ITho Statesman, Salem, Oregon, Saturday. Octobw 11. 1947 1 fea tb. Ctreeit Caart f the Slats ef Oregon for Marios Ceaaty Probate Department N. 11. MI In the Matter of th Guardianship of 11ERIX WILLIAM BUBDICK, a Minor. CITATION Ta: Cynthia Diana Burdick Arnold, mother and guardian of said minor Mi the State of New York, and all others whom it mar concern: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You. and each of you. arc hereby req aired to appear in the above entitled Court and cause, on the 12th Oay of November. 1947. at the hour of ten o'clock AM. of Mid day. at the Circuit' Coutt Room In the C ounty Court House at Salem. In Marlon County. Orefon. to show cause why an order should not be granted for the sale of the interest in real property be longing to the estate of the above named minor., to-wit: An undivided 1lMh intereit in the following premises: Fraction of Lot No. C In Block No. ; 34 in University Addition to the City of Salem. Marion County. Oregon. Described as beginning at the North east corner of said lot and running thence Southerly along the East line of said lot to the Southeast corner f the same: thence Westerly along the South line of said lot 59 feet: thence Northerly at right angles to the South- line of said lot to the North line of said lot: thence Eat erlv along the North line of said lot 39 "feet to the place of beginning, be ing the Easterly 99 feet of Lot No. 6 in Block Noi 34 of University Addi tion to the jCity of Salem,. Marion Countv. Oregon. WITNESS the Honorable E. M. Page. Circuit Judge, with the seal of the above entitled Court affined at Salem. Oregon, tills 10th day o( October. 1947. : H. A. JUDD (Court Seal! : County Clerk By T. L. Hamilton, Deputy. OU-18-25-N1 NOTICE OF BEAMING ON FINAL ACCOUNT Notice to hereby given that the final rrount 'of PIONEER TRUST COM PANY, a administrator of the estate of SALLY BUSH, deceased, has been filed in the Circuit Court of Marion Countv. Oregon and that the 15th day of October. 147. at the hour of ten orlnrk a. m has been duly appointed by such court for the hearing of ob jections to such final account for the settlement tnereor ai wnicn uow ' person In said esUte may appear and file objections thereto In writing and contest the same. Dated and first published Septem fetrT 13 ISM 7 PIONEER TRUST COMPANY, as such administrator. tw of first bubllcation: Sept. 13. 1947. Date of last publication: Oct. 11. 1947. JOHN A. HELTZEL iiwm for Administrator Salem. Oregon. S 13-20-28-O 4-11 Livestock and Pont try FOR SALE: 1 black A white saddle wares 7 yrs. old. Gentle, smooth riders. $20 each. 4310 Silverton Rd. fh 2-1756 MEAT: 2 yr old Guernsey heifer. K I Jennings. Call MZ ' v-B fiff. r.ii,rnt.v family eow. elves about 3 gala. day. fresh since April, i 47. N. R. Gydesen Box 425R. Salem. "TOR SALE: Nice sorrel . saddle snare. Light ; man A UiL Ph. 22361 Hansen Ave " felfAtTTtrTfL i.i Arabian filly 1 yr. Id white vith brown spots. To trade for a good Jersey milk cow or a 13 months old Jersey heifer to trade a a rood Jersev milk cow.Rt. Box 285. Ph. 23043. . mile south of Fmitland church. n&RESSED Young turkeys: fresh young cow. ; phone z-zmz. N. H. hens. Ready to lay. Ph 24425. "WLS"TF-0: Old horse and calve bui table for fur feed. Ph. 2-3081 iro& Sale, chrism n H baby hicks every Wed Boytngtona, 3718 State St Phone 490 "kANftu: All atoas of cattle, fat fcors. sow a boar. At your farm or delivered. Market price. E C McCand Hah. Rt. 8. Box 233. across from Waters Ball Park on 2S St Ph 8147 CUSTOM dresamg ol chickens, any atiiinh Pmmnt servlca. Dressed Doul- trv wholesale our specialty. Phone 1-261 Lee's Hatchery. WANTED: All Kinds of catti and fcogs. Will call at farm, writ i i Knethen. 1550 Lancaster Drive- Ph. SI 345 mom or eve ' hi&IiesY ClJALlTY CttlcKS Ne namocbires and White Rocks. 100 tree of putlorum. Hatches every Toes lay. Send for free catalog Wilson' fcateherv Poultry Farm Lvnn urt """WING'S Rabbitry pays top price for fryer rabbits., im biate si. r-n- KFW Hamoehlre baDV Chicks. Start' ad chicks a older pullets always avall- ble Ph 2261. Lee sHatcnery Fdft SALE: Wcaner pies from re artered Duroc Jersey. Julius Gehrtng, Silverton Rt. 3. Phone Black 193. BULL, service cv artificial insem- tnatioo- Sires from the best of blood tinea. Reasonable foe All work per onaDv auDerviaed by licensed vet- oruuu-lana Salem Artlfical Ineemlna- tea Station. Ph. asa. Help Wanted WOOL Preiser, man or woman. Kennedy" City Cleaning Works, 1249 State. ' ' WAN'tCTrnirpTckertw Ph. 8211 anonUngs. ' Help Wanted Male ' MAN to Uke car of horses and aWi chorea around small place a f hours a day. 4319 Silverton Rd. Ph, 3-7756 - THE National Cash Register Co. will train young then for mechanical inspector. Must be single, high school graduate. 30 to 25 yrs. old. Good pay while learning See Mr. Healy, The National Cash Register Co, 823 Games. ALL-ROUSD good mechanic. Good , proposition. Apply in person to Dones Vy s Motor Clinic, 898 N. Liberty. BfWYER and ratchet setter for small mill. Ph. 7721. E3P7Clblhing salesman. Apply 387 gtate. MAN. between 25 at 35 yrs. of age and with car. Sales experience necessary. Apply tn person. Singer Sewing Ma Chine Co, 130 N. Commercial St. E3ERIENCED" service salesman. Steady employment, excellent work ing conditions Dodge and Plymouth stealer. Stan Baker Motor. Ph. 4119. . Help Wanted Female DISHWASHER and waitress for night shift. Closed Tuesdays. Apply after $ P.M. Chinese Tea Garden. 162' N. Coml ; - REC?EPT16NIST in orofestlonal of- ftce. Must knowledge of book keeping A typing Salary $200 mo. o hour week. Reply giving full par ticulars to Statesman Box 682. "ftFLlABLE Baby sittefTTh. 3971. EXPERIENCED waitress. Day shift K. Sun. i Bright Spot Cafe. 375 N. brgh. i MTDDLE Aged lady for light house work, mostly as a companion for lady or gentleman.' mutt be close In, lequires salary. Phone $441 or call at 464 g. Rural Ave. SALES LADY tTNDER 39 FOR ESTAB. JEWELRY STORE. SOME TYPING EXPER. PERM. POSITION. EX CELL. OPPORTUNITY. TOP SALARY. v Phone 5510' WANTED; Experienced woman cook tor student group. Ph. 5211 mornings. CHAMBERMAID, experience prefer red. Write Statesman Box 684. i There are approximately 180, 000 species in the family of beetles, , the largest si ngie order in the animal kingdom. The English channel was first crossed by sir in 1785 when a French balloonist went from Eng land to France, Help Wanted Female EXPERIENCED typist with general office experience. Salem Steel 4c Sup ply, in court St. MATURE woman, alert, fast typist for permanent position with possibili ties of good pay. Resident of Salem preferred. Ph. 8273. WOMAN between 30 ana M yrs. to helo In house, help with 3 children. $40. board, private room and private bath. 430 N. summer. Salesmen Wanted POSITION ooen for an energetic young man in an established real es tate office. Must have a car. Box 683. Statesman. Situations Wanted Dressmaking k alterations. Ph. 8381. FOREfficient Rototiller work call Jennings Poultry Farm. Ph. 5429. HlGHSchoolboy wants Job after school k Saturdays. Ph. 22549. HIGH school girl desires housework or baby sitting after school and Sat urday. Ph. 26340 HOUSEKEEPER or companion posi tion desired, preferably In childless home, by refined elderly lady. Free to travel. May be interviewed at ioi 23rd. PAINTING and decorating Work I ruaranteed. Ph. 3193. GIRL who Is high school graduate I would like position a receptionist. Can do tvbing. Rt. I. Box 739. Cement contracting, patching. Z4731. Painting & Decorating 28 yr. beautifying home in Salem. Ph. 7552. A. L. Chaplin. INSUREDTREE SERVTCE' Topping, etc. Estimates gladly given. JUHIM MINE, fHOlME 3-PU14 Cement contracting Phona I 2.3(145 Stantev Fare DRESSMAKING. Phone 2-8153. Hollvwood Transfer For local and lone distance haullnc I Pickuo and movine. Trailer for rent. I Ph. 9764. Burton s Mobile Station. DRAWING Designing House and store plans, rn. nezi. ATTENTION KEIZER RESIDENTS Kelrer Sanitation Service. Ph. 25R24. ALTtRATlONSdone,"Can25574 or 1444 S. 12th St Plowing 4 discing. Light butfdoting. Ph. 2-2773. PR UNINCr Lawn, park or cemetery work. Ph. 7558. 1150 N. Church. CURTAINS Washed A. stretched. 365 S 22nd. Mr. B. Lleske. Ph. 28343. - CRAIG refrigeration service. Ph. 24477 HOUSEWORK or washing and Iron- ing i;an Bi4. i W . O T-v I i aiiiuii u iccumiuii; l VTV pmil t7 TV rvrrRtOn I 2-5444 DICK OREY 6265 Al J UV.,rk m,rmr,l-A Wliwlnaia I wall, woodwork cleaned Floor wax- I ed. Insured workmen Professional Cleanlne Service Phone 4457 ""WANTED: Furniture to glue and repslr. Le Bros. Ph. 31233. Mike's Septic Service 1079 Elm. West Salem Ph. 9468 or 8327 Painting - Contract or by the hour. Spray or brush. PAUL BASSETT Rt 6 Box 363 Phrme t-tXM Painting and paperhanging. 4323. WOULDOke to bid on your spray hid on vour aorav painting. Your paint or our. Phone 4246. M L. Gotten berg. 1450 N 19th St painter and PapernanKer. Reason able price Pre estimates. H. J Wood worth Ph 3015 PieSchoot Playschool. 1381 Ph Stat Ares 2-8 Part or all day 8430 EXPERT-Repairs. New rolls. Olson washer Repair, ao uoerty m. rn. 25100. Snrav Paintinz Ralph Alsman. 1720 Lancaster Dr Phone 2-4248. Septic Tanks Cleaned K. T. Bamel. 1143 8th. West Salem Phone 7404 PAINTING at Papernanging W Q Crowly. 857 Shipping Phone 9513 CHIMNEY sweep Nnrthness ph 4450 J SHINGLING and lathing: Staples Bros. Ph. aioz or ZB7B3. TUTORING for elementary and tuninr hleh school rrades. Phone 7890. IRONiNG most reasonably (3on. Give us a Try. 481 Ferry '. CUSTOM plowing. 20 acres or more, SO h. p. Diesel with 6 disc plow. North west Heavy Ecu J. Co. .2-5163. 3 ml. South WE. For .Sale Miscellaneous LIGHT Meters: New. Weston $25 De Jur $18. Write Don Re Villa at 660' Marion SHEETHock $50 per thousand, de- livered in lots of 4000. Ph. 2-1583. I SEWING Machines repaired, bousht. rented. W. Davenport Ph. 7671. Work jum,m,iix;xni. . SIMPSON 20 ft cabin cruiser, ex- " ' ' ' " - " " r.""" W draw. Eastern white oak frame. 1 cedar Pinking Built In 1940 and pow- arawi with aiitnmnh 11 anfflna A ten I trailer. Stored near Corvailis. ConUct Jack Porter, 137 8. 2nd, Corvallls, Ore. BRbWN wood" circulator. Toanr. 18th. Call evenings. ti xtr L' c :i ins v rrfc n .uiri idi I I THE GLENN WOODRY FURNITURE I IET. 1605 N. Summer. 1. now of- is ABirrr f.Hn nw Anvmnnm n all itilM at a ..... . M i I m..r.r...;-':x:;: week only. ' IEL "Timberhog" power saw. Model r nw a- hap mnA rh.ln molnr mm. letelv nverhatllMi Inatiire Cahin Nn . Terminal Bar-B-Q. 3 miles south or saiem on Hignway m. FOTXER BTushes 1745 Grant P 8357 used Com l Refrigeration: BARGAIN 8 triple glass Frigidslra meat - case. 8 xe waix-in cooler 'i n.p. compres sor practically new. A very good buy. Mills' 2'i gal. freezer. New 6 ft meat cat, triple glass. R. U. tif- strom Co.. 340 Court Street. Ph. 9221. ELECTRlC room healers, radiant, team, and fan. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY STUDENTS fluorescent desk lamps Y ATER APPLIANCE CO. BLACK skunk coat size-!! $5doT best offer. Call 9821. COTFEE makers and replacement; parts. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY U'E BOY oil circulators, wood ranges, elec. and gas stoves, sewing machines elec. motor, washlne ma chines and used frunltur. 13 St. Fur niture. Ph. 7141. SEE the Gibson tractor. You ride, plow. disc, soring tooth harrow, cul tivators, dozer -blade. Available now L C. Miller. RickrealL Ore. Ph, Dallas I2F6. John Hancock. 3895 Rivercrest Ph. Salem 3-4280. RADIOS, and record pla'ye ers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY . ... i- I l nun auwiiwiv wai ut v- r. YEATER APPLIANCE LOMMWI "SELECT Your Xmas gifts now., i EAi Ln Ai-ruAni.1. TARMALL F-20 tractor on rubber. I" goon cond. Robert M Hulst, Rt 8. Box M7 pn ziiza. ; ARM ERS Attention- Electric but ter churns, milk coolers, fence . con trollers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 1947 SEftVEE Refrigerator (kero sene burning). I'.'t cu. ft., used 3 mo. Cost $395. Rt. 1. Jefferson. L. T. Morris. Phone 597. "TRL'S White Bunny fur coat trim- med in green size 14; brown bunny mat trimmed In red. size 5-8: red velvet hat A muff set: tan camel hair coat ize 10; brown coat 14. Gold coat size iz. pn. 73eo. lMPRCVEDCbrvallls and Marshall strawberry plants. Phone 21056, GOOD Wood circulator. Ph. 2-1019. 32 REMINGTON Automatic rifle. Ammunition. Ph. 3931 or 7216, FOX" Fur Jacket Size 14. $207Ph. "t'TiinK! A ..:.. ..t l. n. wa A aou a cv uii.v w.m fluorescent lighting fixtures. JfEATES APPLiANCkV COMPANY For Sale Miscellaneous JUST RECEIVED Steel Fence Posts y lor. .111 I o,.. ana o 11. siuuuea wun wire cii lantciiciB SEARS FARM STORE Phone 9192 or 8333 173 S. Liberty WESTINGHOUSE electric refriger ator, 20 cti. ft. ideal for restaurant, gro cery store, club house, Urge farm house. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY CLOCKS, wall, mantle, and alarm. Door chimes. YFATER APPLIANCE COMPANY PRESSURE COOKERS, 4 aU tot cooking. 18 qt. for canning. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Coal 12 T. Man's watch $15. 22456". LOOK WHAT'S HERE! New S pc. chrome dinette sets with 32 inch by 45 Inch plastic top ext. ta ble with 10 inch sleeve; also 4 hl-qual- ity chrome chairs. Your choice of col ors for only These sets originally e xime i imnj om bargains at the Glenn Woodry Furni ture Market, 1605 N. Summer St. IMEDlUMue oU circulator $45. 1495 B Rt. Ph. 4363. APPLES: Delicious arwl fipitien- berg. North on 99E to Hayesvillel tore. Turn left, firt house on left. Sver'-lnLlen?' T'L i Alil r t i I 1-Lr- n,, lh vmi niolr nn W t I ,-1 'i"'LMU7. 7i, , u7iL ol 'r."'n7l . I I VT- "' ':T" . I -toeAM " . I uiuovn a isvwi m rv4 iiyKserii l at-a 3265 Av- Pb 3840 S Ir W 5" Revolver perfect. 440 Colt 5 Revolvei fine. 8MM Mauser sporter - with K2 J5 Weaver It Ammo. 06 Str. Sotrrwith K2.5 Wever ar Ammo. NEW L C. Smith Dbl. Bb 12 gauge Field Grade at spl. price. Model 75 Win. Sptr with K4 Weaver new. 97 Win. Don Madison. 2o No CaDllnl "iONJAHenlejHice skates. iioC ood conrt , $10. 323 W. Wilson St. OR KALE or Tr rrade: Used lava tor v t-d bath tub. Lockhart, 3535 Silver! ton ltd., saicm. ETECTRTd EYlf' eomnUt Chf?5 PROTECTOR, like new. NEON SIGN. double faced 4'v6". cas. oil 4- tires. 1 Don Madison. 268 No. Canttol. I WILL Buy. sell or trade guns I ammo, uon Maamon.zoo no. capitoi. I MUaKnAT Coat Size 33 bust. 34 in. I lone. $zu. rn z-zii3 eveaa or Sun, DEAGAN Marimba. Ph. 5855 RUG ft. 10n. xT2 ft. Tan back aTOUnd. With Dad. 2250 4K. th. MAN'S Suit. new. all wool., size 33, 1930 Hazel Ave LARGE Estate ti...J. ' I new. Also tubing A J10 gal. tank, very I reasonable. Ph.'109F13 FYSicTclesruseU4 mo. Good Pfern Stangl pottery dlehes. fire i new. Also lawn mower. Rt 3, P11? nd'ron' P'ure-!llDper chmlri as Box 958A, Salem. "ZENITH Console radio. 219 S. High. RESTAURANT type electric ranged commercial griddles. Ln i i,n nrri.iniiv.ii wmrAJl I MAKE your own recordings on a Wilcox Gay Record io. ; YE . PO; YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY rUKTAoLE electric clothes washers. ideal for apartment or trailer house, YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY PLASTI-KOTE. the cellophane-like iinisrt i or your uoors, mat require no i waxing. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY OIL Circulators with or without fans'. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY MISSION auto, cas hot water heater. almost new. 860. 1935 N. 5th. G. E. PORTABLE elec welder. Ph. 23159. ELECTRIC Washing Machines Little Giant tray type. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ELECTRIC" HeXTerS: ELEcTRTt WATER HEATERS Electric house .!?' .in- aV,,'w4h.Jl: I trance cable. 40000 BTU Oil circulat or Bunk bed and mattresses. Fold ing radio or typist tables $1.50 A $1.75. Folding metal chair. Breakfast trays. rrry breakfast in bed. I 3 ft Ton chain hoists. Swing wall faucets $6.95. Shop tractor with train of 60 1 Ton trailers for warehouse or sawmill use. Telescope make good level for grade stake lay outs, $20.00. Steel cabinets and standing type foremen desks. Rubber cement 5 gal. $2.50. Sleeping bags (New). WAR SURPLUS STORE. 1351 HOYT. SOUTH CITY LINE. TEL. 7916. BUILDING BLOCKS BRINKS PUMICE CONCRETE CEMENT. SEPTIC TANKS. CONCRETE WATERPROOFING 1 mile south on River Rd Phone bom ""ELECTRIC comforters, blankets, and nesting pad. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Ai-riJj c ousnei up. cull 35C. wm. rKi - .,..-. i x, ..... I Hubbard. Marblehead and Banana mm..-mU . u-ti . I Coin's rarm fruit Stand. 3 miles N. of Jefferson, old highway. r . f'lTHl. 1 - a m 1 1 I. .immwiw mm uwi ooiian- I VF ATTW ipBi Tiurc miniHV I ippi rc Vmi r. APPLES-Vou pick. 60c bu. Also I -.L ' 7- " . " V . i i'"er mmam on oraer ana aeuverea in l J. A. Jo.ley. Rt . Box l' - rn. B3-F-Z4 I fZIHI 'S h rvrU CM Clnmi Miiulllin.1 r.n iv. ' ELECTRIC corn popper, roasterette. orouer. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY I CINHl r .nrf klnlotu YEATER appliance rflMPANY REMOVE cooking fumes with a Pryne xhaust fan. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY "ELECTRIC and gas water heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ELECTRIC ice cream churns. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY GERMICIDAL lamps In your home or office help to f pre vent spread of dis- eape. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY River Silt MASON SAND. CONCRETE MDL READY MIX ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Cement Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH. 2-1966 1-3100 UNIVERSAL bantam electric ranges. Ideal for apartments, trailer houses, or I as an auxiliary oven. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY , ALWAYS a bis stoca. I Woodry 's Furniture Mkt Ph. 8110. CHARIS CORSETIERE dresses. D ITumiTC ik IITJA Am KI lih.rf ....... -j - - - ... " . .j . ELELlKii; IKUN. metai uonuig I boards. Pad, and Covers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY i ruiuia. iuui iuds ana wun Dain. complete new oatn roomsets. CAPITAL BARGAIN HOUSE 145 Center Mikft a pianos. nr spinet style pianos have the tone of a oaoy sraiiu. ruw '" "'v,. e down, $22 a month. Tallman s. 395 S. 12th. "A Mile from High Prices. ' 43 model Housetraveier. zi rt. very good condition. 3380 8. Commercial. T6mAT6esTS0c busheTTU-plck. Frt gaard's Fruit Stand. U mil north Kei zer School 4-BfJRNER Spark gas stove side oven. Atmoray vzone, eiec neater, 1 668 S. summer. J R Watkins Co oroaucta. 1717 Can- ter St Salem Pn 8399 Free del ELECTRIC Mixers (Dormeyer). YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY "REVERE ware, aluminum cooking utensila kitchen eadeets. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY STTrass Accordion. Hehner. 2 cream I a 1 a ..1. S- Jlmm. malrnllM viia, m w aaw. ... ..v.... 110 V. M. 1L rrerickson. 3 ant S. of Liberty. - --j- For Sale Miscellaneong BLOWN INSULATION WEATHER STRIPPING Ph. 3748 for estimate. Salem Rock Wool Co. 1535 Broadway. OAK FLOORING 4-in. Oak V ioint r.lear J floorins. Phone 9203. NEW Perfection oil cook stove. In ilre morn, k v. at 3N Orove St, BEAUTIFUL Furniture. N. Com I. m Inquire at office. BEIGE Daveno. slightly used, $75. 490 N. 23rd after5 P.M. ANTIQUES WantedTWhat have you? V taira Antique Shop. Open 11 to 9 Monday through Friday. Call 25048 after 8. 10x12 BIG FLOW Rug. Ph. 25988. 1151 Waller St. CHOICE-$pttz-nberg. Delicious and Banana apples and Cornice pears. J. C. Savage at Waconda. Ph. 2-2344, 7 PC: Dining "Room " Set. Extension table. Six chairs. Splendid value 113995 MAURER-BOGARDUS FURNITURE CO. So. 12th St. Hlway Junction n 10 A M. to 9 P.M. Including . .uns3r- Armless oavem, newly rebuilt A recovered. Preway gas stove. 3580 S. C om 1. PRIME Coated shaker. finished lumber, flooring, paint, hardware and lumber. Eola Lumber Co. Dtw.vtA 9-4b4A CI..... -biu'Mict . ,,.k t.i.rji eVr aT.-":: F 15 l5 after 8:30 WOOD Heater Cast iron. "V"". l" won. gooa cona. Also 6", crosscut saw. 2078 H7el Ave. Ph 2-6505 USED Ni oree h Trior washers, sood cond. At Ralph Johnwi Appliances, 355 Center St. Ph. 4636, APIECE bdrro. "set .... $69 50 $-piece bdrm. set $119 95 liateleg tables 89.25 $9.75 8-piece walnut dining rm. set $79.50 Single bed spring $9.75 DuoTherm oil r eater $37.50 Chests $6 35 to $13.95 STATE ST. FURNITURE 1900 State SI. Ph. 7596 "ALL Metal Breakfart bar Stool $3.29 MAURER-BOGARDUS FURNITURE CO. So. 12th St. Hiway Junction Open 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. including Sunday. i-PIECE Dining rm. set. Blue cov- nwi h..r. ci..r ..u . t.i t, v. . "IT tress. Rockers, chair, other mlseel. laneous item In A-I cond. 1923 S, lgn ol. ftl. Z481B 4 SARN sash windows andframes. 34x21. Call 7450 Saturday afternoon and Sunday. MAN'S Overcoat. Dark brown. Size 40. Good cond. $10. Ph. 26428. OIL Circulator with fueTtank. 1045 S. Liberty DA VENPORT and-cfubThalr sllp- covered In lovely chintz brown floral Call 7450 Saturday afternoon and Sg-w- St"- .Rrln5f- ."1""' ne?I aV- ZZZl l SALEM SCREEN SHOP Windows and sash. Frames, storm sash, screens made to order. Glass replacement and general cab- tnet work. 1444 So I2th Ph. 2-5574 i Yht-Trd f .V1 iv bu. O. L. Black. Claxter Road. Port- tana na 3 'COCKER Spaniel pups $5 fc $10. 1275 6th St.. West Salem. STORE WIDE 4TH ANNIVERSARY SALE 15 to 25 off on all items STEWARDS DEPT. STORE 263 No. Coml. St. Counter A S leather . stools for sale. Ph. 7892 by "Owner 3 B. R. house on North Summer St., corner lot, with new ref.. range, dining room suite, oil circulator heat- Fotmnt caYl ""T "O-hZ one yr. old. foT" yr, old. for locker. L H. Fetrow, Rt. 4, Box 476. 1U miles west of bridge on Dallas Hiway. Ph. 2-3172. WASHING Machine. new Easv Splndryer. $150.00. Ph. 4702 Saturday or Monday. wood circulators $35 up. Ph. 5222. 3 WOMEN'S dresa suits size 14. good cond. 1564 Ferry. DINNER Table. chairs. Dinette table. 2 chairs. Stand table. 3 rocking chairs. Goose feather bed. 1467 Court St. STIIXTRWlcrPlasiir base, gyplap. Slaster. firtex. wallboard. Rt. 7, 431 L. IcCaln Ave, off Silverton Rd. . BABY Bathinette. ivory finish. Special low price $12.98 MAUKJCK-oOtrAKUUS FURNITURE CO. f So. 12th St Hiwav1 Junction Open 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. Including Sunday. LAKESIDE-Piano. Rebuilt. Perfect- Iv balanced action. Deep, rich tone. $265. $30 down. $10 a month. A snap. Shop Tallman k save. 399 S. 12th. DnrvTrpnfir . . nni.i, POINTER DOG. Needs some finish- tS?mr t 2-4910 OT 25W SO. Summtr St. CHROME, ivory, rea piasuc aioevie lve. Red leather Chair. $70, 1UI. n. IU. a.-mimfr,.- z 1 ; r t-n. ArruABti Luiwi-Ani DELIVERED Qiicken ranch fertl- llr.r from ha hatferlea nn lifter SIR ". ZnZ i v a. ri i nillV. 'g, J Vd..? m?' aun I lamps, yeater appliance company I rTfiSPrrALbeds. .wheel chr. Rent WRINGER KU1-LS AND All make washer. Van WTOI, OUl Edgewater. EjH. Ellis. Formerly with "T on3 "06DHonie for child's pet kitten. Ph. 9416. sChwinn" Bicycle and Montag wood circulator, dining ret. Ph. 8371. "CLETRAC "Tractor. 1944 model K G. 2 plow size, excellent condition. Also j ya. Salem, on Boone road X wheel tractor trailer, ni. , xtox GRAPES3c7you pick. 3 miles Wal- lace Road. 1 mile North Bend River Road. Rt. 1. Box 19TA. A. E Pelker. ltA01O Tube checker, volt meter. condenser analyzer, radio tubes, etc. 864 f Summer St rTiDVa Formala. suits, dresse. cct .Ike new. 371 Union. Ph. 7135. 0X!T 30 sal. hot water tank with T5 w. l eatinjt element. 934 N, Cottage. "TJSEIS "Oil raneein exc. condition $87 JO; used elec. white enamel flat top comb, rknge $85; wood circulators from 88 so to 83Z.79: wing oacx ciuo chair $24.50: davenport and wing back club chair $10; davenport bed lt:5i used 4 pc. B R. suite $50; used 5 pc. dinette set i. uienn wooary Furniture Market. 1605 N. Summer St GAS Circulator heater, practically new. Ph. 4ooa. ""THOMPSON Piano. Plain mahogany case. Sweet resonant tone. Rebuilt S285. 835 down. $10 a month. Tall l man a s. "-"- " n e 14.1. ... UiU Ui.h Pj-ices. Fhft ALe or Trade: Furniture, I a; -n .. rarfina nut rtry-r A several cans of dark paint i will ird what have vou? rn. snzi. 1094 n. Coml PC. Mahof. Duncan Phyft dining suite. Maroon floral Wilton 9x12 rug. 1890 S. High I "rJOBERMAN ' Pintcher pups 4 mos. I old. Ear cropped ana tan aocxea. Slr.. rh Kilburns Avenger. Dam. Marienland Strain. Champions on both aides. A.K.C. registered. Ph. 1X4 or I wfite Box 161. Stayton, Oregon. COW Fertilizer. Ph. 21140. 1-MAN Crosscut taw. 767 N. 18th. fivfTrWi a-AMl. ,iik aaawar4lsia. burner. sawdust water heater Unk. I Ph. 24851. 567 Knapp St. LINOLEUM. I mnuj iwrrnin nrcw paint r rR PREWAR PAINT I BRUSHES. NEW USED, KITCHEN FAUCET. 835 N. Liberty. I TENTAL" EQUIPMENT: Wall type I X-Rav. Ritter dental chair, cabinet. I dental unit Pelton ngnt s a (J wun I bending arm. Ph. 1X4 or write Box I 161. StSVtOn. Oregon. . : ... 1 ALMOST New oesrs garoen tractor and mower cheam Ph. 22993 LAFF-A-DAY ' ill III I I, a . M ' 'II I "I ald, 'It'a wonderful to stand hert $md not hear a word you'r saying' !' For Sale Miscellaneous PAIR Slightly used bunk beds com plete $20. 2142'ii N. Com l. Wanted f urniture GOOD Used wah mashlne 8c sewing machine. Ph. 2-5511. 594 N. Liberty. USronTORNITURE Phone '5110. wANl IO Buy Used Cameras a iene McFwan Photo Shop 435State f llRNlTUHf. and what' have you bought for rash. Call any lime. Run dale Exchange. Ph. 2-5311. S94 N Llb erty. USED r UnMTl'HE Ph B1B3 CASH fo used piano a other mu sical instruments. Call 4641 days or 9537 evenings or send description to Jaquith Music Co, W 8. High. Wanted ttliacellaneous Warrted: General Elec tric Apartment Size Stove. Call 7450 Saturday and Sunday or eveninp. THE"BestJ 1ed trailer house" $1000 cash will buy. Ph. 22922. . WANTED to Rent: A saxophone or clarinet. Phone 2-6198. SMALL Cider mill. Ph. 5025 or ad- dress 500 Vista Ave. OLD Cow fertilizer. Ph. 25617. OIL CIRCULATORS Bought, Sold, Exchanged and repair- ed. Phone 8072. PIAN6TUNING Wtlls .Music Store. Salem CASH for old gold, broken, discs rd ed Jewelry, watches and clocks. Salem Watch Shop. 2381 State. Phone 21957. Miscellaneous NURSERY-Kindergarten. Part or all day. Fireplace room 1st Congrega tional Church. Contact Mrs. Mac Dowell. Ph. 3660 days, 2-5677 eves. PIANO STUDIO Frederick Wilson. 1531 Market Ph. 24598. "Taxidermist 2330 BFdway. Ph. 24554. Mattresses Capital Bed Co Ph. 4069 BUTTONHOLES made. Ph. 2-2168 MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked $1 00 I.ES SPRINGER 464 Court Wf Repair all makes of sewing machines. Work guaranteed. Free estimates. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 130 N. Com 1. Phone 3512 Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads Clearing Ditching Sewer A Basement Equipment Rental 13 B-i yds. $12.00 per hr, 10 B-. yds. 9.60 per hr D-7 Cat a Dozer 9 60 per hr. D6 Cat A Dozer 8 40 per hr. D-4 Cat Dozer 7 no per nr Phone Days 9408 Evenings 8246 or 24400 Salem. Oregon PLUMBING Supplies, water systems. electric and gas automatic water heat ers, genera) repair work Decatur At Maerr. 173 So ComT Phone 6223 ilt.1t WorkT Call 2-6681 George M. Cooper AUTO paintina. lust a shad better bv Ray ETTER Call Shrock Motor Co 8503 1 Drv? For the answer to your water supply problem, call West Well Drilling at their new number, 263B0. 24 years continuous operation in this locality, Dental Plate Repair TWO -HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Pistes for Repair no uadbv trut ro nrwTicT Adnlnh Bldg. State A Com--Ph 3311 LEARN to sew. New classes In Dressmaking or home decorations now starting. Enroll now. Singer Sewing Machine Co.. 130 N. Com 1. Ph. 3512 WATER WELL drilling. Domestic or Irrigation. Duffield Bros. Rt 9. Box 423 Phone 2-1313. WEATHER strips. Pullman. Ph. 5985. Financial Money to Loan Wanted: Real estate mortgage loans city or farm properties: loans made as small as $300. See us about refinancing your present contract or mortgage. Ap proved city loans. G.I. loans, construc tion loans, uow interest rates. Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTOR 344 State Street Ph. 9261 $ $ MONEY $ $ 4 REAL ESTATE LOANS rtHSUNAL LA1AJNS CAR LOANS State Finance Co. ' 153 S. High St. Lie. S 216 M 223 Money to Loan EXTRA CASH-Extra Fast If you're short of cash, get $25 to $300 or up to $500 on auto, from 'Personal' the company that nxes to say "res to loan requests. Loans on signature auto, truck, or furniture. No co-signers are required. If you need cash, phone or come in TODAY. Personal Finance Co. 51$ State St., Rm. 125 Ph. 3191 E. GalUnger. Mgr Lie. M165. S122 General Finance Corp. offers money at once on ears, trucks. furaituM. trailer houses. livestock. farm marchinerv: contracts refinanced and additional money advanced No co -signers. General Finance la locally ownad and officered: was organized In 1927 and therefore knows and can help throughout tha repaying of a loan Ap plications for loans mao cy pnon 138 South Commercial Sts, Salem Phone: 9168 Licenses S-138 ft M 33 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. $TH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N M 159 S 154 FARM and CITYnCbANS 4U and 8 Tour- own term of repayment with tn reason. Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgage. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 307 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Phone T162 For Rent -Rooms LARGE Sleeping rm. suitable for X. 555 Center St. SLP. Rms. 141) 2157. NT-Liberty. Ph. A if f ill For RentRooms NICELY rum. sleeping rm. for 1 or 2. 992 N. Cottage. CICELY furn. sleeping rm., ground floor. 755 Union St. SLP. Rm.. eent. oreferred. 1151 Waller St Ph 25988. SM. SI. rm. for wk. or business srirl. $18 00. Close in on bus. orivatc fill. No drinkers. Inq. 1458 Chemeketa. IAHOE Heated sleeping rm. Men only. 853 N. High. ONE Small ilsht housekecDlne room. 2ft( Maple. Ph. 25093. 2 SLP. Rm. Kit. privileees. No drinkers, smokers. Christians prefer- ea. rn. zezz7 &CP. Rm. El3erTy business lady. S Summer CLEAN KI.Fr.PINa rooms for clean men. 203S McCoy t'h. UntX Room and Board SLEEPING Rm. or room k board. Adults or children. 765 E. Rural. ROOM and' board with a nutritionist. 885 N. Winter. RM. AND BD. for employed person or student, enquire 840 Mill St.. before p m. For Rent Apartments HSKPING Apt. for working men. 103 Marion. I.iGIIT HouMVMpIni rm. 633 M. Summer. NEW Kitchenette apt. weekly "rates rtasonable Modern cabins 99 E No. of Brooks. For Rent Houses 3 RM. Modern furn. cottase. Ph. ZtMiiR 3 RM Tartly furn. rabln'sullable for 2. 1255', 6th St . VVM Salem. HOME, rent free for couDle in ex change for housework. Ph. 3615. 3 RM. Furn. cottage. Adults only. Call after 9 A.M. 1937 N. Capitol. For Rent ARE Your Floors Shabby? It easy to make them like new again. Rent our high speed floor Sanders and edgers. Howser Bros.. 802 Edgewater. Ph. 3646. PAINT Spray electric lun T R. 810 Boone Chemical Co. Ph. 2-1492, Madison St. FOR SALE or Rent: 150 ft7rr"ont- age by 325 ft. deep, with 2 buildings could be used for garaie. store or other business. Loca'ed 4 miles North on 99E Hiway. Inq. Lake Labish Ga rage TRAILER space, modern park, free laundry privileges, reasonable rates. 3580 S. Commercial. rlERE are some time savers: Roto tiller garden tractor. Skilsaws. disc and belt sandert. paint sprayers. plumbing tools, many others. Howser Bros.. 6UZ Edgewater. Ph. 9848 TRAILER space, clean, modern, on bus. Close in. 11U s. 14th TRAILEKSTTSc first hr. 50c hrs following Woodry' Mkt. 1605 N summer. ""GOOD Used Piano. H. L. Stiff. ATMOKAYS Ozone Good health Rent-sell H C Pugh. 884 N 17 4692 U-DK1VE TRUCKS FOR RENl Blankets furn 197 S Liberty Ph 9062 FLOOR Sander, elec floor polisher and lawn roller, weed burner. Rawlins Hardware, the Marshall Wells store Ph. 8877. Wanted to Rent RESPONSIBLE Professional man permanent, wishes to rent at leart bed room home: win lease wun option to buy. Excellent references. Phone 25466. GOVT. Employe A wife desire apt. Ph. 5288 (SoUPLE with 6 mo. old baby need house or apt. Furn. or unfurn. Lease or 6 mos. rent in advance. Eellent refs. Ph. 25553. RELIABLE Mother with 2 young children badly in need of a small furnished apt. Ph. 24836. VETERAN and wife need furn. or unfurn apt. or house. Will be per manent. Ph. 80Z3. WANTED: 4 or 5 rm. house In or near Salem, consider country place and work for rent. Rt. 4. Box 454A, Eola Dist E. A. LaChapeTIe. FURNISHED Apt. for 2 working girls, age 20 Please call 3191 before p M. BARN and pasture near Salem. Ph. 21658. LOCAL Business man needs i or bdrm. house in Hollywood dist. Must have oil or gas heat for asthmatic child . WU1 be permanent Ph. 21664. For Sale Real Estate BY OWNER: Modern : bdrm. house. A. City bus and sch. Imm. poss, $6500. Ph. 6139. FOR SALE: Hollywood. 3 bearoomf. living room, fireplace, full basement, hwd. floors, nice back yard. $2500.00 down takes it Call Ph. 24791 after 1:00 P.M. A LP EN BOWES REALESTATE LOTS FOR SALE New subdivision on Lansing Ave. Restricted loU. 84 x 120. $600. Sea Mr. Davis. 85 Lansing Ave 4EAR HIGHLAND SCHOOL 1-Story Bungalow. 2 Bedrms. LR. DR, Kit. I good condition. $7000. NEAR GRANT SCHOOL 3 BEDrms. English hse. Burnt, hwd Ax fir firs. V-blln.. Elec. or Gas cook ing. Nice lawn, shrubs. In nice cindl tion. 111.983. B. Isherwood, Realtor PH. 6F11. Wallace Roard. Rt. 1. Box 162 Open Evenings and Sundays Owner Leaving - Sacrifice Two 2 bedrm. houses on large lota. Both insulated & weather stripped. Oak firs., inl. lino. Auto. heat. City water. Beautiful view. Also 3 large lots. Easy terms. Ph. 5428. 185 Salem Heights Ave BEAUTIFUL 3 bdrrv home at 2427 S. Cottage for sale by owner. Ex- hange on small -i hc .ie will be con sidered. Ph. 7353 BY OWNER 4 BEDROOM HOME THINGS TO CONSIDER IN BUYING A HOME. This home is soundly built, located in fine residential district, close in, all street and sewer Improvements in and paid for. Near the best grade school in Salem and other scnoois, Laree livlne room, recreation room triple plumbing, built in.General Elec tric refrigerator, 2 fireplaces, automatic oil heat and hot water, rock wool In sulation, sprinkler system and other features. WILL SELL WITH HOME. OR SEP ARATELY, fine Italian Renaissance dining room set (table. 6 chairs, buffet china cupboard) dining room rug. mod ern Westinghouse electric range. 1 good five piece bedroom suite. possession by November 1. Call BIOS or 5088 for Inspection. WEST SALEM HOMES TN APPLE-PIE ORDER. 2 BR'S. LR. Comb. Kit . St DIN. RM. Hwd. at fir firs. Wired for range. Lge. Garage. Fruit, berries, grapes, fin garden spot. $5,850. REDUCED TO SELL BUSINESS LOT 60 x 125'. 2 BR Mod ern horn. 1 yr. old. Elec. heat St Cook ing. El. range Included. $7450. Good terms. NEAR NEW JUNIOR HI. SCH. BITE Lot 80x100'. 3 BR. LR, DIN. RM. Kit. Hwd. firs throuout. 3 RM. In Bsmt. Possible Apt. $10,000. B. Isherwood, Realtor PH. eTll. Wallace Roard. Rt. 1. Box 163 . Open Evenings and Sundays WAREHOUSE. Brick and tile. S.P. siding. 80 ft. frontage on Portland Road. Possession Jan. 1. By appt only. Ph. 5404; HOTJSE at probate .sale. 1549H. Broadway, rn. two FOR Efficient and effective sale service call the Salem Realty Co. NOW. CLOSE IN, NORTH Lot 82x213'. BR. LR 16x2 DR at Kit Comb. Wired for range. New Fowler Wtr. Htr. lncL Lou of fruit $6150. Terms. B. Isherwood, Realtor ph. 6T1 1. Wallace Rd. R. 1. Box 163 2 BDRM. Modern house. '.' acr. $7350.00, terms. 3810 Monroa, E. Salem. For Sale Real Estate $8500 New. 3 bdrm. North Salem. Large lot. Elec water heater. Large utility rm.. fireplace, oil heat plenty of built ins In kit Tiled bath. Terms. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg . Phone 9510 Insurance Mtf. Loans $5500, at Keizer 4 acre. 2 bedroom sealed home, un finished upstairs. Terms. Very good buy. See Mrs. Patzer with. Allen Jones or Mrs. Nerdliam, Realtors 341 State St , Rm. 4 Phone 3-46.11 3-RM. with 2-car earaae. This home has H.W. floors. Oil furnace, elec. wtr. htr.. Insulated. Close to bus and school. Price $7,500. $1,500 down, bat $50 per mo. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. High St. Pv 4121. Eves. 25206 $7.500 LATE built 2 BR. home. N E. on bus line. Has H.W. floors, unfinished attic, attached garage. Terms. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. High St. Ph. 4121. Eves. 25206 SUBURBAN IJUrLD INC TRACTS Tracts 80x130 located N. E. Price $450 to $600. $50 down, bal. $10 per mo. Tracts 100x180 located close to 4- Comers. Price $400 to $550. Terms. Tract 180x240 located on Wallare Rd. Price $500 to $650. Terms. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. High St. Ph. 4121. Eve. 25206 THREE BEDROOMS A lovely yard, double garage. The home is electrically heated. Insulated, fireplace, basement, both dining room and nook, yet Is priced at only $9,800. IF YOU LIKE SUBURBAN We have a new two bedroom with large living room extending through the home opening onto patio at rear. There are beautifully polished HW. floors, automatic oil heat electric water heater, very attractive built-in kitchen, attached garage and utility room. We II be pleaded to show you this on. Priced at $10,750. Also have a one-half acre tract on Lansing Ave nue with two bedroom home at $4,500. Salem Realty Co. Realtor 149 N. High St. Phone 7660 HOMES A new 1 bedroom noma In N. Sa lem. $3,200. Good ll-yr.-old. 7 -room home In Cap- itola Dist. acre of land, $7,000. A nice 5 room home with basement pre-war. In E. Salem. Immediate pos session. $7,250. New 4 room home. Lot 50x100. In S. Salem. $7,400. A nice l-yr.-old home with 4 rooms and nook. In So. Salem. Lot 40x150. $7,500. A nice 4 room horn with nook and basement. Close In. N. Salem. $8 400. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES A fully equipped garage and filling station for motor rebuilding and body work. etc. N. Salem. $4,500. A cafe N. of Salem with 3-yr. lease and all equipment Trucking trade. $6,500. A nice -yr.-old auto court In N. Salem. 3 bdrm. living quarters unfur nished and 7 cabins furnished. $32,500. A good 8-yr.-old auto court with large home partly furnished and 6 cabins furnished. 1 acre of land. In N. Salem. M. Geiger.- Realtors 3203 PORTLAND RD. PH. 21073 $6500 New 2 bdrm with unfin upstairs. Keizer dist Ooil heat Part hdwd firs. Good terms. Should go G.L with 10 down. Abrams & . Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg. Phone 9510 Insurance Mtg. Loans frOR SALE: One acre north, t room house, all hwd. floors, auto oil heat, electric hot water. Excellent garden spot Plenty of room for - chickens. can rn. 34791 after 1:00 p.m. ALDEN BOWES REAL ESTATE "sTJBUR B ANT" H A LfA CR tTRElZ ETT Furnished. Late built 3 BR. home, elec. heat, hdwd., ven. blinds. Insu lated, attached garage, elec. water sys tem. Fine walnut, filbert and berries Close to school and city bus. PRICED TO SELL THIS WEEK! $7,000, Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. Com l St. Ph. 8389. Eve. 7440 IMMEDIATE Pi fcnri B. R.. msulated home. L. R.. fireplace. D. R nice kitchen, hardwood F Ven. blinds. S A. with fruit, nuts ' and berries. Owner leaving town A must sell at once. Priced right for quick sale. 2805 N. River Rd. 7CRE7TIuse "Oeers old." 4 bri rms., liv. rm. din. rm. kitchen, bath. $6550. No. Teas Ave. Ph. 25844. 'TILLABLE-Acres. 4 rm. house, newly painted, outbuildings. 2 A. boysenberries. 2000 strawberries. $3250. about down. Box 31. High, way 219, II miles north of Salem. 4th .housa north Eldrtdf a school. BY OWNERrFbdrm. house, wired for range, elec. h. w. heater. Garage. Completely redecorated. 85500. 2260 N 4th. Inquire 3980 Auburn Rd. ITY-0WNER7Modern I B R. home, new. $4750. Term. A-l quality. In- gulre at 1045 N. 17th. NEW 4 rm. plastered house. Elect hot water heater, wired for range. 65 ft. front. 270 No. 35. Call owner 221S6$48S0 00. S' A. In Keizer dist S rm. house, bath, lights, wired for range. Well, elec. pump. barn, several fruit trees, creek, good soil. Clot to school. $8000. $2000 A $5000 to loan. MELVIN JOHNSON 549 N. CottageSt. Ph 3723 J6E HUTCHISON. REALT6R PHONE 7696 New S room home located south with a lovely East view. $9,500. $2300 cash. 1 1 A. East. Well built modern 6-yr -old 5 rm., English Style home with unfin. upstairs. Bus serv. Have your own chicken hse. and cut down hich cost of living. This is a gd. deal. $9,500. OFr SILVERTON ROAD t acre. 3 rm. hse.. small chicken hse and young family orchard. $3,150. 103 x130' ON CORNER New well bit. ranch style, hardwood floor, air con ditioned oil furnace. E. $13,000. Joe Hutchison, Realtor 453 Court St Phone 7696: Eve. 2-4789, 2-5141. 2-4693 Investigate These Homes 3 BR., needs plumbing. Bus line. $1,000 down. Price $2,250. SLSOO uown 4 room' house, east new cannery. Quick pons. Only $4,000. 3 BR.. N. Salem. Basement, bus. ga rage, dose school. Consider trade for acreage only. $7,000. S. COMMERCIAL 8 BR. . house, corner lot double plumbing and garage. A food buy. $8,750. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 S Com'l Ph. 2449 owtttw'snnoMirrd'R sale 1 A. located in the strswberrv belt north of town. IS min. from Salem. House all redecorated, Venetian blinds. Ready to move Into. Yard landscaped with beautiful shrubs, tree. New 40 gal. elec. water heater, wired for elec. range. Fruit trees, strawberries, grapes, nuts. Rt 7, Box 171. At home evening. WErOtfVlNG. says sell. -Lata built 3 BR. home. LR-. dinette, kitch en, bath, full basement. 2" ft replaces, oil air condition furnace. laundry tray t. Venetian blind, elect water heater, wired for ranee, hradwood floors Cor ner lot Reduced for jutck sale to $12,700. Floyd Volkel Real Estate Phone 7327 74T Court St. BYOWNER: House on Breyman St. 0 rms.. modern. 3 bed rm. gar . w. ihed. $5,730. $2,008 down. Inq. 490 N. 41t K - ' T .,iWv,e.' a'?-' For Sale Real Estate 1 3 BDRM. MODERN HOME. CLOf 1 IN. REASONABLY PRI.ED. TERM8W 458 MILL ST. 3 BEDRM. ft 3 acres. (One bedrm. not finished), miles city center. "1950.00. . Duplex, modern felec. heat). S acres. 8 mile city center. On WE. Price open. Nice home east 1 miles a s acres $12 000 00. Keizer Heights Lots OLAF THONSTAD . REAL ESTATE 941 N. Capitol St. Ph. 7903 .BY OWI EH- 4 bdrm. home. 3 acres. Wired for range, full bsrr.t with oil furnace, family orchard, close to rrade school and bus. 810. 750. 194 .ir SI, BY OWNER i A choice 6crTtv. ui ban tract 4 Ml ea.l of Salem, on Center St. I Mi East of Kruertr a Store. 8 room house, fireplace, fuil basement liouae is a fine modern home. I exceptionally pleasant and well arranged. A fine air conditioned automatic oil heating plant. Lots of built -ins on ground floor and taar ment large fruit rootrt. shower and automatic, electric pumping plant in basement earare chicken hour and shop. Has full bearing fa-nitv or char ft. also berries and grapea and full bearing walnut trees. W. H. Ellin.. worth. Route t. Box 18. BY OWNER: 3 bdrm. home m HoU lywood district. Liv. rm.. ftrepl . din. rm.. kitchen, knotty pine den Beat. !f'u tandacaped 'hcloed back ard. rh. Ktna for appointment EXTRA GOOD 3 BRmHh"e7"aulol oil heal, full bsmt.. ftreolae. hw f?s. This home is worth the money. Im mediate Possession. Goodwin 4 McMillin Realtors 474 Court St Phone 4707 Fv.87U or tlTT LEO N. GUILDS. INC. REALTORS- OUTSTANDING VALUES ACRE. Northeast: paved road- rVw to bus. Price WTS. fax) ca. bal ance E2 payment. acnes. 3 bedroom house. Paved road. 3 A. bovasnberries; 2wO strawberry plants. Priced for ouwk sale $3250. - WELL WORTH THE MONEY. Living ...... uinini rm, alien en. two bed rm. and bath. Auto. h.w. heater Venetian blinds Cdnventen'Jv lo cated to school and bus. $420. Terms. VERY WELL CONSTRUCTED 3 bed. rm. nome; rireplare: full basement; double garage. Well landscaped aid Frw fruit and nut tree. Close) to bus $10,500. For these and fnaa more CALL or SEC Leo N. Child, Inc., Realtors V 31 year of dependable service to home owners W4 State St Phone 9281 GET THE UCXTrCtrYGVk TCNE Dwroom nome plastered bath, automatic air cond.y oed heat at tached garage a h!x-k to bus. awta: Neat and clean. $5,950.00. Ross Coppock, Realtor ' fTC Court St. Phnn 1-4115 or 514) A NICE bungalow type home uTVfeat Salem on paved at., modern, plastered, fireplace. 3 B.R.. full basement, full bath. H.W. floor, sawdust furn., largl garage, lot SO x 100. ail for 818.0O8. Sullivan Realty Inc. ! REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3259. Eves. 3-3811 CffY N3RvrH f Bungalow two B R home and full bmt. with auto, oil furnace, fire place, wired for range, close to bus and school. Only $7,500. Sullivan Realtv Inc. 9' REALTORS " 3385 Portland Rd. Pn. 1255. Eves Neat six rm. home and hath, wired for range, nice lot with family frunk This is an older home but a real buy? and Imm. prises Ion. Sullivan Realtv Inc. , f REALTORS " 5SPorlland Rd. Ph. 3258, Eve. TrJ " $3.?30 New suburban I'rm. homo and dbk garage. Horn la unf miahed but geratfl is ceiled, wired for ranee and verd livable. Pay $1,750 down, move in and finish yourself. . Sullivan Realty Inc. i 1 3363 Portland Rd. Ph 3255. Eves, tajt BY OWNER Ideal home site. 3' A. all In prcfrk, able producing cane berries 4 rr.l. H. of Salem on paved road Bui ereiea Mrs. A. Aahton. Rt. 7. Box IKE Tta) hnue E. of Totem Pole. 5 RM6DEftTKorn tn West Sal lern. Nice location. 3 bdrm.. rufa bsm't. large lot. Garage. Reasonable. 3 bdrm. modern home, full bsmt, f acres, ail in young cherry trees, nied view, good locution. Well worth uoroe tigatinf. t Small home, very good cond. set Market St. A nice place for a eroeJI family. Priced right. J. F. Ulrich Co. M 202 Pearce Bldg Call Lerter C. Mullener Pone tan IT YOU WANT A REAlTBljYTinniRa OWNER MUST SELL a bdrm home, corner lot. aula ee3 furnace, full bamt wttn fliMlu.. UrM closets, lota of bul!t-ina, dntmrtrvw dinette, lovely living rm with fire place, book shelves. Hdwd fin. nice) residential section near school and bat. Built by owner tn 1945-46. All mater ial first class, at a coat of over $13 008L This house could not be duplicated o- aay roc sis. WW wiu take best offer over $13,000 by Oct. 14th. About ran be financed at 3. Owner transferred) to another eltv and has purchassd another home. Poaa about 18 dars. 161 Koosevcn fct. $8500 New 3 bdrm with unfin upstairs. Kelrer diet. Elec water heater. OU heat attached garage. Very nice kt. Imm pons with good terms. Ahrams & Skinner. Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg Phone 93 10 m insurance Mtg Loans) NEAR CATHOLIC SCHOOL " 3 BEDRM. MODERN HOME, base ment, furnace, dbl. aaraae. nice lad. $10,500. 4 The Real Estate Market 433 N. High St. Phone 347tf YOlTlHahe Offer: 3 houses A S'f acres level strswberry ground, blort from school. 1 high school bus br door. Water system, t miles sou'h on old 99E at Surmrside. Rt. 4. Box 238. Sales ADVERTISINO Western Advrrtlxlnf ReprcsentatlTes W aid -OH f nth Company, bsa. (km Francisco Eastern Advertising Representatives Ward-Grtfflth Company, tne. Chicago. New York. Detroit. Boston. Atlanta Member , Pacific Coast Division Bureau of AdverUsin: Entered t tfca PeafoffVa at Saw lam. Oreoon a$ Second Claaa Mas tee Pubuahed every saorwtisf az eept Mowdev Busrnesj afsco 814 South Commercial Xtrees. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Matl f4uhecrl0tton Rates tn Vance: Within Oregon: Daily and Sunday. Mo 89 eonU; 6 sms. (339$ 1 year. $4 00 Elsewhere 8 cents ae mo. or $738 tor I year aa advaaeea Per copy cents. By City Carrte. TS wait a moeiOs, $9 00 a year as advanoa as Marled adjaceat eounUaa,