2--Tha Scrt man, Solam, Oraqon, Friday, Octobf 9. U47 National Guard JSalute Feature Of Grid Game J A salut to Oregon's famed na onal guard division, the 4 lit. will be one f the pce-game features ot the Willamette-Whittier foot bU game tonight, it was decided Thursday noon at meeting of Sa lens'! national gaard recruiting drive committee, headed by Rob art R. Boardman. 1 Lt , Burl Cox. commander of Salem company B of the guard, aid members of the color guard, to give a brief ceremony on Sweetland field, will be 2nd Lt. Waldo Gilbert S. Sgt. Raymond C- Bond, S. Sgt. Lonnie Pierce and S. Sgt. Lawrence Baker. All are members of company B and veterans of 4 1st division combat Tthe Pacific At Thursday's meeting reports were beard from committee chair men - on progress of the drive, which is part af a two-month na tional campaign. U Members of committees named ly the chairmen are: . rMdty: Bruce Williams, chair man; Charles Barclay. Al Schuss, Dave Homl Margaret Magee, Wen dell Webb. Bob Fischer. Bill Halt, Morretl Crary. Don Dill and Ben UaxweiL lafecamafioB: Sam Harbison, chairman: Ellis Cooley. Stanley Keith and Fred B. Moxley. CnUrt: Gene Vandeneynde, chairman; Burl Co. Harlan Judd, John Lewis. Dr. Daniel Schulze, Sidney L. Steven. Col. Armln Berger, Loyal Warner. Carl Hogg. Oscar Srecht, Mai Rudd. Walter Ifusgravc. Charles McElhinny and Lyle Lei th ton. Speakers: William H. Baillie, chairman; Justice Arthur D. Hay, Bill Dyer, the Rev. George H Swift. 4h Rev. Brooks ' Moore. Eric ADen. Joaaph Felton. Carl ton Greider. Seward Reese and Chaplain Browning. Prise: Holly Jackson, chairman; Dick Cooley, Holly Huntington, Howard Maple and Stanley Keith Finance: Homer H. Smith, Jr, Glen Burright. Wayne Perdue, Guy Hickok, Clarence Greig. Wll Hum DePew, Herbert Barker and Harlan Brock. Print!: Kenneth Long, chair man; Wytkoop and Lauren John aon. Vftmu: Ira Pilcher. chair man; Rex Kimiaell. H. C. (Hub) Saalfeki. L N, Bacon, .Chester Frit, Dew Lovelt, Lawrence Os- termsn and Al Feiien. VTeaaea: Mrs. George Rossman. Dorathea Steusloff and Mrs. W. L. Phillip. Feed and Dinners Tasty Chinese Delicacies Opea I a, bl to I a, m. Opea SaU. 9 p. an. te X a. a. Cafe (,.fA limits) Gosed Mondays CAFITOLA BOLLEQ BIIIE WILL FEATURE SKATING LESSONS FOR BEGINNERS AND SKATE DANCING Taaght by Mr, and Mrs. Henry Zonattl Registered S. R. T. S. A. professional Instructors from tha RoUerdrome in Portland. - Lessons on Mondays and Fridays Grade Schools and Jr. High; Students, 4 to 9:30 p. m. 1 , Adults ---fl:34 to 8:00 p. m. CAPITOLA ROLLER MIIK 90 Lana Avenue lj Phone 2-5211 or 9066 a 3t CHJUtLtS II FHYLU3 6PROI0 WINNLNGER THAXTER BYINGTON) - A GREGORY IaaCAVA inaction DOOKS OPEN 9'M SHOW STARTS M " ITot? ShQwingl . tad ran Steve- Bred Aadrey Long Hopyard Worker Killed in Crash NEWBERG, Oct X.-()-Harold Bieghara, 24 - year - old hopyard worker, was killed today when a car' he was driving skidded from the highway into a pole just south of her. A relative, Raymond Reeve. Newberg, riding with Bingham, suffered a broken jaw and face cuts. Bingham is survived by the widow. The two had coma here recently from California to work in jhopyards. and were living with a cousin, G rover Livengood. Officers Given If avy Reserve ignments .Assignment of officers to sec tions and an initial start in a training program was accomplish ed! at Thursday night's meeting of the Salem naval reserve unit in building T-314 of Salem airport. Commander Vernon Gilmore an nounced that the officer list has been completed except for a war rant machinist Fourteen officers naive been assigned, he said, three of; whom are only associated with the unit The officers who received their orders last night are Ens. Than Cole, Lt Comdr. M. K. Crothers, Lit Quentin Aubol and Lt Harry Laggam. The three associate of ficers are Lt. Comdr. S. H. Molll coot, training officer, Lt. Loggam and Comdr. Crothers, medical of ficer. jLt Aubol has been appointed executive officer and Lt Loggam electronics specialist jjThe training program which was prepared last night will be put in to; effect at next Thursday night's meeting of the unit in the airport building. Commander Gilmore said. Berths in all enlisted ratings itjll remain open, he stated. i I Gilmore also revealed that Capt A. D. Ayrault, USN, district direc tor of the naval reserve, accom panied by Capt C. W. HoUtein, USN, both of the 13th naval dis trict headquarters in Seattle, Wash., would visit the unit next Thursday night They wlU also In spect the proposed site "for the njaval armory, he said. ! The Salem unit was told last night it has been Invited to make i week-end cruise up the Colum bia river on the Portland unit's Ship, the USS Gilligan, on Novem ber 8 and B. Following last night's meeting a movie of the second bat tle of the Philippines was shown. : : ' Snell Notes Fire Prevention Week I Designation of October 5 to 11 as Fir Prevention week in Ore gon was announced by Gov. Earl gnell Thursday. He said fire would take more lives and destroy more property In 1947 than in any previous year jj Governor Snell urged appro priate agencies of the state gov ernment, along with local govern ments and private individual, to take cognizance of the fire situa tion. . MMU SO if ; ; Beginning October 6th a IP U .,T I X. f 'I.' All.' J f W O cspcriiiy' Pudding River, Water Control Boundary Petitions Prepared Establishment of tha long sought Pudding river water con trol district may come about by the end of this year, it was indi cated at an organizational meet ing of the district, committeemen Thursday night in Wood burn. Held in the offices of the North Marion Growers association, the meeting was a result of many si milar conferences held during the past year. The eight committee men present approved a move to circulate prepared petitions am ong owners of land in the pro posed district. Purpose of the pe titions Is to establish the bound aries of the district. Roughly the district would In clude about 41,040 acres In Mar ion county and 6,825 in Clacka mas county lying in a three-mile-wide belt stretching along the Pudding river from just north of Canby to the Lake Labish area. The belt would be about 15 miles long. Attending the conference last night were George Cline, chair man, Ralph Zimmerman, secre tary and attorney for the group, sors Group Meets Supervisors from 10, Salem In dustrial plants were present at the Thursday night meeting of the In dustrial Supervisors club in the local YMCA, to hear a talk by Carl Greider, new veterans employ ment representative at the Salem office of the state employment service. Greider explained the duties and friendship he has found with his seeing eye - dog. Berni Phillips played piano selections, and the club was entertained by a group of Russian folk songs sung by three Canadian-born Willamette university students. They are Pet er, Stephen and William Faminow, brothers, from Ontario. i The next meeting of the club will be held November 21, at which time it is hoped to have a speak er of national prominence to ex plain the Taft-Hartley bill. Stearns Gushing, president, announced that William Meyers, New York City executive committeeman of the na tional Industrial Supervisors club would meet here on November 6 with the local club's officers. Tories Back Mild Form of Socialism BRIGHTON. England. Oct 2-(i(P-The Conservatve party ap proved overwhelmingly today the retention in Britain of some form of nationalized industry despite a challenge that such a program oonsitute "milk and water social ism." Sir Waldrom Smithers, leader in Parliament of the party's "Old Guard" opposed the resolution. However, only three opposition votes were recorded when the 3,000 delegates attending the party's annual conference en dorsed the proposal by a show of hands. " HELD IN LIEU OF BAIL Elmer Arnold Anstine, 650 Mar ion st, is in Marlon county jail la lieu of $1,000 bail following hi arrest Thursday night by a Mar ion county sheriffs deputy on a warrant charging disorderly con duct Too Late to Classify S THREK-RM. cabins (or rrat, USS 3J. tath. acroaa from bafl parte. LOST: Billfold, leather. wlth'SaUm high school Identification about St cash. Write 122S S. ISth at., or call Sa lem high school. Lorene and Geneva Owen. Tost: brk red billfold. Will ofaer mall reward. Mrs. L. J. Hardwlcke, Phon 03. . lis LAST 2 DAYS - CO-HIT -Radios Kacket-Baater New oa the Screen "BIG TOWN" With Philip Keed as "Steve Wilson" , KELLY 'Sf ("THE BODY.") TTAv-r aiUlf Showing LATEST '.' UAKCn OF JTLME n v e aupervi John Ramage, L. E. Parmcntier, Harris Leit, O. Strand, Ernest Dunn, T. J. Anderson and Marion County Judge Grant Murphy. All own land along the river except Judge , Murphy who was repre senting Marion county at the meeting. Purpose of the proposed dis trict. Judge Murphy said. Is to acquire a right-of-way to enable U. S. army engineers to clear the stream of log and debris entang lements which has plagued it for many years. Already a fund of $110,000, part of the federal flood control appropriations, has been earmarked by the army engineers for use on the proposed Pudding river project, the judge said. The petitioners hope to secure the needed names within 15 days. Following a check of owners and acreage by the Marion and Clack amas county assessors, the county courts will call hearings, Judge Murphy said. Because Marion county has the largest amount of acreage in the . proposed district, it will ultimately decide the boundary question, Judge Mur phy said. Funeral Services. Set Saturday for Thomas Teeson Funeral services for Thomas Teeson, 60, of 410 S. 14th St., who died Wednesday at Madigan Gen eral hospital in Fort Lewis, Wash., will be held Saturday at 3 p. m. at the W. T. Rigdon chapel here. The Rev. Louis E. White will officiate and concluding services will take place at Belcrest Mem orial park. The deceased was the husband of Velma L. Teeson of Salem. He had suffered a stroke September IS at Puyallup, Wash., where he had gone to work at the Western Washington fair. Born Feb.. 17, s 1881, at Camas, Wash., Teeson lived there until he came to Salem 27 years ago. He was employed at the Oregon Pulp and Paper company here for 20 years prior to hi retirement two years ago. He was a veteran of the first World war and had been a member of the Knight Memorial ohurch and had held membership In the papermakers union and Silver Belle Circle No. 43, of tha Neighbors of Wood craft In addition to his widow, he is survived by his daughter, Stella Pearl Teeson of Salem and a bro ther, Robert Teeson of Washou gal, Wash. 2C DIE IN PLANS CRASH NANKINO, Friday. Oct $ -(vP)- The Chinese air force was advis ed today that tha wreckage of one of it transport planes, missing since last July, had been found in North Kansu province with all 28 aboard including a U.S. woman newspaper correspondentdead. Spaniards discovered as long ago as 1S17 that turkeys were be ing domesticated at Yucatan, Mexico. Ar Opens 6i45 ' NOW SHOWINGI ...if 'a iunl nef It's fattt AH Fun Co-HlU fir. ci ::.fn r OPENS :4S P. M. NOW! (Adult S5e) WUd Bill EUiott "Sheriff of La Vega' Dick Powell Evelyn Keye "JOHNNY O'CLOCK ) Last Chapter . "son or zouo ) CARTOON NEWS Opens f:45 "Gallant Basa" Starring Marshall Thompson George Tebiaa Clem Evans and Bee ALSO "Coda of tha Wesf wlth James Warren - Debra Alden Steve Bredl Fire Prevt'iilion, Oie8t Subjects of School Assemblies Community chest and tire pre-, vention assemblies will take place in several Salem public schools next week, according to a week ly program report issued last night by the Salem public schools ad ministration office. A fire prevention week pro gram will be held Monday at Highland school at 10 a. m. The community chest program assem blies are slated for Garfield school Monday at 1:50 p. m.. Liberty school on Wednesday at 2 p. m., and at Swegle school Friday at 1 p. m. Hawaiians Back Air Line to Oregon WASHINGTON, Oct. 2 -P)-Plans to continue a campaign for a direct air line from the Pacific northwest to Hawaii were out lined today at a luncheon by chamber of commerce officials, members of congress and airline representatives. Thei conference heard Darwin Meisnest, chairman of the north west - Hawaii committee repre senting the northern tier of states describe the work of the commit tee. He said that Hawaiian busi nessmen want the direct connec tion to the northwest to give them access to Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota. DEL BURKHART DIES PORTLAND, Oct 2.-(;p)-Del Burkhart, 86, who had been an Oregonian photographer for 14 years, died today after a lengthy illness. Born at Albany, he had been a theater manager at Albany, Medford and Lebanon, and had been a band leader. He came here in 1933. . EARTHQUAKE IN LISBON LISBON, Oct. 2 -(P)- An earth quake, lasting one second, was felt throughout Lisbon at 0:34 to night (1:34 p.m.. Pacific standard time), causing some panic. No casualties or damage was immed iately reported. HOW! Decide For Yoursell Just WHO IS THE lmri nsiEi aim tinaf SnrlASIl lACIEltl MRlAliaMSOKanaJlXIB 'A ttntac noiicm Take them daily for extra vitamin needs. Encyclopedia Brilannica 30 VoL Leather Bound New American Supplement See the EXCELSIOR TRUSS today and yon will agree 11 ii snperior. At first iyaiBtM a caU, tak tke cfickat tablets f r relief. 135 II. Connercial a car?... Post Office Employes Honor National Official at Banquet Eighty postotfice employes and guests attended a district meet ing and banquet of the Federation of Postoffice Clerks Thurnday night in the Mirror room of the Marion hotel to honor Leo E. George, Washington, D. C, national president of the FPOC. George explained the working of congress in relation to postal legislation relative to salary increases and other matters in a short speech during the banquet Those attending included Al bert C. Gragg, Salem postmaster and his wife; C. T. Blakeslee, Portland, national FPOC vice president; Leroy Krueger, Salem, national state representative; Lynn Royal, Springfield, state president of FPOC; C. T. Chris tensen, Portland, state secretary treasurer, FPOC; Mrs. Emit Tschantz, Portland, state FPOC auxiliary president; Mrs. Helen Lucas, Salem, state auxiliary sec retary - treasurer; Milton Black man, Salem, state president of the National Association of Letter Carriers and Luther Cook, Salem, state president of the Rural Let ter Carriers association. During the meeting the state federation voted and gave . to William G. Ross, former national state representative and state president of FPOC, and retired from the Salem postoffice, a life's active membership in FPOC. CALIFORNIA PORTS IDLE LOS ANGELES, Oct 2 -OP)-The ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach remained almost idle of private commercial operations to day with no indications of a break in the dispute between waterfront employers and the CIO longshore union, which has tied up to two harbors for two days. CHINESE NAVY ACTIVE PEIPING, Oct. 2 - (JP) - The Chinese navy, credited with a major role in Yesterday's cap ture of Chefoo, moved today and began shelling communist po sitions around the vital govern ment port of Hulutao In Man churia, government dispatches re ported. HUDSON WINS POSITION JACKSONVILLE. Fla.. Oct 2.- (P)-Maurice Hudson, Salem, was named an-officer of the National Association of Securities Admin istration at the organization's an nual convention today. Mat Dally From COWBOY KING! OSSa SS3 BX3 K2SI K3I al tO (SET R8 A ttfUttlC fICTUKI Plus! Airmail Fox Movietone News! i r.H, I 1 JJIk.'Vi i.MlMMMl i I YOUR PRESCHIPTIOII ST0I1E WHEN YOU THINK DRUGS THINK SCHAEFER 1899 - 1947 MIt Pays to Trade at Schaefer'a" Frescriplions Accnralely Filled EVEBYTHIIIG FOB THE BABY Wa have a complete line of medical neada for bablas. Lat us fill your prescription, DOLLAR I-nilTS Delicious Societt Emerald Mints ( ?vQ 1 0 Only -Pound vUJyy Thi la tha official Penslar Bemedy Star for Hariaa Canty. Tea will Mad these preparations at highest aaaltty and gtaraa teed t be exactly far what they are said and represented te be. Bala Agents for Penslar St Prescripllons Stock Show Open Today PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. l.-4JPh With livestock, poultry and other pens well filled, the Pacific Inter national Livestock . Exposition opens here tomorrow for a nine day run. Nightly horse show and rodeo attractions will vie for interest with exhibits of prize stock. Four-H club members as usual JE i w Pafcar Godfrey S5 S."Under lis Teals -JBa' ZZaaaBBBBffliV Baft saw jusjiamt 50c Remedies far Martoa Caaaty Filled 1C53-1347 have a prominent place In tha show and on of last year's attrac tions - - a calf' scramble - - has be-n retained on the daily pro gram. Eight 35 calves ar loosed in the arena and IS 4-H clubbers seek to catch and hatter them. Those who succeed get the anlmaL Authorities say that more than 172.000 forest fire occur every year. . DAIICE Every Saturday Nlabi savEnTOii ADIIODY Music by Glenn'a Woodry's IS-Placa Orchestra STMTS SUIIDAY Henry Blank 1 -r w iw Schaefer's Llninenl 50c and $1X3 For the relief of muscular ache and pains due to exposure, ex ercise and fatigue, simple neu ralgia, sprain. Insect bite and frost bites. Schaefer's Dedal Oinlnenl 50c Poison Oak! and Hop Poison Why experiment? Other reme dies may possibly cur you, but the additional suffering is not only unnecessary, but also very painfuL For quick relief Hood's 50C and SI PAHITUL conns Are often tha causa of poor work and bring; about" days of misery! Us i Schaefer's for prompt relief. No relief, no pay Picna 5197-3723 J '