The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 19, 1947, Page 9, Image 9

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Miss Joan
Post a
Ilia Joan Post became Dean
Meador'a bride at a pretty autumn
wedding Saturday night at St
Paul's Episcopal church. At 8
o'clock the Rev. George H. Swift
performed the nuptials before a
Kiting of white yellow and bronze
chrysanthemums. The bride Is the
rf.nehtr at Mr. and Mrs. Claude
Post and was given in marriage
by her father. The benedict is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Mea-
dor of Patoka, I1L Miss Ruth Bed
lord was the organist. '
Vnr hr woddink the bride chose
a pearl grey dressmaker suit, the
1 ark tt fashioned with a round col
lar and silver buttons. Her grey
felt hat was adorned with: match
ing satin bow and her shoes were
rrrv Her other accessories were
black. She carried a small round
puff bouquet of white orchids and
vangaled leaves.
Mrt Clark Carlton (Jean Post)
of Corvallis was her twin sister's
nnl attendant. She wore a kellv
green dressmaker suit with black
Cat and rpaories and carried a
small round bouquet of gardenias
and varigated ivy.
Mr Carlton stood with the eroom
as best man. Seating the guests
were Robert Mitchell of Medford
and Fred Briggs of Corvallis.
For her daughter's nuptials Mrs
: TWt n a black dress with dra
ped skirt, black hat with satin rib
bon trim and black accessories.
Her corsage was of green cymbid-
lum orchids.
The newlyweds greeted their
friends at a receotion in the oar
ish house. Mrs. R. B. Thatcher of
: Seattle and Mrs. Howard Post Dre
sided at the coffee urns and Miss
Georgia Roberts was at the punch
bowL Mrs. Harry Lucas cut the
bride's cake. Serving were the
Misses Gwenda Boyer, Wilma
Noves. Robert Meyer and Char
lntte Pnt Mrs. I. V. Leffler and
Miss Donna Lochead were at the
gift table.
After a honeymoon trip north
the couple will be at home in Cor
Tallis while he is attending Ore
gon State college. .
Pearces Hostesses
To Zontians
Salem Zonta club members will
be entertained Thursday at the
home of Dr. Helen and Miss Doro
thy Pearre. Mrs. Margaret Rose
: crans Mill, be assisting hostess,
Dessert will be served at 7:30
Following the dessert, the group
will see films on fire prevention
and hear a talk by W. P. Roble,
fire chief. A business session pre
sided over by Mrs. Harry Scott,
Jayeecttes will meet Manday
. with Mrs. Donald Cooper, 740 Ben
Lomond Drive.- Assistant hostess
; es are to be Mrs. Richard Lockard
and Mrs. Mary Hoover.
Don't Cook Mw. . ,
v -
but . . . When we wore long, narrow
skirts last time, we had trouble with our
stride, we don't have that "trouble now. Can
it be that we've-taken to walking like a lady?
Zandy Kid . . . It's like old times to see
the windowful of candy at Schaeffer's ex
cept you get the 10c varieties for about half
a dollar. Emil himself tells us he just got a
shipment of two and a half tons to keep him
through Christmas.
Well chilled ... Just as we dashed
over to turn off the torch singer howling over
our radio, we were attracted by an interest
V lng line, listening with unbelieving ears we
heard it again, "No breeze to cool the flame
of love." Well, if that's the function of bree
zes, there must have been a lot of lovers not
on speaking terms around here this past
Apropos . . . When a quartet of college
boys sang for the delegates to the Oregon
Federation of Woman's clubs district meeting
at Newberg Tuesday they included a med
ley of lovesongs. The spokesman explain
ed we should each consider the songs sung
to us individually. He forgot. I think, that
among them was one all-too-appropriate-to-many-of-us-clubwomen
line "Oh you beau
tiful doll, you great big beautiful doll."
. . . Maxine Buren
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey A. Loveall, Jr., (Dolores Dickey)
leaving the First Congregational church after their mar
riage on October 11. The bride's mother1 is Mrs. FJma
Dickey and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A.
Loveall. The couple will live in Salem. (McEwan photo).
Committees for
Crescendo Set
Committees have been named
by Kenard Adams, president of
the Salem high school Crescendo
club, to participate in the plan
ning and management of the club's
artist series for the winter. First
concert in the series Is to be giv
en November 14 by George Hop
kins, pianist.
Donna Lou Lambert, concert
manager is directly in charge of
the series and directs the follow
ing committees: advertising, . Sha
ron Hamilton; displays, Wilfred
Loggan; grade schools, Frances
Baum, Edna Marie Hill, Margie
Smith, Sacred Heart academy and
Junior high schools, RamonaVan
Hess, Loretta Lentz, Betty Brink
ley, Willamette university and Sa
lem Bible Academy, Beverly Gus
tafson, Gerry Lamkin, Donna Ek
blad; Salem high school, Phil Rin
gle. -
Chairman for the formal Induc
tion for new members is Ma ur
ine Jones. Rodney - Beals has
I tr
Watch For Announcement
Lor a Lee Candies
charge of the lnrormal presenta
tion of new members.
A new Droiect this year will be
the editing of a year-book, with
dlrectorv. committees, calendar.
and a list of outstanding social and
musical affairs. Diane Perry is in
World Community
Day Is Planned
World Community day will be
observed in Salem at the Jason
Lee Methodist church on Novem
ber 7. The day is sponsored locally
by the Salem Council of Church
. The theme Is to be "World Is
my community" and the program
is built on the thought of the re
sponse of American church wom
en to the needs of suffering chil
dren around the world, and our
determination that never again
shall children pay the price of
madness of war."
Announcement Is being made of
an afternoon program at the First
Evangelical church on November
16, to be given by Josephine Al
bert spauldmg. mezzo - soprano.
William Fawk, organist and Claire
Hodgkins, violinist of Portland. El
eanor East, Portland, will accom
pany the violinist.
League of Women Voters will
meet at the chamber of commerce,
8 p.m. Thursday to continue their
study of city government J. L.
Franzen, city manager will be the
speaker. The meeting is to be open
to the public.
International relations commit
tee of the Business and Profes
sional Women's club will meet at
the chamber of commerce, 7:30
pjn. Thursday.
Dr. and Mrs. Frank V. Prime are
leaving Monday for Echo, where
they will enjoy a week of pheas
ant hunting.
Gamp Fire Corner
Camp Fire guardians Mrs. Es
ther Cavender, Mrs. : Doris Bell,
and Mrs. Janet Zyzzet entertain
ed the Wakankoda and Tawasi
groups with a dinner at their first
meeting. Thanksgiving tray fa
vor; wil be made for Doernbecker
hospital at the next dinner meeting.
Mrs. Charles Lambert, leader of
the Soenki Blue Birds met with
the girls October 14. The group
discussed the doughnut sale.
The Iyokihi Camp Fire girls
group met with their leader, Mrs.
Lyle D. Shepherd and completed
plans for their candy and cookie
booth at the St Vincent's harvest
bazaar. Helping will be Mrs. Ed
Meier s Blue Bird group and Mrs.
A. H. Cramer's Blue Bird group.
Eight new girls were welcomed.
The Jiminy Cricket Blue Birds
with their leader, Mrs. Frank
Kolsky visited the central fire sta
tion, Monday, in observance of
fire prevention week.
Officers are: president, Launs
Kolsky; secretary, Barbara MoU
lenbeck; treasurer, Caroline Klein;
scribe, Kathleen Mix and party
chairman, Elizabeth Horn.
The fifth grade Camp Fire group;
from Englewood school met with
their sponsor, Mrs. Ed Ahrens.
The group chose as their group
name Okiyasin, meaning "stick
together on one root." Scrapbooks
for the Trail Seeker rank were
started and plans made for a Hal
loween party.
The Niwauna Camp Fire group
met Tuesday with the new leader,
Mrs. Leo Peterson. The following
officers were elected: president,
Maxine Peterson; Delores Salis
bury; vice-president; secretary,
Marsha Weidner; treasurer, June
Damaske; the areas for the dough
nut drive were then assigned.
The Maiden Blue Birds met at
the home of their leader, Mrs. Hal
DeSart The committee appointed
for a Halloween party was Jean-
nla Lankins, Diane Fergusen, Jan
ice Roberts. The new officers el
ected were: president Joyce John
ston; vice-president. Joanne Mag-
uren; secretary, Toni DeSart and
scribe, Janice Roberts.
The newly graduated Camp Fire
group which was the Happy-Go-Lucky
Blue Birds chose the name
"Elutamida Wapi" for their group.
Officers elected were: president,
Lynn Morey; vice-president Jean
Robinson; secretary, Janice But
ton; treasurer, Shirley Vinson and
scribe, Joan Robinson.
The Happy Blue Birds met with
their leader, Mrs. M. W. Ready,
Thursday. The following officers
were elected: president Judith
Seamster; vice-president Bever
ly Ready; secretary. Colleen Zam-
zow; treasurer, Joan Wintermute;
and scribe, Sheila Frey. Mrs. El
mer Zamzow served refreshments
in honor of her daughter. Col
leen's birthday.
The Otyokwa Camp Fire group
and their guardian, Mrs. L. W.
Megquier met at the home of Rita
Mae Morrison, October 16. The
following officers were elected:
president Raita Mae Morrison;
vice-president, Patricia Megquier;
secretary, Alice Vanderhoff; treas
urer, Viola Wilcox, scribe, Delores
Carr. The group welcomed two
new members, Nancy Baker and
Alice Vanderhoff.
Program for
Legion Women
The regular meeting of Capital
Unit American Legion auxiliary
will be held at 8 p. m., Woman's
club, Monday, October 20th. The
meeting will be in charge of the
past presidents, Mrs. Leon M.
Brown, national committee woman
being the guest speaker. An invi
tation is extended to all women
interested in the American Legion
auxiliary and all unit members
are urged to brine guests. I
Mrs. Bertram Strum, accomparwf
led by Mrs. Ralph Dobbi will sing
and Geraldine Schmoker, accom
panied by Joan Johnston will play
the violin.
The Salem Oratorio society will
hold its first rehearsal for the
fifth presentation of "The Messi
ah" on December 14 Monday night
at Waller hall at 7:30 o'clock. Re
hearsals will continue to be held
each Monday night until the pres
entation. Persons Interested in
singing with the chorus are asked
to call John Schmidt ix.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bahlburg
have returned from a ten day stay
in Tulelake, Calif., with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Bentley.
Prior to leaving for the south they
spent several days fishing along
the coast.
Miss Bedard
Tells Troth
Mrs. Norma Sterling is an
nouncing the engagement and
coming marriage of her daugh
ter, Miss Ramona Bedard, to Wal
ter Stark, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Stark.
The wedding has been set for
Sunday, October 26.
Mrs. George Lewis entertained
members of the Past Presidents
club of Marion auxiliary of Vet
erans of Foreign Wars on Wed
nesday. The next meeting will be
at the home of Mrs. Arwin Stray
er November 12. Present were
Mrs. Strayer, Mrs. Russell Mudd,
Mrs. Anna Davis, Mrs. James
Beall, Mrs. Eva Rush, Mrs. John
Peterson, Mrs. Henry Sim, Mrs.
Leon Hansen and Mrs. Lewis.
The American War Mothers
will meet for a social and business
session Tuesday at the Legion hall
at 12 o'clock for a covered dish
luncheon. The business meeting
will be at 2 o'clock followed by
initiation of new members and el
ection of officers. All mothers of
veterans of World war I and II
are Invited.
County council. P. T. A. exeen
tive council will meet Tuesday at
7:43 p. m. at the Y. W. C. A.
Th Statesman, Sctlem, Oregon. Sunday, October 19. 19479
Studio Style Hats
Direct From Hollywood
Exclusive With Miller's
, .,
Characteristic of the Winter
Season's Trims for Better Hats
Is This Ostrich Trim Featured in
This Beautiful Pattern.
2nd Floor Millinery
Once upon a lifetime color! Crimson riding in a golden coach
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in Lastron Nail Enamel
Fashion Plate Make-up
Change, change with Revlon ''Gnderella's Purnpltin.
(It's magical, of course, to don't expect to tee
orange!) Come and be transformed with
Lastron nail enamel, "All-Plus" lipstick,
Fashion Plate make-up, face powder, too!
Matchbox trt Lastro Nail Enamel and Lipstick 1.60
(otto available individually)
FaJucn Plat US Fact Powder 1.00
If; r ,
The Ideal Gift . . .'As Beautiful as a
Bouquet of Flouersl
Luscious tree ripened fruits . . . nuts . . . figs,
dates! Stacked high in gayly decorated baskets
wrapped in cellophane.
A beautiful gift for Christmas or any other
occasion. See these at Miller's tomorrow . . .
order your gifts now !
PRICES $3.75 , $13.40
Docs the planning cf a color scheme baffle you?
Are. you struggling to coordinate accessories lor
your home? Let us help you, without charge. One
of our salespeople really trained will quickly
conjure away your perplexities. We can suggest
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charming or exciting together, furniture and acces
sories that will give your rooms CHARACTER. And
this expert help won't cost you an extra cent That's
why people love to shop here where ideas, mer
chandise, courtesy and values are always to be
foundl Come In tomencw.
Thiril Floor