New York Stock Quotations NEW YORK, Oct. 10 (.-Today's closing quotations: Al Chem & Dye. 189s American Can ... 86 IGen Foods Oen Motors .... 'Goodyear Tire iGt North pfd .. Am Power & Lt 10 Am Tel & Tel 158li Anaconda 35 At'chLson 83 Bendi'x Avia 32 Mr Beth Steel 89 Boeing Air 21 Calif Pack 31Vj Canadian Pac 41s CaMvJT I 42 Chrjsler .. 62 ComwlTh Sou .t 3i Con Edison 25 Con Vultee 14. Crown Zel 33 h Curtis Wr 5V Douglas Air 61Vj Duporit de Ne ..189i Gen Electric 36 Int Harvest Int Paper pfd J Manville Kennecott Long Bell A .. Mont Ward .... Nash Kelvin ... Nat Dairy N Y Central... North Am Co Northern Pac jPac bAm Fish IPac Gas Elec PT&T IPan American I Penney J C .... jRadio Corp - Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore, Oct. 10 AP) . BuUrrlat TenUtiv (subject to immediate change!. Premium quality Mixiiruin of 35 of 1 per cent acidity deiiveied in -Portland. S0-83c: first, quality, :s-Slc; second quality. 74-77c; sraiiey rc-te and country points, 2 cents Jeea lnan first, 7-T7c. BLOND- DICZ I PIEASE 5T0P WORftrlrJG -THE 1 S GOVERNMENT DETECTIVES WILL S00W FIN0 PETE THE PAJNTESAN0 WIS WIFE. IJTTLE ANNIE BOONTT MCTMFearcl I LOVf VOU! I'M COIN TO ) VtMlfl-M . BUZZ SAWYEa i rpnT ourre catch the NAAAfM POMXIAAlr47TRVINQ A3AJN? r MICKEY MOUSE GASOLINE ALLEY . Witlip CALL UP MY '- v Si BOSS ANDTEU. PAGWOOfArV WIM 'M Sick lASWC ZJ v AND WON'T .l, J V. Be DOWN TRACT LJ AJUU --- I 1 . 4 r s i 1 -A 0,06CK, EUT 1 1MAMT ONE OF I CAffT f M7 i B JALOPIES. 42000 RX A gl-w i-rfT jes giueXio ve make him BLUE BLAZES I PUNTHPEE LflPS HIS WOaWOUT, J 'ROLVO TH' WARSH UNK SWLJFCWTTLE, JU6HA10? . 28 T', . 37 . 25 44 . 154 . 22 s. . 364 . 15. . 44 ft . 28V4 . 59 - 21 . 9 . 234 139 . 21 . 24 V. . 72 . 13 . 28 - 47 4 Butter Wholesale, f.d.b. bulk cubes, rrade AA. S3 score, 74c: 82 score. 73c lb: B. 90 score. 70c; C. 88 score 70c. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles. 41 Sl'iC Oregon S-lb. loaf. 43',k-53,ic. Eggs To wholesalers: A grade. Urge, 87i to 68' c: medium 61 'c: A grade, small MVxc; B grade, large. 52', 5aVtc. Eggs Purchased from farmers: Cur 'I UlWr SICK, NOTHING I 'I OU CANT WAKE UP BECAUSE YOU PLAVED CARDS ALL NIGHT HE'S OUT LIKE A LIGHT. YOU DOWT HAVE TO BE SO CAREFUL. OONT TALK LIKE A FOOL THEf CANT-EVEM FIND THE TRAILER - THEt COULOfiT TRACE A PIECE OPCHESACflOSSA POOL TABLE-, . 37!Rayonier ... 58,i!Rayonier pfd .. ... 48 Reynol(i Met ... 39 12 1 Richfield ... 89jSafeway 56 ISears Roeb ... 444!Sinclair Oil . .... 44So Pacific .... 234 ISUn Brands .. ... 58 jstan Oil Cal - 17tfc.-Studebaker . .... 30 6 Sun Mining ... 14i Union Oil .... 23 Un Pacific .... 204 Un Airlines Un Aircraft .... 39 4 U S Steel .... 984 Warner Bros .... 9Va West Elec .... 42 T! Wool worth .... 8 T JOP CHEESE ACflOSS A nrZ 75CE HSPft, OLD tern 1 AAAYFt I tUSVE J I YCU SlICKCD-U? JILLYCIAT1! KEIP TUina t7 auay AKOurrJ I vtmat. y I Wv k - - ,-1 sc. 1V P TlSBQCLW PSEBCV ) I DVSTaTUI PftPTPP ' I PSER&AAAACIN PLliMMES-PLSU! tOI I Cr MF. 4 Dw - ll im HE RUN FORTY VOH HgEs A X6, A Y T LOOKS I 41 CBMtAUK, 1HAJ IVE I KKtll OUW. I I snuMCK, IX I HfWC A V BEEN PBVNG MV5ELF. MfiT CO VOU Lf UTILE TALK. I MA OX OCKf.J - DAasonsv. VEIL RUN HIS LAPS LAlGS rent receipts. 69-3c; buyers pay J',ic below wholesale quotations on graded basis for best hennery eggs. Llv chickens Pa vine price to producers: No. 1 broilers under !', 3 to 4 lbs . 38 -39c; roasters. 4 lbs. and over. 37-38c: fowl Leghorn under 4 lbs , 18-201 ; 4 lbs. and over 21 -23c: colored fowl, all weights 2S-27c; slags, all weight. 12-14 c lb. Dressed turkeys. No. 1 loms. 38-40C lb.: net to growers. No. 1 young hens, 43 -45c lb. (nominal quotations. Rabbits Average to retailers. 48 52c ib dressed: price to producers. 43c. fryers, live, while. 20-25o Itu colored. 17-21 lb. Onions Green, local mid -Columbia. 75-80C dor. bunches. Onions Ore. Brooks yellow, med. 50 Ib. sks. 2.25-2.40; pickling to lb. 7 25-7.50; 25 lb. sk. 2 55-4 00; 10 lb. 1.70-1.75, Wash, yellows 3" 2.25-50: Idaho yellows, red, 2.50-2.60: 3-inch 2.25-2 33; Calif, white med. 2.10-2 25. Potatoes Ore. Wash. Russets No. Is 100 lb. sks. 4.00-4.20; 25 lb. 1.10-1.20; 15 lbs. 64-85: bakers No. Is 4.20-4.40 cwt.; No. 2 med. 50 lb. 1.15-1.30; Deschutes Russets No. 1 3.85-4.00. Dressed meats: Veal light top quality. 35-36c lb.; heavy top quality 28-30C B, 20-26c. C 22-24c; cull 18-20c Hogs Block, butchers, packer style. 125-160 lbs. 38-Wc lb; over 213 lbs, 37 -38c lb: sows. aU wts 27-2SC lb. Lambs Best grade 3S-40c lb; others according to quality. Cascara bark Green 10c tt4 dry 23c lb. Hay U. S No. 2 green alfalfa or better, carload lota, FOB Portland. $30-32 ton; U. S. No. 1 timothy (east ern Oregon or Washington), carlots T.OJB Portland, $34-37 ton; oats and F GET A-GOING JN Tfe. REMEMBER, YOU HAVE V ; Kten mouths to feed) lt rr Cp tmr. K-g tw a he. w fm imi it CMAKE IT SWAPPV WEVE ON AM0 EVEN IF THEY CAPTURE THE TWO THIEVES, THET" CANT ' MAKE THEM CONFESS WHERE THEY ARE HI0IN6 THE LITTLE r aria KOl fc krrlf mmlT? AILHAI THAHK5 FOR STARTING Hi MK. r 1 v i rEVEK MINE? ( EEGA....7 . . IT'S TAINffV TOO AALCH OUT ) OF U3 BOTH! J I aV-h'ssZesCss BETDRE I ANSWER TWL VttWtB UTILE TALK. I MA HAVE A PRDPOSmON. i couiotrr stop HE WUZ CHAS1N' OFF TH LA0VBU6 FROM VJASSAft Salem Market Quotations BUTTERFAT Premium ... No. 1 No. 2 PRINTS Wholesale .81 .7S .70 .77 .82 .68 .63 .38 J8 .72 .67 .78 .73 if n .40 Retail KGGS BUYING Extra large .. Medium and standard Pullets Cracks EGGS. Selling Price Wholesale, large Mediums .... Retail large Retail medium POULTRY Colored hens. No. No. 2 fryers M to LIVESTOCK (By Valley Pack) Choice spring lambs ..... Yearling up I Ewes 2 00 Fat dairy cows ( Cutter cows 8.00 I Dairy heifers Calves (300 to 450 lbs.) Bulls Veal (150 to 300 lbs.) vetch mixed hay. uncertified clover hay, $22-25 50. baled at Willamette val ley farms, depending upon quality and location. Mohair 42c lb. on 12-month growth WAKS V7 CALL up S. s- .TiT. J MY BOSS ANO J UP.Vf TELL HIM I'M r y Sick and SmonY V BE OONN r WEVE COT TO GET UIM - HrS FEET HE'S TO BE OUR SHIELD GEE. ZERO MRS. RE6 AL TREATS ME SWELL- ITS ALMOST LIKE HAVING A REALLY-TRULY MOTHER -ITM SO HAPPY I KIM0A rOS6ET ALL ABOUT MRS. MEANT-J 10WI 9SS BOOM WH .1' BiTES CHEER teoeo and MftKCS HIM CCrtP IN AIR ANO SCREAM- AT THAT'S IT I EESAl I LL CALL VOU J j EiESA BEEVA! j 7 AND IT W3ULP BE JU5T 1 1 A5 NOT TO p ,j ANVTHINC TO WLLET L. II Corn Slumps, Oats Gains in Grain Market CHICAGO. Oct. lO-t-G rains moved in divergent directions on the board of trade today, corn slumping, wheat closing mixed and oats displaying considerable independent strength. Turnover again was at the moderate level prevailing since margins were hiked. Major feature was the drop in com, which fell around 5 cents at one time. With major distill ing companies shutting down for a 60-day emergency holiday and a more optimistic government crop report expected after the close, lit tle sustained buying power de veloped. Wheat closed lower to Ui higher, December $2.92 i-i, corn was 1V4-2". higher, December $2.24-2.25, and oats were "7-3's higher, December 1.187.-1.19. The government estimate of a corn crop of 2,458,000,000 bushels, up 54,761,000 bushels from the preceeding month, was a smaller gain than many analysts had pre dicted. However, traders pointed out that prospects have continued to improve since October 1, when data for the government report was collected. The December wheat contract drew some support from govern ment purchases of 2.169,000 bush els of cash wheat yesterday and at one time moved to a new sea sonal high of $2,944. However.! practically all the gain was lost at the close. The five-day weather outlook for Jthe southwest was pessimistic, encouraging some buying of July wheat. Stocks and Bonds tCompllfd b? th Assort ted Press) Oct 10 STOCK AVERAGES 30 IS Ind Rails . 9J.S 34 1 ... Ml 34 I .. 9t 34 S . 90 2 . 33 1 .. S4.S 32 S 13 SO Ufi! Storks 42 63 S 42 65 4 43 0 65 3 42 S 84 0 43 4 lie Friday, Previous day week: ago Month ago Year ago BONO AVERAGES 20 10 Ralls Ind Bis 101 t 10 Util 103 ! 10.1 2 103 4 1040 103 0 105 7 103.1 10 For. 60S 69 S 69.2 68.7 74.7 76 6 67.7 Friday Previous day . Week ago Month ago Year ago 91.7 92 I 93 3 92 3 97.1 . S9S low. 101 7 1020 102 1027 104 2 101.7 1S47 high 1947 low . New 1947 Portland Grain PORTLAND.. Ore.. Oct. 10 (API- Wheat: No futures quoted. Caah grain: Oat unquoted: barley No. 2 4 Ib B W. 78 SO: No. 1 flax 6 SO. Cash wheat (bid): Soft whit 2 70'.: soft white (excluding Rex) 2 7t)' ; white club 2 70'i: western red 2 70',. nmra red winter: Ordinary 2 70i: 10 per cent 2.74: 11 per cent 2.83. 12 per cent 2 91. Hard white Baart: Ordinary 2 92: 10 per cent 2.92; 11 per cent 2 98: 12 per cent 3 04. Today's car receipts: Wheat 38: bar ter H; flour 6. corn S; oats 3. mill feed . SUNDAY'S Kilocycles: K8LM 1390. KOCO 1190, KOI.N 970. KGVT 020. HEX 1190 DOUK 6KSI.M KOIN KGW KEX World News 00:15 lorganist IS! M Radio Bible Radio Bible Y. P. Church IY.P Church KOIN Air Church I Air Church !Air Church Air Church tUJW I I Radio Pulpit IKadlo Pulpit KEX Israel Message I Israel Message ISouthernaires bouthernaire 1st Baptist (1st Baptist (Prophesy Concert Hsll I Concert Hall IXews News " lOver Jordan ITabernacla Church In Home Church In Home News -Min Sunshine I Sun. Sunshine !Falth Hour KSLM Pilgrim KOCO Leibert KOIN Learning KGW Veterans KEX Radio Chape! Pilertm ilLeibert I Learning iNews IHadio Chapel KSI.M News KOCO Gospel Singer KOIN Platform KGW Glenn Shelley KEX Showcase KSLM Son's Guns INews IB. Cunningham 'Pet Shop KOCO 1st Baptist Ch. 1st Baptist Ch. 1st Baptist Ch.' 1st Baptist Ch. KOIN News I Explorer I Meet Author ITo You KGW Music America, Music America Harvest Stars I Harvest Stars KEX Ernie Felice lOrgan parade Hit (Parade Hits KSLM News lOrchestra KOCO News I Cugat KOIN CBS Symphony CBS Symphony CBS Symphony CBS Symphony KGW Eddy Howard IF.ddy Howard j Man's Family Man's Family KEX Parade Hits iParade Hits I Sinatra I assie KSLM Mysteries KOCO Kav'S Orch. KOIN Hour Charm. KGW Quiz Kids REX Dur Children IMysterles IKay's Orch Hour Charm IQuiz Kid-, IDur Children KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KKX The Shadow Novatime Family Hour Ford Theatre Bill Lance Tli Shadow (Novatime Family Hour 'Ford Theatre I Bill Lance Webster (Webster Varieties Varieties . Ozzie. Harriett 'Ozzie. Ford Theatre (Ford Patty Page Patty Sherl'k Holmes Sherl'k Holmes Book Quiz Men of Note I Ft Hawaiians ITi inlty Choir Gene Autry jGene Auiry INews lack Benny I Jack Benny 1 Harris-Fa) e Rex Maupin Rex Maupin (Memories Healing Wings lHealing Wings !J. Fidler INews Horl. Concert IHorl Concert I Serenade 'Serenade Dr Dana I Dr. Dana I Jack Trades I Jack Trades Chas McCarthy Chas. McCarthy Fred Allen IFred Allen Sunday Hour I Sunday Hour i Sunday Hour (Sunday Hour KSLM Crime Club ICrime Club I Backus Show Backus Shov KOCO N. Cloutier IN Cloutier (News Sports iWesleV Tuttle KOIN Miss Sherlock I Miss Shei lock I Tony Martin I Tony Martin KGW Merry-Go-R'nd 'Merry-Go-R'nd , Familiar Music Familiar Music KEX W. Winchell ILouella Parsons Theatre Guild I Theatre Guild KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX G. Heater IG Heater I Leave Girls Frank Devol Frank Devol ISerenade Chris Wells IChris Wells (Hope Chest Take. Leave It ;Take. Leave It IBig Break Theatre Guild I Theatre Guild ! Jimmie Fidler KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX 20 Questions Rex Maupin Crime Doctor Star Review Drew Pearson News Popular Orch. Sam Spade Symphony Hr. R'side Chapel (Veterans I Popular Orch. Sam Spade (Symphony Hr. I Kenny Baker KSLM Revival Hour (Revival Hour Allen Roth Ballroom Orch I Ann Mercer ConVersaUon KOCO Allen Roth KOIN 5-Star Final KGW News Flashes KEX McCall New KSLM Sign Off KOCO News KOIN , Harry James rU WwNew, .. ItKX Clrot Orcli- IC Robinson Harry Mrs. Hatch Visits Cascade Locks FALIS CITY Mrs. Calvin Bones and win, Jimmie. visited their nunt, Mildred Wray, for a wpek recently. WLrs. J. B. Hatch is visiting her son in Cascade Locks for two weeks. C. J. Farrow, manager of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph in the Polk county district, was here on business Thursday. Norman Davis and Mr. snd Mrs. Eldon Shepard returned Wednesday after a 10 days' hunt ing trip in eastern Oregon. They bagged two deer. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Letterman of Salem were visiting friends and relatives Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Travis re turned to Caldwell, Idaho, after visiting his sister, Mrs. Margaret Thompson, for two weeks. Harvey Marr and Clifford Reeves were in Salem Thursday. Mrs. Doyle Lorimor was ' in Dallas Wednesday. Buyers Stay At Controls of Stock Market NEW YORK. Oct 10-yF)-Buy-ers remained in control of today's stock market although offerings were sufficient to throw many leaders for moderate losses. Floor traders continued to pick up favorites on the idea the list was due for a further strong move if the expected big-scale dollar relief for Europe eventuates and props the wavering export pic ture. Prospects of expanding earn ings and boosted dividends aided individual favorites. Accounts were trimmed her- and there for the lengthy weekend securities markets will recess Monday in ob servance of Columbus Day. While plus marks held a wide majority at the close, declines were plentiful. Volume reached 1.120, 000 shares compared with 790,000 the day before. The Associated Press 60-stock composite was up .1 of a point at 65.5, which was a top since Sept. 2. Of 995 issues registering, 531 rose and 257 fell. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore.. Oct. 10 ( API (USDAI Cattle Salable ISO. total 2S0; calves salable and total 33: mer ket fairly active, mostly steady: few common-medium steers 17.00-22.06): common-medium heifers IS 00-21.00: odd good heifers up to 22.00; canner and cutter cows 11 50-14 00. medium good beef cows 16 00-18. M; good sau sage bulls 17 00-18 00. lite-faced bulls up to 18 50: good vealers steady. 22 00 23 00. choice quotable to 25 00. Hogs Salable 23. total 300; market steady on few available but extreme top 28 lower: 1 lot good-choice 223-lb weights 20 00; good US-lb feeders 28 00; choice lite feeders quotable to 32 50, good sows salable around 24 50-28 00. Sheep Salable and total 50: mar ket nominal: good-choice wooled lambs quotable 20 00-21 00; feeder lambs sal able around 17.00; good ewes salable 7.00-50. BROADCASTS OOJt 00:45 I Johnson Sing I I Organist (Prophesy I jingers Tabernacle I Inside China (Tabernacle I tuutheran Hour f ntherin Hour IWaltz Lives Walti Lives IGuest Stars INews I Internal Light I Workshop Eternal Light I Workshop Comdr. Srott lYour Muilo South Singing (News Platform Doorway Life Glenn Shelley I Hound Table Raymond Swing Sammy Kaye Your Music IMarch Time Doorway Life Round Table Sammy Kaye Young People fYoung People' Music 5alon Concert (Salon Concert I Detective (Detective IWakely Trio IWakely Trio Hour of Charm' Hour of Charm Barrr Wood i Chuck Foster Pettlnglll I to Stafford IQkas Flash INovatime IQkas Flash. INovatime I Jos. Harsch i Ford Theatre I Counterspy Jean Sablon Ford Theatre Counterspy IN. Carter News IN. Carter IHeidt Orchestra IGinny Simms Harriett 'Ginny Simms Theatre Page , Oregon Album I Oregon Album Greatest Story I Greatest Story I Book Quiz ITrinitv Choir tLest We Forget Harris-Faye I Memories (Leave Girls G. G. Quartet I Hope Chest IBig Break I Don't Believe po Questions (Journal I S. Graham Rex Maupin lUrgan mooos uorgan Moods I C rime Doctor I Blond le It'ouple Next Star Review (Symphony Hr. I Symphony Hour Headlines IGreeri Hornet IGreen Hornet Orchestra I Popular prch. (Corliss Archer (Jack Benny Guest Stair I News I ICorliss Archer i Corliss Archer (Jack Benny I Hotel Orch (Revival Hour I Tempo time lieott Orch. ICathohc Hour I Vespers ; I -l Mour 'Tempo Time I Scott Orch. ! Catholic Hour j Vespers I I Popul ir Orch. I Ponuli ir Orch. James I .vont Oi-ch. (Organ Interlude leamlandEIiDiTamiand .y lDreamland Tho Stalsmmcnt, Solom, Orogon, Sahirdcrr. Octobsjr 11, HIT T "THE YOUNG IDEA" By Mossier Cf. I47 by IWH8 fm lysWa, Is. Well, yu flanked algebrar Detroit Folk Entertain for Deer Hunters DETROIT G rover Chestnut of Mohler. formerly of Idanha shin gle mill, was guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Booker Sunday. Dr. John Ramage and some friends from Salem vUited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cham pion when they returned from a hunting trip. Mrs. Clarence Oard of Braman. Okla. Is visiting her son Warren Oard and family. She came here from San Francisco where she vis ited a daughter, and will remain about two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Burrell Saylor left October 1 for Murphysboro. 111., where they were called by the death of his stepfather. They ex pect to be back the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Garrett and children of Med ford are visiting her sister and brother-in-law the Howard Baldwins. Mrs. Rose Mermillion, Colleen Mermillion and Mrs. Keith Moore took a shopping and pleasure trip to Bend Saturday. The Santiam Willing Workers club met Wedneda with ,v president. Mrs. Ida Hansen. Ba-i zaar and rummage sale will be held at Vickers hall, Idanha, No vember 17. Central Howell Women Start Extension Year With Special Program CENTRAL HOWELL Farm ers Union auxiliary held the first fall meeting Wednesday with Mrs. John Schafer. Mrs. Leonard Ham mer, president, conducted the meeting. Other officers this year are Mrs. Milton Kephart, vice president and treasurer, Mrs. Ted Kuenzi, secretary. Committee chairmen for the cumlnf year were announced as follows: Mrs. Milton Kephart, finance; Mrs. Clyde DeSart, hospitality; Mrs. Lee Dow, recreation; Mrs. John Cage, ACWW; Mrs. Clarence Johnson, publicity; Mrs. Clarence Simmons, sr., membership; Mrs. Ted Kuenzi. standard unit; Mrs. Kmery Goode, 4-H; Mrs. Frank Way. cheer. New materials were discussed by Constance Hamp ton, assistant home demonstra tion agent. Covered dish lunch eon was served by the hostess. you'll learn tho story behind IVollaco's "spnnrcirjG pnnrjEiiiY" Jamu F. BYnies Starting Wednesday, Oct. 15 isvthe This eetialiaastoe. el "SJpeslriee frankly win oorec eia oi bfteea chapters el the book ks a puhlahe4 Oct. IS hf Bars i e rotxromorit II from assisted by Mrs. Leonard Ham mer, Mrs. Ted Kuenzi and Mrs. Mel v in Van Cleave. Visitors present, all of whom became new, members. were' Mrs. William' Kleen, Mrs. Mary Ilendon, Mrs. Wilber F. Wilson, Mrs. Melvin Van Cleave and Mrs. Holland. Other members were Mrs. Frank Way, Mrs. Clarence Sim mons, sr, Mrs. Clarence Simmons, jr., Mrs. A. E. Kuenzi, Mrs. Mil ton Krphart. Mrs. Lewis Patter- son, Mrs. Samuel Eacheiman, Mrs. t John Cage, Mrs. Lee Dow, Mrs. vmiam Zkcnarr, Mrs. Louis w ampler , Mrs. Clyde DeSart, Mrs. Henry Torvend, Mrs. Wil helm Sjovangen and Mrs. Clar ence Johnson. Idaho Educator Will Speak Here on Sunday ! Dr. Lewis T. Corlett, president of Northwest Nazarene college; Nsmpa, Idaho, and the Colleg Male quartet, "The Crusaders", have been holding a weekend Holi ness convention at the First Church of the Nazarene. Thir teenth at Center, Wednesday through Sunday this week. Dr. Corlett is recognized as an out standing educator and speaker. "The Crusaders" have toured the northwest during the summer months, returning for this week end engagement by request, i The number of locomotives used on U. S. railroads reached a peak Of 43.489 by 143 being due large ly to increased power for each lo comotive. EXECUTRIX rfMAL. NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY CIV EN that VADA M. BILBREY. as Executrix at the estate of ALBERT AKERLO BIL BREY. deceased, has filed her Final Account as such, and by order of thm Circuit Court of the State Oreo for M m rinn PaiiiiIv - - - i t . at 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon of aeid nay ana courtroom of said court hswe been fixed as the time and place for th hearing of ohiertinna tn uM st-i ac count and the settlement of said ea- uiie. VADA V. BtLBREY Executrix of the Estate of ALBEST AKERLO BILBREY. deceased. RHOTEN St RHOTEN t SAM r. SPEERSTRA Attorneys for the Estate. Pioneer Trust Build tnc Salem. Orecon Oct. IMS-IS-N l- ICE CnEAII ; Qnorls . 330 SAV1IIG CEIITED' Raleaa tTeat Sales Why Suffer Any Longer waea ethers fan. swe ear Cklsas reaaedles. Aaaaatas satcress fee aaea years la Chlaa. Ne matter srHa what auaseats yea re afntrtetf--. dtserlers, sia litis, ktart. taxes, Mb er, kidaeys. fas. ceastpaUe. aisers dUbetaa. rbeaaaaUsaa. sail aatd ba der (ever. akla. fasaale rasaplslsaa CHARLIE CHAN . CHINESE BTkXX CO. Pkaas I-ItM IALKM. ORB. 184 N. Cesasaerrlai. Office Bears IUI, Taee. aaa sat. eary DRS. CHAN . . . LAM Dr.T.TXaauN J. DrA.CIuuvJfJI CHINESE EIERBALISTt 141 Nartk Uberty Mp,tf.,H prti General Electric Co Office ooea Saturday only IS a an to I aja. 8 le 1 aB. Consul UUon Blood ta-eurend. leau are free 4 charae. Psactiead since if 11 ---7 PILES (HeaaaaMlseMs) Flstala, Flssarc, Itching, rrelapee. sad ether Kee t a I sUserdcrea cerrected. it N HospIUUuUm Mil Tre&taaestt Call for exxmlaaUaa mr writ for free DescrlptiTe BeekleC Don't become iBcmrabl y de lay. Dr. R. Reynold Clinic r Natxre-Preeteleglst Zli N. Liberty BL, Saleaa. Ora. I f