The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 01, 1947, Page 2, Image 2

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    The Skit man, Salem, Oregon, Saturday. Norombe I, 1947
Murder Count
Filcd Against
Hubliard Man
AKRON. Colo.. Oct 31 An
information: writ charging Paul
Schneider, formerly of Hubbard,
Ore., with the murder of Frank
J. Ford, Denver filling station op
erator, was filed here today be
fore district Judge ft L. Sauter jof
sterling. ; ,.
The complaint was entered by
Deputy District Attorney F. BAl
len of Akron in the presence jof
Schneider who was told by Judge
Sauter that he did not need to en
ter plea at this time.
- The court appointed J. Corder
Smith of Fort Morgan and Royal
C. Doruien as attorneys to repre
aent the 24-year-e4d former sail
or. He was arrested- at PikeviUe,
Ky. 'j
--The prisoner asked Che judge if
he might -remain . tn the Akron
Jail pending his arraignment so
h could confer more easily with
his attorneys and Judge Sauter
said that would be up to the sher
iff. Sheriff S. B. Lewis said he
.probably would keep Schneider
here at least until his arraign
ment, the date for which was not
set . !'
SEATTLE, Oet. St -: (JP An
8-pound, 7-ounce baby boy Pwas
born today to Mrs. Jacob De
shazer, whose husband was one
f the fliers shot down on the
Doolittle Tokyo raid in 1941 and
who spent months as a Japanese
prisoner with three of his com
panions. (Deshftjer family re
sides m Salem), i
uge underground electric trans-
Eormer exploded near the heart
f Rockefeller Cento tonight and
for more than an hour intermit
jtent blasts and billows of smoke
issued from a basement vault ad
joining the 70-story RCA building.
Smoke" filled the huge build
ing's lobby, where thousands iof
tourists have viewed the vast
murals and batteries of elevators.
Although many persons were ! in
and around the building ; no in
juries were reported as a direct
result ; of the blasts. j ( j
I S. Herrick, building super
visor, said that the continuing ex
plosions evidently were caused by
oil burning in lubrication com
partments of the transformer,
which occupies a vault nearly half
a block long under the sidewalk
of 90th street.
Eada Today - Cent. 1:45 .
aa"4 - rv r - an ' m
even were savea i
Klchard Denning
Cathertae Cral
Jti ell Harden
Rail Unions
I ress Demand
For Pay Rise
CHICAGO, Oct 31 -Ph The
nation's five operating brother
hoods two of which called the
paralyzing railroad strike of May
1 1948 today demanded immed-
al for a 30 per cent wage boost,
declaring that i "further i neglect
and delay could disturb railroad
operations." " j '
A spokesman for the railroads'
negotiating committees ! denied
that there had been any "neglect
or delay" by the railroads and
said officers of the five unions
had "deliberately" chosen to put
the rules - proposals ahead of the
pay demands. M
The brotherhoods, representing
330,000 engineers, firemen, con
ductors, trainmen, switchmen and
yardmen, interrupted negotiations
with the carriers . on proposed
rules changes to put forward
their wage proposal.
I They demanded that the 1 rules
changes negotiations be set '. aside
temporarily until the wage ques
tion is decided, asserting "rail
road workers are using up their
savings, going into debt, and ac
tually financing themselves." !
Contract let
For Survey or
Contract for the engineering
survey of state-owned' property
near the ball park as the .site for
Salem's $160,000 naval reserve
armory has, been awarded to the
G. R. Boatright Engineering and
Surveying company of Salem, Lt
Cmdr. Roger Lesley, Oregon navy
reserve officer, ' announced here
Friday. '
Construction of the armory, to
consist of three units connected
by a head house and a combina
tion garage and firing -range
building, will probably be started
as soon as the survey is completed,
Lasley said. The buildings should
be completed about July 1, ac
cording to navy plans.
Boatright said his company has
already completed . most of the
office work connected with the
survey and initial surveys at the
site were started Friday. Territory
to be surveyed to dejmnine the
most suitable location is bounded
by Shelton Ditch on the north,
25th street on the west Turner
road on the south and the air
port cutoff road on the east Top
ography will be taken on a 500
foot strip of land south" from
Shelton Ditch to the ball park,
Boatright said.
The armory will house Salem's
navy and marine reserve, units,
and will be complete with a ma
chine shop, carpenter shop, elec
tronics warefare laboratory, of
fices, classrooms, boiler room, die
set generator room, library, medi
cal examination room and of-
CMst Workers
Still in Harness
i i j i
AU division leaders are still "In
harness" until .the $100,000 goal
of Salem Community chest is
reached, probably early next
week, A. C. Haag. campaign
chairman, said Friday following
a report meeting. : 1 "
Haag said an auditor's report
showed approximately $94,000 in
contributions received. Approxi
mately $3,000 is believed pledged
on receipts not yet reported and
audited. i
Ends Today (Sat!)
Lawrence Tierney - San Quentin"
and Johnny Mack Brown - "Flashing Guns'
. ,fe(lrttirlg
'""ip) Phone 3721 ConL from 1 P. M.
(And Whisper About!)
fXB V Me4AZ166YIUKXA...ykmow her weU!
Wf V She's the girl who lire by the fiery code
-VT - at the lTasmlng Fortle It's the Adela
ia his fir rale ,. V
since "A Tim V )
Crsws la . N,; J f ' ' TT
Water District
! .1
Vote Set Dec. 1
Proposed annexation of 'four
areas onto Salem j Heights water
district will be voted upon De
cember 1. Marion county court
ordered Friday. The election will
be at the home of Carl C Har
ris. 705 E. Madrona ave.
Owners of 53 properties peti
tioned to be annexed to the dis
trict i in order to ! secure water,
which Salem Heights in turn se
cures from Vista , Heights water
district Commissioners of both
districts have approved such ac
tion. ' ;. 7 )-
The petitioning areas are (1)
Dickson's addition,! (2) Carl Har
ris addition, commonly known as
Central water district, (3) an area
at the north end of Salem Heights
district and (4) Charles Hudkins
and Son addition and property
southwest of Browning and Lib
erty roads intersection.
Tht WeaveH set a new hitf for
movit frolics with tht layest,
star a rest, hut hia test of tkeir
Mm i tab it h illb illy pictures.
Hall to Select
New Members
Apisbintment of two members
of the state emergency board to
succeed John H. Hall, elevated
from speaker of the house of rep
resentatives to governor, and Mar
shall ICoi-nett, president of the
state senate, Hilled in an airplane
crash Tuesday night, is a function
of the new governor, Rex Kim-
meu, deputy attorney general said
Hall was serving as a member
of the emergency board by virtue
of being speaker jof the house of
representatives. Cprnett was serv
ing in a similar capacity because
of being president of the senate.
The law provides, Kimmeil said,
that Hall's successor on the emer
gency board shall be appointed
from the house and Cornett's suc
cessor from the senate The new
members must receive confirma
tion from other members of the
emergency board.
Neuner Opposes
Recent Decision on
Marginal Oil Land
Attorneys general of the United
States, with few: exceptions, are
alarmed and opposed to the re
cent decision of the United States
supreme court involving so-called
marginal oil lands off the coast of
California, Attorney General
George Neuner declared on his re
turn Friday from their national
convention in, Boston. ,
The decision, according to Neu
ner, held that the federal govern
ment rather than the states has
paramount- rights In and power
over that belt bring within the
three-mile limit, otherwise known
as marginal lands, incident to
which Is full dominion over the
resource of the soil under water
area including oiL Neuner said he
would contact the Oregon delega
tion in connection wim the pro
posed legislation. ;
14 Foreign
Students Feted
At Willamette
Fourteen foreign students, cur
rently attending several north
west colleges, were entertained by
Willamette university, students at
a dinner, football game and in
post-game discussions at Lausanne
ball Friday, the second day of ob
servance of. International week
end which is under Joint sponsor
ship of the YMCA, YWCA! and
the International Relations club.
Among foreign students feted
at a Mexican dinner served by
the' campus Spanish club at the
First Methodist church were Sing
Wu, China, and Peter Linde, Ger
many, Dotn irom the university
of Oregon; Jim Cocio, Raul Fig-
ueror, Phil Gutrerrey, A Hose Ma
cefl, Joseph Pechardo, all from
Mexico and Linfield college; ajod
Joginder M e h t h and Jus tins
Singh, both from India and Lin;
field. !
After watching the Willamette
Bearcats defeat Pacific university
20 to 0 In a football game, the vis
itors were entertained by four lo
cal sorority houses at Lausanne
hall with informal "fireside'' dis
cussions, each discussion on a dif
ferent country.
An informal reception, to honor
the visitors is planned for 2 to 4
pjn. today at Lausanne hall and
an "International Costume ball"
will be held in the school gymna
sium tonight.
Kay Karnopp, student chairman
of the observance, said 12 more
foreign students from College of
Puget Sound and five from Ore
son State are expected i to arrive
here today for the final phase of J
the celebration.
State Department
Routine Resumes
On Limited Scale
Restricted routine operations of
the state department, where the
signature of the secretary of state
is not required, were resumed be
hind dosed doors Friday.
No motor vehicle or drivers' li
censes were being issued, accord
ing to Harold Phillippe, in charge
of the department, pending ap
pointment of a new secretary of
state. Included In Friday s opera
tions was computation of the
state payrolls for October. All op
erations of the state department
were suspended Thursday on ad
vice of Deputy Attorney General
Rex KimmelL
Gov. John HalL after being
sworn in Thursday afternoon here,
indicated that a successor to Sec
retary of State Robert S. FarrelL
Jr., wouud be announced shortly
following the funerals of the three
high ranking state ofncials killed
in Tuesday nlglU's airplane crash.
Hall 'Doesn't
Like Flying9
John rl. Hail, said today trrat re
nnrtc ha had HwHIinftd an invita
tiorFsv accompany the late Gov
ernor Snell on the ill-fated plane
trip were current but erroneous
for it was common knowledge I
won't fly except in case of emer
gency." 1
Hall said that Robert S. Farrell
jr secretary of state killed in the
crash. Hall's friend and neighbor,.
had given him a standing invita
tion to go on hunting trips but
never made the offer when it was
to be by air.
"I don't like flying. I'm frank
to admit," HaUlsaid. "I have no
fear of it, but I just don't like if
He said when he did fly it was
only in regularly: scheduled com
mercial planes, j j
- Too Late to Gaseifv
HtATED rittplni nn. 635 K. Summer
FOR SALE: Hish-srad furniture at
949 Bellevue St.. A. B. Chase grand
piano, mahof ., Gov. Wlnthrop sec y.,
mahog: Drexcl S pc. d. ran. suite, ma
hog; Duncan-Phyt lg. size drop-leaf
ext. table: S carved ladder chairs,
china cabinet and Biltwell mohair dav.
Jt chair: Duncan-Phyfe coffee table
and end table: G.E. elec. vacuum
cleaner; walnut pier cabinet.
Ends Today! (Sat)
Jlauny Carney
"Oklahoma Kid"
:: "
Johnny Mack Brewa
"Herder Bandit
Cent front 1 P. H.
Tomorrow! (35c)
Thrills! L
Fna Ce-mt!
Buster Crabbe
'Stagecoach Oatlaws"
Reds Charge U. Si,
Britain Hiding
War Criminals
NEW YORK. Oct II - VP) -
The United Nations assembly r
iected tonight shouted accusations
by the Soviet bloc that the United
States and Britain are harboring
war criminals in the occupied
zone of Europe!
The vote was 40 to 7 against the
Russian group, i
The assembly approved a Brit
ish-sponsored move: which re
quires governments ' desiring the
surrender of war criminals to pre
sent evidence ' as to their guilt
The. vote for the British proposal
was 42 to 7.
Rolert9 Extension Unit
Will Meet November 3
ROBERTS Home Extension
unit held its first meeting of the
fall at Roberts Grange hall. Con
stance ' Hampton, assistant art
club leader demonstrated new ma
terials. Officers present were Mrs.
Russell Davenport, chairman and
Mrs. R. E. Chittenden, treasurer.
Committees were ; appointed as
follows: Mrs. R. E. Chittenden, A.
C. W. W Mrs. O. L. Paulsen,
publicity; Mrs. George Higgens,
Azalea house, and Mrs. William
Bliven, recreation.
Next: meeting will be all day
Monday November 3 with Mrs.
George Ringwalds. Eleanor Trind-
le, Marion home demonstration
agent, will demonstrate pressure
sauce pans. Interested homemak-
ers are invited to attend. '
Now Showing
If Coolda't
Sat UM
j&i awwy.-yh , mi
. Flaw Ce-Hit
The Story ef a Lady
Whose Past Caaght p with
Utl Matlaee Daily freaa 1 P. M.
(One Featare)
Ends Today! (Sat) '
Randolph Scott
Trail Street"
t Technicolor
o o Alio stadtiiig TOiionnou!
m imve ua . . .
LJ 'vv .r UlillllT rlFRxflF
( MAfin f 1
aritii RiccmnD convc
Added: "Grapplisg Grcancn"
Airmail Fox Morletont
Newa! Fires Rase in
Wooda of Maine! Huct
Flylnf Win Flown! U.
S. Navy Holds Open
House! Notrt Daint
Downs Nebraska 31-0!
iiiipiiM 11 1 id-
L h - " fe X at--aZJ II
sseSfem mm BBaa ssssi Bsa. -ME
Extra Treat
"Paris fat the Sprint
Sengs! MosJc! Dances?
Caw. s
Ends Teday! ,
Waa. PeweU-HrrBa Ley
"Scag cl lie Thin Han"
.. Abe
"Adventure Islaad
V .