ITha Stat cm. Solam, Oraaon. Friday. October 81. 1917 'Spooks' at Large Tonight he . f V ;p ' '" ! t t Z 1 1 iMiikt h the aiiht that IitU saooker will b ipmM by the big mm. Caachs with their masks down la th ghastly atmosphere ef Jacatth matte atara window display at 1H S. High street, art, left Johnny Wesely. III. SU year eld mi ef Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ueaelj ef ItSs ft. ISth sU and ef Mr. and Mrs. Al Benson, rente 7, box f7. (Photo by Dob Dili, Stateaaaaa staff photographer.) U.S. Failure to 'Get Along with' Russia Noted in Panel Speeches By Lea Caar Staff Writer. Tha Statesman The United States can jet along with Russia, but has completely failed in itafforta thus far, was the opinion expressed by three speak er! participating in a panel discussion on tha topic, "Can Wa Get Along With Rursia?" at Waller hall on the Willamette university campus Thuradav nlrtit. The discussion, attended by a ti t was the first in a in a series of metir.f to bo hHl during Wil lamette's observance of Interna t onal week, which is expected to l.nrj at least 20 foreign students from Reed college, Oregon State roller,' University of Oregon and Colleye of PugH Sound. First vis Jtoceign student to arrive was S'.r g Wu, a .Chinese atudent from the University of Oregon. Wu was present at Thuraday'a discussion. Dr. Warren Tomlinson, chair miin of the CPS aoliticariwience department, acted as moderator erf the discussion. SUte Sen. Allan Carton cf Salem and Dr. R. Ivan Lmell and Prof. fUoul Bertrand, Willamette faculty members, were the tpaakers. Pat Cp or ghat Up' Dr. LoveM said tha United Sste mutt "put up and shut up" If sbe is ta prevent communism HALLOUEEII PARTY f Skafinq from 1:00 to 11:00 TOIIIGHT 3 Capiiola Holler Bink T Masquerade or come as you are. 3or Pxizas for baat costumes, vf HALLOWEEN DANCE AT NORMANDY MANOR Fall Festival Frolic, Friday Night, October list Dance - Mnsle - Songs Ed Latso Andy Anderson El via Thosnaa Plana Saxophone DANCING Adsalaalon Charge? NO! Cover Charge?. NOt Minimum - YES! ! ! 1.H par person r. S. DINNERS SERVED FROM : P. M. FOOTBALL Corvallis H. S. Spartans ra. So Ho So Vikings Big 6 League Game Sal., Nov. 1 t p. aw fland Field Admission, $1.00 Tax Included Students 50c or A. S. B. Tickst Grade School Students 25a ft- A -4 S year aid Linda Benson, danghter capacity crowd of students and ad- from spreading over all of Europe. We must send six or seven bil lion dollars to feed starving Euro pea ns within the next year and at least 20 billion in tha next four years if we are to combat' com munissn and' bring democracy to that continent, ha asserted. This, he explained, was what ha meant by "put up." By - "shut up" Lovell said we must stop extolling the merits of democracy to people we have sub jected to government "almost fa cistic In character." Sen. Carson advocated a mid dle-of-the-road policy in our re lations with Russia, but, like The odore Roosevelt, said we must "carry a big stick." He said we must assume a firm attitude in our dealing with Russian envoys to beat them at their own game in negotiations at the UN. "I am not 'Pollyanna' enough to believe that we can get any thing out of our dealing with Russia without using force and firmness to back up our right. Carson remarked. Carson also stressed that America must em ploy a "down-the-center" pro gram to straighten up our own af fairs before we can tell other na Uona about the benefits of demo cracy. Advocates Brotherhood Prof. Bertrand advocated char ity and International brotherhood. along with education as the best means to item tha communistic tide in Europe. "We must get out program before the people give them tha facta and let them de cide." ha said. Bertrand pointed out that the "ultra in communism and demo cracy are synonomous and im possible, but wa must show the world our superior system through education and not harsh dealings and force. . Tomlinson, summing up tha speeches, said ha beilevod that each speaker agreed that it would be possible to get along with Rus sia. Russia, he observed, Is not unbending and inflexible, but can Drama : - - Distilleries to Keep Workers On Payrolls CHICAGO, Oct 30 -P)- Jo seph O'Neill, general president of the Distillery Workers union, an nounced today three distilling con cerns agreed to maintain all his union's members during the 60 day production holiday with no downgrading in pay. Tha two - months shutdown of tha distilling ndiustry was re quested by Charles Luckman's food conservation committee .-. to save grains- for European relief. t Five other distilleries. O Neill said, "will notify us of their in tention wi thin 48 hours." The eight distilleries participating in a conference here today represent 60 per cent of the industry, O' Neill said.s Hollywood Red Probe Halts With Spy Tale WASHINGTON, Oct 30.-rV Tha big investigation of commun ism in Hollywood wound up to day with testimony from former FBI Operative Louis Russell that a Russian vice consul instigated unsuccessful efforts in 1942 to wangle "highly secret" Informa tion from atom bomb expert J Robert Oppenheimer. But the hohse committee on un- American activities produced- no evidence that anyone in Holly wood had any direct connection with these "espionage activities. It did, however, turn out con tempt actions against two more Hollywood figures - -Writers Ring Lardner, jr., and Lester Cole who wouldn t say definitely whe ther they are communist or not Chairman J. Parnell Thomas (R-NJ) chopped off the hearing in its ninth day, with a promise that it will bo started up again "in the near future" either here or in Los Angeles. This is the spying story told by Russell: George Charles Eltenton, who worked for the Shell Development corporation of Emeryville.. Calif. and once lived in Russia, got In touch with Haakon Chevalier, a professor at the university, and asked him to find out what was being done at the University of California radiaiton laboratory. Chevalier approached Oppenhei mer and told him Eltenton had a "source" through when ha (Elten ton) could relay information to the soviet government. Oppenheimer told Chevalier this was a "treasonable act and he wouldn't have anything to do with It." Krug Resting After Collapse PHOENIX. Ariz., Oct. 30-CPr-Secretary of Interior Julius A. Krug, stricken ill today. while ad dressing the National Reclamation association convention, was re ported by a physician tonight to be in "satisfactory condition at tha present time." After speaking four minutes at the convention's morning session. tha 39-year-old cabinet member raised nis nana to nis neaa ana passed his manuscript to Robert W. Sawyer, association president Krug was assisted to his hotel room, where he was examined by Drs. F. T. Fahlen and Robert S. Flynn. They said ha had suffered a fainting spelt ARCHBISHOP SUCCUMBS LOS ANGELES, Oct 30.-- ueatn today ended the distin guished 48-year ecclesiastical ca reer of Archbishop John J. Cant well, head of the Los Angeles Ro man Catholic archdiocese since 1838. be met if the UJS. shows her that cooperation with the Western bloc in the UN will pay oft At all costs this, country must avoid ex tremes which would lead to an "easy going" attitude, or a war philosophy which would lead to war, he said. OPENS f :4S F.M. NOW SHOWING! JTffiPrw.:..?:i . -.m FIRST-RUN CO-HITt CUJ1SI 1 WiT v wno tudjutc " I JSharry shannon CAROL FQRMAN 3 OBSEXVINC THE LAW- Gloria WheUn. Long Island horsewoman, and a former West Point steed conform ta law requirinr saddle horses to be lit fore and aft when abroad, after dark In Nasaaa County, New York. Meat Prices Drop in Salem While butter prices started climbing again in the past week, Salem meat packers began quot ing somewhat lower meat prices. Dairy and meat distributors agreed that both price trends are largely of a seasonal nature. Retail butter price was up from 81 to 82 cents Thursday, and the wholesale price up from 76 to 77 cents, the increases pegged by ob servers to beginning of the an nual shorter production period. Big November marketing in the midwest and more hogs wero cit ed Thursday in Valley Packing Co. reports that selling price of hogs is down throe cents a pound in the past 10 days and that prices Thursday dropped about $1 par animal on selling price of dairy cows, cutter 4 cows, bulls, calves and veal. Walcott Opens Training Grind NEW YORK, Oct Z0-OP)- Jer sey Joe Walcott opened his camp at Greenloch, N. J., today and bo- "Attention All Rabbits" l Tharall Ba Another If! V Jmmv wasas a Club Show Again Tomorrow At Doors Open 9:15 Tha Feotura On Our Screaa "Moths CarrU'i Cartoons - Fun NOW PLAYINGI Mat Dally from 1 CO-HTTt AIR FORCES UJS. ARMT TOP SECRET! James atewan "T 1 - 1 v ixinm 1 . ' M V.-. 'V.y.-..., ; - '' - hi gan preparations for his title bout with heavyweight Champion Joe Louis at Madison Square Garden Dec. 8. ; Walcott boxed six rounds with Eddie Wilson, Philadelphia heavy weight Other spar mates will join tha camp next week. Louis is duo here Saturday af ter a month of preliminary train ing at West Baden, Ind., and a series of exhibitions in Kentucky ana Indiana. I !M I n'aVf till 3 Opens 1:48 IHSESBE 2ND FEATURE "Sevan War Saved" with Richard Denning Catherine Cralf Rassell Hayden Ht-M't - 2ND ADVTMTUKE ... Df : f f) V ZS Ptxl KELLY Rhcsda FLELIING LI, Lz w-....umy U UUUM I Jtrangelw! TTT?rf 1 1 rrr TTr-Th iii a (rminrm: U.N. Backs U.S. Korean Plan LAKE SUCCESS, Oct. 31 -P)- The United Nations 57-members political committee approved late today a United States plan for a U.N. Korean commission which would "facilitate and expedite" consideration Of the question .of Korea's independence. Russia and the Slav bloc de clined to vote on the commission plan and gave notice they would not serve on it unless ""truly elect ed' representatives of the Korean people took part in discussing the problem here in the assembly. The political committee voted 41 to 0 to create the commission. The first task of the commission if finally approved by the as sembly would be to supervise the election in Korea of representa tives of the Korean people who would discuss the question of Kor ean independence with the U.N. Taft Scorns Bi-Partisan Action to Curb Inflation WASHINGTON. Oct. 30-(P)-Sen. Robert Taft told a news con ference today that he sees no chance for bi-partisan cooperation in a legislative program to curb inflation. ' The suggestion for a joint ap proach had been made by Sena tor McGrath (D-RI), newly-elected chairman of the democratic national committee. a Opens 1:4$ pjn. NOW1 (Adults 35c) THRILLS I JIMMY CAGNEY HUMPHREY BOG ART The Oklahoma Kid' ACTION CO-HIT! Johnny Mack Browi "BORDER BANDIT" "Jesse James Rides Again" No. 4 Cartoon News NOW! HIT THE SOUTH SEAS! naasiBasaBsaaBBsa ,ws . 7M Navy Magazine Says Soviet Subs in Pacific HONOLULU, Oct 30 - (JP) - A navy magazine said today Russia is operating a "considerable num ber" of' submarines in the north Pacific and named Adm. Louis E. Oenfeld as its authority, but navy intelligence said it has no infor mation on such, operations. The September Issue of Rons, The Voice of the Reserve made the statement without elaboration or giving details.. hwM4- TrtTra 1 fb MINED VV YOU! ! Whan You Coma to Our BI9 Ghost and Gooaa-Plmpla Show DONT EXPECTJANY HELP FROM US (WE LL BE LOOK1XO OUT FOR OURSELVES) Shlvara will walk barefoot up and down your spina Your hair will stand on. and YottH ba parol Trad, petrified, and essUad ll's scary! REIIEIIBER Tonight at Ilidnighl DOORS OPEN AT 11:30 SHOW STARTS AT MIDNIGHT REGULAR PRICES O STARTS Y0UU NEVER GUESS WHAT THE f.'JRAQE lf,i:,;,l': s rrr w. a .r EDKUtO lk -Cd-Fsohirsl I aaaaassaaaaaSSaaaaaaaaaaaaa I I JEAN NEGULESCO Starts iiJa Sf! JfcWH FLEEING POLAND WARSAW, Oct SO -?V Usual ly reliable sources reported to night that a new flight of Jews from Poland was underway and. that 13,000 had Illegally crossed the frontier into Czechoslovakia or Germany within the last month. MORE RAIN FOR LINKS TEES PORTLAND. Oct St -vD-Frebable weather conditions for the Ryder Can snatches here this weekend: Light showers la two-ball fearsome play Satar day with possibly clearing weather for i singles matches Sanaay. . r I Big Halloue'en Horror Ilils 1 1 1 m 1 TODAY O CWEK.1 HENRY BIANKE 0 Added Fan In Technicolor 5 BUGS BUNNY CARTOONS Aba 'Paris la tha Spring" I "Pae 8 PORT REEL a FOX NEWS