Seen and Heard ... By JERYME ENGLISH AN UNQUALIFIED SUCCESS . . . That' the concensus on the Salem General hospital auxili ary's annual benefit tea held Thursday. . . . The lovely George Rossman home the setting . . . after four o'clock a steady line of guests waiting for tea . .-. with over three hundred dollars taken in to swell the auxiliary's treas ury ... In line ... Mrs. Rossman, al ways a most gracious hostess, welcoming her guests in a pearl grey crepe gown wth tiered skirt of matching fringe . . . Mrs. John H. Carson, the auxijiary president, in black satin combined with crepe . . . and Miss Lillian McDonald, the hospital superin tendent, wearing black adorned with blue . . . Nice gesture . . . the attractive wives of the doc tors on the hospital staff assisting -about the rooms in their formal gowns. The decor . . . Lovely arrange ments of chrysanthemums . . . pink and lavender ones in the Jiving room and a bronze and gold bouquet in the hallway . . . The tea table . . . centered with a bouquet of American Beauty roses and at the base shaggy and but ton chrysanthemums in the pink and lilac shades with American Beauty ribbon extending on the .cloth . . . -a single pink taper flanking the arrangement on . either side ... Stand-oats ... So many pretty chapeaux to talk about ... A wine-berry felt with ma line of wine and grey tucked in the crushed brim of Airs. Abner Kline's hat which matched her gown ... A vioiei reamer . nai by Mrs. Duane Gibson . . . Mrs. Farley Mogan wore one of the fetching hats she brought home with her from Paris . . a high crown,, brown felt ladorned with a brown bird and red feathers . . . her suit a brown and white check with bustle bow in back. . . , Stunning Mrs. Robert Parks, who designs and makes her own clothes, chose black with fringe edging the hemline of her skirt and a black felt bordered with fringe . . . A brown velvet pouff bow at the side of Mrs. Hollis Huntington's , brown felt and green orchids pinned to her mink coat ... From out-of-town . . came Mrs. E. B. Bossatti and Mrs. Don ald White of Dallas, wives of doc tors . . . the Whites, however, only recently moved to our near by city . . .-Mrs. jThorne Ham mond, down visiting from Port land, with Mrs. Jack Carlon and Mrs. Maurice Saffron ... The Carlons 'moved back to Salem from Portland a week "ago and have purchased a home on Fu' mount Hill, hoping1 to be settled and moved by the first of De cember . . Mrs. (William Dun can (Harriet Hawkins) over from Silverton and dashing in her al mond brown "going away" out fit . . . accompanied by another young bride, Mrs. i John Johnson (Joy RandaH ), who wore a ro mance blue silk crepe. Noticeable ... A smart three some . . . Mrs. George Scales in a mink brown suit with gold but ton trim and brown hat with rolled brim of beige and jaunty quill ... Mrs. Claybourne Dyer in a country beige suit and match ing chapeau with fawn beige sa tin bow at the side . . . and Mrs. William C Dyer, Jr, choosing an all black ensemble . . . Mrs.-Paul B. Wallace, coming in 'with daughter, Mrs. Robert Gormsen . . . the former striking in a three piece suit of almond brown Eng lish tweed, fresh violets pinned to the lapel' and a brown hat . Mrs. Harry U. Miller in a becom ing brown silk afternoon suit and Mrs. Donald McCargar in a band some black costume suit, with short fitted jacket and ermine tuxedo . . , Mrs. Kenneth Potts selecting a good-looking black taffeta "5 o'clock" suit with hor izontal gold stripes . . . and Mrs. Glenn Stevens in a smart striped suit of black and white wool and black hat with feather trim. Mrs. Karl Becke with daughter, . Mrs. William Shinn. chic in a black and white wool frock . . .- Taking tickets . . . Mrs. Werner Brown New Babies Welcomed To Mr. and Mrs. Parker Gies go congratulations on the birth of a seven pound boy, Carl Michael, at the Salem Deaconess hospital Thursday morning. The little boy has an older sister, Martha. Grandparents orf the baby are Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Gies, of Sa lem. Miles E. Branch and Mrs. Flavia Branch of Independence. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip M. Brandt are receiving felicitations on the birth of a son, William Douglas, Wednesday morning at the Salem in a pearl grey velveteen swirl skirt and white silk Gibson Girl blouse and Mrs. Emery Hobbs in a black velveteen frock with low neckline and short sleeves . Jeaconess hospital. The little oy, who weighed eight pounds, eight ounces, has an older bro ther, Phillip, jr, and sister. Lark Meredith. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Phillip M. Brandt of Corvallis and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cottrell of Portland. Parents of a six pound, six ounce daughter are Mr. and Mrs. Darrell H. Gemmell (Marieta Lang). The little girl was born on November 4 at the Salem Gen eral hospital and has been named Tia Kay. Her grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Chester Gemmell of Salem and Prof, and Mrs. Theo dore Lang of Glendale, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bowman have as their house guests this week her mother, Mrs. Fred Nel son of Portland. . Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Had- kins have returned from a week's sojourn at the Vancouver hotel, Vancouver, B.C. A Morning Ceremony At a quiet ceremony this morn j Ing the Carrier Room of the FSrss Methodist church Miss Mary Gil christ, daughter of Mr- and Mrs. Andrew C. Gilchrist of Brooks, will become the bride of Wallace! Turner of Salem, son of Mrs. r red Booker of Heppner. The Rev.j Brooks Moore will perform the : rites at 10 o'clock. Miss Billie, Oliver will play the wedding mu sic. For her wedding the bride has chosen a romance blue wool crepe dressmaker suit with black hat and accessories. Pinned to her suit will be an orchid corsage. Mr. Gilchrist will give his daughter in marriage. Miss Rita Hannagan will be the bride's only attendant and will The Slat man. Salem, Oregon. Friiory, November 7. 19479 Salem Women to Attend Meeting wear a grey dressmaker suit with black accessories and corsage of red roses. Frank Valech will stand with the groom as best man. After the nuptials the couple will greet their guests before the fire place. They will leave immediately on wedding trip north to Can ada. Mr. Turner and his bride will reside in Salem at ,727 Center street. Miss Gilchrist attended schools in Brooks and Gervais and is now with the Marion county agent's of fice. The benedict-elect is a grad uate of Pendleton high school and served in the navy during the war. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kegel win entertain members of their club at a dessert supper and evening of bridge Saturday at their North Capital street home. Additional guests will be Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Baldock and Ray Ward. Delta chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma honorary sorority for women educators will meet on Saturday at the Dorchester House. The meeting begins at 11 o'clock, followed by a 1 o'clock luncheon. Mrs. Colena Anderson of the Linfield College faculty will talk on "China "Cross- the Bay and the Centuries." The speaker spent sev eral years In the orient and is com pleting work toward her doctor's degree in oriental studies. She was the first candidate for a doctor's degree at Claremont college. Salem members of the honorary, planning to attend the meeting are Mrs. Irvin Kron, , Miss Mathilda Gilles, Miss June Phil pott, Mrs. Ray. Pinsen and Miss Loraine Meusey. i . ' i . i 4 4 NEW BAGS by "Shur-Tite" , , . ! ARE PRICED AT ONLY $R00 A Fine Selection from Which to Choose 1 i 50? - w i November iS JPOMf BirtMay Monft you'll want your very own FlOWft-OMHI-MONTH Dazzling chrriowlhomMiw In oefvre't own luh colors . . . follawod by its tKodow print. TKo oift rHat fay "for vom alono'1 Yovr Kimball Horoscope Reodwtgs Magnetic porvonaJityf , oiw3( J&-h Beautifully expressed in line, dolor and design are the new season's eloquent dresses. So soft and flowing with feminine charm ... so rich and luxur ious in fabric. From our new series OF Winter K Fashions I r U f -v t ' ' S. . ft t . - i .1 j i, y A V'; : I I f ; ' mm i 'P I - IS- S iilfi Black taffsta lack at frock with shod bouf fant skirt. 22.95 Advancs Spring print3 are her now! ; 24.93 Black or rust crepe with diagonal interest in ac cordion pleats. 39.95 Biack or royal blus rayon crepe with hip line box. 24.95 Black rayon crepe, jew elry neckline, billowy skirt.. - 29.95 ijUiilk-ir MV 7 if. . Mini? A 4 lm VV.fuv - i t X q V &Xf i mSRXi,