The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 30, 1947, Page 7, Image 7

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    Sisters Marry at ;
Double Rites
MX ANGEL Two bridal
couple were united In marriage
at double weddin ceremony
during a single nuptial -high mats
in St. Mary's . church" Saturday,
September 27 at 10 o'clock, when
Misc. Bettie Dumeri, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, Vincent Dumen. Mt.
Angel, became .the bride of Eu
gene Kuther of Ferdinand, Ida
ho, son of Mrs. Antoinette Kuther
of The Dalles, and her sister, Mis
Frances Dumen, became the bride
of Willard Faulhaber, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Faulhaber of Mt.
Angel. The Rev. Damian Jentges,
05.B., officiated at the double
ring ceremony during the wedding
mass oung by the Mt. Angel choir.
Miss Helen Keber was the organ
ist and Miss Pauline Saalfeld the
Given in marriage by their fa-
as. r - . A O- I A t -J
xner, vinceni uumen, ooun oriues
were 4n identical white Ttttin
gowns with; sweetheart . neckline,
fitted bodice, sleeves that came to
a point at the wrut, and circular
skirt. Lace trimmed finger-tip
veils of illusion fell from a ruffle
Miss loan
To Wed
Wedding belli will ring on Sat
urday, November 29 at St. Paul's
Episcopal church for Mis Joan
LocheaoWand Hubert Lee William
son of Long Beach, Calif. The
couple's engagement and news of
their approaching marriage was
revealed at a smartly arranged
open house Sunday afternoon for
Which Miss Lochead and her par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Loc
head. were hosts at their North
Summer street' residence. A large
group of friends and the college
contingent called between 3 and
7 o'clock. . ?-
Pale green napkins with the
couple's names printed in gold re
vealed the news. The party - was
arranged in honor of Mr. Wil
liamson's brother-in-law and sis
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Buhler
of Corvallis, formerly of Long
Assisting about the rooms and
in the dining room were Mrs. A
O. Pitman and Miss Nancy Pitman
trimmed with seed pearls. Theyiof Hillsboro, Mrs. Patrick Thyne
carried white prayer books and
pearl rosaries, with a single pink
rose on the prayer book.
Miss Catherine Dumen was maid
of honor for her siMer, Frances,
and Miss Kathryn Kuther, sister
of the groom, was maid of honor
for Mis Bettie Dumen. Both were
dressed in identical pink dotted
swiss frocks with matching' pic
ture hats and both carried nose
gays of pink and white sweet
peas. The bridesmaid. Miss Mary
Jean Faulhaber. sUter of Willard
Faulhaber. wore a dres of white
.marquisette and a picture hat of
white net; She carried a nosegay
of pink and white sweet peas.
Best man for Mr. Kuther was
Gregg Dumen, brother of the
brides, and Walter Faulhaber wm
best man for his brother. Ushers
were Cletus Kuther of Ferdinand,
Idaho, and Ted F.tzel, Sublimity,
cousin .of the bride. John and
Vincent Dumen. brothers of the
twirs. served the Mans.
Covers for the wedding break
fast served at the Mt. Angel Ho
tel were placed for the bridal par
tie, their families, and the pas
tor. Rev. Damian Jentges, O.S.B.
Serving were the Misses Betty
Hattler and Lola Travis.
At the reception held in the
Memorial Hall in the afternoon.
MUi Mary Lou Faulhaber. sister
of the bridegroom, and Miss Ag
nns Dumen, sister of the bride,
pasftedjhe guest bok. Cutting the
cake were -Mary and Agnes Du
men. and Mrs. Ed Miotke and
Mrs. William SperAier, both ef
Portland, poured. Serving were
the Muses Louise Lulay, Marine
Schwab, Betty Hassler, and Lola
Trav-i, all of Mt. Angel.
At the gift table were Miss "Mary
Dumw, Portland, sister of the
brides, and Mrs. Wilfrid Faulha
ber, Mt. Angel, sister-in-law of
Wdlard Faulhaber.
Mrs. Wallace Carson luuj invit
ed members of her bridge' club to
her Leshe street home Wednesday
I afternoon for a one o'clock lunrh-
of Burbank, Calif., Miss Dorothy
Orr of Eugene; Mrs. F. W. Shep
ard. Miss Betty. Jean Manoles,
Mrs. Harvey Quistad, Mrs. Court
ney Jones, Miss Joan Randall,
Miss Donna and Miss Gail Loc
head. The centerpiece was heart
of red roses and violets flanked by
white tapers in silver candela
bras. v
Miss Lochead is a graduate of
Salem high school and- attended
the University of Oregon and Wil
lamette university. Her fiance,
son of Mr. and Mrs. P. L. William
son of Long Beach, graduated in
June from the University of Ore
gon where the couple first met.
Hi fraternity Is Sigma Phi Eps;
Ion' During the war he served "
the navy for three yean. He Is
now in business with his father in
Long, Beach, where the couple will
Hostesses Fete
Mrs. Moser
Moser was feted at a shower giv
en in her honor at Mrs. Floyd
Fox's home" Wednesday. Co-hostesses
were Mrs. Kenneth Warnock
and Mrs. Ralph Mulkey.
Present were: Mrs. Merle Ras
mussen, Mrs. Violet Carlson, Mrs
Gloria Carlson, Mrs. W. F. Krenz,
Mrs; Margaret Peterson, Mrs. Lee
Wornnm, Miss Charles Heater
M Us Florence Pottorff. Mrs. Anna
Moen) Miss Lena Moen, ' Mrs. J
Severson, Mrs. Fred Taylor, Mrs
Clarence Brownell, Susan Brown
ell; Miss Nellie Moser. Mrs. Fred
Jarvill, Mrs. Frank Heater, Mrs,
Carrie Townsend, Mis Alice Ja
quet. Mrs. Noah Hunt, Mrs. H. E
Hubbard, Mrs. Wilda Charles-
worth, Mrs. Grace Brandt. Mrs
Minnie Moser," Mr. Zula Moser,
Mrs.-HFunrue. Mrs. Dot Welch
Mrs. Gaynell Sparks. Mrs. Ronald
Heater, Mary Ann Worttom, Con
nie Jarvill. Frances Fox, Mrs,
Kenneth Warnock, Mrs. Ralph
Mulkey, Mrs. Floyd Fox
Vows Are Read
MT. ANC1F.L 8t. Mary's
churcb-Waa lighted by cathedral
candles, and decorated with white
asters and greenery, for the wed
ding September 23, of Miss Do
lores Boehmer. to Edward Zoll-,
ner, son of Mr, an-Mia. Ben
Zollner - of Silverton. The Rev'.
Vincent Koppert, O. S, B offici
ated at the nuptial high mass, and
read .the marriage vows, at 8:15
o'clock. Miss Helen Keber played
the. wedding music, St. Mary's
choir sang the mass, .and Miss
Eustelle Bauman sang.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Boehmer, sr.,
and was given in marriage by her
father. Her gownj. of white satin
was fashioned on princess lines,
with French , lace panels from
shoulder to hemline in front and
back, yoke and top of long satin
sleeves of lace for drop-shoulder
effect, sweetheart neckline, self
covered buttons down the back.
and long train edged iq. the same
lace. Her double fingertip veil
of tulle finished with lace, was
held with a cornet of seed pearls.
She carried a shower bouquet of
all white rosebuds, and carna-i
tions and bouvardia, and wore a
double strand of pearls, gift from
her oldest brother, Hugo..
Mii. Gordon Winchcumb of Sa
lem, sister to the bridegroom,
was matron of honor, and Wore a
fyellow taffeta dress, and carried
a nosegay oi yeiiow ana wnue
carnations. Brides ma ids were
Mrs. Aloy J. Seifer, sister of the
bride' ,pf Silverton, wearing pink
chiffon,, and Miss Betty Hassler
In teal blue. They wore picture
hats to match their dresses, and
carried nosegays of pink, blue
and white carnations.
T$et man for Mr. Zollner was
Harold Boehmer; brother of the
bride, and ushers were- Jack Mc
Cullogh and Richard Scharbach
both of Silverton. Seating the
guests wene Tony Kahut of Wood
burn and Gordon Winchcumb.
A breakfast was served at the
newly-built home of her brother
and sisje'r-in-law,, Mr. and Mrs,
Harold Baehmer. Mrs. Carl Ho
gan of Silverton, assisted her
daughter. At the reception held at
the Legion hall during the after
noon, Mrs. Ben Zttzelberger, sis
ter of the bride, passed the guest
book. Mr. Hugo Boehmer, Jr.,
and MrsJJttarold Boehmer cut the
cake. Pouring end assisting about
the rooms were -Miss Mary DiehL
Miss Dolores MQckett and Miss
Pauline Wiss.
Club Hears
Mrs. Kstill Hrunk, president of
the Salem Woman's Club, pre
sided at the first fall meeting of
the club Saturday afternoon.
' Jit salad luncheon preceded the
meeting with Mrs. J. N. Chambers
in charge of arrangements'. As
sisting were Mesdames Henry M.
Hanzeiv- U. G, Shipley. H. O.
White, W. E. Hutchens, Frank L.
Brownell;UA L; " Wallace, J. T.
Whittig nd Frank G. Myers.
Mrs. Ida Mae Smith, legislative
chairman, arranged a panel .dis
cussion on the proposed state sales
tax with Mrs. Louise Humphrey of
Portland "taking the affirmative
and Mrs. Dori Stacey, the nega
tive. Mrs. David; Cameron intro
duced the musicf program which
consisted of a "group of songs by
Ronald Craven accompanied by
Mrs. Craven. Mrs. Charles Rat
cliff gave sidelights on the meet
ing of the state federation execu
tive board in Portland.
Mrs. J. L. Franzen and Mrs.
Victor H. Waldele were welcomed
as new members of the club. The
nine transfers from the Junior
Woman' Hub, who were Intro
duced vinclude Mesdames I. F.
Bryan, uertld . Fisher. Lawrence
Osterman, Donald Parker, J. C.
Pike, Vern Robb, Albert J. Wal
ker, Bert Walker and JNorman
Mrs. George Walling, literature
hairman, announced the litera.-
ture group would meet October 6
at one o clock at the Salem Wo
man's club hoase at which time
Mrs. Charles Ratcliff will review
the book "Why They Behave
Like Rusxiang."
Mrs. Chfton Mudd, fine arts
chairman, has arranged an inter
esting program on Guatemala to
be held at the Salem Woman's
clubhouse. Monday, October ' 13,
at two o clock. Mi.i Lucy Lane
of Corvallis, who is the speaker,
will bring a display of articles
Chemeketa chapter, Daughter
of the American Revolution will
meet Saturday at the home of
Mrs. Nettie Roberts, 872 Belmont
street, at 2 o'clock. Year books
will be distributed at the meet
leen Egan, bride-elect of Charles
Morley, was honored at a p re
nuptial shower Friday night in
the parlors of the First Christian
church. Hostesses: were Mrs.
George Elton, Mrs, ? Dan E. Geii
ser, Mrs. Will Egan, and Mrs.
Mary Kleeman. Guests were mem
bers of the Loyal Berean class and
specially" invited guests.
I w
- y
V -
InSalfm and th urroandiag towns there Is) an iGA Stor
coarenientlf located that U near your home, a store with or- '
eryday lof prices (hat actually sore you money on all your
food needs.
If you are not a reaular customer of IGA ft will payLyou to
lnresttaate the low soring prices because you do sot as
every Item the sorinos really add up to a tidy sum during
the .month. It's a good way to stretch: your food budget
Try IGA Today!
wmim swim
EUinore orange juice now at its bet. Hot weather and plenty
of sunshine ha roducetl the finest quality in history. Or
anges are noW running 13; sugar. .
Tliis summer jtiice will toon' be gone. New crop oranges are
never -ad goxl BUY-NOW in cae lots and enjoy the best.
which, fche collected in that coun
try. Mrs. Eiitil Brunk has appointed
Mrs. Herbert J. Ostlind in charge
of the ruinmxKc stfli tii- l held
(-loler 31 ti Ninrmber I.
Silver Weddings
Are Celebrated
, MT. ANGEL Two hundred
guests attended the reception hon
oring Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Butsch,
on the 25th anniversary of their
marriage, at the St. Mary's school
club rooms on September 21.
Mr. and Mrs. Butsch have op
erated Mt. Angel's telephone ex
change for 23 years, ami both are
active in fraternal, church and ci
vic' -affairs. A surprise for the
guests was the announcement of
the engagement of Donald Butsch
and Miss Robinette Aman. R. N..
daughter of Mr' and Mrs. Krank
Aman of Mt. Angel.
Honoring the couple were Mr.
and Mrs. L. A. ZeU (Madelene
Englehart). Mr. and $rs. Nick
Pelt. (Hilda Butsch) of Salem. Mr.
and Mrs. K.- I. Scharbach of
Woodburn, Mr. and Mrs. Al Lulay,
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schwab, Mr. and
Mrs. J. L. Wachter, Mr. and Mrs.
E. B. Stolle, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph"
Berchtold, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Wagner. Mr. and M,rs. Ben TrjrsJ,
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Shepherd. Mr.
and Mrs. Fred J. Schwab, Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Kloft, Mr. and Mrs.
R. T. Welton. Mr. and Mrs. R. T.
Bisenius. Mr. and Mr. R. J. Wel
ton. and Mr. and Mi's. L! A. Le
Doux. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Obersin
ner observed 'their silver wedding
anniversary with a large group of
friends qnd , relatives at the Le
gion hall September 19.. Hostesses
w;ere the ;Mesdames Fratik Kahut,
F"red Shindler. Joe C. Warner and
John Griesehauer.
The Liberty Woman's club will
hold its first fall meeting Thurs
day, afternoon at the community
hall at 1:30 o'clock. All new wo
men tn4he community are Invited
to' attend.
Tea Will Fete
Mi.. Farley' Mogan will be the
honor guest at an informal tea
on Thursday afternoon when Mrs.
Carl G. -Collins. Mrs. John F.
Hagemann and Mrs. Rotert Dra
ger entertain at the Collins' home
on Maiket street. 1
A smal Igroup of young matrons
have been invited to call between
3 and 5 o'clock to meet Mrs. Mo
ganVja newcomer in the capital.
Major and Mr. Mogan recently
lie turned to the states from Frank
furt. Germany, where he had
been stationed with the army. The
couple's marriage took place in
Frankfurt and she will be remem
bered ' us the former Nell Young
of Portland.
WALDO HILLS Mr. and Mrs.
Lorin Lefevr (Ruth Finlay) and
tHeir son, Harlan, of Great FalK
lont., have Imhmi guests of her
brother ami nisler-iii-la w, Mr. and
Mrs. K. A. Finlay. While here, a
picnic supper was arranged at
Silver Creek Falls lodge for their
Present besides the Lefevres
were Mr. and Mrs. Miles Otta
way, Olive Ottaway, Mrs. Bliss
Jones, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Ren
wick, Mrs. John Riches, Mr. and
Mrs. Clay Allen. Mr. and Mrs.
Karl Habeiiy. Mr. and Mrs. Har
old Rop, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Lovre,Mr. and Mrs. Oral F.gan,
Mrs. Mary Kleeman, William
Kleeman.-Mr. and Mrs. Frank
i Bowers, Mrs. Edith Phillippi, Mr.
I and Mrs. Casper Oveross, Ray-
mo.ntti Kaxer, Fred Knight. Mr.
land Mrs. Nov Phillippi and Mr.
and Mrs. r inlay.
.Mrs. Lefevre U a native of
this community, following her
graduation from the Silverton
high school, she went 'to Montana
to teach school where she met and
married Lefevre. They were in the
valley to enroll their son in Reed
Ths Slates man, Salem, Orsqon. Tttssday, SpL 30, Ittf 7
UtoO 0n q DQscz? C330O 'OCbgO
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When you feet "out of sorts,'
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When you need medical advice there la just
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