10 Tho Sfcrt man, Salem. Orexyon. Twdaj. Octobr 14, 1947 Dallas Club Women Hear of Guatemala At Tuesday Meet DALLAS Lucy Lane, cloth ing specialist, extension division, Oregon State college, was guest speaker at the Dallas Woman's rlub in Library hall clubrooms Tuesday. Miss Lane Is just home after a years leave of absence at Columbia university and at pat tern schools in the east. She stopped in Guatemala, Central America, en route borne. In giving the highlights of .her trip, she mentioned the delight ful climate of Guatemala. For the past 75 years the temperature has not been higher than 89 degrees nor lower than 47 degrees, and flowers bloom the year round. Regarding the tourist trade,, par ticularly since the war, she .said the country as being commercial ized. The American population cumbers about 500, and since the natives are' too poor to own radios, they do not hear propaganda pro grams and appear to be quiet and contented. Miss Lane showed colored pic tures taken while there and also displayed native articles woven on hand and foot looms. The musical numbers on the program were three vocal solos by Nancy Kirkpatrick, choral In structor in Dallas schools. Mrs. Melvin Gilson accompanied' her. Committees Named )' Mrs. Howard Fleming, presi dent, announced the appointive committees as follows: accompan ist, Mrs. Howard Eastman; audit ing. Mrs. ' Victor Williams, Mrs. Lillian Bilyeu; budget, Mrs. Ailie Hennagin, Mrs. John All good and Mrs. Howard Fleming; Campfire, Mrs. Ray Gohrke, Mrs. Forrest Holmes and Mrs. . B. Bossitti; Christmas Seals, Mrs. M. E. Slack, Mrs. Oscar Hayter, Mrs. R. C. McKnight, Mrs. Del Reinemer and Mrs. E. Ar Wagner; civic and com munity service, Mrs. Cecil Dunn, Mrs. Claude Hoistington, Mrs. C. L. Crider, Mrs. Victor Williams and Mrs. Hollis Smith; const! tu tion and by-laws, Mrs. C. E. Phelps: music, Mrs. Wesley Sher man, Mrs. Arthur Woods, Mrs. "J. C. Lundy and Mrs. Howard East man; press and publicity, Mrs. Ro bert LeFors and Mrs. John Hol l'ngsworth; parliamentarian, Mrs. Oscar Hayter; Red Cross, Mrs. A. B. Starbuck, Mrs. Karl Kreft; pro gram, Mrs. R. I. VanDenBosch, Mrs. Earl Fulgham, Mrs. Jack Eakin, Mrs. William Blackley, Mrs. Earl W. Benbow, and Mrs. Paul Bollman; radio, Mrs. Mel vin Cutler and Mrs. Charles Coch rane; telephone, Mrs. H. A. Pe terson, Mrs. C. L. Foster, Mrs. Rosa Hughes, Mrs. Hulda Hart- I'ortlautl Produce PORTLAND, pre- Oct 13 AP) Butterfat Tentative (subject to im saed ie change j premium quality max imum of .35 of 1 per cent acidity de livered in Portland. S0-S3c lb; first quality, 78-$lc: second quality, 74-77c; valley route and country points, 2 cents area than, lint. 7S-7c. Butter Wholesale, f.o.b. bulk cubes, grade A A. S3 score. e; 92 score. 73c It. B. SO score, 0c; C 89 score, 68c. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Orecon singles. 41!j-51',c; Oregon. -lb loaf. 43a-53'ac. Eggs To wholesalers: A grade, large. C7't-8c: medium, tl'tc; A grade, small. tQ'.ic; B grade, large, 52,,-&5,ac. Eggs Purchases from farmers : Cur rent receipts. M-3c; buyers pay 3-3'aC below wholesale quotations on graded basis for best hennery eggs, Dressed tutkeys No. 1 toms. 17 Mc ,'b t to growers on dressed basks; io. 1 young hens. J4c lb. Love chickens Paying price to pro ducers: No. 1 broilers under 2' lbs, ur lb: friers. J' to 3 lbs. 33-37c: 3 to 4 lbs, 38c; roasters. 4 lbs and over, 37 c; fowl. Leg-horn, under 4 lbs. 18 3br: 4 lb and over. 20-23c; colored fowl, all weights, 23-27c; stags, all weights. 12-1 4c. Rabbits Average to retailers. 48-52c Sb dressed: price to producers. 43c: fry ers, live, white, SO-25c lb; colored, 17- aic- Fresh dressed meats (the following fresh dressed meat prices quoted w holesalers to retailers for fresh meats re la dollars a hundred pounds as re ported by the USDA market news serv ice at North Portland): Beef Steer Good. 41.00-42 50; com mercial. 38 00-39.00; utility. 38.00; cow commercial. 31 .00-15.00; utility. 28.00 81 00; cutter and canner. 26.00-28.00. Veal and calf Choice, 38.00-38.00; ood 36.00-37.00; commercial, 31.00 5 00; utility. 29 00-31.00. Beef cuts good steer, heifer) Hind quarters. 47.00-54 00; rounds, 42 00 41 DO. full loins, trimmed. 6S.00-70.00; forequarters. 36.00-39.50". triangles. 33 00-36 00: square chucks. 39.00-43.00; ribs. 50.00-53.00. Limbt and mutton Limb-choice and good, 40.SO-42.SO; commercial. 38.50 4000. Pork cuts "Loins. No. -, S to 10 pounds. 64.00-67.00; 10 to 13 pounds, 65 00-66.00; shoulder. Sl.00-54 00; spare rib. 3 pounds down. 50.00-52.00. '- Onions Ore. Brooks yellow, iped. SO-lb skt. 1.25-2 40: pickling. 50-1 b. 7.25 2.50: 25-lb sk. 3.85-4 00; 10-lb. 1.70-1.75; wash, yellows 3 inch. 225-2 50; Idaho yellows. 100-210; California white medium, 2.25-2.40. Potatoes Ore.. Wash. Russets No. Is. 100 lbs. 4 00-4.20; 25-lb, 1.10-1.20; 13 lbs. 64.65c: ' bakers. No. Is. 4.20-4.40 rwt: No. 2 mcd.. 50-lb. 1.15-1.30; Des chutes russets. No. 1." 3.85-4.00. Cascara barke Dry. 23c lb. Wool Valley, coarse and medium grades. 45c lb. Mohair 42c lb on 12-month growth. Hay . US. No. 2 green alfalfa or fcetter. carload lots. fob. Portland. ao.SO-32.50 ton: U.S. No. 1 timothy eastern Oregon or Washington), car lots, f o b Portland. 34 50-37.50 ton; oats and vetch, mixed hsv. uncertified clover hay, 22.50-25.50. baled at Wil lamette valley farms, depending upon quality and location. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore, Oct. 13 (AP) fVSDAl Salable cattle 1500. total 1900; carves 350; market active, steers and heifers largely 50 cents higher; cows strong to 50 cents higher, with good beef cows up most; sausage bulls strong to 50 cents' higher; calves and -eealers 50 cents' to SI up: load and fart load medium-good steers 23.50 4jD0: odd head low good steers 24.50 23 00: common-medium grades largely 17.50-23 00: medium-good beef cows 16 00-18 50; few 19.00; canner-cutters II 50-14 00; fat dairy type cows of com mon grades up to SIS 00: medium-good Muuir bulls IS 50-1S 50; good beef bulls IS 75: some held above 19.00; good-choice vealers 22 50-25 00; good grass calves 20 00-23.00; 373 lb weights to 23 00 Salable hogs 800. total 2000: market steady with early lat week; good 28.50; 250-300 lbs 27 50-280; 160-170 choice 185-233 lbs 30-23-50; few 240 lbs lbs 28 50-29 00: good 3S0-5O0 lb sows 2450-2S00: good-choice feeder pigs 31 00-32 00. Salable sheep 600. total 132S; market active, fat lambs 50 cents higher; other classes strong: good-choice wooled lambs 20.SO-21.50: few No. 1 pelt lambs 20 SO-T5: common down to 17.00; med ium 63 lb feeders 17.00: medium-gooC yearlings 16.00-17.00: good slaughter ewes 7 .00-50; young breeding ewes ur to so. ! i man and Mrs. Elmer Schulson. Officers Listed Serving with Mrs. Fleming are Mrs. William Blackley, vice president; Mrs. William Young, second vice-president; Mrs. Allie Hennagin, recording secretary; Mrs. William Dalton, correspond ing secretary; Mrs. John Allgood, treasurer; Mrs. Eugene Hayter and Mrs. Maurice Dalton directors. Hostesses for the tea served later were Mrs. Cecil Dunn, chair man, Mrs. V. O. Williams, Mrs. R. S. Kreason, Mrs. Del Reine mer, Mrs. Win. Domaschofsky and Mrs. E. B. Bossatti. The club rooms were complete ly dececorated during the sum mer vacation under the supervi sion of Mrs. John T. Meeker. Armistice Day Plans Talked A How Salem will make official observance of Armistice day this year will be determined Friday night by the local Federation of Patriotic Societies. President A. L. Strayer of the group composed of representa tives of 30 local organizations has set the meeting for 8 p. m, in the Salem Chamber of Commerce rooms. A general discussion on wheth er to arrange an Armistice day pa rade and speaker and how other wise to note the anniversary of the end of World War I will be held, and appropriate committees will be appointed if necessary to carry out plans, officials of the group said. Merchants of the city decided recently to keep stores open on this year's Armistice day. Price Hearing Slates Snider O. E, Snider, general manager of Blue Lake cannery, is slated to appear with 12 other witnesses on the first day of the consumer price hearings in Portland next Monday. Snider will represent Pacific northwest canners. The hearings will be in the nature of an inves tigation into the food price struc ture and the high costs of virtual ly all manufactured articles, Sni der said Monday. The hearings are scheduled to last Monday and Tuesday and pos sibly Wednesday, with witnesses from stores, manufacturers, con sumer groups, labor, and other or ganizations listed for appearance. The hearings are being held in the west by the western subcommittee of the Joint congressional commit tee on the economic report. Care Urged in Aid To Europe's Needy; Black Market Busy Persons currently sending food to people they do not know in Europe may unintentionally be contributing to the black market, Gapt. Robert B. Lesher, corps of ficer for the Salvation Army in Salem, said Monday. The safest way to send food and clothing to Europe, he added, is through one of the recognized re lief agencies. "We are receiving numerous requests," Lesher said, "imploring us to send food. These are coming principally from Ger many." "Unfortunately," Lesher stated, "it is not possible to separate the genuine appeals from those of the black market operators." Rabbits and some kinds of rats have eyes so located that their rang of vision is a complete circle. Salem Market Quotations BUTTEBFAT Premium No. 1 No. 2 PRINTS Wholesale Retail Jl .79 .70 .77 .82 .70 .S3 .40 .40 .74 .67 .80 .73 .27 22 .40 EGGS BUYING Extra large Medium and stan.iarri Pullets 1 Cracks EGGS Sellinc Price Wholesale, lara-e Mediums Retail laree Retail medium - POL'LTKT Colored hens. No. 1 No a Fryers J8 to LIVESTOCK WRv Valia Pirki Choice spring lambs 18.00 12.00 500 13.50 12.50 14 50 18.00 17 50 23 00 Yearung up to Ewes .. i uo to Fat dairy cows to 8.00 to 0.00 to UD to cutter cows Dairy heifers Calves (300 to 450 lbs.) HUI1S 12.00 to Veal (150 to 300 lbs.) UO to NOTICE T CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, by an order of the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, duly made and entered on the 29th day of August, 1947. was appointed Executor of the es tate of OTTO r. JOHNSON, deceased, and has duly qualified as such. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre sent the same, duly verified as re quired by law. and with the proper vouchers, to the undersigned Executor at 207 Pioneer Trust Building. Salem. Oregon, within six (6) months from the date of the first publication of this notice, said first publication being made the 30th day of September. 1947. JOHN H. JOHNSON Executor of the Estate of Otto F. Johnson, deceased. Donald A. Young Salem. Oregon -Attorney for; Executor. Tirst Publication: September 30, 1947. Last Publication: October 28. 1947. S 30-O 7-14-21-28 Livestock and Poultry YOUNG Fresh cow for sale. Ph. LIvTsTScK WASTED, ail kinds. Earl Du Chlcn. Call 21656. ."NI- hens. Ready to lay. Ph. 24425. ("OR ' SALE Christie ti H baby chicks every ) Wed Bovtnatons S7K ie HI Phone 4XW WANTED. All kinas of cattle, (at noes, sows ft boars At your farm or lelivered Market price E C McCand hih RL 9. Bos 233. across from Vaters Ball Park on S 25 St ph 8147 WANTED All Rinds of cattle and toes Will call at farm Write C I inethen. 4550 Lancaster Drive. n J1345 morn, or eve. - Livestock and Poultry inoiirrr quality tine-nw Hampshire and White Rocks. 100 free of pullorum. Hatches every Tues day. Send (or free catalog. Wilsons Hatchery a Poultry farm Lyons Ore WING'S Rabbitry pays top prices for fryer rabbits. 3983 Stat St Ph. los r- NEW Hampshire imOv chicks, start- ed chicks a older pullets always avail able Ph 22861. Lee's Hatchery FOR SALE: 9 Chester White pigs. 8 wks. old. $18 each.- 9 feeder piss $22 JO each. 1 Guernsey cow. 8 yrs. old. Very fentle. Bred back 3 mot. Milk test. 8.7. 115. 1 Holstein calf, weight 400 lbs. Good for locker meat. $72.50. 1 Jersey bull, 11 mos. old. Very good breeder, $85. E. I. S net hen. 1550 Lancaster Drive. Phone 2-1345 rncmu t.Minfl .. . . number Prompt service Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty. Phone S-.OQ1 lct s niicntry BULL Service oy artificial insem ination. Sires from the best of blood lines. Reasonable fees All work per sonally supervised by licensed vet erinarians Salem Artlftral Insemlna- tton Station Ph 6585 GOOD HEAVY work horse, priced to sell. J. J. Thompson. Ph. 22053. ' Auctions Lane SudtellY Auction Sales Yard, Wed., Oct. 15 at 9:30 a. m. and 7 p. m. Located l' ml east of fairgrounds on Silverton Rd. Phone 0098. - -piece blonde bdrm set. S-plece blonde osk dining set. 7-piece mahog any dinette set. 3, 9x12 linoleum rugs. Marble top walnut ha 11 tree, ash dresser and bed. Maple spool bed. Whit enam eled wood range, and many other misc. articles. Fresh vegetables and fruits, chickens, rabbits and ducks, day old and veal calves, feeder and weaner pigs. A good line of young heifers and milk cows. Come, always a big crowd and lots of buyers. Help Wanted HOW ARE YOU GOING TO EARN MORE MONEY???? Enroll now for special horn study business training. Attractive terms for this month. For particulars, write to Box 1122, Tacoma. Wash. Salesmen Wanted SALESMEN Real opportunity for right man with nationally known con cern. Car a references - necessary. Proven high earning. See Mr. Bowen or Mr. Bacon. Hotel Senator, Wednes day k Thursday or write Statesman, BOX B7B. SALESMEN Have opening for 3 fireballs. Report to Mr. Naughten at 721 S. 12th St between 8:30 a 9 ajn. Help Warned Male EXP. Clothing salesman. Apply 887 State. MAN, between 25 Ac 35 yrs. of age and with car. Sales experience necessary. Apply In person: Singer Sewtng Ma chine Co.. 130 " N . Commercial St. Wanted, Auto Salesman This is your oportunity if you can qualify. Prefer men with auto sales experience. Someone that is a live wire and really hits the ball. Guaran teed salary and demonstrator furn ished. Ask for Mr. Johns, sales mana ger. Tea eue Motor Co., 355 N. Liberty. Ph. 24173. Help Wanted Femalo PART Time stenographer mornings 9 to 12, Mondsy thru Friday. Married ladv preferred. State experience and refs. Write Statesman Box 681. ELDERLY Man alone has comfort able home for middle aged lady alone, who will help care for it and pay part of living cost. Ph. 9327 eves. DISHWASHER and waitress for night shift. Closed Tuesdays. Apply sfter $ P.M. Chinese Tea Garden, RELIABLE Baby sitter. Ph. 3971. . "TWO YOUNG ladies 18-25, energe tic and free to travel Calif, and return with nationally known Co. Average earnings $50 per week plus bonus and transportation. Women must be neat and attractive. Apply In person only between 6-9 p.m. Senator hotel. Ask for Mrs. Shartel. WANTED: Elderly Christian woman housekeeper for. elderly man. Apt. 1, izso im. winter t EXPERIENCED TYPIST with sener- al office experience. Salem Steel Supply, 180 Court St. LADY FOR cashier work. State age and experience. Statesman Box 603 SALESLADY UNDER 39 FOR ESTAB. JEWELRY STORE. SOME TYPING EXPER. PERM. POSITION. EXCELL. OPPORTUNITY. TOP SALARY, Phone 5510 RECEPTIONIST in professional of fice. Must h. ve knowledge of book keeping It typing Salary $200 mo. 40 hour week. Reply giving full par ticulars to Statesman Box 682. WOMAN between 30 and 55 yrs. to help in house, help with 2 children. $40. board, private room and private bath. 430 N. Summer. Situations Wanted WILL Car for "children in my home for working mothers. Ph. 21140. .Painting, Paperhanging REPAIR & REFINISHING furniture. Decorating In harmony with your fur nishings. Rawlins tc Tibbetts, Ph. ZoeZB. LAICnSrAPTISIfV nardvninff. ?aTl pruning of roses and shrubbery. Geo. raris. iiu jviuer, qui vcr ry at. n Dressmaking at alterations. Ph. 6361. m Efficient itototiuer work call Jennings Poultry Farm. Ph. 5429. PAINTING n3 decoratine. Work guaranteed, rn. ai3. Cllltl. whA is hlffh aohfml -T.riuat would like position as receptionist. Can do typing. Rt. 8. Box 739. Cement contracting, patching. 24751. Painting & Decorating 26 yrs. beautifying homes in Salem. Ph. 7552. A. C. Chaplin. IN SUftEtTTREE SERVICE Topping, etc. Estimates gladly given. JOHN PAYNE. PHONE 2-6014 " CEMENT!-CONTRACTING. Phon 2-3045. Stanley Fagg. DRESSMAKING. Phone 2-6153. Hollywood Transfer For local and long distance hauling Pickup and moving. Trailer for rent. Ph. 9764. Burton's Mobile Station, DRAWING a Designing House and store plans, fin, sezi . ATTENTION KEIZER RESIDENTS Keizer Sanitation Service. Ph. 25824. ALTERATIONS done. Call 25574 or 1444 S. 12th St Plowing k .discing. Light bulldozing. Ph. 2-2773 PRUNING Lawn, park or cemetery work. Ph. 7558. 1150 N. Church. CTDRTAlNS"Wshedn S 22nd. Mrs. B. Lleske, Ph. 26343. -TlUSTWOTUror washing and iron ing Call 6364. - Painting & Decorating WE SPECIALIZE IN INTERIORS 2-5444 PICK PREY 6263 ALL Work guaranteed. Windows wails, woodwork cleaned Floors wax ed Insured workmen Professional Cleaning Service Phone 445T vVTiNTETir Furniture to glue and repair. Lee Bros Ph 21233 . Mike's Septic Service 1079 Elm. West Salem Ph 9468 or 8327 Painting - Contract or by the hour. Spray ot, brush. PAUL B AS SETT Rt t. Box 363 i Phone 2-730S Situations Wanted Painting and paperhanging, 432$ " WOULD "Uk To bid on yourspray ? Hinting. Your paint or ours. Phon 246. M. L. Gottenberg. 1450 N, 19th St, PAiNl" tlfi and Paperhanger Reason able prices Free estimate. H. J. wooowortn Ph 3015 PieSchool Playschool. 1381 Stat. Ages 3-8 Part or all day Ph 8430 EXPERT Repairs. New rolls. Olson Washer Repair. 80 Liberty Rd. Ph 25100. Spray Painting Ralph Alaman. 1720 Lancaster Dr Phone 2-4248. Septic Tanks Cleaned IC. T. Hamel. 1143 8th. West Salem Phon 7404 PAINTING St Papcrnanging W Q Crawly 857 Shipping Phone 9513 CHIMNEY sweep Northness ph 4450 5hInGl7NG ant! lithing. Staples Bros. Ph 6102 or 26763. TUTORING for elementary and Junior high rchool grades. Phone 7890. ILTCARE for children by day, week, or month. None too small. Ph. 3347. HOME NURSING wanted, daytime. Call after 3 p.m. Ph. 26636. Apt. 1. or days until 4 p.m. Ph. 3484. Ask for Mrs. lirtffin. ADULT baby sitter. Ph. 26876. L. W. CAUDLE, Spraying and Prun ing Co. Ph. 7900. For Sale -Miscellaneous LIGHT Meters: New. Weston $25. De Jur $18 Write Don Re Ville at 660i Marlon. "SlIEET" Rot-k$50 per thousand, de llyered in lots of 4000. Ph. 2-1583. SEWING Machines repaired, bought, rented. W. Davenport. Ph. 7671. Work yua ran teed TOLLER Brushes 1745 Grant P 835T CSED COM'L REFRIGERATION BARGAIN r triple glass Frlgidalre meat case. x6 walk-in cooler', hp. compres sor practically new. A very good buy. Mills' 2', gal. freezer. New 6 ft. meat care, triple glass. R. L. Elf strom Co., 340 Court Street. Ph. 922 1 . ELECTRIC room heaters, radiant, steam, and fan. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPA NY STUDENTS fluorescent desk lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. COFFEE makers and replacement parts. YSATXH APPLIANCE COMPANY WE BUY oil circulators, wood ranges, elec. and gaa stoves, sewing machines, elec. motors, wsshing ma chines and used frunitur. 12 St. Fur niture. Ph. 7141. SEE the Gibson tractor. You ride. filow, disc, spring tooth harrow, cul ivators, dozer blade. Available now. L C Miller. RickreaU. Ore Ph. Dallas 12F6. John Hancock. 3895 - RlvercresL Ph. Salem 2-4280. . RADIOS, and record players. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY " THOR Automagic washers and iron- ers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY SELECT Your Xmaa gifts now. YEATEH ! APPLIANCE CO. FARMALL F-20 tractor on rubber. In goon cond. Robert M Hulst. RL 8. Box 587. Ph 211 28L - ' FARMERS Attention Electric but ter churns, milk coolers, fence con trollers. , YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY " FOX Fur Jacket. Size 14. 20. ph. tU3. STUDENT and Executive desk lamps. fluorescent lighting fixtures. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY MAN S Overcoat. Dark brown. Size 40. Good cond. $10. Ph. 26426. Nat Cash Register, 6 drawer and to tals, electric. Roen. 456 CourL OAK FLOORING - 4-in. Oak V joint clear flooring. Phone 9203. NEW Perfection oil cook stove. In quire moms, k eves, at 380 Grove St. BEAUTlfUL Furniture. 265 N. Coml. Inquire at office. "TjE1G"E TDaveno. slightly used, $75. 490 N. 23rd after 9 P.M. ANTIQUES Wanted. What have you? U tairs Antique Shop. Open 11 to 5 Monday through Friday. Call 25046 after 9. T0xl2 BlGELOW Rug. Phi 25988". 1131 Waller St. CHOICE Spitzenberj. Delicious and Banana apples and Cornice pears: J. C. Savage at Waconda. Ptv 2-2344. Armless daven), newly rebuilt A recovered. Preway gas stove. 3580 S. Com'!. Put ME Coated shakei. finished lumber, flooring, paint, hardware and lumber. Eola Lumber Co. Phone 2-5950 Salem SAWDlJsT Conveyor with belt and mjtor $25. Also sawdust hot wafer furnace $15. 1373 S. High after 6:30 P.M. ' V'65t) Heater. Ciii Iroi good cond. Also 6's' crosscut saw. 2078 Hazel Ave. Ph. 2-6505. UNIVERSAL bantam electric ranges, ideal for apartments, trailer houses, or as an auxiliary oven. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ALWAYS a big stoca. Woodry's Furniture Mkt Ph. 81 10. CHARIS CORSET1 ERE dresses. RAINCOATS. Ph. 7074. 437 N. Liberty. ELECTRIC IRONS, metal ironing boards, pads, and covers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY " TOILETS, Bath tubs and wish" basins. Complete new bath room sets. CAPITAL BARGAIN HOUSE 145 Center MIRR A PIANOS. These spinet style pianos have the tone of a baby grand; Priced from 8445. 850 down, $22 a month. Taltman's, 393 S. 12th. "A Mile from High Prices." 4-BURNER Spark gas stove side oven. Atmoray Ozone, elec. heater. 666 s. summer, J R. Watkins Co products 1717 Cen- ter St. Salem Pn 5395 Free del ELECTRIC Mixers (Dormeyer). YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY REVERE ware, aluminum cooking utensils, kitchen gsdgets. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 80 BASS Accordion. Hohner. 2 cream cans, 5 10 gals. Elec. fence controller 110 V. M. H. Frerickson, 2 mi. S. of Liberty. BLOWN INSULATION WEATHER STRIPPING Ph. 3748 for estimate. Salem Rock Wool Co. 1535 Broadway. APPLES 75c bushel up. Culls 35c. Wide choice of varieties. Buttercup, Hubbard. Marblehead and Banana squash; pie and Halloween pumpkins. Coin's Farm Fruit Stand. 3 miles N. of Jefferson, old hi ghwa y. VACUUM cleaners and floor polish ers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ELECTRIC corn poppers, roasterettes, broilers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 'SINGLE and two burner hotplates. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY REMOVE cooking fumes with a Pryne exhaust fan. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPA NY ELECTRIC and gas water heaters. ? YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ELECTRIC Ice cream churns. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY CERMICIDAfTiamps in your home or office help to prevent spread of dis ease. YEATER APPLIA NCE COMPA NY River Silt MASON SAND CONCRETE MIX READY MIX ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Cement Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH2-J966 2-3100 2 BOYS' Bicycles used 4 mo. Good as . new. A 13 lawn mower. Rt. 3. PjX 958A. Salem RESTAURANT type electric ranges. commercial griddles. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY LAFF-A-DAY rfessa&a&V Vsaf-LJLwi f Cssm I94J. ft.- VesMe 'You can read her like a book If you care for that type of literature!" For Sale Miscellaneous MAKE your own recordings on a Wilcox Gay Recordio. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY PORTABLE electric " clothes washers, ideal for apartment or trailer house. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY PLASTI-KOTE. the cellophane'-like finish for your floors, that require no waxing. YEATER APPLIANCE jCOMPANY OIL Circulators With or without far. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY "ELECTRIC Washing Machines Little Giant tray type. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPA NY BUILDING BLOCKS BRICKS PUMICE CONCRETE CEMENT. Si TIC TANKS. CONCRETE WATERPROOFING 1 mile south on River Rd. Phone 5968 ELECTRIC comforters, blankets, and heating pads. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY APPLES: Delicious and Spitzen berg. North on 9E to Hayesville store. Turn left, fir-t house on left. Rt. 8. Box 134S. Tel. 2-6282. Will de- liver in Salem. LOVELY Large Franquette walnuts 13c per lb., you pick up. W. L. Woelk. Rt. 2. Box 170C. Turn west Keizer school, follow pavement 2 ml. WILL" Buy." sell or trade guns a ammo. Don Madison. 266 No. Capitol. WESTINGHOUSE electric refriger ator, 20 cu. ft. ideal for restaurant, gro cery1 store, club house, large farm house. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY CLOCKS, wall, mantle, and- alarm. Door chimes. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY PRESSURE COOKERS. 4 qt. for cooking. 16 qt. for canning. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY MEDIUM Size oil circulator "$45. 495 B St. Ph. 4363 PIANO, small size., only 44; hluh. Like newsies S. CottaRe. SMALL CHAIN SAW, 6 FTpT 2 chains. Used very little. $350. 854 S. Com l. Ph. 7714. 40-GAL HEAVY duty Mission auto matic (as water heater. Used less than three months. $50. Less than half price. Phone 7955. "THERMO CRAFT double pans. 9x9 rug. White metal bed. Ladies' black coats size 34. Hot water tank. 3922. MUSKRATfuV coatjjsize 14. Ph. 3204. SORGHUM MILL. medium Mr. Practically new. 8150 P A. Price., 8102 S E. Luther Rd. Portlahd. "HORSEHIDE coat, used; size 34. $.V 3 wool scatter rugs, walnut bedroom suite with double Ded. 2225 Chemeketa. FURN. FOR SALE-S-pc. blonde modern bedrm. suite, fine condition. 7-ft. daveno. Bath $165 . 4295 Hudson Aveoff of Penn 4 Corners. MONTAC wood circulating heater. Good as new. 7x7 metal road sign. i ml. E. of Penn 4 corners. Rt. 6. Bx 114. READY TO live in. 2 fireproof tent he uses, walled up and fid., linoleum, 3 innerspring mattresses with serines. Like new. Chet of drawers and other items, l'i mi. S. of Dicksons Mkt. on 99E. NTH Hens one yr. old. for locker. I. H. Fetrow. Rt. 4. Box 476. 1'4 miles west of bridge on Dallas Hiway. Ph. 2-3172. Mimeograph and Rex-o-Graph Dupli cators, both In good condition. Roen. 456 Court. WASHING Machine. new Easy Splndryer, $15000. Pli. 4702 Saturday or Monday. 3 wood circulators $35 up.Ph. 5222. 2 WOMEN'S dress suits size 14. foodNeondlSOt Ferry. DINNER Table. 6 chairs. Dinette tsble. 2 chairs. Stsnd table. 3 rocking chairs. Goose feather bed. 1467 Court St. L . SWEETROCKTT,rasteflae, gypiap. plaster, firtex, wallboard. Rt. 7, 431 L. McCain Ave. off Silverton Rd. New steel 4-drawer files now available for immediate delivery. Roen, 456 Court. i ELECTRIC ranges (apartment size 1 . YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY SCHWlNN BicycTe and ' Montag wood circulatnr dining tetPh.8371. 1 CATERPILLAR 20 tractor In good running condition, just been over hauled.. This tractor is more than 20 horse power, weight 7700 lbs. Locat ed 3's miles north of Independence on Greenwood road. Harvey A. Neu feld, Rt. 1. Bx 273Independence. Ore. 2 30-06 RIFLES custom stock 8 M M. projector. R. Welty, Rt. 6. Box 427. BUILD Your Own Greenhouse at low cost. For complete plans and P.F.S. Glass address P. O. Box 332. Salem. ZENITH All Wave portable radio. Batt. or AC. Call after 6:00 P.M. 1052 Saginaw. Ph. 8754. FILBERTS 15c lb W. L. Woelk. Rt. 2. Box 170C. Turn west at Keizer school, follow pavement 2 miles. ' $35.00 25-35 Winchester " carbine, fine shape, lineman peep sight, also a box shells. Keizer school, turn left to Rickards store, first house on right. H. A. Estes. Rt. 8, Box 896 OFFICER'S Field coat with re movable wool lining. New. Size 36 short. 835. 2160N.4th. Ph. 8377. NORGERefrirator $75. 1380 Jef ferson. CAMP Adair Bldg. 25x54 ft. $750. in sections to move. Complete with Windows Inquire 1232 Com l. LAD1E5 white roller rink shoe skates, size 8. plus carrying case. Ph. 21614. 1165 Cross Street. GRAPES, several varieties, 3c, you rlck. Ph. 2-2282. FOR SALE or Trade: Fordson trac tor on steel or rubber, and one 2-sec-tlon harrow, also one 2 -sect ion spring tooth harrow. Rt. 1. Box 172A, Aums ville. 3'a miles East of Shaw, 1st yavel road to right. WOOD Furnace. All pipes go with it. Cheap. 286 S. 16th. DAVENO. fair condition, "ood sani tary cot. child's plav pen. walker, navy P coat, tmall. 2096State. "LARGE Oil circulator "with two fans, or will take small oil circulator on trade. Ph. 6072. RESTAURANT Elec. range k auto. eJegjrUIPh 21140, NICHOLS Riding tractor k culti vator 4", HP. Used 12 hrs. Price $475 this week only. Ph. 2-4211. J'l YbUNGjwhjte Jacebeef. Ph. 2-2639 ANTIQUE homespun wool coverlet, white homespun wool blanket. French Havtland chop platter. 425 N. 23rd St. REGISTERED Corriedale young rain. 2 Oliver 12-inch walking plows, Mon tag circulator wood heater, electric radiator heater, heavy stock saddle made to order, registered Cocker pup. female, white arid light tan. curlv. Ed. Collins, Aumsville Telephone Of fice. WILL GIVE away kitten to some nice little girl. 1456 Chemeketa. RADIO Tube tester and "condenker checker. Volt Ohmeter. tubes, etc. 666 N. Summer. . RADIO Ac Phonograph combination. 875. Call evenings. 246 S17th. EXCELLENT wood range $60. Also wood heater $15. 1987 Fairgrounds R(L ALL-STEEL Factory built" trailer. Good tires. Rte. 5, Box 252, Salem, Ore gon, v For Sale Miscellaneoni l.ARUE Wood elrrulatur heater. Ph. l-4Sft3 Specials While They Last Large 3 drawer chest $16.95 Desks 16.95 Corner Cabinets 22.95 Beds 10.95 We can save you money on 'unfin ished furniture. We have all kinds. Toev's Furniture 1550 Fairgrounds JRd. Alfalfa Hay TruckDeliveryJ Call 2-1196 LARGE STEEL safe. 3-lumbler comb, lock on outer door. Heavy steel in built strong box with 4-tumbler comb. lock. Wt. 1 ton. Roen. 456 Cou rt . BABY BUGGY like new. $28. 330 S. 14th. Apt. 3. SET OF Community Plate dinner- ware. Adams pattern. 3 sterling knives & forks Chippendale pattern, 20 Cze choslovaks amethys glass Teardrop prisms. Fpstoria red glass goblets and sherbets. Pair of suede shoes, size Sj AAAA. scarcely worn. Ph. 8920. JSPlECE bdrm. set ' $69.50 5-piece bdrm. set $119.95 Gateleg tables .. $9.25 $9.73 8-piece walnut dining rm. set 879.50 Single bed k spring 89.75 DuoTherm oil heater 837.50 Chests $6 35 to $13.95 STATE ST. FURNITURE 1900 State St. Ph.7598 Large oak roll top desk, quarter saw ed oak, excellent condition. Roen, 456Court. SALEM SCREEN SHOP Windows and sash. Frames, storm sash, screens mad to order. Glass replacement and general cab inet work 1444 So 12th Ph. 2-5574 3 COCKER Spaniel pups $3 a $l6. 1275 6thSt.. West Salem STORE WIDE 4TH ANNIVERSARY SALE IS to 25r off on all items STEWARDS DEPT. STORE 263 No. Coml. St. FOR SALE: Washing machine, mat tress andgwprlngs, RCA radio. 2 men'a bicycles and2gaheaters. Ph-61I6. Strawberry plants At plants. 5c each. Mrs. Sprong. 2505 Bluff, corner of Vista Bt Bluff. Phone 2-3143. "TODA FS"GREAT SPIN ET PlANO The Baldwin Acrosonic A variety of styles and finishes. We also have several fine practice pianos. Stone Piano Co. "Th vallev's finest piano store" 1540 Fairgrounds Hd. (Corner of N Cottage 1 NEW SEASON skipper red coat, de tachable inter-linlng. size 10. Call 7450 evenings. 4 BARN rash windows and frames, 34x21. Call 7450 evenings. DAVENPORT and club chair slip covered in lovely chintz brown floral pattern. Stangl pottery dishes, fire place andirons, pictures, slipper chair. Call 7450 evenings. WOOD RANGE! COILS. Excellent condition, no tin. Price reasonable. Ph. 109F13 7"CU7FT. deep freezer. Best offer. 157 S. Winter. Apt. 22 Eves, after 8 pm. . MAN'S BICYCLE. $20. 157 S. Winter St. Apt. 22. Eves, after 8 p.m. WE HAVE purchased a partly furn. house so have these pieces for sale: Loirge size Coleman oil circulator with 50 gal. drum full of oil. $65; white enamel Marshall-Wells cook stove with coils. 830: 2-burner hotplate (cost 827.50) will sell for S5: 6-ft. ply wood wardrobe, a dandy. $12.50; near ly new dial telephone, desk type. $25: Van Dorn 8 quick saw with case, small Sun-Flame oil circulator, 8 mm. derr tifle. SbO. 930 N. Coml. MONARCH electric" range."! ovens". New burners. Good cond. 860 Union St. Ph6178. AIR COMPRESSOR. $65. Brlggs Stratton Motor 830. Model T radiator $5, '30 model Chev. radiator. Large truck frame. 22 ft. long. $20. '32 Buick B rear end and trans.. $15. '28 Chev. radiator. Rt. 9. Box 121. about 3x mi. E. on Cenrer St. JUST RECEIVED Steel Fence Posts 6, 7 and 8 ft. studded with wire clip fasteners SEARS FARM STORE Phone 9192 or 6333 173 S. Liberty LAKESIDE "Piano. RebuUt7Perfect Iv balanced action. Deep, rich tone. S265. 930 down. 610 a month. A snap. Shop TsUmans a save. 3S5 S; 12th. SUN (ultraviolet)," heat (infrared) lamps. Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY HOSPITAL beds, wheel chfs. Rent. Max Buten.Jh. 7775745 Court St. WHINGER ROLLS AND "SERVICE All makes washers. Van's Comer, 601 Edgewster. E. H. Ellis. Formerly with Nelson Bros. Phone 6931 DELIVERED Chfeken ranch ferti lizer from the batteries, no litter. 819 per load, approx. 2 yds. 378 J, Dallas. GRAPES 3c. you pick. 3 miles Wal lace Road. 1 mile North Bend River Road, Rt. I, Box191A. A;E. Pelker. GAS Circulator heater, practically new. Ph 4608. THOMPSON Piano. Plain mahogany case. Sweet resonant tone. Rebuilt. 3285. $35 down. 810 a month. Tall man's 395 S. 12th. "A Miie from High Prices." "FOR SALE or Trade: Furniture. Wood stove oil stove, radios, nut drver k several cans, of dark paint. Will trade. What have you? Ph. 6821. 1694 N . Coml. J-MAN Crosscut saw. 767 N. 18th. GRAPES good for Juice. Ph. 22033. FOR SALE BY OWNER Fine Italian Renaissance dining room set (table. 6 chain, buffet, china cupboard), dining room rug, modern Westinghouse electric range. 1 good five-piece bedroom suite. Possession by November 1. Call 8105 or 5088 for inspection. HOUSEHOLD furniture including 1947 7 cu. ft. Gibson refrig.. linoleum, etc Rt. 9, Box 148, 'i mi. past Auburn school. BABYSTROLTER and solid oak dinelte set. 396 Park Ave. SIZE 38 short. Oxford grey suit. $J5 2040 N. 18th. CONCORD GRAPES. 5c per lb. f. Weisum. Rt. 8. Box 958, 's mile West of Keizer school. MINK BOARDS. Ph. 4531. WAR SURPLUS store, 1351 Hovt St. Storage tents 16x32 k 16x50. Elec tric heaters, portable, wall and ceil ing types. Electric water heaters. 32. 42, 52 gal., also table top models. Elec tric house wire, boxes k switches, en trance cable, ranee cable. Bunk beds and mattresses. Wash basins. 2 drawer 28"x46" office desks $25.00. 2x3' study tables $3.00. Folding radio, typewriter or bedside tables $1 .25 to $1.75. Sleep ing bags, wool and kapoc. New fold ing metal chairs 82 60. Quick drying shingle paint $1 60 gal. South Citv Line between S. 12th k SPRR. HoytSt, USED CHROME "dinette sets! $ pieces. , $39 50. Used wing-back club chair in excellent cond, $23.50. Used davenport suite with wmgbosrd club chair. 810. 4-piece bdrm. suite. 850. Oil range In excellent cond., 887.50. Round oak table. 85. Used roll-top desk. $25. Used vacuum cleaners. 86. Glenn Woodry Furniture Market, 1605 N. Summer. TWO FIELD Jackets, one wooTTUned. One army raincoat. 1407 N. Winter St. or phone 5778 "FOR SALE: Mont-Ward piston pump. 250 gals, per hr. with a tank and Coleman gas htr.. trailer house siie. Call after 5:30 p.m.. box 400 Kap phahn rd., A. D. Breneman. Wanted b urniture GOOD Used wssh mashlne St sewtng machine PhJ2-551L 594 N Liberty. " USED FURNITURE Phone 8110 WANl To Buy Used Cameras a tenses. McEwan Photo Shop, 433 Stat. Wanted Furniture FURNITURE and what have you bought for cash. Call any time. Run. da I Exchange. Ph. 1-8311. $94 N. Ub- LVf- USED FURNITURE Ph $185 CASH lo used piano k other mu sical instruments. Call 4641 days or 9537 evenings or send desert ptiod to jaqiuui musm Co, 181 B. High. Wanted -III if cenneou TOY REPAIRING Tricycles, dolls. etc. lAisiom ouiit oaoy ana doll turn. Ph. 26727. 197'iS.Coml. WANTEDTTea wagon in good con dition, with drop leaf and under neath tray. Write Miss Hartwlg, Ore gon College of Education. Monmouth, uregon. LIVESTOCK WANTED, all kinds. Earl Du Chien. Call 21656. OIL CIRCULATORS Bought. Sold. Exchanged and re pair - ed. Phone sotz. PIANO TUNING Wills Music Store. Salem Wanted : General Elec tric Apartment Size Stove. Call 7450 evenings. WANTED party to do Needle-point piece. Ph. 25565. OTR"PPOffTTnnYr' Hae thi Garment Bazaar sell your clean used ladles at choldren s apparel. 13J0 sag inaw. Sold on consignment. Miscellaneous NURSERY-Klndergarten. Part or all day. Fireplace room 1st Congrega tional Church. Contact ; Mrs. Mac- rJ-wrJLrh- 3660day s, J-5677ve PIANO STUDIO Frederick Wilson. 1531 Market. Ph. 24598. ""Taxidermist. 2330 Br'dway. Ph. 24554. Mattresses Capital Bed Co Ph 4069 n&UTTCNHLMdePhr 22168, MEN'S HATS' "cleaned and blocaed SI "O LEW SPRINGER 464 Court "W Repair ail "makes of sewing machines. Work guaranteed. Free estimates. Singer Sewtng Machine Co., 130 N. Coml. Phone 3S12. Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads Clearing Ditching Sewer A Basement Equipment Rental 13 B-'i yds. $12.00 per hr. 10 B-i yds. 9 80 per hr D-7 Cat k Doier 9 80 per hr. D-8 Cat Dozer 840 per hr D-4 Cat Doxer 7 00 per hr. Phon Davs 940 Evenings 824$ or 24400 Salem, Oregon PLUMBING Supplies, water systems, electric and gaa auto ma tie water, heat era, genera) repair work Decatur 4s Maerx. 173 So Coml Phone 6223 DJ DOZER Work; Call 2-66fiT George M. Cooper. AUTO painting, lust a shad better By Ray ETTEft Call Shrock Motor ColMJ Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Brine or Mafl Your Plates for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER, DENTIST Adolph Bldg.. Stste ar Com Ph 3311 LEAiiN to sew. New classes in oressmaklng or home decorations now starting. Enroll now. Singer Sewing Machine Co.. 130 N. Coml. Ph. 3511 WATER WELL drilling. Domestic or Irrigation. Duffield Bros. Rt 9. Box 423 Phone 2-1313. W EA THER-strips. Pullman. Ph. 5965 Financial $ $ MONEY $ f 4' REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. i Lie. S 216 M 223 See Us For Attractive Farm Loans ONLY 4 INTEREST 9 TO 40 YEARS and NO commission! Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State Street Phon 9281 Money to Loan EXTRA CASII Extra Fast If you're short of cash, get $29 t $300. or up to 8500 on auto, from Praonar the company that likes to say "Yes" to loan requests. Loans on signature, auto, truck, or furniture. No co-signers are required. If you need cash, phone or com in TODAY. Personal Finance Co. $1$ SUte St.. Rm. 129 Ph. S191 E. GalUnger. Mgr. Lie. MISJ S123 General Finance Corp. offers money at one on ears, trucks furniture, trailer bouses, livestock, farm marcbinety; contracts refinanced aad additional money advanced No co -signers. Genersl Finance Is locally owned and officered; was organized In 1927 and therefor knows and can help throughout th repaying of a loan Ap plications for loans mad by phon 138 South Commercial St. Salens ! Phone: 9168 Licenses S IM at M-33S Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. STH FLOO It "GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N M 159 8 154 FARM and CTfTTXdANS 4s and 9 Tour own terms of repayment with in reason. Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Phon 7182 For Rent -Rooms NICE Sleeping rm. for 1 or 1 emp. men. No drinkers. 877 S. Coml. QUILT, Clean sleeping rm. for man. New twin bed large closet, near bus a restaurant. 1095 N. 6th St. CLEAN LP. rm. for working man. 704 N. Cotta ge LARGE Sleeping rm. suitable for S. 555 Center St. SLP."" Rms. 1417 N. Liberty. Ph! 21576 l. SLFI Rm.. gent, preferred. 1151 Waller St Ph 25968. SLPT RnT Elderly" business lady. 666 S. Summer. CLEAN SLTEPLNG rooms for clean men 2033 McCoy Ph 6093 "HOT AND "COLD waterTPrlvate en trance, men only. 2623 Brook SL HEATED SLEEPING rm, 2131 Cen- HlEEPinG RM75Wyr20thhf403f. T"RMTTURN. cottage. Ph. 26618. WELL FURN. sip. rm. Close In. Men only. 732 Center St. Room and Board ROOM and board with a nutritionist. 883 N. Winter. ""BOARD a ROOM in home. Elderly ladies. Ph. 8-403 evenings; 2570 Ma ple Ave. For Rent Apartments COTTAGES by day, week or month. 3580 S. Com'l. UNFURN ISHED 2nd floor apt. I rooms at bath, middle aged or work ing couple preferred. J 163 S. Liberty. "SMALL FURN. apt. Private bath. 1 blocks to P.O. Quiet woman. $45. Write Statesman Box 667. For Rent Ilonses 2 RM. Partly furn. cabin suitable for 2. 1255', 6th St.. West Salem. For Rent Ilonses HOME, rent free for couple t Change lot house wetk. Ph. MIS. For Rent ASK Vntir TlnAn eh.Wk.l Tt. to make them like new again. Rent OUr h it'll ln1 flAn, .anAi . edg i. Howser Bros, 802 Edsewater. Ph. 3646. : "PAINTS$iar electric guiv R. Boon Chemical Co. Ph. 1-1491. 81 Madison St.f FOR RALE r Rent: l50ftTro7T age by 323 ft deep, with t but Id in could be used for garage, store or j other business. Loca'ed 4 miles Nona on 99E Hiway. Inq Lake Labtrh Ca rage. TRAILER space, modern park, free laundry privileges, reasonable rates. -3580 S. Commercial. HERE are some time savers: Roto , lller garden tractor. Skiisaws. da i and belt senders, paint sprayers. ! plumbing tools, man., others. How-er i Bros.. 602 Edgewster. Ph 364$. TRAILER space, clein. modern, oa i bus. Close InllSSJSstlu i TRAILERS 75c first hr. oc nrs. following Woodry's MkU 1603 H. Summer -nojOTStifr" I ATMOTCaYS. Ozone Good ' health. Rent-seH H C Pueh. 884 N 17 4692. U-DkfVE TRUCKS TOH SENT". Jr'iLiJnertir P. 9082. FLOOR Sander elei rToor" ioTwhVr and lawn roller, weed burner. Rawlin Hardware, th UarshaU Walla stor. Wntrd to Rent "n. 5666. APT. by emp. mother and 16 yr. old son. A-l references. Ph. 2-4V38 va. COUPLE With mall H.r. 1 or two bedrm. house in or near Salem. rermanemiy empiored Call Breckrn rldge at Chemawa or Ph. 5486 VETERAN and i ife ma children I de sire furnlsJied ant s-Mn.. r--n and be.t of rare Call 7217 or 8216. business E5cri'tTfve -k rz 3 bedrm. house. Guaranteed refs. I'd to Sloo. Ph. 6173. rnriH-r Ar.rvt k. J-... i. bedrm. unfurnished house immediate ly, iters, rnon nij or writ: lie Peace St. r rc.fViCctnnf1 t.:j ..;-rt rr- Iti ina naml mr aK 4a - a i.u.X J bed room hrrrt: will leaa mnH option io ouy. ixctUMtTtftrtfatok r lisjitsg igrcs; GOVT." Employ wife desire ap Ph 59SS VETERXN' and wf iteed turn. t or houa. WU1 be per-i sma unfurn apt niartent Ph. FURNISHED Apt for 1 wiwking iris, ae 20 PUaaa rm'.l StSt K- 6 P M bdrm. houa in Hollywood diat. Must have oil or gas heat for asthmatic child , Will be permanent. Ph Sissa to Salem. Need 2-3 bedroom unfurn ished house immediately. Refs. Write Statesman Box 880. WANtrn 4 Mam first tfwi .r....- ment unfurnished, or sms':l house. Three adultsEarl Woods. Ph. 2-1365. working mother !one"with s small children need small house or apt Ph. 5323 mornings. For Sale Real Estate JOE HUTCHISON. REALTOR PHONE 7894 CLOSE IN Drive hv 741 Winl.r K. and call us for an appC to see this 4 bdrm. mod. older horn, fireplace. 53x165 lot. on wij at, paved alley. Don't wait too long. 3 BEDROOM MODERN KINGWOOD HEIGHTS. Laree lot. imaii lrx with a view. $8500.00. S. SALEM lovely new $ rm. home, ranch tvoe. lee. lot with wi w -?, cash and assume 87000 mortgage. Payta, $40 per mo, inc. tnt at . Joe Hutchison, Realtor 453 Court St. Phones 7696-; Eves. 2-4788. 1-3141. 2-4691 "$L700 DOWN" Buys this 2 bdrm noma In Keiier Dist, att garag. cloee to school and Bus. I mm. Poa. - OI.on and Reeve. Realtors 945 S. CornT St. Ph. 4390; Eve 2-583 VtS -T-i s ' m Mm.' t X " 1 mwuenn 9-iun... numt. a ojt. rre nlae. ml fiinuM V kim4 u ur floors. weatnrstrippd 85U9 wortl raspberries and 123 s. neni in Pt ced risht Ph. 24211. new 2 bedrm hSMIV hw oil bed. aaraae, laif luL 8SM0. The Real Estate Market 433 N. Hlsh St. Phon J479f 810JSOO. 2 BDftM HONZ U EntTU Dst.. hwd firs, fir place. V. Btu, oil heat. North Fror.t. good terms. . , Olson and Reeve, Realtor 943 S. Coml St. Ph 4590; Ev 1-5834) voiiuiafcii umiivixiun (Keizer District) ' New 2 bedroom hout Living room dinette kitchen utilitr room with electric water-heater laundry trays automatic neat. Attached garage walks and drivewav. Lot 80 x 122 ivh soil. Full price 88000 00. Extra lots may be bought if desired. Two block so City Bus. Immediate possession. A bra nis & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg. Phone aaia Insurance Mtg. Loan CHAS. HUDKINS & SON $8000 New 4 room -horn located near Four Corners, Gas floor furnace, rang and water heater, beiuliful floors and Inlaid linoleum. Bath tub and shower. Large garage. Deep well, 'i acre of fine land. , $5950 T room house with 2 lots. Garage, strswberftes. bcsutU ful flowers, paved comer. The extra lot can be sold to make a smaller investment In your home. 6 ACRES B room home, like new. Full hasmt, oil furnace, deep well, year round creek. chlcH house. Beautiful lawn and shrubs, fruit and nun p..m1 road. 4 miles to city center. CHAS. HUDKINS & SON REALTORS 250 N. High EC Phone 2-412S ADVERTISING -Western Advertising Representatives Ward-Griffith Com rtrrilh company, fltm Francisco Eastern Advertising Representatives Ward-Griffith Company, tne. Chicago. New York. Detroit, Boston. Atlanta Member Pacific Coast Division Bureau of Advertising entered at (he PostoffW t la lem, Orepon as Xscond CUas Ma$ ttr Published every a Mitg sa eept Mowtaw Ba efsc SUt South Commercial Strees, SUBSCRIPTION RATES Man tuhscrtptlosi Rauss tn Ad vance: Within Oreeon: Daily and Sunday. 4o 00 certU. aaoa, $8 ISj 1 year. .$ oa Elsewhere as null pe me. or $1 20 for 1 year ka advaacea Per copy 8 cents. By City Carrier. TS eanta a month, $8 00 a year ta advanoe aa ar and adjacead eount.a.