4' j Tao Statesman.- Salem. Oregon, Tuesday. Sept SO. H 17 Many Social Events on Calendar Luncheon,' parties for visitor nd bridal showers highlight the social calendar during the autumn season. Mn Elmer O. Berg will, pre side at a otoe o'clock luncheon on Wednesday afternoon at her Center street home in compli ment to her Community Chest - drive captains. Covers will be placed for Mrs. L. V. Benson, wo men's division chairman, Mrs. Homer Smith jr., Mrs. Lee Oh -mart, Mrs. Emmett Kleinke, Mrs. Fu.iell Pratt. Mn. Mike Stein brock, Mrs. Gordon Leonard and the hostess. To rete a Visitor Mr.- Robert H. Hamilton has In.vited, guests to a dessert sup per and bridge party - tonight at her South Cottage street home In honor' of Mrs. Elmer Harrold (Mary Jean JdeKay), who is vis iting in the capital. Mr. and Mri. Harrold and son, Steven, came noit from their, home in Sacra mento for a visit with relatives and friends in Salem and Port land. f Bidden to honor Mrs. Harrold re Mesdames Wayne Had ley, Carlton McLeod, Jack Price, Jihn Kolb, Dal Shepherd, Ro l.ert . Findley of Rickreall, Otto . Wilson. Warren Hunter of Dal- la. Miitves -Mary McKay and Phyllis Fisher. 'Hostesses Honor Mrs. Olin Mrs. Daniel Olin of. West Fir, f ormerly of Salem, was the honor g'et at a shower when Mrs. X; iieph Bray. Mrs. Stuart Mc Neill and Mrs. V. p. Bryant en tertained at the former a homo on North Winter street. A pink and white color scheme was carried out in -the decoration. Honoring Mrs. Olin. were Mes dtmes Alda Yoder, -Portland, Lawrence Shell, Albany, Ray . mond Snyder, Jennings Lodge, Jade Giger and Henry. Klaaaen, .Oregon City,, Ed Willard, John GraybilL Gladys Billings. N. J Billings.- Herbert Jones. J. C. Tike,, Richard DeVine, Misses r.ena Willard, Rosemary Billings, Maria Dare, Ann. Rose and the - ttostesses. 1 , Shower For Bride-Elect Miss Gladys Windehahl was feted at a bridal shower when. Miss Elinor Danielson and Miss Thelma Strand entertained at the Danielson home. A late supper fol lowed an informal evening, and ; v louquets of linnias, marigolds. atter and roses were arranged about the rooms. Honoring Miss Windedahl were the Misses: 'Betty MonUomerv. Betty Carlson. Gladys Birch, Ru by Strand, Mesdames M. Winde- dshl, G. Isaacson. Paul Paivi. William Brietzke, Eugene Krts pard, Neill Witting, Jr., Maurice w. Brennen, H.: M. Bocach. Lyle Erttgaard, C. Dajielaon, J. Strand. Boy Larten. Thelma -Gunderson, oeorge w indedahl and th host esses. Chief JbsuVc of the Sapreaae Court and Mrs.. .George Hosaman returned Sunday night on the Streamliner from a fortnight's stay in Cleveland, Ohio. Judge Batsman attended a meeting of the commission on uniform Taws the first week and the American Bar association convention the last w eek. The AAUW recent graduates will meet tonight at the home of Mrs. Arthur Sprague. 1053 Ter race Drive. West Salem, at 7:30 o'clock. sMits Marion . Morange, who studied in Paris last year on am AAUW fellowship, will be the .guest speaser. TpdaVs Pattern .. of ' m frock for the Teen time "of your "life! With Mouse or aareater. Pattern 4399 is hieh-stvle f&fhigh school. As shown, ifa the thjg to wear lor swingtime ates! - This nattern. eaev to use. atmnle JUf-Tiew, is tested for fit Includes comoiete illustrated instructions. P'attern 4599 cames in teenage aizeao. 12. 14. H.,Sa 12 takes SVs yards 39-inch fabric. Sod TWETT-riVK eenU ta mint for Uus pattorn to Th Oregon States man. Anno Adams. IS First at. San Trmncmcm $. Calif. Print otetnly tAM. AOOBirKS, zome, aix.K n D VII LI NEWS! Our Fan and Winter AMNE ADAMS Pattern Book Js ready t Semi fjfn emu at one to bo aw jrou g4 this wr-sew colletiosi of fasctn x atirf new tah!ons.- Prtntad fiht in tb ttoost- arO TREE slirocU ao.a for saafc- .SflsVXISHZ-aseul. fUts eoct P2,r f ri.tg, yr...?n,f, rrzrrJ!Zi Ml 77 7 H All I fO sU4 Society Clubs I Music, v The Home I ojBBBBBBSSSSSBBBBBBSaaaaBSS CLUB CALENDAR TUESDAY Catholic Daughters of America wn house, Salem Women's clubhouse, p.m. WEDNESDAY American War Mothers tea at homo of Mrs. A. A. Lee. 1815 State st.. X to S p.m. Stiver Tea, Knlaht Memorial church 1:30. followed by afternoon. a Women's Guild. First Conrreialional church, meet at church parlor. t p.m. PEP Teachers club meet toj dlftner. The Buccaneer, S79S State St., p.m., officers are hostesses. first Presbyterian church circle meetings, 1:19 p.m. Ladies of Grand Army of Republic business meetln at YWCA. X p.m. Pythian Sisters. Centralis Temple No. 11 meet at KP hall, pjn. THURSDAY Frtngle Pleasant Point Social club, with Mrs. Vernon Coates, no-host luncheon Chapter G. PCO with Mrs. Howard Shubert. 1323 N. 21st sU 1:19 p.m. Keizer Ladies sewing elub with Miss Lois Keefer. route 2, 130 p.m. Liberty Woman's club meet at com munity Hall. 1 30 p.m. DAV auxiliary meet at Salem Worn ait's clubhouse. 460 N. Cottage st S p.m. St. Monica's altar society, covored dish dinner for members of St. Jos eph s parish, 1 P.m cold star Moiners, vrw nan, a p.m. FKIDAY Barbara Frletchie Tent No. 2. Dsugh ters of Union Veterans of Civil War, meet at Woman's clubhouse, p.m. Englewood Woman's dub with Mrs. R. J. Lowmlller, 3460 Donald Way, t P.m. . ' -j. SATURDAY t'hemekala chapter, DAS. with Mrs. Nettle Roberts. 972 Belmont St., t p.m. Chairman w Names Committees Mrs. Verne Ostrarider, general chairman for the Disabled Ameri can Veterans annual Forget-Me-Not sale, October 3 and 4, an nounced today that all volunteers for the sale are to meet at the chamber of commerce at eight thirty, October 3. Funds derived from the sale assist with rehabili tation, hospitalization and employ ment of disabled veterans and families. Serving on the committee are Lradio, Mrs. Clifton Mudd; stations. Mrs. George Pro, Mrs.. William Shlnn, Mrs. Keith Harris; win dows, Mrs. Otto Mehlhoff; cap tains, Mrs. Stuart Johns, Mri. Ralph Secor, Mrs. A. L. Brew ster, Mrs. Ella Voves, Mrs. Harry McWhorter, Mri. Boy Reynolds; office, Mrs. Frank Crozier, Mrs. Herb Fields and Mrs. O. E. Rine hart. Salem Forget-Me-Not girl this year is1 Miss Lucille Sundale. The Gold Star Mothers will be stationed at the postoffice; Ladd and Bush bank will have the War Mothers; Lions auxiliary at Hartmans; Rebekahs, Wiles Drug store, Chin-Up-Club. First Na tional bank and Legion auxiliary at Sallys. FAMOUS HYDRONIZED OtLS far complexion care at home Consult ma Km saalsalws DtSMCTICS aiacasi a Miss Lois Cochran Weds Amity Miss Lois Mildred Cochran, daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. W. Earl Cochran of Mc Minnville and George Robert1 Speer, son of Mrs. Cora Speer, Nuevo, Calif., were married Sat urday, September 20, in the First Baptist church in McMinnville. The bride's father, assisted by Dr. W. Everett Henry, officiated at the ceremony. Wayne Wilhelm of Baker, and Frank Dillon of McMinnville lighted the tapers. The bride was given in mar riage by her father, wore an af ternoon dress of light cocoa crepe with Balenciago accessories, and carried a white bible.. She wore an orchid corsage. Miss Eva Mae Cochran of Oak land, Calif, was her sister's only attendant and wore an afternoon dress of mood indigo with match ing accessories and carried a. nosegay of pink roses. Millard F. Wilhelm of Baker was best man, James Stanard and Andrew Pe tersen of McMinnville ushered. Preceding the ceremony, Mrs Lorraine Gilmer sang and was ac companied bjrH. C. Elklnton. The bride's mother Wore an af ternoon dress of plum wine with matching accessories and corsage of pink roses. Immediately following the cere mony, a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents Mri. F. M. Wilhelm of Baker cut the cake. Mrs. Kenneth Graber f mar Tr s m . s a . r of Portland, was In charge of the guest book and Miss Jean McMa hon, McMinnville, was in charge of the gift table. Assisting were Mrs. Charles Walker, Mrs. Andrew Petersen of McMinnville, and Miss Helen Innes of Portland. Miss Diane Pe tersen of McMinnville passed the dream cake. ' After a short trip to the Oregon beaches and trip through the redwoods, they will make their home at 10499 MacArthur Boule vard, Oakland. Calif. Mr. Speer is a buyer with the regional of fice of Montgomery Ward in Oak land. They ; both served - in the war. The Cochrans were residents of Salem for a. number of .years when Mr Cochrane was ' pastor of the Calvary Baptist church. A recent pastorate was at Amity. The AAUW International Re lations group meeting slated for Wednesday has been postponed until Wednesday, October 15 in the fireplace room of the Salem pub lic library at 1:30 p. m. Those wishing . further information are asked to call Mrs. Gordon Leon ard, 6401. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Hobbs and Lt. Col. and Mrs. In Wintermute, who are visiting here from Reno. spent the weekend salmon fishing and were registered at Finnisters Lodge. na mn. cxigar morris, DOin s r c-i , lem. pouwd Mri. Chter WflPMt' M' PHe .of.Sa,f.m' dM" Miss Elyeeco Starckweather FROM THE DERMETICS FIFTH AVENUE , NEW YORK SALON Her Sept. 29 to Oct 5 i. For really clean skin you simply must try r S. A. Soil ADsorbing Cleanser; the 60 second, creamy nondrying cleanser that1 cleans your skin by AD-aorption- - from $1.00 For gentle Stimulation use "Blushing" and L "feel your skin grow lovelier fresh alive and rad ,f iant, and you will want to try the complete Dermet- t les complexion program for a skin as lovely child's Irom For Protection as Complexion Dress famous oil film protection base that eliminates the heavi ness of old fashioned make up and leaves your face youthful, light and fresh from $1.25 For perfect- artist portrait make - up you'll be. thf'.lled when you try Dermetic- Auto matic Rouge f 1 00! Lipstick and Face Powder. '' Plus tax A Complimentary Bottle of "MISTM will be presented to the la dles by our cosmetic de partment during Miss Stardcweather's vis l't 4- Sept.' 29th to Oct Nuptials Read at St. Mai MT. ANGEL At an after noon ceremony Thursday. Septem ber 18 at 2 o'clock in St. Mary's church, M i ss Isabel Schmitt, daughter of Rfr.. and Mrs. Joseph Schmitt, became the bride of Mr. Richard Swanson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Swanson of Silverton. Rev. Vincent Kpppert. O.S.B., of ficiated.1 Mis Helen Keber played and Bernard Smith of Wood burn was soloist at the pipe organ. The bride came down the able with her father, who gave Hier in marriage. She wore a white satin gown fashioned on princess lines, long sleeves, sweetheart neck line, selfcovered buttons down the back, and inserts of Frendh lace from shoulder to hemline match ed the lace edging on the long train. A coronet of tulle held her fingertip veil of illusion, and she parried a prayer-book, topped by an orchid. The neckline of pearls was a gift from her mother. Miss Florence Hassing attended the bride as bridesmaid. Her floor-length frock was T aqua blue crepe and she wore white mitts of lace to match ; the head dress of lace and pink carnations. Her. flowers were a nosegay of pink carnations and white gladio-f luses. r -' ' Robert Swanson was best man for his brother, and ushers were Silvester Schmitt and John Schmitt, brothers of the bride. Immediately after the ceremony a reception was held at the' St. Mary's school dining room. Mrs. Paul Warhter. sister of the brideULois Frink. JJayton. cut the cake, Miss Gloria Swansoriff; KPPa Alpha Thefa, Carol Cain, sister to the bridegroom passed I the guest, book, and another sister, S. C. Schmitt were in charae of the gift table. Serving and assist ing about the room were Mrs. Gene Hoffer and- Misses Louise Butsch, Henrietta Saalfeld, Peggy Skonetzni and Frances Hassing. Miss Stuller To Marry Sunday. October 12 has been sefcas the date for the wedding of Miss Susan Jane ..Stuller. daughter of Cecil W. Stuifer, to Frank H. North, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. North. ?The afternoon rites will be solemnized at the First Christian church at 4 o'clock The. jbride-elect far a graduate of Salem high school and attended Willamette university, Mr. North attended schools in Los Angeles and is now in business there where the couple will live after their marriage. During the war the benedict-elect served in the navy. 4 Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Rlngland entertained Friday night in honor of- the birthdays of their twins, Nancy and Donald, and Jean Do magalla. Dancing was enjoyed with late, refreshment served. Other guests were Alice Dubois, Vanice Baites, Lonnie Esaw, Rich ard Esaw and Hugh Sneed. S. A. as a ft SOIL A new Cleaning revelation saeh sr yoa have never experienced. . Not a liquid, not a fluid, Dermetics' S. A Cleanser is a Wend of compatible Hydronized oils that pour out of a bottle like smooth - whipping cream. For a ro mantic skin cleanse your face daily with Dermetic3 S. A. . (Soil Adsorbing) rm cleanser or caustics '" the pores. 5 th. Salem Girls Pledge at Coryallis Twenty? .Salem ghN were pledged to sororities) on th Ore gon State college, campin Sunday following the jfnnual fall rusfi week. Pledges from Salem and vi cinity ate as follows; Alpha Chi Omega, Patricia P6w ell, Salem. Alpha Delta Pi, Eloise Groves, Lebanon. J Alpha Gamma Delta. Doris and Patricia Hale, Salem; Phyllis Shaver, Molalia. . Alpha Omicrooi Pi, Ardell Brownjohn, Valsetz, Alpha Phi, Shirley Mae Har mon and Hendjina Van Leeuwen, Albany. Alpha Xi7SPelta, Sharon Lee Hoxie, Salefn. ' Chi Omega. Donna Lawreme, Beverly NNon, Lorraine Poin dexter, Saltffn: Carol Cleaver and Delores Corfu, Albany; Naomi Morgan, Staytun. Delta Delta Delta, Peggy Bur roughs, Betty Causey, Salem. Delta Gamma, Beverly Michele, Helen Roth and Elaine Sauuders, Albany. Delta Zeta, Alice Barrurk, Sa-' lem; Mary Moynirian,'- Lebanon. Gamma Phi Beta, Joanne Blax all, Barbara Dendrickson, Marilyn Hill, Doris NichoLPatricia Wil son, Salem; Beverly4 Beard, Mary 'Joan McKimens, . McMinnville: Geraldine Woodroffe, Salem. Kappa Delta, Carolee Ward, Salem; Meldyn Morgan, Kathryn Vanre, Norma !- WallMce, Cloiia Williamson, Albany. Kappa Kappa Gamma, Maii anneu Bonesteele, Salem; Rosa lie Adams, McMinnville. Pi Beta Phi, Donna Lee Greiner, Marjorie Macy, McMinnville; Lois Peterson, Albany. Sigma Kappa, Gwen Robbins, McMinnville; Audra Sheldon, Sa lem. First fall meeting of the Ensle- ,wood Woman's club will be held Friday afternoon at the home of .Mrs. R. J. Lowmilley, 3460 Don old Way. Members will take the Capitola bus and get off at the Saving Center, and then walk to the first street east. Assisting will be Mesdames Tyler Morley, Ralph Maude and H. W. Hughlett. Mrs. Chris Mattinson, who recently came here from Norway, will be the speaker. . The Delta Zeta alumnae will be entertained tonight at the South Cottage street home of Mrs. Bjarne Erickson with Mrs. B. L Bradley the assisting hostess. A dessert supper will be served at 8 o'clock. Any new Delta Zetas in town are welcome to attend. Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Williams had as their guests on Monday Dr. and Mrs. E. H. Lutz and Miss Joyce Feiden of Los Angeles. Dr. Lutz was formerly on the staff of the Oregon state hospital. CLE AJNSER ADSORBING i i tree irom wax that might clog . a Circles to Meet On .Wednesday Circle meetings for hte First Presbyterian church for Wednes day, October 1 are as follows: Circle No. 1, Mrs. Floyd Thomp son, leader, meets in the fireplace room at the church for 1:15 des sert. iMis. Floyd Thompson and Mrs. Leo Dean, hostesses. Circle No. 2, Mrs. E. A. Kenny, leader, meets" with Mrs. Harry Johnson, 529 N. 23 rd for 1:15 de-Nsei t." Circle No. 3. Mrs. K. W. Harritt, leader, meets with Mrs. J. F. Ul rich. 1225 Chemeketa for 1:15 dessert. x Circle No. 4, Mrs. R. C. Shep ard, leader, meets with Mrs. R. L. Elfstrom. 1656 Center st., for 1:15 dessert. Circle No. 5, Mrs. John Harbi son, leader, meets with Mrs. Eu gene Crothers, 1125 N. Fifth st., for 1-15 dessert. Circle No. 6. Mrs. L. M. Birch, leader, meets with Mrs. L. C. Mc Leod, 365 N. 13th for 1:15 des sert. . Circle No. 7, Mrs. Curtis Hale, leader, meets with Mrs. S. H. Jones,i 1695 So. Commercial . for 1:15 dessert. Circle No. 8, Mrs. A. E. Archi bald, leader, meets with frs. George Millie, 475 N. Capitol for 1:15 dessert. A little girl, Janet Lynne, was born to Mr. and . Mrs. Chafcles Strong (Betty Randall) on Mon day morning at the Salem Gen eral hospital. The baby, who weighed seven jwutuls and elev en ounces, is the granddaughter of Mrs. Hope Randall and Joseph Randall of Salem, and the Rev all DnoQDDQaDitaDDii9 ' lffeatir Grul U r No. 1 ssf TttfS un vony . -fix . VtSl ( " ) rn I l v W1 IInch M -!J 1 ili Ikl'"'"'-1' I Orar three ganertxtlons hamilton hire ... your tee of quality I and Mrs. C. M. Strong of Che halis, Wash. The great-grandfather is S. H. Rondeau of Corval lis. Mr. Strong, who has been In Salem, left lor Minneapolis last week to enter his senior year at the University of Minnesota Med ical school. His wife and little daughter will fly east next month to Join him. t Dance Follows Lodge Meeting I Regular meeting of Salem chap ter. Eastern Star was held Satur day night and was .followed by a dancing party, arrangements for which were in charge of Mr. and Mrs. Claude H. Post, Mr. and Mr. Ronald F. Rossner, .Mr. Harry Lucas, Mrs. Evelynj; -porneliu. Mrs. Harry Hiday. Refreshments were served following bfr ac tivities. Worthy matron, Lela R. New meyr, and worthy patron, Charles C. Boyer, presided during the meeting and had as their hon ored guest worthy patron, ' Ed Harnsberger, of Adah chapter. In dependence. Other out-or-town guests were Mrs. Ed Harnsberger and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rogers of Independence, Mrs. Mary Baker of Crofton, Ne braska, and Mrs. Micilla Simp son of Seattle. Forty members and friends' of former Singer Sewing machine sewing classes entertained the teen-age sewing groupfSf" a par ty Friday night at the Center. A fashion show was a highlight of the evening with class members modeling garments they had made. Refreshments were served and Mrs. Dorothy Sloan was in charge of arrangements. Tuesday and Wednesday Only! O Charge , of ed O Cash O Ijayatvay O Payments Mrs. Taylor Hostess Mrs. Hugh Taylor will preside at two one o'clock luncheons' this week at her Court street home in compliment to her mother, Mrs. R. W. Hicks, who is here vaffting at her daughter's home, from Weiser, Idaho. The hostess will serve sf buffet luncheon with guests seated at small tables, where later in the afternoon contract bridge writ be in play. Arrangements of autumn flowers and leaves will provide the decorative note. . Bidden to meet Mrs. Hicks on Wednesday afternoon are Mes- djfnes Harris Lietz, T. Harold tominson, Richard -A. Meyer, Glenn Hoar, Morris Crothers, Harold Busick, George Kaye, Wal ter Snyder, Lester WHcox, E. H. Kennedy. Walter "fBarsch ' and Charles Musser. On Thursday covers will be placed for Mesdames R. W. flick, L Lyman Steed. C. C. Higgins, Charles Cole, C. ',.. Stricklin. David Camerson. Fred Schlapkoht, Charles McElhinny, Wilmer ,C. Page, Harlan Pearson, Frank Mc Kennon and George Aiken. Dr. Lloyd Saaaders was elected Lptesident of the Sojourners Danc ing club at the first dance of the group Saturday night at the May flower hall. Ralph At wood was -elected vice-president; endiMrs. John J. Dann, secretary-treasurer. Shop Now and Save! 'A sweeping sale of ed Hamilton t stock of fine furs at phenomenal .savings! Neivest fur fashion in generous lines, lavish uxu-mth and beauty! 4