i Tho Stattman. Sa!m, Orogon, Soturdcry. Octobwf 25. 19471 Additional Classified Ads on Page 7 Situation! Wanted HOME nursing wanted. Ph. 2-6636, Apt I. " WILL CARS for children In my home by hr.. day or week. Mrs. Oeoree E. Uwii. Phone 3618. IRONING, my home. 1826 McCoy. Hollywood dist. 75c an hr. ""PRACTICAL nursing by day or week. Phone 789. CARETAKER'S job by middle aged man. Hand with carpenter tool, can drive car. R. E. Hadley, Argo Hotel. room 801- , : '. WE LAY pumice atone, chimney work and plastering. Gen. Del. Brooks. Ore. Robert Douglas. TAILORING, dressmaking Ph. 5M. ""CTRICIA Nt Ace Electric Co. phone 2-1413 day or night. PfANO Tuning WlTTs "Music Store. HDHAMlNCEnsineering and archi tectural Plv26318 "W ANTED furniture to gToe and repair. Lee Bros. Ph. 21233. 4020 East State St. - ' CtRTAINS Washed stretched. 395 S. 22nd Mm . B. .Licske. Ph. 26343. LANDSCAPE-Prunlng. Lawn work, etc N.Church St Ph. 755S. 'PAINTING Paperhanglng Pre est mate 157 Sh Ippin g. Ph.951 1. Painting. Paperhanglng REPAIR REFINISHING furniture. Decorating in harmony with your fur nishings. Rawlins Ac Ttbbetta. Ph. 25826; , PAINTING an3 decorating. Work guaranteed. Ph. 3 1 93. ; Cement contracting, patching. 24751. Paintinz & Decorating 26 m. beautifying homes In Salem. Ph. f552. A. C. Chaplin. : " INSX'RED TREE SERVTCE -Toppine. etc. Estimates gladly given, JOHN PAYNE. PHONE 2-6014 ""CEMENT CONTRACTING. Phone 2-3Q45 Stanley Fa (? Hollywood Transfer For locai and long distance hauling Pickup and moving Trailer for rent. ph 9764 Burtons J4ob1le Station. "DRAWING Designing House and tore pians Ph W21. "ATTENTION KEIZER RBlDENTS Ketrer Sa n ita t Ion Serv Ice. Ph 25824. Piom( discing." Light bulldozing. Fti 2-Z773 Painting & Decorating, WE SPECIALIZE IN ITiTtlUOBS 1-5444 , PICK PREY 6265 ""ALL Work guaranteed- Windows walls, woodwork cleaned Floors wax ed Insured workmen Professional CVcanme Service Phone 4457 Mike's Septic Service Elm, West Salem Ph $468 or 8377 Painting Contract or by the hour. Spray or ferush. PAUL BASSET fn 6 Rot 363 Phone 2-2306 PAINTER and Papernanger Keason nnm rree rnmwm wooawonn rn sia T., ti.rwi 1381 State Am 1-6 Part or all day Ph 8430 -XPEHT Repairs. New rolls Olson Washes- Repair. 80 Liberty Rd Pb xsioo - j Snray Painting Ralph Alsman. 1720 Lancaster Dr phofse 2-4248 Tamting end paperhanglng 4325 Septic Tanks Cleaned F. Hamet 1142 tth. West Salem Phone 7404 " CHIMNEY sweep NorthfTeph44M HTn'CN and lathing. Staples Ba Ph 6102 or 26763. . WriDK'irt inr Umn1jrv and Junior hieh rcnoo! STades.Phone 7890. . L. W. LAWU aprtying anu rimi" tn Co. Ph. 7900. - " rXP, " CLERK. Typist delres posi tion. ex-service woman. Write States tnan Bo 612 TEEKTRTCiaN Ace Electric Co' Ph 21413 dav or rdght. "TIOTSEVORK. washing A Ironing, Ph. 6364. For Sale Miscellaneous niRV Carriage and mattress. Excel lent cond. Ph. 2-6684. 570 N. Liberty. H GREEN Enamel wood range and hot f water mk. 620. Call b MARINE Dlvwood boat. 11 ft. 6. car top. screw construction, taped water proofed Joints 15 inch transom, approx imately VO IDS. 1S3 w. tnurcn "HAND-PICKED Apples. 50c bu Ac up. 1 r Peterson. R1. 1. Box 237. MAJESTIC wood range with coils. Extra nice wood circulator. Both in food condition. Ph. z-1379 GOOD Wood circulator. Ph. 2-1Q19. 1946 MODEL H International tractor 10x38 tires, good shape, also 1938 D 30 International I'i ton truck. L. H. Mar cutt). Jefferson. Oreg. Phone 564. 1943 MOTjE A John Deere. Excellent ond. Ph. 8127 or 109rll. GOOD 4 or 5 rm. oil circulator with oil drum. 2 mi. East of Krueger's store. First rd. north past Jog. Rt. 6. Box 301Y. " 500 JT. 8 IN. cedar siding. 1790 N. 23rd ' I NORGE Model washer. Excellent con dition. Axminster all-wool rug it pad. 1x9, good as new. Electric churn, 6 t. capacity. Phone 2-4534. : 16" Wood Old and Second Growth Fir 2 UNIT LOADS Delivered to Salem $11.00 : For prders please call collect Independence 42 Indeoendence Lumber Manufacturing 42 Independence. Oregon APPLES. Spies. Baldwins, Greenings 6. Kings. 75c to $2.00. Rt. 9. Box 159 R. Auburn rd- across from Auburn school. 4 WTNDOwSwith frames, kitchen ox bathroom size. Also lec. hot water tank. Phone 5970. ""LARGE Wood circulator. J wood tmnrrt. reasonable. Phone 2-3123. WfTlNGHOUSE-4 burner electnic tange. Phone 6038. F AT Shorthorn beef. Ph. 2-2639. 1Z UAtbl WI.NUHESlI.il fUMf: Just overhauled. $70. Rt. 2. Box 166. KJ. Blake MARSHALL Strawberry plants. Dav id Schafer. Star Rt.. Silverton. Oreg. LARGE Coleman circulating oil hcat er. 1st claw cond $85. Phone 8326. nrocATOR, i ood aTre w : PhTT5 I7MVarket Sr "MAHOGANY Kneehole dnk. Motor la rad tn Both like new . Phone 2-5454. GOOD-Goose gun 16 gauge lever action Winchester 32 Inch barrel in perlert i condition with ammunition. Ph 7361 tb CAL. Automatic gas hot water teater, like new; old style small ga4 range good cond. For quick sale, both t-" Phi 5430 for appointment or Call -in N OmVl. St. b'NmrsRt."Ph ha "TRXWAjnElectric range. A-l condi- tWm. 818SOnPh. 2-5654. "TPCl Vfssgle roner $35 C I roast rr 817 50 Pf 23566 35 Manbrin. "HOf&ETlMX) GOODS: Red" FfJ.m furniture, dining room table, buffet, davenport chair. Nice range stove, Diano. window blinds, dressers a com. modes. Royai vacuum cleaner, Alrws1 cleaner. weting macn.. misc. articles. Ph I1M1 j S. Winter. MAT Tifment mixer. Ph 7113! TPRieRT PiarKenmoeElecIrlc waher, R jington stand, typewriter, 11 in good enndttlnn. fh. " ElJCCTRlCTWaler pump. Good cond I - tjofi Complete tank controls. Ph. 3962. " PORTABLE electrie'eiothes washers. Ideal for apartment or trailer house, YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY i VStI-RoTt.theMrrophine".1iEe finish for your floors, that requlra no wanng. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY I ANTTL"wrantlWhat have voIT? fprtalrs Antique Shop. Open 11 to 8 Monday through rnday. Call 2504 after i j G ERMJCtAirismps in your home or fftc help to prevent spread of dls- Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ; "TcLECfRlC ranges (apartment size. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY I For Sale--Miscellaneous 24 bundle flrtex. plaster base. Gas range. Phone 7496. UPRIGHT piano. o07 N. 19th. ' MONTAG wd. rge. $30. Steel cot $5. ml. W. of Keizer sch. RL 2. Box 156. 4-5 RM. OIL circulator. 841 N. Cot tage tm.TtL.UL: woria. urana new. ee al ter 6:00 p.m. at 2251 Breyman. Rear entrance. PHILCO 1201 radio Ac record player. Zenith table model radio. Windsor, 4275 Hudson dr. Pen 4 Corners. FOR SALE BY OWNER: One 5 piece bedroom suite, complete with springs and mattress; one twin bedroom suite complete with springs and mattresses and one ' chest of drawers; one blue Wilton rug 12 x 10',; one Alexander Smith hooked rug x 10: one Italian Renaissance dining room set consisting of table, 6 chairs, buffet and china cupboard. All fruntture in excellent condition. Possession by November 1. Call 8105or 5088 for Inspection. GOOD Automatic oil floor furnace. Go one block south of 12th st. Hiway Junction on old hiway to Idlewood drive. 4th house on left. Miller. STOCK saddle horse, also large prune dryer. RJ. 2. Turner. D. J. Waldrog. 20.000 YEARLING Croft lily bulbs. make offer. 1670 Broadway St. Ph. 4735. River Silt MASON. SAND CONCRETE MIX READY MIX ALL KINDS Or GRAVEL Cement Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH. 2-1966 2-3100 VACTJUMcIeaners and floor polish ers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY COATS, size 12 Ac 13 white Strooke, black band knit, black cape At 2 black ' Practically new. 775 Center. DAVeNO dressing table, elec. plate. Federal enlarger, bedsprlngs. misc. No Sun, calls. Phone 4672. 10,000 BOXES apples from our own orchard, Delicious. Spitzenberg, Jona than. Winter Bananas. 75c. $1.00. $1.25 and 61 50 a box according to grade. All hand picked and free from worms. Puritan Cider Works. West Salem. OLDER "type Hotpoint "elec. range, $60. Phone 9689. APARTMENT size elec. range. $85.00. 2065 Bruce, 1 block east of Park off Sunnyview. "CIRCULATOR wood heater, $12.50. Slightly used cotton mattress, $15. Rt. 7. Box II. Call Sat. afternoon or Sun. am BEIGE with brown pattern Broad- loom rug and pad. 10i ft. x 12 ft. $85. Round walnut occasional table. $10. Glassed bookcase or dish cupboard. $20. Black northern seal fur jacket, size; 16, $15. 4 French doora, $7-50 each. Ph. 4UI. ELECTRIC steam radiator. 965 Mar- ket. PLENTY of oil heaters, three sizes. large, medium and small. Elec. motors. Elec. ranges. Paint of all kinds. Wash ing machine, dinette set, end tables, vacuum cleaners. New tires, tubes and batteries, all items under retail price. 7 ft. refrig. Hardman Bros.. mile north Totem Pole, 4 miles, out on Portland highway. Ph. 2-6367. Open Sundays a eves until 10 p.m. 2-WHEEL trailer. 16" wheels. 2210 Hazel ave 2 NAVY blue men s suits. Size 38. i like new. $8. Other is $5.11 Boy's tri cycle, $4 as is. Lady's brown tweed !' U. $1. Phone 7129. 15 PANiTwindow sash, matching ve nettan blind. 6x8 ft.. $40. Ph. 7447. 4 PLATE Electric Silex coffee mak er. Like new. Phone 7982. ' GOOD'Used wood atufoil circulators. Judson 'i. 278 N. Com'!.. Salem. WOOD furnace, in excellent cond. Cheap to anyone dismantling it. 1190 N. join. COMBINATION baby swing car seat lncl. rubber tipped stand, $5. Small 20" wheel Jr. bicycle. $18. Montag wood range with coils, $10. Solid oak antique library table. 30x50 in, $12.50. Ph. 128M Independence. ! PIECE Mahogany Duncan-Phyfe din In f set. Phone 2-6793 WHITE enamel wood range. Man's blcycle.Good cond. 1578 Terry St. fIRESTONicar radio, good condi- tlon. 2094 Trade. "NO"RGE oil heater, with drums. Ph. Z-07. 5-PIECE bedroom suite and Serta spring tt mattress. 5-piece dinette set. Dufold At chair. This furniture is Just like new Ac priced to selL 791 Gerth ave., west Salem. - BABY bed and! mattress. Ph. 4503. FELT Mattress. Double Bed ilze. Good cond. 1272 Fir. LATE Model console radio. Push ut ton tuning. $50. Phone 2-1417. NEWLY painted bed and aDrings. I'i head Ac foot material springs, wood frame. $12. 355 Union. Phone 7104. FOX TERRIER pups. 534 N. Winter. kbii eves, or sun. FOR SALE: 1942. 2.5 hn outbrri mtr . like new. and washing mchne, gd. con. J a Watkins Co Droaucta 1717 Cen ter St. Salem Ph 5395 Free del USED COM L REFRICTERATION BARGAIN r triple glass Frigidaire meat case, fxtr walk-in cooler Vs h.p. compres sorpractically new. A very good buy. Mills' 2',i gaL freezer. New 6 ft. meat case, triple gUss. R. L. Elf- sirom o., mo Court street. Ph. 9221. ELECTRIC room heaters, radiant, team, and fan. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY COFFEE makers and replacement pans. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY SEE the Gibson tractor. You ride. plow. disc, spring tooth harrow, cul tivators, dozer blade. Available now L C. Miller. RlckrealL Ore Ph. Dallas I2F6. John Hancock. 3895 RivercresL Ph. Salem 2-4280. THOR Automagle washers and tron- ra. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY "FARMERS Attention Electric but ter churn, milk coolers, fence con trollers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY STUDENT and Executive desk lamps, fluorescent lighting fixtures. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY "UNIVERSAL bantam electric ranges. ideal lor apartments, trailer houses, or an auxiliary oven. YE ATER A PPLIA NCE COMPA NY HCLECTRIC IRON'S. metaT'lroning boards, pads, and covers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY " MAHOGANY Duncan-Phyfe dining room set 8100. Phone 9488. hUnBREds" of Christmas' Sift items. Yeater Appliance Co. . "RESTTulftATfT type "electric ranges, commercial griddles. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY MAKE your own recordings on Wilcox Gay Record lo. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY "TTlOR automatic washer. Latest mod" I. Used 6 weeks. Phone 2-6334. OIL Circulators with or without fans. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY "TECT&KTWashlng Machines Little Giant tray type. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Arr'IJa.airTlndsof"viletIes7Wm de'lver. Paul Rrhasd. Ph 23418. REMOVE cooking fumes with Tryne exhaust Ian. Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY "LECTRIC ice cream freezers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY BUILDING BLOCKS BRICKS PUMICE CONCRETE CEMENT. SEPTIC TANKS, CONCRETE WATERPROOFINO I mile south on River Rd Phone 8968 Alfalfa Hay Truck Delivery. Call 2-1196 Pressure cookers. 4 qt. for cooking, 16 qt. for canning, YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ""ELECTRIC comforters, blankets, and heatinr pads. Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY "ELECTRIC aixTgaa water heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY rINCLE and two burner hotplates. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Fr Sale Miscellaneous JUST RECEIVED Imported Holland Bulbs DUTCH HYACINTHS DARWIN TULIPS ALSO A LARGE SELECTION OF . DOMESTIC BULBS SEARS FARM STORE 173 S. Liberty Ph. 9192 or 6333 CEMENT $1.15 per sack. Pumilite Concrete Block Co. Wert Salem. Also masonry supplies sand. lime, white sand, aluminum windows, steel door frames, water- proof paint. 3 PLATE gas burner. Good condition. $10. Ph. 2-5248. 1370 Chemeketa. VACUUM Cleaner in good condition with all attachments. Ph. 2-602. WAR'sOTiPLTfs sT0fi"r?3Mli6YTsf. METAL FILING CABINETS. New. letter size 4 drawer $59.50. Electric heaters, portable, celling and wall, types. Guaranteed electric water heat ers, special. Storage tents 16x32 Ac 16x50. Sleeping bags. House wire, boxes, out lets, range cable. Bunk beds with mat tresses. Metal Folding choirs $2.60. Only 3. two drawer office desks left $25.00. Clark 3 Ton Fork Lift $2000.00. 50 2-Ton Shop Trailers $20.00 ea. HOYT BE TWEEN SOUTH 12th Ac SPRR. Tel 7916. Time to Fertilize USE ORGANIC FERTILIZER PERFECT FOR LAWNS Ac GARDENS. 8 SACKS $3 OR $10 PER TON Free delivery anywhere in Salem. West Mushroom Farm Ph. 8127 days; 2-4397 eve, or 8127 $60. OLD STYLE"" Standard elvctric nn Prrt nrb. ing condition. 1368 N. 4th. or tel. 8937. AL.W A Y m Die Woodry s Furniture Mkt. Ph. 8110 ALMOST new folding baby buggy. $10. Vacuum cleaner, good cond., $15. Set of Wearever cooking ware, ttu- sonapie. o s. cotta ge. CHARIS CORSETIERE dresses. RAINCOATS. Ph. 7074. 437 S. Liberty. Just Received 7 different styles of dinette sets In chrome and wood. Ranging from $24.50 for a 5-piece set to $136.50 for 6-piece walnut waterfall design set. This in cludes matching buffet. Glenn Wood- ry Furniture Mkt. 1605 N. Summer. -W-30 McCORMICK beering tractor on rubber. $850. Duane L Felton. Ger- vais. oreg. l. mi. West of Waconda. LARGE circulating oil heater, 3 burner -Hot Point range, 9x12 rug, 7'i x S'i rug. Quaker panel curtains, breakfast set. shoe Ice skates, size 10 & 8. Golf clubs, tricycle lor 2 jt. old. Ph. 2-1028. WOMEN'S At girl's skirts, suits, dresser, formats, bats. Private sale of high quality used clothing. Sat.. Oct. to .10 'am. to p.m. 1099 S. High. GOOD 2-wheel trailer with gas tank! $75. Wolf fur jacket, like new. size 14-16, $33. 2-hole trash burner. $6. Colled 30 gal galvanized hot water tanx, HBO n. Winter Wood L coal he. ting "atflvo 170 Ford St. Phone 9509. NEARLY nw all wKlla nml vn Ph. 2-2934. Geo. Kleen. Pratum. Ore. USED Oil flrutr iirn. f -i ' 1 $75. Capital Bargain House. 145 Center! TRAP Load shotgun shells. $26.80 ease. Nollman aV tnl.r Sit ct.. Phone 6062. - WILL Sacrifice man's diamond ring valued at $450. mounted with 2 rubles. wiKc mg an oner. JQ3 a. lain. BRAND New outboard motor 31!. K n iw. joj a. lain. APT. 'ectric ranee. S.19 an Mu magazine racks. $55. Regular $7.98. Good Assortment while they last; 8 pc. bedroom set, $85.00; hot plates, gas and electric. $5.00 and up; oil burn ing range. $54.50; davenport and chair sets. $45.00 to $69.50; small baby beds. $5.00: three drawer 30" chests. $11.50; oil burner; dinette sets: dining room sets; elect, rangette; baby buggy; book case. MARTIN'S FURNITURE CO. 20 so. Commercial KING Apples. $1.40 per box. Bring boxes. 2476 Fairgrounds Rd. . REMINGTON No. 11 Standard type- wnwrr. rimiif -1IM2 BARN Sash urinHnw. inH , 34x21. Call 7450 evenings. ' MOVING, must sell. Davenport and chair, excellent condition, slipper chair, chest of drawers, misc dishes. Call 7450 evenings after 6 o'clock. HAY CUTTER. Good condition, $100. Phone 2-2185. GOOD Winter apples. Perfectly worm-free. Phone 2-4238. GARAGE. 460 N. Winter. Ph. zua4 GIRL'S bicycle for sale. Almost new. way, aaiem - . . nmiv. i-di new. Reasonable. 1174 Edgewater. Ph. G.E. REFRIGERATOR TlXA I weas. r-none FULLER RmithM 174ft n..nf 6 mitti ' COCKER SPANIEL Puppies. Rei. uwck. mam iemaies. saiem veterln arr nospuai. Portland Kq BABV Btfl S, .trntUr ' liL - 7 Ph. 25156 CLOCKS, wall, mantle, and aUriri. Door chimes. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ELECTRIC Mixers (Dormeyer). YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY SALEM SCREEN SHOP Windows and sash. - Frames, storm sash, screens made to order. Class replacement and general cab inet work 1444 So 12th Ph 2-5574 HOSPITAL Beds, wheel ehrsrent, sell. Buren. Ph. 7775. 745CourtSt. SUN (ultraviolet), heat (infrared) lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ATMORAY Ozone, elec. heater, bed daveno, very good cond. 866 S. Sum mer. "STEEL Clothesline posts at orna mental iron work mad to order. 1145 n. Liberty. FORD FERGUSON tractor eauio- ment, Geo. Janfisen. Rt 9, Box 518E. ' APPXES75el)Ushei up. Ctills 35c. Wide choice of varieties. Buttercup, Hubbard, Marblehead and Banana squash: pic and Halloween pumpkin. Coin's Farm Fruit Stand. 1 miles N. of Jefferson, old highway "S2W fNGMachTnri repaired, bought. rented. W Davenport Ph. 7671. Work guaranteed! . REV ERl! ware, aluminum cooking utensils, kitchen gadgets YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ""RADIOS, and record players. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Oil Burner Service William C. Drew. Phone 9-4449 "ELECTRIC corn poppers, roatleretUs, orouers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Wanted Furniture trarn niHNrriTWB' pV m ""rXJANlTURCand what have you bought for cash. Call any time. Sun dale Exchange. Ph. 1-5511. $94 N. Lib ert JsED FURNlTURt Phone 8110 "TlANTniO Buy Used" Cameras A lenses McEwan Photo Shoo 435 State. CASH fut used piano other mu sical instruments. Call 4641 days or 9537 evenings or send description to jaquun music Co. 191 s High GOOD Used wash mashtn At sewing macns. en. z-aau. m ti. uoerty. Wan led -Miscell&neons The Alliance Church desire to buy a good ured piano. The price mut be reasonable. Write Alliance Church, North 5th at Gaines St.. or Ph. 5488. 1 YD. Cement mixer. Ph. 7113, WALNUT drying. Can dry a few more lots. Phone 2-2634. TOY and doll repairing. Tricycles, wagons, baby furn. Ph. 2-6727. 197', S. Commercial. " APARTMENT size electric range. General Electric or Universal White top. Call 7450 evenings. iJvTOCK WANTED, all kinds. Earl Du Chlen Call 21656. PIANO TUNING Wills Music Store. Salem Miscellaneous UHEY'S Music studio. Instructor of all brass Instruments. 735 Pied mont, W. Salem . Ph. 24506. TOPPING, trimming and remove danger trees, reasonable. Guarantee satisfaction. Ph. 2-2374 a.m. or after 5j m. IF" IT'S a Ferguson Farm Implement you are looking for, come in and see us today. Don't delay. We have avail able now: 2 Bottom 12" Plows, 2 14" Plows, 1 Bottom 16" Plow. Towner off set disc, 5 ft. heavy duty mower with curb lift. 7 ft. grain drills. Bird & Zysset Co. 871 Wallace Rd . West Salem, Ph. 6666 "Is That Oil Burner Giving Yud Maximum Efficiency? DIAL 2-6062 For Oil Burner Service and Repair. Conversion Oil Burner and Automatic Oil Floor Furnaces. For Immediate installation. BRIMM'S HEATING APPLIANCES 422li S. High Salem. Ore BUTTONHOLES made. Ph. 2-2168. MEN'S HATS cleaned and blue-iced $1 00 r.E SPRINGER 464 Court BLOWN Rock wool Insulation, inter locking weather strip. Payments low as $5 per mo. Salem Rock wool Co. 1535 Broadway Phone 3748 HARHY'S Second Hand store."l4th A Mission Sts. Buy, sell, trade. PIANO STUDIO Frederick Wilson. 1531 Market Ph. 24598. Taxldermlst7I116rMwy.l'hj45S4 Mattresses Capital Bed CoPh 4069' Rawlins1 Music Studio Violin and Piano. Phone 2-6013. " W Repair all makes of sewing machines. Work guaranteed. Free estimates. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 130 N. Com 1. Phone 3512. AUTO painting, lust a shade better by Ray ETTER. Call Shrock Motor Co 8502 W ATER WELL drilling. Domestic or Irrigation. Duf field Bros. Rt 9. Box 423 Phene 2-131$. Salem Sand & U ravel Co. Contract Work ! Roads Clearing Ditching Sewer Ai Basement Equipment Rental IS B-'i yds. $12.00 per hr. 10 B- yds. 9 60 per hr. D-7 Cat A Dozer 9 60 per hr. D-6 Cat A Dozer 8.40 per hr. D-4 Cat A Dozer 7 00 per hr. Phono Days 9408 Evenings 8246 or 24400 Salem. Oregon Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST . CASES Bring or Mall Your Plate for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State A Com Ph 3311 ' LEARN to sew. New classes En dressmaking or borne decorations now starting. Enroll now. Singer Sewing Machine Co.. 130 N. Com I, fit. J3iZ. PLUMBING Supplies, water systems, electric and gas automatic water heat ers, general repair work Decatur At Maerz. 173 So Coml Phone 6223 ' WEATHER slxrtps. Pullman. Ph. 6965 Financial Money to Loan Wanted: Real estate mortgage loans, city or farm properties; loans made as small as $300. See us about refinancing your present contract or mortgage Ap proved city loans, G.I. loans, construc tion loans. Low Interest rates. Leo N, Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 9261 $ $ MONEY $ $ 4',k7c REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS State Finance Co, 153 S. Hijzh St, Lie. S 216 M 222 Money to Loan General Finance Corp. offers money at once on cars, trucks furniture, trailer houses, livestock, farm marchinery; contracts refinanced aad additional money advanced. No co -signers. General Finance is locally owned and officered; was organized In 1927 and therefore knows and can help throughout the repaying of a loan ' Ap plications for loans made by phone. 136 South Commercial Sts.. Salem Phone: 9168 I.Wnwi t-13 Ar M-33S Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. JTH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N M 159 3 1 54 FARM and CITY LOANS 4 and 5 Your own terms of repayment with in reason. Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg Phone 7163 EXTRA CASH-Extra Fast If you're short of cash, get $25 to $300. or up to $500 on auto, from 'Personal' the company that likes to say "Yes" to loan requests. Loans on signature, auto, truck, or furniture. No co-signers are required. If you need cash, phone or come in TODAY. Pergonal Finance Co. 91$ State St.. Rm. 125 Ph. 319t Gallinger, Mgr. Lie. Ml 65. S122 MONEY TO EOAN on income A business property 4 interest any amount, no brokerage. LARS EN HOME A LOAN CO. 164 S. Com'l St.. Ph. 8389. For Rent Rooms SLEEPING Rm. for men. 395 N. 14th. SLP. Rm. for men. Ph. 8685. FURN. Rooms with housekeeping privileges. Garage. For employed peo- pie. 413 M arKft st 2 CLEAN rms. in modern home, with kitchen privilege. Ph. 2-1029. Well f urn. warm sleeping rm. for employed man. CloseJn 677 S. Com'l. "SLEEPING rm." lor gentleman. Pri vate entrance. Phone 2-4427. QUIET- rm., day sleeper preferred. 534 N. winter, call sun. or eves. NICE sleeping rm. for 1 or 2 em ployed people. Also large unfurn. rm. Close In. Phone8332; PARTLY-furn. 1st floor rm. range. Private toilet and entrance. 2255 N Mh, NICELY furn, healed sleeping" rm. 992 N. Cottage. HAVE Large downtown room will share with employed young man. Write Box 606 Statesman. TloTXYWoOD'STprrmsr Ph6093." Room and Board ROOM A Board for 2 girls. 1045 N. 16th. Ph.6726. TiOcVm A Board" for bov or man, Also for 2 children ages 1-10. 763 E. Rural. "WANTED: Good clean home for elderly gentleman. Ph. 4940. CHRISTIAN Lady desires small apt. or board A rm. Ph. 21756. " WILL TAKE convalescent or elderly ladies. Phone 2-1116. LAFF-A-DAY sTI-71 ' "Okay, dear, okay! I was Juat going; to rake up the leavea!" For Rent Apartments FOR RENT: Upxtnir. fui nl-hr.1 2 mi apt. Mhimri, rtf N ml ratt on Marlray ll Kt. a. litix 271. Sulrm API'S, lor irnt, eiiiploved men only, no drinkers. 1047 S. Com I. St. Mrs. Weathers. Apt. 2. 4 HOOmS tinfurn.l'iivate bath R-f-erenrr. Open Sat. & Sun. brlWrrn 1.30 A 2 30 P.M only. 5!I5 N Front St. " 2 RM. APT. Private bath. Gentle man preferred. No drinking or smok- mg. at a tesina n Box 621 COTTAGES by day, week or month. 3580 S. Com'l. For Rent Houses WHY Pay Rent? Clean one room furnished cabin for le. Hrnnmsv, 55 Hiway Ave. 3 ROOM Cottageln Monmouth. $a8 Adults. Phone Mqnmouth 6573. 3 RM. FURN. cottage. Adults oiVlv. 1937 N.. Capitol after 9 a m. For Rent TRAILER house, $15 per mo. 62 Wil liam Aye. VOSE" Upright piano for renf. Phone 6985. " NORTH Hollywood on Portland Road. Stucco building, 2 Rm. house, and good 5 Rm.. house with basement and fireplace, lot 86 x 200. Will give long term lease. All for $200 00 per month. LARSEN HOME Ac LOAN CO 164 S. Com'l St. PH. 8389 WOOD cutting? Rent our power drag taw. Reasonable rates. Howser Bros. Phone 3646. TRAILER Space: Modern, clean. Free laundry pri v. Reas. rates. 3580 S. Com'l. IREY our floors Shal bj Its easy to make them like new again. Rent our high speed floor Sanders and edge t. Howser Bros , 602 Edgewater. 3646. TRAILERS 75c first hr, 50c hrs following. Woodrys Mkt. 1605 N summer. C?5bD Used Piano. H. L. Stiff. ATMORAYS. Ozone Good health Rent-sell H. C. Pugh. 684 N 17 4692 U-DRIVE TRUCKS FOK REN 1 Blankets furn 197S Liberty Pt. 9062 FLOOR Sander, elec floor polishei and lawn roller, weed burner. Rawlins Hardware, the Marshall Wella store Ph, 6877. Wanted to Rent WANTED: 3 bedrm. house or apt. 2 adults. Ph . 3217. YOUNG Married couple need furn. apt. Close in preferably. Ph. 721 3; "vETERAN, Wife and sniairdTughter need 2 or 3 rm. furn. apt. or small furn. or unfurn. house. Ph. 5715 3 ADULTS desperately" need" temoor- ary living quarters to be nesr ser iously injured relative in Deaconess hosp. Ph. 3184. Ask for R D. Hend ricks. MTlNTVlFE. 6 mot. old baby need small partly furn houae. Ph. 21435 OLDER WOMAN" direi unfurii2 or more bedrm house near trans portation. Excellent care given pro perty A references gladly supplied. Mrs. Clarke. 5642. 2 BEDRM. house or apt. Will con sider buying. Phone 6874. YOUNG, reliable family of 4 desper ately need 2 bdrm. home. Guarantee ca 'yur home and yard. Ph. 8064. HOUSE WANT ED-RENT IN ADVANCE Prefer two bedrooms. In or close to Salem. Ph. Needy 7 F 54 or see F. M. Shank . H ubbard. Ore. REWARD: i or 2 bedrm. house. Ph. 5866. VETERAN S WIDOW and child ur- gently need unfinished house or apt. in ' town or country. Write Box 613 Statesman. For Sale Real Estate $5,975. NICE and neat. 4 room home, hwd firs. V. Blinds, nice yard. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 945 S. Com'l St. Ph. 4590; Eve. 2-5830 $950 DOWN. $60 a month on bal- ance, 5 rm., home A garage. 2 bdrm. liv. rm, din. rm. kitchen. 4 lots, oil heat, piped for gas. Close to bus. school A stores. Total price $6300. Ph. owner at 3736. 4 BTjRM. house, reasonable price. Could easily be arranged for income. Terms can be arranged. 1765 State st. 5 ROOM modern house close in in eluding interest money $75. $1000 down payment, rurnish. Write 948 Norway st. BY OWNER,5 bedrbomhome on 1 acre 110 ft, on main highway to the east, good spot for theatre, cabins, or any kind of business. Fast growing community Pen 4 cor. 260 So. Lan caster Dr. Ph 2-6563 BY0WNEftr2 bedrm . L. ft . kltchelS: bath, utility rm.. garage with auto, gas heat, water beater A cooking. Fire place, corner lot. 52 x 109 with fruit A nuts. For particulars call 3305. 4 Bedroom Hoiife Partly furnished Liv Sc Din R. Util ity room plus 1 acre. See Allen Jones or Mrs. Needham, Realtors 341 State St.. Room 4 Phone 6963 HOLLYWOOD - $7000 Comfortable 2-B R. home. Large L. R . D R. Ac Kitchen. Call for appoint ment. 4 BEDROOMS New At modern. 2 Bedrooms down. 2 up. Dbl. plumbing good location. $10. 500. TOP BUY - $12,500 iEverything in this modern ranch house to give you a lovely suburban home. Nr. Manbrin Gardens. Lot 125 x 165. . Pine garden soli. Large spacious rooms ittiruout. lldwtl firs . fireplace, excellent utility rm. Dbl attach ga rage. Will rairy substantial loan. It's new. We have' the kev. WALTER MUSGRAVE REALTORS 1233 EDGEWATER PHONE 5109 $1600 Down Furnished home In Hollywood dis trict, hardwood floors, a nice home. Price $12,600 00.. balance $75 00 per mo . including 4 interest. Morris Realty Co. 970 S Comm'l Phone 4217; Eve 4656 EXCELLENT Lol in downtown busi ness zone. Close to new bus teimlnal. For sale by owner. Call 413 Masonic Bldg. for details. 5"ROOSt House "N. E., paitly furn.. wired for range, redecorated in and out. Garage and wood S. On paved street A bus. $2(mo down. Contact me at 490 N. 21t St. . BY-D WN ER Mod e r n home. Large liv. rm.. hdwd. floors, fireplace. 2 large bdrms., kit., nook, full dry bsmt . oil furnace., 3rd bdrm. in bsmt. Block to bus. store A school. Immediate puss. $8500. 517 S. 23rd. Ph. 6953. For Sale Real Estate THIS SHOULD BE YOURS The present owner wants to sell It and If you look, you'll want to buy it. There are 12 acres of good dark soil; two acres bearing cherries, good va riety of other tree Iruit. live stream, large poultry house, barn, good green house, two bedroom modern home, on pavement: about 4'i miles out. The Price? It's only 89M). OR if you want more land, what about this 22 acres few miles east with large live stream, full set of good build ings, excellent land some of which can be Irrigated. Yes, it is mostly equipped and a lovelv setting for a country home. Price $14,300. IF you like intensified farming, we have a 28 acre tract of bottom land, set to IS acres peaches and walnuts, 7 acres bearing filberts, 2 acres Boy senberries, balance open land, used for cucumber, etc.. tractor and farm ma chinery. Priced at $25,000 SOMETHING CHEAPER Then this 40 acres north, short dis tance off Pacific highway; all cultivat ed, fully stocked ill head livestock) and equipped: three bedroom home completely furniohed with new furnl tuie: barn with 8 stanchions and milk ing machine. Really a splendid buy at $17,500. including everything. OR if you want 47 acres with build ings for $8500. we have that too. For these and other good farm buvs, please call Mr. Holmes. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N Hlh St. Phone 76fi0 CHAS. HUDKINS & SON $6500. 4 room home, newly paint ed. Chicken house, on paved street at city edge. Large lot for garden. Bus. $2500 00 will handle. Payments $40.00. $10,750. Fairmount hill, 3 bedroom hotne. Full bsmt. auto, oil heat, carpeted living room. Located among some of Sa lem's finest homes. Immed iate possession. $5950. 4 bedroom house with 2 large lots. fruit. berries, flowers, new roofing A as bestos siding Paved street Hush school dlst. $7500. Close In home near Gar field school. In excellent lental district. Room for more houses on lot Call D L. BISHOP 2-4129 CHAS. HUDKINS SON REALTORS 2LN Ji'P'1 st Phone 2-4129 $1,700 DOWNluvi his 2 bdrm home. Keizer Dist. Hwd firs. Elec H. W. Heater. Attic, Large Lot. City bus. close to (tore. Imm. Poss. Olson & Reeve. Realtors 945 S. Comi St. Ph. 4590: Eve. 2-5830 FOR SALE: Hollywood 3 bedrooms, living and dining room all finished in natural hardwood, party room In full basement. Fireplace. Hwd floors. Own er leaving city. Call Ph. 2-4791. Alden Bowes Real Estate. 3815 Portland Rd. WHY PAY RENT? 4 rm. house. Large lot. 52 x 190. 2 bedrms. Wash house with heating At stationary tubs. Electric water system. Nice fenced yard. A real buy at $2,550. Paved street and bus by door. Terms and possession M. D. Looney, with William E. Moses 3311', State Phone 4993 A COMFY LITTLE HOME IN WEST SALEM 5 BR's. LR. DN. RM.. Kit. Dandy Garage. Lovely Gas Range included. Weatherstripped, Lot 50x100', paved street. $5250. B. Isherwood, Realtor PH. 6F11. Wallace Rd. Rt. 1. Box 162 Open Evenings and Sundays SUPER DELUX This beautiful 4 bdrm home located in the finest residential district In Sa lem. Modern In every respect, including two tile baths Ac stall shower. 2 fire places, auto oil heat. This home is ideal for the careful home buyer. The price is only $25,000.00 Call Ray Davis. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 3793 Eyes. 9441 $12.500 00 REDUCED $2000.00 for quick sale, this 3 bdrm. plus attic room. Kitchen. Din. rm. Full finished bsmt. oil pipe furn. Insulated. Call Ray Davis. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phone 3793 341 Chemeketa St. Eves. 9441 Duplex $5200, Terms QUICK POSSESSION One side furnished, other side unfur nished except oil cir. Extra bedrooms upstairs. 1 blk. to bus. North. Willamette Real Estate 172 S. Liberty Phone 7113 FOR GRACIOUS LIVING Not far out. Lot 76x169. Ranch style. 2 BR home. 1 yr. old. LR 15x22 with fireploce. DN. Rm. Lovely kit. Pecan Ac oak firs thruout. V-blinds. Lge. utility rm. All electric. Lawns, shrubs, shade trees. A truly beautiful home. $14,700. Terms. B. Isherwood, Realtor PH. 6F11. Wallace Rd. Rt. 1. Box 162 Open Evenings and Sundays YOU MUST let us show you this one. Bungalow, one story, all modern home, plastered. 2 B R , full bath, in a very nice neighborhood, close to school and bus, nice lawn. dbl. garage, imm. poss. Priced for quick sale at $6,500. Good terms. Sullivan Realty Inc. Realtors 3363 Portland Rd. Ph. 3235; Eves. 1-5831 Suburban 3 B. R. Exclusive, new, stately 6 rm. modem home very well located North on good paved rd.. elect, heat, insulated, fire place, large att. garage, one acre of ground with good frontage. Full price only $11,000. Sullivan Realty Inc. Realtors 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 7057 M. GeigVr, Realtor 1 acre and 1 bdrm. home in Keizer dist. $3,200 . A nice 2 bdrm. home in West Salem. Lot 50 x 100. $5,250. A 2 bdrm. home near Highland school. Lot 50 x 84. $5,500. A nice 2 bdrm. home. Lot 60 x 160. $6,500. 1 j acre and 3 bdrm. home. Lot of trees and shrubs. $7,000. 1 acre and 3 bdrm. home. Includes elec. range. $7,000. A nice 2 bdrm. home in Keizer dist. Lot 70 x 400. $7,000. M. Geier, Realtor 3205 Portland Rd Phone 2-1073 '$740000 NF.W 2 ItDllM home. Hwf fls. attached Ga. and utility, on bus line $10,500 00. New 3 bedroom home, Liv. rm. Dining rm. Kit, Hwd. fla, frpl, utility room. Call Omer Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 licmekrta St. Phone 2-1549 Eves. 2-5091 $7250. CLEAN 2-BR home partly fur nished. 7 years old. Northeast, close to bus. Auto wtr htr. wired for range, garage, walnuts, berries, grspes. V. $2750 down. Immediate possession. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. High St Ph. 4121; EvesI-SMl BY OWNER: This beautifully siyled 2 bdrm house with attached garage. Move In now, finish at leisure. Plumb ed, Ht. wtr. htr. Wired for range, drilled well with pump. Bus at door. E. l' ml. from city limits Garden Rd. lblk. W. Swegle school. Ph2-2293. KOR ETficient and effective sales service call the Salem Realty Co. NOW. For Sale Real Estate REIMANN REAL GROCERY STORES We have 2 fine grocery stores with living quarters in good business loca tions. Both are approximately the same price. Come in and take your choice. Nos. 70S and 710 1 AND ' BATHS Delightfully planned, well construct ed house on large tree covered lot in exclusive residential district. 4 rooms In all. This is an excellent buy at $7450. No. 13 WE HAVE A very nice group of t bed room homes from $89M up located North and East. Some on very easy terms. Drop in and inquire about them now. REIMANN REAL ESTATE "SALEM'S BUILDING REALTORS Eve. A Sun. 3264. 24628 $01 South High GRABENHORST SPECIALS HIGHLAND SCHOOL DISTRICT $7250 buys Jhls cozy 2 bdrm. home with full basmt.. fireplace, excellent condition thruout. Apartment house rone. $7500 buys this 9 bdrm. home on laige corner lot, sawdust heat. dble. garage, home recently remodeled, ex cellent family home. COURT INVESTMENT DON'T MISS THIS 20 units, late built, cozy arrangement, elec. heat. circulator drive. Income $1215 mo. ES- For a truly fine investment T1GATE THIS. INV GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. LIBERTY STREET Phone 4131 Evenings 7772. 2-508$. 2-294$. 2-4437. 7973. For Prompt Courteous Service. List Your Property With Us PHONE Very good 2 Bdrm. Bungalow. Fine town location. Full basmt. Very clean. Plaster Interior. Furnace. Water heat er, gas cook, wired for range, ga rage, lot is 41x134. V. blinds, lots of built-lns. $6950. $1700 down. $50110 month. This Will Not Last Long. Call Mr. Neely. FLOWER SHOP Nursery, Flower A Novelty shop. 2 Bdrm. living quarters. Includes build Infs. stock, fixtures A land. Only $13,500. Call "ELMER" AMUNDSON. HOLLYWOOD "DISTRICT Well built New 2 Bdrm. Home close to schools A shopping center, nice lawn A shrubs. $9000. Call Mr. Craw ford. BURT PICHA, Phone 3210 IMMACULATE! SPOTLESS I Lovely 3 B R. HOME. Ideal location for home At business. N. SALEM. Big 66 x 120 Ft. lot Ac alley at rear. Fine garage. TOP CONDITION. $9500 ACREAGE HOME! 20 glorious view acres. POSITIVELY SCENIC! 4 m. NW. Pavment all the way. Grand 11 r. plstrd house, bath, wired el. range. Barn. Tractor goes. $10,500. SOW cow 2 tractors, tools, eqpt, furniture go! PLUS 26 fine acres. Somfy cottage. Big barn. Most Salem services. NW OF SALEM. AU for $AOO0. C. W. Stuller, Broker SALEM. OREGON WALLACE ROAD. ' m. N. of bridge. ONE OF Salem's best homes, over 1200 square feet on main floor, full bsmt., fireplace, h w. floors, lots of built-lns. auto. heat. Imeediate poss. Goodwin & McMillin Realtors 474 Court St. Phone 4707 Eve. 8713 or 81F21 WE HAVE several homes ranging In price from $7850 to $37,500. If you aie looking for a home, call us before buy ing. Goodwin & McMillin Realtors 474 Court St. Phone 4707 j Eve. 8715 or 81F21 SPACIOUS home Englewood district. First time listed. This lovely 2 bed room home, with room for 3 up. Ma hogany woodwork, large kitchen, beau tiful dining room. Auto, oil heat. cor. lot. sprinkling system, full bsmt. A good buy at $14,700. Olson Sl Reeve, Realtors 945 S." Comi. Ph. 4590; eves 53 $10,000. NEW modern 2-BR home close in East. Hardwood floors. Auto wtr htr, wired for range, auto oil fur nace. Attached garage. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. High St. Ph. 4121; Eves. 2-5561 Joe Hutchison, Realtor PHONE 7696 CITY Fine 5 BR home In Fairmount Hill. ls story, plastered, full base., oil fur, gar. New w all to wall car pet In Lv. Room in base. SUBURBAN 8 yr old 3 rm hse on 1 A East. Plastered, utility rm. Small chic hse. Fruit Ac Berries. Restrict ed building disL- All hse hold fur nishings Including elec range, elec refrig Ac wash mach. ALL THIS FOR ONLY $10,000. Call Mr. Tor vend. FARMS Fully equipped 40 A farm with 7 rm hse. 4 BR. all plastered. All in cultiv. Barn. 3 mach sheds. Tractor thresh mach. baler, binder, disc Ac many other pieces of farm equip. $8,000 will handle. Henry Torvend, Farm Mgr. Joe Hutchison, Realtor 455 Court Street PH. EVES. 4937. 2-5141. 2-4789 LOTS FOR SALE New subdivision on Lansing Ave. Restricted lots. 84 a 120. 8600. See Mr. Davis. 85 Lansing Ave. 1685 Madison St. Englewood $10,000. Nice 2 bdrm home. Dining rm., half bsmt., oil furnace. Garage. Beautiful yard Ac shrubs. Drive by. then call Ed Lukinbeal for appoint ment. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa SL Phone2-J549 Eves. 2-6680 $5,500. "2 BDRM house, north-close to all schools, city bus. close to store. Imm. Poss, just redecorated. Olson Reeve. Realtors 045 S. Comi St. Ph. 4590; Eve. 2-5IWO Bv Owner 1843 Johns St. Fairmount Hill. Mod. 8 rm. house. 2 bedrms. downstairs, I bedrm. up. At sewing rm. L.R. all car peted. Fireplace, full basement, auto, oil heat. Very desirable, quiet place to live $3,850. 2 ACRES. S rm. hse. barn, chicken hse., 1 small hse renting for $20 per month, oiled road, family or chard. Imm. Poss. Olson & Reeve. Realtors 943 S. Com'l St. Ph. 4590; Eve. 2-5830 $8750.' NEW modern 2-BR home Northeast. Unfinished upstairs. lot 132 x 170. h.w. floors. V-blinds, auto oil furnace. Attached garage. $2750 down will handle. Call Stanley Brown, with State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. High Rt. Ph. 4121; tves. 2-?561 2.6oO DOWN $5,750. 2 bdrm home close to Mr Klnley school, nice yard. large garage, utility room and 3 bdrms. could be made very easily, appt. only. Olson Reeve, Realtors 945 S. Com'l St, Ph. 4590; Eve. 2-5830 ' For Sale Real EaUKJ ESTATE COLUMN ON MILL CREEK ' As little as $1500 down wilt give yest quick possession of two or re bed room home situated on Mill ereeai In a. desirable residential district net far from the newly proposed shop ping center. Ask about No. 241; prices at $9000. $800 DOWN For a 3 room house located on $ acre In nice district. Electricity, weD. nice garden spot. $11 Vj No. S. $I2no DOWN $40 per month: unfinished t bed room home that can be lived in until completed. Lot size 54x152. Very natw location. No. 240 LOTS AND ACREAGES . NORTH AND SOUTH ( $10 DOWN ASD LP TAKE YOUR PICK Phone 820$ Cbmpletely furnished new 2 bdrm. home, lot 50x130 ft., lawn In. Locales! North near Highland school A very neal home. Price llw furnished. $10,500 unfurnished NEW HOME I .orated East. Lot 7oll3 ft $ rms. hdwd. firs., elec. wa'.er heater, ue1 for range. Oil floor furnace utility rm.. garage. Price $8750. $2750 will handle. SOUTH SALEM RESTRICTED DISTRICT Nice new 4 rm. modern home with 2 bdrma . hdwd. firs., fireplace, oil fir. furrutra. nice kitchen, bar a brkft. rm ohl. garage. Lot 80x100 feet. Price llO.Sott. $2200 will handle. 3210 3 Blka. from Eng!ewood grade sen. 2 Bdrm. Liv. rm. D-nette. Bath. basemt. Auto, gaa furnace, gas cook. A water heater. But at dr. Ldry. trays. Garage. $6i0. Call Mr. Neely. $7000. 4 Bdrm. Home with LR. DR. A Kit. Completely furnished with ft. New refrig.. piano, stoves, bdrm. seta, radio, wash, machine, etc. Nice extra lot also goes, paved street A std walks, on bus. near school. Call Mr. Picha. VIEW HOME Lovely 2 Bdrm. Hrne. on W. Salem Hillside, excellent view. Only $10,500. Call "ELMER" AMUNDSON. KINGWOOD HEIGHTS An excellent buy on one lot oss ravement. city water, excellent Vtaww 750. Call Mr. Crawford. REALTORS $37 N. High Street SNAP $7,500. I bdrm house. East. Large L rm, din. rm., nice lawn At shrub. Fi i Ac nuts. Good elec water system. Ease, h.w. heater. This hon e is only 2 year old. Newly redecorated. Terms.. Olson & Reeve, Realtor 945 S. Comi. Ph. 4590; Eves. $9343 BARGAIN $7,250. 2 bdrm horre north. Good lo cation. L. rm., din. rm., large kit- full bath, all plastered. Sawdiut f urnac. Good terms Olson & Reeve, Realtors 45 S. Comi. Ph. 4.190: Eves. 3-583$) SOME OF OUR BEST VALUES Small home located on good cornet lot NX. $4600. Suburban; 3 B R. house. , Acre goe4 land, close to bus bne. $6450. North: Close to 99 Highway. Ex cellent 8 year old 6 room house. H W. Floor, fireplace, coved eetitng. Vesu Blinds, attached garage. I Acre good land with a lot of berries. Shown by appointment, you make an offer. A blka. rrcoa LAB Bank. Level? modern style home. Nice liv. At Vtm. rms. handy kit. with nook space, 4 gen erous size B.Rs. 1, s-ts of plumbing, full basement with extra room. doubU f.".r,f'ltcv !". shades and shrubs. $11,650 00. , R. E.i Meredith, Realtor 176 S . fm taercia! - Phone 884$ NEW F H A. HOUSE. GOOD LOCA TION. POSSESSION IN 3$ DAYS. $137$ DOWN. LESS THAN $5$ PAYMENTS. R. E. Meredith, Realtor I7 S. Commercial Phor.e 8841 . VYE5T SALEM "HbMt $3650 Living Rm. Com. D. At Kitchen. Wtr. ed for E. Range. El. H.W. Heater, Bath. Unfinished attic. 1 Blk to Bus. S BUT. to school. The Real Estate Market 433 N. High St. Phone 2-4793 $1M. KTNGWooD HSIGhTs. LAftCTi GRAND VIEW BUILDING SITE. The Real Estate Market ' Lj St. Phoe-C 2-471 Tdeal for V6un5 coTTplT Small English tyoe home on Fair mount Hill. Fireplace, hdw. floors. N'5'F landscaped lot with flreplacew 7950. The Real Estate Market 433 JT High St. Phone 2-47M $10,500.00. NICE HOMt in Holly woof Lv. rm. Din. rm. Ktt. 1 bdrms. Den. basement, furn. Hwd. fla. beautiful lot. 3 bdrms, on one floor, near Leslie Jr. High. Lg Lv. rm. Din. rm. fireolae, d',1.,'Jovly b"rt. double plumb ed. Call for particulars. 3 bdrm home en Hoyt SL Juat East or High SL See our sign and call sne to show you through. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa t Phon 3793 Eves. 2-53o f. J'C" roomy one story hone with full bsmt. Aute oil I eat, 3 na s ire bdrma Din. rm. Lg Lv. rm. wi fireplace. All Hwd fla. T yrs old. L oversire gar. Beautiful lawn Ac shrubs, fenced in rarden. straw Ac cane tterrasa. Lot 100x200. on North RoskI Close schools store. At dry bus WeU wort f kln Pric S18JO000. $8750 00 NEAR PARRXSH SCHOOL 3 bdrm. home In exc. condition. 1. cated in the heart of school diets, bsmt. oil furn. real lg. Kiteh. Att gar. $37W 85 S.unEdb',Lukrbe,r,: M Huff, Real Estate Co. n'lton . .. J Chemeketa St. Phone J-154A Fvcs 2-66M New House, si.ono t bdrm modern house. Tiled kltcbeak Close In. Available immediately. C. E. Coville. Broker Turner. Oregon : Phone M ADVERTISING Western Advertising? 1 Representatives 1 Ward-Crtfflth Company, bss. Snn rrencteee i Eaatern Advertiglnf Representatives i Ward-Griffith Company, fate. Chicago. New York. Detroit Boston. Atlanta ' Member Pacific Coast Division Bureau of Advertlalnf r ntercd at the Postofflce at Sa lem, Orepe- as Xecond Class afe$ ter Published every mm m- er ceptMosMtav Bits' neat office 11$ South Ceanerctal gtreet, SUBSCRIPTION RATES MaH Ihirwertptlos) Rat m Ad vance: Within Oregon i Daily an4 Sunday. Mo 60 cents; $ enos, $329; 1 year. $6 00 Elsewhere $4 cents pee mo, or $7 20 for I year advance, Per copy 8 cents. By City Carrier. 75 cents a tnonrK $8 00 a year In advance ea a rtaae i year in ao vanes JJacesrt counties. ,1