Now York Stock Quotations NEW YORK, Nov. 20 - -Today's 196 Gen Foods 84V.!Gen Motors Al Chem & Dye American Can Am Power & Lt Am Tel it Tel Anaconda Atchison. Bendix Avia Beth Steel Boeing Air Calif Pack Canadian Pac Case J I Chrysler Comwlth Sou Cons Edison Cons Vultee. Crown Zel Curtis Wr Douglas Air Dupont de Ne Gen Electric. 9iGoodyear Tire 151 VGt North pfd 36, Int Harvest 83i:Int Paper pfd 32ViJ Manville lOtt'-ilKennecott 20V4Long Bell A 324!.Mont Ward 11 (Nash Kelvin 454 (Nat Dairy 63 IN Y Central 3 (North Am Co 21Northern Pac HVPac Am Fish 33 Pac Gas Elec SV4,P T & T 51Pan American 188 jPenny J C 35 Radio Corp I'orllantl Produce PORTLAND. Ore.. Nov. 20 (AP) Butterfat tentative (subject to im mediate chance), premium quality maximum of 39 to 1 per rent acidity, delivered tn Portland. 83-86c lb.: first quality 81-84e: second quality 77-SOe; BLONDS -TWCV COULDNT, "those HAVE CDM CUOUOS r moi?c Than look p- 2.00 If BAD. i V MILES. .TRACV. DICX TRACT YtXt KMOW TRAVELING ON SNOVV-Lj, COVERED HIGHWAYS IS RISK t -On A T6A1M WE WOULD B CDMFOCTABLE ITTTIX ANNIE BOONEY 7 BUZZ SAW TLX MICKEY MOUSE GASOLINE ALLEY OOtvT FLING COOtO C i J CWTTEU.ME L ( VOU'RE BLOWING jfS SOAP BUt58tES 'mtx V WITH MY BEST 7T Ai rt pipe QtJt SAFE WARM jTI 'T f Y00 TO5TlNCOtWRll, i y r piMvoa stAvt driver rvf n O ; ( lKMOVvH,Vn6MT.T0Kfai f - wrrw Your to kick wttm TMOLK3MT VOO VffRP l OKAV.' J j l, WHJUCR? 1 TO CO HUNTING J (SNlF-SNlFtf IT'S VOQESETF 0FFM TH' ONP0551BLE. BLUFF, LXJK SNUFFV!! dUGHftlD BLUE BLAZES IS GONNA WIN FER SHORE'.! BABKEY GOOGLE Closing Quotations: 38 'Rayonier 30Ta SSJJitRayonier pfd 45' t Reynold-- Met 25 U 37,1 Rich ijeld 16 87 Safeway 21 14 567iSears Roeb 38 U 44;Sinclair Oil 154 493,150 Pacific 454 23,i'Stan Brands 25 56 V4 Stan Oil Cal 61 17T Studebaker 20i 287(Sun Mining 9 13 Union Oil 24 254 Un Pacific 155V4 20 Un Airlines I 19 Un Aircraft ' 22Vt 36i U S Steel 77 Vi 9 (Warner Bros 134 9i2West Elec 28 44 Woolworth - 46, 9il valley routes and country points 1 cents less than first. 79-82C. Butter wholesale. I.o b. bulk cubes, grade A A. 93 score. 77c lb; A. 92 score. 78c; B. 90 score. 73c; C. 89 score. 71c. Cheese Selling prices to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles 41i-51ac; Oregon 3 lb. loaf 43a-53iC Eggs To wholesalers: A grade, large. SHUTY0USrRAP!l WAN PRIVACY-r DON'T WANT ANY COPS TOj BUT THE KMOW WHERE WE'RE GCXW6- C0PS WOULDN'T BOTHER US (COOL DOWN, OUN6 YOU TO WALX JU5T WMCKI X NEE t MnPOCTTANT TO MOU POlsTT BLOW BUB8LES )IIU WITH THIS PIPE -S ITS FOP SMOKING J I OH-OWf STRAIGHT J A AHEAD KEEP rf H I J a l. rmt. - VINT IN A REVOUmOM ANP IN. TWE OAPftNY- II fll Ai. " 1- II fJ 'II Wmtb THE OAPIftNY- X TV PaDFES60l56 T W-yVMKE" ARB C0AMNg jAM WE? c iNt.M0iMrrMa Hutmt in il 7 KLK, Wg HAVE CAN I HAVE THE GEE, JANIQ5 NP T NOW fLL ACCEPT fit HANG AgQJNO DCOOED TO PCO-AKH r" TRUOC ONE CJVy I I IWU HAVE . I AN fMTATlON I THE GARAGE. F AN AUTUMN HOUDAy I WITH 1 TO TAKE MV OSL SOME MCE WALK5 TO A WEEK END I YOU PONT MtNP. FROM WEPNE$QAy RMI J AW OUR GANG IN THE W00C H0U RN7TY. I HAVENT , NIGHT NEXT WEEK hfA ON A PICNIC? 1 ANP PARK A fWELU -f 'ANYTHING OUT I r ( BAllSO'HRS! U?sXStUFfy- ) C j BLUE BLAZES VlT iOSE?! oO't-OHyO; medium, a'.tc: A grade, small. 491 ic; B grade, large. 47,-50!ie. Eggs Purchased .from farmers: Current receipts 51-55c: buyers- pay 3-3 '.c below wholesale quotations on graded basis for best hennery eggs. Dressed turkeys (to retailers): A ejadc young hens, 31 -52c; Ib.toms. 40 42c lb. Diestd turkeys (To retailers): A grade young hens 51 -52c: lomt 40-4 4c. Live chicke.ut Paying, price to p.oduceis: No. 1 broilers under 2i tb. 30c lb.: frvers. 2' to 3 lbs. 32c: 3 to 4 lbs. 33-35c; roasters. 4 lbs. and over 33-33c: fowl. Leghorn, under 4 lis. l-2ic: 4 lbs. and over 20-24c; colored fowl, ail weights 24-26c; stags, all weights 12-14c. Rabbits Average to retailers 44U 52c lb. dressed; price to producers 43c: fryers, live, white. 20-25c; colored 17-21C lb. Fresh dressed meats.- (The follow ing fresh dressed meat prices quoted wholesalers to retailers for fresh meats are in dollars a hundred pounds as re ported by the USDA market news serv ice at North Portland): Beef Steers good. 41 00-42 0O; commercial. 38.00-39.00; utility. 33.00 35.00; cows commercial. 30.00-33.00; utility. 28.50-30.00; cutter and canner. 25.00-27.00. Beef cuts (good steer, heifer) Hind quarters. 45.00-30.00; rounds. 44.00 47.00; full loins trimmed, 65.00-70.00; triangles. 36 0O-37.0O; square chucks, 41 00-45 00; ribs. 55 00-57.00; fore quar ters. 37.00. Veal and calf Choice. 38.00-39.00; good. 37.00; commerciol. 32.00-39.00; utility. 31.00-32.00. Lamb and Mutton Lamb choice LAND ABOAf?OTHE CABIN CRUISER. our I O0NT TRUST EM - AND ABOVE GEE, ALL. I DON'T WANT THE BANK ROBBERS TO KMOW MY ADDRESS THEY MIGHT IM GET THE IDEA TO COME HAD A-VISITING SOME- DARK NIGHT- FELLOW. ARE MEY.VDU! WW POV00 OUT ON ThiNK MY Of FICE M TOJ HO&iT THAN PRC- PONT LET HIM SET AWAY... WE HAWS KE460N TO BEL1EVEJ 1 9 1 IXT 'vl- M J . 1 fl I and good. 40 00-42 00; commercial, all weights. 28.00-39.00: utility. 33.00-34 00; mutton good. 78 lbs down, 17.00 18.00. Pork cuts Loms. No. 1. 8 to 12 lbs. SO 00-51.50: shoulders. '0 0.1-43 50; spare rib. 3 lbs down. 4 00-5.1 00. CiMara bark Dr.. 23c lb. Wool Valley, coarse and medium grades. 45c lb . Mohair - 42c lb on 12-month growth. Onions 30-lb.' sks. Ore. Brooks yel lows met. 3.50-3.75: boilers 10 lb. 4J 50c: No. 2 med. 50-lb. 1.65-1.75; Idaho Spanish med. large 3.50-3.75. Potatoes Ore Deschutes RusseU. No. 1. 84-23-4 50: 25-ib.i 81. '5-1.25; Xo. 2. 50-lb.. (1.65-1.75: lOO-tb. No. 1 bakers. 94.50-4.90: No. 2. $3.79-4; Wash. Russets No. 1, size A. 100-lbs. $4-23-4.40. Long whites. 83.75-3.85. Hay V. S. No. 1 green alfalfa or better, carload lots. fob. Portland. 32.00-3430 ton; U. S. No. 1 timothy (eastern Oregon or Washington), car lota, txt.b. Portland 34 50-38 50 ton; oata and vetch, mixed ha v. uncertified clover hay. 23.50-26.00. baled at Wil lamette valley farms, depending upon quality and location. Portland Gram PORTLAND. Ore.. Nov. 20 ( AP) Wheat futures not quoted: Cash grain: oats No. 2-38 lb. white 80.00; barley No. 2-45 lb. B W. 80.50: com No. 2 E. Y. shipments 80.00. No. 1 I lax Cash wheat (bid): soft white 2 95 soft white (excluding Rex) 2.95; white ciud; western red 2 93. Hard red winter: ordinary MS; 10 ZERO- WILL YOU LOOK AT THE Ml ( COOKIE THAT SHE C SHOULD SMOKE . IT S A Pt-ANE. I SEEL J it IT NOW. IT IS A J POOR, HALF-FROZEN KlOS - IT ICIMDA t sLi GIVES ME THE WlMWAMS TO WATCH jl KVr tM-AN I KEEP WlSHlN'THEYr hr HAD ANJCEWACM COATr GIVES ME THE WlMWAMS TO WATCH - AN I KEEP WISHIN'TWEY A-LlCEWARM COAT LIKE IGOT- : OUT5I0C. CHRISTY. I MUST CE i alonc . rvs JU5T QUIT t JC k ri n . hn likei got- vm K.THISCRATURE WHAT MANMIMSZLF WILL LOOK Ufl 500 VEARS TCCWVl 0H7 ' vAPoy mppy BEETLE BITES DftO WHEN 0JGHTER5 aCWKJfeNDSIflyS TOO LflTE. "THE YOUNG IDEA" By Mossier la. . U. V. r. ua-Mi ntjats iiimil "Aftd don't ever let anrn try U as cheaply per cent I N; 11 per cent J.08; IS par cent 1 11. Hard whtt Baart: ordinary S 07; IS per cent a.07; 11 par cent J.U; lt per cent 3.11. Today's car receipts: wheat W; barley 10; flour 3; corn -t: mlllfeed 7; oats 1. Stocks and Bonds Complied by th Associated Press Nov. SO tack Averages 30 II II M Indus. Rails UU1 Stocks Thuraday Ml 94 41 0 65 Previous day S3 1 33J 41.1 S3 1 Week ago 92.0 321 41 S H I Month ago 93.0 3S.7 43 0 I7.S Year ago .83.4 33 J 43 3 00 J Bead Averages SO 10 10 10 Rails Indust Util. forim Thursday ? 100 3 100 9 U3 Previous day ... H I 100 0 100 0 08 3 Week ago 891 101.1 101 3 881 Month ago 91.1 101.7 103.0 00.3 Year ago 93.3 1021 103 8 14 J 1941 high I 97 1 104 1 105.1 16 8 1941 low 08 7 100J 100.1 07.1 New 1947 lows Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore.. Nov. SO AP) (USDA) Salable cattle 330, total 438; calves salable 73. total 130: market slow. mos)ly steady to weak, but feed' era 2000-22.00; common light steers downward to 18.00: common-medium heifers 10.00-31.00; canner -cutter cows 11.00-13 00; shells down to 8 73; common-medium raws 14 00-18 00; good cows 11.00-30: good beef bulls 1850 19.00; common - good sausage bulls 14.00-1823: good -choice vealers scarce, salable about 24.00-2800 or above: common-medium grades 15 00-23 00; culls down to 10.00. Salable hogs 300 total 450: market FRIDAY'S BROADCASTS Kilocycles: KSLM ISM. KOCO KM. HOUB M. M:15 Hit M:4S 6 KSLM News (Timekeeper (March Time INews KOCO KOCO KLOCK ! KOCO KLOCK KOCO KLOCK 'KOCO KLOCK KOIN News KOIN Klock I KOIN Klock KOIN Ktock KGW Honeymooa Honeymoon- IKneass News Early Bird i KEX farm Hour Farm Hour IFarm Hour rami Hour 7 KSLM News I Rise. Shine INews Bargains KOCO Lemar Show I News (Tea Bitter Sammy Kara KOIN KOIN Klock INews (Bob Garred fred Beck KGW Farm Time irarm Time JOId Songs Sam Hayea KEX Sing Cowboy lAgronsky 1 Jamas Abba Stocks 8 KSLM S o'clock News jOrchestra IPioneers (News KOCO News. Orch. INews. Orch. (Tempo Time I Over Coffee KOIN User News IRoundup IGrand Slam IRosemary KGW rred Waring Tred Waring I Jack Berch Hospitality KEX Breakfast Club IBreakfaat Club Breakfast Club Breakfast Club 9 KSLM Kate Smith IV. Ltndlahr Pastor's Call Art Baker KOCO Gaspel Singer Organ Moods I Jan Garber (March Musle KOIN Wendy Warrenl Aunt Jenny I Helen Trent I Gal Sunday KGW Tommy Dorseyi Tommy Dorseyl Tommy Doraeyi Tommy Dorsey KEX Travelers (Travelers IBkfst Hllywd IBkfst Holly wd KSLM News (Show IWaltzes Harmony 1 11 KOCO Waltz Lives On; Lullaby Rjth. Hawaii Echoes Varieties . Ill KOIN Big Sister (Ma Perkins Dr. Ma lone Guiding Light I W KGW Olmsted iKneass News Claudia (Joyce Jordan KEX G. Drake I Ted Malone iTruo Story I True Story nKSLM Waltz Time (Orchestra JQueen Today IQueen Today KOCO News (Latin-Amcr. I Salon Concert I Salon Concert KOIN Mrs. Burton Ferry Mason Look Best Rose Dreams KGW Today's Child j Woman White 1 Holly Sloans Light World KEX B. Crocker (Melodies (Listen (Ethel. Albert f KSLM Hit Time News I Hillbilly (Varieties I "I KOCO Chucka-agoa Nova time (News ISunset & Vina I KOIN News Coir.e Get It 0'ble. Nothing I Double. Nothing I mm KGW Kneass News Ma Perkins I Pepper Young (Happiness KEX W Kiernan Noon Dreams IP. Whiteman IP. Whitemaa 1KSLM Orchestra Orchestra Christmas 1 (Bing Sings KOCO Hello Agala Hello Again I Hello Again (Hello Again KOIN Art Baker Lullaby Time I Air Newspaper I Air Newspaper KGW Stage Wife Stella Dallas (Lorenzo Jones (Widder Browa KEX P Whiteman P. Whiteman I Kay West (Kay West 2 KSLM Heart's Desire Heart's Desire 'Martin Block Martin Block KOCO KOCO Kapers IKOCO Kapers (KOCO Kapers IKOCO Kapers KOIN Air School Alr School I House Party House Party KGW Girl Marries I races Life Plain Bill Page Farrell KEX What's Doin IWhat's Doin' I Bride. Groom Bride, Groom 3 KSLM Red Cross (Orchestra (Stranger News KOCO KOCO Kapers KOCO Kapers IKOCO Kapers IKOCO Kapers KOIN Art Kirkhara Tunefully Art Godfrey lArt Godfrey KGW Road of Life Lora Lawtoa Aunt Mary (Dr. Paul KEX Be Seated Be Seated (Dave Dennis (Sunnyside 4 KSLM rulton Lewis Hemingway Orchestra Orchestra KOCO Pick. Play 'em IPick. Play 'em Uumpln' Jack I Adios KOIN E. Winters I Organ (Meet Missus I Meet Missus KGW Woman's Secret Life Beautiful i Rhythm (Stars of Today KEX Sunnyside Up INorthwest (Like It Hot I Like It Hot 5 KSLM Santa Claus Superman ICapt. Midnight. Tom Mix KOCO Off Record I Music Sparkles 'Harry FUnnery Bob Garred KOIN Knox Manning Sparkle Music News Bob Garred KGW Chuck Foster George Moorad Sunny Side E Peterson KEX Dick Tracy iTerry. Pirates IJ. Armstrong J Armstrong 6 KSLM G Heater Kant Hayea llnfo Pleaae (Info Please KOCO Allen Roth Saving Side. I News - IPig Parade KOIN ' Elsie Presents Elsie Presents I FBI I FBI KGW ' People runny People Funny Walts Time Waltz Time KEX Sports K. Baker (Sheriff I Sheriff 7 KSLM rootball Orchestra Cisco Kid ICisco Kid KOCO Orchestra Band. Cone. 50 Yd. Line I Review KOIN Ignorance Pays Ignorance Pays ! Review Review KGW Smiths (Smiths Bilt Stern I Rhythm Range KEX Sports IS ports I Your Muie (Your Music 8 KSLM Scotland Yard 'Scotland Yard rchestra (Orchestra KOCO rootball ! Football I Foot ball Football KOIN Lowell Thomas Jack Smith (Thin Man Thin Man KGW Supper Club (World News Top This? (Top ThisT KEX Pat Man (rat Man I Your FBI (Your FBI 9 KSLM News (Mystery lEye Future !H. J. Taylor KOCO Football Football Football (Football KOIN Fannie Brtee Fannie Brtce Club 1 Ed Murrow KGW David Street Dr. Crane Theatre Theatre K1JC Break Bank Break Bank Western Skies (Western Skies i KSLM r. Lewis H?ws News lOrchestra 1 II KOCO Football ' IPig. Revue Classics Eve. Classics III KOIN 3 Star Pinal (Sports You Ac Russia Orchestra I af KGW News Flashes Sports Let's Dance Band Wagoa KEX News JVet Concert Hour Icoocert Hour nKSLM Open House (Open House (Open House (News KOCO Buddy Rich West. Ballads Popular Dance I Popular 'Dance KOIN Serenade Serenade Air-flo t Air-flo KGW News Speaker Ron Salt I Ron Salt KEX Concert Hour I Concert Hour Rose Bowl IRose Bowl KvOAC S50 IX. IS .00 News: 10:1 Especially for Women: 11:00 Oreg Air School; 11:13 Concert Hall; 12:00 News; 12:13 Noon Farm Hour; 1:00 Ride 'Em Cowboy: 1:13 Oregon Air School: 1:30 Melody Lane; Clubwomen's HaU Hour: 1J0 Memory Music; 3iM Oregon Reporter: 3:13 Music af Masters; 4.-00 tell ysl that twe easi fc enfaced as ane!" slow, about steady: good -choice 190- 239 lbs. 10 JO-73; XSO-JOO IDS. Z.7; good 360-O08 lbs. S3 90-24.00; choice 114 lb. feeder pigs 28.30. Salable and total sheep 150; scattered sales steady but demand limited: few Kood -choice 118 lb. woo led lambs up to- 21.00; common 07 lbe. 18.00; good choice ewes salable 0.50-9.00. No. 12794 NOTICE Or FINAL ACCOUNT in the emevrr cocbt or tm STATE Or OREGON rOK THE COUNTY Or MARION IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of Louisa Marie Walker, Deceased; Notice is hereby riven that the un dersigned. as executor of the estate of Louisa Marie waiaer. oeceasea. naa filed his final account la the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Mar ion County, and that Monday, the 22nd day of December. 1947. at the hour of 10:00 o'clock ia the forenoon of said day and the court room of said court has been appointed by said court as the time and place for hearing of objections thereto and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published. Novem ber SI. 1047. Date of last publication. December 19. 1947. CARL L. WALKER. Executor. Hugh L. Barzee. Attorney. N21-38-D5-12-19 I have beea appointed administratrix of the estate of Cheater J. Pugh. de ceased. All persons having claims against said estate hereby are required to present them, with proper vouchers, within six months from date hereof to me at 211 Pioneer Trust Building. Sa lem. Oregon. Dated November 14. 1947. MARGARET A. PUGH. Adm. N 14-21-SO-D 9-13 KOLN 7I. KGW KEX 11M News: 4:15 Song Time: 430 Strictly Jaaz: 4:43 Children's Theatre: See Oa the Upbeat: 9:53 Spotting the Sports: I DO News: g S Organist: 8:30 Music of Czechoslovakia: 1:13 Evening Farm Hour: IM Here's to Veterans: 0:15 8 00 U.O. Homecoming Rally: 830 Vet erans: 1:45 News; 9:43 Evening Medi tations; 19:00 Sign Off, Tno) Stato)tnm. Solam, OrtKTon. NOTICE OP FINAL HEARING Notice is hereby given thst the un dersigned Executrix has filed her Final Account and Report in the Circuit Court o( the Stale of Orecon for Mar ion County, tn Probate, and that Man day. the tin-day of December. 1947. at 10. DO o'clock A.M. at the Circuit Court room in trie courthouse in Salem. Ore gon, has been set as the time and place lor hearing objection to said Final Account and final settlement of said estate. First publication. November 7. 1947: last publication. December 3. 1947. J. LAURA McCLURE Executrix. Estate of Will Bennett, deceased. N 7-1 4-11 -2S-D 5 I have filed my final account in the estate of Harold B. Field, deceased, in the Circuit Court of the Slate of Ore gon for Marion County and said Court has appointed Monday. December 15th. 1947. at the hour of 10.00 A.M. and the Court Room of said Court as the time and place for hearing on objections at which time and place all persons ob jecting thereto are reauired to aooear and show cause why said account i snouia not be allowed and approved and said estate closed . CHARLES E. ROBLIN. Adm. N 14-21-2S-D 3-12 LivestocJt and Poultry WING'S Rabbitry needs fryer rab bits early for Thanksgiving delivery. Open all day Sunday. Nov. 23. to buy your rabbits 3985 State, Ph. 109F5. YOUNG Tat turkey hens 44c aiive; toms 37c. Rt. 8. Box 310. Klngwood Drive Phone .7213. "GUERNSEY Heifer fresh months ago, first calf, milking 3 sal. per day. Also Guernsey heifer calf 8 mo. old. Ph. 6323 : N. H. Fryers for sale. Weight 3 to 4 ips. jbiv inerry Ave Highest QuaIHty OflCKs-New Hampshire anC White Rocks. Hatches every Tuesday. Send for free catalog. Wilson's Hatchery A Poultry Farm. Lyons. Ore. BULL Service by artificial insem maUon. Stroo from the bast of blood lines. Reasonable faea Ail work per sonally supervised by licensed vet erinarians Salem Artlflral Inaemlna- ikmi station rn torn NEW Hampshire baoy chicks, start ed chicks A older pullets always avsil able Phjm Lee's Hatchery WANTED. All Sanaa at cattle, tot aogs, sows boars At your farm at delivered Market price E C McCand bah. Rt. 9, Box 931 across from WstersBaU Park on S 25 St Ph 0147 CUSTOM dressing of chicaeaa. any number. Prompt service. Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty. Phone s-zwi Lee's Hatchery WANTED: Anv kind of cattle, hoes a sheep. Will call at farm. Licensed a bonded buyers Prompt service. E. L Snethen ft Son S50 Lancaster Dr, Salem Ph. 21343 . WING'S RABBITRY pays top prices for frier rabbits. 3908 State st. Ph. 109F9. Auction AUCTION Every Saturday. 10 JO- sjb, 3810 Sil verton Rd Salem. Davenos. maroon tapestry. A-I shape. Complete bed. box springs. Sesly mat tress, chest of drawers, dressers, high chair, alec, heater, radio, oil and wood circulators. 43-ft. garage door tracks, new sheets, blankets, spreads, etc.. potatoes, corn, chickens, rabbits, etc. LIVESTOCK Soma dandy heavy springers, dairy cows and heifers, bulls, calves, hogs. Your consignments always welcome at the Joe Barke Sale Barn Ph. 34074 Hot Lunch A. J. Baker, Auctioneer Help Wanted ESTABLISHED Salem industry seeks experienced bookkeeper-secretary, dic tation not reauired.. Write Box 710. Statesman, giving references and sal arjr expectations. EXP. Wool praaser. Salem Laandry va.. zbj a. nign EXP. Office man or ' woman. Auto- motive experience preferred. Must be able to handle all office detail includ ing payroll A credits. Please state age 4 qualifications. Write Statesman Box 887. flelp Wanted Male GROCERY Clerk. Saving Center. Portland Rd. EXPERIENCED Auto mechanic for general repair shop. ELSNER MOTOR CO. Ph. 7802 352 No. High St. MECHANICS and body men. Must be experienced. Call Al Fabry. Ph. 24113 ALL Around auto mechanic. Top pay to top man. Inq. 1133 E. Rural after I p.m. 2 MAN to work at Hogg Bros. Purni ture Store, who can do carpenter work. Permanent work for proper qualifica tions. ' AUTO Mechanic. Percentage basis." Ph. 21140. Help Wanted Female WANTED: WOMEN for office work, adding machine or typing experience required. Montgomery Ward A Co. "COOK " lor student groupTh. 6211 mornings. STENOGRAPiikit Knowledge of Social Case work beneficial. Oregon Slate Training School. Wood burn. Ore. Salesmen Wanted EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for conscientious worker in territory be tween Milwaukee, Eugene and the coast. guarantee and commission. Beauty trade experience helpful, but not necessary. Car essential. Write stating experience and references. Statesman Box 697. MEN WANTED for vacuum cleaner salesmen. Liberal commission plan. Weekly salary. Apply Mr. Carroll. Montgomery Ward ACo. . YOUNG Ambitious real estate saTeT man. Better than average opportun ity. Statesman Box 704. RSTAlLCfothmx salesman with foF lowmg qualifications: College educ, 3 ft. 10 or taller, permanent Salem resident, young, married, with family, willing worker, pleasing personality, char, reference. Ph. 21812. Situations Wanted RANDOLPH AND SCHUETZ. home builders ran now take a few homes or small commercial buildings cost on contract. Will build to vour or F.H.A specifications. Call 2-4732. CHILDREN CARED for during day. Mrs. Ernest Noack. 2204 Simpson St. AUTO REPAIRING Fender and body work, painting. AH makes of csrs. Quick service. Open 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Conoco credit cards' accepted here. Dick's Time Oil Station. 990 S. Commercial. EXP. MIDDLEAGED couple 'desires work aa caretakers tn apt. house or auto court. Ref. f urn. Write box 707 Statesman YOUNG MARRIED woman desires full or part-time office work. Experi enced. Write Statesman box 708 WILL CARE for pie-school child in my home 81.50 per dsy. 190 S. 19th. Phone 25543 ELEC. and acetylene welder wants wort in Salem shoo or suburban town. m. S3z3 LADY Alone wishes to do houee work Ph 25314. Ill Chemeketa. DINNERCook. Can cut meat a do pastry. Delp. Cab. 2, Camp Joy Mo- tel. 3213 Portland Rd. EXP ERICS! CED Lumber bookkeeper. payroll. Invoices, lumber tallies, car ihipmente. group insurance. wants permanent position. Ph. 22138. WIDOW Urgently needs hour, day or week work, any kind. Write States man Box 700. General cement contractor. Ph. 7841. ""NIGHT WbrkTo-pwrrbv-l reliable middle aged lady. Box 701 Statesman. Ttidar. Normlar 11, 194717 Situation Wanted BOY 10 wants work after school A Saturdays. Ph. 30497. JOB on fruit a nut farm or buying for cannery. 23 yra. exp. in drying fruit a nuts. 18 yrs. exp. st foremen. Married, no children. Box 88. Dillcy, Ore ' C A BIN IT Wot and furniture repair inc. 1757 ChemekeUJPh.2-4683. kUG Weaving We male lovely rugs from old materials. Wm. G. Anderson, Rt 8. Box 492. Turn risht at foot of bridge 3 blocks, turn right by Dayton aign. 5th howe EXP. CleanerTT yrs. exp. in Detroit. Mich. Married man. Box 08. Dllley. Ore. BABY Sitting, by efdwlFTadVTDial 2-0930. " FOR Water supply. New pipe. Call West Well Drilling Ph 2-CWO. CHCLDREN Or6VORKTNG mothers cared for. No Sunday calls. 1145 Nor way. JANiTQR JOBTexpTeq N. 14th " Pi ANtFTunfrigTtj11 My?c StoTe- ""CEMENT Contracting. "Sidewalks. Basements. Driveways. Patios. Prompt service Fh 24751. EDS Washihg'machine service on all makes and jnodels. Ph. 8683. - iaThat Oil Burner CivingTou Maximum Efficiency? DIAL 2-0062 For Oil Burner Service and Repair Conversion Oil Burner -and Automatic Oil Floor Furnaces For immediate installation. BRIMMS HEATING APPLIANCES 422', S. High Salem. Oregon INSURED tree serVice. "freT eitT- mates. John Payne. Phone 2-0014. "WANTED: Furniture to glue and repair. Lee Bros. Ph. 21233. 4030 East States. ' CURTaTnSW ashed A stretched. " S 22nd. MiBLieske. Ph. 20343. PABrtTNG A Paperhanring Free estimate. 857 Shipping. Ph. tola. Hollywood Transfer For local and long distance hauling Pickup and moving. Trailer for rani. Ph. 9784. Burton's Mobile Station Painting & Decorating WE SPECIALIZE IN INTERIORS 2-544 , DICK PREY CTOg ALL Work guaranteed! Windows, walla woodwork cleaned Floors wax ed Insured workmen Professional Cleaning Service Phone 4457 Mike's Septic Service 1079 Elm. West Salem Ph 9408 or 5327. TAILORING, dressmaking phTTSsj. PAINTER and Paperhanger Reaeon able prices Free astimstas H. J. Wood worth Ph 3019 DRAWING a Designing House and store plans. Ph. 9621. EXPERT Repairs. New rolls Olson Washer Repair. 00 Liberty Rd. Ph. 25100. : Spray Painting Ralph Alsman 1720 Lancaster - Dr. Phone 1-4248 cement Contracting: Phone 2-305 SUnley Fagg. Painting end papemaaglpg. 4329. Septic Tanks Cleaned K. r. Hamel 1143 8th. Wast Salem. Phone 7404 CHIMNEY sweep Northness oh 4450. PiaSciiooi Pteyschoot. 1381 Slain. Ares 9-8 Part or all dav Ph 8430 PAPERING. Johnson. PhT3t2l"' INTERIOR Painting. Good work, re at prices, free estimates, ph. 2S518. SHIKCLING 4 lathing. Staples Bros. Ph. 0102 or 207S3. - Painting Contract or by the hour Spray ar brush. PAUL BASSETT Rt S Box 33 Phone 7-7X0 PAINTINC and DECORATING. Free estimate. Phone 2-3828. For Sale lrliscellaneous Choice Spitzenburg apples. Ph. 2-8282 " SURPRXZtTYour friendsr SendTbox of selected Oregon apples for the holi days. We ship to every state to the union. Leave your order now. Puritan Cider Works, W. Salem. FANCY i extra fancy apples packed for shipping to all parts of the U. S. Leave your order now. We do the rest. Ask as. Puritan Cider Works. W Salem . NEARLY new Hewitt oil circulator, complete with barrel, rack a tubing. Call 9580. BABY buggy, bathinet. car bed. all good cond. 1J. Rt. I Box 391A. ONE TWIN bed rm. set. Walnut finish. Water fall design. 12 place Baverian dinner set. Blue trim 2885 Mountain View Dr. Ph. 7238. Will show by ap polntment. CEDAR POSTS . Hoppole. stakes, hoppegs. shakes and -any special cedar order. Ph. 08F22. ' Phillips Bros. Rt. 0. Box 118. 4 mi. East out Slate St. RCA VICTOR car radio set. Perfect cond. Phone 2-1028. , PILES TROUBLE? For Quick Relitff DOMT DELAY ART LONGER! New. a doctor's fermvla yea eu ae al beam tv rellsTe autrinlita- dtaeoasfert ( sla Itch IrrKatioa 4ae tm plla. Tenda te aof tea aad ehriak awalllag. Use tela prevea doctor's fermula. Yea'll We amaied at its apeedr aetloa relief. Ask year drusiclal today far Tharatoa a Mtnor'a R octal otnt wt ar SuriMMrttorlaa. Follow label In atractioas. Far sale at all erag tores. In Salem at Fred Meyer Drug. FALSE TEETH That Loomo Nd Not Embarrass Many wearers af false teeth have suffered real embarrassment because their plate dropped, slipped or wab bled at lust the wrong; time. Do you live in fear of this happening to you. Just sprinkle a little FASTEETH. the alkaline tnon-acidl powder, on your plates. Holds false teeth more firmly, so they feel more comfortable. Does not sour. Checks "plate odor" t denture breath). Get FASTEETH at any drug store. DBS. CHAN . . . LAM Or V TXaauN D Dr.O Caaa.N.D CHINESE HERBALISTS 241 Natik Liberty Upstairs Portland General Electric Co Office open Saturday only 10 am to 1 p m I u 1 Dm. Consul tation Blood pressure and urine tests are free af charge Practiced since 1917 PILES and attaer Re t o I disartlerea errtctcL (Heasaa.halds) Fistala, Flsaare. Itchlrtc. rrataaae. MUtl Treataseat it Na BaaplUllaaUaa Call far oxamlnaUoa ar write far free Descriptive BaafcJeL Dasit aacaasa Iacwrabla by da- lar. Dr. R. Raynolds Clinic Natara-Practelefist Zlt N. UbeHy BL. 8aleas. Ora.