i.'' r. !; V v Appointment of Attorney Will Await Request Appointment of a new attorney for the state liquor control com mission, under added authority given his department by the 1947 legislature will not be made by Attorney General George Neuner until there is a -vacancy and the commission has requested him to do so. he declared Monday. Under the new 1947 law the attorney general's office became the "Oregon Department of Just ice" with new duties including the appointment of atAomeys for alt ittate departments,boards and com missions. s- Neuner said the liquor control commission still is operating un der the old aggangemeht under which it has appointed its own at torneys. . , Reports have been current here that Wilber Henderson, attorney for the present liquor commission. would resign when its members step out. Members of the current liquor control commission recent ly submitted their resignations to Gov. John Hall but agreed to function until their successors have been appointed probably about December 1. Some Anti-Freezes Called 'Damaging' Complaints relative to damage to motor vehicles from the use of j some of the anti-freeze prepara- J tions being offered on the market are justified, J. D. Patterson, chief 1 chemist for the state department of agriculture, .declared here Monday, j Patterson analyzed one type of . anti-freeze, sold at a high price,; which, he said, contained corro sive .chemicals. Patterson said chemicals of this type cause considerable . damage to automobile engines. .He sug gested that persons purchasing anti-freeze solutions do so from reputable dealers. Crowd Enjoys WU Symphony Concert Here By Maxlne Buren Women's Editor. The Statesman Salem is ready for Sunday con certs, judging' from the number of j interested persons who completely I filled the lower floor of Leslie! school and partly filled the bal-: cony Sunday for the concert ofj Frank Fisher's Willamette univer- j sity symphony orchestra. Though the group is small, the Leslie auditorium with its small stage and good acoustics brought out the best in the orchestra and showed it to good advantage. The. first half of the program included the lively and melodic Magic Flute" overture by Mozart and Bach's "Sheep May Safely Graze" and concluded with Hay dn's "Surprise" symphony. All were appealing to the audience, which was unusually attentive and obviously pleased, but it didn't anplaud as much as I thought it should. Having Ralph Dobbs play the piano part of the Beethoven Con certo No. 5. the "Emperor" con certo with the orchestra was an "extra dividend" which the audi ence did express its pleasure for in a demand for a curtain call. Ralph Dobbs is always fine and was at his best Sunday. The young director. Frank Fish er, member of the Willamette uni versity faculty, Ralph Dobbs and the members of the orchestra must feel highly gratified to have given such an excellent performance. It is to be hoped that they will ap pear in other Sunday afternoon af fairs and that an even larger au dience to enjoy them. where he attended the National Rural Educatjon conference. Putnam said the conference stressed the necessity of prosper ous and cooperating communities provided their schools are to be prosperous. 1 Oregon Education Standards High flrnn'f atHtiratinrrsI utnn Knth in the cities and rural district, 1 compares favorably with those of many larger states, Rex Putnam, state superintendent of public in struction, reported Monday on his return from Ann Arbor, Mich., Junior Chamber Plans for Week Preliminary plans for Salem's observance of Junior-Chamber of Commerce week in January were formulated by the organization's awards committee in a meet ing at the chamber of commerce Monday night. Salem's junior first citizen will be selected at a district service award banquet during the annual observance Chosen to serve on a committee in charge of the week's program were Ken Frad, chairman, Pat Crossland, Irwin State JC Speech Winner Selected State winner of the "I Speak for Democracy" speech contest, sponsored nationally by the Jun ior Chamber of Commerce asso ciation, is Eugene French, Uni versity high school student at Eugene. In announcing the stale winner, Howard Walker, president of the Salem Jaycees, said a recording of the winnu.g speech will be sent to Tulsa, Okla.. to compete with winners from all 48 states. State Junior Chamber Presi dent Frank Merrill conducted the state contest at Albany, judged by businessmen and teachers. Wedel, Paul Lippold, E. C. Mc Elroy, jr., Roy Gray and Al Morris. Jl. 19477 Ths Statesman. Salem. Of, Tuesday. Noymbf "THE YOUNG IDEA" By Mossier Igoooness) BLONDE you know) IJlpllllljllll. - Csy t Kjssj frmuttt VsWatr Hr . mU ft mr4 .,raii,,!;( BUT I TELLVOU. iVES, CHANGED MV MIND. TM f DICK TRACT I HA? THIS IS A STUNT (op heps, that's rr. she's GOT SOME TR1CX UP HER MRS. DE PVSTER ASKED US TO GO TO THE LIBRARY TO GET OUR MONEY. MUMBLES WANTEh VOU ALONG I fv j VOJ ROTTEN T VOU'LlTtj LfTTLE CrcOkjDO U ICOME ON -SWAP OUT OF IT- TrUll C0IK1 HAS VOU HYPNOTIIEO-AUj KXJ WANT 10 DO IS PLAY WITH C. IT LIKE A KIP Wt LITTLE ANNIE ROONET I J TWENTY TViOUSANO BUCKS.' AUMI- IM RICH TM J tfXRE CRAZY-YOU OWTj EAT IT-WU CART CLIM8 IWTO THAT PAPER W AM WOE FROM THE COPS WHO ACE CHASM IX WE BETTER GET MOVIM'f IF THAT SHERIFF THINKS WE'RE H ID N HERE IN THE VW005. HEU COME TCAIUNJ US WITH A PACK OF 6L000H0lQSJ L I DIONT VALHTI (WELL. THANK HEAVEU IP! (Tjii 70 SCARE KXJ. THEYtt 60N - THEY t CvkTI I SO r LEFT THE HAVE THEIR FILTHY HOWCYil I M MONEY WHEBE AHO VOUU NEVER SEE P ( Anr I THE ROBBERS 1 THEM AbAlN-iTTT" JMi woulofimo r vr-TN TT u Cm Alt VERY WONDERFUL. WEttVOBK " CTTVTHE RU5M.THE ROW?, THE C80WC& toUTTtK. But IF YOU'RE M LOVE JftJD LLfROMTMC COUNTRY. ... FOOEYl - BUZZ SAWYER t CTake a R106. FOR EXAMPLE. c Yl 6AM It COMPARE M ICOMAMCE WffM A WWRlPEr WtTM PKlPTtNS VOMiftNtX M A CANOC Ol st AH, NO, Y FRIENPS. ioK hi. mH I FEELIN6 BLUE, SUZf I (we rr LET'S MAKE 40E FUME. PU96S?TUC ONI THVM6 VOO COULP HAVE THAT VrXL MAKE fTEEM LIKE HOAa.oonsrx GOW, YES.' A ( POOR EE6ABEEVA! NO I FT2IENPS! NO AONEY! Y THAT PDOe BOY! WUflCT HE NCEPS JS SOME REAURXJO MICKEY MOUSE " THESE ! ...SEE HOW SOOt? fl FEEL UKE CTTTVnO, JE5ICA. IT ( AA. WILMES. LET ) NOT COHTTO PRJVE I CO OUT FDC A Ripe J (T AROUNP JCT 7 GASOLINE ALLEY wmy not? ftuxr THE COOP OP HAVNC A CAR IP VOI RXT C7 U I TO TELL KX THE WTH, ft JUST A O0N MOST PONT KNOW I HAP A A5 IT A BTZY 10OWNC ONE BEftPE. MAYBE THOUGHT VOUP WANT THE WAUETi IV NOT COIN' SEE fT RIGHT AWAY, i TO KEEP fT. BALLS O' PIPE U TH'UASSfW LAOYBUS JES CRAPPED HEJ HfYJKY-SNtfF ONTHTFUSTTTJONLAN' ARE SCHACOBUN' to pick rr up Ml 5UMVJH0CME . BEETLE--J UJCICFO '"7. - Ll6HTM)d we BALDWIN 6U6 THEVJW9SAa inOVBUQ fs& f r 1 1 1 I 1 mj -wj . jb 1 ssf tmm 1 vn a SAflAKy BUcj WH.L8URNOP THE TRACK-THE W0005-TME HOUSt one wr. TUESDAY'S BROADCASTS Kilocycles: KSLM 139. KOCO 14M. KOIN 70. KGW 620. KEX 119 MOt'K 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX M:4S M:1S M:M News Music Timekpr Mrcn Time (Newt KO0 KLOCK KOCO KLOCK IKOCO KUOCK KOCO CLOCK New Roundup IKOIN . Klock 'KOINKloch IKOIN Klock Honeymoon ' Honeymoon (Kneacs News (Early Bird Farm Hour I Farm Hour I Farm Hour 'Farm Hour 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX J Newt 1 Lemar Show KOIN Klock Farm Time &tnjr Cowboy I Rise and Shine Newi I New Tn Hitter I Newt I Bob Carred I Farm Time Old Songi IM Asr'onsky . I lane Abbe I Bargain I South Singing Fred Beck Sam HayeV IMkt Report 8 9 KSLM Haven Rest IHaveo Rett (Pioneer INew KOCO New. Orch. IMus . ITempo Tim Over Coffe KOIN User Newt I Ok la 'Roundup Grand! Slam . IRosemanr KGW Fred Waring I Fred Waring I Jack Brrh I Song Shop KEX Braeklast Club 'Breakfan Club i Breakfast Club IBreakfast Club ' 1 KSLM Kate Smith IV. Lindlahr Pastor' Can Art Baker KOCO Gospel Singer 'Saving Sideli'ts Jan Carber INew KOIN Wendy Warren 'Aunt Jenny : Helen Trent 'Gal Sunday KGW Tommy Dorsey Tommy Dorey Tommy DorwyiTommy Dorsey KEX Welcome I Welcome IHollyw'd Bkfst IHollyw d Bkfst 10 KSliM News KOCO Cole Trio ST.HN Big SUter KGW Fr. Train KEX G Drake (Show I Waltzes I Harmony I Lullaby lHawaijIan Echo 'Varieties Ma Perkins I Dr. Ma lone IGuiding Ught Knea New 'Claudia Joyce Jordan ITed Malone I True Story I True Story 11 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Orfanalltles Newt Mrs Burton Today's ChiJd B. Crpcker 'Orchenira ILatln-Anierlca IPfrry Mason I Woman White I Melody Queen Today Queen Today Salon Concert I Salon Concert I Your Sett Holly. Sloans IClub - Time I Rose Dream I Light World I Ethel. AJbert 12 KSLM Hit Time New Serenade Varieties KOCO Jamboree ILopez Orch. INew I Sunset Ac Vine . KOIN News JCome Get It !Dble.. Nothing Double. Nothing KGW Knrau News Ma Perkins iPepper Young IHappinera KEX W Kiernan IShow Time I Paul Whiteman IPaul Whiteman Goeh. Bofor. I jost can't beUcve It . . . we're lerallr tntitV 1 KSLM Orchestra (Orchestra (Orchestra Orchetra KOCO Hello Again I Hello Again I Hello Again Hello Again KOIN Art Baker Xullaby Time (Air Newspaper Air Newspaper KGW Sackstace Wife Stella 'Dallas I Lorenzo Jones tWWder Brown KRX ' Paul Whiteman Paul Whiteman Kay West I Kay West 2 KSLM Heart's Desire (Heart's Desire IMartin Block I Martin Block KOCO KOCO Kapcrs KOC O Kaoer I KOCO Kapert COCO Kaperr KOIN - A if School I Air School I House Party IHoue Party KGW Girl Marries Feces Life (Plain BiU i (Page FarreD KEX What Doin' IWhat's Doin I Bride, Groom I Bride. Groom 3 KSLM Single Basket IBingte Basket Songs (New KOCO KOCQ Kapert Joyce Jordan IKOCO Kapert !KOCO Kapert KOIN . Art Krkham ITunefuily lArthar Godfrey Arthur Godfrey KGW Road Life I Lor a Law son I Aunt Mary I Dr. Paul KEX Be Seated I Be Seated . I Current ISunnystde Vp 4 KSLM Fulton Lewis Hemingway 1 IOrcnetra lOrrheetra KOCO Pick. Plav 'em Pick. Play 'em Uazi Jamboree Adlot KOIN Evetyn Winters Traffic Safety I Meet Missus I Meet Missus KGW Woman's Secret 1.1 fe Beautiful Advised (Stars Today KEX Sunnyslde Up INer'westemert Like It Hot tTBA 5 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Santa Cau 'Superman Cot . Midnight I Tom Mix Off Record (Off Record i Rhythm Ranch Sport New Knox Manning 'Meditation T. Catlincwond 'Bob Garred New George Moorai Date With Judy Date With Judy I Terry. Pirate .Sky King I Sky King - Dick Tracy 6 KSLM G. Heater rTune-Up - lOrrhestra KttCO Manhat. Music 'Manhat Music iNewa KOIN Romance I Romance 1 Studio One KGW Amos n' Andy ! Amos 'n' Andy 'Fibber McGee KEX Sports IK. Baker 1 Serenade I Orchestra IN. Cloutier I studio One I Fibber McGee I Serenade 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KKX Drama WU Radio Studio One Bob Hope Symphony ' (Fashions I Devol Orch. 1 Istudio One (Bob Hope ISympliony (Half Hour I Devol Orch. Real's Gang I Red Skelton Sex Edc. I Half Hour (Vocal Varieties (Red' Gang I Red Skelton lAlvin Wilder Scout Service Club Initiates Three new student members and two honorary members were initiated into Alpha Phi Omega, Boy Scout service fraternity, at Scout Camp Pioneer over the weekend. James Edviin Lacey, Loy Cra mer and John Walker, all univer sity students, and Jerry Scott and Harry Michelsen, assistants in the Salem scout office, were initiated into the fraternity. Willamette university chapter was founded last year. Scout Executive Lyle Leighton, who is also faculty advisor for the fraternity, took some non perishable . food supplies to the camp Saturday to be used at the senior scout winter ramp be tween Christmas and New Year's day. Leighton reported the camp was covered with eight inches of new snow. Valley .New Crlef 8 KSLM . Monte ChrUto Monte Christ o Orchestra KOCO Requestfuily RcqtoestuUy I Request! ully KOIN Lowell Thomas Jack Smith KGW Supper Club 1 News KEX Singers 'News - The Norths Milton Berle Town Meet I Orchestra (RequesUully le North Milton Berle Town Meet 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX New New B15 Town Alan La dd Town Meet iMrstery I Dick Liebert (Big Town I A Ian Ladd ilTown Meet iSport (Juke Box Club 13 t Theatre I Music Newscope (Juke Box , I j Ed Murrow I theatre I Music 10 KSLM Fulton Lewi KOCO Juke Box KOIN 5 Star Final KGW New Flashes KEX McCall News M. Downey News I New I Juke Box Revue Classics ICUssut , J Science lOoen Hearing Open Hearing I Current Choice i Navy Band I Derision Now I If Law I Concert Hotr IConcert Hour. 11 KSLM Open House KOCO News KOIN Serenade KGW New KEX Conrert Hour lOpen Hmise IW Ballad I Serenade I J. Garber IConcert Hour lOpen House I Dance- Band lAir-tlo Orchestra IRose Bowl . (News ! Dance Bands lAir-flo I Orchestra I Roe Bowl KOAC Tuesday is kx. 1040 News: 10:1S Especiallr for Women; 11 M Air School: 11:13 Concert na!V 12:00 Newt: 12:15 Farm Hour; 140 Ride 'Em Cowboy: 1:14 Air School: 1:30 Melody Lane: 2:00 World Is Our Af fair: 2:30 Memory Music: 3:00 Ore Z on Reporter: 3 1J Music Masters: New: 4:U Favorite Hymna; 4:30 Be hind Uie New: 4 AS Children' Theatre: 9.-00 On Upbeat: :S3 Spotting Sports; l9 Newt: :15 Dinner Melodic S:30 Round the Campfire: T.tS Farm Hour: 00 Music for You: 1:15 In Your Name: M Song Shop: S:4J News: ffDO Cam pus Headlines: 0JO Organist: t:45 Exc iting Meditations: 10 M Sign Off. FilHHEDS mSURAIICE GOOUP Aulo - Truck - Fire KEMEMBEK ear "Centlnainr forw". Non-ataeseable swlley eaa save money. It does for THOUSANDS of ethers WHY not year Ce la and let s explain the reason. - SS Conrl Si. Falesi. Orcson Ptsne 5ES1 BIXX OSKO DM. Msr. Hayesrine Mr.-Burns Chris tofferson is in a Salem hospital for minor surgery and is expect ed to be released Wednesday. Wood born Leo QuesneU for mer assistant manager of the local store of the Orefjon Farmers Un ion Cooperative, has been trans ferred to New berg to manage the cooperative store there. Royal Beckwtth, former owner of the Woodburn cycle shop, has been named assistant manager here to assist Lawrence Heer, manager. Quend had been with the Wood burn firm since the first of the year. - j Roberta Home Economics club will meet Wednesday evening at the Grange hall at S p.m. Mrs. Charles Fulton and Mrs. Chet Nelson are hostesses. Election of officers will be held. t Wovdbara Presbyterian Aid society meets in the social room of the church Wednesday, No vember 12, for no-host 1 p.m. luncheon. Mrs. A. F. de Lespinas se of Hubbard will be speaker; Mrs. William Peltz, program lead er. Mrs. de Lespinasse recently returned from Holland and other European countries. Each mem ber is asked to bring a guest. Marqaam Mr;. Lorence Cazier of Portland has been employed as telephone operator for the Mar quam office and will take over November 15. Waldo Hills Mrs. Laura Hav emick has gone to Silverton to assist in the care of Mrs. Joe Ker cher, who recently -had a stroke. Mrs. Kercher is a long-time resi dent of Silverton and the first li brarian of the Silverton public library. Marqaaaa Margette Bannala na, on the editorial staff of The Oregon Journal, was a guest dur ing the week of her aunt, Inez Adams. Gervab) The women's fire auxiliary is sponsoring a turkey dinner Saturday, November 15, f p.m. in the high school auditori um. Tickets are now on sale. Capt. Reynolds, Instructor, Here For 3 ORC Units Fresh from J2 months army service in Germany comes Capt R. A. Reynolds to serve as In structor for the three local units of the officers' reserve corps. He is accompanied by -his wife, who was a French girl, . and their daughter. The family is now house hunting. Captain Reynolds saw active duty as a member of the First en gineer combat battalion .during the war with Germany. He stayed on after the cessation of hostilities with the army of occupation. Hig latest assignment was in Lands' burg where war criminals are im prisoned. This, he says, is the same prison where Adolf Hitler was confined and wrote his fam ous book "Mein Kampf." The local units of. the ORC which Captain "Reynolds will in struct are the 364th engineer boat and shore regiment, 409th heed quarters company special brigade, and Third battalion, 415th infan try, all components of the 194th division. Morrow Radio Co. For Repairs ONE TO TWO DAYS SERVICE SALES PACKARD-BELL, GILFILLAN Tabic and Console Combinations Motorola and Philco Anto Radios Ptsne 5955 153 S. Liberty SL Wanted Ualnuf Ileab SOLD 2 CARS EAST Ught Hakes ..... Lifht Amber Halves & Pieces Mixed Amber Halves & Pieces Mixed 65c 55c .48c Will take anj amounL Ilorris Iflorfein Packing Co. ICE CQEAI1 Quarts . 330 SAVING CEIiTEQ Sales West Sales DBS. CHAN . . . LAM IH.t.TlMLNa Dr.G C'kaa.N J CHINESE HERBALISTS . Z41 Nertk Liberty Upstairs ' Portland Cenerai riectrie Co. Office opcn Saturday enl IS am te-f em I Is 1 mm. Consul tation Stood pressure and urine tests are free mt charge Practiced smce ItlT, PILES ether Ree ts I stiserderes (HesaaM. belds) Plstala. FUeare. ItchUg, rrelapae. w Mild TreatsncBt if Ne HspiUlis2tiHi Call fee exasolnatioa er write fee free Descriptive Booklet Deal beeem Iacartble by de lay. Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic Natars-rrtctelotlst 2 If N. Liberty SU Sales. Ore. f'y BETTER SCHOOL WORK Dr. E. E. Boris Hsihea Correct vision may mean betler grades for your young ster. If there is the slightest doubt about his eyesight, give him the advantage of our exoert eya examination. DIGNIFIED CREDIT BORING OPTICAL COMPANY US Cetrrt rhwm till VIL Aa English philanthropist, Em ma Cons, is credited with pulling up Royal Victoria Hall ("Old Vic") from a disreputable haunt to one of the most famous performance kails in the world. Beware Coughs frca cessssi ccii That Hang On Creomulslon relieves promptly be cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw. tender. In flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your drofrglst to sell yon s bottle of Creomulston with thi un derstanding yon must like the way it Quickly allays the cough or you are to hare your money back. CREOMULSIOK tor Cous Ch-ir Colds. BronHtifTs 4(0 N. Frost SL TcL7U BAkNEY.COOCL.