2 The Slatman, Salem, Of., Saturday Wormbw 15, 1947 Salem Market Quotations BcrrarAT Premium No. 1 No. PRINTS Wholesale Retail RGGS BUYING Extra large I Medium and standard , Pullets Cracks EGGS Selling Price Wholesale, large . Medium Retail, large Retail, medium POLLTBV Colored ben Ne. 1 No. 1 j Fryers i M to LIVESTOCK (By Talley pack) Woo led lambs, choice J Yearling I up to ( . up to ! I DO to Sheared: lambe Ewea Fat dairy cows Cutter cows Dairy betters I 6 00 to ; 8.00 to Calves 1300 to 430 lbs.) ! up to Bulla -. 1 10.00 to Veal (ISO to 300 lb., choice .84 .n .n .84 M .40 M .TO .a .76 JU JU M X 20.00 12.00 1B.50 7.00 13.00 11 JO 14.50 21.00 17.50 23.50 NOW UNDER 7HI SPEU OF EXCITING n2, Y lOVfl -Ho :j :;; HIT Ne, t Adventure hthirii East Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore, Not. 14 AP) Butterfat tenUtiv (subject to Im mediate chance), "premium quality maximum of .35 to I per cent acidity, delivered In Portland. SS-SSc lb.: first quality 41 -84c; second quality 77-SOc: valley route and country point I cents less than first, 7S-S2c. Butter wholesale,-- t.o.b, bulk cubes, grade A A. S3 score. 77e lb; A. St score. 76c; B, SO score. 71c; C, OS score, 71c Cheese Selling prices to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles 41-91',ac; Oregon 9 lb. loal 43'-53,c. Eggs To wholesalers: A grade, large, O'k-Ol'rc; medium, Sc; A grsde, small. 49',,c; B grade, large. 47,-50iC. Eggs Purchased from farmers: Current receipts 51-55c; buyers pay 1-3 'jc below wholesale quotations on graded basis for best hennery eggs. Dressed turkeys (to retailers): A gad young bens, Sl-SZc; lb. torn, 40- Dressed turkeys (To retailers): A grade young hens II -52c; toms 40-44c. Live chickens Paying price to producers: No. 1 broilers under J lbs. 90c lb.; fryers. l' to 3 lb. 32c: 3 to d lb. 34-35c: roasters. 4 lbs. and over 34c; fowl. Leghorn, under 4 lbs. 18-20c; 4 lb, and over 20-24c; colored fowl, ail weights 24-2Sc; stags, all weights 12-14c. Rabbits Average to retailers 48 Slc lb. dressed; price to producers 43c: fryers, live, white, 20-25c. colored 17-21e lb. Fresh dressed meats (The follow ing fresh dressed meat prices quoted wholesaler to retailer for fresh meats are in dollars a hundred pounds as re ported by the USDA market news serv ice at North Portland): Beef Steers good, 41 00-42 M; commercial. 38.00-30.00; utility, 33.00 38 00; cows commercial. 30.00-33.00: uttftty. S8.5O-3O.0O; cutter and canner. 29.00-27.00. Beef cuts (good steer, heifer) Hind quarters. 43.00-50.00; rounds. 44.00 47.00; full loins trimmed. 65.00-70 00; triangles. 30.00-37.00; square chucks. 41.00-49.00; ribs, 55.00-57.00; fore quar ters, 37.00. - Veal and calf Choice. 38 00-30.00: good. 37.00; com me ret ol, 32.00-35.00; Utility. 31.00-32.00. Lamb and Mutton Lamb choice and good. 40.00-42 00; commercial, all weight. 38.00-39 00; utlUty, 33.00-34.00: Eade Today. Cont 1:4S Dismrs Also "UNDER NEVADA SUES" With atay Sogers - Gabby Hayes and The Sons ef the Pioneers mutton good, 70 lbs down, 1T.B0- 18.00. Pork cuU Loins.: No. 1. 8 to 12 lbs, 50.00-61 JO; shoulders.' 40.00-43J0; spare ribs. 3 lbs down. 48.00-53.00. . Cascara bark Dry, 23c lb. Wool Valley, coarse and medium grades. 45c lb. Mohair 42c lb. on 12-month growth. Onions 50-lb. sacks, Or. Brooks yellows, med, $3.75-3; boilers, 10-lb, 40-49c: No. 3 Med- 39-40c; white boU ers, 10-,lbs- 40-45c: Idaho Spanish, Med, S3.40-2.63: large; 81.50-2.75. Potatoes Ore. Deschutes Russets. No. 1. $43-4-50; SS-Ib.. $1-10-1.13; No. 2. 50-lb.. $1.50-1.60; 100-lb. No. 1 bakers. S4.50-4.BO: No. 2." $3 7-4i Wash. Russets No. 1. size A. 100-lbs. f4.2ft-4.40. Long whites. $3.75-3.85. r Hay U. s. No. t green alfalfa or better, carload lot, f.o.b. Portland. 32.00-34 M ton; U. S. No. 1 timothy (eastern Oregon or , Washington), car lota. f.o.b. Portland UM-XM ton oats and vetch, mixed hay, uncertified clover hay, 1330-34 00, baled at Wil lamette valley farms, depending upon quality and location. ' Stocks and Bonds Compiled by the Associated Press Nov. 14 Stock Average 30 19 IS 60 Indus. Rail UtUL Stock Friday .. S2.1 32 S 41.2 64.4 Previous day B2.0 33.8 4t 2 S4J Week ago 03.1 33J 41.7 65 0 Month ago 04.4 35.4 43.1 08 8 Year ago 86.0 3SJ Ul 834) Bead . Averages 20 10 10 10 Sails Indust. UU1. Forgn rriday 89 J 101.8 101.5 sij Previous day 89.1 101J 101.5 88.7 Week ago 00.4 101.4 102 2 SBS Month ago 01.8 101 J 102 0 70.0 Year ago 94.2 103S 104 J 74 0 1047 low SOJ 1014) 1014) 07.7 New 1047 lows. Rain Deluges Wheat Prices CHICAGO, Nov. 14-(-Raln nearly washed away three dollar wheat on the board of trade. The southwest received needed mois ture and all trains responded by dropping the new crop wheat con tract losing the most. December wheat finished on a split quotation at $2.99-3.00 aft er being down to $2.09. That com pared with a high of $3.03 Vs yes terday. Wheat lost 24-4. Corn was l-2 down, December $2,354-2.34?.. and! oats 1 cent lower to higher, December $1,154-1.18. Stassen Asks Machinery Export Ban on Russians DENVER, Nov. H-JP)-A com plete embargo on machinery and hard tool shiDments ta Russia "unless and until we reach a deaf and open agreement with the Soviet Union on a program of constructive rebuilding of Eu rope, w was called for here tonight by Harold E. Stassen, announced candidate for the republican pres idential nomination. m sjm v sa -, a . t JL VlWPrr J-'! ' i. fi&JrW VavfTWO Crvrvs Theofhep half va$ fie bad to do n aDoirc... From the Spectacular SATURDAY EVENING POST SERIAL gtarrinS " i. BROS.' !ES id mm wald lijasoatDGBBi Church Chooses Building Site; Given Permit Construction of a church build ing for the Gospel Tabernacle, thwarted at Capitol and Hood streets by zoning restrictions de spite an appeal to the city council, was . authorized Friday for a site at 1325 N. 5th st, A city building permit estimating cost at $20,000 was issued to the Rev. Max WyatL The .Interstate Tractor Co. took out a $7,000 permit for a storage shed at its Silverton road location, Other permits reflected the clear ance of a North Capitol street area earmarked for a shopping center when Laura Donnelly was author ized to wreck a house at 1172 Un ion st., and W. D. Greig to move a garage from 1152 Marion st. to 1960 Lewis st For repairs and alterations per mits went to W. A. Saunders, for work at 495 N. 23rd sL, estimat ed to cost $100 and Martha Hager, 1225 S. Commercial st., $500. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Or Nov. 14 AP)--(USDA) Salable and total cattle 50. holdover 75: calves IS: market rather slow, mostly a clean-up trade at steady to weak prices: load good 1,080 lb steers 24.50: lightly sorted at 2000 23.50; canner-cutter cows 114)012.50: odd shells 8 00-0.50; good young beef cows quoted upward to 14 50; bulls steady; 1 lot of 43 head medium-good 1408 lb bulls 18.50: cutter sausage bulls downward to 13.00; medium-good veal ers steady at 18.00-24.00; choice quot able to 25.00. Salable hogs 29. total 500: market about steady: good-choice 100-213 lb weights 26.50-75: scattered lots med ium 139-170 lbs 24.00: 260-280 lb 24.75: good 400-908 lb sows 24.00; 1 good 410 lb stag 10.00; feeder pigs lacking: choice 105 lb weights up to 27.73; yesterday. Salable and total sheep 35; market steady; 1 lot good-choice 70 lb lamb 22.00; week's extreme top 23.00: com mon 87 lb 19.00; good-choice slaugh ter ewea quoted 8.00-90. Near 1,500 Attend Richmond Carnival An annual Parent-Teachers as sociation sponsored carnival drew approximately 1,500 persons to Richmond school here Friday night. The carnival, presented in co operation with tiia teachers and Principal Matilda Gilles of the school, entertained the crowd with an amateur show, Little Theatre, bingo, fish pond, and va rious other concessions. State Officials Invited to Dine At Sweet Home Representatives of the Sweet Home Chamber of Commerce, along with Raleigh Middleton, committee chairman, Friday pre sented to the state board of con trol, through Gov. John H. Hall, a plywood plaque inviting the of ficials to attend the annual cham ber venison dinner, to be held in the high school there December 2. Members of the board of con trol, other than Governor Hall, are Secretary of State Earl T. Newbfy and State Treasurer Les lie M. Scott. All three- board mem bers indicated they would accept the invitation. Frank Belgrano, president of the First National bank of Port land, will be the guest speaker with Art Priaulx, public relations manager of the West Coast Lum bermen's association, serving as toastmaster. In the Sweet Home group, other than Middleton, were John Galey, State Representative Max Lan don and F. W. Vanhorn. Edward Cardwell, chamber president, and Ken Groves, committee member, were . unable to be present. Yippool Another Big Kartoon KarnivalJ AN HOUR OF YOUR FAVORITE CARTOON CHARACTERS! FUN FOR EVERYONE! Plus! Chapter No. Six "JESSE JAMES RIDES AGAIN" And Our Regular Show! Ends Today! IT HAPPENED ON 5TH AVE." (Sat) and "TAW COMES TO GUNSIGHT I H-rh rf ah rl sfH PHONE mi - CONT. SHOWS FKOM 1 P.M. 0) STARTS Tononnou! HIS PRIVATE LIFE WAS A PUBLIC SCAN DAL! . . . THIS ROMANTIC ROGUE WHO LOVED THE WHOLE WORLD . . ESPECIALLY WOMEN! i 5 LA S7i 5 M-a-Sy. (1 .4-,r Mfekscf a n H - -f r l atria 1.1 GEORGE ANGELA ANN (i IIklNrK 14lrIIKtf KUA- 11 -l FRANCES DEE JOHN CARIADIN! J X I II I THRILL CO-HTTI THE CHEEPER STRTXES1" . wit. n urirc tONDO RATTON JANI ADAMS g T0H MEAl jr. m -m S m sr PLUS! "GOOFET GOLF LATE NEWS! Franzen Stresses 'Good Neighbor' Policy for Salem Municipal services which bene fit not only the city itself but also the surrounding area, plus those which impress city visitors with the beauty and advantages of that city, bring dividends to business men and public alike. City Manager J. L. Franzen as serted before the Salem Board of Realtors Friday noon in the Mar ion hotel. Franzen said his administration here would increasingly take into consideration "the good neighbor policy" in Salem's relations with its nearby communities and rural areas. The police radio hookup which includes neighboring towns was given as an example of this type of city policy. An example of pleasing visitors, Franzen continued, is good street cleaning. Although this is stressed here and already has brought fa vorable comments to his office from travelers, Franzen said, the city has on order a large fl usher which eventually will provide ev en cleaner streets. Too Late to Classify CAPA.BLX practical nurse now avail able. Phone 8331. NORGE Refriferator. Excellent con- dition. 1Z90 Uafc. can after pm. AUTO. Wasalnc machine. A-l shape and A.B. apt. house range, like new. 1085 Edfewatcr. Phont SPSS. 1838 PLYMOUTH. $366. 17S t. 13th St. Hall, Newbry View Project at Pen Gov. John Hall and Secretary of State Earl T. Newbry spent most of Thursday afternoon in specting the state penitentiary and improvements now in prog ress there. They will inspect oth er state Institutions in the Salem area next week. "It is our desire to get a first hand picture of these institutions and their operations as quickly as possible," Hall and Newbry said. Newbry spent Friday in Portland inspecting his branch office there. THEE U0HK Kerne ring, Trintminf, Tapping. Felling. Free Estimates - Ph. 774 w. h. McAllister Ins-red Operate Ends Today! (Sat.) Lee Oereey "BLOCK BUSTEES". Heet Gibeen -OUTLAW TEAIL8- UMdshrV, CONT. FEOM 1 rjt. Tomorrow! (35c) B VB 1 1 I P " I Vw-Jl--a-J jjj fl , FUN CO-HIT! Gene Auftry Jimmy Durante) "MELODY RANCH" Cartoon - N You'll Forever Remember Forever Amber! I I Hf. '.Afl mm-mmm- ' CSteai SSS L IS 1 I . - Ml 1 ifljj storring LINDA DARNELL CORNEL WILDE RICHARD GREENE GEORGE SANDERS onora:::-v,iiiiMraks i e Meei ky Kathleen Winsor stabhhg Wednesday. ATenTt? THE Q) FHONE S447 ' - MATINEE DAILY FKOM 1 TM. PI1E7UE TOinGHT! (Ons Fealnre) Ends Todari (SaU lost Han . "LAST OF .THE REDMEN" WnL Boyt! , DANGEROUS VENTURE" O O MID STAOIEIG TOIIODIlOn) o 1 Ail - j4k . ... i M I- X X I 1 I hill ,,3 A -j.; f .itw. t ' nl - isr in IlECKLESS K &MSIBWCf3 Mh OI0T0DS r k m m s v j fADvnirniiE! Fred Coby Isabelila Paul Ilewlan Cr!dl I AIRMAIL FOX NEWSI CUB PILOTS s fYS7 J s's'j I m iapani polish leader sate in fi 'A ZJ-SJ ENGLAND! RYDER CUP MATCHES IN jMJ PORTLAND I