The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 15, 1947, Page 3, Image 3

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    Varied Social
Events on
Calendar j
The weekend social calendar is
filled with many affairs includ
ing dinners, teas and supper par
ties. Mr. and Mrs. William U Phil
lips have invited 50 of the college
end young married set to a buf
fet supper party Sunday night at
their West Lefelle street home.
The affair is . being, arranged in
compliment to two Willamette
university coeds, Miss Marilyn
Walkey of Santa Monica, and
Miss Susan Teague of Walla Wal
la. Miss Teague is a niece of the
Emerson Teagues of Salem and a
pledge of Delta Gamma. Miss
Malkey is a niece of Miss Eliza
beth and George Putnam and is
a newly elected member of the
Bam to Be Hosts
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Barr will
preside at dinner tonight; at their
Fairmount Hill home in honor of
a group of their friends. The eve
ning hours will be spent informal
ly. Hydrangeas in the, autumn
shades and other fall flowers will
provide the. decorative note.
Covers will be placed for Mr.
and Mrs. George Alexander, Mr.
i r r .
biiu ivirs. nenrjr wumjjjiuri, xur.
and Mrs. James Humphrey, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Clarke. Mr. and
Mrs. George Weller, -Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Wilson and the hosts.
An Revoir Tea
Mrs. Nora Thompson will be a
tea hostess Sunday afternoon at
her North Winter street I home for
the pleasure of her daughter,
Mrs. Lynn F. Cronemiller, jr., and
email granddaughter, Nancy Jean,
Hn havo hMn vicitincr ! har fmm
Corning, Calif. 'Twenty-five of
-their friends have been: bidden to
fay au revoir to the visitors, who
are returning south thie first ofj
the week. Calling hours are from
4 to 6 o clock.
Opera on Air Today
Direct from the stage of the
Metropolitan opera house in New
York will come "La To sea by
Puccini, first in a series of 18
concerts. The program will be
broadcast over station KEX be
ginning at 11 a.m.
On the broadcast during inter
mission moments will be the pop
ular opera quiz given by well
known experts and the. opera
round table, features of past
years. j
Miss Jane Canon, a sophomore
at the University of Oregon, will
be home for the weekend to be
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs
John Carson.
Mrs. Howard Rex entertained
at a dessert luncheon Thursday
afternoon at her Ferry street
home for members of her contract
bridge club.
Society . . ..Clubs
Music... e H
Sf. ffV-StM
&42 ' 'J
Make a special chair-set to give
your living room a party air!
Crochet these bluebirds and flow
er medallions original and ef
fective! Bluebirds w i t h pineapple-design
wings a happy thought for
your chairs. Pattern 942 has di
rections. Laura Wheeler's new, improved
pattern makes needlework to sim
ple with its charts, photos, con
cise directions.
Snd TWENTY CCNTS In coin tor
this pattern to Th Oregon Statesman.
Laura Wheeler. 1st and Stevenson Sis.,
Ean Francisco, Calif. ; Print plainly
fifteen cents more brings you our
Needlecraft Catalogue. ' There are 103
Illustrations of designs for crochet,
knitting, embroidery personal acces
sories, horn decorations, toys. FREE
Instructions for making five useful,
decorative household accessories print
ed in book. I
Salem branch. AAUW luncheon, Mar
ion hotel. 1 p.m. . ...
Amaranth social night. Masonic nail.
S p.m.
RPW state executive board meeting.
all day, Marion hotel.
West Salem Lions auxiliary banquet,
husbands and wives. Lions Den In Sa
lem, 7 p.m.
United Spanish War Veterans and
auxiliary meet at VFW hall. S p.m.
Kappa Kappa Gamma alumnae meet
with Mrs. Robert Drager. 776 Ship
ping St.. S pjn. . .
Gamma Phi Beta alumnae Founder s
Day dinner with Mrs. Bert Ford, t-30
P Salem Woman's club literature group
meet at clubhouse. 1 p.m.
Spinsters meet with Miss Rita Harr
and Miss Lorraine Taylor, Olympic
apts. 8 p.m. I .
Alpha Chi Omega alumnae meet at
chapter house. S p.m.
DAV auxiliary sewing ior oazaar
at Stuart Johns home. 3790 Monroe ave..
no-host luncheon at noon.
Rebekaih lodge homecoming at IOOF
hall, no-host dinner, 6:30 p.m.
St. Anne's guild with Mrs. James
Humphrey, 1730 Faifmount. 3 pjn.
Salem BPW board meeting with
Mrs. Anna Morgan, 637 N. 20th St..
7 jo p.m.
Laurel Social Hour club with Mrs.
Jennie Standrich, 3390 State St.. 1:30
dessert luncheon.
Chtdwick chapter, OES, annual
homecoming, no-host dinner. Masonic
Temple. 6:30 p.m.
Etokta Woman's club meet with Mrs.
W. W. Chadwick. 1390 N. Winter St.,
1:15 dessert luncheon.
Salem Central WCTU annual tea at
home of Mrs. 3. 3- Nunn. 940 N. 19th
St., 2 to 4:30 p.m.!
Theatre Arts group with Mrs. Blanche
Jones. 606 S. one p.m.
American War Mothers insulation
with Albanv, no-host dinner at Legion
hall. 12:30 p.m.
Past presidents club United Spanish
War Veterans auxiliary. Z p.m. with
Mrs. W. H. Knight, 1389 Roosevelt
Salem Writer's club with Dr. and
Mm. Morton X. Peck. 1551 Court st
730 p.m.
-First Methodist WSCS executive
board meet at church. 930 a.m.. busi
ness meeting, 10:43 a.m.. salad lunch
eon at noon, program to follow.
Knight Memorial church woman's
fellowship covered dish luncheon. 12:30.
Business meeting.
Nebraska auxiliary with Mrs. Ben
Randall. 1M1 W. Nob Hill, no-host
luncheon, 12:30 p.m.
Royal Neighbors annual homecom
ing, VFW hall, dinner 6 JO pjn.
Women's council of First Christian
church meet at church, noon.
Willamette university Faculty Wom
en's club meet with Dr. Helen Pearce,
267 N. Winter St., 2 JO p.m.
Sojourners meet at Salem Woman's
clubhouse, 1:19 dessert luncheon.
Concert Slated
For Sunday
The music department of the
First Evangelical United Brethren
church will present in concert
Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock,
Josephine Albert Spaulding, mez
zo soprano, Claire Hodgkins, vio
linist, of Portland and William
Fawk, Organist. Miss Eleanor East
of Portland will accompany Miss
Hodgkins. No admission will be
charged, but a collection will be
The program is as follows:
Father In Heaven Bach-Gounod
Thanks Be to Thee Handel
Josephine Albert Spaulding
Chorale "Blessed Jesus We
Are Here" Bach
Meditation Sturges
In Springtime ....-w Kinder
William Fawk
La Folia Correlli-Spaulding
Ave Marie Schubert
Claire Hodgkins
Offertory "The Fountain-' Fletcher
Oh Rest in the Lord
(Elijah) Mendelssohn
So Near to God Am I Eville
The Lord's Prayer Malotte
Josephine Albert Spaulding
Humoresque Fantastique Edmundson
Dreams McAmis
William Fawk
Albany Group to
Be Honored
Salem chapter, American War
Mothers, have invited the Albany
chapter, War Mothers, to a no-,
host dinner at Legion hall Tues
day afternoon at 12:30 o'clock.
The reception committee includes
Mesdames Linnie Lee, Alice Ad
ams and Maude Tallman. From,
Albany will come the chapter
president. Eva Conn Bennett, and
15 members.
Birthdays in November of both
groups will be observed with
cakes to be made by Mesdames
Alice Adams, Sally Cook and Ef-
fie McFarland. The business ses
sion will open at 2 p.m. with
President Edna Randall presiding.
The double installation service
will be conducted by Mabel Lock
wood, national second vice-president;
assisted by Edna Randall.
The incoming presidents are Mrs.
Clara Moffett, Albany, and Mrs.
Bertha Smart, Salem.
New Babies
Welcomed r
Congratulations go to several
Salem couples on the arrival of
new babies. -
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wilson
(Eleanor Todd) are the parents of
a seven pound, ten ounce daugh
ter, Marilyn Kay, born on Thurs
day at the Salem General hospi
tal. The baby's grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. George Todd and
Mrs. Isabel Geiger of Portland.
Felicitations go to Mr. and Mrs.
James Butte (Janet Halik) on the
birth j of a five pound, eleven
ounce son on Thursday at the Sa
lem General hospital.. Grandpar
ents of the little boy are Mr. and
Mrs. Emil Halik and Mr. and Mrs.
Christopher Butte, all of Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Hartman
are the parents of their second
son born oruF riday morning at the
Salem General hospital.
Au Revoir
The Hazel avenue neighbors of
Ma-, and Mrs. G. Webb Ross hon
ored them at a no-host supper
Wednesday night at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Hal DeSart Present
were Mr. and Mrs. Tor Newland,
Mr. and Mrs. Doran Huston, Mr.
and Mrs. Claude Litchfield, Mrs.
Paul Schmidt, Mrs. Gerald
Brownhill, Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Weins, Mr. and Mrs. Alden
Bowes, Mr. and Mrs. Julian Drey
er of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs,
Mr. Ross has for 17. years been
with the state highway depart
ment in Salem and leaves Sunday
to take his new position as dis
trict maintenance superintendent
at Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Ross have
sold their Hazel avenue home and
Mrs. Ross and son, Gary, will
move to Bend as soon as they find
a home.
Two Bridge
Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Collins
will preside at dinner Sunday
night at their Market street home
for the pleasure of members of
their club. Contract bridge will
be In play during the evening.
Covers will - be placed for Dr.
and Mrs. A. Terrence King, Dr.
and Mrs. Stuart Lancefield, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Needham, Dr.
and Mrs. Ralph E. Purvine. Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Burke and the
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eyre en
tertained at dinner and bridge
Friday night at their Judson
street home for members of their
Covers were placed for Mr. and
Mrs. Wilson N. Siegmund and
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Woodson,
guests, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Parks, Mr. and Mrs.' Lor en Lewis,
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Doan, Mr. and
Mrs. C. Ronald Hudkins and the
Mrs. Kenneth M. Bothum
(LaVema Waymire) who
was married November 6
at the Presbyterian church
in Woodbum. The bride is
the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Waymire and
her husband is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. John Bothum.
The couple will live near
Woodbum. (Alyce photo,
Child Clinic
Mrs. Bernice Yeary, nursing su
pervisor for the public health de
partment, gave a revealing talk
on the child guidance clinic
Thursday night to members of the
Salem Zonta club at the home of
Miss Genevieve Morgan. Mrs.
Yeary cited several cases being
taken care of by Dr. Lawrence
Riggs at the clinic. She explained
how cases are located and how
handled. She spoke of the fine
work being done in completing
many of the cases handled.
Upon inquiry from a member,
Mrs. Yeary said that the clinic
Guests Here
From Britain
Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Williams
were hosts last weekend to Mrs.
G. W. Thompson of Edinborough,
Scotland, and son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. G. W.
Charters of Portland. Dr. Will
iams, family and the Thompsons
were friends in Scotland. Guests
this weekend at the Williams
home will be Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Swenson of Tulare, Calif. Mrs.
Williams and Mrs. Swenson are
Flies from Lemden
Leslie McWilliam arrived in Sa
lem this week, having flown from
London. Welcoming him were his
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. L. W, Herford, and their
two small daughters, with whom
he, will make his home at 1700
N, 20th. Mr. McWilliam is a
Scotchman but lived for many
years in Shanghai and was until
the time of the war in the Brit
ish merchant marine. He spent
several years in an internment
camp on the Philippine Islands,
and since his release has been in
England. He expects to become
an American citizen and remain
in Salem.
could use practically any amount
of money given, though at present
the funds are adequate for work
being accomplished at the present
time. More money would simply
mean a more complete clime. She
said the department hopes to get
play equipment for use among
younger children.
The Zonta club, among other
women's civic groups, financially
supports the child guidance clinic
Keith Enger of Salem high
school spoke on the origin of the
Christmas seal and urged mem
bers to buy and use them.
Assisting Miss Morgan as host
esses were Mrs. Phil Brownell and
Mrs. Carl Booth. Miss Vivian
Chandler was guest. .
Gilkey's Work on
Display, Corvallis
The art department of Oregon
State college, Kidder hall, Corval
lis, invites the public to an exhibi
tion of work by Professor Gor
don W. Gilkey, new head of the
art department. The show opens
today and continues through No
vember. The exhibit includes
graphic art works which Gilkey
made while official artist of the
New York world's fair, 1939-40,
and as etcher for the National
Broadcasting company, Radio
City, N. Y, plus more recent
drawings made in Europe during
the past several years while in
charge of the United States war
department art projects.
Professor Gilkey, a native Ore-
Tha Statesman, Salem. Pro.. Saturday, NoTombor 15. 1947 3
gonian, with a master of fine arts
degree from the University of
Oregon, was recently honored by
the addition of some of his work
to the Cabinet de s Estampes, Bib
litheque Nationale, Paris, France,
1 as announced in a recent letter
from Vincent Auriol, president of
the Republic of France.
Other of Gilkey's works are lo
cated in the permanent collec
tions of the Metropolitan museum
and the print department of the
New York public library in New
York City, the National museum
and the print department of the
library of congress in Washing
ton, D. C, and the San Francisco
museum of art. Collections of his
works are also shown in perma
nent exhibits of the British mu
seum and the Victoria and Albert
museum In London, England.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Jechim-
sen and Mr. and Mrs. Robert
White will be among those at
tending the Oregon State-Washington
State game in Corvallis
this afternoon.
Miss Helen Shephard. daughter
of the Floyd W. Shephards, and
a junior at the .University of Ore
gon, is in Palo Alto this weekend
for the Stanford-Oregon game.
Mr. and Mrs. Carles Simptaa
have returned from a several
days stay in Seattle as guest of
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Roberts, who
formerly resided, in Salem.
Introducing. . . .
His Piano and His Collegians
Fish & Chips Fried Shrimp
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443 State
Salem. Ore con
Ice Gream lo Take Home
Hand Dipped Pints, Quarts and Packaged Quarts,
Half Gallon and Gallons.
The Pike Round Cartons Are Ideal for Home Freezer.
18 Feature Flavors
l1?" The Pike Dairy Bar
138 S. Liberty . 15. N. c.x
Open Dally to 11 P. M. '
- Open Dally to F. M.
ganday Open to I P. M.
S .i- M -
- ,-. ' ' t in ii i i imii i ri swi inn ii 1 1 ai oi ii 1 1 1 as hi w in ism mi ir i i
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