The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 09, 1947, Page 2, Image 2

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    1 Tho Statsasaaa. Salom, Oregon, Sunday, NoTomber 9, 1947
What's in a Name?
! PORTLAND, Nov. 8 -(iP)-What
should U. S. highway 99 be called?
r-. The highway association at Lot
Angeles wants to know. The route
ii variously known as Pacific
highway. Golden State highway,
and International ! highway, said
the association, and since event
ually it will extend from Alaska
to Panama, it ought to have a suit
able name.
The chamber of commerce here
'was, asked for suggestions.
1 . '.,
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A Devival
Heeling Begins
at the Wesleyaa Methodist
Charck at the comer of 15th
and Mill streets November,
1 aad lasts till November
M. The Rev. Walter E
Stamm of Portland will be
the Evangelist. There will
be services each evening at
7jSt and special singing. Re
member this date and come
with as for a feast ef geed
A. O. Yates, Paster
If I' were ocdy at home now, I could be listening to my.
new radio from YEATER APPLIANCE CO."
255 N. Liberty St
Phono 4311
Salem, Ore.
m wath srsna
ore behind today's PACIFIC JET PUMP.
Precision-machined, and engineered.
Pacific's tough bronze Jet will stand up
under the toughett pumping condi
tions. This pump will pump sandy
water by the bucketful and still be fat
there pitching!
Come In and see this large capacity,
modern, economical water system.
Your form deserves the best.
W v-"v '
. .
is the
ptlrt' lei :jfcssT,. '
The tapsBer erf
ri urn Ding
279 N. ComX
Phone 4141
Brs. Power, Bnrenf
Ililler, Lancefield and King
Are Located in
north Wing c! Saleo Deaconess Hospital
and in the
Bascsczl cl Salem General Hospiial
Floasc call in advance
Dra. Powor, Boron, Miller, Imcefleld and Cng
Canada Offers
On Palestine
LAKE SUCCESS, Nov. 8 -(Jf)
Lester B. Pearson of Canada of
fered a compromise plan today in
efforts; to brine together the Unit
ed States and Russia on the pro
posed partition of Palestine into
independent Jewish and Arab na
tions. A soviet delegate immediately
said "maybe" there was hope of
a compromise.
The Canadian proposal would
provide for a U. N. commission
to administer the Holy Land for
an interim period before inde
pendence, with the group to be
appointed by the general assem
bly and responsible to the secur
ity council. As an alternate, Can
ada would have the council set
up a small group. The United
States wants a three-man assem
bly commission; the Soviet Union
seeks an 11 -nation council group.
Both the United States and
Russia took the plan under ad
visement with replies expected by
Eseapee Kills
2 Policemen
RENO, Nov. 8 -Jf)- Two Reno
police officers were killed In a ho
tel room gun battle early today
and an escaped desperado, wound
ed in the fight, was reported by
other officers to have confessed.
Two other young men, also es
capees, were jailed and police said
they would be charged with rob
bery. Police Chief Clayton Phillips
said David Blackwell, 22, Seattle,
signed a confession that he killed
Night Police Capt. Roy Geach, SO,
and Detective Sgt. Allen Glass,
Phillips said Blackwell escaped
from Washington state reforma
tory, Monroe. Oct. 13 and a few
days later returned and liberated
his companions in today's esca
pade. Assistant District Attorney
Grant N. Bowen said Blackwell
would be charged with murder.
State Centennial
Plans Advanced
state will celebrate the 100th an
niversary of the creation of the
Oregon territory next year.
The' territory centennial com
mission said Oregon towns would
be asked to include some observa
tion of the centennial In all 1948
spectacles. A special celebration
will' come August 13 and 14, the
actual centennial dates.
Hillman Lueddemann, Portland,
named chairman of the centennial
commission, appointed a commit
tee to arrange a booklet and map
on the Oregon country. The com
mission plans to ask the post of
fice for a special stamp commem
orating President Polk's creation
of the Oregon territory.
Zooming Plane
Starts Search
For fCrasH9
A search led by state police for
a plane which was reported to
have crashed in the coastal moun
tains northwest of Rose Lodge,
Ore., was discontinued late Satur
day night when a private pilot
reported he had been flying and
zooming in the sector.
State police and three search
parties began searching the area
about pjn. Saturday after they
received a call from Roy Drayton,
who lives near Rose Lodge, re
porting he heard a plane engine
stop and a load crash after the
ship disappeared over a -nearby
The pilot of the plane said he
was flyinc at 10,000 feet near the
community and dove his ship to a
low altitude near Drayton's home
to determine his position. The
loud noise produced' when he
pulled out of the dive was be
lieved to have made Drayton think
the plane had stalled and crashed,
police said.
Too Late to Classify
TOH SALE: ' Nash Ambuaador
Hitin. heater, radio, good rubbor, re
cent overhsulinj. See Sunday at 429
Manprw urivs. in. z-aaas
ma il t- DMA XT.w Ktrn
home, phone i-lIOl
LEAVING Monday for Kansas. Can
take S persons. Ph. Aumsvllle tit.
"For Every Dollar Spent en Children, one thousand are
saved on jails and correctional Institutions," believes Judge
Jonah J. Goldstein, of New York City Court of General Ses
sion. "It is easier te build a bey than to meed men. The place
to stop crime is in- the High Chair, net la the eleetrte chair.
In the development of character there Is no substitute for in
tensive religious education of the young. God -consciousness
will prevent crime much more than laws. Knowing God la
more important than knowing cults."
Attend Sunday School 9:4$ Sunday
11 ajn. Morning Sermon Themes -
"Discernina the Slant of the Tlmo."
Dr. Roy A. Fodjo. guost preacher
O. L. Jonos. pastor
T MOW, W.S. CAT. svr.
The ekctrkallj operated Duposall shreds all food
waste including bones into fine particles, which
are carried down the drain and one of the house
immtdUtely. Your sink is always dean I
There lire no garbage containers orrarbagt odors
in the Disposall equipped kitchen. The food waste
is gone before it can spoil.
S4e Cearft
Fheae 92X1
or THE
msunAiicE coiipmiy
Formerly la the Guardian Building
wish to inform
their past, present
and future patrons
we are now located
501 wam? ws.
Guard Exhibit
To Feature
Noted Weapons
Weapons ranging from the fam
ous army bazooka to grenade
launchers will be part of the ex
hibit in the local armory Monday
night at the open house of the
Salem national guard unit from
7:30 to 10 o'clock.
Designed to acquaint the public
with the training program of the
Oregon national guard, the open
house is sponsored by company B,
162nd infantry, of the guard. As
sisting with the arrangements has
been the mayor's national guard
recruiting campaign committee
headed by Robert R. Boardman.
In addition to the equipment
display motion pictures will be
shown and refreshments served,
according to Capt Burl Cox, corn
pan commander.
Equipment to be displayed in
cludes rifles, BARs, machine guns.
carbines, bayonets, pistols, anti
aircraft mounts, gas masks, mess
gear, packs and uniforms.
Members of the general com
mittee working with Boardman
include MaJ. Robert Brady, Ho
mer Smith, jr. Holly Jackson,
Dave Hois, Al Schuss, Robert Fis
cher, Margaret Magee, Kenneth
Long, Ira Pilcher, Charles Bar
clay and Tyrone Gillespie.
On the . welcoming committee
are Mai Rudd, chairman. Gene
Vandeneynde, Lawrence Oster
man, Chester Fritz, Supreme Court
Justice Arthur D. Hay, William
Dyer, M-Sgt. Thomas Massey,
Charles Barclay and Sidney L.
Stevens. Capt Sam Harbison,
head of the refreshment commit
tee, will be assisted by wives of
officers of headquarters company
and company B.
city hall will be held Tuesday,
November 18, at I p.m. Pinochle
and "500" will be played.
Frank Chrisman has bought the
W. H Sherman residence prop
erty on the Cemetery HOI road.
- Arlene Klampe of Salem visited
her aunts, Anna Klampe and Mrs.
Nettie Reeves, this week.
'Dark Horse'
WASHINGTON, Nov. 8 - UP) -Senator
Arthur Vandenberg (R-
Mich), friends said today, has tak
er quiet steps to remove himself
further: from the race for the re
publican presidential nomination.
In the face of continued specu
lation about his availability as a
possible "dark horse" candidate,
Vandenberg has told these friends
that he is prepared to spike any
such move at next June's republi
can convention in Philadelphia.
The Michigan senator has said
repeatedly that he Is not a candi
date and does not intend to be
come a candidate.
He has qualified this only by
saying that no man could resist
a genuine draft for the nomina
tion, but has expressed the opin
ion that no draft movement can
develop without connivance of the
individual involved. He would not
connive, he declared.
Holiday Plans
To Be Started
At Jefferson
son will speak on conditions in
Europe and show slides at the
Jefferson Woman's club Wednes
day, November 12. Christmas
packages for patients at the state
hospital will also be accepted at
this time for delivery to the hos
pital. A turkey dinner was served be
fore the meeting of the Rebekah
lodge Tuesday night. Sixty four
members which Included husbands
and wives were guests. The
Thanksgiving theme was carried
out in the decorations. Degrees
will be conferred at the next
meeting and members will visit
Stayton lodge November 11 hon
oring Stayton's 50th anniversary.
Jefferson stores closing Armis
tice day Include Powell's grocery,
Jefferson grocery, Rolands barber
shop, Hinz hardware store, Mc-
Kees meat market and tne cume
The St. Thomas Altar society
met with Mrs. William Walls on
Wednesday when 11 members
were present The, afternoon was
spent sewing on aprons for their
apron and cooked food sale which
is planned. Mrs. Charles Server
will be hostess to the society De
cember 4. A benefit party at the
12:35 P. IL
Direct from the
Stem Chamber of
Commerce Luncheon
Another FabUe Service
Breedeast by
1390 on Your Dial
Salem's Pioneer Station
Illness Strikes
Wt use only port, fresh
ingredients to fill your doc
t o rs prescription. And
thert is always a well
trained professional man on
duty to compound it ac
curately and conscientious
ly. Depend on as to help
you when Illness strikes.
Dreg Slsre
Phone f 117 or till
US North C serrial
Big 4 Deputies
Split on Issue
LONDON, Nor. g--The Uni
ted States, Britain and France to
day rejected a Russian demand
tor the creation of a central Ger
man government as a preliminary
to writing a peace treaty and the
second meeting of deputy foreign
ministers broke up in disagree
Two and a half hours of discus
sion aimed at laying the ground
work for a German peace treaty
ended with the fundamental dif
ferences responsible for the break
down of the Moscow conference
of foreign ministers still unset
The deputies will reconvene
Mrs . Merle Enloe New
President Swegle Club
SWEGLE Hostesses for Swe
gle Woman's club Tuesday were
Mrs. Joseph Brennan, Mrs. Ralph
Alsman and Mrs. William Hartley.
A one o'clock luncheon was served
to 20 members, two children and
one special guest Mrs. Larsen of
North 39 street Mrs. Merle Enloe
was elected president for the new
year; Mrs. Louis Newman, vice
president: Mrs. Charles Jayne,
secretary, and Mrs. Ralph Hein,
Reports were given by the
chairman ef the rummage commit
tee, Mrs. E. E. Brandt and Mrs,
Ralph Becker for the bazaar, and
plans were made for tome pro
jects for the coming year.
A contribution was made for the
fund which provides for the teach
ing of religious education In the
school. Plans were also made for
the annual Christmas party to be
held at Mrs. Walter Swingles In
Salem, December 10. Meeting
places for. the new year were also
chosen In preparation for the new
year books.
I Coast
I man
r ji
Bocauso ho
bcliovos in Pcaco
of which Bolfocm b
Che young man m the TJ. 8. armed Pomes
Amy, Mary or Air Poree, Marines or
Ousxd is the greatest netting
on earth.
Te be a good fighter, a mas needs a good
to fight The American's reason la
that he believes la Pa see. Se resents
thoughts of aasresstoa, oppression, and
cruelty to weak and hatplew people.
Be betteres thai his eountry eaa he a pow
erful f ores for Psaee If the eountry tteslf
Is powerful. .
Thatla why yea find him Warning war te
prevent war ... doing hat share te make
America strong and doing it of his own
free wQL
On this Armistice Day we can pay a heart-,
felt tribute to the 100 .volunteer Armed
Porees of the United States. Every man in
uniform Is a livtnf symbol of the Ideals for
which so many thousands of Americana
have laid down their Uvea.
Ha Is a ablning hope for the world thai
Peace can aad will be made to last.
lhk mtssego fa sponaorW i ffco pufefic btwnd byt
Efflsn ME in. ess
It Has Been Our Custom
To Close on
Armistice Day
for 28 Years
In Honor of America's
Living Veterans
"! " : .
and Revered Dead
We Will Again Be Closed
Tuesday, November 11, 1947
as&rsi (jjyj IS90