The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 01, 1947, Page 2, Image 2

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    lTbo Sterteenacra. 8alom. Oregon, Wxln dqy, Oct 1
Variations in
Phone Ratci
Draw Protest J
Approximately 60 per cent of
Oregon's intrastate telephone busi
ness at present on rate basis
qual to or lea than interstate
rates, C. F. Geode, rate engineer
tn the Oregon ares for Pacific
Telephone and Telegraph cora
pand. tertified at Tuesday's hear
ing on the company application
for a rate increase aggregating
12,249.00b in the state.
' Goode- said aUci of intra
state rites on the ame basis as
lntertUle would ot be practical
In the vey-all picture, although it
would benefit ante subscribers.
He id placing the two on
turitv would necessitate increas
ing exefonge revenues by $1,500,
'. 0O0 mtxrs e the ireoed rate
. vZ L. Graham, attorney for the
public ut-Iitiea commission, in in-
I tecrogsUEg Goode, ht to show
that rrrtorctat ntM on intrastate
, business here wewld prove a sav
ing to telephone userajvithout en
dangering the company's financial
structure. Goode testified that in
trastate rates are now applied
largely en a mileege basis.
Aied by Marian Rushing, de
puty Portland cHy attorney, why
.Uri.u a11 frnm TVirtlmnrt tt
Biker, Ore, cost more than a
call ber the longer distance from
Portland to Bwe, Ida, Good
sard it was prabatrfy doe largely
to many isolated routes in the
, Miss Rushing pointed out that
( .ana. ml Mthttttr'tinn in in
tra its te telephone rates in Oregon
wai m 1819, although numerous
djurcments lowering revenues of
. uw racjuc companj nana ikto mil
Bounced during recent years.
Touring UJS.
Solons Barred
From Russia
Tcfbrin American senators were
Ka f-ra4 frntn Rliuaja tnfiUV. With
the official soviet explanation
that the U.S.S.R. cannot "be made
the subject of an Investigation"
by American legislators.
Senator Bridges (R-NH), chair
man cf the senate appropriation
committee, said Russia had re
fused to permit committee mem
bers to enter the country even
ta mr-ect vthe U. S. embassy in
Three house members met a
. 1 - . 1.-4 T. .1 Kit" at
HUUMI-lviuaai tow. uii m
that time the Russians gave the
explanation that "tack of hotel
. accommodations and some other
shortages caused by the war"
prevented' the granting of visas.-
Bridges sata Individual mem
bers of the committee which he
heads had asked for visas to enter
Fuss; during European inspec
tion trip, oa which they will
leave next week.
, He said the Russian foreign!
nil rust rjr gave tbi3 reply through
the rtate department:
-Inasmuch as the U. 5. S. R. is
not con idered a country thajti
could be made the subject of an
Investigation on the part of thej
- vii?ing senators, we do not con-i;
', aider their trio to be suitable." ii
Bridges -commented the reply! '
was given In disregard or toe
' fact that the requests for visas
specific ally stated the object of
the trip was te 'inspect opera -ii
tion. U. S. embassy in Moscow.
The chairman said U. S. Am
bassador Walter Bedell Smith
made a second request to the Rus-j
ian foreign office, emphasizing;!
that the touring senators would
examine only the U. S. embassy,'
operations. .This brought forth S
, second refusal, he aaid.
Local YV Men
Club Formed
! Temrjorarv organization of a
Sal am V. Mm rluh was ac
complished Tuesday night in
meeting of a score of local young
men at we ymul iney eieciea
i temrmrarv - officers DouC
Chambers, chairman; Bill Shinn,
secretary, and Alan Siewert,
treasurer. Next meeting win te
St 7:30 p.m. next Tuesday,
i Robert O. Smith, chairman! of
the YM young men's council,
presided at the session. Marion
(Gut) Moore, associate general
secretary, introduced a delegation
of 14 from Portland. - i
I Principal speaker was Ken
Fleming of Portland, northwest
regional director of Y's Men
irliiha The service club's projects
of boys' work, young men's work.
Ivor id . ouuook ana new xnemoer
counseling were discussed by
Walt Owens, president. Lea Mac
intosh, vice president, bod nun
gerford and John Rodman, all of
the Portland unit. '
Politics Said
Linked with
Overell Trial
! SANTA ANA, Calif, Sept JO
iiip)-LouUe Overall's attorneys
pictured her today ss sn innocent
17-year-old, involved In her first
love affair, who suddenly found
herself a national figure because
of what he described ss a prose
rutor's politically-motivated," de
sire for a "Roman holiday."
! Lawyers for the heiress, now
18, on trial with her fiancs on
murder chsrger In the deaths of
her parents i aboard their yacht,
alternately shouted and soothed
the Jury of six men and aix women
as the 19-week trial nesred an
j Louise ut calmly, but listened
intently. HeK co-defendant, George
Gollum, rocked in s swivel chair,
Scheming Matron
Bertrand West, one of the law
yers, charged that a "scheming
matron" convinced Louise she
should help her boy friend's mor
ale by writing to him-in jail-
thus starting a series of love
botes which the prosecution con
tended in its closing arguments
were "filled with greed, lust, filth,
Her parents, Financier, and Mrs
Waiter E. Overell, were 82 and
57, years old, respectively, when
they died March 15 aboard their
dynamite-shattered cabin cruiser
in Newport harbor.
"West's plea was followed by
that of Otto Jacobs, Louise's
chief counsel. He charged that At
torney General Fred Howser sent
bis special assistant Eugene Wil
liams, "with an international
reputation, a vast and almost un
limited knowledge of the law,1
to Santa Ana "to convict that
girl at the end of this table."
Polities Changed
"Why?- Jacobs asked. "For
political considerations, of course.
"Do you think Mr. Williams
would be here if Miss Overell had
come from an ordinary family?
No: Mr. Howser knew she was
from wealthy parents, so he
thought he would have a Roman
holiday at" her expense."
"The" prosecution keeps refer'
ring back , to those love letters,"
he went on. "They want you to
believe that , Louise went to her
Flintridge home after the explo
sion and. got in bed with Gollum,
But they didn't have such evi
dence. They want you to suspect
mat ane did."
Robot Warfare
Held Possible !
Two aircraft designers said today
It will take 10 to 15 years to pro
dace a guided missile of 4,000
miles range but that robot war
fare between continents is defi
nitely possible.
The cost of evolving such a
weapon was estimated from $200,-
000.000 to 1300.000,000. The fig-J
ures were given the president s sir
policy commission by John JC
Northrop, president of ' Northrop
Aircraft, Inc., Hawthorne, Calif.,
end A. E. Lombard, engineering
consul tant for Consolidated Vultee
Aircraft Corp, San Plego, Calif.
Too Late to Classify
FOB SAXJC Tamatoe. Bring your
kmiit you pick.' Tc bushel. Kt. 1, Box
SM. Brooks.
20-30 Club
Hears Greider
"Jerry," Carl Greider seeing
eye dog. La still in a training and
adjustment period. Greider. vet
erana employment representative
in the local employment office,
told the Salem 20-30 club Tues
day night at the Gold Arrow cafe.
Greider said the dog's life ex
pectancy was from 8 to 11 years.
. Bob Sandstrom, president an
nounced . that the club board of
directors will meet Monday night
st the home of Dal Sullivan.
Inquiry Starts into
Destroyer Blast
TRIESTE, Sept SO--Vice
Admiral B. H. Berbl, commander
of the U. S. Mediterranean fleet,.
today ordered an investigation in
to the disaster suffered by the U.
S. destroyer Douglas H. Fox fol
lowing reports the ship might have
been off course when it struck a
' Three men were killed (none
from the Pacific Northwest) and
12 injured in the mine explosion
yesterday in the Upper Adriatic
18 miles off Trieste. Four men
critically injured were expected to
New Route Cuts 1 .8 Miles
ar u
"o a
.at Vw niu
i i
ll I Strucfurc
v I Dlstanc Vtefl
3;. n ''Hfja'saii , Tj Lbo''y
Via Old Highway 12.2 Mi.
Via Yk Highway I0.AM1.
Saving 1.8 Ml.
Catting Lt miles eff the driving distance between Salem and Albany,
the new section ef the Pacific highway la shewn above oa a map
from the state highway department. The ten-mile twe-lane atrip
opened Tuesday te drivers aaxloas te try the new bridge aereea the
Bantiaaa and the time -saving overpass.
Reds Agree to
Meet on Italy
LONDON, Sept 30 Rus
sia agreed today to a four-power
conference on what is to be done
with the Italian colonial empire,
and named Georgi Zarubin, am
bassador to London, to represent
the soviet union.
Less than a year remains for
the foreign ministers council to
agree on the future of the Italian
colonies which included Tripoli
tania and Cyrenaica in North Af
rica, Eritrea, Ethiopia and Italian
Somaliland in East' Africa and
the Dodecanese islands In the
Th Dodecanese islands, how
ever, have been ceded to Greece
in the Italian peace treaty and
Tthiopia has had her indepen
dence restored.
If the question of the dispo
sition of others is not settled by
Sept 19, 1048 one year from the
date of completion of ratification
of the Italian peace treaty the
issue is to be submitted to the
general assembly of the United
FBI Returns
Armand Muller, arrested by the
FBI in Olympia, Wash., was re
turned to Salem Tuesday night
by Marion County Sheriff Den
ver Young and will be arraigned
in Woodburn Justice court today
on a charge of assault and rob
bery. The sheriffs office said Muller
was allegedly implicated In the
$37 armed robbery of Jack Bren
nan, Salem taxi driver, last June,
in a confession by Vernon Byers,
nowin McNeil Island . federal
Sauer to Face
Bad Check Charge
LeRoy Sauer of Salem is to be
arraigned in a Marion county Jus
tice court today on. a charge of
obtaining money by false preten
ses, following his arrest Tuesday
night by city police on a district
court warrant
A city detective's report said
Sauer admitted forging the name
of "CoL T. C. Jackson" to some
checks. The officer said Sauer
had passed' fictitious checks to
taling 100 on September 18 and
19 at Leon's store, Nollman and
Enger hardware, Broadway mar
ket and Grand Central market,
au in Salem.
Expected Hop Yield
Revised Upward
PORTLAND, Sept S0.-(vP)-The
department of agriculture today
revised upwards the expected hop
yield in Oregon this year.
The USDA Market News Serv
ice aaid it would exceed the 60,
000 bales forecast earlier, princi
pally because of favorable wea
ther in the last half of Septem
ber, enabling growers to salvage
some of the crop in mildew-dam
aged yards.
Hand Saws 65c
Call after S p. m. week days.
7t a. as. te p. am. Sat. and
Sunday .
844 Center
for your hoi:
Collins and Electro-Speed Water
Heaters. ;
Table Top Water Heaters.
Kitchen Ventilators.
Electric Wall Heaters.
Electric Irons.
Table Lamps.
Floor Lamps.
Flourescent Bed Lamps. '
Slimline Lighting.
House Wiring Our Specialty
ienisoH & !one
Electrical Oeatractera
S88S Day er Night X0SS Portland Bead
lalens, Oregon
Six Soviet Bloc
Nations Seek Aid
NEW YORK, Sept.30-WVSix
soviet-bloc countries which are
boycotting the Marshall plan
have reported to the United Na
tions thst they will. need 11,234,
300,000 in , outside financial aid
this year, it was disclosed tonight.
Trygvie Lie, U. N. secretary
general, made public these finan
cial requirements for 1947 as fol
lows: Czechoslovakia $168,000,000,
Poland $477,000,000, Yugoslavia
8378,000,000, Albania 832,000,000,
Finland $74,400,000 and Hungary
Lie said some aid for the east
ern European countries was in
sight but that they still faced
a deficit of almost $1,000,000,000.
Production of Butter "
Shows Slight Increase
CHICAGO, Sept 30 -(?)- For
the first time since early in June,
weekly production ofj butter show
ed an increase in the seven-day
period ending Sept. 25, the bureau
of agricultural economics reported
today. -
Production was estimated at 23,
500,000 pounds, an increase of one
per cent over the previous week.
The boost was attributed to more
favorable pasture conditions.
NANKING, Wednesday, Oct 1
-(fl)-The government announced
today the capture of the big com
munist port of Chefoo on Shan
tung peninsula, prime objective
of a recent Nationalist drive In
North China.
Gasoline Fire
Proves Equal
Of Kerosene
GREEN BAY, Wfl., Sept. 30
()- Sam Collins muttered as he
emptied the second three-gallon
can of fuel into the tank of his
home's circulating oil heater, last
night. T
"If this stove burns oil at this
rate we'll go broke," he com
plained to his wife.
He didn't know how close both
of them were to "going broke"
in more ways than one. Today he
learned police and state oil in
spectors' had been searching fran
ally for Mrs. Collins to warn her
she had been sold sjx gallons of
gasoline instead of the fuel oil
she'd ordered and that they had
escaped an explosion by one
chance in a million.
''Burned fine." Sam said shak
ily, "except it had a red flame in
stead of a blue one."
First Aid Car
Out of Service
Emergency first aid service In
Salem was back on a pre-1937
basis again Tuesday, as the city's
10-year-old first . aid car re
mained out of service for the fifth
consecutive day.
While treatment can be given
at the east Salem fire station for
walk-ins, outside calls cannot be
answered. When repairs will be
completed on the vehicle's trans
mission' is a matter of conjecture,
according to Cspt Arthur Bloom
of the aid crew.
Another question still on the
minds of the crew is when delivery
ran be secured on the new emer
gency car, ordered with funds ob
tained through efforts of the Sa
lem Trades and Labor council.
WASHINGTON, Sept IO.--rive
cent air mall Is a year old
tomorrowXand the post office de
partment celebrates by starting
"the ' first regularly scheduled
helicopter air mail delivery in the
nation." It will link the. Los An
geles airport, the downtown poet
office and nine nearby cities.
It's the Water
. . . makes Olynpia different
The famous brewing quality of out subterranean
water make Glympkx light and mild ytt flavor
ful and satisfying.
"America's Original LigU TabU W
3 IS
"It's the Water"
oltmfu Bixwnra ca. oiywul WAtHwaroat , s. .
"One America's Exceplonof BrewerW
Salesman Stan thinks Making more calls now
i . . easy to get around on Chevron Suprema
: . . never stalled by vapor lock . . . it's climate
tailored to fit driving conditions in my territory
Rancher Slim thinks Shore wonderful the way
Chevron Supreme makes my tin bronc skim up
hills like a billy goat . . . high octane as all git
out, never hear pings with Chevron Supreme.
Who Angela minks Chevron Suprema) start
the truck in a flash, makes it lively as a bambino j Angelo gets to market first ... beats
everyone to the choicest vegetables.
0'''f?fLi"arCl a
Its good going on
And ail thslr engines agree ChevToa Supreme)
gasoline Js a blend of a number of gasolines to
provide premium perf crrriarice for every job I
and it's specially refined to burn clean, give your)
car extra power.
Stop at either of these stations for
Standard of California products. ,.
Independent Chevron Dealers or
Standard Stations, Inc.