. . . h sfv - v I ' "-V .1 ' lis. "" .Slnrv Pitr 71. 1 f-rr t-yt .. A . - x a . V.'-. i ? ' ' - . , '3 -3 tf ii itkm -. i -"MSBfeMIKE DIMITROr S I X.I C t HOBO I X I : 7 -,.1 V ..... aJT - 1; V ,rv7)T 5 aO r I vj fxE: ,r--ie-i , ' i-1 3 1 I y -.-V- i i SOS HEHOBXN ! I . , J - "r "L 1 ij NORM VMBROCIOINil - -- .I,, , n - -,,- - i j n.i .i 1 i r-'-Xr'-'"-'. OCA ttA I JOMH FEftftABO 1AlOtSCH Port lan tl Li restock PORTLAND. Ore , Nov. 14 AP Cattl: fralabla 1800. toUI MOO; hold over 128; calves, salable 400. total 600; market fairly active, mostly steady with some ftrenfth on good steers; bulk medium-good steers 21.00-M.DO: load good 1146 lb fed steers M M); common grades down to 17.00; good feeders up to 22 56; common-medium heifers 16 00 21.00; cu tiers down to 13 25; canner cutter cows largely 11.00-1S.00; medium-good beef cows 15.00-UOO; few 18 50. common-good sausage bulls 14.50 18 00: good beef bulls held above 18.00; good -cho.ee vealers steady at 14.00- 28.00; odd head 27.00; good heavy carves mostly 20.00-21.00; few 500 lbs stockers up to 22.00. Hogs: Salable 1150, total 4000; market active; 25 lents lower; good-choice 185 235 lbs largely 36.90; 260-300 lbs mostly 24.50; 182 lbs 24.50; good 35O-C70 lb (lows 23 50-14 00. good 460-640 lb stags 17.00 50; few lots good feeder pigs 26.00. Sheep: Salable 1100. total 3200; mar ket fairly active, steady: good-choice lambs 22.50-23 00; small lot choice 23.50; common-medium grades 18 00-20 00. ?ood -choice ewes 8.50-9.00; few medium eeder lambs 17 00-18.00; good 74 lbs 19 00. Market will be closed Thanksgiving day. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore, Nor. 14 (AP) Wheat: No futures quoted. Cash grain: Oats No. 2 38 lb white 81 JO; barley No. 245 lb B.W. 8150; corn No 2 E.Y. shipments 81.50; flax seed 7.00. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 3.01: soft white (excluding Rex) 3.01; white club 3.01; western-red 3.01. Hard red winter: Ordinary 3.01; 10 per cent 3:04; 11 per cent 3.14; 12 per cent 3.24. Hard white Baart: Ordinary 3.13: 10 per cent 3.13; 11 per cent 3.18; 12 per cent 3.25. " Today's car receipts: Wheat 84; bar ley 10; flour t; corn 4; millfeed 1. Salem Market Quotations BUTTEKFAT Premium No. I : No. 2 .89 83 .74 PRINTS Wholesale Retail . . A3 JT7 37 ; ir i V yes, but , V i r ICAMYCOM8 -v ( D0NT LET ANVBOCV) KA : V I WONDER OUT BALLY--I HAVE ) c f CATCH VOU r- f - V- . : ,WWAT3 BECOME J BEING A I I ' iuTAke OFF IT f f? a n "ZZZ v I FT"? SSS-L fe2J Sc?rLfre4F),?!ciCM V3 with thisTtake tR LA M . - 4 I I 1 W GOING 0UtU-J PftOW.lW AGAIN;' GlYlN' ANY STRAY COPACHAklCETD PtCKVOU UP? OOrT VJ0RRV-, I WASNT BORN YESTER0AY-r KEEP MV EVES OPEN BESI0ES, I CANT STAND ITTIN' AROUND ALL TME TIME-I GEf CMOKE0- FEELIN (AINT 1 jlOKAV. SMART GUV-KEEP I I tVONTVOU ( NO, THANK VOU-TAIN'tJ THAT PR0WUN:aN0 SOMEDAVl I HAVE A wGOT Q00M fOftAUTIlEj JUST I MOlLL BE GETTI N' THAT I LITTLE M0C?B MOPE ANVTMIM6 I A I TOO. I ICMOKEP-UP FfcEUKl FROM AU A T CAUSE IVE EATEN SO I UPT l BAD' M IROPE AROUND YOUR NECKy j f MUCH f FEEL LIKE A I - t I I J5r I I I JUUHJBl B7 II X? ' KiH CAT I AllVg . is l fc. ill vr - 1 II rk j& r - I t r.-. I I f UVtN-iMH II . . i rx . I vVJJ I M WSk I II fVrf i I I '' 111' - . V - wv. ll .11 1 w mm I m wmrm- m mm mw n I I mm mi mm, , . M !4vJtVJi..e NICK ASf YOU ) MR.WRIOHTSAIPWO U.J I IIC7T CUm?? Y, Mwzii, Tu 15 fvtnnrr; m pal,thc kst raoio mm A v. YOKKf yf mcioquyuks mioka 9einev. rvf. thconkeason. ! ftUNNCX WHO EVSR UVCPf Wf Wf KE IN THC PAiCrTC JffWUCKl) I TWPT060MS UK9) CW WJOfctM 1 A6REED TO THIS 1 ssbs i T046THKR. 5AVEP AW UPS. V BUZl T VavJP TM COINS WTM NOT $0IN6 A PAN6CtTKlf( BIS I lil l )j f S i YOttf V V, T 1 0UGtrr wrp BUZZ 1AV7TDI l1 i f , "Vw j . " ''f'" MZCXET MOUSS EGGS BCY1NO Extra large Medium and standard Pullets Cracks , .. EGGS Selling Pries Wholesale. Urge itetau. large Retail, medium POl'LTSY Colored hens No.1 1 No. 2 Fryers livestock (By Valley Pack) Woo led lambs, choice 20 08 Yearling up to 12 00 .a M M .33 .68 .72 .82 -3 M M Sheared lambs Ewes Fat dairy cows Cutter cows Dairy heifers up to 19 50 2.00 to 7.00 13.00 8.00 to 11.50 8.00 to 14JS Calves (300 to 459 lbs.) up to 21.00 Bulla . 10.00 to 17.50 Veal (150 to 300 lbs . choice 23 50 Stocks and Bonds Compiled by the Associated Press Averages Nov. 24 20 10 10 19 Rails Indus! Util Forgn ism i i ibis m im t mm 904 100 4 100 8 68 2 99 9 100.7 10H 98.4 914 101.4 102 3 89 7 M l 102.7 103 8 74 6 88 7 ' 100.4 100.9 97.7 Monday Previous day wees: ago Month ago rear ago 1947 low Slack Averages 39 IS IS 09 Indus. Raus trtU. Stocks Monday MS ill 'iaii as a Previous day i 93.2 34 1 40 9 95.3 week ago 92 2 334 41.1 94 ( Month ago 94.2 34.7 42 7 99.4 Year ago 94 1 M l 42 7 91.5 1947 low .. 93 2 , 27.7 40.8 58.5 New 1947 low. DBS. CHAN . . . LAM Dr.Y.TXaaaJJ. DrXt.Cha-JIJ CHINESE BEKBA LISTS 241 North Liberty Upstairs Portland General E lectrte Co. Office open Saturday only. 10 am. to 1 pjn. 0 to 1 pm Consul tation. Blood pressure and urtns tests are tree of charge. Practiced since -1917 Grain Market Sets Records; Offerings Few CHICAGO. Nov. 24.-;P)-;rains rang up a variety of new records on the board of trade today as steady buying encountered ex tremely limited offerings. Major cause of the advance ap parently was a series of congres sional meetings in Washington, where the current world - wide grain shortage was emphasized by a number of agricultural experts. Wheat closed 4 to 7Vi higher, December $3.14, corn was 4 to 44 higher, December $2.57-27, oats were l-2i higher, Decem ber $1.26 - 1.264, and soybeans were up 8 cents, the daily limit, March $3.93 Vi. The new records rung up during the day were: December wheat set a new high for any wheat future in 30 years, at (3.14. Setting new seasonal highs were all wheat contracts -except July, all corn contracts, December and May oats, March and May soy beans, and December, January and March lard. Most Issues Show Losses NEW YORK, Nov. 24.-(iP)-A smattering of stock market lead ers attracted -timid bidding today but the direction was downward for the majority of the more act ive performers. Brokers' customers and profes sionals, leaned toward caution pending more assurances regard ing business, congressional anti inflation developments and news from the foreign ministers' con ference at London. Dividends and earnings, on the whole, again were ignored. Firming money rates and unpopularity of high grade securi ties persisted as bearish factors. ,2-j2iat- 1943 f) 1947 Military IQ.J IJ.S OSS j,- .pt.,, j j Mf EmployMl un4 Servants 3.4 U. S. ami Ucal 6.1 Finance and MioolIanaoMS AA Trad 7.6 UtiirHM and JL Trampert 3.7 V Construction O.Si Mining 0.T I 5J Manofog j Ti tvrin I 11 5. 1 1 17.7 U 1 Morrow Radio Co. For Repairs ONE TO TWO DAYS SERVICE SALES PACKARD-BELL. GILFILLAN Tabla and Console Combination m A ntl a Daillu Jiioioroia ana rnuco auui imh Pbne 5955 I AUUI ivauiua 153 S. Liberty Si. Tha StaUamatL Salam, CWyon, Tuaadcrf. Wot. 25. 1947 lj GRANTED HEED NAME BRATTLEBORO. Vt. John Fitzsimmcns, Brooks, Ore has been granted exclusive use of the name Titzsimmons" as a herd name in registering his purebred Holstein - Friesian cattle, announ ces the Holstein - Friesian Asso ciation of America. Nearly 1,000 prefixes were reserved for breed ers by the association in 1946. Americans use about 800,000, 000 matches daily. TUESDAY'S BROADCASTS Kilocycles: K.SLM 139. KOCO 14 M. KORJ t70. KGW S20. KEX UN BOtB 6BSLM KOCO koix KGW KEX 99 J9 99:44 99:99 99:11 News (Music Timekpr 'March Time iNews KOCO KLOCK I KOCO KLOCK KOCO KLOCK ; Farm Parade News Roundup iKOIN Ktork 1KOIN Klock I KOIN Kl.x-H Honeymoon I Honeymoon (Kneass News lai ly Bird rarm Hour IFarro Hour I farm Hour Farm Hour 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX News Farm Parade KOIN Klock Farm Time Sinn I Cowboy IRise and Shlne'News News JTex Killer News- ' fRob Garred Farm -Tune lOld Sons M Agronsky lane Abbe Barfsin Souta Sincinc Fred Beck Sam Hares IMkl Report! 8 KSLM Haven Rest Haven Rest KOCO News. Orcri. IMusic KOIN User News ISmihn' Ed KGW Fred Warinf I Fred Warin( KEX Braekfast Club tBreakiast Club iPloneer I News ITrmpo Time 3vcr Coffee Grand Slam IRosemary Uack Berch S,i Shop Breakfast Club ! Breakfast Club 9 KSLM Kate Smith IV. Llndlahr KOTO Gospel Singer Organ Moods KOIN Wendy Warren lAunt Jenny KGW Tommy Dorsey . Tommy Uorsey KEX Welcome IWelcome (Pastor's Can Art Baker Jan Garber INews I Helen Trent IGal Sunday Tommy Dorsey, Tommy Dorsey IHollyw'd Bkfst .!HMyw'd BkfL 10 KSLM News KOCO Cole Trio KIN Big Sister KGW Freedom Train KKX G Drake Show Lullaby Ma Perkins Krreass News ITed Malone Waltzes Harmony 'Hawaiian Echo Varieties !Pr. Malone Guiding Light ! Claudia Joyce Jordan I True Story ITrue Story 11 KSLM Organalities KOCO News KOIN Mrs Burton KGW Today's Child KCX B. Crocker N W. News Queen Today Latin-America lesion Concert Perry Mason. I Your Best woman White Holly Sloan Melody ICIub Tint Queen Today ISalui Concert j Rose Dreams -ILicnt World lEtheL Albert 12 aSLM Hit Tim KOCO Jamboree KOIN News KGW Kneass News KEX W KJernan IVarfceties fit's a Deal (News (Serenade iLooes Orch. INews I Come Get It IDble.. Nothing Double. Nothing I Ma Perkins ! Pepper Young i Happiness Noon Dreams Paul Whiteman Paul Whiteman 1 KSLM Orchestra Orchestra Hollywood rBlnf Sings KOCO Hello Agata Hello Again j Hello Again Hefio Again KOIN Art Baker Lullaby Time lA.tr Newspaper I Air Newspaner KGW BacksUge Wife Stella Dallas (Lorenzo Jones iWidder Brown KEX Paul Whiteman IPaul Whiteman Kay West I Kay West 2 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW Heart's Desire KOCO Kapers Air School Girl Marries What's Doin' I Heart's Desire I KOCO Kaoers I Air School I Faces Life IWhat's Doin' iMartin Block I KOCO Kapers I House Party llain Bill IBride. Groom IMartin Block IKOCO Kaper I House Party IPage Farrell I Bride. Groom 3 KSLM Bingle Basket Bins) Basket ! Son in INews KOCO KOCO Kapers IKOC O Kaoers ! KOCO Kapers KOCO Kapers KOIN Art Ktrkham jTratfic Safety 'Arthur Godfrey; Arthur Godfrey KGW Road Life (Lara Lawson I Aunt Mary IDr. Paul KEX Be Seated iBe' Seated ICurrent ISunnyside Up 4 KSLM Fulton Lewis IHemlngwav (Orchestra IGitt Parade KOCO Melody Matinee Melody, Matinee Jazz Jamboree Adios KOIN Evelyn Winters' Traffic Safety jMeet Missus I Meet Missus KGW Woman's Secret' Life Beautiful G. Lombardo 'Stars Today KEX Sunnyside Up INor'westernefs Xike It Hot lUke It Hot 5 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Santa Claus 'Superman . CpL Midnight I Tom Mix Off Record (Off Record (Rhythm Ranch Sports News Knox Manning 'Meditation lc Col Xng wood Bob Garred News George Moorad Date With Judy Date with Judy Dick Tracy I Terry. Pirates ISky King I Sky King 6 KSLM O: Heater (Tune-Up (Fashions Orchestra KOCO Chimney Chats Manhat. Music New IN. Cloutier KOIN Romance I Romance !Studo One Istudio One KGW Amos 'n' Andy Amos 'n' Andy Fibber McGee (Fibber McGe KEX Sports IK. Baker I Serenade (Serenade 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Drama W.U. Radio Studio On Bob Hop Symphony Chis holm Trail Half Hour Devol Orch, iDevol Orch. Studio On 'Red's Gang Bob Hope (Red Skelton Symphony Sex Edc. IHalf Hour Vocal Varieties Red's Gang Red Skelton lAlvm Wilder 8 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Mont Christ Requestfully Lowell Thomas Supper Club Singers Mont Christ Reauestfully Jack Smith News INews lOrcnestra ReQuestf ul!y I The Norths (Milton Bert (Town Meet i Orchestra I Reqtiestf ully (The Norths (Milton Berl Town Meet I KSLM News (Beulah (Sports INewscope 9 KOCO News Dick Uebert (Juke Box Juke Box KOIN Big Town ' Big Town (Club 19 Ed Murrow KGW Alan Ledd Alan Ladd I Theatre Theatre KEX Town Meet Town Meet 'KEX forum !KEX Foru-i gf KSLM Fulton Lewis M Downey News I News 111 KOCO Juke Box Juke Box Revue Classics (classics III KOIN S Star Final Science 'Open Hearings Open Hearing W KGW News Flashes 'Current Cholc IBalakrika j Decision Now KEX McCan News I It's Law IConcert Hour (Concert Hour 11 I Open House (Open House INews IW. Ballads j Dance Bands I Dane Bands Serenade Air-flo Alr-flo J. Garber Orchestra Orchestra KEX Concert Hoar IConcert Hour (Roe Bowl iKos Bowl KSLM Open Hows KOCO News KOIN Serenade KGW Ne KOAC Tmesday J9 k-a. 19:00 News: 19:11 Especially for Women: 119 Air School: 11:19 Concert Hall: 12:00 News: M:1S Farm Hour; 1:00 Ride Em Cowboy: 1:19 Airl School: 1 M Mel ody Lane: 20 World Our Affair: t J3 Or. School: 1:45 Memory Music: 9:00 Or. Reporter: 3 IS Music Masters: 40 News: 4:19 Favorite Hymns: 4 30 Be hind the News: 4:45 Children's Theatrat IM On Upbeat: 5:35 Spotting Sports; IM News: 9:15 Dinner Melodies 9 J9 Round the Campfire: 1:15 Farm Hour; 9 00 Music for You: 9:1J In Your Name; 9:90 Song Shop: 9:45 News: 9-00 Cany pus Headlines: 9 JO Organist: 9:45 Eve ning Meditations: 19.-00 Sign Off. lieu Raisers Hew Frazers 24 was HDIffiY WHILE THEY LAST Gorarnmant coatrola and cradlt rastric-ooa may soon bacom afiacttra. Visit our bowroom today. Taka a rida, and I am sura yo w-1 aery IUm aQ othar owners, "NO OTHER CAR RIDES UXE A KAISER OR FRAZER." HIGHEST TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE TEAGUE riOTOR CO. 355 N. Iibarty Phona 24173 Opan avanlnoa I' rl" -j I i l 7 N0.MAaciE,i Tl rr a net-vm job. rn f' - !4 CUfT-NOt IT WXT A 1 I UWNT ORE QF EZW mil J U, SC GOT "oflOUOH 1 ---iA SAaV-tfTTN' J0. J I MNA AM? CWTPER US ON J " - -. X THAT GASOLINE ALLEY TFV LETTER BEL. PUTONTH'CXU-P0T,i SNUFtY- IM HGA01N' V0RE WflV ,N rrSSK5NED-,VORf? BODACIOUS OCOSW". WrO ONfltRlH . COULD IT BE? I GOT MORE CCW5WSTHAN RABBIT BARNEY GOOGLS SnTROOOCIWQ SfOUFfV3 BCOAOCOS COUCAtO SMITH TH6 GWeAWeST. LVIN'ESr. meWEsr. oqn'riest wOlir VbS7 9tLAW Alf Id mCG OP THIS GREEN AtOM I ill IIIJ SHCT UP THAT CREECHI0',V6 OURN fVWOCKIN- mW W 6oM 33 B06LER I MUST B 6NOFFY S C0U5W