g The Statesman. Salem. Oregon. Tuesday. October 21. 1947 Just about a year a to, after Al Simpson's Southern Oregon Bed Raiders smashed Monmouth's OCE eleven 52-a we tattled here that the potent SON'S could have made It IW-u la that came. Oar popu larity la Monmouth hit a sub-sero level after that offering. Again this season we officiated the (rid struggle between the two schools and would again like to- report the truth. This time the Monmouth, defeated 2t to f. actually out played the Raiders and were en titled to bring back the win Instead r the lota. Two lone passes and m sudden 90 -yard sprint by the wlde ' ly-known and . entirely capable Chuck D'Autremont amounted to all the scoring. But time and time again the Wolves romped through the Raider defenses to threaten a score, only to have a fumble or an Ill-fated play kill off the threats. In total yardage .from BILL McARTTIUR scrimmage the Monmouths out gained the Simpsons, and In Backs George Redden. Corky Van Loo and Robin Lee they had a trio of mail-carriers who had the SONS worried throughout Van Loo b the transfer from Oregon and Lee is the Eugene high whls of last season . . , . That 20-o score gives a false Impression, to be sore. New Monmouth Coach BUI McArthur's crew would have deserved a win in what would have been a major uptet. McArthur has done a fine Job with the Polk county team, and since Its players are nearly all underclassmen you can look for some rugged OCE elevens In the future. Incidentally, the Mon mouth lino Is Just about as big as they come In college. The start ing seven average over. 11 pounds . Should Taboo the Joint After Saturday's mess at Angeles It should bo okeh by the northern division elevens If tho southern cousins do drop 'em from their football schedules as feared. Big stadium, bit city, big crowd whatever causes those catastrophes should be ducked at aU costs. Ei ther refuse to play. 'em altogether or hold out for playing 'em up here la the helpful northwest weather and mud .... Speaking of false Impressions, that scoreless tie played between Klamath Tails and Medford last week waa re ceived much more warmly by the Black Tornado than It was by the Pelicans. It-Falls outplayed tho Tornado nearly all the way, fum bled away three good chances to score and had four attempts , at field goals fail. One of these hit the upright and bounced back. Had the boot been a few Inches sore to the right K-Falls would have had a much deserved 2-0 victory. Some days yew Just can't sake a dime .... Br rent Big Hit in South Stale hero and new sicks' Brew ery representative Bill Bevens anade the weekend Jaunt with, no and amounted to the first football official who ever strolled onto a gridiron and got from tho cus tomers a hurrah equalling the one expected for tho home team. Sonthern Oregonians went for tho world series record breaker In a big way and had him appear on three different radio programs. Hell need all winter to get his right paw In shape again after all the seueexlng It got, and If he doesn't have writers' cramp now be never will have It And Sicks' Captain Tom Holman was right along to see that Bill met the right people, too ... . Although he would have pitched In It as promised. Bevens was glad that tho Sunday exhibition In Oregon City was rained ouL Ills arm still is a bit sore and when ho goes to California this week for the big Elks' charity exhibition be tween major and Coast leaguers at Oakland Sunday, Bev Intends looking up the renowned arm specialist Denny Carroll . . . MUST VICTIM PORTLAND. Oct. 20 -4Ah Ceorge Franria. 58, it tho first gun accident victim of tho not et ociened duck season. He wai building a duck blind St Government island in the Co lumbia river when a 9-year-old boy. fired a shot at a nearby tar get. The bullet struck Frannas, but physicians said the wound was not serious. ( j i ! v -jK Spokane Deal Nixed SKA1TLC Oct. Xtf-Ofr-West-em loternaUonal baseball league directors meeting hero Sunday . voted down the proposed aalo of tbo Spokane franchise by Sam Collins to J. Lamar Butler of Los Angeles and John (Buddy) Ryan of Sacramento. No reason for the refusal by tho directors waa given. As a result of the ac tion by the directors, tbo Spo kane team will continue to be operated by the present owner, CeDlne. Collins had previously announced no had sold the Bpo- ) Tag Team Rematch Tops Armory Mat Fare The tag team donnybrook that wowed the gallery last week to the extent that part of It Joined In the young riot afterward, re- turns to the Ferry Street Garden tonight to cap Matchmaker Elton Owen's weekly mat program. The rlp-inortcr, and It will be all of that since the entire parse this time goes to the winning duet, features Jack (Tiger) Klser and Jackie Nlckols on the cleanle tide and Tougher-than-ever Tony Ross and Joe Dorsettl as tbo nasties. What they slugged and slammed off last week amounted to one of Owen's top pitches at the garden in months. Tonight's retake could be even better In asmuch as the wlnaing team does ' get all the do-re-ml and since the Kiser-Nkkols elieque Is Justly Irked after the way things turned oat a week ago. The Ross-DorsettI twosome cot- Weather Again Halts Links Tourney Action Weather again threw a monkey wrench into the finals firing in the Salem Golf club's Fall Championship tourney Sunday. Drenching rain washed out the scheduled title bout between Jim my Sheldon and Glenn Lengren and also, halted action in most of the lower flights. It's unlikely that the Sheldon- Leneren duel can be played for another two weeks since the pair will be among those engaging Portland's Riverside club in the second half of a home-and-home clash at Portland next Sunday. Only two flight titles decided to date came in No. 2 where Frankie Albrlch beat John Gra ham. 1 up on the 19th, and in Flight 7 with Bill Franzwa top ping Clyde Smith of Woodbum, 2 and 1, for the crown. The local club grabbed a close 49-47 victory from the Riversiders in their first meeting: here two weeks ago. The team for the com ing fracas will include 32 men, with Bill Goodwin as captain. . Team lineup: Goodwin, Floyd Kenyon, Bob King, John Emlen, Millard Pekar, Don Hendrie. Tony Painter, Leo McCrary, Bill Mc Callister, Pat McLaughlin, Ace Fiih, Wally Hug, John Varley, Rex Campbell. Cliff Parker, Roy Hunt, Phil Jaskowski, Jim Shel don, Archie Sthultz, Cliff Mapes, Win Keedham, Bill Shafer, Ned Ingram. Max Allen, Glen Leng ren, Leo Estey, John Graham, Ted Chambers, Floyd Baxter, Bob Powell, Tommy' Thomson and Pat Miklia. Astoria Team Next for Viks Firmly entrenched in second place with an unbeaten-in-league record, Salem high's Vikings next Friday step out of the Big-6 loop BIG-SIX LEAGl'S WLTPfPA 1 I M 33 Bend . Salem .. Albany 1 3 ( S 3 14 14 . 1 1 I 44 II 1 3 17 84 ,M I I M 41 Corvailia Springfield Eugene - race for the annual game with As toria. The tilt with the Fishermen, which will find Harold Hauk's clan heavily favored, will be played at Astoria. The Viks came through the 26-25 hair-Qfeer with Springfield in good shape and went back to work on Olinger field yesterday. Elsewhere in the Big-6 Friday, Albany goes to Eugene for what looms as a toeiup battle and Springfield goes to Bend to play the leading Lava Bears. This one could bo a ding-dong ball game too, in this the tightest race in Big-6 history. 'Bev9 to Appear At Intlep Banquet INDEPENDENCE, Oct. 20 (Special) New York Yankee pitcher Floyd (Bill) Bevens of Sa lem, and Al Li gh trier, sports ed itor of the Oregon Statesman will be guests of honor at a chamber of commerce banquet here Tues day night. The dinner will be held in the Masonic temple. Both Bev ens and Lightner appeared here last week as guests of the local Masonic lodge. Ring Opener Set PORTLAND, Oct. 2HJP) Tony Olivers of California and Joey Clemo. Portland bantamweight, will meet in the ten-round fea ture bout of the season's first box ing card here tomorrow night. It is said that the port of Vigo, Spain, has a "silverplated" harbor because of the sinking of Spanish treasure ships there in 1702. kaao club to Butler and Ryan. Tho directors unanimously ap proved the aalo of tho Taeoma club to tho San Diego Padres of the Pacific Coast league, a deal Involving 11 MOO. San Diego will take over the Taeoma club next season and will have charge of naming a manager and plac ing players on It, Last season tho Tigers had a working agree ment with tho Los Angeles club of the Coast league. Spokane had a working agreement with the Brooklyn Dodgers. JACK RISER lected the win In that one but It was on a flake. Referee Owen was so occupied with trying to keep order In one corner that he didn't have time to see Klser flattening Ross for what should fiUtfli'dWilMli'ilWiflfWIUMrirtii'ifiOW of the Northwest 7 A v 1 W 'i 7 Champ Joe Louis, who battles Jersey Joe Walcott for the title In December Is shown above "working out near his esmp at West Baden, Ind, by balancing himself on a railroad track. Joe appears to bo not too' serious about things what? r 5 Fatalities, Deer Hunting By the Associated Press Sheriff Claude L. McCauley of Deschutes county reported How ard L. Boggs, 42, of Bend, was killed over the weekend near the Tumalo reservoir by a .22 caliber bullet from his own rifle. The gun discharged while Boggs re moved it from his car. The Oregon fatality was the fifth in the state during the deer season that closed today. Another hunter, Wallace Lang ley, 35, of Scotts Mills, was woun ded in the hip when shot at twice while hunting bear with two com panions. The first shot missed, but the second lodged in his hip joint The sheriffs office reported one of Langley's companions had apparently mistaken him for a bear while he sat at the edge of field. Collins Plans To Sit Tight' ! SPOKANE. Oct 20.-P)-Owner Sam Collins, returning from a Western International Baseball league directors' meeting at which his proposed sale of the Spokane Indians was vetoed, said tonight he was given no explanation of the directors' refusal to approve the sale. Collins said he and the prospec tive purchasers had been asked to leave the directors' meeting while the proposal was being discussed rnd that no explanation of the vote was offered afterward. Asked if he intended to sell the Indians elsewhere, Collins said he Intended to "sit tight" for the present, i Wetlemeyer Okay OAKLAND. Calif., Oct. 20 - (JP) Fears that Herman Wedemeyer, St Mary's great halfback, had been injured seriously in the Nevada football game, were dissipated to day when x-rays showed a nega tive condition. Hospital reports to Coach James Phelan said the swift Hawaiian had. a badly bruised chest but that he was otherwise okeh. Wedemeyer, the Gaels best of fensive back, was mauled consid erably in the tough game with Ne vada but he played 54 minutes. Waldorf Respects Troy SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 20.-) -Lynn Waldorf, coach of the un defeated and untied University of California Bears, told the football writers at their meeting today that Saturday's game with Southern California will reveal the true ability of the California team. "This game will show whether California is a fairly average team that has been aided by the breaks or is a good team that can keep the pressure on when playing a i - 7 : x :ri- r ... v ...7-. V- im w mm !! ' ' ti-lkacr'JBwwZj good team,1 he said. " have been the win. When Owen did manage to clear the decks It was Ross on top of Kser and Owen had nothing left to do but declare Ross and his disliked partner the winners. This brought on the Irate customers and then the gendarmes. Tonights semlwlndap pats popular Dave Reynolds In his toughest tussle to date locally. He goes In against Mustachioed Whiter Whlttler, one of the game's biggest and top nasties. Theirs will be a X-of-3 falter lim ited to 30 minutes. In the 8:30 'clock opener, a one-faller or 20 minutes, It will be Al Gets against newcomer Bob Cam- mlngs. The latter Is still another In the long line of new faces be ing brought Into the circuit and he hails from Pittsburgh, Pa. He Is said to be a grappler on the Herb Parks order. Owen will referee. Fast-Rolling Bearcats In Key Struggle Next Willamette's fast-rolling Bearcats, picking up momentum with each week of play after their season-opening thumping, face their major test conference, derby next The Jerry Lillie troupe, fresh from an im pressive 33-0 conquest of U of British Columbia tackle the Col lege of Puget Sound Loggers next Saturday afternoon. Both the sur prising Bearcats and the potent Loggers are now tied at the top of the loop with undefeated re cords. CPS has yielded no enemy points and Willamette has al lowed only six, those via a Col lege of Idaho touchdown. . The NORTHWEST CONFERENCE W L T PF PA 52 S 28 0 69 31 44 13 IS 28 12 25 12 35 Willamette Puget Sound College Idaho Pacific U Llnfield Lewis -Clark 2 Whitman British Columbia 13 94 This week's games: Willamette at College of Puget Sound. Whitman at U of British Columbia, Llnfield at South ern Oregon College. 1947 league championship rests largely on the outcome of Satur day's mix. Last season Coach Frank Pat rick of the Loggers brought an impressive team of freshmen to Salem and was licked only 7-0. Willamette then went on to win the league title, a toga the Cats weren't supposed to be up to de fending too strongly this semester. Instead, the Methodists have won diree in a row and will go into the Saturday fray on even terms with the Tacomans. All Bearcat personnel came through the UBC mix in good shape. Quarterback Bobby Douglas sat it out with his injured shoul der but should be back in 'harness again by Saturday. Lillie has sche duled stiff workouts for the prac tice field this week so as to have the squad at peak form for its toughest conference assignment of the season. Ukes, Trojans To Face Tests LOS ANGELES, Oct 20-7P-Bert La Brueherio and Jef( Crav ath, head men respectively of the UCLA Bruins and Southern Cali fornia Trojans, sang the same tune today: "This Is the week when we find out if we've got it" The Bruins host the unblemish ed Southern Methodists. Including redoubtable Doak Walker. Satur day, while the Trojans hie to Berkeley for a showdown Joust with the r'arln' Bears of Cali fornia. Speaking at the weekly meeting of the Southern California Foot ball Writers' association. La B ru che rie said: "We were a little better against Stanford than we were against Oregon, but still need lots of work en pass defense. Cravath, on the other hand, def initely encouraged by his Trojans exuberant 48 - triumph over Oregon State, declared: "We're going to give California a real good ball game Saturday. We know what we're up against and wo hope to be ready for It." Bear-Killing Campaign Waged DALLAS - (Special )-The cam paign against sheep-killing bear continues in Polk county where a considerable number of sheep have been reported lost in recent weeks. In the past 10 days, four bruins have been accounted for. Floyd Gothard of Buell brought down a 410-pounder in the -Gooseneck dis trict. Jerry Wood shot a 300 pound female in the Pioneer Loop, and Lloyd Newbill, Gold Creek, and Paul Kilmer registered kills also in the vicinity of the Goose-. neck district Battle Looms STATE COLLEGE, Pa., Oct. 20. -P)-Penn State and West. Virgin ia, two of the nation's highest scoring football elevens, clash Sat urday in what promises to be the top gridiron skirmish in the east - - and the end of at least one all victorious streak. CUBS SET EXHIBITIONS CHICAGO, Oct 20.-4VThe Chicago Cubs today announced a 43-game exhibition scheduled for the 1948 spring training season, opening March 6 with a three-tilt set against the cross-town rival White Sox at Los Angeles. CANADIANS CLOUTED P7"!;r i : - w r 1 t - 1 -X STOPPED MOMENTARILY: Keith S perry (77). hard - running Willamette halfback Is shown being hauled down by Doug Reid of British Columbia In tho big Homecoming clash hero Saturday, but S perry was halted only momentarily. He sparked the Bearcats to a SJ-o-victory, WUV third straight Also shown In the above photo are Art Beddoe (83), Jim Fittgerald (19), Bill Ewallko be hind Sperry), BUI Reder (80) and Bill Kukihiko (82) of the Cats, and Alex Lamb (23), Joe Farlelgh (29) and BUI Pearson (17) of UBC. Willamette next plays College of Puget Sound at Taeoma for the Northwest conference leadership. (Morrell Crary photo.) Duck Hunters Go Today PORTLAND, Oct. 29 -OP)- Oregon geese and duck hunters can take to the field tomorrow, but the turnout is expected to be smal ler than last year's. The forecast of rain plus the noon opening Is expected to cut the number. The opening Is at noon Instead of dawn for the first time as a conservation measure. The season will last through Nov. X with another period sche duled Dee. 23-Jan. 5. : When hunters go Into the Klamath Falls area for docks and geese, they will find a greater number of the water fowl than was the case last year, reports Howard J. Sergeant manager of the Tulelake wildlife refuge. The warm and sunny weather of the past week has kept the birds feeding In harvested grain fields where they have put on poundage. Nimrods will find plenty of mallards and eanvasbacks and an Increase of Canada and white-fronted geese. A rise In the water levels on Tulelake Is also expected to Im prove hunting conditions. Award Slated For Top Star PORTLAND, Oct. 20-(Special) An award to go to Oregon's out standing athlete each year was announced today by Portland's Multnomah club. Schools, sports writers and others have been in vited by the club to send in nom inations for the honor. Nominees, male or female, pro fessional or amateur, must have had two years' residence in the state "prior to December 1 or else two years of school competition in the state prior to the same date. The selection will be announced not later than Jan. 19. The award dinner will be the last Monday in January. Hogan Named Ryder Captain NEW YORK. Oct. 20-(P)- The American Ryder cup team has named Ben Hogan as active cap tain for the match with the Bri tons at Portland, Ore., Nov. 1 and 2, it was announced today by P. G.A. President Ed Dudley. Walter Hagen, and Craig Wood will serve as non-playing co-captains. Hagen captained the team in all previous matches, although he did not play in 1937, the last time the matches were held. Hogan, the sturdy little Texan now playing out of Hershey, Pa., was the leading pro money win ner last year and was 1946 P.G.A. champion. This will be his first Ryder cup match, although two members of the current team, ,3am Snead and Byron Nelson, partici pated in the 1937 event. Henry Cotton is captain of the British team, which is due to ar rive on the Queen Mary Thurs day morning. Vandals Drill For Duck Clash MOSCOW, Idaho, Oct. 20 - (JV) The' University of Idaho Vandals, who barely squeezed past Port land 20-14 last Saturday and are idle this week-end, were called out to practice in a driving rain to day and were told they were "starting all over." "You are in condition," Coach Dixie Howell told his players, "but you seem to have forgotten some of the fundamentals of football " The Vandals traveled 99 yards in three plays in the last 35 sec onds last week to break a tie with Portland Just as the final gun sounded. They next meet Oregon in a Pacific coast conference game at. Eugene Nov. 1. Duck Pins Ladles league results last night at B&B Bowling courts Includ ed: Oregon Flax 3, Wooden Shoe 1; Master Bread 2, George's Electric 2; Deaconess Hospital 3, Maudie's Inn L Bertie Hob ble, Maudie's- Inn, had high se ries with 627. Pigskin Scoop of 1947! 'Doc' Blanchard Glenn Davis in II Spirit of C" Army's Mighty JCe! A Full - COMING SOON Brishman Beaver Deer Hunting the Fast and Easy Way SILVERTON Mrs. Edgar Kelln, an accompliahed marks woman, holds the record for quick hunting results In this area. Mr. and Mrs. Kolln drove up the Aliqua near Camp 14 and 29 minutes after leaving their ear, Mrs. Kolln had bagged her 259-pound buck and the two were back with their game al most before tho hunt got under way. George Payton's Condition Grave CHICAGO, Oct. 20 -W)- Phy sicians attending George Payton, 24-year-old golfer from Newport News, Va., injured in an automo bile crash, said today his condi tion remained too critical for them to forecast his future as a golfer. If he recovers, they said, he will have to wear an artificial left leg and his playing will depend upon how well he adapts himself to the prosthetic device. COMMERCIAL NO. 1 Waltoa-Browa (2) Gallagher 190 1 33 141 423 Holderbcln 181 14S 139 489 Alderin 138 147 214 49 Silk 174 145 169 18 Riches 213 170 182 565 Court St. Radio (1) Cady 144 McCune 152 L. Braden 137 T. Brennan 17S Bolton 203 157 179 480 200 157 509 158 184 477 190 180 549 148 160 SU Woodburn (1) Hunt 17J Austin 125 Hicks 164 Deagan 201 Steele 183' 143 147 469 146 173 444 164 181 509 156 169 526 176 131 490 I.uti Florist! (Z) Upston 164 Johnson , 205 Price 152 Smith 175 Lutz 19 181 243 588 154 189 548 140 182 174 122 158 455 185 183 567 Marlon Creamery () Kenyon, Floyd . . 192 217 143-216- -552 -498 Parker, Cliff . 146 Pekar. Millard . 158 Davenport. Lloyd .. 161 Mossor. Wandrl . 1R2 136 220 191 146 181 559 152 504 177 505 Keith Brown (1) Powell. Mark 187 204 Bahlburg. Erv 175 161 JerniKan, Fran. 141 225 Cushing, Stearns .. 171 200 Walters. M. E. . 183 173 179 570 193 529 166532 165 L536 179 -535 Starr Fruit (2) Rvers. Km 160 191 Kltzmillrr. Gene 1S3 153 Powell. iiol M 31 Lengien. V.Wn 1.19 151 Allen, Max 188 204 Good Housekeeping. (1) Simons l.0 148 Jones. Llovd . . 163 198 Cherrington. Jack 112 158 Duncan. Don .. .. 161 114 Mathis. Karl . .. 170 168 139 490 IKS J34 164 461 174 464 143 535 187 465 194 555 144 414 156-202- -431 -540 Skiers to Meet Members of the Santiam SnI club will meet Wednesday night at 7:30 at the Chamber of Commerce. Plans for the forthcoming slat season will be discussed during the evening. West Point Gridders in Action . . Length Feature TO THE STATE New 'Fly' Champ; Club Ponders TJIove Marino Licked In Title Go LONDON, Oct 20 -4Jft- Al though he was knocked down twice by Dado Marino, Irish crooner Rinty Monoghan was awarded a 15-round decision over the Hawaiian and won acclaim virtually everywhere but in Bri tain as world's flyweight champ ion. . The fight was billed as an 112 pound championship fight by Promoter Jack Soloms although Titleholder Jackie Pate had ob tained an injunction to prevent the British boxing board of con trol from immediately recognizing a new flyweight king. It was announced from the Har ringay arena ring before the fight that the National Boxing asso ciation (U. S.) and the Eire box ing board of control would recog nize the winner as champion. There was no doubt that Mon aghan would be hailed as champ ion in most parts of the world al though a good chunk of the sell out crowd of 10,700 fans who paid around $130,000 to see the slow, unexciting bout biggest British gate for a fight between flyweights as well as Marino and Manager Sad Sam Ichinose didn't agree with Referee Teddy Waltham's precision. MedforiJ, K-Falls Included in Loop MARYSVILLE, Calif., Oct. 20 -(P)-The Far West baseball lea gue, a class D loop, was organized formerly here today with six defi nite starters and plans under way to Increase the entries to eight. Cities entered include: Marys vllle (Boston Braves), Santa Rosa (Pittsburgh Pirates), Vallejo (Cleveland Indians), Medford, Or (Brooklyn Dodgers), Klam ath Falls, Ore.. (Philadelphia Phillies) and Willows, Calif. Wil lows is conducting negotiations with the St. Louis Cardinals. Rose burg, Redding and Chico are con sidered for tho other two spots in the league. Play is expected to begin about May 1 with a 120-game schedule to be drawn, Schroeder said. yourttxsub!cs on nor Plus tax I.OOxll Pricos cutlOVienaIl popular siss. Otaor ali also lowor. ((D(D)DDCEACI1 jay ? "MjA n.w 14.40 loaa Trooo-ta NIW TIKIS DISIRVI SIS Commercial Vaughn Park Junking Faced .Portland Officials Eye Vancouver, B.C. PORTLAND. Ore.. Ort 20- 5 The Portland fir marshall re commended today that the city councu condemn trie Portland Beaver baseball park. The report called the nark a fire, hazard and accused ownm of "procrastination ... to the dan ger or me lives of patrons. Firo Marshall Miles Woodworth said hazardous conditions Dointed out in 1932 still had not been correct ed. The long-expected report went to the council for possible action in the. near future. "; 4 Owners of the Portland entry in the Pacific Coast baseball league earlier said that they could VANCOUVER. B. C Oct. U -(CP) - Robert P. Brown, man ager of Vancouver Capllanoa of the Western International Base ball league, said tonight be waa "completely In the dark" about proposal that the franchise of the Pacific coast league Portland Beavers be moved here If their pork In Fogland was condemned by civic authorities. not construct a new park in time for next season. They added' that if the park: is condemned the team either would move to, Van couver, B.Ci or become a 1 road club. TACOMA, Oct 2H.P-Western International League President Robert Abel said tonight he con sidered as "quite remote" the pos sibility of the Pacific Coast league Portland Beavers moving to Van couver, B.C. I ; "I can conceive of a situation whereby it is possible for such a step to be taken." the baseball executive saSd. "but I never have heard officially of such a propos al. I have never even considered it from the standpoint of this (WIL) league." Abel was quite emphatic in say ing he viewed such a move at only . a remote possibility. He said, however, that there is no agreement in baseball or be tween the two leagues which would prevent such a step it "Just hasn't been' considered." ees DownVik 11 - The Springfield Jayveo football club edged Salem high's Bees. 7 0. last night on Leslie field. Tho Millers registered their touchdown in the first quarter to cap a 60 yard drive. ; The Sal cms, outplayed in the in itial half, came back and held a substantial edge in the second half action but couldn't produce a score. The closest the Viks cam to enemy paydirt was the 30 yard line, that resulting, late in the fourth period when End Doug Ro gers pulled in a long pass from Gene Garver. However Rogers fumbled when tackled and tho Millers recovered to wipe out tho threat. The Salem eleven's next sched uled tilt is with Sacred Heart Academy Thursday, Oct. 30. oaCr TIRES UX MOIK MOR-SKB) MUXACX AT A IIVi LOWZB PE1CC Strong Cord Body Wider, riatlor Tread o Improved Should Dgn Use) Our Easy Pery Flam $2 DOWN and $1.25 A WEEK Buys a new Goodyear Deluxe tiro tlx 6:00x1 6 N E W T U I S Miner jayv mm I SSsi Frank Doolillle Ilasler Service Slalion Phono 4114