The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 07, 1947, Page 18, Image 18

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    QDDO - O O0O.
Mrs. Porter also announced that
flags were presented Wednesday
to Mt. View and Porter schools.
In charge of refreshments were
Addie Brown, Mrs. Walter Ger
en, Mrs. M. S. Chandler, Mrs.
Steve Enloe, sr.. with Nellie Ca-
18 The Statesman. Salem. Oregon. Friday, Horwnbtr 7. 1947
VFW Auxiliary -Present
To Rural Schools
SILVERTON Serving in three
offices in one evening' was Mrs.
Frank Porter at the Wednesday
night meeting of the Veterans of
Foreign Wars auxiliary. Mrs.
Porter, who has served as junior
vice president, was elevated to
senior vice in the early part of
the evening, to fill the vacancy
of Mrs. L. Thomas, who had re
signed. Later the president, Mrs.
Lena Elliott, was called out, so
Mrs. Porter took the chair. Ad
dle Brown was elected to serve
as junior vice president.'
Nine visitors from Salem were
present including the district pre
sident, Marie Hanson, and the de
partment flag' bearer, Eleanor
Miller of West Salem.
Announcements were made that
the group would observe hospi
tal day, November 11, that the ba
zaar would be held November 19.
Community Invited
To Armistice Eve
Program, Monday
SILVERTON The American
Legion and auxiliary have ar
ranged for the regular meeting
night, Monday, November 10, to
take the place of the usual Arm
istice day program.
The affair opens with a 6:30
supper, to which the community
is invited. Each one attending is
Tapscott and son flndio, Cant.,
who nave been hunting in eastern
Oregon, stopped en route home to
visit Mrs. Tapscott s mother, Mrs. '
Cecil Colby. ,
asked to bring a hot dish, a salad
or a dessert All veterans and
their families are especially urged
to attend, reports Mrs. A. J. Mc
CanneJ. auxiliary president, who
with Oscar Edlund, commander,
are official hosts for the evening.
A short program of an Armis
tice day nature, including music
and a brief talk, will follow sup
veiidar as decoration chairman.
Insured Tree Service
Grand Island Doyle Haskins,
student at Oregon State college,
was a guest of his brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Swegle Weekend guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs Clif
ford Yost on Swegle road were
Mrs. Carl Miller and Nancy, Jean
and June, from Springfield. Sun
day, Mrs. Yost's brother and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Miller and
daughter Elizabeth from Vancou
GERVAIS Mrs. Henry Hanes,
accompanied by her sister, airs.
Earl Boggs of Corvallis, spent sev
eral days visiting their sister,
Mrs; C. V. Gorley at Albany.
per, after which dancing and i
Free Estimates - beared
rbeae M14
cards will be enjoyed.
4 '
GERVAIS .Mr. and Mrs. Bangs
Will, over the weekend.
Lincoln A Halloween party
was held at the Lincoln home of
Mr. and Mrs. Nels -Yenckel and
guests were Wayne and Sally
ver, Wash., visited, t
wailing, waumta Mackey. Mar
Lincoln Mrs. L.' I. Mickey is
staying at the John Mickey home
tha, Virginia, LeRoy and Frank
lin Williams, Virginia Schwarzen,
ana caring ior ner daughter-in
law and new grandson, John Ste
phen, born October 23.
Jtauueen Hicks, Jack Muyskens,
Valfley News IMeffs
Ulenn and Jimmy Byers.
Aarora House guest of the
George B. Elliotts is Elliott's sis
ter, Miss Elliott of Denver, Colo.
one accompanied tnem to Aurora
. when they returned from a trip
to Denver recently. ,
Albany County Judge E.G.
Arnold, who has been in the Ore
gon state, tuberculosis hospital
since last March, returned to his
home in Albany this week greatly
Improved, although it will be
many weeks before he will be
able to resume his work at the
Linn county courthouse. During
Judge Arnold's enforced absence
the work of the county judge has
been in the hands of Earl Elliott.
Union vale Sunday - guests of
!: Mr. and Mrs. John Lorenzon were
Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Lorenzon and
family of Dayton.
Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Loyall
Beals have bought the "former F.
A. Moore residence and plan to
move, there the latter part of the
week.fMr. and Mrs. F. A. Moore
have taken an apartment in the
J. H. Winter house, the former
George Cusiter residence.
fiwegle The November meet
ing of Swegle Community club
will be held in the schoolhouse
auditorium Friday night at 8
o'clock. A fine program of mov
ing pictures will be presented by
- fauna teer, Iield representa
tive of the Standard Oil Co. Wom
en are asked to bring pumpkin
Pies which will be sold hv th
piece at the refreshment hour,
witn coffee, furnished.
Aaburn A guest this week
at tne home of Mr. and Mrs.
Merle Enloe is Mrs. Luella Hough
of Seattle, Wash.
Lincoln Mrs. Fannie Emel
was a recent house guest in Port
land With old friends from Kan
sas, Mr. and Mrs. James Popejoy.
Bethel Mr. and Mrs. R. F.
Watson, formerly of Silverton,
have purchased the White Rose
manufacturing plant from J. E.
Xeclerc and moved into his resi
dence. Their daughter, Dianna,
. entered the third grade of Bethel
school this week. They also have
13-months-old son, Robert.
Swede Mr. and Mrs. Homer
J. Conklin and the latter's sister
s and husband, Mr. and Mrs. G. H.
Barry of Olympia, Wash., spent
last week on Hoods canal fishing.
Lincoln The rain and hail
, storm Tuesday totally . disrupted
phone service from this and adja
cent communities to Salem.
Macleay Officers for the com
ing year will be elected at the
Macle?y Z' ange meeting Novem
ber 7. A skit will be put on by
members of Chemawa grange and
musical numbers presented by
local talent.
Pringle At Wednesday's
meeting Pringle Woman's club
voted to start tying the Red Cross
quilt at the next meeting, No
vember J 9. Lucy Fromhens gave
a reading, and a guest, Mrs. A.
B. Widby, was introduced. Hos
tess prizes were won by . Lucy
Fromherz and Mrs. Del Binkley.
Grand Island Guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Worth Wiley Sunday
were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiley of
Silverlake, Wash.
Lincoln New arrivals hpr
are Mr. and Mrs. Lester W. Wall
ing, Wayne, a student enrolled at
Salem high school, ISally in the
4in crade at Lincoln school, anri
Jean, two years old. The Walling
sold tneir home in Woodburn and
are residing with his mother, Mrs.
Dot Wallinff at Lincoln. H i a
rural mail carrier at Woodburn.
Swegle The Hollywood Drive
Merry-Go-Round club met Thurs-s
day night at the home of Mrs.
Harold Holler on Sunny view ave
Grand Island Leaving on a
trip to California laist week were
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stoutenburg
and Mrs. Stoutenburg's mother,
Mrs. Carrie Penrose. Their des
tination is Santa Rosa where Mrs.
Penrose will visit her sister, Mrs.
Schmeltzer, and daughter, Mrs.
Loren Cook. The Stoutenburgs
will go on to Bakersfield to visit
their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Stanley. Mrs. Schmeltzer is 87
years old. It has been three years
since the two sisters have seen
each other. The Stoutenburgs plan
to return before Thanksgiving.
Brush Creek Marip Tinupl-
stad, Mrs. Marie Buness and Mrs.
Rav Reed were suestt at tha
Alice and Alfred Jensen home
here earlv this week. Miss Tinsrel-
stad lives at Parkland, Wash., and
the other two at Seattle All for
merly lived here.
Bethel Dean Lauderback,
Clarence Page, Allison and War
ren Klug, Clifford and Marvin
Hageman returned Monday from
a pheasant hunt at Ontario. They
stayed. with Mr. and Mrs. Claude
Page, parents of Clarence Page
and formerly of Bethel neighbor
hood. They did not find the
pheasants plentiful but still had
a successful three day hunt.
Mill City The first" snowfall
or the. season arrived Tuesday
night about 9 o'clock and was
followed bv heaw rain. Sur
rounding mountains are covered
wnn tne early snow.
Aurora Mrs. 1 H. Trvin nf
Portland is visitfnir at the hnmp
of her brother-in-law and sister,
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Wurster.
Silverton Born at the Sil
verton hospital November 6, sons
to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hansen
of Woodburn, and ' Mr. and Mrs.
Clem Busch of Mt. Angel; No
vember 5, sons to Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Elliott and Mrs. Nels Nelson.
Letters from Former
iMember Read Before
Roberts Farmer Union
ROBERTS News letters from
Liverpool, England, written by a
former member, A. E. Swallow,
were featured at Tuesday's meet
ing of the Roberts Farmer's union.
Guest speaker, Mrs. L. I.
Mickey, educational director of
the state Farmers Union juniors,
outlined the work of the juniors
and explained the need of more
junior organization to develop the
growth of the Farmer Union.
Application for membership of
Ralph E. Vinsor was approved.
Doughnuts and coffee were
served by Mrs. Rothrock and Mrs.
Revival Services
7:30 Nightly (Except Saturday)
Rev. J. E. Williams
Evangelist & Bible Teacher
of Pasadena, Calif.
Both Services Sunday
and All Next Week
Firs! Chnrch of the
Center at 13th
Orville VV. Jenkins, Pastor
. "Salem's Down Town
Evangelistic Center"
I . . -..- - .
S Mill
- V , i
Truck Crane
' Yard Mounted He for Sawers. Drainage Tile, and
Basement Work j
Yard Shovel and Dragline
Yard Shovel and Dragline
D.W. 10 Carryalls
D8 - D7 - D6 Cats Clearing a Specialty !
Complete. Concrete and Rock Drilling Service
Dump Trucks. 5 to 10 Yard
Phone 2-6589 days or nighl phone 19F11
1042 Sonlh Commercial
Ij two, Pf)
Wffflt ) Am
I ffC November Arrivals!
You'll find exciting styles galore in this wonderful collection of "holiday-anticipating"
dresses. Smart prints that go everywhere-wools
in solid colors on gay plaids; also rayon tailored dresses. Here's a
selection that s hard to find so complete with sizes from 9 to 52.
Shop early - -buy Nowl
Hundreds of Hew Fall
Don't miss this wonderful collection of our "Cynthias" for Women. Every style you
can imagine for dress, casual and tailored wear. Every fall color too! You'll love the
fit, the flattery of the smart styled shoes. Shining patent pumps, black suede, opentoe
pumps and pretty baby dolls. Women's sizes.
Penney's Downstairs Store
Easy-Looking, Easy-Wearing,
From Our Downstairs Store