SHOWER GIVEN PRINGLE A surprise shower honoring Mrs. John Cattrcll was given by Pringl ' Women's club following the regular Wednesday meeting. Guests were Mrs. Pres ton Bohnstedt and Mrs. Charles Klinglcr. Prizes were won by Mrs. W. J. Kimble, Mrs. Richard Gant and Mrs. Carl Cegler. Needleeraft The Statesman. Safan. Oregon. Friday. Hortmbw 11, 1M7 13 Wonderful to make for Christ mas stockings as toys or sachets! Each little animal takes just two scraps of fabric plus ears! Popular with lij'tle folk gay nd tiny cuddle toys or sachets. Pattern 900; transfer of a toys. Laura Wheeler's new, improved pattern makes needlework so sim ple with its charts, photos, concise directions. - Send TWENTY ca.VTS In coins fot this pattern to Tha Oregon Statesman. Laura Wheeler. 1st and Stevenson Sts.. Ban Franciaoo. Calif. Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, your NAME. ADDRESS with ZONE. Fifteen cents more brings you our Needlecrait Catalogue There arc 109 Illustrations of designs for crochet, knitting, embroidery personal acces sories, home decorations, toys FREE Instructions far making five useful, decorative household accessories print ad in book. Today' Pattern I fl" I If F r 4782 Jh 1 SIZES I i I You know what you want! Here's your slim trim classic, smarter than ever! Pattern 4782 has the new popular features, tucks at shoulders, tiny waist, new neckline! This pattern, easy to use, sim ple to sew, is tested for fit. In cludes complete illustrated in structions. Pattern 4782 in sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20; 30, 32. 34. 36, 38. 40, 42. Size 16 takes 3 yds. 39-in. Send TWENTY-FIVE cents in coins for this pattern to The Oregon States man, Anne Adams. IS First st, San Francisco 5. Calif. Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS. ZONE, SIZE AND STYLE K I'M HER. NEWS I Our Fall and Winter ANNS ADAMS Pattern Book is ready! Send fifteen cents at jmce to be sure you get this easy -sew collection of fascin ating new fashions Printed right in . she book are FREE directions for mak ing EIGHT useful gifts, each from a feed bag. or a fabric remnant Order now I f Highland Ilarkel IIpv7 IGA Prices in IGA ad err ffo tiv at Highland Marks. 800 Highland avinuV complete trading cent. Groceries, Meat, Fruits and Vegetable rhanlc that we live in a land so abundant and peaceful. With I 'ijj- - 1-S' S?sV 7?CZ , xr vi" ' f I -j ' .j .-. t . - a la . . - - i - " t -. - v 1U As we eat our traditional Thanksgiving .dinner, let us give thanks that we live in a land so abundant and peaceful. With the rest of the world in distress, how fortunate we are to live in this wonderful country and be able to express ourselves as individuals under a government of the people, by the people and for the people. THANKSGIVING FEASTSrl947 STYLE These menus are planned for enjoyable eating without waste! And, of course, thereU be these delicious warmed-over meals to follow. How flavorful blow good they are and so-o-o economical I enno fa tit v at vnirn tha CTnrtr pnn WMWa Wfauu ill m wmm ua iiivwi m wu r , EVERY DAY PRICES SAVE YOU IIQRE IIOIIEY mb and Cotton. vox" . W.I I , ! A. ' J 7 Enhance your relish dish with these colos- LINDSAY RIPE OLIVES sal delicious ripe olives. Colossal size pt. ca. afa STUFFED OLIVES World Over 4,-oz. Large size hand placed, the finest at a low price. TASTY PAK WHOLE DEL MONTE,' MIXED Dill Pickles No. ZH ran 19c No. 2V4 ran TEA GARDEN Quince Jelly ..u-e, jar 25c 12-ex.Jar 29c Sweel Pickles DUDE RANCH Peach Preserves 29c WORLD "OVER MaraaehiM -. Jar Cherries DROMEDARY 37c N. t lie Fruit Peels s . - 11c Brazil Ihls Lb. 39c SOFT SHELL IXL Alncstls u,. 49c j. FISHES'S Biskil Ilix . -lb. vU. 39c SOFT-AS-SILK Cake Flour ... 44-oi. pkf. 42c SCHILLING'S VaniUa , -x. bottle 69c ' SCHILLING'S Sage 13c NBC Shred. Wheal 14-ox. pkf. 16c KELLOGG'8 BiceKrispies Pkc.l4c KELLOGG'8 Krunhles . t-s.Pkr. 15c IC-os. Jar 47c u. 29c 55c OLD SOUTH Tangerine Juice BRILLIANT FRUIT CakeIIix: BRILLIANT Hard Candy " AMBER HALVES Ualnnl Heals 1 HUNGRY JACK Pancake Flour 98c TASTY PAK Dark Syrup 5-ibs. 54c IGA CANE 4c MAPLE Syrup .. .... 24-es. bouie 35c SCHILLING'S Pouliry Seasoning 13c CALUMET Baking Powder IGA Sail zs-as. 2 pks. 15c TASTY PAK Jell Dessert. 3.-. pk. 7c Lb. can 18c Creomeo. GroyY u0t nz?0 . ""SSBBSBBBSBSBSsaaBBB-.-- " !. .1, ' . Sr" Tllfll a ' ' v "IHMU I1H T Chillac) Pin l ... u WS Roosf Turkey ' ILn , . r .. , X P0 Owning Ring Candied Sweef Potato, WK. Ruffy Mashtd Potato, Who!. CronberrJ., ! Orano. Cup, Btm;redBrW"'W Celery Cud, Sweety, Gtru, Fruit Sofod Crutfv Pitt. . . rumpwn Chiffon Pi Coffee Milk Mint, W --sV OeeP a. w am,ui I BBS 7 12-or. can ,3. Sweet tender Vernels towii from exclusive breeds, picked at the fleeting moment of per fect flavor then packed in vacuum io hold that, fresh corn appeal. Well fed, broad breast, plump tender turkey! Individually selected to assure you the fin est. SHOP AIID SAVE EVERY DAY AT IGA CDAIIBERRY SAUCE Ocean Spray ...300 size can Ready to serve. Stunning for salads. Your Thanksgiving dinner isnt complete without it Serve with turkey, chicken, ham, or any meat dish. FAIICY PUIIPIQII Del Monte No. 2 ft can A special strain given extra ear to give you the extra delicious flavor lor yOur eating enjoyment. 160 FRUIT COCKTAIL JPel Monte ....No. 2Y, can The; finest California fruits and tropical pineapp! combined to give you that extra flavor which is Del Monte s responsibility to you. 390 UESSOII OIL Quart Use for anything you would use shortening. Makes your borne made French fries extra good. 830 APPLE CIDER Martinelll -GaL jut; 850 Golden Juice of tree-ripe, selected apples, delicious and tangy for pure refreshment You will want to keep the apple shaped jug. a No. 2 can 37 c No. 2 eaa 19c ELSINORE Asparagus Spears DEL MONTE Cream Corn LARS EN'S t Yeg-All c. lC TASTY PAK Tomaloes n..2 17c PELACO Sweel Polalces NoH 21 C JOAN OF ARC RED Kidney Beans 300 size can V DENNISON'S Chili Con Carne 27 C LIBBY'S ' Frails lor Salad 39 C VINEGOLD Seedless, Grapes .li-ib. pkg. ..Lb. can fC-ex. can Km. 2 eaa .303 can No. 1 can 19c ROYAL GL'EST Tea IGA DELUXE Coffee IGA Grapefrnil Juice IGA FANCY Early June Peas Ililion Peas VAN CAMP'S Pork & Beans BLUE PLATE Hediun Shrinp "hT 61 C TASTY PAK Pears ...Na. tVt can DEL MONTE ucuvca arcawuca c 19c 12c ran 24-oz. pkg. 270 Save money at this low price la the face ef mieh higher aeaa) ptriees. Gaaranteed Mtiaf action or your money refsnded. Sally May Soap e. 7c 8-oz.pkg. S 110 Lota of cheese flavor, tangy and- steliciaas, the 1st f e s t aelUng cheese crackers in America. 1 Grapes Extra fancy fruit to complete your, center piece. Delicious eating; too. Cabbage Oregon Fresh 'green solid heads. IGA ' w 1 1 f VvC1W1Y CaUfornU lb. fir TonalO Juice 4T 25c ) QQgZ? PQOQQQ 0Q?Q Icrlsp, sweet, so ood stuffed with your favorite 5 WIS. 7. -v 3 Ik 2 m i MY Louisiana Porto Rican Reds help for a well-balanced Thanksrivinr menu. Serve them baked, boiled, fried or candied. l ney re oeucious prepared any way, ana economical at IGA's Every Day Low Price. They're especially delicious when served with turkey. Buy and save at IGA Grapefruit pink... 6 for390 96 Size Delicious Texas fruit, chuck full of tan 17 juice. Add color to your fruit salads. Emperor . 2ibs. 250 Save Every Day at IGA wooDBonii food inn. 295 Front 8L. Woedburn. Orcj EQDALL'S GD0CEQ7 Weedbnrn, OregM CEI1TQAL CASH IIABEET IVeettbam, Or. IIODEL FOOD IIADEET 275 North High St. DBOADUAY GI10CEQY Broadway and Market imUEGEB CASH & EABOY East Center at 40tsv-Aboo 1 MO East af SUte Hespital LEinioirs iimuiet 591 Nerth Camnserelal St BEBG'S GROCERY STOQE 1711 Center Street CAQTEQ'S IIADEET 17th and Market St STATE STREET IIKT. 123 Stat Street PEADSOII'S FOOD IIET. j 294 Nerth Cenunercial H acd II IIADEET tm Smith CemaaerclaJ ODCUTTS IIADEET ' 42M Nerth River aUai i . ROIJIIER'S GROCERY Gerrais. OregM LTUBD AIID FOOD IIKT. Habbard. Oregen mDEPniDEIICE FOOD IIADEET Independence. Oreg EEII GOLUET Mehaaaa, Oregaa SERVE RITE GROCERY Dallas,' Oreg 41