0- The) Stai man, 8alm. Ofen, Tu day, Oct 7. 1847 Now York Stock Quotations NEW YORK. Al Cbem it Dye American Can Am Power 4c Lt Am Tel & Tel Anaconda Atchison Bendix Avia Beth Steel Boeing- Air Calif Pack ' Canadian Pac Case J I Chrysler Comwlth Sou Cons Edison Cons Vultee Crown Zel Curtis Wr Douglas Air Dupont de Ne Gen Electric Oct. 6 - UP) - 188 Gen Foods . 37 87 Gen Motors 69 10 Goodyear Tire 44 157S Gt North pfd 40 35 Vs Int Harvest 89 84 Int Paper pfd 34 M, 33 J Manville 44 90 Kennecott 45 20 Long Bell A 25 31 Mont Ward 57 11 Nash Kelvin 17 41 Nat Dairy 30 60 N Y. Central 14 3 North Am Co 23 25 Northern Pac 21 13 Pac Am Fish 15 33 Pac Gas Elec 39 5PT&T 82 Pan American 10 1 88 'Penny J. C. 43 38 Radio Corp 8 Portland Produce . PORTLAND. Ore.. Oct 0 AP) Butferfat tentative (subject to ImiMdiite changel: Premium quality maximum o( OS to 1 per cent acidity delivered in Portland 03-aec; first quality 81-4c; second quality T7-aoc; valley routes and country points 2 emu lea than first 02-05C. Butter Wholesale, fob. bulk cube: Giade AA. 03 acore, 7Sc: W score, 75c; B. M acore. 72c: C 00 acore, 72c. Cheeae Selling price to Portland wholesaler. Oregon single. 41',, Sl'.c; Oregon S-lb. loaf. ',i-M'.iC. Exes To wholesaler: A grade, large, 07. to 00ic: medium Sl'iC A grade, small OO'.sc; B grade. Urge. 02- Eggs Purchared from farmers: Cur- Knt receipt. 5-3c: buyers pay 3'ie lew wholesale quotations on graded basis for beat hennery eggs. Live chickens Paying price to producers: No. 1 broilers under 3 S to 4 lbs . 30-3Bc; roasters. 4 lb, and mr, 37-Sc; fowl Leghorn under 4 lbs ; IS-XOc; 4 lbs. and over. Sl-23e: colored fowl, all weight 23-27c; sUg, all weights. U-14 c lb. biesaed turkey. No. 1 torn. 30-40C lb.: net to grower. No. 1 young hens, -5c lb. nominal quotations). Rabbits Average to retailers. 4S 02c lb dressed; price to producers. 43c; fryers live, white. 20-23e Itu colored. a10iw(uh-Creen. local mid -Columbia, 13-eoc do, bunche. ' Onions Ore. Brooks yellow, med. H lb. tki 1 00-2.23,. pickling SO lb. 12S-7M. 2S ib. k. 3A5-4 0O; 10 lb. 1.70-1 .7$. Wast, yellow V, 2.25-50: Idaho yellows 2.00-2-10; Calif- white srwd. 2 10-2.25 Potatoes Ore. Wash. Russets No. la. 1S lb. 4-4 20: 23 lb. 1.10-20; IS lb. S-70c; baker. -No. 1. 430-4.40 ewt; Ne .2 med.. 50 lb. 11 J-1.30. I Dressed meats: Veal light top quality. 25-36c lb- heavy top quality S0-30C B. 20-2C. C 22-24C. cuiU 10-20c. Hogs Block, butcher, packer style. 125-100 lbs. 30-40c lb; over 213 lb, S7-3SC lb: sows, all wU, 27-2S lb. Lambs Best grade 30-400 tb: others according to quality. . Casrara bark Green 10s lb.; dry S3 lb. Hay U. S. No S green alfalfa or better, carload lota, r O B. Portland. jo-22 ton: U. No 1 timothy (east ern Oregon or Washington 1, carlot FOR Portland. 134-37 ton: oaU and vetch mixed hay. uncertified clover hay. $22-23.50. baled at Willamette val ley farms, depending upon quality and location. Mehair 42c lb en 12-month growth Sqlem Market Quotations stCTTEKFATf premium .. , ...... No. 1 No. 2 PSUNTft Wholesale Jtetatl . . I GGO BllINQ A3 .SI .72 .7S M Extra large Medium and standard .S3 Pullets Cracks ... rci seutes Price Wholesale, large Mediums Retail large Retail medium ... , PUttTKV Colored hens. No. 1 No J ., .73 .7 .7S .73 J7 J2 Fryer M to M IJVr.lTOfS "v Valley Pack) Otofcrw spring lambs , Yearling P to is oo 12.00 Ewe 100 to to 00 to 00 to up to 12 00 to tip to 00 1st dairy cow 1J.S0 1150 MM IS 00 17 SO 2300 Cutter cows , Dairy be1 ers . Calve (90 to 450 lb.) Bulla . Veal (ISO to 300 lh.) .... Portland Li restock ayjSBBBBBBBBSBSBsBSSSBBsSBBBB- PORTLAND. Or- Oct AP) fUSDA I Salable cattle. 1.750; toUl. t.sOv: holdover, 173: calve. 500; mar- tet active, mostly 25-50 cents higher; ut some beef cwws and most balls sly steady to strong: few loads good grass steers. 23 00-25 00; common-medium grades, 17.00-22.00; few feeders tip to IS 50: common-medium heifers largely IS 00-21 00; good heifer. 22 00 00. canner-cutter cows. 12 50-13 50: hens down to 10 00; fat dairy type sm. common grade. 14-50-10.00: me- NOT1CB TO CREDITOR! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the SMadersigned. by an order of the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marlon, duly made) 'and entered on the 281 h day of August 347, was appointed Executor of the es tate of OTTO P. JOHNSON, deceased, nd ha duly qualified a such. AU persons having claims against aid estate are hereby notified to pre sent the am. duly verified a re quired by law. and with the proper voucher, to the undersigned Executor t 27 Pioneer Trust Bulldtag. Salem, Oregon, within six (Si month from She date of the first publication of this ssMiee. said first publication being snade the 20th dav of September, 1047. JOHN H. JOHNSON Executor of the Estate of Otto I. Johnson, deceased. Donald A: Young f aim. Oregon Attorney for Executor Ptrst Publication: September 90, 1047. Last Publication: October 30. 1047. S 30-O7-14-21-20 CITATION Ne. 12.(11 X) U ClrceK Ceart of Us Stat of Oregon for ftfsrloa Ceanty Prebste 374 THE MATTER OP THE 1ST ATI of ANNA M. ESPEY, Deceased. TO: L. It ESPEY, MAE L. HECK. EU GENE V. ESPEY. DONALD E. ESPEY, DAVID L. ESPEY. RODNEY ESPEY. SHARON ANN ESPEY and any and all other devisees and heirs UN KNOWN Of ANNA M. ESPEY. the above named decedent, GREETINGS: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OP RSGON. You are notified and reaulr ed to appear within ten day from the date of the service of this citation upon you If served In Marion County, Oregon, and within twenty days from the date of such service if served In amy other County of the State of Ore- rqn, una it irrrq 07 pj ? : 11 1 1 'ii wiui" tng twenty-eight dsys from the date of the first publication thereof, to show cause. If, any exist, why the above entitled Court should not make an Order authoriring the administrator f the Estate of Anna M. Esoey to sell the following described real property belonging to the estate of said decedent end situated In The Dalles, County of Wasco. State of Oregon, to-wit: The Wert one-half (Wi) of Lot numbered Three (11 of Block num bered Nine (91 of Laughlin's Addi tion to Dalles City. Oregon, accord Ine to the recorded plat of said Ad dition as the same aopears of record In the Countv Clerk' office for said County and Mate , Dated this 5th dav of Aurust. 1047. H A. JUDD. Clerk of Marion County. Oregon. Irl. G. HOWARD SEAL Deputy. S 0-I0-23-30-O 7 Today'i a Closing Quotations: Rayonier 25 Rayonier pfd Reynolds Met Richfield Safeway Sears Roeb Sinclair Oil 23 18 22 37 16 44 28 58 21 9 23 140 21 23 72 13 28 47 So Pacific Stan Brands Stan Oil Cal Studebaker Sun Mining Union Oil Un Pacific Un Airlines Un Aircraft U S Steel Warner Bros West Electric Woolworth dlum-good beef cows, 1S.0O-1S.50; good beef bulla. 10.50-10.00; medium-good sausage bulla, 10.00-10.00; good-choice vealers strong at 22.00-24.00; few 25.00: heavy calves slow, few good lots around 20.00. Salable hoc. 000: total. 1.700: mar- ket active. 01 higher: good-choice 185 240 lbs.. 00 20 to mostly 30.50; 250-2M id., zsoo-oo: good 200-550 in. sow. 2440-24 00; choice around 100 lb. feeder pig. 32.00-50. salable sheep, loo; total, J .350: lo cal demand narrow, but market stim ulated by few chipping order; gen erally steady; good-choice lamb, 20 00-21.00; good 70 lb. shorn lamb. i 9v; meaium-gooa leeaer. i oo- 18 00; medium-good yearlings. 15.00- 17.00: good ewes. 7.00-00: common down to 4.00. ADVERTISEMENT FOB BIOS Sealed proposals will be received by the Secretary of the Oregon State Board of coltroi at Room 100, state Capitol Building, Salem, Oregon, until 2 P.M. on October 30. 1047, for the re modeling of the Laundry at the Ore gon State School for the Deaf at Salem, Oregon, for the State of Oregon, and will then and there be opened snd publicly rad aloud. flans, specifications, and forma of contract documents may be detained In the office of L. P. Bartholomew, Arch itect, at 444 Center Street. Salem, Ore gon, upon deposit of rive Dollars 105 00). The full amount of deposit for one set of documents will be returned to each actual bidder within a reason able time after receipt of bids. Each proposal shall be made on a bid form contained In the contract docu ments and shall be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond made pay- soie to me uregon state Hoard or. con trol in an amount not less than 10 of the total amount of the proposal. The Oregon State Board of Control reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Bids' received after the time fixed for opening the ssme will not be con sidered. No biddee may withdraw Ms bid after the hour act for the opening un less aald award I delayed for a period exceeding 30 day. OREGON STATE BOARD OP CONTROL By , Roy M. Mill. Secretary. Salem, Oregon. Date October 3, 1047. O 7-0 Livestock nd Poultry WANTED: Old horses and calves suitable for fur feed. Ph. 2-3081. JERSEY Cow. Reg. Freshen soon. Very nice family cow. Sound. Oak- man. Rt; 0. Box 023, Liberty Rd., Cunningham Lane. . 0 YOUNG Cow. aU milking, to freshen tn spring. Take beef cows. White Ranch. 1 ml. East of Turner. fOR SALE: Chrsttts. M H babv chicks every Wed Boylngtonsi ; 0710 state t rnnne 4ses ! See These First ! Registered half Arabian mare. 0 sts dappie gray, well broke, plenty of spir it and style. The right horse for a par ticular person. Also dark sorrel mare. II yTs., gentle, dependable, lots of pep. Excellent horse for children or ladle. Either or both shown under saddle by appointment Call 2-2443 or write Betty r .,- ai A ia b e-i . , . . ... , JJ J w in. WANTED: All kinds of cattle, fat hogs, sows a boars At your farm or delivered. Market price K C McCand lish Rt 0. Box 233. across from Waters Ball Psrk on 8 23 St Ph 0147 CUSTOM ' dressing ol chicken, any number. Prompt service. Dresssdpoul cry wholesale our specialty. Phone 1-261 Lee Hatchery. TWAFrtDs" AJj Kinds of cattle and hogs. Will esU at farm. Write K. L ttnethen, 1050 Lancaster Drtve. Ph. li4 mom or eve " HIGHEST CiUAUTV CHlCVftTJew Bam pr hires and White Rocks. 100 free of pullorum. Hatches every Tues day. Send for free catalog. Wilson's Hatcneer m ouitry rirm. .rons ore WING S Rabbitry pays top prices for iryer rabbits, asea state uu rn. lovr. NEW Hampshire baby chicks, start- d chicks A older pullets alwsys avail able Ph 22SSI. Lee s Hatchery rOR SALX; Heavy bens, pullets, fryers. Buff Bantams, rabbit and hutch. Earnest Rigdon. 90 Plymouth Drive, on N. River Rd. YR.0LirN7TrKens. L H. fetrow. Rt 4, Box 470. W. of W. Salem Bridge on Delia Highway. FOREaTC: Team Belgian mares, 3 snd 4vrs. old. Ph. 22S72 after 0 p. m. FOR SALE: Weaner pigs from reg fartered Duroc Jersey. Julius Gehrlng, gmrerton Ht. 1. Phone BlscK 11. tVANTCD: One or more milk goata, milking now or freshing soon. State price and location. Write 3535 S. Sum mer. "BULL .Service by artificial maenU btat Ion Sir as from the best of blood lines. Reasonable fee. All work per sonally supervised by licensed vet erinarians. Baiem Arancai snaemins' Uon SUUoa. Ph. 06S5. , Help Wanted WANTED: Turkey sticker. Good ware, good position, box on Biates man. "WANTTDI Good iuTkey topper. Good position. Good wagea. Box 001 Statesman. Help Wauted Slaie MEN Wanted for specialised serv ices m their respective communities ss follow: Salem, Albany, Sweet Home, siiverton. stayton, dsius, Sheridan. McMlnnvllle k Newberg. Ore. Excellent dealer Income. Give brief account of yourself. Should be above 24 vrs. old a have modest practical education. Write Statesman Box wo ""WANTfD: Man with light pickup truck for delivering to store around Salem this winter. Write Statesman Box ft7 ""ANTETSiles" ftepresen'lative "for Oregon State Motor Association, A A A. for Marlon. Polk and Yamhill Countiet. An aggressive salesman csn earn a good substantial income. Will Interview at the Senator Hotel all day October 0th. G. B. Hall, Sale Manager. GROCERY Clerk. Saving Center. port una hoio. MA rTWith drag saw. oak wood Ph. 3S23. "EXP. Clothing salesman. Apply 307 State. : "IEXPXrIEnTED man to' do tune-up work and car radio service. Good op portunity for the right man. Teague OPENING with large national con cern making confidential Inspections for Intursnce com panic. High school graduate, ages 22-30. Must have car. Send letter with details of past ex. petience to Lock Box 030. Portland, Ore. MAN. between 25 St 35 yrs. of age and with car. Sales experience necessary. Apply tn person. Singer Sewing Ma chine Co. 130 N Commercial St. "EXPERIENCED service alesman. Steady employment excellent work ing conditions Dodge snd ' Plymouth dealer. Stan Baker Motors. Ph. 4119. MAN to builoTchimney immediately, 2535 S, Summer. ITelp Wauled Male THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO. - . .. Offers Employment Opportunity To Young Men as Linemen In-our Construction Department In Salem and nearby, ter ritory. No previous experience required. All tools, equip ment, snd training by experienced supervisors provided. Scheduled wage increases, good working conditions, va cations with pay and many other desirable features of employment with the Bell System make these worthwhile Job. YOU SHOULD INVESTIGATE See Employment Supervisor j 0 JO A.M. to 11 Noon 1 P.M. to S P.M. TODAY THROUGH FRIDAY, OCT. 7 TO 10. AT THE MARION HOTEL Help Wanted Female BOOKKEEPING Machine Ooerator who la experienced on the Remington Rand machine, rive day week. 0180 per month. Apply Mr. Clinton. Room 207 of the Old High School Building. T2KIIfcEDHouiekeer7 3oT4 days a wk. Ph. 4887. . GIRL or middle aged woman for light housekeeping snd car for smsll child. Room, board, wages. Ph. bvzi after S P.M. STENOCRAPHER-Bookkeeper. A? plyHugglns Insurance Office, 129 N. TURKEY Pickers. Northwest Poul try. 1505 N. rront. Ph. 7007. WANTED: Reliable housekeeper In modern home. Liberal time oft Some assistance with two children. Good juilary. Phone Stsyton 014-R. collect HELP Wanted. Lady for cooking and housework. Six dsys a week. Phone 2-1582. HOUSEKEEPER. Work is light. Ph. 4032. Salesmen Wanted MAN Wanted, new invention, no competition. Every home needs one. Sale Dept.. 1055 N. 18th St., Salem. WANTED: -Real Estate Salesman. Write Box 500 Statesman. Situations Wanted LOVELY Hand-crocheted baby gar ments made to order. See original style ssmples at 005 S. Liberty. LADYwbuld like housework by the hour. Ph. 28876 all day. MIDDLE-Aged lady wishes house- keeping Job in motherless home or bachelor's home. Lizzie Dangerud, 1145 East Rural. Salem. Oregon. . EXP. Steno. desire position. Pre ferably with insurance office. States man Box 800. . .. . ' Cement" contracting, patchlng. 24751. "TDflP. Married couple "wants general farm work, with furn. house. 206 S. Oth St. Ph. 124W. Independence, Ore. ' HOUSEWORK By-the hour; Ph. 22168. SELLABLE Couple want steady work on farm and living quarters. Experienced. Leonard Dunn, Rt 7, Box 145. Ph. 24310. ' TYPrNjGfirmy home. Ph. 0010. " LIGHT Housekeeping in nice home with room A board. Box 090 Statesman IRONING It Mending in my home 75c hr. 1020 McCoy: St., Hollywood gist. Yes 1 tin iron shirts. A6ULT Babv sitter. Ph. 26870. EMPLOYERS: I want permanent lob in Salem. What have you? 20 years old, ft.. 17S lbs. Moving to new. home In Salem week of Oct 0. Vincent Wohlschlegel, 025 Spruce St. " CURTAIN Lsundrying and t retch -teg. Ph. 4613. 196 N. 34. Mrs. Walker. Painting & Decorating 20 yrs. beeutlfying homes tn Salem. Ph 7532. A. c. cnapiin. TNURlD"TliEEERVlCE Topping, etc. Estimates gladly gives. John payne. phone 3-0014 IRONING most reasonably done. Give js a try. 401 ferry St. t) R tS $MaK1n G. altersti on, deslgn- 1ng. Pitting msde in your home. 0361. CIMINf CONTWtCTlNC; Phone 2-3045. SUnley Pagg. T)RE?8MAK1NGT Phone J-OUl Hollywood Transfer Por local and long- distance hauling Pickup and moving. 'Trailer for rent Ph. 0764. Burton's Mobile Station 1SraWING A Designing House and store pisns. pn. mil. tore pi: Tilin. circle S band saws. sharpened A repaired. Sam Charbon- neuax 450 Wallace Rd. 'XITENHON Kffllft RESIDENTS' Ketzer Sanitation Service. Ph. 05824. ALTERATIONS done. Ca3r2S5T4 r 1.444 S. 12th St Plowing aTdlacing. Light bulldozing. Ph. 2-2773. ' PRUNING Lawn, park or cemetery work. Ph. 7558. 1150 N. Church. CURTAINS Washed it stretched. 30S S. 22nd. Mrs. B. Lieske. Ph. 26343. CRAIG refrigeration serviced PT. 24477 Painting - Paperhanging Decorating, roof (craving, free esti mate. Ph. 2-0013. Rawlins Tlbbett. ROTOTlQJNQrh. 2-3122. ' I00SEWOnXcTwahing ami Lron Ing Call 0364. . PAINTINO. cooa work. Reasonable ces. rree estimate. C Horn. Ph. -5510. ' Painting & Decorating WE SPECIALIZE IN INTERIORS 2-5444 DICK PREY 0263 ALL Work guaranteed. Windows walla, woodwork cleaned floors wax ed. Insured workmen. Professional Cteantn Service Phone 4457 WANTED: furniture to ghie and repair. Lee Bros. Ph. 21233. Mike's Septic Service 1079 Elm, West Salem. Ph. 0460 or 8327 Painting Contract or by the hour. Spray or brush. PAUL BASSETT Rt 6. Box 363 Phone 2-2306 Painting end paperhanging. 4325. WOULDTike to bid on your spray painting. Your paint or ours. Phone 4Z46. m. I. uoitenoerg, Mao n lxin m. PAINTER and" Papernaneer-Reasonable prices Pree estimates. H. 3 wood worth Ph 3" 13 Pi e School Pfayschoou F381 State. Are 2-8 Part or all day Ph 0430 EtfFERTRepairs. N"ew rolls. Olson washer Repair, so Uberty ltd. pn. 25100. Spray Painting 5 Ralph All man. 1720 Lancaster Dr Phone 2-4248. ' Septic Tanks Cleaned PC P. Hamel. 1143 81 h. West Salem. Phone 7404 ' PAINTING at Papernanging V? Q Crowlv. 857 Shipping Phone 0913 CHIMNEY sweep Northness ph 4450 IHINSLINtf and UQiingStaples Bros. Ph 6102 or 26763. TUTORING for elementary and junior high school grades. Phone 7890, ITelp Wanted Male Situations Wanted STELLA GRimTH. an elderly oer- son. wants work as housekeeper. Ph. 0932 or call at 631 Breys Aye- i "IRONING most reasonably done. Give us a try. 481 Perry S. OlJTTSKrtocar fr tabyTo working mother. 2468 Myrtle Ave. " CAPABLE practical nurse now avsiisDie. pn. bxjz. Stenographer, exrjcrienced. de sires permanent position. Phone 3643. CUSTOM Dlowine. 20 acres or more. 50 h. p. Diesel with 6 disc plow. North west Hesvy xquip. Co. ,2-5165. 3 mL South 0SE. For Sale Miscellaneous HOBART M. CABLE player Dlano and roUs for ssle. 2050 Hulsey Ave. Phone 26185. REVERE ware, aluminum cooking utensils, kitchen gadgets. YKATEJt APPLIANCE COMPANY River Silt MASON 8AND. CONCRETE MIX READY MIX ALL KINDS Or GRAVEL Cement Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH. 2-1966 2-3100 - UNIVERSAL bantam electric ranges, ideal for anartments. trailer hotixes nr as an auxiliary oven. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY C A VTP 4-lr ItimK - 9K tinka, elotrtrcl wtrlnc And light. Etu e i4 ST IB. a-lJOO ALWAYS a ble atocsi. ' Woodry's furniture Mkt Ph." QUO. CHAR IS CORSETlERE dreiseZ RAINCOATS. Ph. 7074. 437 N. Liberty. IXECTRIC1r6"NS, metal ironing boards, pads, and covers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY BUILDING BLOCKS BRICKS PUMICE CONCRETE CEMENT. SEPTIC TANKS. CONCRETE WATERPROOriNG 1 mile south on River Rd Phone 8960 COMMERCIAL Size laundrv washer $1100. 2 restaurant type Lang electric ranges $150 each. Laundry dryer $150. 2 stesm presses $75 each. Commer cial mixer 0250. Steam table 0100. lear coffee vat, 8200 with vat. Potato peeler $100 less motor. Cooking vats, seversl sizes. 4 compartment steel lockers (cheap) See Stan Rhoads at Eyerly Trsctor & Equip., Sllyerton Rd. ELECTRIC comforters, blankets, and heating pads. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY "APPLES 75c bushel up. Culls 35c. Wide choice of vsrieties. Also csn nine pears: Buttercup. Hubbard. Marblehead a- I Banana equSash; pi and Halloween pumpkins. Coin's Parm Eruit Stand. 3 mile N. of Jef ferson, old highway. JLTrastUrChina In Mountain Laurie pattern. Call 25270. H E ELtT SKlPTJlS MANTLING COU- PANY IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 4- B W Water Tube Boilers Cs paclty 50000 lbs per hour. Stste In spected for 290 lbs. pressure. EXCEL LENT CONDITION for immediate installation. PRICED FOR QUICK SALE. . . WAREHOUSE LOCATED GATE NO. (OLD COMMERCIAL IRON WORKS DOCK) i PORTLAND. OREGON TELEPHONE ATWATER 0612 VACUUM cleaners snd 'floor polish- ers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY KOHLER snd" Campbell Bungalow piano, rebuilt cannot be told from new. $50 down. $15 a month a snap. Tallmsn's 393 S. 12th. A mil from hj g;h pr lces: NEW PIANO Benches. $10. Tallman s, 205 S. 12th. DEEPf RXEZt, 0 cu. ft. used 4 mo., $215. Will toade for refrigerator. North on 90 across from Labish School. TURACE, wood burning, now heating 0 rm. house. AU hot sir pipes, registers, etc. Complete ss Is. You re move it Cheap. Also hot wster tank wun electric nesting atdearm. Ph. 25410. 320 S. 19th. . APTT size-electric range.' Wood and coal heater. Rt. 0, Box 1004, ml. East of Kelrer Sch. STX":PIECE "walnut bedroom set. irT cluding spring and mattress; enamel wood range with coils snd hot water tank; cabinet model radio, electric washing mschlnc. 1511 N. Church St. PLES You pick. 56c bu. Also cider made on order and delivered in Salem. 00c gal. J. A. Jolley, Rt. 0, Box 277. Ph. 8S-F-24 "DOUBLE garage doors and hard warc, exceptionally well built Call 7450 even tngs. 4 BARN saxh windows and frames. 34x21. Call 7450 evening. TEEN AGE 'dresses, silks, cottons, 01 and 02. New wool suit, $5. New Jackets. $2.50. New skirts, 01-2. New $40 green suede cloth coat, $40. Reversible plaid. $5. Plaid fur collar coat. $5. Tweed coat. $5. Red raincoat, $2. Sandals, 50c to $1 00. 1244 D St., between Parrish and Hi gh School. PORTABLE electric stove, 2 burn- ers, automatic oven: 10x12 tent, water proof. 1720 Lancaster Dr. GIRL'S bicycle," 20. Good condition. TO Duncan Ave. TJAVENPOHT and chair, like new; Montag circulator. For sale or trade for good daveno. M. D. Towry, Rt. 6, Box 433L.. Salem. , R6iSTrRED Duroc Boar. Com mando Bill, from Ridder stock, 18 month old. Phone2207O: O.MxTsTTRE and tube. Call at 1270 Hoyt. 30-30 RIFLE, new, $38. 24" jig saw and motor. $40. 455 University . LARGE Norge refrigerator $175"; electric roaster on stand. $30. Library dining table and 4 chairs. $40. Phone 21609. ELECTRIC corn boppcrs, roaterettes. broilers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY DARKBrown squirrel lock fur coat size 16. Excellent cond. 250 S. Cot tage. WASHING Machine 065. Ph. 3251. LAFF-A-DAY TiTi If you aren't married, who tella you what to doT" For Sale: Miscellaneous 300 SAVAGE Rifle 0 2 boxes shells. 7-tube car radio. 22 auto, rifle. 10 boxes shells. Car cooler, water tvoe. 630 Union St. WOOD flrenlatnr A mam on stand Ph. 2-4371. SINGLE and two burner hotplate. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY CIRCULATOR Wood heater for 0 rm. house, with 1 cd. wood for 040. Berry wife A posts for grubbing out '.a acre of berries. Ask for Dore, Marion Hotei ba-quetrm. ROTOTILLER. Ph, 24365 or 6144. Banana apples, also Cornice pear. J. -. savage at waconqa. pn. J344 . REMOVE cooking fume with a Pryne exhaust fan. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ""DAVENPORT-0. chair-John Deck- ard. Rt. 0. Box 96. Ph. 25140. ELECTRIC and gas water heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY LEADER-Treadle sewing machine. Rt. 3, Box 704R. H. S. Barnes. HDtBY S Blue "ioaF siie 14. 023Ph. 22835. ELECTRIC ice cream chums, YEATER APPUANCE COMPANY SMALL Wood rsnge. copper coils, excellent condition. 035.00. Call at 690 Thompson Ave, after 3:00 PM. 10 GAUGE Winchester-shotgun 065. 130 S. High or Ph. 5152. " ELECTRIC "Hot water heaters, new, 20 off. Capital Bargain House. 145 Center St. PUREBRED Cocker 0 weeks old. must sell, $10. Ph. 3433 dav except Sunday. Eve. 9821. 450 S. Capitol. MAHOGANY Knee hole type deslT excellent condition. 2115 N. Liberty. Ph. 26571? GERMICIDAL lamps in your home or office help to prevent spread of dis ease. ' . YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ELfAXithTwith cabinet and5 H P. motor. 689 N. , Capitol St. Apt. 1. GOOD Used wood circulator, very reasonable. 1 mile east Fruitland. Ph. 22310. Fred -Perin. RESTAURANT type electric ranges, commercial griddles. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY APPLES, you pick, ?5c bu. Mrs. Cernik, Rt. 0. Box 293. Fruitland. 5PITZEN BERG Apples delivered anywherein Salem. Ph. 2-4280. BREAKFAST Set and chairs, also hand sweeper. 1060 S. Com I. BEAUTIFUL 0 pc. dining room set, Kroehler davenport and 2 chair. Call 25547. Specials for the Week 8 drawer chest $13.75 Bunk or 2 twin "beds 017.95 Jenny Llnd beds $10.96 Table and 4 chairs $19 95 Vanities 06 95 End tables $2.03 We can save you money on unfin ished furniture. Toev's Furniture 1550 Fairgrounds Rd. " ELECTRIC WashingMschines Little Giant tray type. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY MAKE your own recordings on a Wilcox Gay Record lo. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY OLDC6W fertilizer. 'Ph. 2-50177- DOGS boarded "(day or month). trained, bathed ana trimmed. Free pickup and delivery. LeGray Ken nels Ht. 3. Pn. 2-3168. THOR Automagic washers and tron- ers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ' SELECT Your Xmas gifts now. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. Want a Real Buy? We are offering a 0 ' piece chrome dinette set, consisting of 4 chrome chairs, a large extension table with 10 In. leaf. All plastic coated. A reg ular 059.50 value, now. for $4000. Th at many dollar saving buya offered at the GLENN WOODRY FURNITURE . MARKET ' . 1608 N. Summer MONT AG woo3 circulator. 1596 Ferry St. S " GOLDEN Cocker pups, 2 month old: fern le.8th place on Durkln ave. TXRMAlL P-lo" tractor on rubber in good cond. Robert M. Hulst, Rt 8. Box 507. Ph. 21120; "30""0" Ctf AlG Sport Model, like new. Bert Lengele. Rt, 1. Box 316A. 2' miles S. w. of Hopewell. " LADIES' all-wool suit all wool coats, size 12-14. fox fur, man's all wool overcoat and tuxedo, lize 30-40. Boy's overcoat, size 0-13. Ph. 2-3397. WOOD hot water heater and tank! 152 N. 13th. Phone 4741. CTR. crib, hew mattress. Whitney Steer-O-Matlc buggy. Ph. 2-5774. TOTT-SALE: Reasonable. Slightly used girl' dresses, suits, coats, shirts and sweaters. Size 0 to 14. Ph. 0363. 0-PIECE dining, rm jet" 94S BelmonT. ""NATURAL finish "Faby bed. drop side, metal spring. 014.95; Maurer Bogardus Furniture Co., So. 12th ft. highway Junction. Open 10 a. m. to 0 p. m", Inducing Sundays. TWO 0-piece walnut bed O 5-piece walnut bedroom set, $119 50. MAURER-BOGARDUS FUR- NITURE CO.. So. 12th si.. Hlway Junc tion. Open 10 a. m. to 9 p. m . In cluding Sundays G7 E. PORTABLE elec7weTde7TPh. 23159. BEA1X Model 45 Boraray Range burner, complete with two barrels, plus 30 gal. oil and leading pipe. 260 Hood st. .Apt, a )aTE1?0: t ull double spring con- truction. Good cover. $59.95. Maurer Bogardus Furniture Co. S. 12th St. Hl way Junction. Open 10 a.m. to $ p.m. mcludlngbunaajr AUT6MATIC oil furnace, burner. tank and all pipe. 42 In. Simplex iron er, elec, gas heat One small elec, mot or. Phone 2-1 575 PORTABLE electric clothes washers. Ideal for apartment or trailer house. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY WOOD Range with coils, its a Lange and a good one, also circulator wood heater, large opening for knots, for sale reasonable. H. C. Pratt, 830 Cade St., Salem. ""PHILCO Refrigerator Hot Point elec. stove. Ph 8649 PLASTI-KOTE, the cellophane-like finish for your floors, that require no waxing. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY "YENriiouand boxes selected Jona than. Spltzenbeig. Deliclou-, Winter Banana apples. $125 box and up Bring boxes. We grow "em." you eat "em. Puritan Cider Wks., West Sa lem. Ph. 5426. OIL Circulators with or without fans YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY LARGE Sweet tomatoes 75c bu. 3 nick. 0150 picked. Keep left of Rob erts Sch. 3rd house. L. H. Zielke. Ph. 22578 STUDENTS fluorescent desk lamps. YTATER APPLIANCE CO. J R. Wat kin Co product 1717 Cen ter St. Salem Ph 535 Free del. KNABE, Krakauer and Lester Betsy Ross Spinet nianoe. Fine selection 050 or vour old piano down. Easy pay ments on balance. Buy with safety at Tallmans. 395 S. 12th. "BANANA and Fall apples. Laying hens. 12 25 each. 2397 Hazel A vs. . 1 l sv 3r i For SmU BIlaeIlaneona I AND I ROOM oil heaters : Single Ot double colled springs ..... Rockers . Platform and swing rockers Ploor lamp , End tables Coffee table $32 00 it $30 .00 000 1.00 30 50 050 050 12.93 to 21 SS to 10.00 to $0 00 to 10.50 to 1225 to 10.05 State St. Furniture 1000 State Phone 7390 rARMERS Attention Electric but ter churns, milk coolers, fence con trollers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY OIL BURNER to convert your wood burning furnace. Complete with automatic control Ph. 3901. WOOD Furnace, piped 0 coiled, automatic control A hot water tank, toilet, lavatory, front door windows. 1049 Edgewater. West Salem. "etectric heaters; electric WATER HEATERS. Electric, house wire, boxes, outlets, twitches, en trance cable. 40000 BTU Oil circulat ors Bunk beds "and mattresses. Fold ing radio or typist tables $1.50 A 01.75. Folding metal chairs. Breakfast trays. (Try breakfast in bed.) 3 A 0 Ton chain hoists. Swing wall faucet 06 95. Shop tractor with train of 50 2 Ton trailer for warehouse or sawmill us. Telescopes make good levels tor grade stake lay outs, $20.00. Steel csbinets and standing type foremen desk. Rubber cement 5 gal. 12.50 Sleeping bags (Newl. WAR SURPLUS STORE, 1351 HOYT. SOUTH CITY LINE. TEL. 7910. WiSTINfJHOUsE electric renger- ator. 20 cu. ft. ideal for restaurant, gro cery store, club house, large farm house. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY "DEER Rifle. .32 special." box ol shells. S25. Ph. 49F3. Rt. 4, Box 250. WEDGEWOOD Gas range. grill. I peed simmer burners, asto-grlll broil er, a pilots, aajusis tor ouiane or natural gas. Excellent cond. $135. T. W. Bird, 3rd house south side of Dearborn Ave.. Ketzer Dist. CLOCKS, wall, mantle, and alarm: Door chimes. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY NEW 30-30 Savage rifle. Never been flifd. Call 26921. S WK. Old CollieTTPoTIcrouDDies. Weaned. Call 2-1272 Sunday. Frank R. Brown, Rt. 4, Box 293. MsKSUlrlEc60KfcRS. 4 qt. for cooking, 16 qt. for canning. Y-ATEJt APPLIANCE COMPANY "WOOD Circulator. 1965 S. Church. Coal $ir"T7Man's wstch $15. 22450. R. Old brown Mouton coat sire 14. Wonderful condition. $100. Ph. 26217. USED Westinghouse elec. range. good cond. Ph. 6066. 441 State. gi like new $30: Ice pop cooler $10: dinette table. 8 gal. milk can. 3919 A State St. 4-BURNER Spark gaa stove side oven. Atmorsy Ozone, elec. hester. 666 S. Summer. . ELECTRIC Mixers (Dormeyer). YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY S5MFOTTABLE Pre-war davenport $25. 1150 Nebraska. ' i ELECTRIC ranges (apartment size). YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY "T6R"HALE: One-wheel trailer, prac tically new. Excellent condition. Call anytime Sunday, 9420. 275 Hood St. 2 REGISTERED Springer Spaniel females. Liver and white and black and white. Call 22940. GREER wool rue. practically new. all over pattern. 12x12. Maroon Wilton rug, vxiz, line new. 13 jo perry st. BLACK kuftk coat 12, $50 or best offer. Call 9821. PRE-WAR mohair daveno. writing desk. 6 dining chairs, kitchen table. rocking chair. 9x12 Congoieum, aress er. bedstead and springs, new Butsne gas circulator and 4 ft. refrigerator, etc. Earnest Rigdon. 850 Plymouth Driveon N. River Rd. 42"MODEL Housetrsveler, 21 ft. Very good condition. 3580 S. Commercial. 50-T. Hvdraulic Jack. Earnest Rig don, 850 Plymouth Drive, on N. Rrver Rd POINTER DOC. Needs some fin if h- Ing to be ready for the field. CaU 2-4910 or 2500 So. Summer St. 1041 CT7 CXt. drum, dozer and hyster arch. WU1 sell separate. Ph. 22034. ' "VE"RY GOOD vacuum cleaner. 420 S. Cottage. TOMATOES. 50c bushel, U-pick. FTP sard's rruit Stand. Va mile north Ket zer school. PAIR almost new bunk beds, com plete, $25. 2143'i N. ComlSt, IEL 'Tlmberhog' power saw. Model F. new 3" bar and chain, motor com- rletely overhauled. Inquire Cabin No. , Terminal Bar-B-Q. 2 miles south of Salem on Highway 90. APPLES, aUkinds. Psul Schaad, Ph. 23418, Bf3Y SEIcyce. Ph. 4781. ' tJLLER Brushes 1745 Grant. P 8357 FTfTEEN Thousand boxes apples, Jonathan, Spltxenberg. Delicious, Yel low Newtown. . Winter Banana. Will sell any number of boxes on the trees or nicked. Contact owner. R. Craw ford at Puritan Cider Wks- West Salem. Phone 5426. STUDENT and Executive desk lamps, fluorescent lighting fixtures. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY DSEIroMPFRlCETIOl? BARGAIN r triple glass rrigldslre meat case, fxr walk-in cooler', h.p. compres sorpractically new. A very good buy. Mills' 2',i gal. freezer. New S- ft. meat case, triple glass. R. L. ' "li st rom Co., 340 Court Street. Ph. 0221. "iaCCTRTC room Eeaters, radian steam, and fan. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY TOPOORN Machine. Almost new. Good bargain. Silas Keener, Durben Ave. at Pen 4 Comers. GRAPES" 5c lb. Tomatoes, you pick. 00c bu. 3 mi. out Wallace Rd. , right turn right W. Leo Nelson. Rt 1. Box 193. DELIVERED Chicken ranch UrtC llzer from the batteries, no litter. 010 per load, approx. 3 yds. 370 J. Dallas. SUN (ultravloletTT" heat (Infrared") lamp. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 12 ROUSES to wreck at Marlon and Capitol streets. Make me an offer for 1 or more. Phone 7277. Jack Hennlng- sen llActfl tw .1. eKrs Rent Max Bui en. Ph. 7775. 745 Court St. RAwnrisT Rurner and sawdust hot water burner. Cheap. Call 3-4290. - z: ti- I . J r.. mviilJJ ' WRINGER HULLS AnU BsJiVlCB. All make washer. Van' Corner. 001 Edgewater. E H. Ellis. Formerly with Nelson Bros. Phone 0931. COFFEE maters and replacement Prt 1 1. A Tr.lt APPLlApicg . lumrAni w . x nadTBIeach- ed walnut 0 pc. bedroom cuite. After 0 p m. 1520 Norway Rt WE BUYoli"clrculators: wood ranges, elec. and ga stoves, sewing machines, elec. motors, wsshlng ma chines and used fruniture. 12 St Fur- niture. Ph. 7141. EE the G ibson tractor. You ride, plow. disc, spring tooth harrow, cul tivators, dozer' blade. Available now. L C. Miller. Rlckreall. Ore Ph. Dallas 12F0. John Hancock. 3893 RIvercrest VY Salem 2-4280. RADIOS, and record players. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY n SALEM SCREEN SHOP Windows and cash. Frames, storm sssh. screens made to order. Glass replacement and general cab inet work. 1444 So. 12th. Ph. 2-5574 Wanted Furniture GOOD Used wash mashlne A sewing machine. Ph. 2-5511. 594 N. Liberty. USED FURNITURE" Phone 5110 WANT" 10 Buv Used Cameras 0 lenses MrEwanPhMo ShopJ33State FURNITURE and what have you bought for cash. Call any time. Sun dale Exchange. Ph. 2-5511. 594 N. Lib erty. U"SEDTllHNITURE Ph 0185 CASH foi used piano 0 other mu sical Instruments. Call 4641 days or 9537 evenings or send description to Jaquith Music Co, 191 S. High. Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED: Cedar and Fir Poles, all size; Cottonwood Log. Advise price fob. hipping point earliest ship ment. NIEDERMEYER-MARTTN CO, Spalding Bldg, Portland 4, Oregon. For Sale Ileal EaUta GRABENH0RST SPECIALS BEAUTTFUL MODERN HTLLSIDE HOME With a view I Located Ideally on the West Salem Heighte. I large bdrms large living rm, with picture win dow, dining rm, also on vtew aide. All electric. Hdwd. floor. This Is top in modern view property. Priced at $11,500. $3,400 will handle at $4423 per mo. 4 Interest To see this call D. J. Dawson. CENTER ST. HOME . Lge. 0 rm. home with hdwd. firs, living rm.. 15x30 ft., lge. bdrm. down. I up and room for 2 more. Basement, furnace, lge. tot Priced at $12,300. GHABENIIORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. LIBERTY STREET Phone 4131 Evening 7772. 2-5O80. 2-2040. 2-4457. 7073 M2 Eor Prompt Courteous Service. List Your Property Wim L's Wanted Miacellaneouo OLD Cow fert Hirer. Ph. 2501T. W ANTED: Manual type " battery telephone for farmer line. Ph. 4FI1. Mrs. Isherwood TOYREPA7RINO 107U 8. Comm. 8L Ph. 26727. Wae. ons, tricycles, bsby furniture, dolls. ANTlQuESvFsnted : Old" furniture. glassware, china, bric-a-brac. Upstairs Antique Shop. 430 Court. Ph. 2-0040. Open 11-5 Mon. thru FtL OIL CIRCULATORS Bought Bold. Exchanged and repair ed. Phone 0072. PIANO TUNING Win Muatc Store. Salem W' AN TED: To" rentl Im mediately. Small upright good-toned piano. Ph. 8207. ed Jewelry, watches and clocks. Salem watcn snop. 3381 state. Phone 2197. GENERAL ELECTRIC apartment size stove In good condition. Cell 7450 evenings. ) Miscellaneous TXT -TT ! IfVkT U-I-1 .U HV- to talk to reliable men who would like to train In spare time to learn welding, metal work, spray painting aa related to Auto Body and Fender repairing; should be mechanically Inclined; will not Interfere with your lob. Veterans and non-veterans. For Information about thla training writ at once, giving name, address, ace and working hours. Auto-Crafts Training. Box 898, Statesmsn. f "EfSTRUCTlONTMato. Mechanically minded men took into Refrigeration and Air Conditioning aa a profitable future career, veterans and civilians. Write Utilities Inst.. 874 Statesmsn. PIANO STUDIO Frederick Wilson. 1831 Market Ph. 24598. NURSERY-Kindergarten aU day. fireplace room, 1st Congregational church. Contact Mrs. MacDo well, 2-5677 or 3660. Opening Oct0th, Taxidermist, 2 2330 BT'dway. Ph. 245.U Mattresses. Capital Bed Co. I Ph. 4060. UTTN lt5LESrna e. Ph. h772168. MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked $1 00 LE9 SPRINGER 464 Court ""W Repair all mates of sewing machines. Work -aruaranteed. Free estimates. Singer Sewing Machine Co.. 130 N. Com l. Phone 8513. Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work' Road Clearing Ditching Sewer A Basement J Equipment Rental 13 B-'i yd. 012.00 per hr. 10 B-J yds. 0.S0 per hr. D-7 Cat a Dozer . . 0.00 per hr. D-0 Cat A Dozer . 0 40 per hr. D-4 Cat A Doser , T OO per nr. Phone Days 0408 Evenings 0240 or 24400 ssiem. uregon PLUMBING Supplies, water systems, electrie and gaa automatic water heat ers, general repair work. Decatur A Mae t 173 Bo Coml Phone 6223 We Move the Earth EXPERT BULLDOZER WORK Land clearing grading - roadbuUdinff Basement - trench sewer - excavating Powershovela - Carryalls Compressors Cranes - Bulldozers Excavating Engineers 070 0L Commercial Phone 0127 or 4217 AUTO painUng. )uat a shad bene? by Ray ETTIR CaU fchxock Meter Ce 0502 Dry: Tor the answer to your wster supply problem. caU West Well Drilling at their new number, 26300. 24 years' continuous operation in thla locality. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST ' - CASES Bring er Msfl Your Pistes for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bide.. State A Com Ph 3311 LEARN to sew. New classes in aressmaUng or borne decorations now starting. Enroll now. Singer Sewing Machine Co . 130 N. Coml Ph. 3512. WATER WELL drllW Dnmesue or irrigation. DuffieM Brosw mx. a. box 4Z3 pnone 2-1313. FOR garbage service, call Salem Heights and- Prlnrle Garbage Co- Route t, box ass. Phone lis is. ' WljCTHlUTiu-lpa. Pulin-sa. Ph. sosi Financial See Us For Attractive Farm Loans ONLY 4 INTEREST 8 TO 40 YEARS and NO commission 1 Leo N. Quids, Inc. REALTORS 344 State Street Phone Otfll II MONEY 8 t 4, REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS State Finance Co. 153 S. Hish St. Lie S 210 M 222 Money to Loan General Finance Corp. offers money at eeee eat eers. truck, furniture, trailer hcussa. livestock, farm marehlnery; eon b; acts refinanced asd additional monev advanced No co -signers. General Finanee w locally owned and effloared: was erfanlxed in 1027 and therefore knows end eaa help throughout she repaying of a loan Ap plications for loans made by phone. 134 South Commercial Sta Solera Phone: 0160 License MM A M-330 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. $TH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N M IS 8) M fAJUnKTPT2S 4lVVand 0 Your ewa tertna of repayment with tn reason. Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortfseea. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 207 Pioneer Trust Bids. Phone T162 For Rent Rooms SLP, Rm. Elderly business lady. RM S Summer. SLEEPINcTTtm. close In . for lady teacher or working girl. No smoking 743 N. Caottol. Ph. "TtvTnPIean rm "for buMhess orwk" gjrl. No drinker. Inq. 1450 Chemeketa NICE- Sleeping rm , private bath. outside entrance. Men only, 873 S. winter St Ph. 6853. ""ROOM for sentleman. Ph. 244217 "TilCTJ-Y furnr"heated rm.for ernp. man pr student. Near University. Ph. 6523. iTsae. LGE. Comf. sleep, rms. for business women, double or single, pus ilwir MAS Center. Call eve. oy HAVE large downtown room. Will share with employed young man. Write Box 542. Statesman CLEAN SLEEPING room for clean men. 2035 McCoy. Ph. 6093. Si-Prsr75 Center, fit, 25077. I For Sale Ileal Estate) 1 7 room modsrw home est eon tir Isf. Hdwd. firs., aarfnt . u heet, dMaw riumblng. A reel family borne. Price) 13.750. ' PAlRMOtrNT PARK DONT M1S4 THIS leoaise ft cor ner lot 0 rm v. bungalow st via hew m, unfln. upstairs, automatic heat, baamc. dble. garage. Owner must selL SUBURBAN HOME Strictly modern 0 rm. ranch -sty to brick home. 8 nice lge. bdrrr.s, bas .t, air conditioned furnace, garage and utility rm, attached. 013 acre ef beautiful yard. Trulv a beautiful home with a nice setting. MITCHELL REAL ESTATE 3428 PORTLAND RD. PH 2-8:01 THE GOOD EARTH WE SELL IT OPEN SUNDAY 8-0 NEW VACANT 4 rm. home. tied, firs, wired for rsnge. shower, elec. wtr. heater. $5000. J bdrm. plastered, wired for ranee, hwd. fir, down. Combined L.V. and D. Cmt- fdn. 0950. Terms. s brm. home. Fascinating view. In sulated, plastered, elec. host baaement. wired for ranee, firm t- raced. I mL city center. Priced right era. 4 brm. plastered home, fireplace, full bmt Oil furiura AmAn t Fenced back yard. Shade, lawn, shrub- vry. n pleasure to how. . 3. brms. Auto, furnace, fufl bsmt. dbL fin! ft. innU K . - crap-apple trees, filberts. Well located! MOTEL AH Units With ihMun I mm V., ---- w . saw w, v .... Kitchen. Lavelv an4 Kmu it-,- quarters with fireplace. Ctood income. e wui oni t i or tr.e price on true. wijm ACREAGE a A. almost In eltt- V , .- house, bsmt auto, oil furnace. Imrner.s wainui tree, fruit. Barn, pasture. Re duced prlre 0143OS. 8 A M, r rlt llm It fLwl li home, modern. !t A. cherrte. A. peacnes, i linens, some rtver bottom. ni Tractive price on this. SO A ll eultlt4 W , house. On good hwy. a ml from Salens Small barn. Hay, equipment goes. OV500, Terms. GERVAIS NEW AND NICE 1 brm. hauo mt Jar-age. large walnut- and fruit trees. 00 x 100 ft lot See the picture el this at our office. Only $6300. Room and Board Wit T. a .u ladies. No smoker or d -inkers. Ous- pr. none S-S-Z7. , R001-!boarr with nutritionist for doctor's patients. 003 N. Winter. Ph. 0447. For Kent -Apartnients Hot A cold wster.' light A heat fur nished Only high tvpe eoupie ac ceptable. No smokers or drinker. 1362 Elm St., West Salem, NEW kitchenette apt. week'y rate rtaaonabks Modern eatMna sue k Brook. CO TtXC "r7w A m v - m ,.)' 3500 S. .Coml. For Rent, Houses MODERN 1 bdrm. home -Corner mut 2nd and Lincoln, Siiverton. Room and Board ROOM and board 083 N. Winter. wtth e nutrition w. For, Rent FOR RENT: Elderly lady woul4 like another elderlv lady to sharw home. Low rent Phone 0000. FURNISHED Cottage 3213 Pert land Rd. 100x100 LOIS. Two buildings could be used for store, other business, or make good trailer perk. On 90 East 4 mile N. of Salem. Inquire Lake) Labish Garage. - " TRAILER snace. ' modern nirk. fiss laundry privileges, reasonable rates. . vommercisi. TB k It -I ' I JL bus. Clone in. 1150 S. 14tk'. . - . - t . LATEST"typ hlch soeed floo7-a en, edferg and polishers for beauUf floors. Hoarser Bros Pn. 3644. Edrewsier. . TRAILERS TSc nrst hr. toe roltowmg. Woodry aCkt- ummer. Piano. H L. Stiff ATMORAYSrOsone Good beettiL went-ecn ft. c pugn. SS4 M 17 U-DATVE TfiUci YOa 1 Hlanlret. furn 107 S Liberty p. FLOOR Sander." elee. fieor Psh snd lawn rvUec. weed burner. Rawttssi Hardware, us MarshaU Welie pn. am. Wanted to Rent SMALL House, pertly furaj. Man, wire, papy, wot ever sae pw. 2-14 w aTWill Cake exceUent ear e of vc s er e bedrm. unrum. house. Pn. SI73. -l&rtNtO Uiddte age. eeupi waei apt. er house, furnished er unfuns ihed. reeeonable rent. Tele. X. Liv 34173. SMALL Houae or aoc. v-inn- mmt Salem or urroundin area. Write 1006 Howe, Dallas Or. P. W. Seward. si B-i re ve r v .cvsi rsia wnum sisssst sbst aa room pertly furnished house. Bex OOS Statesman. . : EMPL0VES ' Lady urgently need, small turn, apt- house keepsng rm. ee sip. rm. with private beta. WrtteS Statesman Box 55 """REFINED Fsmlly I wiahea to rent bdrm. or larger home. Furn. Prefer ably suburban. Will pay up la 04) or lease with option te buv. Excellent local references. Ph. 1-544 I KM. apt- mother and I sauaA Children. Ph 0436. ' "T. M IT-O M"A N " need cWHn " tui. nished room. pref. n bus line. Ne ee- Jectton to fern, roommate. Write Ore- gon Stateman Box Sao 2BDRM. " unfurn er pertly furC house byreliable party. Ph M13. Tl AKKT3t A MlN tlTaealre 1 UJ room house er apartment furnish, or unfurnished. Csll 08TT. - "WaTjtTD: furn. apt. Two worktr- girls aged twenty. Please call 0071 after atx. ADVERTISING! Western Advertising" RepresentaUveo Ward-Crtrftth Company, Ona Francisco Eastern Advertising Representative- Ward -Griffith Company, fjse. Chicaco. N York. DetnuS, - Boston. Atlanta , Member Pacific Coast Divisfot. Bureau of Advertlsins Entered et the Post office et few lem. Ortoon es Strand Class Mat ter Publtshed eeeey momtng ex cent Monday Bnatness office 0U South Coetmercial Street. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mall Subacrtption Rates to A4U vance: Within Oregon: Daily and Sunday. Mo. SO cenU; 0 moa. 03-SOc 1 year. M oa Elsewhere 00 cents s mo. er 0720 te 1 year sa advaeca. Per copy 0 cents. By City Carrier. 73 ceots a mentis, 00 00 a year tn sdvsnce sa aUrios. sjmI adjacent counties-. 'J