WOM EN'S SECTION V .... 1 X ... -,X Welcomed as newccmers of the Willamette university faculty set are the Jerome Lillies. Mrs. Lillie Is pictured here with their three children, Jay. who is seven, Nancy, five, and Dinah, three. Mr. Lillie is head football coach-at Willamette. Last year the Lillies lived in Honolulu, where he coached at Punahcu high school, prior to that they made their home in Portland. The Lillie family resides at 1665 Madison street. (Kennell-Dlis). Social Calendar Filled With Many Events ... A variety of events take the social spotlight during the ensuing week with dances, teas, luncheons and re ceptions slated. Highlighting next weekend's social calendar will be the Town club's first formal dinner dance of the season in the Mirror and Marine rooms of the Marion hotel Saturday night at 9 o'clock. A buffet dinner will be served with dancing following to the music of Walter Weber and his orchestra from Oregon State college. Kenneth Potts is president of the club, Mrs. Emery Hobbs, secretary; and W. T. Waterman, treasurer. One of the larger parties being planned to precede the dance will be given by Mr. and Mrs. Peery T. Buren nd Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hamilton. Guests have been invited to call between 7:30 and 9 o'clock at 1125 North Summer street. Assisting the hosts informally will be Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barclay. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Devers of Portland, former Salem residents, will be among the out-of-town guests lit the dance and will be weekend guests of Mr, and Mrs. John Hughes. Mrs, White to Fete Club - Mrs. George A. White has invited member of the Town and Country club to Portland on Thursday aft ernoon for luncheon and bridge at the Army-Navy club. ..Attending will be Mrs. George Emigh, Mrs Homer Goulet, sr, Mrs. William McGiichrlst, Jr., Mrs. Linn C. Smith, Mrs. Homer Smith, sr., Mrs. Frederick Lanport, Mrs. Earl Snell, Mrs. T. A. Livesley, Mrs. Prince W. Byrd, Mrs. Karl Steiwer of Jefferson, Mrs. Clarencl, Keen cf Silverton, and Mrs. H. T. Clark of Portland. Benefits Slated ... By Jeryme English Statesman Society Editor Various organizations choose the fall months to give benefit parties to enable them to carry on their philan thropic woik during the year. One of the larger affairs to be given this season will be the annual benefit tea by the Salem General hospital auxiliary, headed by Mrs. John Carson. The affair will be on Thursday, November 6 at the North Capitol street residence of Supreme Court Justice and Mrs. George Rossman. The interested public is invited to attend with calling hours between 3 and 6 o'clock. Proceeds will be used to purchase equipment for the hospital. Co-chairmen of . the tea are Mrs. Chandler Brown and Mrs. Taylor Hawkins. Mrs. Emery Hobbs is chair man of the ticket committee and has asked her workers to come to her Jefferson street home Tuesday afternoon to address letters which will be sent to each member. Her committee includes Mrs. Wallace Hug, Mrs. Robert Needham, Mrs. John McCullough, Mrs. John Hughes, and Mrs. John Hay. Tea will be served late in the afternoon by Mrs. Hobbs. Fall Fashion Bridge The annual fall fashion bridge benefit sponsored by the Salem Junior Woman's club will be an event of Mon day, October 27 at the clubhouse at 8 o'clock. Proceeds from the benefit will go to the YWCA building fund. Mil ler's will present the fashion show. Guests are asked to bring their own table accessories and tickets may be ob tained from club members. Reservations, may be made by calling Mrs. Wallace Wilson, 5192. Mrs. Sam Campbell head the directorate for the benefit and assisting are Mesdames Carl Halvorson, John Hann, Fred Gast, Wallace Wilson, Cedric Reaney, Ralph Atwood and Charles Fearing Pioneer Post Benefit A number of reservations have already been made for the bridge benefit fer which members tf Pioneer Post, 149, American Legion will give on Friday night at the Legion hall at 8 o'clock. This is the first large affair to be given by the all women's post since its organiza tion. Proceeds will be used for the post charity and com munity service fund. Sylvia Kraps is general chairman of the benefit. Guests are asked to bring their own table accessories. Among those making reservations are Messrs. and Mesdames B. E. Owens, Xllan Carcon, William Dyer, Claybourne Dyer, Loren . Mort, I. N. Bacon, Merle Tra vis, William L. Phillips, E. J. Scellars. Rex Kimmell, Homer Smith, Vern Miller. Paul Hendricks. F. W. Poor man, Charles Sprague, J. E. LeClerc. Leo Johnson, Carl Fritts, Donald Ballantyne, William Joyner, E. A. Guen ther. Mesdames Earl Cooley, William Burghardt, Walter Barsch, Tom Wolgamott. Merle Smith, Margaret Scott, Abner Kline, J. H. Meusey, Misses Josephine Baumgart ner, Susan Faherty, Alberta Shoemake, Bernice Lee, Syl via Shreve, Lori-aine Meusey. Anyone wishing reservations may call any post member or the commander, Miss Mildred Christenson. Mu Phi Epsilon Tea ... Invitations are in the mail this week for the silver tea being given by the Phi Lambda chapter of Mu Phi Epsilon, guests have been asked to call between the hours of 3 and 5 o'clock on the afternoon of October 25 at the Bruce Spaulding home on Fairmount Hill. General chairman of the tea Is Kathet;ne Schissler, president. Other committee heads Include Aldene Gould, refreshments; .Geraldine Schmoker, music; Mrs. Denise Murray, invitations; and Pauline Bristlin, clean-up. Mu Phi Epsilon, a national music honorary for col lege women, has an active chapter on the Willamette university campus. Proceeds from the tea will be used to carry on the work of the organization. Reception for Moores . t r' Dr. Brooks Moore, new minister of the First Methodist church, and Mrs. &Moore will be honored at a reception Wednesday night, October 22 in the Carrier room of the church between 8 and 10 o'clock. T?.e Moores came here during the summer from Idaho Falls, Idaho, where he served as pastor of Trinity Methodist church. In the receiving line will be Dr. and Mrs. Moore, Dr. and Mrs. Roy A. Fedje, Walter Winslow, Dr. and Mrs. Waldo Zeller, Mrs. J. Edgar Purdy and Miss Esther Ebersole. Mn, Herbert Rahe will intro duce to the line. Mrs. Harold Jory and Mrs. Daniel Schulze will pour the first hour nd Mrs. Steve Anderson and Miss Elva Boone the second hour.; Serv ing will be Mrs. Vinton Green, Mrs. Lucille Wardell, Mrs. Robert C. Irwin, Misses Mildred Yetter, Patricia Long, Mary Margaret WilL Marilyn Hall and Peggy Barrick. Assisting about the room will be-Mrs. O. E. Welling, Mrs. Vernon Wiscarson, Mrs. A. J. Crose and Miss Beryl Holt. Arranging the re ception are Mrs. Clark-J&I. Will, Mrs. Stearns .Cushing, -jr., and Mrs. Herbert Rahe. Mrs. John TeSelle is in charge of the program. : - . y r ... v . I 7 X , -N " . . ;- .,: ... . . : . ; : N Recently moved here from Albany are Mrs. Clifford Robinson and children, Ray and Ann. Mr. Robinson, former Albany high school principal, is now director of secondary education for the state department cf education." The Robinsons have purchased the former Daniel Hay home at 561 Rose street. (Kennell-Ell is). , ome again for the Roger Ky Putnams, who have settled back in Salem alter several years ab sence during the war years. The past year ihey have been in Portland. With Mrs. Putnam here are their two children, Roger Ky and eleven months old Marcia Lynn. Mr. Putnam is now with Parke, Davis and Co. The Putnams have purchased a heme in Manbrin Gardens. (Ken'nell-Ellis). Shrine Dinner Dance . . . First formal social affair of the season for members of the Salem Shrine club of Al Kader Temple will be the dinner dance in the Mirror room of the Marion ho tel Friday night. The social hour will begin at 6:30 o'clock with dinner, program and dancing following. Po tentate Carl Donaugh of Portland and Mrs. Donaugh and other officers and their wives of Al Kader Temple are expected to be here for the occasion. T. M. Medford, president of the Salem club, will preside. The program includes numbers by radio artists. Downing and Robinette, tap dancing by the Parker twins from Portland and solo numbers by Michael Car dan, tenor, and Bob Gwynn, baritone, Willamette uni versity students. Guy Albin's orchestra will play for dancing. Hosts for the dinner dance are Messrs. and Mes iames Roy Houck, William J. Braun, William H. Ad ams, Stanley B. Perrine, Malvin Rudd, Vernon Wiscar son, Gilbert O.- Madison, James Olson, Willies E. Brown, Peter C. Davis and Captain and Mrs. Walter-Lansing. : ... ' . !' ' . 'I "- . .,- - i ,. . ..- .J--!! 4 j n i i n ii iii I i i . N' ew residents of Salem are the Lee Bishops, formerly ol Medford and Portland. Mrs. Bishop is pictured hete with their youngest daughter, Marcia Lee, who is six. They have an cider girl, Beverly, who ik a sopho more at Oregon State college. Mr. Bishcp is the new business managsr at rao!io station KSLM. The family residence is at ll79 Elm street. (Kennell-LHisl. " I ,-l Charming newcomer In the capital is Mrs. Arthur Burton, wife of Dr. Burton, who is head of the psychology department at Villame'.te university. Jh Burtons came from Sacramento, Calif., but last year were at Fooalello, Idaho, where he was on the faculty of the University of Idaho. The Burtons ar re siding at 1530 Trade street. (Kennell-Dlis). i P , s "... ; a t 1 ... . k i --Vi ..V' : i ' I 1 Mrs. Al Schuss and daughter, Valerie, who are welcomed additions tc the young married set in the capital. The family moved here In the sum mer from .Portland. Mr. Schuss is general manager of radio station KOCO. They are residing at 995 North Winter street, (Kennell-Dlis). h: -