. New York Stock Quotations NEW YORK. Oct ZQ-iJ-Tod JA1 Chem & Dye 190fCen Foods American Can Am Power & Lt 87jGen Motors lOSIGoodyear 155i !Gt North Am Tel & Tel "Anaconria JL 337 Int Harvest . .... Int Paper pfd . J Manville Kehnecott Long Bell A Atchison .L. Bendix Avia Beth Steel Boeing AJr Calif Pack Canadian Pac .. Cae J I Chry?er ., .... 33 1 97'. 194 30 i! Mont Ward Nash Kelvin 42 Nat Dairy 62STN Y Central ... Comulth Sou J' Cons Edison 234 Cons Vultee 124 Crown Zel 32 V4 Curtis Wr . 5s Douglas Air 55 Dupont oe Ne IM Gen Electric 38 North Am Co. Northern Pac . Pac Am Fish . Pac Gas Elec ... PTH .......... Pan American Penny J C Radio Corp ..... Portland Livt-siock PORTLAND. Ore.. Oct. 30 (API IUSDAI Cattle and total 230, hold over ISC; calves SO; market "slow on most ciatscs. generally steady; can Mr and. cutter cow fairly active a'ror.g; f-ad common and medium leers 17 00-22 00: one good light fed teer up to 26.00; common heifers 15.50- OP THE PUBLIC. BUT THIS 1CM OUV GAiO MET) PAY VOU GUVS l-OO OOLLARS FOR Did TRACT FOR TUE FAKMtR OUkiMo WWESTTIME-VOUI J0USE-? ICO LITTLE ANNIE EOONET BUZZ 8AWTEH fOCXXT MOUSE Pi lU MAMA TOCO ' j V( ( ME TO TAKE CARE 4V Sop the house lO WHILE SHES BLONDZE "j n aT U I 1 V TUf Mf II IUL UJkl TUAT AM OLD 4EA- I r 7 VOU ARE I HU.OFaJNE 0Z I rl JUST WOW KrrWtTNV I VI. MtnCU I tMtfWt. fOT.IftHE AfiAV t TMS NEW SCOcrtAKV I OWMfTAMM V IAO WfTMTMt MA 1 -jr, rY (fSX MiCS?0USEai I AT ALL, fc? PSST-HERE'S SOoVwEUNS IS TH KXlflRS, BOVS-7 FAR WSQUAOf SEE THflT (YtV , I JEDGGS-VE CAM SflWIft CLRRfl V 0EP6NT ON U3 BQON0O BUG V0-OV-WINS BAENET GOOGLE ay's Clotting Quotation: ...... 39VRayoiiier 27 587g Rayonier pfd ... 46 Reynolds Met . 24 40 Richfield 16 87 V? Safeway 21 55 Vz Sears Roeb 38 42 (Sinclair Oil 15 46VSo Pacific .... 43 26 Stan Brands 27 56 Stan Oil Cal , 60 17 Studebaker 20 30 Sun Mining 8 14 Union Oil ..... 23 26 Un Pacific 146 19 Un Airlines 20 15 Un Aircraft 22 37 U S Steel 76 98 Warner Bros 13 9 West Elec ..... 28. .... Tire pfd . 43 Wool worth . 4fif 8 17.00: canner and cutter cows largely 10.00-12.SO; common and medium beef cows 13.00-16.00; fairly good cow 17.00; odd food beef bulls up to 18.75: med ium and good sausage bulls largely 16.00-16.00; good and choice vealers 23 00-23.00; culls down to 10.00. Hogs: Salable SO, total ISO. holdover 100; market fairly active, steady with heavyweights and sows weaker; jjood and choice 190-230 lb largely 26.90: ,260- I KNOW AU THAT- BUT WHW I I WENT TO THE FARMERS MOOSeCSAlOTWEUTIlE BCAT WAS GONE-BUT f i mow mime to MT-r COULD SEE IT IM HIS EVE- C WrPE COLLECT INKS f cxrn?i8uTioNS for s, S THE NEW CHURCH 2g 4$T VVAMTS US TO YfTWGV&C MEET HIM AT JS?D THIS ADOCESS I CPOWO AND rtU-OuT-WcELCEPT LIME THE r jrt EVENINGS ljfrCf t mm. r ran 3 ft 1 UVfrWyfcfiil 7 I CAN THJ.! Yi kf 1 I I vouvc oar III i.haomt; k I 30METMWQ ll BNT TW 33S lb 24.60-24.50: Jew 140-160 lb 24.00 25.00: good 31S-36S lb wwi 23.30-23.75; heavier weights scarce; 100 head hold I over feeder pig Still tin-told. Krteep. Salable and total 203: market I active, steady: good and choice wooled lambs Zl.r0-22.0o; medium and good trade I900-20SO; medium 01 lb shorn feeders .16.00; common and medium, ewe 5 00-7.00; good and choice sala ble 6 00-.50. i'hiiW Produce PORTLAND. Ore.. Oct. 30 (API Butterfat Tentative (subject to immediate- change) Premium quality maximum of .33 of 1 per cent acidity delivered In Portland S0-S3c lb; first quality, 78-81c; second quality. 73-76c; valley routes and country points 2 cents less than first. 76-7c. Butter Grade AA, 93 score, T3c; grade A, 92 score, 72c; B, 90 score, 69c; C, 89 score. 67c. Butter Wholesale, f o b. bluk cubes, ?rade AA, 93 score, 74c; A, 92 score, 3c; B, 90 score. 70c; C. 69 score 68c. Cheese Selling price to Portland I wholesalers: Oregon singles. 411-51',ic; f Oregon. 5-lb. loaf. 43't-33iC Eggs To wholesalers: A grade. Urge. 66-67c; medium, 96c: A grade, small, 91c: B grade, large, 51,-M'c. Eggs Purchased from farmers: Cur rent receipts, S9-63c; buyers pay 3-3 'ic below wholesale quotations on granded basis for best hennery eggs. Dressed turkeys Grade A torn. 25 36c lb. to growers on dressed basis; grade A young hens, 43-44c lb. Live chickens Paying price to pro ducers: No. 1 broilers under 2', lbs.. VEAH. I COULD NICE LTbE A r-LW GRAND RIGHT t Aeiyikl.! OFFICES. MOW NEED A WONOEr? WHOLE NEW WHO THE RICH CUV, to get myself A CAR, TOO. HOW IU PAV VOU WELL TO KEEP VDUR EVES AMD EARS OPEN -111 LIE LOW UNTIL VOU FIND OUT WHERE THE OLD fOOLJSHlDIWG ANNIE R00N RJJ iiT n 1 A EV i : i J AROUND. tO TAKE VHARNJN4, f J JAMt&ON. MC'S PVMAMITt;! IP M I ic -. I" 1 l1 Q I rjrjitjssais Jrl I I iOtf T CAMT HE AN " 1 PEACE AND QUET- J V EVEN AT HOME! V 7 XXKE OUR T Ml$N' T JU6T M I MEAT TONIGHT, J ALL THE (JNLUCKy U- V aoeaf a EAfac$.' NiGriT,- I 30c lb.: fryers. 24 to 3 lbs.. 32-34c: 3 to 4 lb., 33 -36c; roasters. 4 lbs. and over, "34-35c; fowl. Leghorn, under 4 Ibr.-. l-19c. 4 lb, and over. 2ti-21 : colored towl. all weights. 2l-23t; tagn. all weights. 12-14c. - Rabbits Average to retailers. 4-S2t-Ib. dressed; price to producers. 4.V: fryer, live, white, 20-25v; colored, 17 21 e. Fresh dressed meat (The following fresh dressed meat prici-s quoted wholesalers to retailers for fresh meats are in dollars a hundred pounds a re ported by the USDA market news serv ice at North Portland): Beef Steers Good. 41.00-42 50; com mercial. 39.00-40.00; utility, 32 0035 00; cows commercial, 31 00-33 J?; utility, 27.00-30.00; cutter and canner, 26 00 27.00. Veal and calf Choice. 39 00-39 50; food. 38 00-38SO; commercial, 34.50 36.50; utility, 27 00-28 00. Beef cuts (good steer, heifer) Hind quarters. 43.00-47.00; rounds. 42 00-47 00; full loins trimmed. 63.00-70 00; trian gles. 36.00-38 00; square chucks. 41.00 43.00; ribs, 51.00-53 00; fore quarters. 39 00-42.00. Lamb and mutton Lamb Choice and good, 42.50-43.50; commercial, all weights. 39 00. Mutton Good, 70 lbs. down, 17.00 19 00. Pork cuts Loins No. 1. 8 to 12 lbs.. 36-50-98.00: shoulders. 46.50-48 00: spare ribs, 3 lbs. down, 50.00-52.00; trimmed loins. 66.00-70.00. Cascara bark Dry, 23c lb. Wool Valley, coarse and medium grades, 45c lb. Mohair 42c lb. on 12-month growth. Onions 30-lb. sks.. Ore. Brooks yel lows, med.. 2.25-2.40: boilers. 10-lb . iiljiiJiiIlllli fj FVR'S TAKING 0p rP A BATH BUT HERE c4D iSLI ARE HIS FANTS ti MUMBLES, I I HONEST, IER0-I WISH I WAS LUCKV LIKE THEM KlOS-IT MUST BE mioemtntm folks an rE able 60 R) Xim EVERV DA V uke n SCREAM: caulacop' j si a 111 FRKKLE BUG HissriNO LCAves CUTe LITTLE BflCNN SPECKS ON P60PUS FACES ' KV. a a- ass. PEAS ME t IT COUUTN'T BE! BUT 40-5c; white boilers. 10-lb.. 43-45e; Idaho Spanish, med.. 2 50-2.60. larce. 2 0-2 50 Potalrws Orr!n. Drwhiilr t(iiHrt . I 20 2.1-lb l- IS; 13-lt. V-7:k-No. 2. tMI-2 70. !M-lb. Sl.311-140; 1(W) lb No. I iMkri 4 Ml. No 2. f.l S. iO Ib 4 50. No 2. I 45-1 Mt Long wt.Hc. 4-410. Hay U. S. No. 2 green alfalfa or bel ter, carload lots. f ob. PorlUnd. 31.00 32.50 ton: U. M. No. 1 timotliv (eastern Oregon or WashuiKton i . earlnt. f o b Portland. 35 00-37 50 ton; oats and vetch, mixed hay. uncertified clover hay. 23 00-23.50. baled at Willamette valley farms, depending upon quality and location. Salem Market Quotations BUTTEHrAT Premium No. 1 No. 2 PRINTS Wholesale Retail F.GGS BUYING Extra large Medium and standard Pullets Cracks Rl .79 .70 .77 82 70 .83 .40 40 .74 .67 .80 .73 .25 .20 .37 1950 19 00 12 00 7 00 1200 11 00 14 50 20 00 17 50 23 00 F.GGS SelllPt. fries Wholesale, larfa Mediums Retail large Retail medium -POUI.TR Colored hens. No. 1 No. 2 Fryers 38 to LIVESTOCK (Br Valiev Pack) Wooled lambs, choice Sheared lambs up to Yearling up to Ewes 2.00 to Fat dairy cows - Cutter cows 8 00 to Dairy heifers 9.00 to Calves (300 to 450 lbs.) .... up to Bulls 10.00 to Veal (150 to 300 lbs), choice Stocks and Bonds Compiled by the Associated Press Oct. 30 STOCK AVERAGES 30 13 IS 60 Indus. Rails Util. Stocks STOCK AVERAGES Thursday . 82 8 33 9 41 9 65 2 Previous day .... 94 0 34 4 41 J 66.0 Week ago 95.0 35 7 43 0 67 2 Month ago 91 4 34 0 42 8 64.9 Year ago 85.7 35.3 44.0 63 0 BOND AVERAGES 20 10 101 5 101 3 101 7 102 1 1030 10 102 4 102 S 103 0 103 5 104 2 10 696 69 6 69 3 69 3 74 8 Thursday Previous day Week ago . Month ago . Year ago . 90 9 91 1 91 7 92 0 930 Statesman Classified ads get results. FRIDAY'S BROADCASTS Kilocycles: KSLM 1390, KOCO 1490. KOIN 970. ROW 620. KEX 1190 HOUR 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX 00:00 00:15 News (Tirnekeeper KOCO KLOCK ! KOCO News IKOIN Klock Honeymoon Farm Hour I Honeymoon I Firm Hour 7 KSI.M KOCO KOIN KGW KEX News Lemar Show KOIN Klock Farm Time Sing Cowboy I Rise. Shine I Mews iNews IFarm Time I Agronsky 8 9 KSLM Bible Institute , Bible Institute Pioneers Bargains KOCO News. Orch. INews. Orch. ITempo Tim I Over Cotea KOIN - User- News IRoundup Grand Slam IRosemary KGW Fred Waring I Fred Waring Jack Berch Hospitality KEX Breakfast Club i Breakfast Club i Breakfast Club 'Breakfast Club KSLM Kate Smith IV. Lindlahr I Pastor's Call Art Baker KOCO Gaspel Singer 'Organ Moods iJan Garber I March Musla KOIN Wendy Warren' Aunt Jenny I Helen Trent I Gal Sunday KGW Tommv Dorsev Tommy Dorsey Tommy Dorsey! Tommy Dorsey KEX Travelers I Travelers IBkfst HUywd IBkfst Hollywd 10 KSLM News IPictsweet KOCO Waltz Lives On Lullabv Rvtrt. KOIN Big Sister Ma Perkins KGW Rhythm Kneass News KEX G. Drake I Ted Malone 111 KSI.M Waltz Tim IE. Johnson Queen Today IQueea Today OCO News ILatin-Amer. ISalon Concert I Salon Concert KOIN Mrs. Burton iPerrv Mason I-ook Best I Rote Dreams KGW Today's Child Woman White Holly Sloan I Light World KEX B. Crocker I Melodies 12 KSLM Hit Time INews 'Hillbilly Varieties KOCO Chuckwagon iNovatlme News ISunset 4c Vine KOIN News I Come Get It fO'ble. f Nothing Double. Nothing KGW Kneass News I Ma Perkins Pepper Young IHaprmess KEX W. Kiernan iToday's HiU lP-Whtteman IP. Whiteman 1 KSLM Radio History IRadio History (Orchestra IDrchestra KOCO HeUo Again j Hello Again I Hello Again I Hello Again KOIN Art Baker Lullaby Time 'Aw Newspaper I Air Newspaper KGW Stage Wife jstella Dallas Ixren70 Jones IWidder Brown KEX P Whiteman IP. Whiteman I Kay West I Kay West 2 KSLM Heart's Desire I Heart's Desire KOCO KOCO Kapers IKOCO Kapers KOIN Air School I Air School KGW Girl Marries Faces Life KEX What's Doin' IWhat's Doin' 3 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Red Cross KOCO Kapers Art Kirkham Road of Life Be Seated (Orchestra I KOCO Kapers Tunefully lAra Lawton I Be Seated 4 5 KSLM Fulton Lewis iHemingway Orchestra Orchestra KOCO Pick. Play 'em 'Pick. Play "em 'Jumpln' Jack lAdios KOIN E. Winters Organ Meet Missus I Meet Missus KGW Woman's Secret Bob and Vie Life Beautiful IStars of Today KEX Sunnyslde Up INorthwest ISwing Dick Tracy KSI.M H Harrlgan ISuperman Capt. Midnight Tom Mix KOCO Off Record IMusic Sparkles Harry Flannery Bob Garred KOIN Knox Manning ;Spark4e Music INews I Bob Garred KGW Chuck Foster 'George Moorad -Sunny Sid IE. Peterson KEX Tenn 4ad I Terry. Pirates IJ. , Armstrong J. Armstrong 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX G Heater Allen Roth Elsie Presents People Funny Sports (Sam Hayes ISaving Side. Elsie Presents People Funny K. Baker 7 KSLM Football lOrchestra (Cisco Kid KOCO Com. Parade Band. Cone. fV) Yd. Lin KOIN Ignorance Pays Ignorance Pays I Review KGW Smiths Smiths I Bill Stern KEX Sports I Sports I Your Music 8 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Racket Smash.' Racket Rtquestully Football Lowell Thomas' Jack Smith Supper Club I World News Fat Man I Fat Man 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX News Football Fannie ftrice David Street Break Bank (Mystery Football I Fannte Dr. Crane (Break Bank KSLM F. Lewis (News KOCO News . I Pig Revue KOIN S Star Final Sports KGW News Flashes SKrts KEX News ISports 10 11 KSLM Open House (Open Houe lOpen House INews KOCO Buddy Rich Weot. Ballads Popular Dane I Popular Dane KOIN Serenade I Serenade Air-flo Air-flo KGW News (Speaker I Ron Salt I Ron Salt KEX Concert Hour IConcert Hour IRose Bowl Roue Bowl KOAC S3 k.e. - 10:00 News; 10:13 Especially for Women; 11:00 Oreg Air School; 11:13 Conceit Hall; 12:00 News; 12:13 Noon Farm Hour; 1:00 Ride 'Km Cowboy; 1:15 Oregon Air School; 1:30 Melody Lane: 20 Clubwomen's Half Hour: 2:30 Memory Music; 3.04 Oregon Reporter; 1:15 Music of Masters; 4:00 WANTED V7ALI1UT HEATS We pay cash any amount any time Karly market is highest crack now! Willamette Grocery Co. 305 S. Cotag-e St. Stock Market In Nose-Dive NEW YORK. 6i "i0 - (4 -Stocks went into one of the steepest nose-dives- of the past two months in today's market but supiHirtinR bids arrived at the last and substantially cut extreme losses of 1 to 4 or more points. The Associated Press 60-stock composite was off .8 of a point at 65 2 at a bottom since Oct. 8. Of 1,041 issues registering, 818 fell and only 88 rose. Bethlehem Steel, up at one time, finished off T of a point at 97 s and, after the close, di rectors of the company declared the usual $1.50 dividend on the common and proposed a 3-for-l split up of the capital stock. The board reported net of $2.87 a share for the September quarter against $3.61 in the June period and $2.99 in the third 1948 quar ter. Wheat Loses Added Ground CHICAGO, Oct. 30-(4VWheat lost further ground on the; board of trade today, influenced by un certainty regarding government price control action, reduced cash grain buying by the Comrtodity Credit corporation and slightly better reports on winter wheat seeding. While the bread cereal contin ued downward, corn reversed its trend and finished with moderate gains. Wheat closed i-3'4 lower, De cember $2.894-1, corn was IV4 24 higher, December $2.2 Hi -2.22. and oats were i lower to higher, December $1.10-1.10. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore.. Oct. 30 (AP Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 1.73; soft white (excluding Rex) 2 73; white club 2 73; western red 2.73. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2 75; 10 per cent 2.76; 11 per cent 1.86; 12 per cent 196 Hard white Baart: Ordinary 2 84; 10 per cent 2.84; 11 per cent 2.90; 12 per cent 296. 00:30 00:45 IMarch Time INewi KLOCK KOCO KLOCK IKOCO KLOCK I KOIN Klock I KOIN Klock Kneass News iFarm Hour I Early Bird I Farm Hour INews Tex Hitter I Bob Garred I Old Songs Uames Abbe lOrchestra Sammy Kay Fred Beck I Sam Hayes (Stocks Waltzes Harmony Hawaii Echoes I Varieties j Dr. Malone (Guiding Light ! Claudia J Joyce Jordan ITrue Story I True Story IListen I Ethel. Albert Martin Black I Martin Block IKOCO Kapers IKOCO Kapers House Party House Party Plain Bill I Bride. Groom Page Farrell Bride. Groom (Stranger News IKOCO Kapers IKOCO Kapers I Art Godfrey Art Godfrey I Aunt Mary I Dr. Paul I Dave Dennis Serenade Info Please News FBI Waltz Tim Sheriff Info Please I Pig Parade I FBI Waltz Tim I Sherlft I Cisco Kid Review Review I Rhythm Rang Your Music Smash. Orchestra Football Orchestra Football Thtn Man Top Thta? Your FBI Thin Man Top Thint Your FBI 'Mystery Toot ball H J. Taylor 1 Football I Ed Murrow Brie Club la Theatre I Theatre Western Skies I Western Skies INews lOrchestra I Classics I Eve. Classics lllnited Nations j Harry James Paradie I Rand Wagon (concert Hour IConcert Hour News; 4:13 Sortg Time; 4:30 Strictly Jar: 4 43 Chlldien s Theatre: 5:00 On the Upbeat: 3:33 Spottina the SpoiU. 6 00 Neus; 6 15 Organist: 6 .10 Music of Czechoslovakia; 7:13 Evening Farm Hour; 8 40 Here's to Veterans: 8:15 Song Shop. 8:43 News: 9:00 Music That Endures: 9:43 Evening Meditations; 10:00 Sign Olf. Phone 4146 Th Stcrtman, Solm. Otskjou, Friday. Octobf 31, HIT IS, fcTIIEY()UNG IDEA" By flossier RFUM PUNTER rJ kr . IHMk Urn. 1m. g U. j. ,. OS-AI nM Mtsii.s D yea have an antidote for that perfnnie 1 bafht yesterday? Detroit Faculty Party Is Held DETROIT More than 60 were present for the reception for the Detroit teachers given by the De troit Woman's Civic club and the Santiam Willing Workers club. The club president, Mrs. A. Schlador, introduced speakers in cluding Lloyd Girod of Idanha, parent and former teacher who spoke on the importance of par ents' interest in the school as well as community cooperation. Otis White, principal, spoke for the teachers. Halloween refresh ments were served. Both Detroit and Idanha communities were well represented at the reception. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTT Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned, as Administrator of the Es tate of PATRICK CARMODY, deceas ed, by virtue of an order duly iaaued out of the Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon, for Marion County, Pro bate Department, on the Ird day of October, 1947. will proceed to sell, at private sale for cash In hand on the day of sale, at the office of STEVE ANDERSON, 2U- Oregon Building, In the Ctty of Salem. Marion County. Oregon, from and after Wednesday, the 12th day of November, 1947. at the hour of ten o'clock A.M. of said day. to the highest bidder, for cash, in one entire piece, all of the right, tiU and inter est of the estate of aaid decedent in and to the following described lands and premises, to-wlt : Lot 4. Block 27. Yew Park Annex to the City of Salem, Marlon County, Oregon. Said sal shall b made subject to th confirmation of the Circuit Court of Hie Stat of Oregon, for th County of Marion. Probat Department, in th matter of the estate of said decendent. Dated, posted and first published, th 10th day of October. 1947. STEVE ANDERSON. As Administrator of th Estat of Patrick Carmody. deceased. Date of first publication: October 10. 147. Date of last publication: November 7, 1947. O 10-17-14-J1-N t NOTICE OF EXAMINATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Civil Serviest Examination for police men subject to th rules, regulations and provisos of th Civil Service Com mission of Salem. Orecon, (as amend ed! will be held at City Hall. Salem. Oregon, on Tuesday. November IS, 1947, 9:00 A. M. GENERAL SCOPE OF EXAMINA TION, in addition to physical exam ination by the city physician: Keenness of observation, reading comprehension, ability to follow directions, relations with orders, aptitude for police work, simple problems in arithmetic, geogra phy of th ctty, stat laws and ctty ordinances. Ten per cent credit allowed on War Time Service record.-. PAY: $210 a month tor beginners. REQUIREMENTS: Applicants must have been bona fid residents of Sa lem. Oregon, for at least one year im mediately previous to th date of the examination and must be registered,) voierm. s ; AGE LIMITS: 27 to 40 years (WITH MILITARY SERVICE CONCESSIONS!. Applicants who are placed on th eligible list will be required to Uke a physical examination from th city physician before appointment. Poor health or disability defect reported by the physician will be cause for removal from the eligible list. APPLICATION BLANKS may be ob tained at the office of the Ctty Re corder. City Hall, must be filed In per- STRAIGHT suoonn BE THE FIRST TO WEAR COVDOY SPUUS THAT GLOW IN THE DARK yL-,rA m i& "V COWBOY STUBS. til.Ua rV- kl 1 X Al. ft mi Tom Mix has ent a sup ply of Cowboy Spurs which "straight shooters can get at the Bugs Bun ny show, Saturday, Nov. Int. So b prepared to get tout purs at th Capitol theatre this Saturday. ISM On Tear Dial Msttaal - D Lee 1 jrsji KSLII I son. and will not be accepted for fOtstaj arter tn following date: " Thursday, November 11. 1247, at Is' pm. , Dated at Katem. Oregon, thia 24Ha Day of October. 194 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION By: Alfred Mundt. Secretary. Oll-N 1-2-4-S-4 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given that th un dersigned has tiled in th probat de partment of th Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for th County of Marion, his duly verified Final Ae rount. as executor of th estate of B. T Felger. deceased, and that said Court has fixed Monday, th 3rd day of No vember, 1947. at th hour of 10 0 '. clock A.M. of said day, aa th time. . and the Circuit Court Room in th County Court House at Salem, in Mar lon County. Oregon, as th pkac foe hearing aaid Final Account and all objections thereto. Dated at Sale tit. Oregon, this 3rd day of October. 1947. Ben O. Felger, Executor of th Estate of B. F. Felger. Deceased. Ronald C. Glover. Attorney for Executor, 205 Oregon Building, Salem. Oregon; ' O l-l-17-24-St NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECl'TRIX Notice la hereby given that th. un dersigned has been appointed aa ex ecutrix of the last will and testament and estate of Mary E. Reynolds, deceas ed, by th Circuit Court of th Stat of Oregon for th County of Marion, sitting in probate, and has duly qual ified as such executrix: all persons hav ing claims against the estate of sax! decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified' as by law re quired, to th undersigned at 209 Ore gon Building. Salem. Oregon, wtthm six (SI months from th date of th first publication of this notice. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 10th day of October. 147. RUTH 1. REYNOLDS Executrix of th Estat of Mary E. Reynolds. Deceased. Ronald C. Glover. Attorney for Eexecutrix, 203 Oregon Building. " Salem. Oregon. O 1 0-17-24-11 -N T " Livestock and Poultry GRAIN Fed whit far babe beef. Just right for locker. Rt. 4 Box 479. I ml. from bride on S1em-Dna Highway. Ph. 4964 r 2-23TT. O. E. Schrvder. 2"Vtf oTdHbeeT hel?er7706TbTTlT05. J. C. Bentley. Jefferson. Ore, Rt. L Box 177. I1! ml. on Talbot Rd 1 GOOD" 4 year oTT"7ersev cow. fresh anon, will aell for SISS.00 if taken by Sunday. Nov. 2. I block west Bet crest cem HI.J. Box SIS. Salem ' FOR SALE: Two-wheeled. coveted, metal, single horse trailer in excellent condition. See Billv Service. Stat Fairgrounds Horse Stadium. ANTro"Faobirfn-eVi:wirit Sc. colored 23c. Mon. night only. 2703 Pi id, Rd. - REGlsTESEft saddlebreda. termes see walkers. Show horrs and show prospects. Tennessee walking winners of State Fair and International. 1st. 2nd and led horses. Canal Meadows. Intersection of Chllds and Boyant Ave nues. Oswego. Oregon. On Tualatin River. " I rTrscKr ttrawwe. -n j Earl ,Du CM en Call 21SS4 HIGHEST QUALITY CHICVS New amp hires and Whit Rock. 1SC rre or puuorum. Hatcnea every tim day. Send for free catalog, wtiaxi Hatcheev 4 Poultry rarm. Leon" Oe. CUsTQm dressing ol rhtcaehs. any number Prompt servic Dressed enuU tj wholesale our petitjr. Pteon 1-2841. L's Hatchery. Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With little Worry Eat. aaea, laugh or an a without fear of Insecure false teeth dropping, lipping or wabbling. FASTEETH hold' plate firmer and more comfortably. This -pleasant powder has n gummy,' gooey, pasty taste or feeling. Duaau't cause asawaea. It' aJkaKw t non-arid I. Checks pate odor" (dentue breath). Get FASTEETH at any drug store. DRS. CHAN . . . LAM Or.Y.TXasaNJ i OuQXIUmJtM, CHINESE HZKBAL1STS til Kertk Uberty Upeaarrs PwrUand Genera Electn Co. Offlc op Saturday only IS a a 4 I pin. I t 1 ejsu Conaml taUon Blood pressure and uru teas are fre ac aharg. Practiced suc 1917 FILES (Uemmth4da) FlstsU, Flssare, Itehkna;, leUsse. anal ether See t a I . sHarderea eerreeiecL S, ' Mil Treatment Ne BMpltaJlBaUM Call fee eucBlnalUa er write far free DeserfpUve Beelilei. Dealt beeMM leewrabJe toy tie lay. Dr. R. Rsynolds Cllnie , Natarsvrreetelekiat Vr SIS N. IJberty StwSaJeea. Or.