The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 03, 1947, Page 6, Image 6

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    fThe Statesman, Satom. Oregon, f ridgy, OctoPor 3 1347
141 a. m.; Monday at the Ringo
cfiapel, Woodburn, with the Rev,
O. A. Jewel officiating. Interment
is to be in the Belle Pass! ceme
tery with ritualistic services by
the Eastern Star. '
Death Takes
Oldest Resident
Of Woodburn
-. -
Mrs.; Carrie Tn ' , , 1j
WOODBURN, Oct. 2.-Mrs. Cafi
fie Young. SI, lifelongand oldest
resident of this city, diW Thurs
day tit the Brooks convalescent
home where she had been for sev
eral months. j j
She was the daughter of Brad
ford S. and Alzina Dimick Bon
ney. and was born on the Bonney
donation land cMm on the high
way . near nere on uctooer i.
Stie was a member of' the
Woodburn Women's club, and tl
the local Methodist church which
she joined in girlhood. She also
was the oddest member of the Etf
ergreen Chapter No. 41, Order bf
the Eastern Star.
' Nearest surviving relative lis
Mrs. Etta P. Hall, a sister, in Sa
lem. . ci
Services will be held at 10
School News
1 By Donas Cmrr
Sntkpoh Elects Of fleers S
. Sue McElhinny, Junior, was el
ected president of Snikpoh drama
tic society at a recent meeting.
New vice-president is " Beverly
Ilofstetter; secretary, uonna jean
Pence; treasurer, Lou Williams;
sergeant-at-arma, Stanle John
son and- program chairman, Ca
therine Pearson. ' , ; t i
laUUeers Pick Prexy !
- Shirley Lamparter was elected
president of Pallatteers art elub,
at a ispecial meeting to fill the va
cancy left by Etta Jo Dodd who
moved out of town.- Newly elect
ed vice-president Is Darlene Eng
dahl. Other officers of the club
are Mervin Davies, treasurer; Bet
ty Bangert, secretary; Carolyn
Eckersley, publicity director and
Jack Byers,.play director.
FFA ElecU Club Officials
Jim McDowell was elected tree
surer and Don Steinke, sentinel,
of the Salem chapter of Future
Farmers of America. !
Miller Named President
Civics club elected Alan Miller
as president at its first meeting of
the year. Beula Arnold was named
vice-president and Crystal Hunt
ington becomes secretary-treasurer.
' Hugh Bellinger is sergeant-at-arms
and Leta Jean Evans is car
nival chairman. ,
Biology Leaders Chesen
Heading the Biology club , for
the year is Margie Coe, elected at
a recent meeting of old members.
Dick Earnest was chosen vice
president; Alcetta Gilbert, secre
tary and Jack KorUeborn, treas
urer. . j
New President Named
,! Diane Reed, vice-president, 'has
See Bird and Zyssel Co.
Headquarters for Jjeiit! Reo Trucks and Busses,
Used heavy equipment farm trucks, tractors
and equipment.
r II We DO HOT HAVE IT We'll Gel It.
Late model Bacyrua Erie 'Vwtr Shovel in new condition.
Late model AUia Chalmers tractor, used very little, blade and
drum available. j ' :
Late model A D Cleirae with blade and dram, la good con
dition. ' !"
Lai model D4 Cat- - Bare blade and drum available.
New 1S47 Ford Fergvson trarter complete with H" plows
other new Ferguson eotriament available.
lilt l1 to Chev. flat. bed track, looks and runs like new.
1940 International 1H In truck, t speed axle, new rubber,
' ' cattle racks. . " .j '
1-144 International Kl logget complete with Page and Page;:
trailer In perfect condition. If yon need a log truck this
at tons, original finish like new.
871 Wallac Road
Bird and Zyssel Co.
West Solom
Phone 6668
Has Plan
' i
4 "
5 ,
t i f . - u
SEOUL, Korea, Oct 2 Gen. T.
F. Shtlkov (above), chief Rns
slaa delegate to ' the Soviet
American - Joint commission
which has tried unsuccessfully
to set tip a provisional govern
ment for a anifled Korea, has
proposed a simultaneous with
drawal of American and Rus
sian Occupational troops from
Korea at the beginning of 1948.
AP Wirephoto to The States
taken over the presidency of the
Leslie student body since Janet
Bussard, president elect did not
return to school this fall. Harriett
Just was elected yesterday by the
student council to fill the office
of vice-president
Leagues Meet
Dona Nothelfer was. elected ac
tivity chairman and B a r b a r a
Blake was elected treasurer of the
Leslie Girls league at its first
meeting Wednesday. They were
named to fill vacancies which oc
curred during (he summer. San
dra Nordyke, Geraldine Radcliff
and Marie Ma rquardt provided
musical numbers of the program.
Norma Hamilton is president.
The Boys' league met Thursday
morning to begin, organization for
the year. .
Treatment at JState
Hospital Praised
i -
Treatement of patients at the
Oregon state hospital hero was
praised in a letter from Margaret
Arnstein, U. S, public health
service, Washington, D. Ci, which
was presented at'Thursdaya meet
ing of the state board of control.
"I am amazed at th type of
service the Oregon state hospital
is giving its patients," the letter
read. Miss Arnitein recently in
spected the hospital in company
with Henrietta Dolz, director of
nursing at the University of Ore
gon. A second letter,, from Miss
Dolz, praised the psychiatric
training courses for student nur
ses at the hospital.:,
Scliuss Tells
Gang Capture
Demise of the John Dillinger
gang ofxrimlnals was pictured in
a talk by Al Schuss, KOCO radio
station manager and former FBI
agent, Thursday noon before the
Salem Lions club in the Marion
hotel -
. Schuss was a Chicago agent for
the federal bureau of investigation
who worked on the Dillinger case
which reached a climax 13 years
ago when the "Public Enemy No,
l ' was shot and killed ouUide the
Biograpb theatre in Chicago.
Schuss described Dillinger as pro
bably meeker as a gunman than
the five or six henchmen in his
The speaker noted that FBI has
grown from a force of 400 in 1933
to more than 6,000 at present. He
said that FBI jurisdiction in crim
inal matters covering 110 federal
laws and all federal employes may
take agents to any corner of the
world for investigation.
The Rev. Jesse Goodheart of
First Christian church was in
ducted as a member of the club,
with Edward Majek in charge of
the ceremony. '
flTU! ' ' '
, 'X ' "'"j
5 . f f '5.'V.-'s,Hl V ''A 1111 -
- i . , --rr ssgggyj; -; - ,"2ysjv
i imk It iMaaWiiip r Mf i TiT nlfi i i fn,i aft , .
Up to 60 packagea of frozen fboda a whole
bushel basketful --fit easily into the big
Frozen Food Locker of tb 1947 Serve Gaa
Refrigerator. And thai'a only on of ServeTa
new conveniencesv For fraah foods, there'a
moist cold and dry cold to keep vegetables
crisp, fruitappetizing, meat tender. There's
extra roomineas, too, for claar-acroao shelves)
adjust to eleven different positions.
Famous for silence, the Servel Gas Refrig
erator is basically different from all others. It
has no moving parts in its freezing: system.
Instead, a tiny gas flame does all the work.
That's why, as more than 2000,000 owners
know. Servel stays silent, lasts longer. New
1947 Servela are now on display.
4, 6 and 8
Foot Models
Foot Models
340 Court St PhoiM 9221
The world's oldest lighthouse is
at : Corunna,- Spain, and was
probably erected by the Phoe
nicians to mark their course to
JUMPER Set. H. Wood
of Di(toa. Kent. Eagland. takes
a hurdle over a Jeep with his
motorcycle daring British Army
contests held recenUy at Sara
fand, Palestine.
Alexis Ashton
Dies Thursday
Alexis B. Ashton. 72, Salem
route 7. retired photographer,
died -Thursday at a local hospi
tal. Funeral services are being
arranged by Clough-Barrick com
pany. Born July 21,; 1375, at Lincoln.
Neb.. Ashton came to Oregon and
Salem in 1936. '
He is survived by his. widow,
Stella Ashton, Salem route 7; two
daughters, Mrs. Helen Kimble of
Turner and Mrs. Hazel Wyant of
Salem; four sons, Howard Ashton
of Neligh, Neb., Jerome Ashton,
with the U. S. army in Trinidad.
Kenneth Ashton of Salem and
John D. Ashton of Washington,
D. C; and three brothers j Roy
of Brooklyn, N. Y., and Vern and
John of Lincoln, Neb.
About 30.000 diamonds were
found in Arkansas during a dia
mond rush early in the 20th Century.
For Your Banquets,
Large ori Small
1605 Fcdrgroundi Rd.
We Serre ftOn
Doily Lunches OUC
PORTLAND, Oct 2. -) -The
engine on the Journal's helicopter
failed today and the craft dropped
200 feet into a strawberry field
east of here without Injury to the
two occupants. Joe Stein was pi
lot and Sheriffs CapL Ard Pratt
was a passenger. Estimate of dam
ages awaited a aurvey.
MSwa Say
Finally! An inhalation treatment that really af
fords relief for these conditions.
The treatment is completely gnaraateed by Tr own y
dnu store and yea need, therefore, to risk ab lately nonaJ
of your own money la finding oat for yeursefl bow It will
help YOU.
Mr. VT. IL Snyder, representing the AsthmaXefrin Com
pany, will be la oar store from :3S A, M. anUI :J F. M. on
Friday, October 3rd. Fleas eon In and t let hlna demonsirat
this marveloas treatment He will furnish yea with proof of
what It has done for. others. Toe win be aader bo obllgstioa
whatever.-- j :
The Rexall Store
129 8. Commercial St
Salem, Ores
"could V ma9k of
Qc C&er ? "
is.' r h. s ri 'I " tjff . i iT? S H "5 ' t -
i . 11 -. ; .i.?-, v -
y ") 1 1 J ' i '' "- f ' ' 7 , '
. .. - ft., -. f LJ v .-f-.' i - S ' - - wv
there's magic galore
in this high level ingpo broiler
Broiling, roasting, barbecuing they're all easy with Magic Chef's
wonder-working "Swing-Out" Broiler. It's hignj level no stooping. It
swings out no smoking It's convenient and easy to clean no fuss
Or muss. And it does steaks, chops and roasts to a mouth-watering
turn. It, has a built-in plate and food warmer, too, so whole meals
can be served piping hot - '
"Magic'' is the right word for the way this Magic Chef takes the
work and worry out of all kinds of cooking. Its top burners guar
anteed' for 7e light automatically and give you any heat you want,
instantly. Its famous-Magic Chef Oven, with Red Wheel Heat Regu
lator, produces fluffy cakes and luscious pies with unbelievable ease.
Don't make up your mind about any range until you. see the new
Magic Chef and its 48 cooking advantages.
Now on Display - See II Today al
S '
349 Ferry Street
Phone Salem 5093
MAGIC CHEF Ranges for Cttf ar
COUNTRY GAS. Priced S 149.50. 1169
SO. $212.50. $224.50. $2S.S0 and S31S
Gas Appliance Sales, Propane Gas Systems I nstatled and Serviced in,
Marion, Polk, Linn, Benton and Lincoln Counties
Hot Water
I cookad with wood, and had no Idaa that I
could har a modern gas ranao and onxtoma
tic hot water way out in tho country off th drf
gas modna. But now wo haro a pro pan aa
torago tank and onjoy all tho conironUnco al '
drf gas Berries I Take my adrlce and lnree
tigator M
Today, no matter where 5 you Eye, you can en
joy the conrenience of modern gas cooking
and heating I Cost la lowconyenience high
- - podtiTely dependable! Arerage family cook
ing and automatic hot-water heating can be ac
complished for HSJOQ to $7.00 monthlyl Mo
wood to chop! No ashes to carry!
Orer 3 J 00.000 rural homes In the United Slates
now use propane gas! There ars now mors)
than 6.000 homes in Oregon using this quick
dean fueL and , new Installations are being
added at the rate oi twenty per day I
Easy to Install!
Ecomicql to Operate!