14 Ti Sta.egmfln, Salem, Oregon, Friday. Octobor U. 1917 Thinking of buying a home? Let the Statesman classified d col umn! tervjBi your home-hunting directory. NOTICE or SALE Ot HEAL FKOrtETY Notice ta hereby given that the un dersigned, as Administrator of the Es Ui ot PA1R1CK CARMODY, deceas ed, bjr virtue ot an order duly issued out of the Circuit ' Court of tne State of Oregon, lor Marion County, Pro bate Department, on tne 3rd day of October, 1947, will proceed to sell, at private sale for can in band on the day of sale,, at the oflice of STEVE ANDERSON. 211 Oregon Building. In the City of Salem, Marion County. Oregon, from and alter Wednesday, the 12th day of November, 1947, at the hour of ten o'clock A.M. of said day, to the highest bidder, for cash. In one entire piece, all of the right, title and inter est of the estate ol u id decedent in and to' the following described lands and premises, to-wit; v Lot 4. Block 17v Yew Annex to the City of Salem; Marion County, Oregon. Saa sale shall be made subject to the eof-fixmation of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, Probate Department, in the matter of the estate ot said decendent. Dated, posted and first published, the iota day of October. 1947. STEVE ANDERSON. As Administrator ot the Estate ot Patrick Carmody. deceased. Date of first publication: October JO. 147. Date of last publication:; November ?, 1M7. O 10-J7-24-31-N NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OP EXECl'TKIX j Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed as ex ecutrix of the last will and' testament ifd estate of Mary E. Reynolds, deceas ed, by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion, anting tn probate, and has duly qual ified as such executrix; all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as by law re quired, to the undersigned at 205 Ore gon Building. Salem. Oregon, within six tit months from the date of the tint publication of this notice. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 10th day of October. 147. RUTH 8. REYNOLDS Executrix of the Estate of Mary E. Reynolds. Deceased. Ronald C. Clover. Attorney for Eexecutrlx. 204 Oregon Building. Salem, Oregon. O 10-17-24-J1-N 7 MOT1CE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT r Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed in the probute de partment of the Circuit Court of the (late of Oregon for the County of Marion, his duly verified Final Ac count, as executor of the estate of B. P. Felger. deceased, and that said Court lias fixed Monday, the 3rd day of No vember. 1947. at the hour of 10:00 o' clock AM. of said day. as the time, and the Circuit Court Room In the County Court House at Salem. In Mar lon County. Oregon, as the place for fcearingf said Final Account and all elections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 3rd day at October. 1947. Ben O. Fe-ger. Executor of the Estate of B. F Felgcr. Deceased. Ronald C Glover. Attorney for Executor, 105 Oregon Building, "fcolem. Oregon. 0 3-10-17-24-31 Livestock ami Poultry DOUBLE unit Surge milkers, used 3 (nos. AU fittings and extras. Will trade on cow. eef of pickup. .New electric fence wt.th 100 insulators. $20. Ph. 128M, 1 ndepeneence ' ""AtHjOG. 300 Hollywood Ave. 1HPVKOTb "Jersey milk cow. milking good 130 RobertsAve. 1 FRYERS now ready for the locker. .MW Sh-rtr Lane Ar . out Cherrv Ave. ' l3ERSfVs." one fust "fresh, other to freshenrany-day. 310 ml. east Pen 4 Corners Rt 0. Box 103. "CHOICE voune cows. 2Cuernseys. 1 Jersey. I six month Jersey heifer, Rt. t. Box 377. Phone 2-1117. "T3VtS'fdCKW A NTEflTall " kinds. Earl DuChien. Call 21656 atu" All Kuidi of cattle and togs Will rail at (arm Write E I fcnethen. ISM Lancaster Drive. ?b 3148 morn or eve H iC. HJSl"w I J AllTY CHICKS New ttamprhires and White Rocks. 100 tree of pwllorum Hatches every Toes day Send for free catalog. Wilson's Hatctieev a Poultry Farm Lvons Ore "NEW" Hampshire bioy "chicks, start ed chicks ft older pullets always avail able Ph 22MI LL Hatchery USTOM dressing of chicsens. any umber Prompt service Dressed pouf. try wholesale our specialty. Phone l-MI Lf i Hatchery i BULi, oeivlce by artificial insem tnaoon Sir js from the best of blood lines Reasonable fees All work per anally supervised by licensed vet erinarians Salem ArtlTtral Insemina tion Station Pl VI5 " TOR SATE. Chnsti N H baby chicks every Wed Borlnrtona 37lf tate St Phone 4969 OR' TRADE. Palomino mare. Ph. -oa toes, sows ft boars At your farm or elrvered Market price E C McCend llrh Rt 3. Box 233, across from water Ball Park on S 24 EL Ph. 3147. Auction AUCTION EATURDAV 10 30 A.M. OCT. 2S 3610 SILVERTON ROAD. SALEM Opening regular weekly auctions of Furniture Farm Machinery and Produce- Micellaneous. Some earl- consignments New Furniture including S piece Maple bedroom, suite Floor lamps Swing rocker - occ. chairs Wood circu lators boy s bicycle New shallow well electric (water I pump and other REMEMBER NO LIVESTOCK UN TIL FURTHER NOTICE. Bring what you have. Come to buy at the Joe Burke" Sale Barn Phone 2-4074 TRIE COFFEE AND DON UTS A. J. BAKER, Your Favorite Auctioneer Help Wautc) MmJe AUTOMOBILE Mechanic on percent are bams Phone 2-1140. EXPERIENCED" planerman lor night shift Permanent job. Burkland Lum ber Co. Turter.OreoPhonell2S. WANTED. Main to train tor position of branch manager. Business or selling experience preferred. Car necessary. Salary and commissions. See Mr. Wick. to p m , 43J Ferry, or csll 7189 in afternoon for appointment. CXP. Clothing salesman. Apply 387 State. Help Wanted Female BABY SITTER In vicinity of Liberty and .Norway st. Phon :i25 ' WANTED "SU-norp(nr. Must have experience in shorthand, typing, filing and mimeograph work. Ph. 3443 for appointment. If no answer, S267. . HOUStKEEpf R in'country borne for 4 adults. No washing or heavy cleaning ph. 1712 or 888 R. W. Taven ner, Rt 4. Box 411, Salem. VOUNC XAD V to" woi k n"ou"rorf1ce: Abilities that will be helpful are typ ing, shorthand, some knowledge of hook keeping. Coed Job. good pay. good hours. Apply tn person at the Bakery. Ask for Mr. Williams. Cherry City Baaing Go,. Broadway and Market Sts. ' WOMAN wanted. Good typistT-One with telephone experience preferred. Perms rent position. Good jay, Ph. 1273. bOOKaUlT-tR. iypint. Permanent Mutton, i Willamette University. Call VI r. Ff'JJiatEatonJtall;: TYPIST for stock records and perls Inventory league Motor Co, 333 K. Liberty. Phone 2-4173. Help. Wanted - Female WANTED: Middle aged lady for housework and help with care of two children, one in school. Room, Board St wages. Phone 3-9488. ""OlTlClS employe with bookkeeping experience. Ph. 9285, extension 10, or see Miss Jack. Lausanne Hall. Willam ette University. GIRL or woman to do housework, 2 adults. Companion for elderly mother. References. Phone 8856. SALESLADY to write orders for literary guild In Montgomery Ward. Must nave aggressive ' and pleasing personality and sales ability. Good salary and bonus. See Mrs. Renaud. Montgomery Ward Co.. 155 N. Liberty. Salesmen Wanted SALESMAN AGENTS SeU UNION LABEL. Book Matches Fastest service 10 day delivery di rect from manufacturer. Highest Qual ity choice of cuts -bigger advance commissions. Free sample kit and sure fire selling outfit. Write Monarch Match Co., Monterey Highway 6c Tully Rd.. San Jose. Calif. REAL ESTATE Salesman in oflice with no broker competition. Write P. O. Box 107. "TifcW Invention. Every home needs' one. Only product of Its kind on mar ket. Special training free. Write States man Box 620. - . Situations Wanted HOUSEWORK by hour. nr. days. fit. Z-OB7B. COMPETENT woman wants house work by the hour. Phone 7129. BLASTING. Robert M. Leffingwell. 23 Carleton. Call after. 6 p.m. Ph 2-5457. "DRESSMAKING, alterations, tailor ing. Phone 6361. COLLEGE Student with family wants spare time work. Phone 6022, after 8 p.m. HOME nursing wanted. Ph. 2-6636. iPLJ will LAKE for children In my home by hr, day or week. Mrs. George E. Lewis. Phone 3918. IRONING, my home. 1026 McCoy. hoi ly wood a ist. 7c sn hr. ADULT Baby sitter. 2-6876. PRACTICAL nursing by day or week'. Phone 8789. CARETAKER S job by middle aged man. Handy with carpenter tools, can drive car.. R. E. Hadley, Argo Hotel, room 201. WE LAY pumice stone, chimney work and plastering. Gen. Del. Brooks, Ore. Robert Douglas. AlTkinds of shovel work. Excavating, basements, ditching. Phone 8127. JANITOR work, exp., Ph. 2-2422. or write Gail Balton. Rt. 3. Box 746. Salem. iailuiiiwu, oressmaxtng. Fh. 85B4 WASHING and ironina- dona at 1BBS itoyai, Mrs, v. H. Such ELECTRICIAN' Ace Electric V Phone 2-1413 day or night. WASHING and Ironing, my home, quick and reasonable. 812 S. 18th. MAN Wishes to contact someone that wants responsible man n cut taker. Write Statesman Box 617. TIANO Tuning, winrllsic Store: DRAFTING Engineering and archT- tectural. Ph. 26316 ANTEDrirurnlture io glue and repair. Lee Bros. Pb. 21233. 4020 East Stale St. ""CURTAINS Washed A stretched. 39S S 22nd. Mrs. B. Lleske. Ph. 26343. LANDSCAPE-Pruning. Lawn wort, etc. 1150 N. Church St. Ph. 7558. PAINTING- Paperhanglng. Eree estimate. 857 Shipping. Pn.M13. , Painting, Paperhangins REPAIR It REFDXISHING furniture. Decorating In harmony with yotir fur nishings. Rawlins at Tlbbetts, Ph. 25826. "PATnTTnU and decorating. Work guaranteed. Ph. 31 93. Cement contracting, patching. 24751. Painting & Decorating 26 vrs. beautifying hornet In Salem. Ph. fi52. A. C. Chaplin. INSUREDTREE SERVICE Topping, etc. Estimates gladly given. JOHN PAYNE, PHONE 2-6014 -"cMENt CONTOACTINGT-" "Phone 2-3043. m Stanley Fa gg. Hollywood Transfer For local and long distance - hauling Pickup and moving, Trailer for ent Ph. 9764. Burton's Mobile Station. ""DRAWING- Dentgning House and store plana. Ph. 8S21. ATTENT1QnKEIZER RESIDENTS Kelrer Sanitation Service. Ph. 25824. Plowing ft discing. Light bulldozing. Ph. 2-2773. Painting & Decorating WE SPECIALIZE IN INTERIORS 15444 DICK OpEY 6263 ALL" Work" guaranteed! Windows" walla, woodwork cleaned Floors wax ed. Insured workmen Professional Cleaning Service - Phone 4457 Mike's Septic Service 1079 Elm. West Salem. Ph. 9468 or 5327 Painting Contract or by the hour. Spray ot brush. PAUL BASS ITT Rt S Bo 363 Phone 1-2306 PAlNTEJFand Paperhanger Reason able price Free estimates U. J Wond worth Ph 3015 PieSchool PUyschooi! iltl ' State Aeea 1-8 Part or all day Ph S430 Wanher Repair. SO Ubertyi Rd. Ph 25100 Spray Painting Ralph Atsman. 1710 Lancaster Dr Phone -4248 Pa inting and paper-hanging. 4323" Septic Tanks Cleaned Ev W. Ha met 1143 8th. West Salem Phone 7404 "CHIMNEY sweep North ness. ph 4450 "TmNcTJ-RcrarTiug Bros. Ph. 6102 or 26763. "TTTf OrXng! ' for elementary and junior high rchool grades. Phone 7890. EnCAtfDlJrSpraylng andTnin- Ing Co. Ph. 7900. EXP. " CL.ERK, Typist, desires posi tion, ex-service woman. Write States man. Box 611L "TIlCtRK:lAN Ace DecUic Co. Ph 21413 day or night. housework: washing ft Ironing, Ph. 6364. For Sale Miscellaneous 34 bundles flrtex. plaster base. Gas range. Phone 7ns. DpRTCHT piano. 507 N. 19th. TlCNf AlTwdTrge. $30. Steel cot 15: Jijnl. W. of Kelzer sch.Rt. 3. Box 156. 4-5 TMT6L"cirTuTator. 841 N. Cot- I'iCYcLE: WrU. Brand new." Sec at -ter 9:00 p.m. at 2251 Breyman. Rear entrance. PH ILCOTiol radio U record player. Zenith table model radio. Windsor, 4273 Hudson dr. Pen 4 Corners. "COATS. sle ifSrifwht Strooke. black band knit, black cape at 3 black eoats. Practically new. 773 Center. DA VENO "dressing table, elec. plate. Federal enlarger. bednprlngs, misc. No Sun. calls. Phone 4671 1 0000 BOXES apples from our Owq orchard. Delirious. Spltzenberg. Jona than. Winter Bananas. 75c. 1 100. 1 25 and $1 50 a box according to grade. All hand picked and free from worms. Puritan ClderWorks, West Salem. - SMAQT outboard iriblbr. PVT 64B17TT9 N. Cottage St. OLDER type Hot point elec. range, 0. Phone ltaa. "APARTMENT sxe elec. range, $45.00. 3065 Bruce, 1 block east of Park off Sunnyvlew. , "dlKCULATOR wood heater. M4o. Slightly used cotton mattreas, $18. Rt, 7. Box 81. Call Sat. afternoon or Sun. TsElGE with brown pattern Broad loom rug and pad. 10 ft. x 12 ft. 183. Round walnut occasional table. 910. Glassed bookcase or dish cupboard, $20. Black northern seal fur Jacket, size 16, $15. 4 French doors. $7.50 each. Ph. 'ttECTJilC steam radiator. M Mar-ket. For Sale Ttllscellflneout RADIO and phonograph. In beautiful mahogany Chippendale cabinet, $79. 1394 N. Summer. 3-WHEEL trailer. 16" wheels. 8310 Hasel ave. 2 NAVY blue men s suiu. Size 38. 1 like new, 8. Other is $3. 1 Boy 'a tri cycle, $4 as Is. Lady's brown tweed coat, size is. gi. pnone iizs. 13 PANE Window sash, matching Ve netian blind. 6x8 ft.t $40. Ph. 7447. . 4 PLATE Electric Silex coffee mak- er. Like new. Phone 7982. GOOD Used wood and oil circulators. Judson's. 279 N. Com ... Salem. WOOD furnace, in excellent cond. Cheap to anyone dismantling it. 1190 N. lotn. COMBINATION baby swing St car seat incl. rubber tipped stand, $5. Small 20" wheel Jr. bicycle, 818. Montag wood range with colls, $10. Solid oak antique library table. 30x50 In, $12J0. Ph. 12SM iiiugpciiu-:in.c. 8 PIECE Mahogany Duncan-Phyfe dining set. Phone 2-6793. - ALMOST new folding baby buggy, $10. Vacuum cleaner, good cond., $15. Set of Weaver cooking ware, reason able. 420 S. Cottage. WHITE enamel wood range. Man's bicycle. Good eond. 1578 Ferry St. FIRESTONE car radio, good condi tion. 2064 Trade. NORGlTlT"heater, with drums. Ph. 26074. "5-PIECE bedroom suite and Serta spring dc mattress. 5-piece dinette set. Dufold tc chair. This furniture is lust like new 6c priced to sell. 791 Gerth ave.. west Salem BABY bed and mattress. Ph. 4503. FELT Mattress. Double bed size. Good cond. -1272 Fir. LATE Model console radio. Push but ton tuning. $50. Phone 2-1417. NEWLY painted bed and springs, l'i head & foot material springs, wood frame $12. 335 Union. Phone 7104. FOJ- TERTSlER pups." 534 N." Winter. Call eves, or Sun. FOR SALE: 1942. 3 5 hp outbrd mtr like new. and washing mchne, gd. con. Pn. Z-I36I J R. Watkins Co oroaucta. 1717 CenT ter St. Salem Pn B39S Free del BARGAIN C triple glass Frlgidaire meat case. 6x6 walk-in cooler V h.p. compres sorpractically new. A very good buy. Mills' 2' gaL freezer. New 6 ft, meat care, triple glan. R. L. Elf strorn Co.. 340 Court Street. Ph. 9221. ELECTRTC room beaters, radiant, steam, and fan. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY COfFEE makers and replacement parts. , YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY SEE the Gibson tractor. You ride, plow, disc, spring tooth harrow, cul tivators, dozer blade. Available now. L C. Miller. Rickreall. Ore. Ph. Dallas 12F6. John Hancock. 3893 Rivercrest Ph. Salem 2-4280. THOR Automagie washers and ixon- ers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPArfr FARMERS AttenUon jtlectric but ter churns, milk coolers, fence con trollers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY STUDENT and Executive desk lamps, fluorescent lighting fixtures. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY TRlME Oated """"chskes; fintsHed lumber, flooring, paint, hardware and lumber. Eola Lumber Co. Phone 2-5950 Salem UNIVERSAL bantam electric ranges. Ideal for apartments, trailer bouses, or as an auxiliary oven. Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ALWAY-Ta big sicca. Woodry's Furniture Mkt Ph. $110. CHARIS " C5RSEtlERE dresses. RAINCOATS. Ph. 7074. 437 N. Liberty. ELECTRIC-IRONS, metal Ironing boards, pads, and covers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY English walnuts. 2061 State. ThT85S8. MAHOGANY Duncan-Phyfe dining room set 6100. Phone 9488. I ' HUNDREDS OP CHRISTMAS Gift Items. Yeater Appliance Co, RESTAURANT type electric ranges. commercial griddles. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY MAKE your own recordings en a Wilcox Gay Recordio. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY THOfi automatic washer. Latest mod el. Used 6 weeks. Phone 2-6334. i X GOOD" i-wfieei trailer. Good springs of double bed. 3510 Portland Rd OIL Circulators with or without tana. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY I-LECTRIC VVaihlng Machines Little Giant tray type, YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 'APPLES, all kinds of varieties. Will deliver. Psul Schaad. Ph. 234 IB. "REMOVE cooking fumes with a Pryoe exhaust fan. YEATER APPUANCE COMPANY TELECTRIC Ice cream freezers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY BUILDING BLOCKS BRICKS PUMICE CONCRETE CEMENT. SEPTIC TANKS. CONCRETE WATERPROOFING I mile aouth on River Rd Phone 8968 Alfalfa Hay Truck Pel Ivery. Can 2-1196 PRESSURCCOOKERS. 4 qL for cooking, 1$ qt. for canning. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ELECTRIC comforters, blankets,' and heating pads. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY TLC?RlCand gas water heaters. YEATER APPLIANCECPMPANY lORTAB-7E electric clothes washers. Ideal for apartment or trailer house. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY npl.ASTri-l.6fl. the celioplarveiki finish for your floors, that require no waxing. YEA1ER APPLIANCEJCOMPANY ""a"NTIQUR VTantedrWhat have"you UpsUlrs Antique Shop. Open 11 to Monday through Friday. Call 25046 after 3. GERMICIDAL lamps In your home or office help to prevent spread of dia- Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY " ELECtMCiranges (apartment size). YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY S IN 6 LIT and two burner hotplates. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY "TOR SALE BY OWNER: One S piece bedroom suite, complete with springs and mattress; one twin bedroom suite complete with springs and mattresses and one chest of drawers; one blue Wilton rug 12 x 10'i: one Alexander Smith hooked rug 9 x 80: one Italian Renaissance dining room set consisting of table, 6 chairs, buffet and china cupboard. AU fruniture in excellent condition. Possession by November 1. Call 6103 or 5088 for Inspection. GOOD Automatic oil floor furnace. Go one block south of 12th St. Hlway junction . on old hlway to Idlewood drive,' 4th house on left. Miller. GLASS-lined elec water heater In A-I cond. $75. Ph. 2-2831 NEW condition, maple bed. vanity and bench. Phone 5355, GET YOtJR Avon cosmetics now. rjne gifts In attractive boxes. Ph. 26583. STOCK saddlehorse. also large prune dryer. Rt. 2. Turner. D.jLWaldrog 20.000 "YEARLING" Croft lily bulbs. make offer, 1670 Broadway St. Ph. 4735. 0lATE gas burner. Good condition, $10. Ph. 2-5248. 1370 Chemefceta VACUUM Cleaner in good condition with all attachments. Ph. 2-6602. TWIN BABY buggy. Reasonable. Ph. J-5364. ' BABY Bed up to 6 yrs. $15. Ph, 3-2185. T-0RSaL: 2.bonfcrWn"g. WTp? M. 3XW0 ft. 2x4 s and 1x6s at $40 per M. at 1179 Marion. Claude Boone, 2049 State . ' WAR SURPLUS STORE 4i HOYT fif . METAL FILING CABINETS. New. letter size 4 drawer $5940. Electric heaters, portable, celling and wall, types. Guaranteed electric water heat ers, special. Storage tents 16x32 S 16x50. Sleeping bags. House wire, boxes, out lets, range cable. Bunk beds with mat tresses. Metal Folding choirs $2.60. Only 3. two drawer office desks left $25.00. Clark 3 Ton Fork Lift $2000.00. 50 2-Ton Shop Trailer $20.00 ea. HOYT BE TWEEN SOUTH 12th & SPRR. Tel 7916. WASHING Machine, maple dinette set, bed. mattress and vanity. Daveno. Phone 2-5071. For Sale Miscellaneous Time to Fertilize USE ORGANIC FERTILIZER PERFECT FOR LAWNS St GARDENS. SACKS $5 OR $10 PER TON Free delivery anywhere in Salem. West Mushroom Farm Ph. 8127 days; 2-4397 eve, or 8l7 Just Received 7 different styles of dinette sets in chrome and wood. Ranging from $24.50 for a 5-piece set to $136.50 for 6-pSece walnut waterfall design set. This in cludes matching buffet. Glenn VVood- ry Furniture Mkt. 1605 N. Summer. W-30 McCORMICK Deering tractor on rubber. $850. Duane I. Felton. Ger- vats. oreg. 1, ml. West of Waconda ir ulstino' till l. . 1 burner Hot Point range. 9x12 rug. 7', x 'm rug. Quaker panel curtains, breakfast set, shoe ice skstes. size 10 tt 8. Golf clubs, tricycle for 2 yr. old. Ph. 2-1028. WOMEN'S 6c girl's skirts, suiu. dresser, formats, bats. Private sale of high quality used clothing. Sat., Oct. A . . . .... J. iu a.m. io a p.m. luwa . nign GOOD 2-wheel trailer ivith l.n. $73. Wolf fur jacket, like new. size 14-16. $35. 2-hole trash burner. $6. Coiled 30 gal galvanized hot water . . . . .. . .... . -arm, fj. nay n. winter WOOD At Coal neatintf itnv. Sin Ford St. Phone 9509. ' NEARLY inew all white enamel range.. Ph. 2-2934. Geo. Kleen.Pjum.Ore. USED Oil floor furnace. Good cond. t73. Capital Bargain House. 143 Center. TRAP Load shotgun shells. $26 80 "a case. Nollman 6c Engler. 362 State St. Phone 6062. i WILL Sacrifice man's diamond ring valued at $450, mounted with 2 rubles. .-'m,n JPLteTi?6i S. 15th. BRAND New outboard motor, 3' h.p. fiuu. j5. loin. APT.' Electric ranee UDM M-... magazine racks. $5J5. Regular $7.98. Good Assortment while . they last; 6 pc. bedroom set, $85.00; hot plates, gas and electric. $5.00 and up; oil burn ing range, $54.50: davenport and chair seU. $45.00 to $69.50; small baby beds, $5.00: three drawer 30" chesta 111 !v oil burner; dinette sets: dining room sets; elect, rangette; baby buggy; book case. MARTIN'S FURNITURE CO. 420 So. Commercial KING Apples. $1.40 per box. Bring boxes. 2476 Fairgrounds Rd. REMINGTON No. 11 Standard type writer. Phone 2-1832. BARN Sash windows and frames, $4x21. Call 7450 evenings. . MOVING, must selL Davenport and chair, excellent condition, slipper chair, chest of drawers, mlsC dishes. Ca'l 7450 evenings after 6 o'clock. HAY CUTTER. Good condition, $100. Phone 2-2185. '47 DELUXE Norge washer. Re-built 11. Johnson outboard. '46 Seawltch 32 outboard. Seth Thomas, 8-day quarter hr. time clock. Phone 9316. GOOD Winter apples Perfectly worm-free. Phone 2-4238. CARAGE7 460 NTWinter. Ph. .-1494. r GIRL'S hlrvcla fnr Alm,.l 128 Carlton Way. Salem. "CORNET It caseTH7NrWhTte; Like new. Reasonable. 1174 Edge water. Ph. neai. i-none Z--VI2 NEW 30.30 Marlm rifle. 6 shot snort model. Phone 2-546 1 6 FT. Refrigerator, new Kelvinator unit. Ask for Mrs. Weigh, 888 N. Coml. SMALL PIANd and bench. 10 5. Cottage. FULLER Brushes. 1745 Orant. P. 8357 Cash Resisters For Information about New National Cash Registers. The National Cash .x -ier wo. i-none z-tMia. Ftrirb iirtinar .! I-.,. !.' Elec. restaurant range A grill. ',. price. Good as new. 1 truck hoist. Ph. 21140. CXiCkltt SPANlE7PupplesRed. black, males 6c females. Salem Veterin ary hospital. Portland Rd. iBABY BED & t7oller. like new. r ii . i3o CLOCKS, wall, mantle, and alarm: Door chimes. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY PLASTER, Sheetrock. wallboard. ceUing tile. Rt. 7. Box 431L.' McCain Ave, off Silyerton Rd., Salem. ELECTRIC Mixers iDormever). v YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY -5ACtMCREN"Sfl0P Windows and sash. Frames, storm sash, screens made to order. Glass replacement and general cab inet work. 1444 So12th Ph.2-5574 " HOSPIt At' Beds, wheel chrs.. renl. sell. Buren. Ph. 7773. 745 Court St. SUN (ultraviolet), heat (infrared) lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY WRINGER ROLLS AND SE&VfCE All makea washers. Van's Corner, 601 Edgewater. E. H. Ellis. Formerly with Nelson Bro. Phone 6931. ATmORAY Ozone, elec. heater, bed daveno, very good cond. 666 S. Sum mer. . 6TEL Clothesline posts k orna mental iron . work made to order. 1 Liberty. fOHD rtHUUSON tractor equip ment. Geo. Janssen, Rt 9, Box 51 HE. River Silt MASON SAND. CONCRETE MIX. READY MIX ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Cement Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH. 2-1966 2-3100 ATTENTION FARMERS Have stock pile of minus rock that mutt be moved at once. 75c per yd. You haul. Commercial Sand Gravel. Ph. 21966. PLENTY of oil heaters, three sizes, large, medium and small. Elec. motors. Elec. ranges. Paint of ail kinds. Wash ing machine, dinette set. end tables, vacuum cleaners. New tires, tubes and batteries, all Items under retail price. Hordman Bros., mile north Totem Pole. 4 miles out on Portland high way. Ph. 2-6367. ' APPI3R75c bushel up. Cuils 35c. Wide choice of varieties. Buttercup, Hubbard. Marblehead and Banana squash: pie and Halloween pumpkins. Coin's Farm Fruit Stand, 3 miles N. of Jefferson, old highway. VACUUM cleaners and floor polish ers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY "lEWlNG Machines repaired, bought, rented. W Davenport Ph. 7871. Work guaranteed REVERE ware, aluminum cooking Utensils, kitchen gadgets ' YEATER, APPLIANCE COMPANY RADIOS. an-Precord players. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Oil Burner Service William C. Drew. Phone 2-4443 ' ELECTRIC corn" poppers, roasterettes, broilers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Wanted Furniture WSEP rURNTTTTWE Ph 9183 "FUknITURE and what nave you bought for cash. Call any time. Sun dale Exchange. Ph. J-85U. $94 N. Lib erty USED ' FURNITUHE Phone 5110 " WANT IU Buy Used Cameras a lenses McEwan Photo Shop 435 State CASH lot used piano h other mu sical Instruments Call 4641 days or 9537 evenings or send description to Jaqulth Music Co, 191 & High. LAFF-A-DAY Tit a., "Care for Jittle amoux?" Wanted Furniture GOOD Used wash mashlne U sewwig machine. Ph. 3-5511. 694 N. Liberty. Wanted 'Miscellaneoua WALNUT drying. Can dry more lots. Phone 2-2634. few TOY and doll repairing. Tricycles, wagons, baby iurn. Ph. 2-6727. 197 ' S. Commercial. APARTMENT size electric range. General Electric or Universal White top. Call 7450 evenings . LIVESTOCK WANTED, all kinds. Earl Du Crfien. Call 21666 PiANO""TUN.NG Wills Music Store. Salem Miscellaneous BUCYRUS-Erie shovel. i yd. bucket, very clean It tn A-l condition. Bird 6c Zysset Co, 871 Wallace Rd, West Sa lem Phone 6666. TOPPING, trimming and remove danger trees, ressonable. Guarantee satisfaction. Ph. 2-2374 a.m. or after 5- IF IT'S a Ferguson Farm Implement you are looking for, come tn and see us today. Don't delay. We have avail able now: 2 Bottom 12" Plows. 2 14' Plows. 1 Bottom 16" Plow. Towner off set disc, 8 ft. heavy duty mower with curb lift. 7 ft. grain drills. Bird & Zysset Co. 871 Wallace Rd., West Salem, Ph. 6666 Ti That Oil Burner Giving You Maximum Efficiency? DIAL 2-6062 For Oil Burner Service and Repair. Conversion Oil Burner and Automatic Oil Floor Furnaces. For Immediate installation. " BRIMM'S HEATING APPLIANCES 422'. S. High Salem. Ore. BUTTONHOLES made. Ph. 2-2168. MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocned tl 00 IE" SPRINGER 464 Court BLOWN RocRwool" Trmilation. inter locking weather strip. Payments low as $5 per mo. Salem Rock wool Co. 1533 Broadway Phone 3748 HARRY'S Second Hand store. 14th k Mission Sts. Buy, sell, trade. TJHF.Y'S Music" studio. InrtructTon of all brasa Instruments. 735 Picd mont. W. Salem. Ph. 2-1584. PIANO STUDIO Frederick Wilson. 1531 Market Ph. 24598. "Taxidermist. 2330 Br'dway. Ph. 24554 MattresseaTCapitai Bed Co Ph 406 Rawlins Music Studio Violin and Piano. Phone 2-601 3. I Wi Repair all makes of sewing machines. Work guaranteed. Free estimates. Singer Sewing Machine Co.. 130 N. Com l. Phone 3512. AUTO oa in ling. lust a shade better. by Rav ETTER, CaU Shrock Motor CO BMTJ WATER WELL drilling. Domestic or Irrigation. Duf field Bros. RL 9. Boa 423 . Phone , 2-1313. Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads Clearing Ditching Sewer A Basement Equipment Rental 19 B-. yda. 912 00 per hr. 10 B-. yds. 9.60 per hr. D-7 Cat k Dozer - 9.60 per hr. D-6 Cat k Dozer 8 40 per hr. D-4 Cat k Dozer 7 00 per hr. Phone Days 9408 Evenings 6246 or 34400 Salem.Qregon Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE CM MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER, DENTIST Adolph Bide.. State it Com Ph 3311 LEARN to sew. New classes in aressmaking or home decorations now starting. Enroll now. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 130 N. Coml. Ph. 3512. PLUMBING Supplies, water systems, electric and gas automatic water heat ers, general repair work. Decatur tt Mae-r- 17J "to Cowl Phone 6123 , WEATHER strips. Pullman. Ph. 5945 Financial Money to Loan Wanted: Real estate mortgage loans, city or farm properties: loans made as small as $300. See us about refinancing your present contract or mortgage Ap proved city loans. G.I. loans, construc tion loans. Low Interest rates. Leo N. Chi Ids, Inc. REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 9261 $ $ MONEY $ $ 4',. REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. Lie. 8 216 M 222 Money to Loan LOAN: Individual will loan money for private real estate mortgage. Statesman Box 609. General Finance Corp. offers money at once on care, trucks, furniture, trailer houses, livestock, farm marchinery; contracts refinanced aad additional money advanced No co-signers. General Finance Is locally owned and officered; was organized In 1927 and therefore knows and can help throughout the repaying of a loan Ap plications for loans made by phone. 136 South Commercial Sts, Salem Phone: 9168 Licences S-138 & M-338 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. JTH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSEN M 159 S 154 rAAM 'and ClfV LOANS 41fc and 3 Your own terms ef repayment with in reason. Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg Phone T162 EXTRA CASILExtra Fast If you're short of cash, get $23 to $300. or up to $500 on auto, from 'Personal' the company that likes to ssy "Yes" to loan requests. Loans on signature, auto, truck, or furniture. No co-signers are required. If you need cash, phone or come in TODAY. Personal Finance Co. $18 State St., Rm 123 Ph. 3191 E. Gallinger. Mgr. Lie. M16S. S122 MONEY TO LOAN on income k business property 4 interest any amount, -no brokerage. , LARSEN HOME IX3AN CO. 164 S. Com l St, Ph. 8389. For Rent Rooms FURN. Rooms with housekeeping privilege. Garage. For employed peo ple. 41$ Market St. 8 CLF.AN tiling In moclvi nhoiite, Witt. kllchenrlvllre. Ph. 3.1029. Well furn. warm sleeping rm. tor employed man. Close in. 677 S. Com'l. SLEEPING rm. for gentleman. Pri vate entrance. Phone 2-4427. QUIET rm, day sleeper preferred. 534 N. Winter. Call Sun, or eves. LIGHT housekeeping rm. No drink ing or smoking. Phone 6938. NICE sleeping rm. for 1 or 2 em- ployed people. Also large unfurn. rm. Close in. Phone 8332. PARTLY turn. 1st floor rm. range. Private toilet and entra nee. 2255 N. 5th. NICELY furn. heated sleeping rm. 992 N. Cottage. , HAVE " IjirgeownTowh ioom"wii. share with employed . oung man. Write Box 606 jStateman. SLEEPING Rm. 666 S. Summer. "HOLLYWOOD Sip, rim. Ph. 6Q93. Room and Board WILL TAKE convalescent or elderly ladies. Phone 2-1116. For Rent Apartments 2 RM. APT. Private bath. Gentle man preferred. No drinking or smok ing. StatesmanBnx621. $20 PER MO.. J rm. "turn. apt. Clean. Suitable for one or two women. 2252 Simpson, near Ford. COTTAGES by day. week or month. 3580 S. Com l. For Rent Houses FURN. House. Write Statesman Box 622. 6 ROOM Home on Acreage on Hol lywood Drive. $75.00 per month. First Jfearrent In advance. Phone 4728. 3 ROOM Cottage in Monmouth, $3i. Adults. Phone Monmouth 6573. MODERN cottage, turn. 1 mi. north of Brooks on highway 99. Box 78F 3 RM. FURN. cottage. Adults only. 1937 N. Capitol fter 9 a.m. For Rent TRAILER house. $15 per mo. 62 Wil lis m Ave. VOSE Upright piano for rent. Phone 6985. ' NORTH Hollywood on Portland Road. Stucco building, 2 Rm. house, and good 3 Rm. house with basement and fireplace, lot 86 x 200. Will give long term ( lease. All for $200.00 per month. ' LARSEN HOME 6c LOAN CO. 164 SCom'l St. PH. 8389 WOOD cutting? Rent our power drag saw. Reasonable rates. Howser Bros. Phone 3646. FURN COTTAGE. 3215 Portland Rd. TRAILER Space: Modern, clean. Free laundry priv. Reas. rates. 3580 S. Com'l. JIE liour Floors ShaKb,' Its easy to make them like new again. Rent our high speed floor senders and edge i. Howser Bros , 602 Edgewater. Ph 3646. " TRAILERS 75c first hr. 50c brs following. Woodrys Mkt- 1609 N Summer. ATMORAVS Ozone Good health Rent-sell H C Pugh. 684 N 17 4692 U-DRIVETRUCKS FOR RENT Blankets furn 197 S Liberty Ph 9062 FLOOR Sander, elec. floor polisher and lawn roller, weed burner. Rawlins Hardware, the Marshall Wells store. Ph. 6877. Wanted to Rent 3 ADULTS desperately need tempor ary living quarters to be near ser iously Injured relative in Deaconesa hoap. Ph. 3184. Ask for R. D. Hend- HlANTWTFE. mos. old baby need small partly furn house. Ph. 21435. OLDER WOMAN de-ires unfurrT". or more bedrm house near trans portation. Excellent care given pro perty li references gladly supplied. Mrs. Clarke. 5642. 2B EDRM. house or apt. Will con Sider buving. Phone 6874. DESPERATELY NEED 2 rm.' apt . furn. Non-drinkers or smokers, two working girls. Can pay $35 mo. Ph. a-SI3tt after S 30 p in. Need by next week. ""YOUNG. re'lia"ble" family oFTdesper ately need 2 bdrm. home. Guarantee care of your home and yard Ph. 8064. tfOUSE WANTED-RENT- IN ADVANCE Prefer two bedrooms. In or close to Salem. Ph. Needy 7 F 54 or see F. M. Shank. Hubbard. Ore. "STORE Manager wishes to renl 3 or more hrlrm. houne. Ph. 220TUK REWARD: 1 or 8 bedrm. house. Ph. 5866. VETERAN 8 "M'lDOW and child ur". fiently need unfinished house or apt. n town or country. Write Box 613 Statesman. For Sale Real Estate $2,000 DOWN $3,750. 2 bdrm home close to Mc Kinley. school, nice yard, large garage, utility room and 3 bdrma, could be made very easily, appt. only. Olson & Reeve. Realtors 945 S. Com'l St. Ph4390 Eve. 2JUJ30 $5,975. NfCfc and neai. 4 VoomTiome, hwd firs, V. Blinds, nice yard. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 945 S. Com'l St. Ph. 4590. Eve. 2-58.10 5 RM. HOME, wired for range. Ph. 5207. WILL TAKE TRAILER HOUSE Health forces us to sell equity tn modern S rm. house. Auto. heat, air conditioned In summer, large garage, liv. rm., kitchen. 2 bdrms. unfin. up stairs. Furniture ran be had for $930. Equity $1500. 145 Duncan Ave. before 3 p m. "BY OWNERpTiiis beat17UiirtyTe' 2 bdrm house with attached garage. Move in now, finish at leisure. Plumb ed, Ht. wtr. htr. Wired for range, drilled well with pump. Bus at door. E. l' ml. from city limits. Garden Rd. 1 blk. W. Sweglc school. Ph. 2-2293. BY OWNER: 6 rm. house. $2.0o67Et. 4 Box 1 88. FOR Efficient and effective sales service ca II the S. lem Realty Co. NOW $950 DOWN. $60 a month on bal ance, 5 rm.. home k garage. 2 bdrm. liv. rm. din. rm, kitchen. 4 lots, oil heat, piped for gas. Close to bus. school stores. Total price $6300. Ph. owner at 3736. 4 BDRM, house, reasonable price. Could easily be arranged for income. Terms can he arranged. 1765 State St. $1,700 DOWN buys his 3 bdrm home. Keizer Dist. Hwd firs. Elec. H. W. Heater. Attic. Large Lot, City bus, close to store. Imm. Pons. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 945 S. Com ! St. Ph. 4590; Eve. 2-5830 FOR SALE: Holly wood. 3 bedrooms, living and dining room all finished tn natural hardwood, party room in full basement. Fireplace. Hwd floors. Own er leaving city. Call Ph. 2-4791. Alden Bowes Real Estate. 3815 Portland Rd. WHY PAY RENT? 4 rm. house. Large lot. 52 x 190. 2 bedrms. Wash house with heating St stationary tubs. Electric wster system. Nice fenced yard. A real buy at $2,550. Paved street and bus by door. Terms and possession. M. D. Looney, with William E, Moses 331 'i State Phone 4993 NEW Two Bedroom Home. Garage Attached. Lot 92x150 feel. Close to School and Bus. Price $7500 00. W. G. Krueger, Realtor Phone 4728 147 N. Coml. St. 5 ROOM modern house close In in cluding interest money 875. SIO0O down payment Furnish. Write 94S rjorway st. jY OWNER'. 3 "bed room home on 1 acre 110 ft. on main highway to the east, good Spot for theatre, cabins, or any kind of business. Fast growing community Pen 4 cor. 260 So. Lan caster Dr. Ph. 2-6583 "Bf 6WS!R f i bedrm.. L. ft., kitchen, bath, utility rm., garage with auto, gas heat, water heater k cooking. Fire place, corner lot. 52 x 105 with fruit k nuts. For particulars call 3305. For Sale Real Estate IMMACULATE! SPOTLESS I Lovely 3 BR. HOM. Ideal location for home tk biwineaa, N. SALEM. Big 86 m 120 FU lot alley at rear. Tine garage. TOP CONDITION. $9500. ACREAGE HOME! 20 glorious view acres. POSITIVELY SCENIC! 4 m. NW. Pavment all the way. Grand 11 r. plstrd house, bath, wired el. range. Barn. Tractor goes. $10,500. SOW & cow 2 tractors, tools, eqpt, furniture got PLUS 26 fine acres. Somfy cottage. Big barn. Most Salem services. NW OF SALEM. All for $8000. C. W. Stuller, Broker SALEM. OREGON WALLACE ROAD, 'a m. N. of bridge. New House- $4,000 2 bdrm modern house. Tiled kitchen. Close in. Available immediately. C. E. Covi He,' Broker Turner. Oregon Phone 22 ONE OF Salem's best homes, over 1200 square feet on main floor, full burnt , fireplace, h.w. floors, lots of built-ins, auto. heat. I meed late poss. Goodwin & McMillin Realtors Phone 4707 474 Court St. Eve .8713 or 61F21 WE HAVE several homes ranging In rice from $7850 to $27,500. If you are ooking for a home, call us before buy ing. Goodwin & McMillin Realtors Phone 4707 474 Court St. Eve. 8715 or 81F21 $10,500.00. NICE HOME in Hollywood. Lv. rm. Din. rm. Kit. 8 bdrms. Den. basement, turn. Hwd. fls, beautiful lot. 3 bdrms, on one floor, near Leslie Jr. High. Lg. Lv. rm. Din. rm. fireplace, Hwd. fls, lovely basemt. double plumb ed. Call for particulars. - - 3 bdrm. home on Hoyt St. Just East ot High St. See our sign and call me to show you through. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phone J793 341 Chemeketa St. Eves. 2-5260 A REAL NICE roomy one story home with full bsrVit, Auto oil heat, 3 nice size bdrms. Din. rm. Lg. Lv. rm. with fireplace. All Hwd. fls. 7 yrs. old. Lg. overslre gar. Beautiful lawn St shrubs, fenced in garden, straw 6c cane berries. Lot 100x200. on North Road. Close to schools, store. 6c city bus. Well worth the asking price of $16,500.00. $8750 00 NEAR PARRISH SCHOOL 3 bdrm. home In exc. condition, lo cated In the heart of school dista. bsmt. oil turn, real lg. Kitch. AtL gar: $3750 00 down. bal. $45.00 per Mo. semi-annually. Call Ed. Lukinbeal. - Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phone 2-1549 141 Chemeketa St. Eves. 2-6680 A COMFY LITTLE HOME IN WEST SALEM 3 BR's, LR, DN. RM. Kit Dandy Garage. Lovely Gas Range Included. Weatherstripped. Lot 50x100',: paved street. $5250. B. Isherwood, Realtor PH. SF11. Wallace Rd. Rt. I. pox 163 Open Evenings and Sund ays Leo. N. Childs, Inc. Realtors REAL VALUES TO CLOSE ESTATE. Older type I bed rm. home. Lot about 150 x 110. Many fruit trees. Close to store, bus and school. $4000. WORTH THE MONEY. Large 3 bedrm. home. living rm. with fireplace, dining rm.. kitchen; full basement. Very ctnae to schools and bus. $7950. SUBURBAN. EAST. yr. old 4 rm. home. 3 bedrms. and unfinished at tic. Double garage. One acre very productive soli. Close in on paved rd. and bus bv the door. $9500. HOME Or THE WEEK. Attractive well built and well-planned white ranch type home. Spacious In every re spect. H.W. floors: fireplace In the living sm. and one In a lovely party rm. in the full basement. Auto, heat. Att. double garage. The grounds are about 175 x log all tn large walnut trees. Call for an ap pointment. 822.500.' For these and many more CALL or SEE Leo N. Childs, Inc. Realtors "31 years of dependable service to home owners." 344 State St. Phone 8261 Evenings call 2-3833. 6001 or t-4007 $55od co " $1600 00 down. bal. $40 00 per mo. buys this clean 3 bdrm. home, nice Lv. room, kitchen, bath, very good location. $10.500 00 2 bedrooms down. 1 up. Nice Lv. rm, din. rm. Kitch. Hwd. fls. sawdust fur nace, good basement. Near Hollywood district. Call Omer ' Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St, Phone 2-1549 Eves.. 2-5091 $5250 Small, attract. 2-B R. home. Gas for cooking, oil clrc. Paved street. Gas range goes with deal. 3 BEDROOMS Plastered, older type home with L R , D R.. Kitchen, fireplace, fir firs., wood furnace. Wired for range, elect, wrt. htr. Garage, paved street. $7500. Attractive Home 3-B.R. home on corner lot. Large L. R. St DR. Nice kitchen, utility rm. Ildwd. firs., elect, heat. Tully Insulat ed and weatherstripped. On bus line. 4 blks. to sen. Priced to aelL WALTER MUSGRAVE REALTORS 1233 EDGEWATER PHONE 5109 2 BEDROOM HOME 4 BEDROOM HOME . $ 6.500 8.500 12.000 3 BEDROOM HOME The Real Estate Market 433 N. High St. Phone 2-4793 $8750. N EW mo-ern FB"5 home Northeast. Unfinished upstairs, lot 132 x 170. h.w. floors. V-blinds. auto oil furnace. Attached garage. $2750 down will handle. CaU Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. High St. Ph. 4121; Eves. 2-5561 LOTS FOR SALE New subdivision on Lansing Ave. Restricted lots. 84 x 120. $600. See Mr Davis 85 Lansing Ave. 6nTATrmOUNT Hill. There is one large bedroom, double plumbing, large living room, dinette and kitchen with lots of builtins. There are oak floors downstairs, a fireplace Inside and out. Let us show you this house for $7950.00. Sell or exchange for 'older larger house. 3 bedrooms, living room, kitch en, dinette, bath. Fireplace. Venetian blinds, full basement. Just a few blocks from town, close to bus and school. Will sell or trade. $8400 00. P. II. Rell, Realtor 310 Guardian Bldg. Phone 4896 days. Night phone 3367 1685 Madison St. En pie wood $10,008. Nice 3 bdrm home. Dining rm, half bamt., oil furnace. Garage. Beautiful yard St shrubs. Drive bv, then call Ed Lukinbeal for appoint ment. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 841 Chemeketa St. Phone 2-1549 Eves. 3-6680 3.5oo71BORM house, north close to all schools, city bus, eloae to store, Imm. Pose. Just redecorated. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 943 S. Coml St. Ph. 4590: Eve. 3-5830 BY0WNER: Lot. 69 x 94. $350. CaU at 990 McGUchrisL Call mornings or eves For Sa! Real Eatat SNAP 3T.300. I bdrm house, tart, large L rm.. din. rm , nice lawn 4k aftrvbe. fruit . nula OomI elee water ayetem. tUee. h.w. heater. This home Is only 3 year old. Newly redecorated. Terms.. Olson & Reeve. Realtors 943 S. Coml. Ph. 4590: Eves. 953 BARGAIN $7,250. 3 bdrm home north. Good lo cation. L. rm.. din. rm.. large kit. full bath, all plastered. Sawdust furnace. Good terms. Olson & Reeve. Realtors 943 S. Coml.. Ph. 4390: Eves -583t SOME OF OUR BEST VALUES Small home located on good corner lot N.I. 84800. Suburban: 3 B.R. house. Acre good land, close to bus line. $6430. jsorm: Close to 99 Highwsy. Ex cellent 8 year old 8 room house. H.W. Floor, fireplace, coved ceiling. Ven. Blinds, attached garage. 1 Acre good land with a lot of berries. Snown by appointment, you make an offer. 8 blks. from LAB. Bank. Lovely modem style home. Nice liv. St Din. rms. handy kit. with nook space. 4 gen erous size B.Rs. l'i sets of plumbing, full basement with extra room, double garage, nice lawn, shades and shrubs. $11.650 00. R. E. Meredith. Realtor 176 S. Commercial Phone 8841 new w M A wnt' r rr-.r i a TION. POSSESSION IX 38 DAYS 81J7S WWW. IJHSS THAN 830 PAYMENTS. R. E. Meredith, Realtor 176 S. Commercial Phone 8841 WEST SALEM HOME $3650 Living Rm. Com. D. r Kitchen. Wir ed for E. Range. El. H W. Heater. Bath. Unfinished attic. 1 Blk to Bus. 3 B:k to school. The Real Estate Market 433 N. High KL Phone 2-473 fl557TT?lSCwo6D HflcfW. LASCr GRAND VIEW BCILDEVG SITE. , The Real Estate Market 433 N. High St. Phone J-479J IDEAL FOR YOLWO COUPLE Smalt Enellah tvn. H -, n . - mount HUI. Fireplace, hdw. floors. Nicely landseaoed lot with f:rnlri. $7950. The Real Estate Market 433 N. High St. Phone 2-4793 Joe Hutchison. Realtor vxirwrw CITY Fin 3 BR homt In ratrmount ...a. ... . . . . "in. i -lory, piatierea. run base oil fur, gar. New wall to wall car- VaaWff 41 f Hr Dnnen fei . I SUBURBAN 4 yr eld S rm hse on 1 A . w . a . ... .. a-sai. j-ia-erea. U'liiiv rm. small ehlc hse. Fruit 6c Berries. . Restrict ed building dlst. All hse hold fur nishings Including elee range, elee refrig It wash mach. ALL THIS FOR ONLY $10,000. CaU Mr. Tor- FARMS Fully equipped 46 A farm rilh - t. Od . . ... , .... . an, iu p-aaiervo. AU In cultiv. Barn. 3 mach. sheds. Tractor thresh mach. baler, binder, disc A: many ether pieces of farm equip. Mono will handle. Henry Torvend, Farm Mgr. Joe Hutchison. Realtor 458 Court ' Street PH. EVES. - 4937. 2-5141. 3-479 By Owner 1948 Johns St. Falrmourtt Hilt. Mod. 6 rm. house S bedrms. downstairs. I bedrm. up. It sewing rm. LR. all car peted. Fireplace, full basement, auto, oil heat Very desirable, quiet place to live. 93 ACRfes North of Albany. I rccrn plastered house. Urge barn, hog house, other bldgs. electric Irrigation svstem. 3 acres pasture. 30 acres cultivated. Immediate possession. $22.300 00 wtll Uke an apartment house In trade. A3 bedroom home on E st, basement, fireplace. Venetian blinds, garage Cloaw to stores and transportation. SS4C HO. A new house with 2 bedrooms, tlv Ing room, kitchen, plumbed. Insulated. $9250.00. . On N. Broadway, a comer with I room house, garage. This potential business property. 89500 00. On Hood street, excellent location, S bedrooms, living room and dinette, sawdust burner. Let la 43 x 31. gauss M. P. H. Rell. Realtor $18 Guardian Bldg. , SALEM, OREGON Phone 4896 days. Eve. VT UNFINISHED Home: 4 tW livable St owner occupied. Immediate poss slon for only $2500. I, rash will handle. Balance, easy payments. C. A. Reed. Realtor ' 147 N. Commerrial, Rm 4 AEAL TtOME " 1373 STATE STREET Beautiful home, more than !B0 square ft. floor space. Living room wit fireplace. dining room. hardwood floors, kitchen, nook, butlt-lne. 3 Urge bedrooms. Upstairs floored but not fin ished. Full basement, piped furnace, $iTooo oo""' " Ut Ed Byrkit & Co., Realtors 339 Chemeketa Rt. Ph. 3t. eves J-6JS7 cutr-vrvfinrmktrf ; 4 bedrooms. 1. R.. O. R . kt kitrhets. comb., nook. Venetian blinds, tii-e- nLir. hfenf-M-wl 1-. .. . auto, piped furnace, double garage, nice lot. Only $8,500 88 3 bedroom home on IMkSOO view lot. Double garage, outbuilding with niea cement baeement for fruit room. Small chicken house. AU for 84,440 00 4 bedroom unfinished house. L. R O R, kitchen with built-ins. bath? gs sVre.Vo;0"ol U f Ed Byrkit & Co., Realtors Ph SM1 eves 2-?y chicken hse. 1 small hse renting for $20 per month, oiled road, family or chard. Imm. Poss. ' . Olson & Reeve. Realtors iiUIComT St. Ph. 4590: Eve 2-5X38 "SFAiOUS home Englewood distfCC First time listed. This lovely 2 bed room home, with room for 3 up Ma I,0,?nr woodwork. large kitchen, beau tiful dining room. Auto, ml heat, cor. lot, sprinkling system, full kimt A good buy at $14,700. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 943 S. Coml. ph. 39: eve 953g $10,000. NEW modern i-fclTTomV close In East Hardwood floors. Auto wtr htr. wired for range, auto oil fur nace. Attached garage. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. Realtors 133 S. High 8L Ph. 4121: Eves. 3-3381 ADVERTISING Western AdvertLdnf Representatives Ward-Crtmth Company, tne. rrancieco Eastern Adverttrfnf Representative Ward -Griffith Company, the. I Chicago New York, Detroit j Boston. AUaota Member Pacific Coast DirtsJotl Bureau of Advertisiaf Entered at the PceftW at So. lent, Oreoon as feeo-uf Class Mas ter. Pubuslted every swraisg ev eept Mow-av eai-iesa eftce SU . Soulh Commerctol gtreet. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mafl Subacrtption Rate tn AtU eance: Within Oregoa: Dally and Sunday, Mo 84) cents; 8 moa. 83 : 1 yeas, $6 Ott ITeewhere 8 cents awe m& or $138 tor i year fas edvaikos. Per copy cents. . By City Carrier. T3 cetita a monrh. av.oo a year m aovance as aad adjaceal cc