tTkm Start mam. Bedim. Oregon, Ttidar. October 10, 1947 Women Voters Hear Reports t First report on "Know Your Town. study project by the Sa km Lrsgue of Women Voters, were g jvm st meeting Thursday mcht at the YWCA. Making re ports were Mary Jo Causey, on the rity charter; and Mrs. Mel vin Ck-reiand, sources of city revenue. , 1 AnnouncemeBt waa made of the "International Trade work shop en oetinr. to be held in Portland Wednesday and Thursday, October 15 and 18 by the Oregon League of Women Voters! Budtret for the Vxal league waa dtx-yiMwd at a meeting of the bxad of director of the Salem league Thursday noon which was attended by Bertha Papst, nation al treasurer. Mrs. Al Bowes is president of the Salem League of Women Vo ter organized last May. Mr. Blair Stewart, state league presi dent, accompanied- Miss Papst to Salem arid discussed plans for at tendance at the trade conference to be held next week in Portland. The Wednesday night Portland meeting will be open and will be Fire Destroys Gorge Hotel PORTLAND, Oct. 9 - (JP) -Fire hair destroyed the 18-room cliff house" near Bridal Veil, on the Columbia River highway. I Five occupants esc a pel unhurt from the structure before the $35,000 rtructurew as destroyed last night. It was built in 1867 by the great great grandfather of the present owner, George M. Elleson. The house had been used as a residential hotel in recent years. Chelialis Escapee Caught in Salem Leonard K. B-rrell. an escapee from the Chehalia Training school, Chehaita, Wash., waa errested by city rx lire late Thursday night as lie waa sleeping in a stolen car In the 2S60 block on D street. , Barrell admitted escaping from the reformatory last Sunday and had stolen the car at PeEll, Wash., the next day. Resumption of Trade in Europe Said Inevitable ' WASHINGTON. Oct. 9 - (JP) -Fall scsle resumption of trade be tvcen eastern arid western Europe iinevi table," Undersecretary of Slate William Clayton said to day. He asserted, H would be "very difficult for Ku&aaa to dam up this "natural flow of goods no matter! what restrictions the So viets might try to impose. BRITAIN SELLS COLD TO U.S. LONDON, Oct. 9 -(JP)- An authoritative government source indicated today that Britain has sold another $120,000,000 worth of gold to the United States, and an official announcement said South Africa had agreed to lend that country $320,000,000 of the yellow, metal to reiaforceT-the supply.' , SEEK EAST INDIES PEACE LAKE SUCCESS, Oct. 9 -P-U5. and Belgian members of the security council's three-nation na tion committee of "good offices" planned today to leave by air next Tuesday for Australia and the East Indies to seek means of set tling the Dutch-Indonesian con flict peacefully. TRAINING 8ITE BET i BROOKLYN. Oct. -( -Brooklyn's Baseball Dodgers announced today they will train at Ciudad Trujillo Dominican republic, next spring, with their Montreal farm tram from the International league training at San Cristobal, a smal ler city about 20 miles away. TAG DEADLINE FIXED PORTLAND, Oct. 9 -4 IP)- Ap plications for the 100 elk tags to be issued for the special Dec. 13 16 season near Ukiah must be filed with the state game commission here by Nov. 3. ' The coast of Columbia was ont of the first parts of the American continent visited by the early Spanish navigators. "I THOUSANDS ARE AGAIN ENJOYING leiflclbew ' the beer that came back with a bang! V cauBMiamncvaK.istaaA.MsaY) Over Half of County Voters Cast Ballots In special Election More than half of Marion coun ty's registered voters turned out for Tuesday's special election which saw the defeat of the pro posed sales and ciga ret taxes, ac cording to figures released Thurs day by Marion County Clerk Har lan Judd. A total of 15,986 voters ballot ed, of a registered 28,233 voters, disclosed the Marion county can vass board after completing its canvass of tally sheets Thursday. Figures on the sales tax issue went 3,825 against and 12,198 in favor. The. proposed cigaret tax waBj, defeated in this county 6,594 to 9,001. By precincts, West Sil verton showed the greatest total of votes cast with 355. Clerk Judd described the voter turnout as "average for a special election." Increase Noted In Letter-Writing Salem is writing more letters and sending more packages 900, 000 more than last year and In coming mail shows correspond ing increase. The September quarter chalked up 3,867,828 cancellations of first class mail, and increase of 35 per cent over the same thr'ee-months period last year, Postmaster Albert Gragg reported Thursday. Cash receipts total 20 per cent more than last year's quarter. The growth shown by these fig ures prompted the recent inspec tion of existing facilities at the pos toff ice building made by a pos tal supervisor, Gragg said. Vandals Leave For OSC Tilt MOSCOW, Idaho, Oct. 9 -UP) The Idaho Vandals went through a kicking and pass defense drill today and then boarded a train for Corvallis and Saturday's coast conference football game with the Oregon State Beavers. Coach Dixie Howell said his team appeared in good physical and mental shape but he added that the Beavers are a rugged opponent and that he held out "little hope for victory." Portland Ordinance to Dan Ammonium Nitrate PORTLAND, Oct. 9 -(fP)- An ordinance banning ships laden with explosive ammonium narrate from Portland harbor was being drafted by city officials today. Mindful of recent deadly blasts at Texas City, Tex., and at Ham burg, Germany, the officials said they might lose money for the city, but the ban would save lives. Pakistan Asks U.S., Reds Take Stand on Palestine LAKE SUCCESS, Oct. 9 - (JP) -Pakistan struck today at what it called "reluctanbe" of the big powers to speak on the Palestine question. This Expressed openly for the first time the crowing demand by small and medium countries' for the United States and Russia to show theis hands. Cadinka Sold SPOKANE, Oct. 9.-P)-Mllt Cadinha, former star right hand ed pitcher for the Spokane Indi ans of the class B Western Inter national Baseball league, has been sold to Fort Worth' of the Texas league, the Indians' front office announced today. SPARTANS AIR SICK SPOKANE, Oct 9 -(JP)- An air sick Michigan State college foot ball team arrived tonight after a rough flight from Denver and rainy weather forced them to can cel an outdoor workout in prepera tion for their game with Washing ton State college in Pullman Saturday. ADDITION TO VETS HOSPITAL PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 9 -JP)-Th veterans administration said today that a $3,323,000 addition to the Portland Veterans' hospital would be built here. The noise of beetles produced by scraping one part of the body against another, is believed to be a mating calL Too Late to Classify KM. AND BD. for tnployd pen or student, enquire S4 Mill St.. bcf 2 p.m. . DAIICE Every Saturday Night SEVEDTOII AnilOOY Music by Glenn's Woadry'a 15-Plece Orchestra OPEIIIIIG DAIICE Oct 11 Canyon Iloon Dance Hall Da troll, Oregon Claude Bird Orchestra Dance erery following 1 Scrturday nlghf Soil Tested at Garden Qub William McKinney, agricultur al instructor at Salem high school, gave demonstration on soil test ing, before members the Salem Men's Garden club at the YMCA Thursday night. McKinney was as sisted by Loren Newkirk, Don Sianke, Darryl Van Cleve and Meil Andrews. Colored slides showing flower arrangement and fall flowers were shown. Club pre sident Mark Taylor i announced that membership in the organiza tion went over the 200 mark this year. - j - Mammoth Dope Cache Found VANCOUVER, B. C, Oct 9 (CP) - Experienced ! waterfront observers tonight said they be lieved Vancouver might be the distributing center of an inter national narcotics ring: with head quarters in the Far East, as Roy al Canadian Mounted police an nounced the seizure of 415 pounds of contraband opium' valued at $4,648,000 onthe black market. The seizure, described as "one of the largest hauls ever made in North America," was made aboard the Dutch freighter Manoeran to day in a north Vancouver dry dock. I Chile Charges Red . Ring in Argentina BUENOS AIRES, pet, 9,-(P)-The Argentine cabinet was re ported today to be studying Chil ean charges that a communist net work, operating under the new "communist international organiz ation" and directing campaign against the United States, had headquarters in Buenos Aires. Informed sources said that the cabinet, which met with President Juan D. Peron, was believed to have discussed the expulsion last night of two Yugoslav diplomats from Chile and possibly commun ism as well. Hughes Probe to Resume Shortly WASHINGTON, Oct. 9 (JP) Senator Ferguson (R-Mich) dis closed today that the second act curtain of the senate investigation of Howard Hughes' $40,000,000 wartime plane contracts will go up before the previously scheduled November 17 date. ,v Ferguson told newsmen he has not yet fixed a definite date for the renewed public hearings, but said he had decided to advance the schedule because he wants to at tend a senate appropriations com mittee meeting on European aid problems, November 18. LIQUOR FUNDS TOTALLED PORTLAND, Oct. 9 JP)- The state liquor control commission re ported today It had turned over $2,760,000 to the state public wel fare account since July 1. Mat Dally from 1 TM. NOW SHOWING! So Heal! So HumanI it a a Winner! iwmj CO -HIT! THE 'SOUTHERN CROSS' FLIES AGAIN! WORLD SERIES NEWS! it'll 11 M'.'tlW Mat. Dally from 1 ML OPENS 1:45 P. M. M-G-M's ROMANTIC ADVENTURE PLUS "SINGING ON TUB TRAIL" with . Kent Curtis - Jeff; Dennell Xi. I Gay JUbbee and. .r.,Tbe,Uief Hotshots ... Neuner Ponders Rule on Legality Of Tax Increase State Rep. Manley 3. Wion, Wauna, editor of the CIO Inter national Woodworker, has writ ten Attorney General George Neuner for a legal opinion as to the constitutionality of the con tingent income tax increase, re sulting from lower income tax exemptions, following defeat of the 3 per cent sales tax at Tues day's special election. Neuner Thursday declined to comment on Wilson's letter other than declaring that it would re quire sometime to write the opin ion. Meanwhile the Portland" Central Labor Council reported to the state department here Thursday it spent $499.15 in opposing the 3 per cent sales tax bill which was defeated at Tuesday's statewide special election. The council's expense state ment was the first to arrive at, the state department in connection with the special election. Signals Faint from Minesweepers PEARL HARBOR, Oct 9 -OSV Three seamen, adrift aboard four lashed - together minesweepers, sent out new radio distress signals today, but the calls were not strong enough for searchers to get a bearing. The powerless minesweepers disappeared in that area Septem ber 24 after the tug Edward M. Grimm ran out of fuel and had to cut them loose while it crept to Palmyra under anjmprovised sail. Male ants live only a short time in adult state: the life of the workers is only a few months. But the average life of the queen ant is about a year although some have been known to live six or seven. Navy Rcservcfs Hears Ayrault "America's only- hope to avert another war lies in maintaining a strong military reserve force strong enough to discourage any potential enemy." A. D. Ayrault, USN, commander of the 13th naval district naval reserve, told members of the Salem reserve unit in a meeting Thursday night. Ayrault j announced he was "extremely pleased" with prog ress made in organization of the Salem reserve, lie disclosed that the Jocal unit now boasts a ros ter of 64 enlisted men and 14 of ficers, or about 35 per cent of its full strength complement which will he 200 enlisted men and IS officer. About 85 men were present for Thursday night's meeting. Unit commander, Cmdr. Vernon Gil more, said that numerous appli cations were processed at the meeting and should boost mem bership well over this week's total. ARC Instructors' Course Planned An instructors' training course in home service work of the American Red Cross will be giv en by Marion county chapter of the Red Cross for one week starting October 27. The work will be done in two units, one for care of the sick, the other for mother and child care and family health. Graduate nurses are eligible for the course. The area office of the Red Cross has funds available to pay those taking the training and to pay them on an hourly basis later when they instruct in home nursing classes. More than 800,000 destructive fires annually destroy an estima ted $90,000,000 worth of property and kill an estimated 3,500 people in the United States. Q Tbt Scrtcifs Gnattst Rmanct pftbtSkies! i' A.W GDAIID - SUNDAY! now.; Urn HOW! ONE OF THE scheeii's Opens f:45 P. M. HOST TODILLIHG ADVEHTOBES! SSs-- , c, - . , x V'. X ) RQBEBT 10UNG - EUHDOLFH SGflTT Diract4 by FRITZ LAHO AtMdeta Prodvcw HARRY XX MOWN (WlaassM 4BMLlsaasi CO-HIT! COMEDY WITH MUSIC 1 Susan Hay ward t Jerry Colonna Judy Canova - Bob Crosby & Orch. "SIS HOPKIIIS" STARTS TONIGHT. U I M 1 S ffi (Adults Always 35c) opens 6:45 P. M. Humphrey Boaart Iisabeth Scott "DEAD RECKONING Jimmy Wakely, "RIDERS OF THE, DAWN" First Chapter of New Serial "JESSE JAMES RIDES AGAIN" ALSO CARTOON AND NEWS STARTS TODAY!!! Dramatic Vyttajfutc.. I Ml 4U TV . m out of the old west! H't ttii Hi'i:MJ COMPANION FEATURE INTBIGUf A m ' - I 'Life Begins At 40 Says Mrs. Dunlavy (Story and picture on page 1) BROOKS. Ore., Oct. 9 -UP) Mrs. Bcitv M. Dunlavy, 40, who is now suing for her 15th di vorce, expressed hope today that the "right man" might still come along. Flipping pancakes In the res taurant she owns here, the at tractive brunette said IS unlucky trial have not turned her against marriage. "I have no prospects for No. 16 and I'm not looking," she told reporter. "But." she added cheer fully, "they do nay life begins at 40." Mrs. Dunlavy, whose divorce suit against 32-year-old John S. Dunlavy on a charge of cruel and inhuman treatment is now pend ing in circuit court, also prof fered these convictions: "Variety is not the spice of life. One husband if a girl could just find the right one might be better. "Men are not alike. They're all different," said Mrs. Dunlavy emphatically. 0 E" this ad is wonrn sio DAYS TO ENROLL AT THIS PRICE, MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY, lNOON TO 10 P. M. OUD SPECIAL FALL OFFER Years ol Experience Assure You of Excellent Instruction ic Fox Trot -fc Walts Swtna if Tango if Rumba if Samba if Beginners if Advanced if Ladles if Gentlemen if AH Ages j I ! JUST THINK OF IT! 1(1 -oiiE-notm LESSONS COMPLETE NO MORE TO PAT! $10 COME IN TODAY OR CALL 6126 OREGOII INSTITUTE OF DANCING 155 S. LIBERTY ST. SALEM. ORE. ' re Screen's Coyest Gul-Fncnd Is If 'A Iff7 1 . i J V VI 111 ni - ; tSllQbt SlStfi r,L'T VI t m m mm mm mm w t - v jr t SS HWmi cmma S onf . . kut . ' fca't U lu S)t'le1ltfe1 il3 1 ,. Now "Sulfa" i in na'l e'' i (S3 Brorxfiwr r-fonraTu . TOS' ' X V X V. 'Y, .3Sr V William JffoLDw... ......... JOAN CAULFIELD. ..... BillyDeWolfe. Edward JIrnold.., MONA TitEEMAN. ... . MARY mnjPS . VKCIN1A WELLES KENNY 01I0UUS0N -Pndradt, PAUL (ONES STARTS SUIIDAT Dincta4fcy VILUAM D. 1USSEU L And to Add to Tesur Eajeyaaeet TOWER BEHIND THE NATION" All preoeeds ef this pewerfel sfcert sabject flrem to Duiti fcsmyea Cancer Feasl - ALSO -CARTOON - reto Smith - NEWS . II tCAnrj Aoocir uee 4 fir (AND FALL IN LOVE WITH HER) L. Vr Vrr 1 - tl f ft n ii l rl II t! W XI i R JJr- a aw a mi 1 rC I ' A WAlTtS wsoeu Elizabeth TAYLOR GEORGE S.Z. MARY MURPHY SAKALL ASTOR -cmLOCKHART spring BYINGTON JAMES LYDON SCOTTY BECKETT A ROBERT I LEONARD PRODUCTION II0T7 SUOUING! firm n-r-ixu i .rm.i; iu And to complete year fva Pete Smith's "Football Thrills Ne. t" Sos Bex Derby" A eelerfal story ef the lg evesst Tern V Jerry Csrtoea Dr. JekyU and Mr. Moose"