f The Slcrtesman, Salem. Orton. Friday. Morimbt 21. 1847 Hall Proclaims Thanksgiving ay.Hpliday ; ' Gov. John H. Ball, in line With recent proclamation of President Truman, . proclaimed Thursday, November 27, Thanksgiving day In Oregon. The proclamation: "It fa entirely fitting that this day be observed as holy day' ' a day of rest and prayer and thanksgiving. It Is among the noblest , and best of our purely American customs and traditions to gather in our severaj places of worship, aad fas our homes and the homes of our "friends-, to red edi ts te -ourselves to the causes and aims and Ideals which Have made this country great and free. "It has even been mankind's convention, in the late fall, to celebrate the harvest by festival -and prayer, and by giving thanks to divine power. And America, more than ever before, has so much for which to give thanks. "We are a free people, with op- " . ti l f v ponuniiies oecaoning. roa nas resources, in the development of our people, In our way of life. Our forefathers have bestowed, upon tis a type of government which, though not perfect, comes closer to providing each person with his Inherent rights than any other government -4n the 'history of mankind. 1 "On this Thanksgiving day, let us. by all means, count our mani fold blessings. But, too. let us re member that the world cannot long remain half fed and half starved, half slave and half free, half peaceful and half in turmoil. A better world can be ours, and we must bend all our efforts toward a future universal Thanks giving day." National Firm May Use Local Wool Fabrics Passible use of Oregon woolen fabrics for automotive upholstery and other finishings manufactur ed by a national concern were in vestigated in Salem Thursday. Woolen mills in Salem and vi cinity were consulted by telephone from Salem Chamber of Commerce by James C Bolles of Detroit. Mich, vice president In charge of sales for National Automotive Fibres, Inc., the parent industry of the Oregon Flax Textiles plant in West Salem. Bolles said his company used wool as well -as flax and other products, and Is considering a west coast source of wool materials to supply its plant in Oakland, Calif., which now uses wool from the east. Accompanying Bolles were J. A. Hughes of Detroit, a member of the sales department; Robert Young, head of the company's sales in Los Angeles and B. A. ton mills, Oakland. The party spent most of the day in' Salem, taking lunch here 'with Clyde Everett, manager of the Oregon Flax Textiles, and Salem chamber leaders including William L. Phillips, Carl Hogg. Lester Ban-. Ralph Cooley and Manager Clay Cochran. Bolles said lngniries also were made of woolen mills in Eugene, Portland and Pendleton, Co-ops Protest At Hearing WASHINGTON, Nov. 20 -;P) Jerry Voorhis, representing the Cooperative league of the USA, told the house ways and means committee today "you can't wipe out the inherent strength of the cooperatives - - which lies in the fact that they belong to the peo ple whose needs they serve." "I am firmly of the opinion." he said, "that the small business men, who have been shoved to the front in the attack on cooper atives, are 'quite unwitting tools of the very monopolistic forces that actually are today destroying the very opportunity for existence of small business." The former democratic -member of congress from California said that about the only way to destroy a co-op. In which persons combine for savings in. purchases or mar keting, "isstnake it illegal to Join a cooperative." Toastmaster Club Adds 6 Six new members were taken into the Capitol Toastmasters club at its regular weekly meeting Thursday night in the Gold Arrow cafe. - They are George Nademan, George Hewitt. Lee Nealy, Wil liam Osko, -Dennis Brenner and Fred Remington. Hewitt was act ing toastmaster during the club's speaking .paogram. Speakers- were Remington. Gerald Kelley, Leon Cooney, Robert Batdorf and Jo- Dadio Bcpairs AO Makes Appliance Depairs Phone 9221 Phene 340 Court seph Prange. Ed Randla was gen eral evaluator. ? ' The club voted to by-pass its regular meeting next Thursday night because of the Thanksgiving holiday. It also discussed tentative plans for club participation in the district and area speech contests next March. Forgers Draw Sentences to Penitentiary Forgery and worthless check charges brought five- and three year state penitentiary sentences Thursday to two men, who plead ed guilty before Circuit Judge E. M. Page. Both were taken from Marion county Jail to the peni tentiary late in the afternoon. Ray. Van Order, Corvallis, was given the five-year term for forg ing a $50.23 check and passing it to Jayson's store here last July 1. He was arrested by Albany au thorities this week on a Marion county district court warrant, brought to Salem Wednesday, bound over to the grand jury in district court Thursday and later in the day waived indictment and entered his plea. Paul W. Gillespie, Elatwoods, W. Va., sentenced to three years, was arrested by Salem city police November 13 on a charge of ob taining money under false pre tenses, having passed a worthless check for $49.50 at Hartman Bros, store here on November 12. In district court he was held to an- Newbry Gives Apportionment Of Racing Tax Final appointment of the 1947 hetate racing revenue, aggregating $4,901.11 to each county, was an nounced Thursday by Secretary of State Earl T. Newbry. Of the total racing revenues, $438,700 was distributed to the counties during. 1947, with each county receiving a total of $12, 186.11 for the support and main tenance of county fairs. The total of $775,570.35 for the year 1947 exceeded the 1949 revenue by $262,453.06. The 1947 apportionments fol low: County fairs $438,700, Eastern Oregon Livestock show $7,500, Northwestern Turkey show $2,400, Pendleton. Roundup $7,500, Pa cific International Livestock Ex position $35)00, Oregon state fair $35,000, mid-Columbia Live stock show. The Dalles, $5,000; Klamath Basin Roundup Associa tion, $5,000; Spring Lamb and Dairy show, Canby, $5,000; Pa cific Coast Turkey exhibit, Yam hill county, $2,500; and Oregon State Corn show, Oregon State college, $2,500. The state's gen eral fund received $232,07035. The 100,000 residents of the Choco region of Colombia are pre dominantly descendants of Negro slaves imported by the Spaniards. swer to the grand jury, whose indictment he waived yesterday. Service Revises Discharge Ratings Honorable coast guard dis cbarges are available to about 12, 000 veterans who left service with only ordinary discharge because of physical disability or discharge "under honorable conditions" to accept commissions or to become cadets, according to information received by the Oregon depart ment of veterans' affairs. Coast guard regulations were changed to permit issuance of hon orable discharges in such cases, retroactive to Dec. 7. 1941. Appli cation should be made to the Commandant, Coast Guard, Wash ington, D.C. County Officers Hold Conclaves PORTLAND. Nov. 20.-V County officials congregated in Portland today for three different conventions: the association of Oregon counties, county engin eers, and county treasurers. The county judges and commis sioners who are members of the association of Oregon counties were told today to hunt out the "hidden assets" which can increase their area's payroll. Sid Woodbury, president of the Portland chamber of commerce, described scenery as such an as set. Tourists this year are spend ing $107,000,000 in Oregon,, he estimated. Postmaster Sfeeks to Avoid Yuletide Rush The usual pre-Yuletide plea of "get your Christmas packages mailed and your stamps purchas ed early came from Postmaster Albert Gragg Thursday. In anticipation of an ever-Increasing flood of Christmas mail coming into Salem, Gragg has leased a portion of Starr Fruit Products warehouse space at Church and Mill streets for stor age space. No outgoing mail will be - kept there, Gragg said. The lease runs from December 15 to 31. Incoming mail will be taken directly from the trains to the warehouse. Gragg also reported that begin ning about December 15 approxi mate 50 additional carriers will be hired to augment the present carrier staff of 46. He said that from 20 to 25 additional clerks also will be used. Speaking from past! years' ex perience Gragg advised local resi dents to get their Christmas mail, especially packages, into the mails by December 10. In order to avoid standing in long stamp lines, Gragg also urged patrons to buy their Christmas mail stamps early in December. Submarine ridees ring the north ern and western Pacific their crests forming such islands' as the Aleutians, the Kurites, Japan and the Ryukus. THANKSGIVING Begins al Your Good Old Metropolitan Good Old Metropolitan" where you always find timely, wanted items . . . at mone&? saving prices that are easy on your bud get! Check these items that you need for Thanks-giving. 11 S v mi 1 P fc: S3 rv -r. -v- Mffl EL 29 2 Bet 54x54 Inch sis in pretty fruit design on ro, grsxm, blus) or gray background. PLUS 4 mat ching napkins). Special Purchase Tea Touels Regs 49c AttracliT tea towels (hat yoa har ben anxiously wailing lor. Grand for your own tut --perfect as gifts. Genuine Liiby Sale Edge Tumblers 6f. 29c Genuine Libby iaf dg: tumblers, guaranteed against chipping. Pyreii iovls g95et 4-piece set oi mixing bowls in assorted colors. YouH find plenty oi uses lor this OTtnwart. 32-Pc Pinner iei I11 Regularly 9.951 Service for six. Choice of styles in at tracflTely decorated din- Low priced. Holier It's the secret to better cof fee. Big. handy, 8-cup ca pacity for entertaining. KITCHEII IIEEDS FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASOII PYBEXUAIIE Silverplaled Flatware Teaspoons . . . 15c Knives ... 33c Dinner Forks .25c Tablespoons . . 25c CAIIDV Christinas Hard QQjf Mis; ..Xb. 0J Cheeelate Pesmxt OC4 Clesters...- H lb. 09f Brazil Not- 1Q4 Fndss .....Xb. '?JP After Dinner M Qi MinU Lb. VOy Pa-qL Casserole .75c 1-qL Casserole ...60c 9-in. Pie Plate ; 40o " Fluted edge pie plate 45c Loaf Pans ....50c and 75c Square Cake Dish 50c PTBEX CASSEROLE IN FRAME, chrome frame, 1 Vi-ot 1.49 ioQ corered, heat and 4 for 59c OVEN. GLASS ROASTER, regularly 2.S3 247 TABLE MATS, aluminum waterproof IT Tapered TABLE CANDLES ,2 for 10a CLEAR PLASTIC TABLE CLOTHS. 54x72" stse CRYSTAL GLASS CANDY DISH '. 29a PAPER NAPKINS Pkg, 15c Ban Warmer 88 Tone in station KSLBL, 5 p. m.tch creninf for Metropolitan's Sant Oansj Mail CalL To serre and keep hotl ElscuiJa, roQi, poportra, etc. SaOGTO Q&mB Candy Corn Lb. 490 133 Ilonh Ccnnerdal Sired IS roirrTiD.i v N mil , . V 0-, r THXIF Lnroirai atswits nun umrntt 'the QUALITY FOODS you find the MONJEY SAVID...will moke it a doubly ioyoos occasion. For th Utmost in Earing FImsur ...no matter the occasion ... LT ALWAYS PAYS TO RILY ON ntre..jw Erickson's Super Market Sloclr Up for Tour Thanksgiving Dinner LIVES 5lO' M. sm wmu mmm -a . Surprise Pint Can Granberry Sauce Tall Can Ocean Spray, Jellied Fruits & Vegetables All IDEAL CHMSTIIAS GIFT! 1.98 SNO-BOY FANCY Delicious Apples Vi box Packed for Shipment Arizona Grapeiiaii I Large Size 29 0 Yi boa 1 .39 6 for ... Ilavcl Oranges m a. doan V Extra Larc Size i 470 Hoi House Tomatoes lL 290 ixxnrancy . 00' Utah Celery .. :'2b"330 Large Banchee, Crisp and Finn FDUIT JUICES Grapefndl Jnice Le. 47-es. can - A C Ne. X can , 9 C Orange Juice Ebb OQ Lee. 47-M. caa Sa9C Tangerine Jnice OU Seetfe 4 4 A Ne. X can . JL JL C Apple Jnice Caaa-Swaym fl A Quart bottle JL 73 C QasrtbetUe Prune Jnice 19c Csse-Swayae QBsrtbettls. DelBfente, QasrtbetUe. Blended Jnice Del Meets 0"T Lea. 47t. can C ;:-;2ipricre Blend t Apricot sa4 Oraait Jsios N.t caas far 29 c SAVINGS on CAHIIED GOODS Sweet Peas 3 Market Ck f. Ne. 101 cans Isr afi J C Golden Banian Corn TaatrPak t Del Mailt 47 Ne. 2 caa U- U Siringless Beans 2 Marten i 1 jr -Ne. S cans tor 691 Del Monte Cat j 4 Q Ne. eaa J Larson's Yeg-all Mixed YereUUes C N. SSS can , lOt Tonaioes Censote f . Q 4 No. t'ii exa A Beets Slice or IMeed "B vai TIM t mm Ne. Z cans tor Val Vita 4 C aib Diced Carrots 2 Hunt's Fancy 4 ZZg No. cans lor JLOC Frail Cakes 49c Nordic Maid ! 1.1b. cake ... Heenshers Famous QQ IVaadied. 1-lb. bexOUt Dale d Fig Pudding Heeashel's 20 s l-r. bx 03C Chccolale Eclairs lib. 81 tne Erispy Crackers Stfktly salted wafers, X-Tb. Lli-IIo Crackers Crtsa, renad bat ter wafers, lb. Nestle, Ull can 110 320 Canned Ililh Ilarnarine Kerko. 1 lb. Guaranteed by Good Hoosekeepins; Fancy Pampldn UgttLt, IVi can 100 Ilinced Heal LW 350 Pllddillg JChcteVaniIla 2 pkga. 150 Seedless Raisins p... New Crop CoHeo 1.430 -,ft.J850 Canned Pineapple T.r Thankirtax Dinner. w Turkeys - Turkeys - Ducks -Chicken and HaWril For Tour Thanksririnjr Dinner at Loweat Possible Prices. Bound Steak or Swiss Lb. Sirloin Steaks lk ....... 53 C Armour a GoTernnent Graded Beef 5.bS,!49c Small and Tender Check Beasts Lb. Teonf Beef SL" .79c Merrell Pride Lb. 79c a.!? 49c Teang and Tender Let us supply jour locker meat. We also cut and wrap for lockers. OO I II