8 The Statesman, Salem, Ore- Tuesday. No-ember 11, 1947 New York Stock Quotations NEW YORK, Nov 10 - (JP) Al Chehi Dye 19 Hi I Gen Foods American Can 86! Gen Motors Am Power 81 Lt 10 I Goodyear Tire Am Tel Tel Anaconda Atchison Bendix Avia Beth Steel Boeing Air Calif Pack Canadian Pac Case J I Chrysler Comwllh Sou Cons Edison Cons Vultee -Crown Zel Curtis Wr Douglas Air, Dupont de Ne Gen Electric 155 Gt North Pfd 34i I Int Harvest 80 H Int Paper pfd 31!a!J Manville 98Kennecott 19 I Long Bell A 31 'i I Mont Ward HUlNash Kelvin 41 '.Nat Dairy " 63 N Y Central 3 North Am Co 22.j Northern Pac 12 (Pac Am Fish 323vPac Gas Elec 54P T & T 51 I Pan American 188i4IPenny J c . 35 V! Radio Corp' Most Stocks Show Increase ' NEW YORK, Nov. 10-(P)-Stocks generally operated on the recovery side today although dealings were among the slowest of the last two months and many market leaders wavered. The Marshall European relief figures inspired some nibbling on the basis of the export outlook but it was suggested that the overall amount may have been pretty well discounted marketwise. Skepti cism regarding taxes, possibility of reinstated economic controls and the general refusal of the list to respond to good corporate news remained as a bearish influence. The Associated Press 60-stock - composite was up .2 of a point at 65.2. Of 940 issues registering, 392 ; rose and 323 fell. Grain Prices Show Losses CHICAGO. Nov.- lO-fyPHGrains ended a dull session today - with prices slightly lower on the board of trade. Volume was restricted by uncertainty over the administra tion's aid-to-Europe program and the fact that tomorrow, Armistice dav. is a holiday. Major reasons for the small sell ing pressure were sntws in Ne braska and northwestern Kansas, plus The fact that the government made only minor purchases of cash, wheat late last . week. .The sell ing entered the pits in dribbles and at no time did prices drop sharply. Wheat ended -l lower, De cember $2.96-, corn was 1 1 lower, December $2.32-, and oats were -l lower, De cember $1.14. Hayesville Missionary Circle Holds Meeting HAYESVILLE Missionary Cir cle met Friday with Mrs. Reed Simmonds with Mrs. Orval Nelson assisting. Mrs. Wayne Powers, president, conducted the business meeting. Mrs. Al Stettler is chair man of the greeting committee and Mr: Jack Van Cleave, secre tary, will visit the sick. One hun dred dollars was pledged to train . Chinese student for missionary service in Africa. Mrs. Henry Barnet led the de votions and Mrs. John Broer spoke of the life and work of Alma E. Doering of the "Every Tribes Mis sion" in Africa. Others present were Mrs. Lee Bhipley, Mrs. Mary Broer, Mrs. Needlecraft These gloves are crocheted in two sections which, make them ever so easy! Make two pairs', one in string, one In fingering yarn for cold days. Two-piece gloves are doubly smart In two colors! "rat- tern 525 has directions; small, medium, and large. Laura Wheeler's new,, improv ed pattern makes needlework so simple with its charts, pnotos, con cise directions. Send TWENTY CKNTS In coins for this pattern to The Oregon Statesman, Laura Wheeler. 1st and Stevenson Sts., San Francisco, Calif. Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, your NAME. ADDRESS with ZONE. Fifteen cents more brings you our Needlecraft Catalogue. There are 102 Illustrations of designs for crochet. knitting, embroidery personal acces sories, home decorations, toys. FREE instructions for making five useful. .decorative household accessories print ri in hook. 525 -Today's Closing Quotations: 39 Va I Rayonier 30 Va 587sRayonier pfd 363, 46 Reynolds Met 23 38 (Richfield" 16 88 V Safeway 12174 87 Sears Roeb 37 43 Sinclair Oil 15?'s 48!So Pacific 44 23 57 17 29 13 25 19 38 94 9 44 9 Stan Brands 26 Stan Oil Cal 61 Studebaker 20 Sun Mining 9 Union Oil ; 24 Un Pacific 143 Un Airlines 1 19 Un Aircraft 22 U S Steel ; 75 Warner Bros 13 West Elec I 28 Woodworth 47 Bruce Willis, Mrs. G. Farmer; Mrs. George Van Cleave, Mrs. A. W. Katka, Mrs. Ronald Hall, Mrs. Carl Komyate, Mrs. W. I. Katka, Miss Fern Morgan, Mrs. John Christen sen and daughters. Miss Marilyn Broer, Miss Ida Denny and Mrs. George Strozut, Next meeting will be with Mrs. John Christensen with Mrs. George Van Cleave assisting, the evening of Dec. 12. Cloverdale Mothers Plan for Hot Lunches CLOVERDALE f'Cloverdale Mothers club" met with i Mrs. Clifford Feller. Mrs. Paul Thom as was co-hostess. The meeting was conducted by the president, Mrs. HerbertiKreger. Mrs.! For rest Hatch is; secretary-treasurer. Reports on the hot lunches served were made. Each of the 19 moth ers present donated a hemmed tea towel to go to the school kit-Then.-A benefit dance for the kit chen equipment fund was an nounced for the near future. Next month, five cents per day will be charged each child in or der to cover necessary purchase of foods. Mothers are taking turns; cook ing without charge. It was voted -that the school board members be presented for next year's budget with figures on expense of a full time cook for the next school year. Later, refreshments; were served by the hostess' three chil dren, Danny, Wayne and ; Janie Feller. Next meeting will be with Mrs. Floyd Pense. ! Woodburn Charles W. Smith electric store on Front street has been sold to Floyd A. Berkey of Woodburn, who took" possession November' 1. Berkey formerly worked at Canby and plans to re model the store. Smith, who oper ated the store for three years, has no immediate plans Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore.. Nov. 10 (AP) (USD At Cattle ratable 2150. total 2800: calves salable and total 550: market uneven, moderately active and mostly steady on steers, heifers and good cows: lower grade cows in lib eral supply,- weak: many bids 25-50 cents lower: few medium-good steers 29 00-25 25: load high good 1100 lbs. 28.50; common down to 17.00; few stockers and feeders 18 00-22 00: common-medium heifers 16 00-21.25: few good heifers 22.00; canner-eutter cows 1100-13 00: shells down to 9 50: fat dairy type cows up to 13.50-14.00: medium-good beet cows 15.00-180; medium-good sausage bulls 16.00-18.00: good beef bulls to 19.00; good-choice vealers 24.00-25.00: some held higher; good heavy calves 20 00-22 00. active, steady: good-choice 1S5-23S lbs. largely 26.75 : 260-300 lbs. 24.50-75; good sows 23.50-24.00; heavy weights down to 23.00: few above 120 lb. feeder pigs 25.50-2600; lighter weights held up to Z7.00. SheeD salable 1850. total 3100: mar ket active: fat lambs strong to 50 cents higher: others steady: good choice wooled lambs 21.50-22.65; size able lot 23.00: common down to 17.00 good-choice shorn lambs 21.00-22.00 cood-choice ewes 8.00-50. Portland livestock market will be closed Armistice day. Portland Grata PORTLAND. Ore.. Nov. 10 (API- Wheat: No futures Quoted. Cash grain: Oats No. z-39 id. wmte 79.00; barlev No. 2-45 lb. B.W. 7900: corn No. 2-E.Y. shipments 79.00; flax seed 6 80 Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 2S8: soft white (excluding Rex) 2.88: white club 2 88'i; western red 2 88'i. Hard red winter: ordinary m'i; 10 per cent 292; 11 per cent 3.02; 12 per cent 3.12. Hard white Baart: ordinary sou; 10 oer cent 3 00: 11 per cent 3.06; 12 per cent 3.12. Today s car receipts: wheat 4S. car- ley 11. flour 9. oats 2, hay 1. millfeed S. Salem Market Quotations BUTTERFAT Premium .84 .82 .73 JO S5 .66 AO .40 .70 .62 .76 M J3 No. 1 No. 2 PRINTS Wholesale .... Retail COGS BUYING Extra large Medium and standard Pullets Cracks EGGS Selling Price Wholesale, large Mediums Retail, large Retail, medium POULTRY Colored hens No. 1 No. 2 ,20 Fryers .- .... M to J7 LIVESTOCK (By Valley Pack Wooled lambs, choice -. zo.oo Yearling up to 12.00 Sheared Lambs up to 19 50 Ewes . 2.00 to 7.00 Fat dairy cows - 13.00 Cutter cows 6.00 to 11.50 9.00 to 14.50 up to 21.00 10.00 to 17.50 Dairy heifers Calves (300 to 450 lbs.) Bulls Veal 150 to 300 lbs. . choice . 23 50 Stocks and Bonds Compiled by the Associated Press Nov. 10 Stock Averages 90 IS 15 . SO Indus. Rails Util. Stocks Mondav 93 4 33 3 41.7 65.2 Previous day - 93.0 33 2 41.7 65.0 Week aco . 93.5 33.9 41.9 65.5 Month ago 92.7 34.1 43.0 65 6 Year ago 87.4 36 2 44 6 64J Bend Averages 20 10 10 10 Rails Indust. Util. Forgn Monday Previous day Week ago Month ago Year ago ...90.0 101.4 102.1 68.7 90.4 101.4 102.3 69J .90.8 101.4 102.5 69.4 .919 101.7 103.0 69.9 .94 5 103.0 104 9 74 6 1947 low 89.8 101.4 102.1 67.7 New 1947 low. Amity High School Iff Has Library Division AMITY An expanded, im proved and more efficient library service has been added to Amity union high school this year. This is resulting from a new library class linder the direction of Mary Hammack who with her staff of school librarians have charge of the operation of the library. This is the first class of this type ever offered here. The class is limited to a few students because of time and fa cilities but the number is suffi cient for adequate service. A number of new books have been added, a new shelf list or inventory has been taken, the card catalog has been revised and a new system of checking out books devised, as well as other improvements in its operation. It is hoped also to have a per iodical file and some magazines have been donated for it. The present student librarians include Elsie Rogers, Lenore Geisler, Phyllis Muker, Frieda Hickenliable and Lucille Vande laar. A visit is planned for "the group to the state library. Woodburn Mrs. Jack Connell has been named local head of the Christmas sale. I'ortland Produce PORTLAND. Ore.. Nov. 10 (AP) Butterfat tentative (subject to im mediate change), premium quality maximum of 35 to 1 per cent acidity, delivered in Portland. 83-8c lb.: first quality 81 -84c; second quaUty 77-80c: valley routes and country points 2 cents less than first, 79-82. Butter wholesale, f.o.b. bulk cubes, grade AA, 93 score. 77c lb; A. 92 score. 76c; B. 90 score, 73c; C. 89 score. 71c. Cheese Selling prices to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles 41',.-51'ac; Oregon 5 lb. loaf 43,-53',ac. Eggs to wholesalers: A grade, large, HO'i-OlVac: medium SO'aC; A grade, small 49 '.ic; B grade large 47'i-50'c. Eggs Purchased from farmers: Current receipts 51-55c; buyers pay 3-3' 3c below wholesale quotations on graded basis for best hennery eggs. Uressea turxeys vuoiea to grow ers on dressed basis): Grade a toms 33-34c lb.; grade A Joung hens 4445c. Dressed turkeys ' (To retailersl: A grade young hens 50-52c; toms 40-44c. Live chickens Paying price to producers: No. 1 broilers under I' lbr. 30c lb.: fryers, i'4 to 3 lbs. 32c: 3 to d lbs. 34-35c: roasters. 4 lbs. and over 34c: fowl, Leghorn, under 4 lbs. 18-20c; 4 lbs. and over 20-24c: -colored fowl, all weights 24-26c; stags, all weights 12-14C. Rabbits Average to retailers 48 52c lb. dressed: price to producers 43c: fryers, live, white, 20-25c ; . colored 17-21C lb. Fresh dressed meats (The follow ing fresh dressed meat prices quoted wholesalers to retailers for fresh meats are in dollars a hundred pounds as reported by the USDA market news service at North Portland: Beef Steers." good 41.00-42.00: com mercial 38.00-39.00; Utility 33.00-37.00: cowr. commercial 31.00-33.00; utility 26.50-29.00; cutter and caaner 26.00 26.50. -r- Beef Cuts (Good steer, heifer) Hind quarters 42.00-46.00: rounds 42.00 47.00; full loins trimmed . 65.00-70.00; triangles 36.00-40.00: square chucks 41.00-45.00: ribs 50-00.57.00; for quar ters 39.00-43.00. Veal and calf choice 39.50; good 38.50; commercial. 34.00-36.00; utility 31.00-32.00. Lamb and mutton lamb, choice and good 42.00-43.50; commercial, all weights 38.003900; utility 33 00-34 00; mutton, good 70 lbs. down 17.0018.00. Pork cuts Loins. No. 1. 8 to 12 lbs. 52.00-54 00: shoulders 42 00-44.50; spare ribs, 3 lbs. down. 4S.00-53.00. Cascara bark Dry, 23c lb. Wool Valley, coarse and medium grades. 45c lb. Mohair 42c lb. on 12-month growth. Onions 30 lb. sacks. Ore. Brooks yellows, med.. 2.75-3.00; boilers, 10 lbs. 40-45c; white boilers. 10 lbs. 40-45c: Idaho Spanish, med. 2.75-3.00; large 2.75-3.00. Potatoes Ore. Deschutes Russets No. 1. 4 25-4 50: 25 lb. 1 20-1.25; No. 2. 50 lbs. 1.50-1.60; 100 lb. No. 1 bakers 4.75-4.90: No. 2. 3.50-3.90: Wash. Rus sets, No. 1. 100 lb. 4.25-4.50; long whites. 3.75-3 85. Hay U. S. No: 2 green alfalfa or better... carload lots. f ob. Portland. 32.00-34.50 ton: U. S. No. 1 timothy (eastern Oregon or Washington), car lots, fob. Portland 34.50-36.50 ton: oats and vetch, mixed hay, uncertified clover hay. 23.50-26.00, baled at Wil lamette valley farms, depending upon quality and location.' Today's Pattern Make your First-Date Dress a BIG success! Make Pattern 4501 this dreamy two-piecer with the gay scallops and flirty- peplum, bow at back and swish skirt! It's super! This pattern, easy to use, sim pie to sew, is tested for fit. In eludes complete illustrated in structions. - Pattern 4501 comes ia. teen-age sizes 10, 12, 14, 16. Size 12 takes 2 yards 39-inch fabncJ ' Send TWENTY-FIVE cents In coins for this pattern to The Oregon States man. Anne Adams. 16 First St.. San Francisco 5. Calif. Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS, ZONE, SIZE AND STYLE NUMBER- NEWS I Our Fan and Winter ANNE ADAMS Pattern Book is ready I Send fifteen cents at once to be sure you get this easy -sew collection of fascin ating new fashions printed ngnt in the book are FREE directions for mak ing EIGHT useful gifts, each from s teed bag. or a Xabri remnant Order now I llJ m 4501 V SIZES X 10-16 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NoUce Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed admin istrator of the estate of Arthur Donald Smith, deceased, by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Marion County.i All persons having claims against the estate of said decedent arc hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as required by law,, to the undersigned in care' of T. Harold Tomlinson, Attorney at Law, 504 Guar dian Building. Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of this so tice. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 21st day of October. 1947. EVERETT F. SMITH - Administrator of the estate of Arthur Donald Smith, deceased. 0 21-28-N 4-11-18 NOTICE OF FINAL BEARING Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned Administratrix has filed her Final Account and Report-in the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, in probate, and that Friday, the 28th day of November. 1947. at ten o'clock a.m. at the courtroom of said court, in the courthouse in Sa lem. Oregon, ha been set as the time and place for hearing objections to said Final Account and - final aetUement of said estate. First publication, October 21. 1947; last publication. November 25. 1947. PEARL L SWANSON. Ad ministratrix. Estate of. Fred L. Swanson. deceased. 028-N4-11-18-25 Livestock and Poultry GOOD, gentle cow. L C. Billings. Rt S. Box 737. PALOMINO MARE St 2 yr. old colt. Northwest corner. 38th St "D" St. FAT HENS. 30c lb. alive. 5Sc dressed. Drop card for Sat. delivery. Rt. 8. Box 301. H. O. Webb. RHODE Island Red breeding cock erels. Jennings strain. Ph. 2-2470. Rt 7, Box 429. BROWN Mare In foal. Rt. 2, Box SOB. Keizer Dirt. . HIGHEST QUALITY CHICKS New Hampshires anf White Rocks. Hatches every Tuesday. Send for free catalog. Wilson's Hatchery Poultry Farm. iuni, Te. LIVESTOCK WANTED. Earl Du Chien. Call 21656. 7T kinds CUSTOM dressing of chickens, any number. Prompt service. Dressed poui tj wholesale our "specialty. Phone 2-2861 Lee's Hatchery. BULL Service by artificial Insem ination. Sir.i from the best of blood lines. Reasonable fees All work per sonally supervised by licensed vet erlnarians Salem Artllral Insemina tion Station Ph 6585 - WANTED: AU kinas of cattle, fat hogs, sows. A boars At your farm or delivered Market price E C. McCand Ush Rt 9. Box 233. across from Waters Ball Park on S 25 St Ph 8147 NEW Hampshire -any chicks, start ed chicks S oldet pullets always avail able Ph 22861. Lees Hatchery WANTED: Any kind of cattle, hogs sheep. Will call at farm. Licensed a bonded buyers Prompt service. E. L Snethen a Son 1550 Lancaster Dr.. Salem. Ph. 21 345 WING'S BABBITRY pays top prices for, frier rabbits. 3985 State St. Ph. 109F5. - N. H. FRYERS. Pyeatt, Rt. 1. Box 1-0. Rickreall. " GOOD Jersey cow to freshen Jan. 15th. Pyeatt. Rt. 1. Box 120, Rickreall. Auctions Lane Sudteirs Auction Sales Yard Wednesday. Nov. 12. at 9:30 a.m. Si 7 KM p.m. Located 1 mi. E. of Fair ground on Silverton Rd. Ph. 6098. 7 piece bedrm suite, davenports St chairs, davenos. dressers, two six piece dining room sets. 1941 Easy Washing machine, circulating heaters, cook stoves, dishes, new blankets St sheets. Potatoes, fruit, ic evergreen shrub bery. Machinery. Wisconsin air cooled mot or.. 9 h.p. 4 wheel tractor with pick up plow St 4 ft. single discs. Motor St tires, new. 11 j to 2', gas engine. Pow er buzz-saw on wheels. Garden cul tivator. Chicken & rabbits, day old Sk veal calves. Feeder St weaner pigs. A good selection of dairy cows St heif ers, listed. Cornel Always a big crowd. Help Wanted Alale Help Wanted First Class Body Man. Best Working Conditions. Top Pay if You Can Qualify. SEE GEARHART VALLEY MOTOR CO. 37S Center St. MECHANICS ' and body men. Must rexperienced. Call Al Fabry. Ph. 24113 EXP. Clothing salesman. Apply 387 be State SAWYER: 25.000 ft. capacity mill. See J. McNeil. Apt. I. Marion Apts.. S to 6 P M. Wednesday. Nov. 12. WANTED: Janitor lob by elderly man: small wage - living quarters. Ph. 8685. EXPERIENCED Body and fender man. work percentage. guarantee riven. Salem Body and Fender Works, 19 S. High. ; CLOTHING Slsmn. represent Bur ton's of Hollywood, exclusive tailored-to-measure Hollywood line. Top com. sieauy uicome. nnic ourion s oan Fernando Bldg.. Los Angeles 13. TEXPEBiEN C'ED Mechan teal designing draftsman by progressive manufactur ing company. Good working condi tions. Box 651 Statesman. Help Wanted Female f.ATW to Ho sm.ll w.k1v lanndrv for couple, statesman Box Vi2. ROUGHLY experienced wait- needed for immediate employ ment. Must be alert and capable of the highest type of service. NORMANDY MANOR. Fh 5565. BEAUTY Operator at the Lvn Beau- ty Shop. Hiehway 99E. Brookr. Ore. WANTED: Office girL Typing and shorthand. General office work. Write Statesman Box 660. Salesmen Wanted WANTED: Real estate salesman. Ex cellent location, opportunity. Harder- Real Estate, 419 Church St.. Dallas, Oregon. SALESMAN : Salem Bock Wool Co. Ph. 3748 for appointment. Situations Wanted FOR Water supply. New pipe. Call West Well Drilling. Ph. 2-6380. WILL CARE for children in my borne day, week, or month. None too small. Phone 3347. CHILDREN OF WORKING mothers eared for. No Sunday calls. 1145 Nor way. EXPERIENCED CLOTH Nv les- man and autoparts man. Write 1740 Berry st, JANITOR JOB. exo. 662 N. 14th. OFl'IC Work. Shorthand 4 typing experience. Ph. 3056. GENTLEMAN: Educational back ground. good health, stable, reliable, adaptable, good personality and gen eral ability overseeing property, general maintenance, or "what have you." Conference invited. Write SUtes man Box 671. ANYBODY Need a good switchboard operator? 12 yrs. exp. P.X. and Tele ghont Co. Cleo Surprerant, 1805 S. 12th PIANO Tuning. Wills Music Store WASHING a nlain ironnmr done- in mv home. 155 N. Church. Ph. 26620. IRONING: Shirts 'ac. My home. 75c hr. 1926 McCoy. Holl ywood Dist. LAFF-A-DAY Situations Wanted MECHANICAL or Structural draft ings wanted. 7 years experience Lat est equipment. J. H. Cobb. SOT N. 20th. Ph. 2-4032. CEMENT Contracting. Sidewalks. Basements. Driveways. Patios. Prompt service. Phi 24751. ED'S Washing machine service on all makes and models. Ph. S68S. Is That Oil Burner Giving You Maximum Efficiency? DIAL 2-SOS2 For Oil Burner Service and Repair Conversion Oil Burner and Automatic Oil Floor Furnaces For immediate instillation. BRUM'S HEATING APPLIANCES 422' S. High Salem. Oregon INSURED tree service. Free eiti mates. John Payne. Phone 2-6014. ELECTRICIAN Ace Electric Co Phone 2-1413 day or night. WANTED: Furniture to glue and repair. Lee Bros. Ph. 21233. 4020 East State St. CURTAINS Washed 4 stretched. 309 8 22nd. Mrs.B- Llesfce. Ph. 26343. LANDSCAPE-Pruning. Lawn worE. etc. 1150 N. Church St Ph. 7558 PAINTING St Paperhanging. Pre estimate. 857 Shipping. Ph, 9513. . Painting. Paperhanging REPAIR & REFINISHING furniture Decorating in harmony with your fur nishings. Rawlins St Tlbbetts. Ph 25820. CEMENTn CONTRACTSJG": "Pho 2-3045. Stanley Faga oily wood l ransier For local and long" distance hauling Pickup and moving. Trailer for rent Ph. 9764. Burton s Mobile station DRAWING a Designing House and store plans. Ph. 9621. ' Paintings & Decorating WE SPECIALIZE. IN INTERIORS 2-5444 DICK PREY J265 ALL Wurk guaranteed. Windows walls woodwork cleaned Floors wax ed Insured workmen Professional Cleariin Service Phone 4457 Mike's Septic Service I07 rim West Ralemv, Ph 9468 orM27 TAILORING, dressmaking. Ph. 9584 Painting Contract or by the hour. Spray or brush. PAUL BASSETT Rt Box 363 Phone 2-2306 PAINTER and Pa-ernaneer Reason- able prices Free est ima l woodworm fn 9D13 TScPCRTTiepalr- New rolls Olson Washer Repair. 25100 so Liberty na rn Spray Painting Ralph A 1 man 172 Lancaster Dr Phone 2-4241 PainUng and paperhangmg 4325 Septic Tanks Cleaned K. r. Hamel. HO 8th. West Salem Phone 7404 CHIMNEY sweep Northhe-l ph 44 VI Pie-chooi Piayschoo- 381 Stat. Ages 2-S Part or all day Ph 8430 L W. CAUDLE, Spraying and Prun ing Co; Ph. 7900. j. HOUSEWORK, washing - Ironing. Ph 364 PAPERING. Johnson. Ph. 37j lNTTHlliR PaintinT Goon work. reas priceir. free estimates, ph. 25518. SHINGLING a lathing. Staples Bros. Ph. 6102 or 26763. I'AkPHNTLR Work llW Lewis St. M6TH-RS: Will care or babies In my home during the day while you are on business or social engagements. Ph. 7651 BOY 16 wants steady empployment. Write Wallace Hoffman. Rt. 4. Box 314. WILL . Do catering A cooking for small dinners parties. Ph. 3-4360. WILL Do any kind of typing in my home. Call 2-109S. ask for Mr. Porter. For Sale Miscellaneous 7'i SKTLSAW new 8118. Small S inch saws, new, 854.50. Howser Bros, 602 Edrewater HAVE YOU tried Norris-W alker paint? Painters In the know use lt.1 Priced right, rresn stock, nowser oroa. 602 Edgewater. FOR SALE: 1 oil heater. Three 55 gallon drums. $35. Ph. 2-6867 or call 497 S. Capitol anytime. OK'I MAN nower chain saw 26" chain will take all or part ln cattle. Wm. Riley. Rt. 1, Box 23B. AumsvUle. SIMMONS bed. innerspring mattress like new with cover St pad. Also dou hl deck coil sDrirur. chest of drawers. like new. 1000 watt elec. heater, hall tree. 1165 N. 17th COUNTER in very good condition. 36" high. 25" top. Phbne 4469. 1 p.m.- PJ FOR A watertight cement paint use Nor Wall. Easily apply. Howser Bros. Ph. 3646. 2 TWIN Sealv Hollywood beds. Box springs St mattresses. $75. Ph. 2-6089. 1220 Center. BLONDE Pekingese female. .11 mos. old. 2260 Claude St. OUTBOARD MOTORS New Evinrude motors tvailable 9.7 H P. 5 4 H P. 2 HP. 11 H-P. Used 2'J HP, Johnson, like new Complete line' of salmon and steel- head fishing tackle. Hunting supplies. ammunition. HAIN'S OUTBOARD St SPORT SHOP 1201 S. Commercial Phone 6050 AIRLINE Radio, floor model. Good condition, reasonable. After 5 p.m. Front Apt.. 255 Division St.. Salem Oregon . REMINGTON Model 10. 12-gauge re peating shotgun with poly choke and. 100 sheels. -2 Colt Woodsman, holster and target sight. 1509 N- 5th. Ph. 6074 OIL CIRCULATOR in good cond. Baby bed. 6 yr old size. 2251 Breyman. "WESTINGHOUSE Washing machine. Must be sold soon. 778 S. 13th 30 car hot water heaters. ' from $8 to 820. Ph. 21140. RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS. 1397 S. 13th. LARGE Size Glen wood wood circu- Utor $30. 247S Fairgrounds Kd T rrmra r -r r-i-a ort m 1 OAW -V f. -v - plaster. Call T450 evenings after 6 o'clock. f "TOILETS. Bath tubs and wash ba- sins. Complete new csth room sets, new shipment just received. Capital Bargain House. 145 Center. 2 FULL Sized beds, both in fine shae. 1 vanity. 1 Atwater-Kent radio. 1 davenport. I wood or coal circu lates Bass St snare drum with stand. 900 Fairview Ave. LOT 50X Blk. N. Liberty. Salem. Good location. Paved St Young fruit, .nut trees, grapes. $650. Write E. E Winters, Rt 5. Box 392. Bremer ton Wash. By Owner One blue Wilton rug 12 x 10.: one Alexander Smith hooked rug S X 10; one Italian Renaissance dining room set consisting of table. S chairs.: buffet St china cupboard. All furniture' m ex cellent '"condition. Immediate posses sion. Call $105 or 5088 for Inspection BOY S World bike. A-l cond. Tfr. 0859 PLAjJO. upright, good cond. Ph. 7C38. ANTIQUES by appt. x'n. . For Sale Miscellaneous BOY'S Bicycle, balloon tires, $17.50. 1960 Broadway. 60 IS Ft. 2x10, be offer takes all. Jack Henry, Rt. 9. Box 529. 1st house south of Grange Hall at Liberty. LEAVING City: For sale, dining rm. ani bdrm. set. elec. range, refrig.. breakfagt set. Mostly new. Ph. 4193. INNEKSPRING condition. 1775 N. Mattress, Front. perfect 7 1 if KITCHEN Range in perfect cond Porcelain enmeL wood or coal. SeU with or without coils St h. w. tank. Rt 2 Box 242. on St. Paul-NewbererKd. WOOD Range, white enameOcopper coils, like. new. Koojerator 75 lb. ice box. 2150 Chemeketa. Pl. -3-1496. PLASTER $1-0 a sack. Call 2-2153. FREE: Kittens. 945 Tamarack. WOOD Circulating heater, medium size : cond. 1691 S. Capitol St. BLUC Swing back coat, reel fox fur collar, she 14. Ph. 7664. VAUGHN" Brail saw! five goo blades. 624 N. Capitol. Apt. 4. LADY'S Black winter coat, silver fox fur collar, size 18. like new. 1805 S. 12th St. MAGAZINE Subscriptions make good Christmas gifts. Order now at your local independent news dealer or drop in at Salem News Aeency. 695 N. High St. Independent Wholesale Mag azine distributors. BUILDING BLOCKS BRICKS PUMICE CONCRETE CEMENT. SEPTIC TANKS. CONCRETE WATERPROOFING I mile south on River Rd PhonfSHI Pumice Building Block and Brick Good masons available cement with orders. 12th Street Block Co. S. 12th at Vista Ave. Tele, 2-5363. Evenings 8904 HUN DREDS Of CHRISTMAS " Gift Items YeaW Appliance Co. 197 FORD Ferguson tractor and fol lowing attachments: disc. plow, mow er, post hole digeer bulldozer. In-lil-''-320.N; .!?.h. St-. Corvallis, Oregon. PROFESSIONAL Size ccordian. Per frci cond. 6165. Rt 4. Box 170 A. DINETTE SeT Some living room furniture k writing desk. Ph. 2-5156. BLACK Astrican seal coat, new lin ing. size 40. Black coat size 38. 89. Light blue coat size 38. SS. Blue wool dress size 38. SS. 30 in. bed mattress S3. 1990 Howard St. Ph 25493. MAN'S OVERCOAT: Size 38 or 40. Dark brown. New. 35 00. 740 So. Win ter. Phone 2-6407. r. ""ISSICK Plaster mixer, slightly ed. Cost S525. will sciLfor S400. Ph EMM HAMPIOTT"outboard motor, 2'zf h j 575 N. Capitol St, CUSfiMAN Motor st-ooter. Good mech. cond i t ion. Ph. 2-S727 . 10 IN. DELTA tilting table bench saw. 2 blades. 1020 N. 16th, or Ph. 2-4867 eves. FOR SALE or Trade: 2 Urge white NZ does or trade for WNZ buck. Phone 4340. ENGLISH Walnuts. 30c lb. Willis Hill. Rt, 2 Box 163. Reimann's Gardens. FEDERAL Enlarger. daveho. sewing cabinet, misc. Ph. 4672. - MOTOR Boat. Like new $225. C mel ody saxaphone. $115. Will trade for power tools. PH.. a3 eves. FOR SALE or Trade: Montag aU enamel cook stove, copper coils, trade for oil heater or 7. D. Beach; R. 1. Box 370. W. of Lincoln Store to Bethel Hts. MONARCH elec. range 8100. Caldwell Frigldaire 8200. Ph. S693. 2 LADY'S Coats, gray plaid it blue, size 13 Ph. 2-5701 eves. WOOD circulators, good cond., tned- ium size. 1965 S. Church. MAN'S Raincoat, best quality "Sun Tan." fully lined, like new. large size. See Freeman. Marion Hotel LARGE Monograhm on circulator heater. W. J. Harris. Box 236. or back of Telephone Exchange. Turner. Ore. 24 NJL PULLETS. 2 nearly new bi- cycles. Ph. 2-3832. AMPLIFIER: A-l cond. S45. Phone 2-5364 between t-8. GLENWOOD wood circulator, used winter. Call 118. MYRTLEWOOD Christmas gifts at factory prices. Furnished trading re sorts this season. Factory located 3 mues south of Liberty to Bunker hill road.- Turn right 2nd house on left. Will make to order. - W-30 McCORMICK-Deering tractor on good 14 inch rubber. Good condi tion. S850. Lhiane 1. renon. oervaia. Ore. l' m. W. of Waconda. Phone Salem 2-2847 NEW DEER rifle. JO cal. Winchester carbine. Go out Portland Rd. to Jiffy Lunch, turn right mile. tft. s, box 14QS. Salem. UPRIGHT piano $200. S56 Gerth avT. W. Salem. CROSLEY combination radio St phon ograph, table model. $25. Ph. 2-5788. G E. RANGE, good cond. 1174 Edge water, W. Salem. Phone 5656. CAR RADIO. $40. Good condition. Philco 6 tube. 1936 model. Fit any car, Can i see 280 Richmond after S P-m., or phone 9471. NEW Lausogj 2s h p. outboard motor, 635 S. Liberty St. WOOD CIRCULATOR, medium size. perfect condition. 211 E. Miller, TUXEDO. LIKE new. Size 40. Mid night blue. Will also sell shirt, 16-35 St tUO Pn. 2-42-. MYRTLEWOOD FOR SALE 00 FT. SELECT and SEASONED All sizes and up to 20" wide. A real price on the lot. D. E. Terpln, Chesh ire Orron ' ' LARGE SIZE oil circulator. Also an metal farm Master brooder. Both A-l condition. Ph. 2-5387. 5 PIECE BEDROOM suite. Serta mat- tress. like new. Ph. 2371S. 3830 Monroe SELLING Entire stock oil heaters aH sizes, elec. . washers, elec. motors, elec. ranges. 7 ft. refrig.. ft. deep freeze, end tables, table lamp, dinette set. ice boxes, wood and coal range, good as new. child's high charr. child's walker, vacuum cleaners, iron, toast ers, floor furnace. -small gas heater, gas range, printing press with type, set of heavy tackle blocks, car chains, all kinds of paint, plenty of new tires and batteries. All these articles sell out at wholesale prire. Hardman Broe., U -tnile past Totem Pole on Portland highway. Open 7 days a week from 9 A.M until 10 P.M. Ph 26367. NEW Black wool culottes, . waist . 28. Lovely medium blue coat for girls 10-14 Line new, rn. OIL Circulator. Duo-therm. 594 N". Liberty. TRY Our lay-away plan for your Christmas gift watches. Ladies and gents wrist watches. Rebuilt good as new, look like new. small deposit noids your selection. See us now. Salem Watch Shop. 2381 State. Ph. 21957. 4 BARN Sash windows arid frames. single pane glass, reasonable. Call 7450 evenlnes alter stx o ciocx. 7LlS7All varieties. Will deliver, Paul Schaad. Ph. 23418. SALEM SCREEN SHOP Windows and sash. Frames, storm sash, screens made to order. Glass replacement and general cab inet work 1444 So 12th Ph. 2-5574 Alfalfa Hay Truck Delivery. Call 2-1196 FULLER Brushes 1745 Cirant P 8357 PUREBRED Llewellin Setter hunting dog. female $ mos. LeGray Kennels, Bx. 687-H. Rt. 3. Ph. 23168. ALUS Chalmers model WM with blade. One model LO-85 with drum S blade. Rt. 6. Box 118- Ph. 8127. Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock : For roads St driveway. Cement. Ready-mix Concrete. Garden sand. Bulldozing, drainage and ditching. i yd. shovel St drag line. Phone 8561. River Silt MASON . SAND CONCRETE MIX READY MIX ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Cement Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH 2-1966 - 2-3100 & Fox Terrier puppies for Christmas presents. No calss Sunday A.M. Mrs. Ralph Barnes, corner of s. zzn Mission. Fo Sale Miscellaneous i R Wat kins Co products 1717 Cen ter St. Salem Pti S39S Free del 4 WHEEL Trailer for general use. with both high A low rack. Good rubber. 1325 Lee St. " THE Garment Bazaar has quality used coats, suits, dresses, etc. for women and children. 1330 Saginaw. HOSPITAL Beds: wheel chrs , rent sell,. Buren. Ph. 7775. 745 Court St. CLOCKS and Door Chime. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY REVERE ware, aluminum cooking utensils, kitchen gadgets. YEATER APPLIANCF. COMPANY " XMAS TREE strings, wreaths, tree holders. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY UNIVERSAL Bantam electric ranees. 110 volt. Ideal for apartments, trailer houses. . YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY EXHAUST Fans, kitchen and indus trial. Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPA XV ELECTRIC room heaters. laaiant. steam and fan 110-220 colt. YEATERA PPLIANCF. COMPANY PRESSVREcobkers. 4 quart for cook ing. 16 quart for canning. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY "ELECTRIC comforters, blankets and heating pads. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY "Electric" ranges (apartment size). YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY PORTABLE electric clothes washers! Ideal for apartments or trailer houses YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY RESTAURANT Type electric ranges, griddles. yjJTEM APPLIANCE COMPANY LITTLE Giant electric washing ma chines. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY GERMICIDAL lamps in your home or office help to prevent the spread of disease. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY RADIOS, record players and rt corders. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ELECTRIC irons.. steam irons, metal Ironing boards, pads and covers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY THOR Automatic washer-dishwasher. Glad irons. , YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY COFFEE Makers uni replacement parts. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY HOTPLATES with or without ovens. -l YF-ATER APPLIANCE COMPANY OIL Circulators with or without fans. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ELECTRIC Mixers tDormeyerl. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY STUDENT and executive desk lamps, lighting fixtures. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY FARMERS attention Electric but- I ter churns, milk coolers, fence con trollers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY RECORD their voices with a Wilcox Gay Recordio. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ELECTRIC Corn poppers.- roaster- ettes, broilers, blendors, coffee grind ers YEATER APPLIANCF. COMPANY Time to Fertilize USE ORGANIC FERTILIZER PERFECT FOR LAWNS St GARDENS S SACKS $5 OR $1 PER TON .' Free delivery anywhere in Salem. West Mushroom Farm Ph. 6127 days: 2-4397 eve, or 8127 . EASY Electric ' washing machine, good cond. Lang Oil Flame cook stove, excellent cond.. WUlard Weathers. Rt 2. Box 182 M. ! USED COM L REFRIGERATION BARGAIN triple glass Frigidalre meat case. txf walk-in cooler s h p compres sorpractically new. A very good buy. Mills' 2'i taL freezer. New 6 ft, neat care, triple glass. R L. Elf Strom Co., J40 Court Street. Ph. 9221. ALWAYS a big stocx. Wood 'i Furniture Mkt Ph $110. ' STEEL Clothesline posts $12 pr. ornamental iron work made to order. 1145 N. Liberty. APPLES: -&LICI0US and Spitzen berg. North on 99E to Hayesville -store. Turn left, first house on left. Rte. 8. Box 1348. Ph. 26282.- W1U deliver in Salem. "COLLIE Pups. ARC reg. Rt. 2. B. 1SS. Oil Burner Service . William C. Drew Phone 2-4443 USED Murphv bed in excellent con dition. $18.50. Used bed as low as $2. Mattresses as low as $6.50. Innerspring mattress in excellent cond. as low as $22.75. Small white enamel wood range in very good cond. only $20. Used Shubert cabinet grand piano. $185. Glenn Woodry Furniture Market, 1603 N. Summer. PLASTL-KOTE. Cellophane-like fm ish for your floors. It requires no wax ing. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY " ELECTRIC and gas water heaters YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ' VACUUM cleaners and floor pol ishers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ATTENTION MEN Have you been wondering what to get your wife for Christmas. Make it a Dorymeyeri Food Mixer. .Hurry to the Glenn Woodry Furniture Market. 1605 N. Summer and get one. Terms, trades and free parking. Wanted Furniture USED FUKNTTTTRE Ph 9185 " FURNITURE and what nave you bought for cash Call any time. Sun dale Exchange Ph. 2-5511 504 N Lib erty USED FURNITURE Ptwne 5110 WAN! fo Buy Used Cameras lenses McEwa n Photo Shop 435 State CASH lot used piano other mu sical instruments Call 4641 days or 537 evenings or send description to Jsoulth Music Co 191 S High GOOD Used wash mashine St sewing machine. Ph. 2-5511. 594 N. Liberty. Wanted Miscellaneous SMALL Upright or' spinet piano. Elec. table-top range. Davenport and chair. Must be in good condition. 940 S. 14th. Ph. 6072. ; TASH for old gold, broken, discarded Jewelry, watches and clocks. Salem Watch Shop. 2381 State. Ph. 2-1957. OIL CIRCULATORS Bought, sold, exchanged and re- palred. 940 S. 14th. Phone 6072. LIVESTOCK WANTZ.U. an xinas Earl Du Chien Call 21656 PIANO TUNING Wills Music Store Salem TOY and Doll repairln. waRons, tri eycles. baby-doll furn. Ph. 26727. 197'i S. Comm.. upstairs. CANOE or light weight duck boat. Give complete description and price. S. Nelson. 356 Vista ave. Miscellaneous EXCAVATORS 410 Oregon Bldg. PHONE 9503 or 2-5496 , By hour or contract Sewers, basements, ponds, roads, ditches. Boatw right & Grossnickle EFFICIENT and convenient service to dog owners. Boarding by day or mo. Expert training for show, obedience or hunting, trimming, bathing, manicur ing. , Free Pick-up St Delv. LeGray Boarding St Training Kennels. Ph. 2-3168. ' HAVE YOUR Singer sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer repre sentative. Ph. 3512 for free pickup St delivery service on all makes of ma chines. Free estimate given before work is started. Singer Sewing Ma chine Co, 130 N. Commercial. Miscellaneous SIG NPAINTTNG. Scott. Ph. 3635 Built- to order. K. Taxidermist. 2330 Br'dway. Ph 24554, MfcNb HA r cleaned and Oiuc-eti St Oft I P SPRINGER 4M Court UHEY'S Music studio. Instructor of al brass Instruments. 733 Pied mont. W Salem. Ph. 24S06 ATTENTION Patent attorneys: Pat ent drawings made bv experienced draftsman J H. Cobb, 507 N. 20th. Ph. 2-432. PIANO STUDIO Frederick Wilson 24596 1531 Market Ph. BLOWN Rnrkwool In"'Vion inter locking weather strip. Pavments low as S5 per mo. Salem Rockwool Co: 1535 Broadway Phoner4 , Martresw Capital Bed Co Ph 4069. Rawlins' Music Studio Violin and Piano Phone 2-8013. AUTO oamttn tust a shade better, nv Ra ETTER CaU Rhmc Motor ft nsn ; - WATER WELL drilling Domestic or irrtgatWrn Duffiek Bros- Rt 9. Box n Ptiwv S-1313 . Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads Oeorine Drtchbig Sewer a B-f-erit Equipment Rental IS B-i yds - 112 00 per hr. 10 B-s vds ' , SO per hr. D-7 Cat Dtner 9 SO pet hr. D-t Cat D-er .. , 8 40 per hr. D-4 Cat St Dorer 100 per hr. Phone Davs tveeiings S24S or 24400 Salem Oregon . Dental Plate Repair TWO -HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Malt Your Plates for Repair. DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adoln RMf tale 8t Cnxn Ph ' "IVEATH t. W MripTrSi'lmaw f 5965. PLUMBING Supplies water v steins, electric and gas automatic watr heat ers general repair work Decatur Mam. 17) So Com! Phone 6221. Financial See Us Ror Attractive Farm Loans ONLY 4 INTEREST S TO 40 YEARS and NO commission! Leo N. Child?. Inc. REALTORS 344 State Street Prore 9261 NOTICE f TO FOLKS WHO HATE TO -ASK FAVORS" Co-signers are not required at "Per sonal" because we'd ratf-er make you a loan on just our furniture or auto. You may get cash quickly $25 to $300 or up to JS500 on your auto. $100 COST JUST Si5.35 when repaid In 3 equal monthly installments. Personal Finance Co. 318 State SL Room 12S Phone 3191 . E Gallmgerj Mgr. Lie. S 122 M-145 $ $ MONEY $ $ 4',' REAL ESTATE LOAN'S PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. Lie S 216 M 223 SS3na rea! estate eon- tract. 5',1 interest. Earl Hanner, 82$ N. CofflX Ph. 25S2S. . ; Money to ltan Auto Loans r Willamette Credit Co. $TH FLOOR GUARDIAN 8-Tt.DINO MCENSE N M ISS'S 1 54 MONEY TO LOAN on income ft business property 4 interest any mount, no- brokerage. , LARS EN HOME LOAN CO. 164 SCn n'l St. Pt KWSt in ' "' ' ... ' ' i F Private Money Special rates and terms on larger loans. LONG OR SHORT TIME PAYMENTS Rov II. Simmons 136 S. Commercial Phone (1SS General Finance Corp. After money at once en ears trucks, furniture, trailer houses, livestock, farm marchtnerv: contracts refinanced and additional money advanced Ne c signers General Finance ta locally owned and officered; was organized tm 1927 and therefore knows and can help throuehout the repaying of a loan Ap plications for loans made hv -hone 138 SouB Commercial Sts Salem Phone: 9I8S ' Vn . a, M a i ; FARM and CITY LOANS j 4fc and 5 Your own terms of repay men! wtth ln reason Cash foe Real Estate Cow tracts and Socond Mortcaee CAPITOL SECURITIES CO $07 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Phone Tin For Re-nl Rooms HOUSEKEEPING apt. for tingle working man. 103 M-ricn FURN. RM. Gas. wate.. hehl. )047 S. Com'l. Ph. 5056 between 9 a m. S 7 p.m. j. SLP. RM. with cooking privilege. 1880 Center St. SLEEPING ROOMS for rent, for employed lady or ger. ; Available) Wednesday. 1185 N. CorrT HOTEL Salem, 1 (rS. HhSE Tel. 3184. i LIGHT Housekeeping room. 13ffMe Narv West Salem. OLLYW'Aod Slp rmPhJll SLEEPING room. 666 S Sumn'.er. SLEEPTNG Roorfi for geii!tleiian ee 2 iittirlents. Ph. 7S58. 1 TlOOTkTTor rent 15" sir.!e man. Call after 6:00 P M. 602 No. Winter -XCTPTTONAT "ST p. rms, only $9 week. No smoking or drtnking. Ph. MAN'S Comfortable aepinc room. A "tr-Jl-"'- n w- Pvt. entrv Ph 9260. NICELY-Furnished rms. 830 HoodT" Room and Board WILL Take elderly a convalescent patients. Ph. 2-1116. ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives Ward-Griffith Company. In. Bin Frar, ctsco Eastern Advertising -Representatives ; Ward-Griffith Company, fne. Chicago. New York. Detroit, Boston, Atlanta Member Pacific Coast Division Bureau of Advertising Entered at rite Posfoffice at So. lmv Oreposj as Second Class Mat ter Published every morn ta ex cept Monday Business office SIS South Commercial Street. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mall Subscription Rates la Ad vance: Within Oregon: Daily and Sunday. Mo 60 cents. S mos. 83 23; I year 16 00 Elaewhere SO cents per mo or 87 20 for J year la advance. Per copy- S centa. By City Carrier. 75 cents a month. 89 00 a year in advance la Mar too and adjacent eouaUea.. f