jfr Th Skrt man. S-lem. Ofcjon. Thurxlcry. October 9. Now York Stock Quotations NEW YORK, Oct MJTVTodajr'i Closing Quotation: Al Chem & Dye American Can Am Power St IA Am Tel t Tel Anaconda Atchison Bendix Avia Beth Steel Eyeing Air Calif Pack Canadian Pac CM J I Chrysler . Com with Sou Con Edison Cons Vultee ' Crown Zel Curtis Wr Douglas Air Dupont de Ne Gen Electric 187 Gen Foods 851 Gen Motors 10' Goodyear Tire 156Vj Gt North pfd 35 Int Harvest 82i!Int Paper ufd 32i'J Manville 89,4Kennecott 21 Long Bell A 31 HI Mont Ward IIS,; Nash Kelvin 4fliiNiit Dairy 59i N Y Central I North Am Co Northern Pac 'Pac Am Finn 3 25 13' 33 Pac Gas Elec 5S P T it T i 61 li Pan American 1 89 14 Penny J C 35 H; Radio Corp Portland Pi-wl-cc PORTLAND. Ore . Oct. (AP ) Butterfat Tentative .subject to immf) change!. Premium qua! ty Maximum Of J5 of 1 P"' 'C'ffi el.ered in Portland. f'" ouality. 78-aic: second quality. ?4-71c. waiter rout and country point. S cent Ira tnan first. 76-77c. Butter-Wholesale, f d b. bulk cubes, rid. A A. 3 tmr. -74c: W score 73c frTlS M score. 70c; C. B score 10c. 1 Ci-SUing price to Portland left. Oregon '"'.,, ' " i1'.f Oregon -lb. loaf. 44'i-SJ'ic. Is - lo wholesalers: A grade, a-jiw to U',r medium SUtC A .5.. rJl B grade. Urge. 62',- Purchased from farmers: Cur et receipt. S-3e: buyers pay hSs TSJSesale quotation! on graced for beat hennery eg f . chicken - Wvng pr" rroorers: No 1 broi ers unrfer 3U I to 4 lb . S8-3W-; roasters. 4 lbs and ' Jwr. 7-3r; fowl leghorn under, I Ibr. la-SOc- 4 lbs. and over. Jl-13e; colored fewL all weight. -27c; stag., all weights. 13-14 e lb vuioe Oreaaed turkeys. No. 1 toms. IV lb - net to grower. No. 1 young hens. 4V-4Sc lb. (nominal quotation I . Riobita - Average to reta.r. -i3c lb dressed. t prce Jryers. Irve. white. 20-25c lb.: colored. Jon-Creen. local mid-Columbia. oTrt"-OrTh Brock. yellow med. M jb ,ki 2 25-2 40; pickling M. b. $V. 25 :b. sk 3S5-4 00; 10 lb. i 7a-1 7S Wast, yellows 2 2 25-80. Ll yellow" red. 2 50-2 SO : 1-tnch nTw1. 4-4 lb. is-TOc. baker.. No. Is 4 20-40 ewt. o 2 med, lb 115-1 JO Dressed meats: Veal - light top iality. 8S-3c lb ; heavy top duality M-30C B. 0-Jc. C 22-24c; cuU .18-". Hois - Block, butcher.. P"' sty 125-10 lbs. '-40c lb; over 212 5, r-sac lb: sows, all wts.. 27-2SC lb. Umb.- Bt cr.de -40o lb; other, ajrrording 1o quality. An Carara bark Grim 10 lb.. dry vJtter carload lot TOB Portland. i"tJ U No 1 timothy (ea.t Zrn Ore.1 or Wa.hlnstonl. carlota FOB Portland. M4-27 J"ff Wtch rnlsei hs. uncertified clover tn-tV. bsled st Wlllamel sl W farmroepending upon quality and mI2it-4U lb on 12-month growth IWllantl Livestock rorrUkND Ors. Oct AP IfSDAi - Csttls salabla 250. total M calves salable and total 50; mar ket ave mortly steady; few med-aum-low lood grass Steers .1 00 14 : cutter - com mo l grades is so. common - medium ,hS'r Z 11 00: cutter, down to 13.50; canner and cutter co 11 50-14 00: fat dairy type cow. 14 50-15 00: medium - food JWf cow. UlgSOjlood beef 6u s J SO. medium - f ,b,""" ) M-IS W a,d ve.lera 12 00-23 50 them quotahla to IS 00 few heavy calve 2c Of. common grades down '"hS" salable and total 100: market loodHowe 250-Wi 'b. 2W-50:med-hm 1 lb. ,27 50: good So5-50 lb. anw. J5O-290: choice feeder pigs uotable up to 12 00-50. Sbeep aalable 150. tola! 550: market alow: few food woo led Umba about steady st 2000, s.king up to 2100 for good-choice grades; good ewes a'abie 7.00-50: medium feeder lambs . . rcirtland Grata PORTLAND. Ore.. Oct AP) Cah rrsin : Barley No. 2. 45 lb. B W. tS0 Cbrn No. 2. E Y. ahipmenU SO. ah wheat bidi: Soft white 2 67; aoft white lexcluding Re 2.67; white Club 2 w estern red 1M Hard reil wirter: Ordinary 2 67; 10 per cent IM; U per cent 2.74; 12 per cent 2 2. , . Hard white Baart: Ordinary 2 90; 10 per cent 20; 11 per cent 2J6; 22 per cent 2 02. Today's car receipts; Wheat 14, bar ley 2. flour S, corn 4. oats 1. mill feed 2. Salem Market Quotations BCTTTtStfAT "Premium i No. 1 J Mo 2 " i-suvrs Wholesale Retail -i SGC1 BUYING si .7 1.10 .17 M M .S3 JS M .72 .67 .78 .73 n 23 .40 Extra large Medium and standard Pulieta , . Cracks rnci Salllre. Prtea Wholesale, larf Mediums Detail lane Keall medium rotxTKt Colored bens, No 1 . - No 2 ; fryers M to ivriTors (Hi Vahev Packl Chotre spring lambs - Yearling up to rea . , 2 00 to Fat dairy cows to Cutter cowi I 00 to Dairy heifer . .. 00 to Calves (200 to 450 lbs.)' up to ftulti f 12 00 to Vel MVt to SOP lbs ) up to IS 00 12.00 son 13.M 12.50 14.S0 ISM 1780 23 00 Stocks and Bonds i Compiled by the Associated Press! Oct. S ITOCK AVERAGES 30 IS Ind. Rails Wednesday 81 5 34 1 'Prwioua day 021 343 Week ago 13 34 1 Montxl ago 05 33 7 Year ago 82.0 30. 13 eo L'til Storks 42.7 S.10 43 0 3 4 428 4.8 42 8 644 42 J 58.4 BOND AVERAGES 20 10 10 10 Rails Ind Uti! For Wednesday . lrevo. day Week ago . . Month bko Year ago . St 9 102 0 103.3 ' 3 42 0 102.0 103 3 4 M 2 102 3 103 3 68 1 .S3 6 103 0 104 8 M l 92 2 102 8 10S 4 76 9 A. T. SAVAGE ESTATE Nptice hereby la given to all person Yavng claims against tte estate of A. T. Savage, deceased, to present such claims, with proper vouchers, to the undersigned st the law office of Chris. J Kowiti. 406 Guardian building. Sa lem. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated September 11. 1947. VERA E." SAVAGE Executrix of Estate of A. T. Savage. deceased. S 11-18-25-0 2-9 1947 37 Va Rayonier 28 58 Rayonier pfd 37 V 45 Reynolds Met 22 V 39 Richfield 39 88 Safeway 22 544 Sean Roeb 37 43 Vs Sinclair Oil 15 45 So Pacific 43 23!Stn Brands 28 57 Stan Oil Calif 58 17 Studebaker 21 30' 4 Sun Mining 9 14 Union Oil 23 V 23 Un Pacific 140 20 Un Airlines 21 Un Aircraft ! 23 38 U. S. Steel 71 99V4LWarner Bros 13 9 West Elec 28 42 Wool worth 47 8 Trading Slow, Grains Rise CHICAGO. Oct. 8 Al thoush trading volume was sharp ly reduced, f rains pushed upward on the board of trade today in a market mainly distinguished by a reluctance to sell. Cash grain was higher with futures contracts. Wheat closed 24-34 higher, December $2.88-, corn was 1 to 2 cents higher, December $2.26 and oats were 2 to 2 higher, December $1.15-. While the higher margins have reduced volume, they have not as yet caused any decline in pri ces, either of futures or cash grain. Wheat futures are 1 to 9 cents higher than Monday's close, corn 2 to 5 higher and oats 1 to 6 higher. In Minneapolis No. 2 dark nor thern wheat today was $2.90 2.94 against $2.77-2.81 on Mon day, in Kansas City No. 3 hard wheat was $2.91 against $1.06- 1.07. Liberty Woman's Club Opens Fall Season LIBERTY The Woman's club had its first meeting of the new fall season at the hall Thursday with Mrs. Holland Seeger, presi dent, presiding. A committee including Mrs Mervin Seeger, Mrs. Beals and Mrs. W.' Schendel was appointed to see what arrangements could be made to care for members' small children during meetings. The district convention of Wom en's clubs in New berg October 14 and the county convention October 26 at Waldo Hills were announced. Constance Hampton, county 4-H club director, will conduct the pro gram, "New Materials" at the next meeting Thursday, October 16 at 2 p.m. in the hall. Roberts Mothers Club Plan Radio for School ROBERTS Mothers club of Roberts school held it first fall meeting last week at the school when Mrs. Carl Heyden was re elected president Mrs. Herb Mil ler, vice-president; Mrs. Harry Eyerly, secretary-treasurer. I A table model radio-phonograph will be purchased for the school to enable pupils to take advantage of children's programs given dur ing school hours. A discussion of Junior Red Cross for children was held and further, study of the advantages will be made. Next meeting will be October 17 at the Roberts school. ' Needlecraft mm Beauty to live with! This filet crochet chair-set makes a I lovely touch for your upholstery. You never tire of this classic design It's a showpiece! Make this rose filet-crochet in fine cotton Pattern 674 has directions; charts Laura Wheeler s new, improv ed pattern makes needlework so simple with its charts, photos, i j: ai r concise airccuons. j Send TWENTY CiCNTS In coins for this pattern to The Oregon Statesman, Laura Wheeler. 1st and Stevenson Sts. San Francisco. Calif. Print : plainly PATTERN NUMBER, your NAME, ADDRESS With ZONE. ' Fifteen cents more brings you our Needlecraft Catalogue. There are 102 illustrations of designs for crochet. knitting, embroidery personal acces sortes, horns decorations, toys. FREE instructions : for - making five! useful decorative household accessories print-' Ta imll"l"Wiir--a;u WTU-tl ed in book. Stock Market T Takes Tumble NEW YORK. Oct 8 -AJTh The stock market sagged at the end of an erratic performance today with losses ranging to more than a point for many leaders. It was the first average decline in nine sessions. The Associated Press 60-stock composite, in its first drop since Sept. 26, fell off .4 of a point to 65.0. Of 1,012 issues registering, 530 were lower and 283 higher. Total transfers were 1,130,000 shares. Santa Fe closed off a point at 82, U. S. Steel down 1 at 71, Goodrich IV4 at 57, Schen- ley 1 at 36, International Har vester 1 at 88 and American Can 1 at 85. Livestock and Poultry DRESSED Young turkeys: fresh young cow. Phone 2-2822. N. H. hens. Ready to lay. rn. 2wa. ""WANTED : Old norses and calves sulUble for fur feed. Ph. 2-3061. FOR SALE; Christie t H baby chicks every Wed Boytngtona, 1711 State St Phone 4969 wAnTETT Au kinds ot cattle, fat hogs, sows 4 boars. At your . farm or delivered Market price E C McCand iish. RL 9. Box 233. serosa from Waters Ball Park on S 23 St Ph B147. CUSTOM dressing of chickens, any number Prompt service. Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty. Phone i1 Lee's Hatchery. WANTED; All kinds of caltle and hogs. Will rsU at farm. Writ C L Snethen, 1330 Lancaster Drive. Ph. 21345 morn or eve. HIGHEST QUALITY CHICKS Near HamDthires and White Rocks. 100 free of pullorum. Hatches every Tues day Send for free catalog. Wilson's naicnerv a r-ounrv rarm Lroni urw WlNffS Rabbitrv tavt too prices for fryer rabbit. 3983 State St Ph. 109F3. . NEW HamDshira ImDv chicks, start ed chicks 4 older pullets always avail able Ph 22861. Lees Hatchery FOR SALE: Team Belgian mares, S and 4 yr. old. Ph. 22872 after 5 p. ni. FOR SALE: Weaner Diss from re- brtered Du roc Jersey. Julius Gehring. Silverton Rt. 3. Phone Black 193. WANTED: On or more milk goats. milking now or freshing soon. Stat price and location, writ 2533 S. Sum mer. BULL Service by artificial insem ination. Sires from the best of blood lines. Reasonable fees. All work per sonally supervised by licensed vet erinarians Salem Artlflcal Insemina tion Station. Ph. 6385. Help Wanted WANTED: Walnut Dickers. Ph. 8211 mornings. Help Wanted Male THE National Cash Register Co. will train young men for mechanical inspector. Must be single, high school graduate. 20 to 23 yrs. old. Good pay while learning See Mr. Healv, The National Cash Register Co.. S25 Qatnes. EXPERIENCED mechanical drafts man. Salem Iron Works. ALL-ROUND good-mechanic. Good proposition. Apply In person to Dones- ley's Motor Clinic, Wig N. Liberty. " LAWVEit'and raichet setter for small mill. Ph. 7721. BOYto "workafter school It Satur days. Inquire at Sally's. WANTED: One turkey rougher one turkey grader. Northwett Poul try. 1505 N. Front. Ph. 7007. EXPT Clothing salesman. Apply 287 State. OPENlNGwIth large national con- earn making confidential inspections for insurance companies. High school graduate, ages 22-30. Must hsve csr. Send letter with details of past ex perience to Lock Box 830. Portland. lf AN, between 25 At 33 yrs. of age and with car. Sales experience necesssry. Apply in person. Singer Sewing Ma chine Co.. 130 N Commercial St EXPERIENCED service salesman. Sttady employment, excellent work ing conditions Dodge and Plymouth dealer. Stan Baker Motors, Ph. 4119. MAN to build chimney immediately. 2S35 8 Summer. Help Wanted Female SALESLADY UNDER 35 FOR ESTAB. JEWELRY STORE. SOME TYPING EX PER. PERM. POSITION. EXCEL-, OPPORTUNITY. TOP SALARY. Phone 5510 WANTED: Experienced woman cook for student group. Ph. 8211 mornings. EXPERIENCED typist wulTieneral office experience. Salem Steel At Sup ply ,1 80 .CotirtSt CHAMBERMAID, experience prefer- red. Write Statesman Pox 684. MATURE woman, alert, fast typist for permanent position with possibili ties of good pay. Resident of Salem preferred. Ph. 8273. ; HIGH schooFgirl desires housework or baby sitting after school and Sat- urdays. Ph. ZB340. : "WOMAN between 30 and 8f yrs. to help In house, help with 2 children. 840, board, private room and private bath. 430 N. Summer. NIGHTWi tress: Senator FoooTihop "TURKEY" Pickers. Northwest Poul try, 1505 N. Front. Ph. 7007. 6TJSEKIElLWorsns light. Ph. 4832. 1 Salesmen Wanted POSITION open for ! an energetic young man in an established real es tate office. Must nave a car. box Statesman, Situations Wanted HOUSEKEEPER or companion post tlon desired, prefersbly in childless home, by refined elderly' lady. Free to travel. May be interviewed at 1013 5 23rd. "PAlNTINfS and decorating"! Work guaranteed. Ph. 3193 HOUSEWORK by hour by expert enced capable woman. Ph. 9691. . GIRL who is high school graduate would like position as receptionist. Can do typing. ni. B. Booc739. "WoVets7 Willamette; students, de sire part time work afternoons snd Saturdays. Ph. 2-4715. ; , : " Cement contracting, patching. 24751 "TGHTltousekeeptng iln nice home with room board. Box 999- Statesman IRONING- Mending in my home 75c hr. 1926 McCoy St.. Hollywood uist. yes I can iron snirts. ATjTJLTSiy sitter. . Ph. 26876. Painting & Decorating 26 yrs. beautifying homes in Salem. tn. 733Z. a. t-napnn. INSURED TREE SERVICE Topping, etc. Estimates gladly given. JOHN PAYNE, rHONE Z-WIH CEMENT CONTRACTING. Phone 2-3Q45. Stanley Fagg. Dressmaking. Phone 2-8153. Hollywood Transfer For local and long distance hauling Pickup and moving. Trailer, for rent. Ph. 9764. Burton's Mobile Station. "DftAWlNG eTDeslgnigig .fiouaeind store pis ns. pn: 9621 . ATTENTION KEIZER RESIDENTS Keizer Sanitation Service. Ph. 25824. ALTERATIONS done. Call 25574 or 1444 S. 12th St Plowing Ji discing. Light bulldozing Ph. 2-2773. PRUNING Lawn, park or cemetery work. Ph. 755. 1150 N. Church CURTAINS Washed & stretched. 395 S 22nd. Mrs; B. LteskcJ Ph, 26343. tRAIG ' refrigeration service; pK 24477. Situations Wanted SAW riling, circle a band taws, sharpened a repaired. Sam Charbon- neuax 4.10 Wallace Rd. ""IlOTJSEWOfcK" or washing arid iron ing Call 6364. . Painting & Decorating WE SPECIALIZE IN INTERIORS 2-S444 DICK PREY .2M " AlX Work guaranteed! Windows, wails, woodwork cleaned Floor wax ed. Insured workmen. Professional Cleaning Service Phono 4457 W ANTED: Furniture to gluo and repair. Lee Bros. Ph. -21233. Mike's Septic Service 1078 Elm, West Salem Ph 8468 or 5327 Painting Contract or by the hour. Spray or brush. PAUL BASSETT Rt 6 Box 363 Phone 2-5306 ramuriK pnu ubuvi iiniiiiiik. t WOULD Like to bid on your spray painting. Your paint or ours. Phpno An AK U f r.llikar 14U1 M 1Q4h C PAINTER and- Papemaneer Reason able prices. Free estimates. H. 3 wood worth pn 3013 PieSchool Playschool. 1381 Stat. Ares 2-8 Part or all day Ph 8430 EXPERT Repairs. New rolls. Olson Washer Repair. 80 Liberty Rd. Ph. 25100. Spray Painting Ralph Alsman. 1720 Lancaster Dr Phone 2-4248. Septic Tanks Cleaned K. r. Hamel. 1143 8th. West Salem Phone 7404 PAINTING - Papernanging. W Q Crowly. 857 ShlDDlng Phone 9513 CHIMNEY sweep NnrthneM ph 4450 SflTNGIN5 and Tithing.-Staples Bros. Ph. 0102 or 26763. TUTORING for elementary and Junior high chool grades. Phone 7890. Stella UKirriTH. an elderly per son, wants work as housekeeper. Ph. 8932 or call at 631 Breys Ave. IRONING most reasonably done. Give us a try. 481 Ferry S'. woui u like to care f r baby for working mother. 2468 Mvrtle Ave. CAPABLE practical nurse now available. Ph 8332. STENOGRAPHER, experienced, de sires permanent position. Phone3643. CUSTOM plowing. 20 acres or more. 50 h. p. Diesel with 6 disc plow. North west Heavy quip. Co. J-5I65. 3 miv South ME. For SaleMiscellaneous HOBART M. CABLE player piano and rolls for sale. 2650 Hulsey Ave. Phone 2S185. REVERE ware, aluminum cooking Utensils, kitchen gadgets. Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY River Silt MASON SAND. CONCRETE M DC READY MIX ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Cement Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH. 2-1966 2-3100 UNIVERSAL bantam electric range. Ideal for apartments, trailer houses, or as an auxiliary oven. Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY "CAMP AdalrTumber. 25rt." rafters. sinks, electrical wiring and lights. Ph. 2-1583. Always" a big stock Woodry's Furniture Mkt Ph. 9110. ClfAI.rCORSETIERFr-dreses: RAINCOATS. Ph. 7074437 N. Eiberty. " ELECTRIC lRdNS, metal-Ironing boards, pads, and covers. Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY BUILDING BLOCKS BRICKS PUMICE CONCRETE CEMENT, SEPTIC TANKS, CONCRETE WATERPROOFING 1 mile south on River Rd Phone 5968 ELECTRIC comforters, blanket, and heating pads. Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY APPLES 75c "bushel up. Culls 35c. WMe rrioK-e or varieties. Huttercup. Hubbard, Marblehead and Banana squash; pie snd Halloween pumpkins. Coin's Farm Fruit Stand. 3 miles N. of Jefferson, old highway. VACUUM cleaners and floor polish ers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY TEEPFREE2i:fc, 8 cu. ft.. ued 4 mo.. 8215. Will trade for refrigerator. North on 99 across from Labish School. FURNACE, wood burning, now heating 3 rm. house. All hot air pipes, registers, ttc. Complete as is. You re move it. Cheap. Also hot water tank with electric heating sidearm. Ph. 25410. 320 S. 19th. APT7 size electric range. Wood and cool heater. Rt. 8. Box 1004, mi. East of Keizer Sch. SDfPlECE walnut bedroom setTin- cluding spring and mattress; enamel wood range with coils and hot water tank; cabinet model radio, electric washing machine. 1511 N. Church St. APPLES You pick, 50c bu. Also cider made on order and delivered In Salem. 50c gal. J. A. Jolley. Rt. 5. Box 277. Ph. 85-F-24 4 BARN sa&h windows and frames. 34x21. Call 7450eyenings. TEEN AGE dresses, silks, cottons. 81 and $2. New wool suit, $5. New jackets, 82.50. New skirt i. 81-2. New $40 green suede cloth coat, $20. Reversible blaid. $5. Plaid fur collar coat. $5. Tweed coat. $5. Red raincoat, $2. Sandals, 50c to $1 00. 1244 D St.. between Parrish and High School. POftf ABLE electric stove. 2 burn ers, automatic oven: 10x12 tent, water proof. 1720 Lancaster Dr. GIRL'S bicycle, $20. Good condition. 10 Duncan Ave. "DAVENPORT and chair, like new; Montag circulator. For sale or trade for good daveno. M. D. Towry, Rt. 6, Box 433L., Sa I em. KE-l-l-RED" Duroc Boar. Com mando Bill, from Ridder stock, 18 months old. Phone 22070. 6.00x19 TIRE andTlube. Call at 1270 Hoyt. ELECTRIC corn poppers, roasterettes. broilers. YEATER APPLIA NCE COMPANY FOR SALE: 32-40 Winchester, $45. Phone 2-3400. " TINGLE and-two burner, hotplates. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY "REM'dV- cooking fumes with a Pryne exhaust fan. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY DAVENPORY Si chair. John Deck ard. Rt. 9. Box 96. Ph. 25140. ELECTRIC and gas water heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ELECTRIC Ice cream churns. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY TSECTRTC Hot water heaters, new. 20 off. Capital Bargain House, 145 Center St. 7 GERMICIDAL" lamps" in your home or office help to prevent spread of dis ease. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY KESfAURANTtype electric ranges, commercial griddles. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY MAKE your own recordings on a Wilcox Gay Recordlo. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ftEALL Model 45 Solaray Ranee burner, comolcte with two barrels. plus 30 gal oil and leading pipes. 260 Hood St.Apt. 2. AUTOMATIC oil furnace, burner. tank and all pipe. 42 in. Simplex iron er. elec.. gas heat. One small elec. mot or. Phone 2-1575. . PORTABLE electric clothes washers, ideal for apartment or trailer house. EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY PLAST'I-KOTE. the cellophane-like finish for your floors, that require no waxing. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY TEN Thousand boxes selected Jona than. Spitzenberg. Delicious, Winter Banana apples, $125 box and up. Bring boxes. We grow "em." you eat "em." Puritan Cider Wks., West Sa- lem. Ph. 5426. OIL. Circulators with or without fans. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY LARGE Sweet tomatoes 75c bu. U pick. $1.50 picked. Keep left of Rob erts Sch. 3rd house. L. H. Zielke. Ph 22578. LAFF-A-DAY .... .. .. K "Do you want to be In style, or do you want to be acquitted?" For SaleMiscellaneous ' FOR SALE: Reasonable. Slightly used girl's dresses, suits, fonts. hitt and sweaters. Size 9 to 14 Ph. 6363 TPlETE dining, "rm ?et "945 Belmont". GTE. PORTABLE elec. welder. Ph. 22159. ELECTRIC Washing Machines Little Giant tray type. YEATER APPLIANCECOMPANY 2 " WALNUT bedr. "seU. "1 Simmons springs and Beautyrest mattress, and D R. set, 1 plate glass mirror, and, con sole table, fplace screen. 1695 D St neOcfRtc HEATERS ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS. Electric, house wire, boxes, outlet, witches, en trance cable. 40000 BTU O'l circulat ors Bunk beds and mattresses. Fold ing radio or typist tables $1 50 a $1 75. Folding metal chairs. Breakfast trays. (Try breakfast in bed.) 3 a 5 Ton chain hoists. Swing wall faucets $6 95. Shop tractor with train of 50 2 Ton trailer for warehouse or rawmill use. Telescopes make good levels for grade stake lay outs. $20.00. Steel cabinets and standing type foremen desks. Rubber cement 5 gal. $2 50. Sleeping bags (New). WAR SURPLUS STORE. 1351 HOYT, SOUTH CITY LINE. TEL. 7916. WESTINGHOUSE electric refriger- ator, 20 cu. ft. ideal for restaurant, gro cery store, club house, large farm house. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY CLOCKSTwall, 'mantle, and alarm. Door chimes. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY " PRESSURE COOKERS, 4 qt. for cooking. IS qt. for canning. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY "Coaf $l2 T. ."Man's "watch $15. 22456. YR. Old "brown Mouton coat size 14. Wonderf ulcond it ion $65. Ph . 2-62 17 . MARLlN Rifle, elk" or deer. Call 26124. 300 CU. Ft. 0 refriceiator. xe xlS" outside. 33 cu. ft. refrigerator 7 glass door reach' in. 4 room size Coleman oil burner. 4010 State Stv J5alem. BATH Room lavatories, maronite windows and door. C. G. Long. Rt. 2, Box 35. Salem. 1 mt.North of Keizer. OFFICE DESKS AND TABLES. WAR SURPLUS STORE, 1351 HOYT. Tel. 7916. r SIDE Arm gas heater. I.a!ge por celain sink 18x30. 386 Bellevue I CAR-Radio complete with aerial $27.50 Call after 6 P.M. 1052 Saginaw. Ph 8754. L16Ht"MetersTTlew. Weston $25. De Jur $18. Writ Don Re Ville at 6SO Marion. , SHEET Rock $56 per thousaiid. de livered In lots of 4HKi. Ph. 2-158.1 ttKt.t. TOP SOIL. Ph. '25281 or 25578. SEWING Machines repaired, bought, rented. W. Davenport. Ph. 7671. Work guaranteed USED . Colonial wood furnace-complete with pipes. Ph. 2-4S26. QtTAKER" Oirclrrulator, used part of one season, stove pipe, floor pad. 2 55 gal. drums A 50 gal. oil. 2140 Maple after 5:30 P M KrOEHLRR Davenport k chair. 7 cu. ft. Servel gas rerrig. Small port able Corona typewriter. Violin and case. Ph. 25844. COAL and wood heater. I min crosscut saw.767 Norway. SQUIRREL Coat, dark brown, size 12-14. like new. Call 59.T2. USED Sawdust burner with con trols. Good condition. Reasonable. Call 6316. TWO Rifles, .35 Winchester. 30-40 Craig. Both In good condition, with shells. One motor scooter. It runs. $5.'- E. I. Snethen, 1550 Lancaster Dr. Ph 21345. " PUPS." Rajters. 'also Shepherd "pupf . Ph. 2430. 24" JIG Saw and motor $40." "455 University. JJ:StlNGH(SERahger2205"Nr5th SIMPSCDN 20 ft. cabin cruiser, ex cellent condition. 6'4" besms. 29' depth. 20' draw. Eastern white oak frame, cedar planking. Built in 1940 and pow ered with automobile engine. Also trsiler. Stored nesr Corvalhs. Contact Jack Porter, 137 S. 2nd. Corvsllis. Ore. CABINET radio, wood and coaTctr culator. 1540 S. Cottage. 5-PC. chrome dinette set. plastic top, extension table. Special. $54 75 MAURER-BOGARDUS FURNITURE Co.. So. 12th St., Hiway Jurfction. Open 10 a. m. to 9 p. m., including Sunday. BROWN wood circulator. 1085 N. 1 8th. Call evenings. This Week's Special THE GLENN WOODRY FURNITURE MARKET, 1605 N. Summer, is now of fering new davenos of all styles at a savings you can't afford to miss, from $56.50 and up, on special sale (or this week only. . 1EL-!'Tlmberhog,T-power saw. Model F. new 3" bar and chain, motor com- rletely overhauled. Inquire Cabin No. , Terminal Bar-B-Q. 2 miles south of Salem on Highway 99. APPLES, all kinds. PauT"Schaad, Ph. 23418. " BOY'S"XlcleTPh.478i. "FUTXEft Brushes 1745 Grant P 8367 FFfTEEN Thousand boxes apples. Jonathan, Spitzenberr Delicious, Yel low Newtown, Winter Banana. Will sell any number of boxes on the trees or picked. Contact owner, R. Craw ford at Puritan Cider Wks., West Salem. Phone 5426. STUDENT and Executive desk lamps, fluorescent lighting fixtures. yeater appliance company Used" com L refrigeration BARGAIN 6' triple glass Frigidaire meat case. 6'x6" walk-in cooler Vj h p. compres sorpractically new. A very good buy. Mills' 2' gal. freezer New 6 ft. meat care, triple glass. R. L. Elf strom Co.. 340 Court Street. Ph. 8221. ELECTRIC "room heaters. "" radiant, team, and fan. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY POPCORN Machine. Almost new. Good bargain. Silas Keener, Durben Ave. at Pen 4 Corners. GRAPES 5c lb. Tomatoes, you pick. 50c bu. 2 ml. out Wallace Rd. r.eht. t fob sh nping pwnt ' ,'P turn right. W. Leo Nelson. Rt. 1. Box , '"ent NIEDERMEt ER.-MARTIN CO., 183. Spalding Bldg., Portland 4, Oregon. run SALE: One-wheel tiailer. prac tically new Excellent condition. Call anytime Sunday, 9420. 275Hood StL STUDENTS fluorescent desk lamps YiATER APPLIANCE CO GREEN wool rug. practically new. all over pattern, 12x12 Maroon Wilton rug. 9x12. like new. 1538Ferr St. BLAC K skusk coat. Size' 12. $50 or best offer- Call 9821. 42 "MODEL Housetraveler. 21 ft. Very good condition. 3580 S. Commercial. "POINTER DOG. Needs some finish ing to be ready for the field. Call 2-4910 or 2580 So. Summer St. 1941 D-7 CAT drum, dozer and hvster arch. Will sell separate. Ph. 22034. "VERY GOOD vacuum cleaner. 420 S. Cottage. " TOMATOES. 50c bushel. Ij-pick. Fri gaard's Fruit Stand. ' mile north Kei zer School. "AIR almost new bunk beds, com plete. $25 2142'j. N. Com I St. . J R Wat kins Co "proaucts 1717 Cen ter St. Salem Pn 5395 Free del USED Westlhghouse elec. range, good cond Ph. 6066. 441 State. 4-BURNER "Spark gas stove side oven. Atmoray Ozone, elec. heater. 666 S.- Summer. . ELECTRIC Mixers (Dormeyer). YEATF.R APPLIANCE COMPANY ELECTRIC ranges (apartment size). YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY For Sale Miscellaneous JUST RECEIVED Steel Fence Posts 6, 7 and 8 ft. studded with wire clip fasteners SEARS FARM STORE Phrwie 9192 or 8333 173 S Liberty DELIVERED Chicken ranch ferti lizer from the batteries, no litter. $18 per loan?, spprox. 2vds. 378 J. Dallas. SUN (ultraviolet), heat' "(infrared) lamp. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY HOSPITAL beds, wheel chrs "Rent. Max Bui en. Ph. 7775. 745 Court St. WRINGER" ROLLS AND SERVICE All makes washers. Van's Corner, 601 Edgewater. E. H. Ellis. Formerly with Nelson Bros. Phone 6931. COFFEE makers and "replacement parts. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ICE BUY oil circulators," wood ranges, elec. and eas stoves, sewing machines elec. motors, washing ma chines and used fruniture. 12 St. Fur niture.Ph.7141. SEE tne Gibson tractor. You ride, plow. disc, spring tooth harrow, cul tivators, dozer blade. Available now. I. C. Miller. Rickreall. Ore Ph. Dallas 12F6. John Hancock. 3895 Rivercrest Ph. Salem 2-42R0. RADIOS, aid record" plavors YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY TIlOR Automagic wasners and iron er. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY SELECT Your Xmas gifts now. ' YEATER APPLIANCE CO. MDNTAGi wood circulator. 1596 Ferry St. "3 GOLDEN Cock.' puis 2 month old: females Sth place on Durkin ave. "FARMALL-F-20 "tractor on rubber. In good rond. Robert M Hulit. Rt. 8, Bo5B7. Ph 21128. 30-4d"CfiAT5 Sport Modet.Hike new. Bert Lengele. Rt 1. Box 318A. 2', miles' S.W. pfHopewell. W66d hot " water heater and tank. 132 N. 13th. Phone 4741. 6-YR. crib, new mattress. Whitney Steer-O-Matic buggy. Ph. 2-5774. Specials for the Week 3 drawer chest $13.73 Bunk or 3 twin beds $17 95 Jenny Llnd beds $10 95 Table and 4 chair ..: $19 95 Vanities $6 95 End tables $2 95 Wa can save you money on unfin ished furniture. Toev's Furniture 1550 Fairgrounds Rd. FARMFJIS-Attention Electric but ter churns, milk coolers, fence con trollers. YEATER APPLIANCE fOMANY 194TSERVEL Refrigerator (kero sene burning). 8'a cu. ft., used 3 mo. Cost $395. Rt. 1. Jeffenon. L. T. Morris. Phone 597. '"CHROMEr ivory, red plastic dinette set. 2 leaves. Red leather chairs. $70. 1015 S. 23rd. ' GlRL'5White" Bunny fur coat trim med in green size 14; brown hunnv coat trimmed In red. size 5-6: red velvet hat a muff set: tan camel hair coat, size 10; brown coat, size 14 Gold mat size 12. Ph. 736. 3 FLOOR I jimp. Six, wav. Tailored silk ' shade. Reg $? 95 - 819 95. MAURFR-IMKJ ARDUS FURN. CO. So. 12th St. Highway Junction Open 10 AM. to 9 P.M. Including Sundays. 1 MP ROV ED "CWrva 1 1 is andMa rshafl strawberry plant. Phone 21056. GOOD" Wood circulator. Phi 2-lnl?. 80 BASS Accordion Hohner. 2 cream cans. 5 10 gals Elec. fence controller 110 V. M. H. rrericxson, a mi. s of Libert v. 32 REMINGTON Autbmitic rlflt. Ammunition. Ph. 3931 or 7Z1B. F6X Fur Jacket. Size 14, $20. Ph unn ""T61LETS. Bath tub and wash basin Complete new bath room ets. CAPITAL BARGAIN IIUUM 143 Center fiOABHome for child s pet kitten Ph. 9416 " l.ARGE t cent auto, phonogiaph. originally cost $700. price $50. 30 gal. hot water tank $7.50. Large dismant led sawduft burner and hopper, make offer. Wicker folding baby go cart t5 Earlv American walnut settee m Leather office couch $7 50. Light tight air heating stove $3. Extension D. R. table $7 50. Ivan G. Martin. Ph. 4419. ScHWfNN Bicvcle and Montag woodcirculator dining et. Ph. 8371. CLETRAC Tractor. 1944 model nu 3 plow size, excellent condition. Also 2 wheel tractor trailer. Rt. 9. Box 488, Salemon Boone road ftftAPF! 3c vou Dick, a miles Wal lace Road. 1 mile North Bend River Road. Rt. 1. Box 19IA. A. E. Pelker. "RADIO Tube checker, volt meter. condenser analyzer, radio tuoes. etc 666 N. Summer St. BED. "Box springs, mattress, chest of drawers, all for $43. 1110 Rural Ave. after 5 o clock. "COFFEE Table. Reg. $19.95. Choice of walnut, wheat, bleached. Now $9.99 special. MAURER-BOGARDUS FURNITURE CO. So. 12th St. Highway Junction Open 10 A M. to 9 P.M. including Sunday. ' SALEM SCREEN" SHOP Windows and sash. Frames, storm sash, screens made to order. Glass replacement and general cab inet work. 1444 So. 12th. Ph. 2-5574 Wanted Furniture USED Piano. Ph. 23781. " GOOD Used' wash mashine at sewing machine. Ph. 2-5511. 594 N. Liberty. pjRNlTUREPhon 5110 "WANT IO Soy Used Cameras ft tenses McEwan Photo Shop 435 State FURNITURE and what have you bought for cash. Call any time. Sun dale Exchange. Ph. 2-5511. 694 N. Lib erty. , USED FUKNITwHE Ph 9185 7!asH foi used Diano ft other . mu sical Instruments. Call 4641 days or 9537 evenings or send description to Jaquith Music Co, 191 8. High. Wanted M iscellaneous WANTED to Rent: A saxophone or clarinet. Phone 2-6198. SMALL Cider mill. Ph. 5025 or ad dress5O0 Vista Aye WANTED: Cedar and Fir Poles, all sizes; Cottonwood Logs. Advise price OLD Cow fertilizer. Ph. 25617. , TOY REPAIRING ' 197'i S. Comm. St. Ph. 26727. Wag ons, tricycles. hahy furniture, dolls. , ""blL'TrlRCULAf ORS Bought.. Sold. Exchanged and repair ed. Phone 6072. PIANO TUNING Wills MusicStore Salem ""WANTED: To rent. Immediately. Small upright good-toned piano. Ph. 8207. : CASH for old" gold, broken, discard ed jewelrv. watches and clocks. Salem Watch Sh'op381 State. Phone 21957. GENERAL ELECTRIC apartment stze stove in good condition. Call 7450 evenings. Miscellaneous LOGGERS. ATTENTION: We are buing Old 4 Second Growth Fir Logs delivered to Independence rail or truck shipment. For further information phone 3PF2 Salem or In dependence 42 ask for "Hank" Dun- igan. . ' NURSERY-Kindergarten. Part or all day. Fireplace room 1st Congrega tional Church. Contact Mrs. Mac Dowell. Ph. 3660 days. 3-5677 eves. PIANO STUDIO ' Frederick Wilson. 1531 Market Ph. 24598, Miscellaneous Tax Idermlst 2330 Br'dway. Ph . 24354, M a Urease Capital Bed Co. Ph. 48. HBUTTpN HaLES ' made Ph 8-2l 68, MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked $1 00 LE9 SPRINGER 464 Court " W Repair ' all ' rnakes of sewing machines. Work guaranteed. Free estimates. , Singer Sewing Machine Co., 130 N. Com l. Phone 3512, Salem Sand Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads Clearing - Ditching Sewer a Basement Equipment Rental 15 B-'i yds. $12.00 per hr. 10 B-, yds. 900 per hr. D-7 Cat k Dozer 9.60 per hr. D-6 Cat a Dozer 8 40 per hr. D-4 Cat a Dozer TOO per hr. Phone Day a 94o8 Evenings 8246 or 34400 Salem, Oregon PLUMBlNfi Supplies, water systems electric and gas automatio water heat er, general repair work Decatur Maerx 17 So Coml Phone 6223 T)-7nERWo7kTCall268L George M. Cooper. j We Move the Earth EXPERT BULLDOZER WORK Land clearing - grading - road building Basement - trench - sewer excavating Power-shovels Carryall. - Compressor Cranes Bulldozers Excavating Engineers 976 S. Commercial Phone 8127 or 4217 AUTO painting. ust a shad bettei by Rav CTTER Call Shrocb Motor Co 8502 Dry ? : For the answer to your water supply problem, call West Well Drilling at their new number. 26380. 24 years' continuous operatioo In this locality. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plate for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adoloh Bldg.. State & Com Ph 3311 TEARN to aew. New classes in oressmaking or home decorations now starting. Enroll now. Singer Sewing Machine Co , 130 N. Com j. Ph. 3512. vCaTETTWELl dririlngTBoroeitic or Irrigation. Duf field Bros. RL S. Box 423 Phone 2-1311 FOR garbage service, call SaTem Heights and Pruifle Garbage Co.. Route t Box 364. Phone 21419. WtiTHXiiTuip. Pullman. P&64 Financial Money to Loan Wanted: Real estate mortgage loans, city or farm properties; loans made as mall a $300. See lis abort refinancing your present contract or mortgage. Ap proved city loan. G.I. loan, construc tion loans. Low Interest rates. Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTOR 344 State Street Ph. $261 i $M6neV lt 4i REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. Lie. S 218 M 223 Money to Loan EXTRA CASII-Extra Fast If you're short of rash, get 123 to 1300, or up to $500 on auto, from 'Persons!' the company that like to say "YeV to loan request. Loans on signature, auto, truck, or furniture. No co-signers are required If you need cash, phone or come In TODAY. Personal Finance Co. 81$' Stat St.. Rm. 12S Ph. 3191 E. Galllnger. Mgr. Lie. MI65; SI22 General Finance Corp. offers mooey at on oa on ears, trucks furniture, trailer bouses, uvastock. farm marchincry; contracts refinanced aad additional money advanced No cosigners General Finance la locally owned and officered: wa organised In 1927 and therefor knows and can help throughout the repaying ef a loan Ap plication for loans made by phone 138 South Commercial Sts. Salan , Phone: 916 Licenses -M 38 A M -23S Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. ITH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N M . ISt S 154 Farm and-CrfY IansT 4.a and 8 Tour own terms of repayment wfth ln reason. Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Phone TICS For Rent Rooms 2 SLP. Rm. Kit. privileges. No drinkers, smokers. Christians prefer- ted. Ph. 26227. Ci SLEEPING Room for two; girls. Cooking privileges. Ph. 7764. 685 N. Church. WELtT'Furnished sleeping rm. Men only. 737 Center. SCPT Rm. EJderTy business fidy". 6M S. Summer CLEA N SLEEPING room for clean men. 2035 McCoy. Ph 6093 "tPrftir2275 Center. Ph. 25877. Room and Board ROOM and board with a nutritionist. 885 N. Winter. For Rent -Apartments TORN; 3 rm.' apt. 2770 K. Front St. NEW Kitchenette apt. weekly rates reasonable Modern cabins B9E No. of Brooks COTTAGES by day. week or month. 3580 S. Coml. For Rent Houses FURNISHED Cottage S219 Portland Rd. For Rent PAINT Spray electric gun. J. R. Boone Chemical Co. Ph. 2-1492. 810 Madison Sn "TOR SALE or Rent: 150 ft. front age by 325 ft. deep, with 2 buildings could be used for garage, store or other business. Located 4 miles North on 99E Hiway. lnq. Lake Labbh Ga rage. TRAILER space, modern park, f re laundry privileges, reasonable rates. 3580 S. Commercial. ; - TftAlLfcR space, clean, modern, on bus. Close In. 1155 S. 14th. TRAILERS lie ttrai hr, 8oc hr. following. Woodry's MkU 160S N. Summer 0066 Used Pianos it. L" SiifT ATMfjHAYS.-Oxoo Good health". Rent-sell H C Push. 684 N 17 4S9. u-DKivE Trucks for bent Blsnket turn 197 S Liberty Pt. 9062 FLOOR Sander, elec. floor polisher and lawn roller, weed burner Rawlins Hardware, the Marshall Walls store. Ph. 6877. Wanted to Rent VETERAN and wife need furn. or unfura apt. or house. Will be per manent. Ph. 8023. WANTED: 4 "or 8 rm. house in or near Salem, consider country place and work for rent. RL 4. Box 454A. Eola Dist E. A. LaChapelle. FURNISHED Apt. for 2 working girls, aga 20. Please call 31S1 before 8 P.M BARN and pasture near, Salem. Ph. 21636. HOUSE or aot. Always will pay rent in advance. S. H. Bishop, Argo Hotel. Rm. 210. Pn. 7670. Wanted to Rent LOCAL Business maa needs I r t bdrm. house In Hollywood dis. Must have oil or gas heat for asthmatie child . Will be permanent. Ph2iss "YOUNG CoupT desire iurn. or part ly furn. house or apt. by the 2oih. No smokers or drinkers. Ph. 26191 or 2-5796. SMaLL House or apt. vicinttv ol Salem or surrounding area. Write inrjfowet DslasOre.fW. Seward. i RM. apt- mother and 8 oun( children. Ph 24836. EMpr"U0MAN n7eds close-in 7u7 nished room, pref. rn bus line. No ob- -Jedion to fern, roommate. Writ Ore gon Statesman. Box 599. For Sale Real Estate BY OWNER: Unfinished nnu on Ig. lot with family orchards. Wm. H. Damery. Rt. 8, Bog 264Tel.234ii6 ""BY OWKER:house"on Brevmsn "St. rms . modern, 2 bed rm gar., w. rred. $5,750. $2 000 down. Inq. 490 N. 21st St. iMMETJlAtlTlSSESSlON 3 bed room ho - - in South Salem. Liv. rm.. firepl.. din. rm.. kitchen. , one bed rm. and bath down. 2 bed rms. and large attic up. Full bsmt with automatic furnace Beautifully landscaped yard. Ph. 2554 1 for ap- point 'ent 2 MOM ES at l?65Stat. FOR EilKlent and effective taiea service call theUlem Realty Co NOW. 2BR HOME. 23i5Center. BY OWNER: Small houae. and-fcvl 119x54'. other buildings, soma fruit. 1 blk. to bus, 4 b!ks. to sch. UWO. Call at 3995 Pleasarj View Dr. greatest Value in town" Beautirul new 3 bdrm. ho le that has everything. Price wa $24.0no, now $19,730 to buyer In the next 10 da i only. 1190 fairiew. lnq. at 1110 Fairvtew. NEW 2 Bftm home. Salem Heiehta. large lot. h,w. floors. Auto. heat. Should go G. I. Coodwin & McMillin Realtors 474 Court Ft. Phone 4707 Eve. 8T1S or 81F21 NICE5 Bfim. home. South High. H.W. floors, ven. blind, fireplace, auto, oil heat. Goodwin & McMillin r1 Realtor Phone 4707 474 Court ft. Eve 87IS or 81FJ1 "' a, " . JTT. . S. ' " nea rti icmlan -"isxfffaoir 1 -Story Bungalow. 3 Bedrm. LR, DR. Kit. I good condition. $7C00. NEAR GRANT SCHOOL S BEDrms. English h. Bsmt. hwd. St fir firs. V -blinds. Dae, or Gaa cook ing;. Nice lawn, shrubs. la nice cindl Hon. $1183. B. Iherwbod, Realtor PH. 6F11. Wsllare Roard. Rt. 1. Box 16$ Open Evenings and Sundays. Owner Ieavin; -Sacrifice Two 2 feedrm. houses on large k ta. Both insulated at weatlier stripped. Oas firs.. Inl. lino. Auto. heat. City water. Beautiful view. Also large lots. Easy terms. Ph. 5428. 185 Salem Height Av. l3OWt00 Sub. Groc. and Servic Sta. t rm. liv. quarters, good lease on bldg 4l eqpt. $7500 00 Saw mill on the Coavt. all elect, new, Lg. Pond, on R.R. spur. SeOOO PER MO. LEASE 20 x 20 Small brick bldg. on High way 99 In Salem. North. $7700 CO New 2 bdrm. home In Salem, this If top, best of const. Call E. Luktr.bea Huff Real E-tate Co. Realtora 341 Chemeketa $ Phone 2-1549 Eva J -) -$7300' S Very good S bdrm. home near Rich mond School, basement, sawdust furn. Immediate possession $12,000 06 Nob Hill, near McKintey School, t bdrm. Hwd. fls. nice bement, doubl4 garage, beauufullv landscaped. $8750 09 Walnut Park Add. 2 bedrm. full base ment, hwd. firs, larga I,M XhtlSS. . $350)104 RESTAURANT rlM down tows, completely equipped, has t booths. 14 siooia, ooing good pusineas. Call Mr; Waiters Huff Real Estate Co Realtors 241 Chemeketa Phone 37A3 Evaa ?. 1 nBEAUTlFLXn"lrfbmeat 2-1 S. Cottage for sa.a by owner. Ex hange on smalt hint wlU be Cc sldered.Ph. 7353 i $10,500. 2 BDRM HOMtlrTEngWw Diet., hwd firs, fireplaaa, V. ntmM oil heat. North Front, good terms, j Olson and Reeve Realtor! 943 S. Coml St. Ph. 4.W); Eve 8-5831 $1,700 Down" 4 Buys this 2 bdrm home In Ketzeg! Dist. att. garage, close to school it Bust Imm. Poss. i Olson' and Reeve, Realtor 943 S. Coml St. Ph. 4390; Eve 2-5J0 $!0.5007bfiMM close fS Ui-Wt m I . T 11 igniaiiu Kinni, s car garage, un Posa- full basement. replace, Blinds, good terms. Olson and Reeve. Realtor f45 S. Coml St Ph. 4390; Evs. 2-83a $6,000. LOVELY 4 room hone East) hwd firs, if- Blinds, tiee Water heater, good terms. Olson and Reeve. Realtor 943 S. Coml St. Ph. 45S0: Eve. 2-9Se LOOR E5oK LOOK" $700. 3 BDRM HOME East, thif home has been all redecorated. In first clasa condition. Imm. Poas, very good terms. Olson and Reeve, Realtor! f45S. Com! St. Ph. 4S46; E-e. t-5830 613.700. 8f LEEPlNCl ' raorrs "and house, your living quarters beside, hwd fir, fireplace, weather strippedt, insulated, good Income. Olson and Reeve. Realtor 945 9. Coml St. Ph. 4.VH: Eve. l-83g BY OWNER 4 BEDROOM HOME THINGS TO CONSIDER IN BUYTNfJ A HOME. This home ta asundlv cullf. located In fine residential district, cloa in, all street and sewer Improvements in and paid for. Near the best grade) school in Salem and other schools. Large living room, recreation room, triple plumbing, built In General Elec trie refrigerator. 2 fireace.'automati oil heat and hot water, rock wool in sulatlon, sprinkler system and other features. WIIJ. SELL WITH HOME. OR ?FPy A RAT ELY. fine Italian Renalane dining room set (table. 8 chair, buffe. china cupboard! dining room rug. mod ern Westlnghouse electric range. 1 good five piece bedroom suit. Possession by November 1. Call or 8088 for inspection. ADVERTISING Western Advertising RepresenU-re Ward -Griffith Company. bib Francisco Eastern Advertising? Representatives Ward-Griffith Company, trie, . Chicago. New York, Detroit. ' Boston, Atlanta Member 1 Pacific Coast Division 1 Bureau of Advertisiof Entered at the Postoffte at 8 lew i. Oreoow as 5coxd Clam UaU tee. Published every Mritg r cept Monday. Biutnesj efftc IlJ South Commercial Street. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Man Subscription Rates ta A, eance: . Within Oregon: Dally an4 Sunday. Sao. 64 cents: mas. $333 1 year. $6 00. Elsewhere 88 cents peg mo. or $78 for 1 yaar la advance Per copy cents. By City Carrier. 73 cents a month. $a.oo year in aovanea mi and adjacent counttaar