v w v Mr. and Mrs. Keith Warren Gwynn (La Veil e Cross) who were married on October 24 at the First Baptist church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cross and the benedict Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gwynn. The couple will live In Salem. (McEwan photo). Today Pattern Look, Mother - JIFFY Sewing! Pattern 4996: skirt ONE piece, bib ONE piece, blouse ONE piece. What could be easier or more dorable? Make many in gay fabrics; This pattern easy to use, simple to sew, is tested for fit. Includes complete illustrated instructions. Pattern 4996 in sizes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Size 2 jumper, yds. 35-in.; blouse yd. Send TWENTY-riVK cents In coins far this pattern to The Oregon States man. Anne Adamt, IS First St., San Francisro S. Calif Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS, ZONE, SIZE AND STYLE NlMBEt. A.-..,t- CTWS! Our Fall and Winter ANNE ADAMS Pattern Book la ready! Send fifteen cents at once to be sure you get this ey-rw collection of fascin ating new fashions. Printed fight in the book are FREE directions for msk laC EIGHT useful gift, each from a feed bag. or a fabric remnant. Order yf9 Lee Bros. Fnrnilure Refinishing Co. KEFINISHING - REMOLDING REPAIRING - PLASTICS Phone 2 1223 Salem, Oreton Pen 4 Corners 402 East Slate St. Fv3tes fiBii- ip Bring your car in and visit our motor clinic. Let us tunc your motor for winter driving. Our men areali highly skilled, with the advantage of the latest modern equipment, and have been with us for a number of years. We are prepared to give you guaranteed satisfaction at moderate prices. Phone 3188. DOUGLAS IIcKAY GIIEVQOLET COIIPAHY 510 North Commordal Strot t 4 Ml. '' V hi -V- - Halloween Formal at Salem High "Midnight Masquerade" is the theme of the Halloween formal, first formal dance of the year, to be held tonight from 9 p.m. to midnight in the Salem High school gym Ruth Holtzman, second vice president of the ASB, is general chairman of the event. - - Decora tin for the formal, fol lowing the Halloween motif, are Beula Arnold, chairman, Lorene Rossi ter, Bruce Boatman, Crystal Huntington, Bob Meany, Dick Sogge, Jack Caviness, Gordon Sloan, Janet Lindley, Jack Mc Connville, Mary Jane Harrington and Josephine Caughell. In charge of patrons and patronesses are Peggy Barrick, chairman, and Joan Lee, Carol Flesher, Lavelle Dubuy and Dorothy Caspar. Serving on tr.e rcrresnment committee are Bejrerly Hofstetter, chairman, Maurine Jones, Jean Buske . and Cathy Cooper. Responsible for getting out post ers and announcements over the public address system is Barbara Z u m w a 1 1, chairman, Lorraine Welling, Jerry Bachle, Margy Ac ton, Wilfred Logan, Joyce Mere-: ditn. Bob Car row and Jack Byers. Leta Jean Evans, chairman of the tickets committee, is assisted by Gayle Juve, Diane Perry Marijo Ogle, Dick Fuhr, Ann Carson and Ken Mclntyre. Chairman of the program committee is Betty Cooley and assisting her are Alice Girod, Earl Eshelman, Dot Cannon and Jerry Arnold. Elsie Cannon is chairman of the clean-up commit tee. Others on the committee are Bill Hart, Beverly Jones, Bob Hart and Bill Armstrong. The band committee consists of Alan Miller, chairman, Beverly Hyde, Marion Carson and Peggy Casey. Lighting effects are in charge of Tom Wheelerwho has Ralph Tavenner, Robert Scott, Valjean Davies and Roy Ander son helping him. Bob Johnston is chairman of the seating committee. Also serving on the committee are Ray Walden, Pat ElfstromT Bob Satter and Joyce Olson. .. ... 4. Patrons and patronesses for the dance are Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Carlton, Mr. and Mrs. JUurnee Specializing in Antiques And llodern Furniture f -3f Flesher, Miss Mabel Robertson, Mrs. Dorothy Middle ton, Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Johnson,-Mr. and Mrs. Dave Holtzman, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Roth, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hutchi son, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hauk and Beryl Holt Clubs to Be" Honored Small informal gatherings are on the weekend social slate. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burrell will be - hosts to members of their club tonight at their home on ua met street. The ktoud meets once a month for a no-host dinner and evening of cards. Covers will be placed for Mr. and Mrs. Carlton J. McLeod, Mr. and Mrs. Harry V. Carlson. Jr., of Silverton, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Mersereau and Mr. and Mrs. Bur rell. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hug will entertain their dinner club, which meets once a month, this week end at the Wecoma beach home of Mrs., George Hug. The group will leave tonight and over the weekend the men plan to go hunt ing. -In the party will b Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Emery Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs. Asa Le welling and Mr. and Mrs. Hug. Needlecraft You'll be a very popular Santa Claus when you give these aprons for gifts! One has appliques, one plain embroidery. Inexpensive! Only three-quarters of a yard for each gay apron! Pattern 772; transfer of embroidery; cutting charts. . Laura Wheeler's new, improved pattern makes needlework so sim ple with its charts, photos, concise directions. Send TWENTY CCNTS In coins for thia pattern to The Oregon Statesman, tjiura Wheeler, let and Stevenson Sts., San FrancUco. Calif. Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, your NAME, ADDRESS With ZONE. Fifteen cents more brings you oar Needlecraff Catalogue. There are 102. illustrations of designs for crochet, knitting, embroidery personal acces sories, home decorations, toys. FREE Instructions for making five useful, decorative household accessories print ed In book. (p super n 1, I I S MARKET fX "J r ' J:. i ( s ' if j . ' Miss Lorene Palmateer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. E Palmateer, whose en ga?e me n t to Wayrv Kunze, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kunze, has been an nounced. The wedding is planned to take place in the early spring. Story Teller Old Cookbook Reveals Beginnings of Modern Type Advertising in Text By Maxine Buren Statesman Woman's Editor Today I discovered that even soap operas and advertising com mercials had predecessors in grandma's time, except they could not be broadcast. A recipe book loaned by Mrs. Phil Corbet t and "at least 60 years old" advertises Dr. Price's cream baking powder and Steele and Price's Lululin Yeast Gems and contains a foreword be ginning "It was one of those in tensely sunshiny days of July when everything seems bright and cheerful and all nature wears an expectant look . . . Grandma Dixon was expecting her favorite grandchild May. . . . "Grandma. I want to learn something about cooking,, I must be perfect In kitchen "art before I return home." . . . "Yei my child, it takes time and onerannot begin too soon to learn. Let me tell you one thing, I never knew anything to suit me no well as Dr. Price's Cream Bak ing Powder." . . . Then says May, "Why do men like Dr. Price spend the greater part of their lives in searching after things that make our food so' much more palatable and healthy and lighten labor?" "Oh my goodness, my bread!" and May quickly took it from its warm bed. "See Grandma, it did n't burn, and just look how light it is. I think those Lululin Yeast Gems are elegant, one can't help but make good bread!" Anyway May hastens about her work while Grandma is gone, "chirping and singing like a bird," and was about to make biscuits when in comes Harry, a playmate of years ago, who says roguishly, "Oh lack-a-dayt And what have you learned to cook? Make heavy bread, black-looking coffee, sour cake et cetera?" (Goodness Harry, what a poor guesser you are). Well, to make a long story short, Harry stays to tea, finds May's biscuits the sweetest, lightest and ' If 0 tec Step ted Up Efficiency M "1. Dr. E. E. Boring i For unsurpassed eye comfort and better visual efficiency, let us fit you with glasses. Our qualified technicians will see that you get precision-ground lenses to correct your vision. DIGNIFIED CREDIT BORING OPTICAL COMPANY SS3 Court phon- M0J HERE'S WHY: 1. A blend of th world's finest coffoei. 2. Controilod Roasting an oxclusivo Hills Bros, process givos ovary pound tho same matchless flavor. 3. Come to you fresh, vacuum-packed in cans and Ultra-Vac jars. TWO GRINDS: V Drl and Glass-Maltar Grind W IbfvlM Grind iPast Matrons Entertained Past mjltous of the Order of the Amaranth met Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. Myrtle Walk er for a no-host dinner. Hallo ween decorations were used. Discussion of plans for the win ter was held, and the remainder of the evening spent informally. Attending were Mrs. F. W. Far rar, Mrs. Ray Hickinger, Mrs. Ro bert Crawford, Mrs. F. E. Mer cer, Mrs. A. A. Taylor, Mrs. R. Lee Wood, Mrs. Mabel Presnall, Mrs. Harvey Aston, Mrs. James D. Manning, Mrs. Myrtle Walker and Mrs. Iva Bushey. The latter two were hostesses. William Fitts Friends llontjr Him on Birthday HAYESVILLE In honor of his eighty-first birthday anniver sary, family members and rela tives gathered at the home of William Fitts Sunday. He has liv ed in this community for 38 years. best he had ever tasted, her cakes delicious owing to Dr. Price's fla voring extracts, and even finds her spotless attire and sweet face to his liking. He also catches a "waft now and then of some del icate perfume about her, due no doubt to Dr. Prire's Unique Per fumes." It seems Harry had come from the city and a lucrative law practice, fine society and a gay life because he learned that she was at Grandma's. "Oh May! I have long loved you, but never so dearly as when I learned of your noble sacrifire of social pleasures that you might learn from trial of self-imposed labors the duties of a true woman's life." "Then Harry, 1 say, bless the baking powder and its bestower ancl may happiness raie our minds to higher things and make our hearts as light at Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder did my biscuits." Recipes sound good, and could be made even with other pro ducts than the self-sacrificing Dr. Price, I am sure. Here is one: BREAD DI MPLINGS Soak a pint of breadcrumbs in milk or water, mix with one beaten egg, two teaspoonfuls of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Pow der and a little flour. Drop from a spoon into stewing veal or chick en, when the meat will be well done in half an hour. When the dumplings rise to the surface they will be done. Dr. Sam Hughes S -r .-0 ; - -- - Z , ' - . r f ' " if : J' j f v t ' V ; I i . rs j I' v 'r , ii I -v if . k ? t S . . . f . ...V " '? ssUhJMk. Mrs. Dale Johnson, who was Bertha Lucille Colyor before hr marriage on Oc tober 19 at tlie Church of God In Woodburh. Th couple will live In West Woodbum. (Allyce studio). Those present to honor him were Mr: and Mrs. F. C. Pitts, Delbert, Glen and Doris, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fitts, Joan and John, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Nation. Mr and Mrs. Robert Fitts and sons Bobbie and Richard, Mr. and Mrs Carl Fitts, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Panek, Mrs. Ray Pelly and Mrs. John Curtis. I 0 I I I B I B 1 1 B I B I I 0 B 1 I V7hile Rice MJ ?L. nL --350. Del Monte Calsup 14 oz. bottle 230 French Cream Salad Ck l'lusiara 6 w. jar 5? 0 Dundee Tomatoes Tail tin - 150 Prunes stVS'"ri. 150 Ill 11 riura rreserves Grapefruit Segmenb "L',200 Salmon p!ko?ui?tin .....490 Hayonnaise DK,rj.r 450 Lumberjack Syrup 2 ,350 Cranberry Sauce o"n ,stTir,ln230 Bordens Hemo p?.Z,i.590 Beef Slew t. ,. 570 I I B 1 B I B Chili Sauce srrrXf"htonld- PI. m.m.Z Marasca Maraschino 8 oz. glass Ripe Olives Paper Towels "fiTSan 140 Ilubora Bleach Q"! 220 I I IB I I Starr Sliced Peaches ;i" i3c o Birdseyo Wax Beans it" 27c Birdseyo Vegetable Chop IB I B fl B I 0 B a D Suey. 16 os. pkg. Birdseyo Succotash it.. 29 c Greshom Strawberries IS . Pkf 49 c 19c Top Frost Peas 12 os. pkg HOnra Tho Statoamgn. Solom, Oregon. Friday. Octobor 31. 137-2-1 Silverton Offices Move Advised SILVERTON Members of the Silverton Planning commission have voted to recommend to the city council that city hall offices be moved to the newly acquired Washington Irving school build ing, that the present city hall be turned over to the police and fire department, and that the city li brary be moved to the Fischer Flouring mill office, also" now city property. Additional recommendation in this line was that the chamber of commerce and recreational asso ciation be given space in the school building and that to cover expense of repairing the building for these uses a 3 mill tax be sub mitted to vote of the people. Commission members also sug gested that the portion of the building to be used for commun ity enterprise, such as that of the chamber of commerce and the recreational association, be re IHAD QUARTERS FOR s.M ant Wills Music 8ore 432 Stcrto Phone 4951 Starr 150 1 lb. Jar Del Monte 3O0 250 (I L LI 7 ( Stil l Mt. Whitney med. Pint tin : CURTIS MARKET It's "Swill's Preoina Ham" Week Prices are definitely down and a large assortment awaits your inspection. N Swill's Premium Ham ,b.53c Do not parboil, roast in a slow oven uncovered and without water according to cooking directions with ham. Glaze with, honey and brown. M-Mm, good. Swill's Preninn Han EVJJu. n.6Sc Slice and serve cold or hot. Pan broil thick slices and serve for dinner with browned pineapple slices. SwHfs Preninn Han ST.? Ik.7Sc Easy to slice for frying easy to carve after baking. 8wlft's rresninm Pot Koast, Swtrt's Pretmiaaa Qstality rQ Sirloin Steak, well trimmed L. 057 FKTEJKS BAKES FISH ORDER YOUR THANKSGIVING TURKEY NOW "SWIFT'S PREMIUM HAM" - - The Brand and Flavor That Millions Favor FOR MEAT TO EAT WK CANT BE BEAT -HERB" CURTIS CAPITOL AT IIM1EET ST. paired first if these Qrganizatiasta could contribute toward this, as sta city funds have as yet been bud geted for tho repair of tho building. The southern half of Palestiao) Is mostly scrub and desert. eOUUMUTT NOSI DIOPt baWiiliiU JLJ swv'? Doat delay! At tho first warnhag sniffle or iukii. pat few arops of Vicks Va-tro-nol tn each uao trlLPor If used to time. Va-tro-not heino rrvi piany colds from develop ing. Relieves head cold distress fast. Try- ttt Pouow dl racUona In packago. Saul Jans. Owns Q Q ---- (JT Q 0 0 D 0 a 0 0 D 0 0 D 0 D 0 0 D D D 0 0 D D D 0 D 1-ITa. eartess 30c 1. IICiD WhoU Kernel Ml me 2 tin (1 mm U. S. N, 1, Comb 12 or. )0 L,fc- ......490 tinbl. 97 0 BsmsSS"4s i D Q n . Of D 0 D D D D Q D fr D M-aacs . a. a. far. ar.