling, . Paul
B. Wallace, R. H. Baldock, Roy S.
Keene of Corvallis, William - L.
Phillips and Miss Dorathea Steus-
ct fyUki -W0Y1E tKKHS Tttbur
Leave your nam
" a slip in th
340 Court St
I Cv - r-'
mrsSS1 ft
West Coast mothers choott IJocoa margarine
3 to I over amy ether brand. New that
iff pldntlfal, t&ty won't cccapt sobstltvtes
Nucoa always tastes so sweet and fresh! And no churned
spread, at any price, is richer in food energy, or a finer
year-round source of Vitamin A. It's a mighty nice feeling
to know that there's more Nucoa in the stores now.
It means iothers can use Nucoa more freely, both in cooking
and to rve on the table. Nucoa margarine is new-churned
the bt round, on order only. No wonder it's known as
margarine that's so good it "melts
V S :
'i - f i
' At.
" f
loff. Mrs. A. C. Haag will be a
special guest.
Annnal iroll call for Pythian
Sisters, Centra lia temple 11, was
held at the KP hall with over 40
attending. Mrs. Earl Burke led
the. group in singing. Refresh
ments were served by Mrs. Nora
Pierce, Mrs. Francis Neiderberger,
Mrs. Neta Jacobsen and Mrs.
Mary Pugh. Mrs. Lillian Smith
from Klamath Falls was wel
comed as a new member.
The 89th birthday of A. 8.
Campbell was celebrated . at his
home on North Church street Sat
urday. Present were Mr. and Mrs.
Van Wieder, Miss Carmen Camp
bell, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bu
chanan, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Camp
bell and Merrianne of Nelscott
and Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Campbell.
m cioco
and address on
lTaioT In th
Phoa 8221
in your mouth."
Merry Minglers
Mrs. Roy Barker was hostess
for the - Merry Minglers club
: Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Henry
Sprick, president, was in charge
of the business meeting.
Mrs. Frank .Prime was a spe
cial guest. Members present were
Mrs. Ernest Barker, Mrs. Robert
PickerelL Mrs. Earl -Malm, Mrs.
Al Fabry, Mrs. Clyde ColwelL
Mrs. George Hardy, , Mrs. Wade
Carter, Mrs. Leonard Malm, Mrs.
Robert Fromxn, Mrs. . Irwin Wa
gers, Mrs. John Woodburn. Mrs.
J Henry Sprick, Mrs. Cleo Kepping-
er, ours, covii case, Mrs. carl
Snyder, and MrsT Roy Barker.
The next meeting , will be De
cember 4 with Mrs. Ernest Bar
ker. Mary Lou Carrol
iHonor Guest
A shower honoring Miss Mary
Lou Carrol, who will be married
jTovember 29 to Warren Ewert,
Ws given by Mrs. John Meier at
her home on Center street Fri
day night
Guests- were Miss Carrol, Mrs.
fftalph Stinette, Mrs. Floyd Mc
Neil, Mrs. Jack Haagenson, Miss
Mildred Toombs, Miss Carol
Qawford and the hostess.
s- fSs,
f 1
1 1
i llil
hJL - Xv
Hostesses to
Fete Mrs.
Mrs. R. D. Blatchford, Mrs.
(George Rhoten and Mrs. Max
Rogers will be hostesses for an
au revoir party 4his afternoon at
rthe former's home on Norway
street in compliment to Mrs. G.
W. Ross, who is leaving soon for
Bend to reside, where Mr. Ross
will be with the state highway
Guests have been invited to a
1:30 dessert luncheon with an aft
ernoon of contract bridge to fol
low. Yellow chrysanthemums will
provide the decorative note.
Honoring Mrs. Ross will be
Mrs. Virgil CWeil, Mrs. Loren
Howe, Mrs. Donald A. Hendrie,
Mrs. Tyler Brown, Mrs. Virgil
Moorhead, Mrs. Chester Cum
mings, Mrs. M ervin Fidler, Mrs.
Gardner Knapp, Mrs. John Jel
derks, Mrs. Donald Toombs, Mrs.
Saul Janz, Mrs. Charles Layport,
Mrs. Louis B. Core, Mrs. Ralph
Kinzer and
Recent trad nates of AAUW will
meet tonight at the home of Mrs.
Robert Corey, 2107 Center st, at
7:30 o'clock. L. L. Blach will
speak on "Buying Women's
155 North Liberty
Among those motoring U Eu
gene for the Oregon-Oregon State
Same Saturday were Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Claggett, Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Eismanrr, Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Gallagher, Mr. and Mrs. Rus
sell Bones teele, Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Bones teele, Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Berg and Jerry, Mr.
and Mrs. George Bagnall and Mr.
and Mrs. James Pike.
Watch Repairing
Tre-War Service"
44S State
Salem, Oregon
Thanksgiving Day
Dinner at s
Normandy Manor
Dinner 3 to 10 P. M.
Reservations Accepted Fhone I5SS
(Loanae Cloasd UntU P. M.)
2850 So Comrnorcial
Phone 1194
513 -
lui gfedersl "tai
Luxurious coats made of the flanks oftlie
finest Russian squirrel sLinsT.With sweep?
ing backs," voluminous sleeves that' are
new for 1948. What woman could resist its
eauty itsjdo wnjo-earth JtfardJo wjricej
ROM iKimr. nvmr utmst ow
I WOSX fn...UOKT Vff J
Instantly relief from head sold dls-,
trees starts to coma when yon put .
Utile Vfcks Va-tronol teeacb nortrtt.
And If used in Uom. Va-te-aol aim
helps prevent many colds Iron dent
oping. rDow directions la package.