18 Thm Stcrt man. Salem. Oregon Sunday. Octobw 19. 1947 New York Stock Quotations NEW YORK, Oct 18-(P)-Today'$ closing quotations: Al Chem & Dye American Can . .... 'Gen Foods .... Gen Motors 1 PA Goodyear Tire.. Am Power & Lt Am Tel At Tel Anaconda Atchison Bendix Avia Beth Steel Boeing Air Calif Pack Canadian Pac Ca?e J I Chrysler Comwlth Sou .. Cons Edison .. Cons Vultee .. Crown Zel Curtis Wr Douglas Air .... Dupont de Ne.. Gen Electric .. 5ZVtGt North pfd 35 lint Harvest 87 Int Paper pfd 35 J Manville 92 Kennecott 22i Long Bell A ...... 31s' Mont Ward IP, Nash Kelvin . 44 jNat Dairy 65 ;N Y Central .... 3i Noith Am Co .. 25' 4 Northern Pac .. 13T'!Pac Am Fish .... 348 Pac Gas Elec .... 5k!P T & T 62 Pan American ism IPenney J C . 37 Radio Corp : Portia ml Produce PORTLAND. Ore.. Oct. lt (API Butterfat "Tentative (subject to im mediate change). Premium quality maximum o( J5 of 1 per tent acidity delivered in Portland. 77-80c lb.: first quality. 7588c; second quality. 71-74c: valley route and country point. 2 cents less than first, 73-76c. Butter Wholesale, f.o.b. bulk cubes. Grade AA. S3 score, 72c; 92 score, 71c; B. M score, 68c; C. 8 score. 66c. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon tingles, 41',i-51,.jc; Oregon. $-lb loaf. 43',-53',c. Eggs To wholesalers: A grade, large. 61'i-Mc; medium. 81 'ac; A grade, small. $0',c; B grade. large. Wi-SSVsc Eggs Purchases from farmers: Cur rent receipts, S9-63c; buyers pay 3-3'ic below wholesale quoUtions on graded basts for best hennery eggs. Dressed turkeys No. 1 toms. 37 18c lb net to growers on dressed basis; Ho. 1 young hens, 43-44c lb. Live chickens Paying price to pro ducers: No. 1 broilers under 2'4 lbs. aoc lb: fryers. 2'. to 3 lbs, 33-37c; 3 to 4 lb. 38c; roasters. 4 lbs and over. 37 38c; fowl. Leghorn, under 4 lbs. 18 20c; 4 lbs and over, 20-23c; colored fowl, all weights, 2S-27c; stags, all weights. 12-14c. Babbits Average to retailers. 48-52c lb dressed, price to producers. 43c; fry ers, live, white, 20-23c lb; colored. 17 alc. Beef Steers Good. 41.50-42 50. com snercial. 38 00-40 00; utility. 31.00-35 00. Cows Commercial. 31.00-3S.00: util Itv. 27.50-32.50; cueetr and canner, 27.00 X oo. Veal and calf Choice. 39.00-39.50; pood; 38 00-39 50: rood, 38 00-38.50; commercial. 34.50-38.50; utility, 31 00 82 50. . Beef cuU I food steer, heifer 1 Hind quarters. 45 00-47.00; rounds. 42.00-47.00; full loins trimmed, 85.00-70.00: triangles, i6 00-38 00, square chucks, 41.00-43.00; ribs. 50.00-59 00; fore quarters, 38.00 42 00. Lamb and mutton Lamb Choice and good. 42.50-43.00; commercial, all weights. 39.00. Mutton i- Good. 70 lbs down, 15.00 1800. . Pork cuts Loins. No. 1. I to 12 Bounds. 61 00-62 00; shoulders, 49.00 82 00; spareribs, 3 pounds down, 50.00 2 00. Onions Ore. Brooks yellow, med. lb. sks. 225-2 40; boilers 10 lbs. 40-45c: white boilers 10-lb , 43 -4 5c; Ida ho, Spanish med, 12.50-2.60; large, $2.40-t-SO. Potatoes Ore.. Wash. Russets No. Is. 100 lbs. 4 00-4.20; 25-lb, 1.10-1 20; 15 lb. 8465c: bakers. No. Is. 4.20-4.40 cwt.: No. 2 med., 50 lbs., 1.15-1.30. Cascara barke Dry. 23c lb. Wool Valley, coarse and medium grades. 45c lb. Mohair 42c lb on 12-month growth. Hay U.S. No. 2 green alfalfa or better, carload lots, f ob. Portland, SO -50-32 -50 ton: D.S. No., 1 timothy (eastern Oregon or Washington), car lots, f.o.b Portland. 34 50-37-50 ton; oats and vetch, mixed hay, uncertified Clover hay. 22.50-25.50, baled at Wil lamette valley farms, depending upon yjality anc .location Port 1.1 ml Livestock -PORTLAND. Ore.. Oct. IS (API fl'SDAi Cattle: for five days, sala ble 2.478. total 3.189; calves 629 and 604: compared week ago steers- and heifers fully .80 higher, instances more, cows strong to .50 up, best cows up most. Veaiers strong to 1 00 higher, good heavy calves ! 00 and more up. Few good steer 24 00-25 00. common and medium 17.00-23 00. Common and med ium heifers 16 00-22 00. good kinds 23 00 23 50. Canner and cutter cows 11.50 1480. shells downward to 8 00, fat dairy type to 15 00 and over, medium and pood beef cows 16 00-1100 Good beef bulls 18 50-19 00, medtum and good sau aaee bulls 16 00-18.50. Good and choice veaiers 23 00-25-50. odd head 26,00. Good grass calves 21.00-22 00, few under 400 iht to 23 00 and 24 00. Common down to 15 00. Hog:: For five days, salable 1.438, total 3 849. Compared week ago, mar ket about steady after losing early strength Good and choice 185-233 lbs p to 30 50 early, closing quotations 30 M down. Heavier weights 27 00-28.50. Good 350-550 lb sows 24.00-25.50. early So 26 oo. Good and choice feeder Pigs largely 11 00-32.00. Good stags 17.00 18 00. Sheep: For five days, salable 1.144, total 2.153. For Week fat lambs .50 high er, fat ewes 1. 00 up. Good and choice wooled lambs 20 50-21 AO, shorn 21.00 Jown. Medium feeders around 17.00. hut most thin lambs went to killers ar und IT 00-18 00. Good yearlings up n 17 OS. Good and choice ewes 7-50- 58. common down to 4.00. Salem Market Quotations BCTTEStrAT Premium . No. 1 Ko J " PUNTS Wholesale Detail FOCS Bl'TING .79 .77 .68 .73, .80 .70 .63 .40 .40 ,74 .67 .80 '3 XI XX .40 18 00 Extra large Medium and ati i.rrf Pullets Cracks rniB ScIIIpc nice Wholesale, large Mediums Retail tare ' Retail medium rocLT Colored bens. No 1 No 2 Fryers .38 to IJVF-8TOCK in- Valiev rack) (.noire spring lambs Yearling UD tO 12.00 500 13.50 12.50 14.50 1100 17 60 23.00 c.wes 2 00 to to 8.00 to 00 to UD tO , Fat dairy cows Cotter cows Dairy heifers . Calves (300 to 450 lbs.) runs 12.00 to VeeJ 150 to 3O0lbs.) UD to Stocks and Bonds Compiled by the Associated Press Oct It ITOCK AVERAGES 30 IS 15 60 Indus. Rails Util. Stocks Net change .A X D .1 D 3. Unch. Saturday 94 8 35 5 43 2 67.0 previous day 94 4 35 4 43.1 66.8 Week ago 92.7 34 1 43.0 63 8 Month ago . 91 4 33 8 42 8 84 8 Year ago ; 86.7 33.6 44-3 62 9 BOND AVERAGES 30 10 10 Saturday 91.7 101.6 102 9 Previous day 91 8 1014 102 J Week ago 91 J 101.7 103.0 Month ago 92 9 1024 104.1 Year ago 92.7 102a 104.0 10 w 9 70.0 90 67.9 75.1 .There are now six recognized varieties of turkeys in the United States: Bronze, Narragansett, White Holland, Bourbon Red, Black and Slate. - - - Rayonier Ravonier nfd . .... 29 ',4 36" 4 Reynolds Met Richfield . Safeway . Sears Roeb Sinclair Oil So Pacific Stan Brands ...... a; 38 1DV4 .. 46 .... 28i4 60 .... 22 I Stan Oil Cal Studebaker ..... Sun Mining ... 3 1 '4 ..... 9 .. 1 5 V,! Union Oil .... 23 ....147 . 25 Un Pacific . 21Un Airlines .... . 15.iUn Aircraft .... . 387s U S Steel ...... . 983i j Warner Bros ... . 10West Elec .. 44 jWoolworth .. 8 I ....22 23 75 14 48 Livestock and Poultry WE WELCOME the opportunity to help you with your poultry disease problems. Autopsy. diagnosis and treatment. Southside Veterinary Hos pital. 2470 South Commercail, Salem. Phone 25084. LIVESTOCK NOW open for the practice of large animal medicine. Southside Veterinary Hospital, 2740 South Commercial, Salem. Phone 25084. DAIRYMEN TAKE notice: Purebred" Holstein, fresh weeks, heavy milker. Double-tested, gentle. Ph. 26249, morn ings WORK MORSES SADDLE HORSES Bar K Stock Ranch LARGE ASSORTMENT on hand at all times at very attractive prices. Credit given any one. Discount for cash. Guaranteed as represented. Free delivery. Harry Kuehne, Carlton. Ore. Located 6'j miles west of Newberg. GRAIN Fed whiteface baby bee?. just rignt tor locker. Kt. 4. Box 479, 1 ml. from bridge on Salem-Dallas Hiway. Ph. 4966 or 22397. O. E. Shryder. TOR SALE: Palomino mare, eentle. Will sacrifice. Ph.' 24398. LIVESTOCK WANTED, all kinds. Earl Du Chicn. Call 21656. FOR SALE: Christie H baby chicks every Wed Boylngtona, 3716 state at fnone sues WANTED: All Kinds of cattle and hogs. Will call at farm. Write E. L ttnethen, INS Lancaster Drive, ra 21345 morn or eve H1GH1 QUALITY CHICKS New Hampthires and White Rocks. 100 tree of oullorum. Hatches every Tues day Send for free catalog. Wilson's Hatchery 8 Poultry Farm Lyons Ore NEW Hampshire baby chicks, start ed emeus m older punets always avau- able Ph 22861. Lees Hatchery CUSTOM dressing of chickens, any number. Prompt service. Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty. Phone I-Z861 Lee s Hatchery. BULL Service oy artificial insem ination. Sirss from the best of blood lines. Reasonable fees. All work per sonally supervised by licensed vet erinarians saiem Aruiirai insemina tion Station Ph 6585 ' WANTED: All Unas of cattle, fat nogs, sows 81 boars. At your farm or delivered. Market price. E. t; Mccana Ush. Rt 9. Box 233. across from Waters Bail Park on & 25 St. Ph. 8147. Salesmen Wanted REVOLUTIONARY Product 1 Thous ands prospects everywhere. Men earn ing high as $300 week. Placed on free trial sells itself, orders financed by factory. Protected territory available. Free Demonstrator Offer. John Wilson, 2433 Indiana Ave., Dept. CBS, Chicago 16. Ill SALESMAN With plumbing ip" nliM nrinM' ta call on Diumbintf contractors and hardware trade. Lib eral drawing against commission Rons Plumbing Specialty Co., Brook lyn 33. N. Y. SALESMEN Real opportunity for right man with nationally known con cern, car references necessary. Proven high earning. See Mr. Bowen or Mr. Bacon. Hotel Senator, Wednes day Thursday or write Statesman, BOX 67B. Help Wanted TURKEY PICKERS wanted. 7 a. m.. Monday morning. Willamette Packing Assn.. West Salem. Shaw Orchards, Highway 222 to Stay ton. Walnut picking l'.ic part time 2c through season start uct. Itttn. Help Wanted Male YOUNG Man 18-25 as full time door man. Apply In person at . Grand Theatre. PIPE Filter ft pipe fitter welder for steady worx year a round witn va cation. Apply Central Labor Council or Columbia Metals Corp., N. Cherry Ave., Salem. ' LOO"M ""Fixer on Jacquarj looms. mum dc A-i. Must re sdic to puncn 81 change own cards. References re quired. Apply In person, Oregon Flax Text I les, 659 7th St. FJCP. Clothing salesman. Apply 387 Slate. Wanted, Auto Salesman This Is your oportunity If you can qualify. Prefer men with auto sales experience. Someone that Is a live wire and really hits the ball. Guaran teed salary and demonstrator furn ished. Ask for Mr. Johns, sales mana ger, Teague Motor Co., 369 N. Liberty. Ph. 2417X Help Wanted Fcmalo SALES LADY UNDER 35 FOR ESTAB. JEWELRY STORE. SOME TYPING EXPER. PERM. POSITION. EXCEL-.- OPPORTUNITY. TOP SALARY. '- r Phone 5510 I "FOUNTAIN-CtRL wanted.! steady, foil time employment, daytime hours, no Sunday work. Experience not nec essary. Please apply in person. WILES DRUG STORE SALESWOMEN EARN extra money for Christmas. Part or full time. Sell NYLON hosiery. Good commission, bonuses. Personal Hosiery free. Dela ware Hosiery Mills. Middletown. Del. AMBITIOUS. SELL Xmas cards, sta tionery. big profits, colored catalog free. Beacon Hill Greetings, IIS Chaun cy, A. Boston. Mass. HONEST AND capable housekeeper for easy work. Board and room, good wages. References required. Statesman Box 611. EXP. BOOKKEEPER with knowl edge of general office work. Please phone Mrs. Clearwater, 9229 for inter view appt. ' EXP. STENOGRAPHER, very pleas ant working conditions, phone Mrs. Clearwater. Chamber of Commerce, . ior interview appt. GOOD" Position open Tor clerk- stenographer. 5 day week. Steady em ployment. Good working conditions. Ph. S281 for interview appointment or call at State Forester's office. Ask for Mr. Berry, LADY with car for local work, good pay. ee Mrs, wanney. Argo Hotel. WANTED: Stenographer.. Rapidly ex panding concern In urgent need of ex pert stenographer, experienced in shorthand, typing, filing and recep tionist work. Ph. 3445 for appointment. Kn. anr aner p. m. SALESLADY to write orders for literary guild in Montgomery Ward. Must have aggressive and pleasing personality and sales ability. Good salary and bonus. See Mrs. Renaud. Montgomery Ward Co 155 N. Liberty. Two Ladles over 33 tree to travel state with lady. Good pay. Trans portation lurnisned. Mrs. Nanney, Argo Hotel. COMPETENT Typist with knowl. edge of bookkeeping wanted for ac counting office. Write Statesman Box 677. 3914 61 48 40 90 V 58 a 454 47 24 V 59 18 Help Wanted Female WOMEN WALNUT shellers. Morris Klorfein Packing, 460 N. Front. Situations Wanted PIANO Tuning. Wills' Music Store. RELIABLE . middle-aged lady wiTl care for baby ior employed mother In her home. Statesman Box 610. CARPENTER work. Phone 7665. OFFICE Manager. 15 years exper ience, excellent local refs., desires permanent position in Salem. States man BOX 608. DRAFTING Engineering and archi tectural. Ph. 26318 CAKE lor small children in rny home. Best of care. Ample play room. n. orarcn ni.' zrazo. YOUNG Lady desires work from 6:30 P.M. to 11 P.M. No housework or baby sitting. Call 21954 bet. P.M. a p.m. WANTED! Furniture to glue and repair. Lee Bros. Ph. 21233. 4020 East State St. CURTAINS Washed stretched. 395 S. 22nd. Mrs. B. Lieske. Ph. 26343. "XPERINCD Secretary a stenog rapher desires position. Write States man Box 607. LAN DSC APE-Prun ing. Lawn work. etc. 1150 N. Church St. Ph. 7558. YOUNG Lady wishes to take care of children and do housework by month. Ph. 2348T "PA1NTINC a Paperhanging. Free estimate. 857 Shipping. Ph. 9513. HOUSEWORK by the dayfin Salem. Experienced. Statesman Box 604. Painting, Paperhanging REPAIR - REFINISHING furniture. Decorating In harmony with your fur nishings. RawUns Ac Tibbetts. Ph. 25826. PAINTING n3 decorating. Work guaranteed. Ph. 3193. Cement contracting, patching. 24751. Painting & Decorating 26 yrs. beautifying homes in Salem. Ph. 7552. A. U Chaplin. WSUredTree "SERVICE Topping, etc. Estimates gladly given. JOHN PAYNE, PHONE 2-6014 ""CEMENT CONTRACTING. Phone 2-3045. Stanley Fagg. DRESSMAKING. Phone 2-6153. Hollywood Transfer For local and long distance hauling Pickup and moving. Trailer for rent. Ph. 9764. Burton's Mobile Station. "DRAWING Designing House and store plans, rn. jrezi . ATTENTION KElZER RESIDENTS Keizer Sanitation Service. Ph. 25824 Plowing a discing. Light bulldozing Ph. 2-2773. Painting & Decorating WE SPECIALIZE IN INTERIORS 2-5444 DICK OREY 6265 ALL Work guaranteed. Windows walls, woodwork cleaned Floors wax ed. Insured workmen Professional Cleaning Service Phone 4457 Mike's Septic Service 1079 Elm. West Salem. Ph 9468 or 8327 Painting Contract or by the hour. Spray or brush. PAUL BASSETT Rt 6 Box 363 Phone 2-2306 PAINTER and Paperhanger Reason able prices Free estimates. H. i Woodworh Ph 3013 Preschool Playschool. 1361 State. Ages 2-8I part or all day Ph 8430 EXPERT Repairs. New rolls. Olson Washer Repair. 80 Liberty Rd. Pb 25100. Spray Painting Ralph Alsman. 1720 Lancaster Dr Phone 2-4248. Painting end paperhanging, 4329 Septic Tanks Cleaned IC r. Hamel. 1143 8th. West Salem Phone 7404 CHIMNEY sweep Northness. ph 4450 " SHINGLING and lathing. Staples Bros, rn. ciuz or -6763. TUTORING for elementary and junior high school grades. Phone 7890, ADULT baby sitter. Ph. 26876. L W. CAUbL7j6praylng and Prun- ing l.o. fn. THWt. For Sale Miscellaneous SHEET Rock $50 per thousand, de livered In lots of40onPh. 2-1583. . "SEWWGachlnes'repalred. bought rented. W. Davenport Ph. 7671. Work guaranteea USED COMlTREFRIGERAflON BARGAIN r triple glass Frtgidalre meat case. 6'x6' walk-in cooler ' h.p. compres sor practically new. A very good buy. Mills' 2',i gal. freezer. New 6 ft. meat case, triple glass. R. L. Elf- Strom Co., 340 Court Street. Ph. 9221. ELECTRIC room heaters, radiant. steam, and fan. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY COFFEE makers and replacement parts. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY SEE the Gibson tractor. You ride, plow, disc, spring tooth barrow, cul tivators, doser blade. Available now. L C. Miller. RlckreaU. Ore Ph. Dallas 12F6. John Hancock. 3893 Rivercrest Ph. Sa lem 2-4280. RADIOS, and record players. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY TH0R Automatic washers and iron ers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY "Tarmaix F -20 tractor on rubber. 1- goon coni. Robert a) . Hulst, Rt. a. Box 587 Ph 21128. FARMERS Attention Electric but ter churns, milk coolers, fence con trollers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY STUDENT and Executive desk; lamps. fluorescent lighting fixtures. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY PRlM Coated shakes, finished lumber, flooring, paint, hardware and lumber. Eola Lumber Co. : : Phone 2-3950 . Salem " UNIVERSAL bantam .electric ranges, ideal for apartments, trailer bouses, or as an auxiliary oven. ! YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY "ALWAYS a big stoca. Wood ry's Furniture Mkt. Ph. 9110. CHARIS CORSETIERE dresses. RAINCOATS. Ph. 7074. 437 N. Liberty. "ECTRICTRONS. metal ironing boards, pads, and covers. ' YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY J R. Watkina Co products. 1717 Cen ter St. Salem Pn 8395 Free del REVERE ware, aluminum cooking utensils, kitchen gadgets. . YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ""APPLES-75c bushel up. Culls 35c. Wide choice of varieties. Buttercup, Hubbard, Marblehead and Banana squash; pie and Halloween pumpkins. Coin's Farm Fruit Stand. 3 miles N. of Jefferson, old highway. VACUUM cleaners and floor polish ers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ELECTRIC corn poppers, roasterettes. broilers. r YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY REMOVE cooking fumes with a Pryne exhaust fan. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ELECTRIC ice cream churns. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY GERMICIDAL lamps in your home or office, belp to prevent spread of dis- YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ELECTRIC ranges 'apartment size)! YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY SINGLE and two burner hotplates. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY rTJLLER Brushes 1745 Grant ' P 8357 Cash Registers For information about New National Cash Registers, The National Cash Register Co. Phone 2-63 13. LARGE Size wood circulator, excel. cond. 971 S. 22nd. Ph. 24956. Automatic wash, machine. Ph. 24425. ' GREY Brick siding. Self insulating. Elec. restaurant range A grill. 1 j price. Good as new. 1 truck hoist. Ph. 21140. FREE: Good stock dog. Collie-Sheo. Needs good home on farm. 270 Craw ford Ave. Left at Salem Heiehta a Linfmr wo., tnen right. 9 FT. Philco refriserator. New cond s7.v 9 Highland Ave. 9MM. FfiE semi-automatic pistol and shoulder holster and 2 boxes cart ridges $60.00. 1633 Court Street. For Sale Miscellaneous APPLES, all kinds of varieties. Will deliver. Paul Schaad. Ph. 23418. CIRCULATING Gas heater. 20.000 B.T.U. Apt. sire. Good working order. Almost new. Can be seen any time Sunday or eves after 8 P. M. 10 A bra ma Ave. : TRANSIT, old but in good shape, 130. Thor electric camera, reconditioned. So. Mowcr Bros. Ph. 3646. FOR Your (hard to set I tools, trv us. Now on hand 7V in. Skilsaw, mall 6 in. saw, new. Howser Bros. Ph. 3646. LATE Model elec. washing machine $75. 2040 Madison. FREE: 1500 lath a 2x4s if lath is taken. Furnace, fireplace, mantle, tile. 1500 brick, stairs a stair rail. 1179 Marion. See me at 2049 State. Claude Boone. GAS Heater. Good cond. 835. Hot water gas tank $35. Wood heater $5. 1980 N. Church. AHV1N push-button car radio, plays good, 820.00. 60 H. P. Ford motor, new rings a water pumps, (85.00. Canvas Duck boat, new paint. $30.00. Ph. "MAC. 8389. Eve. 2-4661 KODAK 35MM F-3T "coated lens, coupled range finder. Used about 1 yr Ph. 22F12 3 19-in. CHEV. wire wheels 1 20-in Chev. wheels. 1 1929 Chev. ring gear pinion a drive shaft. 4 19-in. disc rims, all wheels poor shape. Chev. radiator. 196 W, Miller St. alter 6 P.M. or all day Sat, a Sun. WOOD HEATERI 2274 N. Church DIAL TELEPHONE. Phone i-Sftft. "TREE: Male Springer Spaniel dog. 135 Highws y Ave. , DAVENPORT and chair. Good cond. Gordon Gettia. Rt. 8. Box 352. ml. W. of Keizer Sch. ONE 3 ft. x S ft. 8 in. front door with casing. One round porch post 71.. ft. long, 12 in. dia. One 3 ft. x 20 in. win dow case complete with window and weights. ALL FOR 335.00. 1270 Nebras ka St. NOW OPEN for the practice of ca nine and feline medicine. Southside Veterinarian Hospital. 2740 South Com mercial, Salem. Phone 2-5084. JPPIECE mapleuVTng rm set .... $370 Single and double beds $11.93 to $29.50 Dressers $12.50 Used Davenos $25.00 Unfinished chairs $2.25 to $3 95 Rocker, vanity, chair, highboy, birdseye maple $59 50 8-piece unfinished dinette set, $18.75 Inner-spring mattresses. S24.95 to $42.50 STATE STREET FURNITURE II00 s,a,e Phone 7596 GOOD Medium sized oil circulator. 2 ml. E. of Krueger's store. 1st road w. past the log. Rt. 6. Box 301Y. THOR automatic wshr. t .att mr4 el. Used 6 weeks. Phone 2-6334. A GOOD 2-w'heel tr-iW tnr double bed. 3510 Portland Rd. NEW DRESS made-by Ogden Knit ting Mills, long length, size 12. Reason able, r-none .-o.o. praY" eouinment 1- h n 1 .TrT comprAsor. Spray gun. 3 gal pot. 80 ft. hose. Used to paint only 1 house. Will gu i rruuetion. i.aii oneo. CAMP Adair 1umh7 R.in.Ki. Phone 5830 after 6 p.m. USED Furnace. $25. 3795 N. River Rd. Phone 2-3726. All day Sunday. G.E. SWF.FPF.B DnnJ mi: Sil .keea8onable2510 Laurel Ave. nuwn cnamet wood circulator. Call eves. Phone 5630. 1085 N. 18th WOOD Clarinet and case. Ph. 8643. OIL Circulators with or .without fans. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ELECTRIC Washing Machines Little Giant tray type. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY BUILDING BLOCKS BRICKS PUMICE CONCRETE CEMENT. SEPTIC TANKS. CONCRETE WATERPROOFING 1 mile south on River Rd Phone 6968 Alfalfa Hay . Truck Delivery. Call 2-1196 PRESSURE COOKERS. 4 ji for cooking. 16 qt. for canning. EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ELECTRIC comforters, blankets, and heating pads. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ELECTRIC and gas water heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY River Silt MASON SAND CONCRJTI MIX READY MIX ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Cement Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH. 2-1966 2-3100 RESTAURANT type electric ranges commercial griddles. YEATEJt APPLIANCE COMPANY TtAKE your own recordings on a Wilcox Gay Recordlo. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ATTENTION FARMERS Have stock pile of " minus rock that must be moved at once. 75c per yd. You haul. Commercial Sand a Gravel. Ph. 21966. PORTABLE electric clothes washers Ideal for apartment or trailer house. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY PLASTI-KOTE. the cellophane-Oke finish for your floors, that require no waxing. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY R.C.A. Victor, table model radio, excel, condition, reasonable. Also a real buy in Gibson Spanish guitar, complete with case, includes elec. pick up a mike. Ph. 5894. 2215 Shelton. NEARLY New set papering tools, includes alum, straight edge a trim mer. reasonable. 2215 Shelton. P. 5894. 2 700x20 10 ply tires, new, $37.50 ea. 1 750x20 10 ply, new, $49.50. 590 N. 2 2 II P M.rilir nulkn.. .l - j v i wa. i v, iiiviui , practically new. A real bargain and a perfect fishing motor, about 15 hrs. service. 590 N. High. TRUCK Chains 750x20. heavy duty, could be cut down to 600 or 700x16. am m. men sum mbhup a. 1 1 i .r: .. ... . . f. tvi your rifle. 590 N. High. USED Colonial wood furnace com plete with pipes $50. Ph. 24626. i-vti .. i. f . : . " -riv. troy 1. vpuoi. WASHING Machine, good condition. rnqnf looi. SHOTGUN li UMam tlminrnn. model 10 trap grade. Ribbed barrel. Excellent cond. $100. Ph. 4913. NORTHERN Spy apples $1.50 box. Bring boxes. Pie pumpkins l'.ic a lb. R. H. Wacken. St. 7. Box 357, l'i mi. E., mi. S. Chemawa Four Corners. ELK Guns, 30-06 Enfie)o 7"MM Mauser with shells. 535 Wa ldo. PEACOCK Dress pumps size 7',, 4A, wum twice. n n . cottage. MAN'Si Rrnwn Hsrri, twH Just like new. 630. Size 40. 1294 N. 4th! LEONARD Refrieer-tnr Ant .,- cxcriirnt cono.- rn. J4I0. APPLES: Delicious and Snitzen- berg. North on 99E to Havesville store. Turn left, first house on left. Rt. 8, Box 1348. Tel. 2-6282. Will de liver in Salem. MAHOGANY" Drop-leaf Duncan Phyfe table. 930 Tamarack St. MONTAG Green enamel gas range, 4 burners a top oven. Good cond. Rea- sonapie. 1030 Saginaw 1$ BALLS D.M.C. crochet thread KV 30. ecru. 492 yds, each. $6. Ph. 4383. AJi.C. Registered Cocker puppies 5 mos. old. Sired by WUletts Bronze Feather. 1940 Broadway. MAPLE Baby crib. Up to yrs. New wetproof mattress. $28.50. Ph. 6573 Monmouth. ' 2 SPRINGS 4 mattresses. twinTbed slze almost new. Trash burner with coils. 679 N. 20th. Ph. 5394. 1 DAVENPORT. 1 rug 8x14. S-Diece dinette set, 5-piece kitchen set. 1 rocker, 1 chair, 1 library table, 1 book case. 2 bdrm. sets, complete, all for $200. 429S Hudson Ave. Off of Pen 4 Comers. 2 JOHN Deere gas engines. I1. H P 2 large tricycles. 1 complete acetylene welding torch and putting attachment. 2276 Claude St. Ph. 25287. antiques Waitw what have von? Upstairs Antique Shop. Open 11 to $ Monday through Friday. Call 25046 after 5. LAFF-A-DAY '' TP 1 1 MP 1 1 rtd "So Uncle's jetting; married! The last three days they give him any thing; he wants to eat, don't they, Mom?w For Sale Miscellaneous TODAY'S GREAT SPINET PIANO The Baldwin Acrosonic A variety of styles and finishes. We also have several fine practice pianos. Stone Piano Co. "The valley's finest piano store" 1540 Fairgrounds Rd. (Corner of N. Cottage! CLOCKS, waU, mantle, and alarm. Door chimes. YEAJTER APPLIANCE COMPANY "TOR SALE: PUREBRED MINIATURE COLLIES. PH. 4997. . FOR SALE: Electric overt with broil er attachment, 110-volt used 2 months, $30. Smitty's Clipper Station, 394 N. Church. s bed Room sets, dinette set. VACUUM Sweeper, floor lamp, rec ord cabinet, chair. Sixth house on left Evans Ave.. Keizer Dist. MONTAG Wood circulator, nines and stove mat. $40. 3249 Center St. Ph. 3254. PLASTER, Sheetrock, wallboard, ceiling tile. Rt. 7, Box 431L. McCain Ave, off Silverton Rdh. Salem. WASH. mach. Good cond. 1470 N. Cottage. GATELEG - Extension dining table, 6 chairs, new. Late model 2' H. P. Johnson twin motor. 1320 N. Li bert y . MAGIC Chef gas range, very good cond. 2315 Broadwaj'.Ph8344. "ANTIQUE WOODEN "CLOCK."FIRST r(0 TAKES IT. RUNS GOOD. KEEPS ERFECT TIME. 190 S. 14. HONOR" Built elec. water heater. Radiant gas heater. Ph. 2283L ' FOR SALE BY OWNER Fine Italian Renaissance dining room set (table, 6 chairs, buffet, china cupboard), dining room rug, modern Westinghouse electric range. 1 good five-piece bedroom suite. Possession by November 1. Call 8105 or 5088 for inspection. SORGHUM MILL, medium size. Practically new. $150. P. A. Price, 8102 S.E, Luther Rd., Portland. ELECTRIC Mixers (Dormeverl. YEATER APPLIA NCE COMPANY LOVELY Large Franquette walnuts 13c pel lb., you pick rp. W. L. Woelk. Rt. 2. Box 170C. Turn west Keizer school, follow payement2mi. WESTINGHOUSE electric refriger ator. 20 cu. ft. ideal for restaurant, gro cery store, club house, large farm house. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY SALEM SCREEN SHOP Windows and sash. Frames, storm sash, screens made to order. Glass replacement and general cab inet work 1444 So 12th Ph. 2-5574 HOSPITAL Beds, wheel chrs., rent, sell. Buren. Ph. 7775. 745 Court. St. COMB. Philco radio a phonograph. Call after 5 P.M. at 116 Marion St ONE D-7 Cat. Drum a 'dozer. Hvs-ter-Arch. Basil Weathers. Rt. 3, Box 779. Ph. 2-2034. WOOr3 RANGE. COILS. Excellent condition, no tin. Price reasonable. Ph. 109F13. f'C3. FT. deep freezer. Best offer. 157 S. Winter. Apt. 22 Eves, after 8 p.m. MAN'S BICYCLE. $20. 157 S. Winter St. Apt. 22 Eves, after 8 p.m. "SUN "(ultraviolet), heat (Infrared) lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY WRINGER ROLLS AND SERVICE All makes washers. Van's Corner, 601 Edgewater. E. H. Ellis. Formerly with NelsonBros. Phone .6931. FOR SALE or Trade: Furniture. Wood stove oil stove, radios, nut dryer a several cans of dark paint. Will trade. What have you? Ph. 6821. 1694 N. Coml. 40-GAL HEAVY "duty Mission auto matic gas water healer. Used less than three months $50. Less than half price. Phone 7955. ATMORAY Ozone, elec. heater, bed daveno, very good cond. 666 S. Sum mer. . WALNUT Dining room set including table, 6 chairs and buffet. $150. Ph. 25547. STEEL" Clothesline posts a orna mental iron work made to order. 1145 N. Liberty. WARSTJRPLUS store. 1351 Hoyt St. Storage tents 16x32 a 16x50. Elec tric heaters, portable, wall and ceil ing types. Electric water heaters. 32. 42. 52 gal.', also table top models. Elec tric house wire, boxes a switches, en trance cable, range cable. Bunk beds and mattresses. Wash basin?. 2 drawer 28"x46" office desks $25.00. 2 x3' study tables 83.00. Folding radio, typewriter or bedside tables $1.25 to $1.75. Sleep ing bags, wool and kapoc. New fold ing metal chairs $2.60. Quick drying shingle paint $1.60 gal. South Citv Line between S. 12th a SPRR. Hoyt St. TJPKISHTGrandpiano $150. 4 burn er gas range, oven a broiler. $50. Elec. hot water heater. 42 gal.. $80. 14 cu. ft home freezer $340. Ph. 4284. Wanted -Furniture USED FURNITURE Ph 9185 FURNITURE and what have you bought for rash Call any time. Sun dale Exchange. Ph. 2-5511. B94 N. Lib erty. "USED FURNITURE Phone 5110 GOOD Used wash masrune Ac sewing machine. Ph. 2-5511. 594 N Liberty WANTTO Buy Used Cameras 8 lenses MeEwin Photo Shop. 435 State CASH fot used piano a other mu sical Instruments. Call 4641 days or 9537 evenings or send description to Jaquith Music Co, 191 S. High. Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED: Studio or small piano. Phone 2-3781. Apt. size elec. range. Ph. 9369. "36 FORD Radiator core. Ph. 9325. "CASH for old gold, broken, dis carded jewelry, watches and clocks. Salem Watch Shop. 2381 State. P. 21957 LIVESTOCK WANTED, ail kinds. Earl Du Chien Call 21656. OIL CIRCULATORS Bought. Sold. Exchanged and repair ed. Phone 6072. PIANO TUNING Wills Music Store. Salem Miscellaneous PRACTICAL NURSING EASY TO LEARN AT HOME Instruction. Prepare now for this in teresting, well paid work. Nurses are needed many earn while learning. Spare time training plan welcomed by doctors. High school not necessary. In formation FREE. Write today. Wayne School of Practical Nursing, 602 co Statesman. DIESEL POWER Instruction. Male. Mechanically in clined men get free facts about oppor tunities and training plan covering big new field of DIESEL ENGINES for trucks, tractors, locomotives, power plants, ships, etc: We train you In your spare time. Write for details giving age and present occupation. Utilities Diesel Training. 601 co Statesman. BTTTTON HOLES made. Ph. 2-2168. Miscellaneous MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked IWW IE SPRINGFR 464 Court BLOWN Rock wool rnTiilat ion. Inter locking weather strip. Payments low as s per mo. Salem Roekwool Co. 1535 Broadway Phone 374$ HARRY'S Second Hand store, 14th a Mission Sts. Buy, sell, trade. UHEVS Music studio. Instruction of all brass instruments. 735 Pied mont, W. Salem. Ph. 2-1584. PIANO STUDIO Frederick Wilson. 1531 Market Ph. 24598. taxidermist. 2330Br'dwav. Ph. 24554. Mattresses. Capital Bed Co Ph 4069. Rawlins' Music Studio Violin and Piano. Phone 2-8013 W Repair all makes of sewing machines. Work guaranteed. Free estimates. Singer Sewing Machine Co.. 130 N. Com l. Phone 3512. AUTO painting lust a shade bettei by Ray ETTER Call Shrock Motor Co 8502 "WaTEiTWELL drilling. Domestic or Irrigation Duffield Bros. Rt 9. Box 423 Phone 2-1313. Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads Clearing Ditching Sewer a Basement Equipment Rental 15 B-'i yds. $12 00 per hr. 10 B-,t yds. 960 per hr D-7 Cat a Dnrer 9.60 per hr D-S Cat a Dozer 8 40 per hr D-4 Cat a Dozer 7 00 per hr Phone Days 9408 Evenings 1246 or 24400 Salem. Oregon Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Man Your Plates for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adnlph Rldg.J5taieaf Com Ph 3211 LEARN to sew. New classes in aressmaking or home decorations now starting. Enroll now. Singer Sewin Macnine uo., 130 N. Com 1. Ph. 351 PLUMBING Supplies, water systems electric and gas automatic water heat ers, genera repair work Decatur & Maerr 173 So Com'l Phone 6223 WEATHER strips. Pullman. Ph. 5965 Financial See Us For Attractive Farm Loans ONLY 4 INTEREST 8 TO 40 YEARS and NO commission! Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 9261 $ $ MONEY $ $' 4Vi REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. Lie. S 216 M 222 Money to Loan LOAN: Individual will loan money ior private real estate mortgage. Statesman Box 609. General Finance Corp. offers money at once on cars, trucks furniture. trailer bouses. livestock. farm marchinery: contracts refinanced aad additional money advanced. No co -signers. General Ftnance la locally owned and officered; was organized tn 1927 and therefore knows and can belp tnrougnout w repaying or a loan Ap plications for loans made oy phone 13$ South Commercial Sts. Salens Phone: 9168 License S-IS8 r M-33S Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. STH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N M XS9 S 154 FARM and CITY lOANS iSt and 8 Your own terms of repayment with' In reason. Cash for Real Estate Oon tracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg Phone 7162 EXTRA CASILExtra Fast If you're short of cash, get $25 to $300, or up to $500 on auto, from 'Personal the company that likes to say "Yes" to loan requests. Loans on signature. auto, truck, or furniture. No co-signers are required, if you need cash, phone or come in TODAY. Personal Finance Co. SIS State St., Rm. 123 Ph. 3191 E. GalUnger. Mgr. Lie? M165, S122 For Rent Rooms NICE Bsmt. sleeping rm. Young gen tleman. No smoking or drinking. 560 N. ' inter. Sip, rm. 1417 N. Liberty. Ph. 2157"$. SLEEPING fi-nTT63 N. CotTale: HEATED RM, good location, for bus- iness girl or teacher. Ph. 5323. SLP. RM. close to high school, for teacher or emp. girl. 1385 N. Capitol. HOT a cold water, priv, entrance, men only. ZbZ3 ttrooxs CLEAN Front sleeping rm. for em ployed man. 677 S. Com ' 1 HAVE Larce downtown room will share with employed young man. Write Box 606 r'r. Statesman. SLP. Rm.. women. 481 N.Winter. SLIUPDJGRrn. 666 S. Summer . ROOM for gentleman. 24427. 3. HOLEYWOOD Sip, rms. Jh 6093. HEATED Rm. Also garage. 653 N. High. . CLEAN SLEEPING rooms for clean men. 203S McCoy. Ph. 6093. Room and Board ROOM and board elderly people, homelike atmosphere, first floor rooms. Haven Rest Home. Turner. Oregon. 1 blk. So. P. O. Ph. 816. For Rent Apartments 2 RM. Housekeeping apt. for work ing man 103 Marion. APARTMENT7 575 N. 20th. TWO Room apt. Lights, water, gas, heat, radio, phone. $12.50 a week, $50 a month Ph. 6048. 140 N. 23rd. COTTAGES by day. week or month. 3580 S. Com'l. For Rent Bouses TO LEASE for one year beginning Nov. 1. 4 rm modern house, party furn. North near school and bus. Ph. 2-3381. MODERN cottage, furn., 2 miles north of Brooks on Highway 99. Rt 1, Box 78F. Brooks. Ore 2 BEDRM. Bungalow, completely furnished including heat, water, lights, etc. 2 blocks from bus. Ph. 2-5978 5 RM. Cottage al Monmouth $38. Adults. Ph. 6573 Monmouth. FOR LEASE: Brand new modern 3 bedrm. home $150 mo. to respon sible party. Inquire at 110 Fairview. For Rent North Salem Trailer Park PORTLAND HIWAY WITHIN H MILES CITY LIMITS : Conv. stores and bus. NEW. clean. A-l accomodations in a trailerland for- trailer homes. OFFICE Space. 10x12. Also storage space 18x20. On 99 close in. Ph. 4359. OFFICE Space, ground floor. 1 rm. 12 x 12 adjoining rm. 6 x 12. Call 2-5141. ABOUT 10 acres of good garden land, some beavcrdam. Ph. 2-6243 mornings. TRAILER Space:. Modern, clean. Free laundry priv. Reas, ra tes. 3580 S. Coml. .RE Your Floors Shal V , I Its easy to make them like new again. Rent our high speed floor senders and edge Howser Bros., $02 Edgewater. Ph. 3646. For Rent TRAILER House $18 a month, lights water, suiiaoie zor one. S3 Williams Ave "fKAlLi&jr75c first hr. toe nt. rouowing. wooary s MIL, I SOS (4 fvummer. G-50D ' TJsed Piano." tt"TStTf7 ATMORAYSOzone Good health Rent-sell. H C. Pugh, 684 N. 17 4692 U-DRIVE TRUCKS FOR KENT Blankets turn 197 S Libert Pt. 9062 FLOOR Sander, elec. floor nolUhct and lawn roller, weed burner. Rawlins Mara ware. t Marshall Wells store. rn. San. Wanted to Rent RESPONSIBLE Professional man permanent, wishes to rent at least 3 bed room home: will lease with option to buy. Excellent references, Phone 25466. REFINED Middle ages couple want lurnisnea apartment or cottage. Perm anent residents. Phone 24494. LARGE Deluxe sip. rm. 4 blocks of state tjttice Bldg. Ph. 4857. YOUNG, reliable" family of 4 desper ately need 2 bdrm. home. Guarantee care of your home and yard. Ph. 8064 housITwaCTed-renT In advance rreier two bedrooms. In or close to Salem. Ph. Needy 7 F 54 or see F. M Mian Hubbard, Ore FURN. Apt. or small house bv emp. mother and 18 yr. old son. A-l refs. Ph. 26938. SroRfTManager wishes to rent For more bdrm. house. Ph. 22080. STATE Employe, wife a child need apt. or nouse after Nov. 13. write C p Porter, 1337 Court St. VETERAN and wife (no children! desire rental, apt or nouse, exc. ref. au nil YOUNG Married couole would like rurn. house or apt Both working Ph. 3423 anv time. WORKING Girl needs furnished apt. Best of care eiven. Phone 6I3S. EMP. Couple urgently need small furn. apt. or house within commuting distance Best local refs. Call 24117 bet. 8:30 a 8 P.M. or write States man Box 605 VETERAN a wife, both employed". oesire to rent apt. or nouse. No cnu dren or pets. Please call 9807 VETERAN. Wife a '2 children need house or apt. desperately. Inquire at in3s noyt. FURN. Apt. for 2 working girls aged zo. Please write o. Tindau, soeo t Capitol. 6R LEASE: 3 bdrm. house. Rm. 212 YMCA. ; REWARD: 1 or 2 bedrm. bouse Ph. 5866. PTLD"13L. a 2 children transferred to Salem. Need 2-3 bedroom unfurn ished house Immediately. Refs. Write Statesman Box boo. For Sale Real Estate TIMBER TIMBER TIMBER More than 1 million board feet of second growth fir some 60 inches in diameter some alder on this 160 acre tract more or less located near high way 101, with good road across prop erty saw mill 1. miles away. Good soil for bulbs. Set of old buildings and some land cleared. Price $7,500 or Will trade for Salem residence. UNUSUAL BUY I bed room home with double ga rage. Built about 2 years ago. On large lot 100x200, overlooking Glenn Creek Road. Priced for quick, sale, only $3,400. ONLY $2,000 DOWN WELL Buy this 3 bed room home, on a beau tiful lot with nuts, fruit garden, per' ries and grapes. Nice garage and work shop. 2 blocks from school. On bus line, run price, $5,750. A REAL HOME Located on large corner lot. bus by door. 2 lovely bed rooms, large living room with fireplace, large kitchen and nook, utility room and garage. Newly decorated and painted. Lota of nuts and fruit Price $7,000. YOU WILL LIKE THIS Beautiful 3 bed rooms, larce living room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen. Venetians, attached, garage.. all on one floor. Full basement with fur nace piped. This is a brand new home, and well constructed throughout. Price f 12.500. 4 BED ROOM HOME 3 MILES EAST Only $ years old. Full basement and double garage, with S acres of good soil. Lots of nuts, fruit and berries. The house alone is worth the price of Vij.vuo. Ed Byrkit & Co., Realtors 339 c name seta St. Phone 5961; Evenings 2-6557 FOR Efficient and effective sales service call the Salem Realty Co NOW FOUR room modern house, excellent location. You make offer. $30 Fairview Ave "sid Utfl l .or. V. bdrm. home, utility a bath, by own er, rn. ziioi. 4 BDRM. bouse at reasonable price. couia easuy oe arranged tor income 1765 state St. SURE Move right in. 2 bdrm. hsa.. N. Lot 67x210. Paved st. Close to bus and sens. $6,000. $200 down. Percy Ullman Oregon Bldg. Ph. 8902 BY OWNER 4 BEDROOM HOME THINGS TO CONSIDER IN BUYING A HOME. This home is soundly built, located in fine residential district, close al, all street and sewer Improvements in and paid for. Near the best grade scnooi in saiem and other schools. Large living room, recreation room, triple plumbing, built in General Elec tric refrigerator 2 fireplaces, automatic on neat and not water, rock wool In sulation, sprinkler system and other features. Possession by Nov. 1. Call 8105 or sobs for inspection. NEW 3 bedrm. home. Venetian blinds. hdwd. floors, fireplace, basement auto, sawdust heat $3,000 will handle. Goodwin & McMillin Realtors 474 Court St. Phone 4707 Eves. 8715 or 81F21 WEST SAXfavOIOMEs" 2 BR. older house, lee. lot fruit. Partly furnished. Bsmt. $6,800. WILL GO G. I. 2 BR. strictly modern home. lie. lot. 1 yr. old. Elec. heat Well made. $7,450. B. Isherwood, Realtor Ph. 6ril Wallace Road. R. I. Box 162 S BED RM. HOME Living room, fireplace, dining rm.. modern kitchen. Venetian blinds, base ment, hot water heat garage. Very good location. $12,000. The Real Estate Market 433 N. High St. Phone 24793 $5500-5 Rms. Redecorated. North. Va- cant. $6500-5 Rms. Base. Furn. Flrepl. $5600-Furn. or unfurn. (2 B.Rms.) WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty Ph. 7113 BY OWNER: A choice acre sub- urban tract 4 ML east of Salem, on Center St. 1 Mi. East of Krueger's Store. 6 room house, fireplace, full basement House is a fine modern home, is exceptionally pleasant and well arranged. A fine air conditioned automatic oil heating plant Lots of built-ins on ground floor and base. ment large fruit room, shower and automatic electric pumping plant In basement, garage, chicken house and shop. Has full bearing family orchard, also berries and grapes and 8 full bearing walnut trees. W. H. Ellings- wonn. Route . box iob. BV O W'NERTTtfodern 3 bed room house on one floor, full basement, automatic oil furnace, lovely yard. Inquire at 1436 N. Commercial St. 17 LOTS between 24th Bth Sts. $6340 yearly Income. Owner, 1225 S. 25th across from ball park. $27,000. Beautiful site tor business BY OWNER: 2 bedrm. house. A 3rd room can be used for a small bedrm. A.. 2 chicken coops, fruit a nut trees, close in. North. n. Ph. . 26065. NEW 2 bedrm. home. Hdwd. floors. Auto. heat. Ire. lot Should go G. I. GOODWIN a MCMILLIN Realtors . 474 Court St. Phone 4707. Eve. $715 or 81F21 ""APPRSX. acre near Pen 4 Cor ners $475. Inquire at 165 Stortx Ave. 2 BDRM. Modern nouse. U eere $7350 00, terms. $810 Monroe, & Salem. For Sale Real EfUta 1 4 Joe Hutchison, Realtor ' PHONE 789i CITY-BUNG, neat - In food cend. 2 BR. LV Kit., nook. bath. Gat. flrepl.. ven. blinds, full baae. Wood fur. Close to bus and schools. Call Mrs. Hedges at our office. Nice yr. old 2 BR. home. Piaster. St papered, unfin. Up LV. St DR. comb., built-ins. Eiec. cooking as water heat Gar shrubs A r.icw lawn. Some furn. goes with hse. Pri ced at $8500.00. Fine 2 BR. home in good dist. Plas tered it papered, flrepl . full base tar, sawoust fur. Mr. Brown iBillf will be pleased to show you this at your convenience. SUBURBAN Lot 66x200 off Walla ro lovely 3 BR. home. 1 down, 3 up. Plastered At papered. HW firs, fire pl. Tull base, dbl. gar. All elec. In sulated V weather stripped. SmaO chic hse. or tool hse. WtU carry FHA. Nice 2 story home rut on I A, S BR, bath. LV, DR.. Kit. nook, fire pi, hwd. firs, ven. blinds. Util. rm, 3-cer gar. 2 sept 3 rm. apt. with bain attached to gar, rents for $43.00 per mo. Small barn. Fenced. FARMS Our best buy is 10 mL from saiem. rm. hse, 24 acres. 20 A. cult, pasture. 2 A. timber. Wired tor elec. range. Newly decorated. Reaa, terms. 20' acres east. 4 rm. hse, papered. Gar. St small barn. 16 A. culti . strawberries, boysens. logans. ever greens. Peach and nut trees. Fam. orch. N of Middle Grove scht, 4 rm, I BR. hse. New well. barn. 10 A us culti v, Wil. ailt. Good berry bed. Foe these and many more cail HENRY tor vend, farm mgr. Joe Hutchison, Realtor 45S Court Street Ph. Sun. St Eves . 25141. 437, 24TSS) SUBURBAN 3 B R. Exclusive. nw attl a . .- home, very well located North on good !- neat, insulated, fire place, large att. garage. One acre of ground with good frontage. Full price only $11,000. Sullivan Realty Inc. 1 REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3253: Eves. 7057 $1,250 DOWN Six rooms ami tutth trl .- Nice lot with family fruit. Fenced yard. vimy Act quickly tm this-one. , Sullivan Realty Inc. S RUI TOSt 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 32S3: Eves. 705T Let ti ihn- vr.ii thia sm,. .... i . ix story home, about yrs. old. Good - nice targe Dearaoms. hwd. floors throughout, fireplace, full bath, living . room, dining room,- nice kit. laundry room, auto, gas floor furn. Thii home is all modern witn elect and gas. On paved rd, eloe in. bus by door. On 122 acres. Full price $0,500. Some terms. Sullivan Realty Inc. f prir toss " 2365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255: Eves 25831 34 ACRES ON 99E N. A vnr , K.w. ,.. j w - ..... aw. nuws furnace, nice young family orchard and nuts, some winter crop goes witla the place, irrigation outfit, tractor and all farm Muinm.nt att v... . i mgs in excellent condition. This is a reai snow place. 8Z2J00. There to $10,000 mortgage that can be assumed. Sullivan Realty Inc 1 3365 Portland Rd. Pi. 323$; Eves. 25831 srwv.-.i,' $ jL - 1 .--..-Tar BUiLUkiJt LUIS Vint Lrs7a aii Hi i -- ! t aUM built-up subdivision. 3 Jots face paved road and others are on good graveled r t. nw. nu nine ior oniy S4,70V bulhvan Realty Inc. (fit Trint r 53fi$ Portland Rd. Ph 3253: Eves TMT VERY ATTRACTIVE 1 ' Small 1 tl( Hnu mmm iCxw.L,-. oil clrc. heat paved 'street Gas rang foes. $5,350. 3 BEDROOMS . Older tvne hrwrut tr rim ei.-.i-. plastered. L. R.. D. R, kitchen. wo3 furnace, wired for range, elect, wtr, htr. Garage. Paved street $7,500. NEARLY NEW J ,..... a. n. piastereo noma. L. R , D. R . It I t-h-PFi flara-ra D-tr-t - - - tf. I G. I. rull prtc $7,500. Vry gomL IMMED. P0SS.: w CamI Sr St St .u.i.m ui - iiiniw. nawg. firs.. Ml fir ftirn.M -i. v North of Salem City limits. Large lot. WALTER MUSGRAVE, t REALTORS '-SL gPGEWATER PHONE S10f wnitninea, one oed room home;-lot 80x125. Only $2 850 Two bedrooms, nice batft. about crf. Lansing avenue. $4,400, If you need more room, see thin fourMdrmim Ka i 'or cooking and hot water: priced at $6,800, and if you need refrigerator, heater, range and living room suite, these items wil be included for addi- i tional $323. 1 . Three bedrooms, very nice big lot, plenty of fruit .iwl , - ,i very dean. $8,850. Jiigniy desirable t bedroom, fire place, bus at door: extra room may be used for uMik.i i wt.. -. tached garage. , acre lot $$.730. ' Salem Realty Co'. ! T2VAT mm' 149 N. High St. Phone 7M SEVER A GOOD 4 bedroom house close in. Priced for sa!e. LUSE REALTY lTrn,Jgl. Phone 7953 $2650T56wX.rWper-nTotiC Lovely modern style, new BR home. Hw floors, automatic oil furnace A me. Garage. Restricted dutrtct NE .,PVP'f Close m. Place to live plus $40.00 income. $7230.05. Terms. R. E. Meredith. Roaltnr 176 S. Commercial Phone 841 LOTS FOR SALE New ,iVt,lt.w ., . . Restricted Int. aa i n. c . Davis 83 Lansing Ave. ' OWN": i 6-room house,. hw floors, fireplace. Venetian blinds, auto -SfK Ch-LJ?,e Lovely vard with patio. Priced reasonable. 1130 S. ADVERT1SINO Western Adrertlslnf Representatives waxa-crrrrrtn Company. , arus rTancisoe t Eastern Advertising; Representatives Ward-Grtftlth Compan . toe. CbJcago. New York. Detroit . Boston. Atlantar Member Padfle Coast Division Bureau of AdvertlsLnf Entered Of the Poetofftce cf S te i. Ornon as Seee d Class Mas ter. PttbUsned every tmontinQ ex cept Monday Bsurtisesi eftce Ui Souik Ccinerriai fxreet. SUBSCRIPTION RATES MaU SubecrtptJoo Rates ta Ad. vance: Within Oregon: Dally and Sunday. Mo 80 cents: not, $3J; 1 year, $6 00 Elsewhere 80 cents pes mo. or $720 tor 1 roar la adtraaea. Per copy cents By City Carrier. 7$ cents a montn. $8 00 a year as advance be ss-fr 4 I 1