The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 28, 1947, Page 14, Image 14

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    14 Tha Stat man. Scleral. Oratjon. Sunday. Sapf, 27. 1947
Additional Classified
Ads on Page 13
Situations Wanted
f-45. Stanley Fag. vr"
POSITION wanted: Accountant. 8 yr.
r-ei-r. will ou-lifted, good refer
ence. Would like" to make permanent
. ' ... JKTli n. A Ml K
DRESSMAKING Phone 1-41153.
PiivTTNG arid decorating. Reason- I
lTnllvwnod Transfer
. ..r i - : ;..,.. k...iin I
, f inn. hiullnc
for local ana ,, ,. ...-..
Pickup and moving. Trailer for rent
r9&4. Burtoos Mobitejitaljon
IRONING 75c hr. My home in
McCoy; Hollywood ; put. J ust bring
It OUt " -
"""RADIO Louie twenty years' ex
twrience, Low price. Easy parking.
Guaranteed work. 1470 N. Capitol ot.
I1 a I fnr nur llfn
"RAVlNGft-nouse and
eiore plan. m.wzi.
woofT Sawdut put in. Call
3-54S3 after 8 P.M.
WiLir"ive good care lor child in
iny home, by day. wk. or month.
Inquire at 4125 State; St. near Pen
Keizer SarMiiojliipe
" CONTRACT Carpenter. D. E. Gib-
. s- . . i -.- siv- 0rn
ii .i- hifdaii
SAWTIJmg circle k band un I
hrPwd,. lrr'fe2J 5am clrtK)n -
aHSsS"- "
s UA;Vff-r7ir-VM-r
vi--ivw; I
liBY sfTTEOrTgh achoolaie. Ph.
J?S-?.r.i , W a . i- I
LADY Wisints poaiuwn in o -
nice Receipts and nursing eap. Eu
nice Stpalley. R. . tx i!fJIlLL
i -xrmlzz. ITw u..iiir.w
Pbiini k discing. Light bulldozing.
Th 2-2773
BABY SITTER.. Ph. 2687.
PRUNrNG Lawn, park or cemetery
k Ph 7558. 115Q I, tnurcn.
TuRTAfNS"Washed i stretched. 395
22nd. Mrs. B. Lteske. r n. w.
"RaLIg. refrisetation service. Ph.
Painting Paperhansing
DecoraUng. roof spraying, free tl-
inatea. 2-5828. Kawnns I luoeiM
rrvnf t rwrr rh 5-5122.
""HOUSEWORK or washing and Iron--
tng Call 6364.
PAINTING. Good work. Reasonable
rUi Free esUmate. C Horn. Ph.
-55U ,
Painting & Decorating
wa. tBrttt7. TM INTERIOR?
.. DICK OREY 625
"r.rrirrrmrit contracting. 24751
""a i J. Work iuaranteed. Windows
-B.u- -nwtwnrk pleaned. Floors wax
ma Insured workmen. Professional
manine Service Phone -4457
TtrM-i ri fiVa to kid on rour spray
fainting. Your paint or ours. Phone
M t. Gottenberr. 1450 N. 19th St.
" WANTED: Furniture to' glua and
repair. Lee Bros. pn.jizjJ,
?rf DTJggER'S-Furnace Chimney .
4 Oil Stove cleaning, uiai 7i.o.
Mike's Septic Service
1079 Elm. West Salem. Ph. 9468 or 8327
. Painting!
Conuaet or by tha hour. Spray or
R1 Bo M3
r"""e I
Ph 3019.
" t,thni PlavschooL 1381
gSsgaL"' 'SKiZZ.
.JT ci tThlrtV RA. Ph.
Washer Repair. 80 , Liberty Ha. rn. I
; . . i .I..- i
Raloh Alsman. 1720 Lancaster it
m v
Phone $-4248. . - ' I
Srntic Tanks Cleaned
K. W. Hamel. 1143 8th, West Salem.
. Phona 7404
tfwi. m.l Chtfinin Phona fr513
V T ' TTL -Ji..lU..yr, .,77 . - .. '". rxrjT
" I
For Sale Miseellaneons
VACUUM Cleaners and floor pol-
Y EATER appliance cutvirAw s
253 N. Lioerty treev
aaiem. urtiron i
Phone 431' I
NEARLY, rew au-gai. va , -
Beater. --Boy's Bike m gooa conu.
Cheap, pnorve anaa.
diamonds, watches, silverware, I
hardware and radios. Use Weisfield s
easy credit terms as little at 25c a
week, wo interest or extra cnn u
credit Open your easy WeUfield ac- I
aount now!
WEIS FIELD Sc colubehu I
Plvin. 2-3358 Aaency 1316 State St. I
MiUt ftnine siartu. uwi
Phone 9859. . . ' .
. rr-. x g g-A I A ii-rf. tnl lr( I
an mkM u.wra Van's Corner. Sol I
Zdrewater. E, H. Ellis. Formerly with I
il.wwi Rrni ! Phone 6931. t I
Atrr r.nffi 170. Cabinet t
A. w. , v'- ; I
kit w k its aluminum, wood, or 1
rt eel with mattresses, Moyt t saies
Whse. 1351 Hoyt. '
"RSTAURANTtype "electric ranfes
4 burner and 2 burner with grill.
Sdao 24 inch square electric grin.
253 N. Liberty Street
Salem. Oregon 1
FhoM 4311
DOGS boarded (day or month),
trained, bathed ani trimmed. Free
DickuD ana delivery, mvmj "
itets Rt. 3. Ph. 2-3168.
SELECT Your Xmas gifts now.
HOBART M. CABLE player piano
and rolls for sale. 2630 Mulsey Ave.
Phone K1B5.
150 2-WHEBfer trailer. 16 In. wheels,
crtel frame.' 5308 N.' Liberty Ives. '
" BRAND NEW T D9 with Trackson
awing crane, telescopic boom. 12-18 1
cap. S.0O0 lbs. Crane removaDie.
A-iOon lurnioge. rn. aoa. -euerauu.
Or. '
LARGE sweet Tomatoes. 75c bu.
U pick; $1.50 Picked. Keep left pt
Roberts Sohool 3rd house. L.
telke, Ph, 22578. .-
p -Acuta f M
LaU canning peaches, - nowready.
imisn iniH arm, u wnu n nau.
id Ph. 22326.
"Krt 1 tWr rifle. Ph. $336
garage eauiDment and tools, good
location tat Salem city limns, l nave
11 tools needed to work witn. ntiai
is priced to sell. I rm. apt;, on prem-
tms. Good lease on building, see wm.
, Kumrver SOftS Portland Rd.
FREE7" months old female Cocker
Spaniel. 1345 Mill St. . ' . .
SEE tha Gibson tractor. You ride.
plow. disc, spring tooth harrow, cul
tivators, dozer blade. Available now.
L C. MUler. Rlcjtreall. Ore. Ph. Dallas
12F8. John Hancock, sws Kivercrest.
P Ralem 2-4280.
'TO MBADTTKano. sola and chairs.
sewing macnine, etc. 22o S. Hlgn St
Rnlnet nianos. today's finest. Ex
outsite styling. A revelation to hear.
Ideal for eitner beginner or aa
l vsnced musician.
t The Vallevs finest DianO Store
154 Fairgrounds Rd. (Cor. NCCotUge)
All)Wl?rAppres. 1 mt ETof Llb-
rtv. Kt. S. BOX 3CP. a-rnest n-oiway
.. '. v. o-fcTirr-.tS -7iin,. k'.iT
-. r-A rr jet r5"l HUNTERS ATTENTION: Sleeping
VZ$im-" LrSJ"5?,BIT trailer with kitchen accompanying
AWTElTanTaonaiiger. Reason-I k EceIlent condition. Only
1 p1 JV.,. 18425. Inquire at 533 Richmond Ave.
tourer 85 Trailer $ Wnf $12 80 to $19.50: Finished and
ttStMTclAPAVMinM 30" 3 drawer chests 312,00
Service. Rt 9. Box 614. 1st Dr. .
Bekrest Memorial Park;
1838 tERRAPLAN E with 1942 mo-
sor, new urea,. - mmunmiv.
loa h in box. 1 cas ranee. 1 steel
cot. ail priced to seU quick. "L. Hen-
erix. S4i Edgewater rtoaa.
WA?JTD:. flood ho'mee ior cute,
Tuf fv S weeks old kittens. Ph. 4980.
CULBRANSEN Bungalow upright
tano. In line playing cond. Attrac
tive case.
The Valley's finest piano store."
1540 Fairgrounds Rd, (Cor. N. Cottage)
For Sale Miscellaneous
NO Waxing rraulred when you um
transparent Plaiti-Kote on your floors
or linoleum.
23 N Liberty street
Salem. Oretton
Phone 4311
FOR Better reception at the coast
the Tropic Master radio $59.50.
.'- 255 N. Liberty Street ,
, Salem, Oregon
Phone 4311 Z2
ritnf.' nrcuup hlevel (.ond Pfin
ini-an A n ia
Phone 22343 or 21103
Went, of Junction of Cherry Ave.
. Rw d ... ,, c to
end of road. . k
E"EEcYfUC Loom wire conven-
fence outlets.
253 N. Liberty Street
F-Et. Salem. Oregon
'? Phone 4311
Service, Supplies. 191 So. High. Ph.
"KpTICE: Poultry and stock feed-
ert. Mill feed is available in any
quantity at Northwest Poultry. 1505
w. front, vn. 7uuv.
i miie .o'uth on River Rd. Phone 5968
WE BUY oil circulators, wood
'". elee. J ? stoves. . sewing
machines, elec, moton. washing ma-
Mure. Ph..714L
"cOFanESTlak"iri and" replacement
255 N. Liberty Street
Salem Oregon
Phone 4311 -
River Silt
Sand and Gravel Co. c
, PH 2-1988 2-3100
luTreRChurn ! tekctric).
255 N. Liberty Street
Salem. Oregon
Phone 4311
"PANS. Exhaust, pedestal and stand
259 N. Liberty Street
Salem, Oregon
i Phone 43tl
12th ST. BLOCK CO.. S 12th St at
Virta Ave. Ph. 25363. Eve
G. E. Electric range, late model.
938 Hazel Ave.
"CAMP"" Adair lumber. 25 ft. rafters.
sinks, electrical wiring and lights.
Ph. 2-1583.
MODEL A John Deere. 1943 mo-
del. Excellent cond. Ph. 109F11.
HPRE-lVARTIigh. chair Taylor Tot,
Ph. 4574. j
"STOVE, Linoleum, buffet, vacuum
cleaner .fluorescent lights.
268 'N.
Com'l.. Ad1. 10.
-Tr.i.t.A .m-mirna-xxT-
GRAPES: Several varieties, 5c lb.
Phone 2-1238.
DAVENPORT, 2 rockers. Dutch
'wen stove, heater, bed, springs. Rt.
a K,-m. B,rm ' p T
Lleekard. ' ; '
FROGlL OU circulating heaters.
f ii a vwiii.ii mv.
Ellis, formerly with Nelson Bros
pillDXNCir Conversion range oil
Burner, iioor lumavn . vans wvi
ner, 001 Edgewater. Ed Ellis, lor'
'""'7 wtb Nelson Bros.
OIL Burner with 3 piped barrels
ttO. Ph. 5083.
ar s ... ctTa aBfan q
',. .r, 7iT e
SCHWIN Bicycle truck, like new,
CAMPBELL'S Early grapes 5c lb".
Rt 1. Box SOI. a ml- on Wallace
Rd. Ph. 2-5957.
SHEETROCK, Firtex 4x8 sheets and
ceiling blocks, plaster base, gyp lap.
Rt. 7. Box 431L. McCain Ave. off
silverton BoV
TT&vti t t-i ...i.v.
ear. Good cond. 840. Ph. 2-2424.
CANNING Tomatoes. Imlah Fruit
Farm. , mi. on Wallace Rd. Eh
-j n, Frigldaire. G. E. console radio,
Djue tapestry daveno, 8 pc. breakfast
set, pn. bom.
DAVENPORT and chair, brown mo
hair, excellent cond.. $85. Girl's ice
skates and shoes size 7, slightly used.
SZO. Ph. 3553.
" nrif? . Phniuiinnh ?ih reonrd
piayer. auw tun' a uiaweia. 0.
cottage, call Detween 1 at iu p.m
IHn i 7 . ..
down Ph. 24316.
THERMAbOR" aria Wesix electric
heatinff i.nits now available.
i A11V1N&UN -Ai-i-LlALe. wU
. .v.v. - -
RADIOS and record players.
255 N. Liberty Street
Salem, Oregon
hone 4311
Cookers for. canning.
also 4 quart size for every day cooking.
255 N. Liberty Street
Salem. Oregon - t'l
Phone 4311
LIGHTING Fixtures for the home.
office or shop
255 N. Liberty Street
Salem, Oregon -
Fhone 4311
.1 til 1 irC kl. mtnm
Woodrv's Furniture Mkt Ph. $110.
"MftpUiKf Motor scooter and ladv's
bicycle, both in exc. condition. 2205
Chemeketa. - .
uQnSE, Saddle, bridle, etc. Cheap.
i call evenlrgs or Baturday sunaay.
ilK William. : '
-TtatoeS il.00 bu. You nick. 1189
Jeferson St. ' v
I HDH. HEATERS, all aizes. Immediate
delivery. Van's Corner. 601 Edge-
water. Ed Ellis, lormerly with Nel-
CALIBER Winchester rifle with
40 shells, good as new. $123. 23-33
Winchester rifle, A-l cond., witn dox
I of shells. 8100. Sec Elmer Cuthbert,
isso Lancaste- mr. ' rn. iiw.
RAINCOATS. Ph. 7074. 437 N. Liberty,
"TVORY Color wood range, good
cond.. $40. Rt. 4. Box 357. Ph
TITTLE Giant washers, full size.
to fit on your laundry trays.
255 N. Liberty Street
Salem. Oregon
i . Phone 4311 tr
ELEC. Hot water heater." 42 gal..
tinused. $79.50. Ph; 4284.
H6MirPfeczcr. ti cu. ft. PhTlaH:
MlfJmolihTnes. milk coolers
and home size milk pasteurizers.
255 N. Liberty street
Salem. Oregon
Phona 4311
420 SO. COM L. ST.
" Estate TOil Circulator; SuperbiU
Davennort and chair. Like new: Din-
I Ine Room Sets S84 50: Breakfast Sets
I and. $1,130; Small
Baby Crib $5.00:
1 Unfinished. Jenny
Unfinished Jenny Lind Beds, Double
uncinisnea vanity
I . 4. 'iir
I sun bau..
for combination
nd .f'ectrlc
L H range in
good condition.
Sublimity. Ore.
wm, Zimmerman,
"T" FTTMonitor grairi'drul. $ ft In.
lrmatloml disc. Doth In aood cond
Guv Williams. Rt. 3. Bx 758. Ph. 220B6
"A REAL Buy: Sectional davenport
sex. rn -oju-.
PRAdrtncALLY New late model
baby buggy ia good cond. 3590 Lec BU
.Help Wanted
Woliien to work on pears 11 to 7 night shift. Also men
for wiirehouse work on 3-11 and 11 to 7 night shift.
Apply at once. Paulus Bros. Packing Co., 14th & Ox
ford St. '
For Sale Miscellaneous
Will not ruat. needs no upkeep, la
rermln-proet, non-inflammable and at
kractive. See it now.
Sears Farm
House: Daily, fix. tin ft 1333
TOMATOES. 1.2J bu. 3353 Garden
Rd. Ph, 2-531 L J .
23 GAL. Propane gas tank, regulator
8c pig tall. 835. Ph. 2-8127 for par
ticulars. '
USED Lumber and plywood. Guy F.
Atkinson Co. 175 S. 12th.
III TABLE saw. 22 Repeater rifle.
Two 50-gal. oil bbls. with fauceU. New
10 x 12 tent. 'Observation telescope 8c
tripod with shoulder strap case. 18 in.
short pedestal electric tan, inn win at.
MONTAG Wood circulating heater.
real good. 830. Call2-21B8. :
ElR"elkTrif1e; 40:82 cal. Good
condition, l'i box shells. Phone 8602
TABLE too electric range, t wheel
trailer. 16 Inch wheels. New stake rack,
metal bed 8c springs. 3415 "DI St Ph.
2-4390. - i .
nrSbYS' Bicycles, ill c $20.,4i
Cherry Ave. Call before 2 p.m. Swdayd
HOOYJER,cleaner, walnut -antique
hJrojr-leaf tablef antfqua mRie, jeom
mode. Phone z-n3.
APPLES, 50c to 11.50 box, bring jour
own containers. 180 Rsdcllff Dr. '
BALDWIN apples, $150 box. Will de
liver In Salem. You pick, $US box. 3.
Q. Jolley, R 5, Box 277. Ph. 85F22V
DAVENPORT Ac chair, fair cohd-.
reasonable. 260 S. 14th. Ph. 8631.
RUSSIAN Ermine coat, in exoellnt
cond., slightly used, size 12. Ph. 2-4914.
walnut finUh. 21x41 Inches, new l-pce.
bedroom set, blonde finish. 458 Uni
NEW ANTIQUE white dinette set
$30. Ph. 24927. 396 E. Superior. ' -
LARGE OIL circuUtor heater U bar
rel. $65. Ph. 8464. "
to choose from. 25c to $1. 7 mi west
of Salem on Dallas highway. Lookrfor
sign Derrel P. Hewitt.
MEN'S OVERCOAt; Uama wool.
Practically new. A j good buy. Baby
buggy, Thayer, pre-war. Good eond. Mvrtle. Ph. 6395. '
W FaTTACKETTsize ' $4-38: $35. i-
heel trailer, $75. Trash burner, coiled.
$6. 30-gal. hot water tank, as. aticycie
basket, JOc. oan rocaung cnair, ao.uu
1180 N. Winter.
CROP OF 18 Spitzenberg apple tree
foe MleRt -7. Box 375. Ph. 3-5817.
GRAPES. ANY amount. Rt. I. Wal
lace Rd. 3 ml. N. River Rd. A, k.
CAMP ADAIR warehouse bldg.. 25x54
ft. Comnlete in sections with windows.
S8O0 00 if sold at once. Inquire 1232 N.
TOILETS BATH TUBS and wash ba-
sins available In complete bath set
New. i . ' ' .
ii 145 Center Street
FURI&f URE COMPLETE for 8 rms.,
elec. rejrijf., wash, mach., range, dav
enport ana cnatr, rugs, a oearni. suite,
dinette set, etc ,2058 Warner St. Hol-
ly wood EHsf.
COMICE. ij PEARS 2478 Fairgrounds
Road. :
(Til. Floor furnaces and circulators.
Limited number for' immediate de
livery. j '
05 Fairgrounds Road Ph. 24439
ONESUve silo 10x28 k one 12x40
wooden hoop.
Can be seen 4 mi. E
of St. Paul. John H,
Fick, Rt a,
Rav IfUl Silverton.
DISSTON Power saw. 8 Ac 7 ft. bar
chains. Laura George, Rt 1, Box
317, Salem. . : ;
MONTAG Wood circulator $40.00.
CHriz wool nil A nad 65
Dougherty, -Rt. 7, jsox zi, n,
Hwy . Claxter Rd. Ph. 21157.
'HTfMonUg wood k coal range
It coila, ExL cond. Elec. roaster. 42o5
Cherry Ave. 1
" ELECTRIC Irons steam, travel
and domestic. .
355 N. Liberty Street
Salem. Oregon
Phona 4m i
ClfcBERELTJTTaectrtc table wish"
ideal for apartments or trailer
houses. .
255 N. Liberty Street
Salem. Oregon
Phone 4311
Salem screen shop
Windows and sash.
Frames, storm sash, screens made to
order. . t
Glass replacement and general cab
inet work. 1444 So. 12th. Ph. 2-5574
WATER Heaters 20. 30.1 43 83
aJd86faJU i,m
255 N. Liberty Street
fjalem, Oregon
gnone 4311
KING and Delicious apples. ",i ml.
Wert of Keizer Sch.. Kt. 3. box ido.
HOTPLATES, single and two Burner,
358 N. Liberty Street
Salem, Oregon
Phone 4311 1
RENT your tools and you save your
self time and money,
Howser Bros.
Phone 3648.
SHETLAND Sheepdog puppies, reg
Istered. Salem Veterinary Hospital.
Portland Road.
ST. Typewriter tables. 2'x3x30'7 $3-80.
Electric water heaters, house wire,
switches and outlets with boxes: steel
run cabinets. nrSl". $40. Kitchen
sinks, bunk beds, steel, aluminum or
wood. Electric heaters. Hunting tents.
HOYT ST; AND SJ. R R. TEL. 7818.
PAINT Sprayer rentals reduced with
the purchase ox rxorris-wamer pamus.
Hnwwr Bros Ph. 3646.
FULLER Brushes. 1745 Grant P 8357
GOLDEN Cross corn 25c doz. Wendt,
1V mile on Wallace Rd. Ph. 2-2219.
17 MM Mauser 1 Enfield 30-08
with sheila. 533 Waldo Ave. Ph. 8398.
SATWAY Canning peaches are ready
now. Patterson's Orchard. 12 ml. N.
on Newberg highway. Turn h mi on
Wheatland Ferry Rd. Ph 2-2340.
"4 DOORS, standard size. 3 windows,
water tank, almost new, 4 burner
wood stove. Phone 8018.
r-20 F ARM AlX Tractor on rubbei
ft new 2-bottom 18 in. IJi.C, plow.
Rt. 8. BOX 587. Ph. 211Z8.
HQTP01NT M gaL water heater, re-
conditioned, new tank, 1 yr. guaran
" STUDENTS fluorescent desk lamps.
J. R. Watklna Co. prooucta. 1717 Can-
tar st saiem. pt. 9399. r-ree aei
HOSPITAL beds, wheel chrs. Rent
Ma- Bui en. Ph. 777S. 743 Court St.
ELECTRIC Blankets, comforters and
heating pads.
253 N. Liberty Street
Salem, Oregon
Phone 4311
COFFEE table, small elec. heater
man's good wool overcoat, size 40,
Woman's black 8c whit checked top
coat, six 14. 2335 Center 5L
Help Wanted
For Sale Miscellaneous
TOMATOES. $1.00 BU. Junction
Cherry Ave. & N. River Rd. Ph. 23475.
H. W. Irving
efl. Spitz. Winter Banana. 2476 Fair-
g rounds Ha.
TOMATOES, $1.35 bua.. excellent
quality. 1 ml. west on Dallas high-
way. Watch for sign at Greenwood.
WHEEL CHAIR. Atmoray machine.
davenport, man's pocket watch. Heat
lamp. Cast iron aluminum teakettle.
815 N. Winter. Ph. 3988.
FREE STOVE WOOD lor your haul-
BABY' BUGGY ana baby seal
phone 8081.
Attention, Deer Hunters
4 DEER RIFLES with shells. Will
ill choice of 2. All In good condition.
E. I. Snethen, 1550 Lancaster Dr. Ph.
IF Your timepiece needs attention.
take It to ISO S.
14th, Salem. Clock
Wanted Furniture
rURNTTURE and what have you
bought for cash. Call any time. Sun
dale Exchange. Ph. 2-5511. 694 N. Ub-
GOOD Used wash mashtne 8c sewing
machine. Ph. 2-5511. 594 N. Liberty.
TOP Prices paid for used furniture.
tools and hardware. Call Mr. Reiser,
9885. 285 N. Com'l
USED FURNITURE. Phone "5110.
WANT l'O Buy Used Cameras ft
lenses. McEwan Photo Shop. 435 State.
CASH tot used ptanoA other mu
sical Instrument. Call 4641 days or
9537 evenings or tend description to
jaquitn music co. iBi a. High;
OSEO rUkHTTUm. Ph. 9185V
Wanted Miscellaneous
rnniAV. fnr Vttteno Ph S723.
Bought. Sold, Exchanged and repair
ed.- Phope 8072
Wills Muaie Store, Salem
We Move the Earth
Land clearing - grading - readbuilding
Basement - trench - sewer - excavating
Powershovela - Carryalls - Compressors
Crsnes - Bulldozers'
Phone 6127 or 109F1I
LEARN to sew. New classes In
areasmaking or home decorations now
Starting. Enroll now. Singer . Sewing
Machine uo., lao w. wom ii rn. jaix.
WE Repair ail makes ox sewing
machines. Work guaranteed. Free
estimates. Singer Sewing Machine
Co.. 130 N. Com 1. Phone 351Z.
1. 1. l r . 1 1 m i -jrr" rm
MRS. Robert SchroetTeK state "ac
eredited piano teacher. 1821 N. Capl-
tol. Ph. 6192
For the answer to your water supply
m-oblem. call West Well Drilling at
their new number. 28380. 24 years'
continuous ooeration in this locality.
FOR garbage service, cslTSalem
Heights and prtngie uaroage o.
Koute 9. box 384. rnon
Rawlin's Music Studio
Violin and Piano. Ph. 38013.
Salem Sand & Gravel Co.
Contract Worst
Roads Clearing Ditching
Sewer k Basement
EauiDment Rental
19 B-U yds. 812.00 per hr.
10 B- yds. ,9.60 per hr.
EW7 Cat ft uozer a.oo per nr,
D-6 Cat k Dozer 8.40 per nr,
D-4 Cat ft Dozer 7.00 per hr.
Phone Days 9408
Evenings 8246 or 24400 .
Salem. Oregon
'AUTO nam tins, lust a shade better
by Ray ETTER. Call Shrock Motor
Cp 8502 ;
PLUMBING SuDDlles. water systems,
electric and gas automatic .water heat
ers, general repair work. Decatur Ac
Maerz. 173 so torn t rnone o-
Dental Plate Repair
Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair
dolph Bldg- State St Com Ph 3311
Guitar Studio. Banio.
TTlrulele. ete 1533 Court Ph 7569
' WATrR WEI. I. drilline. Homes tic or
Irrigation. Duffield Bros. Rt a Box
iVt Phnn 9.1311.
MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked
81 00 LBS SPRINGER 484 Court.
wEAThxbTs trips. Pullman. Ph, 805.
$ $ MONEY f 9
Wa buy real estate mortgages
Mortgage for Investors net . 1.
amounts $500 to 85000.
State Finance Co.
153 S. High St.
Uc S 316 M 323
See Us For
Attractive Farm Loans
I TO 40 YEARS and NO commission I
Leo HV. Childs, Inc.
344 State Street Phone 9361
Money to Loan
General Finance Corp.
offers manif at ones on cars, trucks.
furniture, trailer bouses, livestock,
farm marchlnerrt contracts refinanced
and additional money advanced. No
co -signers. General Financ is locauy
owned and officered: was organized in
1927 and therefore knows and can help
throughout the repaying or a wan Ap
plications lor loans man oy pnanm.
134 South Commercial Sts Salem
Phone: 9168
Licenses 8-138 M-33S
Auto Loans
"Willamette Credit Co.
S 154
Mrs. Gallinger Knows
21 Ways To Say "Yes
No matter how I aay "Yes." 4 out
of 8 who ask for a loan, get one I Don't
borrow needlessly, but if you can use
extra cash avoid the risk of a "NO"
see me first Come in or pnone per
sonal Finance Co- 118 State St, Rm
125. Lie. S122. M16S. Phone 3191 .
4't. and SfL ,
Your own terms of repayment with
in reason. Cash for Real estate t-on
tracts and Second Mortgages.
207.. Pioneer Trust Bids. Phone 7183
"My wife Is one of those women
who can talk , on and wt about
things that leave her speechless l
For Rent Rooms
GENTLEMAN'S RM.. close in. Ph.
NICELY FURN. sip. rm., downstairs.
for emp. lady. Bus by door. Ph. 4023.
SLP. RM.. on bus. close in. 1 girl, no
drinkers. Inq. 1458 Cherneketa.
CLEAN heated sleeping rm. for
men only. $25. Ph. 4508.
SLEEPiWU M., lor men. 33 N.
ROOM AND garage for gentleman".
Phone 9442. '
"Vacancy, oct. it sfprnt, r
emp. man. 704 n. cottage.
W. cottage. ?
m. for gentleman. Ph.
SLEEPING -Room clie In for one
or two employed men. '677 So. Com'.
RM., emp. man prater reo. fn.
LOVELY Rm. for business girls, no
smoking. Ph. Z696Z.
WELL-Fumished sleeping rooms, 1
large with davenport brkft priv al
lowed. 1 small with private entrance.
607 N. Commercial.
SXeEpTNG Rooms. 1480 Broadway.
"ROOMS, board if desired. NoVnok-
ers or drinkers. Ph. 2-1551.
HAVE large downtown room. Will
share with employed young man.
Write Box 54Z. Statesman.
CLEAN SLEEPING rooms for clean
pfmn. 2035 McCoy. Ph. 6093.
Room and Board-
WILL Board ft room two elderly
ladies. No smokers or drinkers. Chris
tians pref., Phone 2-6227.
For Rent Houses
MODERN Furn. 3 rm. eottege. ph.
2 bedrm house. 410 Ford.
6 MONTHS LEASE on new, modern
furn. house. I"'. acres, near N. Santiam
school. $45 per month. A. J. Rudisel,
or C. E. Covllie, broker. Turner, Ph.
21 ; '
4 RM. UNFURNISHED flat. 395 N.
TWO 3 RM. houses, furn. 1225ns".
For Rent
3 ROOMS SUITABLE for office or
small business. Pbone 25141.
FOR SALE : 7 rm. modern house.
Full basement. 1 ml. out of Silverton
on 1515 Pine St. Ph. Silverton 4373.
TOR RENT: Electric spray paint
gun. J. R. Boone unemicai uo., siu
Madison St.
5rTICTSDaoe: Down town, ground
floor, two large rooms. rnone nu.
NOWyoU can rent a garden tractor
with a ' sickle attachment or a bull
dozer blade. Also lawn mowers. Rea
sonable rates. Hovser Bros. Ph. 3646.
TRAILER space, clean, modern, on
bus. Close in. 1153 s. I4tn.
TRAILER soa'ce. completely modern
park. Free laundry privileges. Reason
able rates. 3580 S. Commercial.
V XiTtSttypehigh speed floor sand
ers eds-ers and Dollshers for beautiful
floors. Ho ser Bros.
TRALCjERS 75c first hr, 50c hrs.
following. Woodry's Mkt, 1803 N,
Summer. .
GOOD Used Piano. H. L. Stiff.
FLOOR SANDER for rent. Mont-
gomery Ward,
ATMORAYS. Ozone Good health.
Rent-sell. H. C. Pugh. 684 N. 17. 4691
Rlankets furn 197 S Liberty Ph 9082
rijTKtR Sander, elec. floor polisher
snd lawn roller, weed burner. Rawlins
Hardware, the Marshall wells store.
Ph. 6877.
Wanted to Rent
VETERAN Business man would like
to rent 2 bedrm. furn. or unfurn.
house or apt. Btest of refs. Non-drink-
t3 ..OI
VETERAN ft wife, both employed,
desire unfurnished sot. Call Mrs.
Johnson. 2-5355, between noon and
8:00 PM
VETERAN, wife and baby desper
ately need 3 or 4 rm. apt. furnished.
Write Statesman Box 567.
BANK EXAMINER desires 2 bed
room house or apartment, furnished
Qr unfurnished. Call 8927.
KaM'r'jii4L., rroiessionai jnmn
with family wishes suitable 3 or 4
bedrm.- furn. home, preferably sub
urban. Excellent local references, pn
SMALL Furn. house or apt.- by em
ployed couple, isesi ot rei. rn
22387 betwn. 7 and :3 r.M.
WORKING Couole wants 3 or
rm. rartly furn. apt. witn private
bath. Ph. 4781
STATE Employe ft family wirhes
bedrm. unfurn. house. Ph. 8081.
WANTED to rentTrailer House for
several months. Ph. 3-2850.
WANTED: Furn. apt. Two workim
girls aged twenty
Please caU 867
after six
VeTkRAN. wife and 3-yr.-old
daughter desire 2 or 3 bedrm. house
furn. or unrurn. uau mi. Manson,
Salem 8111.
2. BDRM. unfurn. house by reliable
party. Not over $50. Ph. 3812.
For Sale Real Estate
IMM. POSS. New, dec. lovely 4 rm.
hse 3 bL from state hse. Auto, heat
$5500. Inq. 1456 Chemeketa.
BLDG. LOTS near edge of city. $650.
Box 575. Statesman.
Beautiful 4 bedroom home, 7 years
old. $3000 will handle. This home has
everything the modern home buyer
desires, including sn extra sewing
room upstairs. There sre ample clos
ets and abundance or storage space.
Full basement and auto-sawdust neat
Excellent location. Large beautiful yard
and shrubs. Priced below market to
sell. Price $12,500.
To see this home call
Don J. Dawson with
134 S. Liberty Phone 4131
BTuWnIR; Very weiTbuilt modern
home. 6 yrs. old. Large living rm..
marble fireplace, dining rm.. ndwd
floors, 3 extra large bedrms. Bath
8c kitchen. Basement with rumpus rm
8c fireplace, automatic oil heat. Nice
lawn Ac shrubs, on 1', acres. Close in.
City bus by door. Must sell. 513 Mor
gan Ave.
Bif 6VNER: Modern 6 room home
on 1 acre north. 1068 Seventh 5t
i B. R. HOME. 2315 Center.
""EUTL-X House 5
R. each sid
Modern. Close in,
Price $10,000.00.
Terms. Call 9569
H. L. Marsters,
Real Eatate. '
"MAKE OFFER: SeU. " rent or trade
nice 2 bed room cottage in Estacada
near lake. Inquire at 687 Norman
Ave . Salem.
BYOWNER: Just completed 3 bed
rm. home on A. New gas range,
water htr. ft floor furnace. Venetisn
blinds, manv bullt-lns ft closets, utllty
rm. ft earage. 1st house on S. side
Smith Ave. nt 4 Corners.
lYBWHER: New f rm. home with
full bsmt., sprinkling system.
Seventh St
For Sale Real Estate
13425 Portland Phone 3-8181
Hue r.oon earth we kfj.i. it
COOU S bun. home, plastered, cml.
foundation, garage. 1x1 y. trays. $3500.
Terms. Trade for suburban.
2 bdm. plastered home, e yrs. hwd.
floors, newly decorated. Immed. Pes
sesson. elec. wtr. heater, shrubbery,
lawn. Take late car part pymt $6850;
3 brm, plastered, wired for range,
hwd, firs. down, combination D.R. and
L.R. attached garage. Utility rm. Wal
nut, pear, cherry tjees. 1mm. pos.
$8050. Terms.
NEW 2 bdm. cottage, plastered, cmt.
foundation, wired for range, garage,
Immed. poss. lawn, shrubs. $7000.
New 2 bdm. plastered house, wired
for range, elec. wtr. heater. $2000 down.
Price $7600.
, 2 brm. home, fireplace, full bml fur
nace, garage, Nice fawn front and bark.
$7500. ,
A spacious home to be proud of: 4
brms. fireplace, hwd. floors, platered.
oil furnace. Landscaped yard. Fenced
back yard that you can relax in. Lo
cated among fine home. Call us to see
this. $13,650. 1
'Well located on Hwy. 99 With splen
did living quarters. Kitchens and show
ers or bath In all. units. Neon sign.
$32,500. Very good terms on this,
' $1500 down on this 5 acres with. $
rm. house near Woodburn. Family or
chard. Si A. strawberries. Some furni
ture. Immed. possession. $2600 fultf
New home on 1 A. close In. combin
ed L.R. and Brm. with kitchen and
space for dining. Some furniture in
cluding elec. range. $4200. $2500 down.
If 6u want to live in a rursi setting
of large oak nearly new and fir trees
this 6 A. should ne it. s orm. nome.
plastered, cmt. foundation Some rruii.
berries, flowers, shrubs. $10,000. Terms.
! mi from city center Is a. $ A.
with, 3 brm. house, bsmt. furnace, elec.
Some river bottom. 2'i A. cherries, i
A. peaches. $12,000.
1: A. Nortn. a Dam. ou nr. iuiukt.
att. garage, hwd. firs, fireplace. 800
bearing raspberries.
FOR Efficient ana eneenve saies
service calljhe SalemReaJtx?oOW
2 BDRM. Modern noma. ", acre.
$7350 00. terms. 3810 MonroeE Salem.
BY OWNER: Beautiful 8 rm. home
rerfect condition. Automatic neat-
Cottage. Ph. 7353.
iY TO LOAN on nrst mort
gages 4 to 6. CsU for details.
J?e Cbemekets Street i!3!?
' BY OWNER- New modern 4 rm.
house. 2 bedrins . Insulated. weather-
Stripped, electrically heated. Some fur
niture If desired. Possession oy tne ist
of October, Bus within block avery
hour. 1229 8th St. Ph. 4381.
TWO lovely homes at 1763 State,
HOUSE Sc 2 lots in Brooks. $3200. 4
rooms with bath. Call at Rt. 1. Box
224. Brooks. Ore. .
Price reduced $1000. New 4 bedroom
home South on i acre. Hardwood
floors. Plastered. All Electric, insu
lated and Weather stripped. Double
Plumbed. 3 car garage. Lawn. This is
a good buy at $11,800.
$1500 Down
New modern 3 bedroom home East.
Lot 80 x 160. Hardwood Floors, At
tached Gsrage. Drilled Well. Pressure
wster system. Priced for quicx saie
st $9300.
$3500 Down
9 bedroom home in the best dlitrlct
East Double Plumbed. 2 car garxge.
full basement. Auto. Oil heat. Spasious
rooms. Lots of closet space. Don't miss
this. Price $13,500.
Morris Realty Co.
970 South Commercial Phne 4217
tTftM. older type home. 3 bdrms..
living rm , din. rm. and kit. Separate
farage. Oil heat. Piped for gas. Lot
00x100. All goes for $6,000. Imm. poss.
See 609 Locust St. ...
4 BED ROOM house, lot 77x200. 2630
Brooks Ave. S6IXK) oq.
"BrriWSifff: Modern 3 bdrm. home,
year old. full bsmt., hardwood firs.,
2 nrepiaces. rnane wm.
$3950 CASH Buys 3 bed room
home. lfitL Nook, bath and utility.
V A. Fruit house, chicken house Snd
garage, suburban, city water ft elect
water heater. 3 DIKS to ous. Aima t.,
Skank. Rt. 3. Box 396. Turn right at
Cascade Dr. and uien jreea inter
section 2 blks.. then 1 blk. Icit.
tYWNER: New modern home. L.R.,
Bd.R.. K.. Bath. Hd. Wd. floors. Elect.
H. W. tank in. wired tor range, oa
rage combined with stair to play ft
store rm. in amc. irge ioi. on iu
inc. $5000.00. inquire una is. mn at
i.OO. Inquire 1IH3 p
We have a three bedroom home on
one-half acre lot beautifully landscap
ed; home has basement' -fireplace, elec
tric heat, double garage, lor only swhw,
Salem Realty Co.
149 N. High St. Phone 7680
ONLY $6300
COZY At NEAT. Nice for elderly cou
ple or teachers, in west saiem. on s.,
LR., Ige. kit. at rm. up for another
rm. Elec.5 heat. Nice garden, berries.
You csn't duplicate this.
B. Tsherwood, Realtor
Ph. 6F11, Wallace Road R. 1. Box 183
G. I. or Civilian
Larse and roomy, exceptionally wsrtl
built 5 rm. and utility. All auto, elect,
heat, fully insulated, lovely step sav
ing kitchen and nook, large lot and
well located in fine residential diSt
close to store and city .bus at door.
This home will be completed in an
other 30 days and the selling price is
tight at $9,450.
Sullivan Realty Inc.
3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3253: Eves.t 7057
Exclusive, stately new 6 rm. modern
home very well located North on good
naverf rd elect, heat, insulated, fire
place, large att. garage, one acre of
ground with good frontage. Full price
only $11,000.
Sullivan Realty Inc.
3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255: Eves. 7037
You must see this 10 acre place N.K.
a nice little 2 B.R. home, neat and
clean, chicken house, garage and pump
house. Don t wait on this one ana oe
sorry. Full price $7,873.
Sullivan Realty Inc.
3363 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255; Eves. 2-5831
Near Fairmount Hill
Five room bungalow, older type but
neat and clean as a pin, wired for
range and elect. W. H . nice shaded lot.
paved st. and sidewalk, ciose to ous
and store, only $4.3W, bz.uuu sown.
Sullivan Realty Inc.
MM Portland Rd. Ph. 3255: Eves. 7087
-T joTTHtJf cnfSmr REALTOR ,
. - PHONE 7606
-cnoleWOOD DIST. Lovely eor,
bdrms., dbL plumbing, oil fur- lovely
living rm.. Venetian bunas, nrepiace
813.500 onlv $5.50r cash.
FAIRMOUNT HILL This is a very
lovely home with dbl. plumbing. 3 bed
rms., and we would bke to say It Is
spotlessly clean. Oil ht. $13,000,
LIB. Drive by this 5 rm. mod. home
with full basement, sawdust fur., and
call us for appointment Selling price
only $8750. Conv. terms can be arran-
Joe Hutchison Realtor
BY OWNER. 8 room home. L. R
D. R.. t bdrms.. kitchen, bath, elec,
heat, wired for range and hot water,
All newlv decorated, large lot. fruit
trees. I m m e d I a t e possession. 1530
i n Kirn.
S NEW Plastered 4 rm. house, elec
water heater, wired for range, ea n,
front. 270 N. 3Us. $4850. Owner. CaU
For Sale Real Estate (
$ 4.3501 RR Bungalow on large lot. t.R. DR. K. Bath. Cooking and water
heatlna Saa (im atove and emulator goaa. Cloaa Id bus and SChonaS.
IKraled in Hollywood dl.trUI.
8.800 Completely furnished 4 BRa house. I.R. DR. K. Built-Ins. Balh,
Cooking and water heating electric. Family orchard, garden spot, tree)
roses. Nice lawn and shrubs.
8,500 New Duplex. All plastered. Good cement foudaiion. Venetian blind.
All electric. Stoves go. Nice lawn and shrubs. Income 883 monthly. A
good investment.
1,650 Best buy In town, t BR all furnished home In Englewood Dis't. X.1V
DR. K. Bath. All plastered. Full basement with laundry trays Large
back porch alt' enclosed. Wall to wall rarpeting in LR. DR. and BR av
Beautiful new furniture. Completely redecorated inside. Is being paint
ed outside now. Don't -miss this good buy. ,
$ 2.800 Dry cleaners in good location1. Equipment Includes 1941 panel truck.;
Cash register. Neon sign, counter and racks, drapes, supplies ana.
Invoice. Very good lesse. ' t
39 0O0 Five 2 BR units with garages. Utility house. Automatic heat. Very
lovely courts. Good location.
$ 6.8003 BR Bungalow on 810 Acre. Completely furnished. Venetian blinds.
Cooking and water heating electric. Garage is sealed and can be used
as rental. Floor coverings, electric stove, washer, beds, daveno, heater.
2 platform rockers, etc. Located Northeast.
$17,30040 .Acres. T rm. fsrm home. Large barn with stanchions. Poultry
house, hog house. AH fenced. Tiled fruit room. Best of sot! with es
cellent well. Located Northeast.
18.500 30 Acres. 3 homes. 4 BR and 3 BR. Heating oil or wood. Double Ga
rage. 24 A. cultivated. Nice family orchard. S Acres in pasture. 4' A.
In caneberries. Extra house rents for $35.00 per month. 4 tons of hay
goes with place. f-
1 . 4 I $53 N. Capitol j
PHONE 3031 ' 1 ,
Open evenings except Saturday
Herr, Zeeb. Radke. Van Someren
169 South High '!
$ 1,250 Large lot. house needs redecorating. RUT good value. 4 BRs. Batik.
LR, DR, Kitchen. BuiRlns; school and bus close, gardskt spot, garage,
quick possession, terms might be arranged.
$,8(kWNice 3 BR house. Bath, LR, DR. K, Builtms, Nook, plastered lnterioe,
'wall to wall earoets. saraae bus and school close, sice lawn- snd shrub.
$ 8.500 English style. 3 BR house.
HW floors, plastered interior, on
ehaol rloae. fenced in back yard,
$8503 BR bungalow. Hollywood
plastered interior. Basement, gsrage, ous ana scnooi cum, corner jos,
nir vard ml.hl trade for smaller olace.
$10.500 New home. Just completed, large
ins. Fireplace, plastered interior, rtw floors, eiecinc sucisucs sua wwr
1 ...... W..,l...l . ImiMnl.l. . MMMliAA W.
$11,850 Cape Cod style. 3 BR home,
plumbing. LR, DR. K. Builtins,
le oil furnace, double garage,
.i .. ,Mn i,l.t-fl
$12.900 Hollywood District, Close to
to all schools ana shopping, nice a on m, oaui, .n, vn, -v.
tns. Venetian Blinds. Fireplace. HW floors, plastered interior. Base
ment, new automatic, oil furnace and tank, garage, bujby door, nice)
lawn and shrubs. I J . .
819 000 I-arge Ibt. beautiful yard. 8 BR
Builtins, noox, Venetian .minus, ihiinmt, o- .'i-. -
laundry trays, electric cooking and water heating, automatic gas heat,
double garage, t bl-t. to bus. S blks. to school, terms could be arranged
Excellent spot for income property, close to state office buildings.
Come in
5131 -
, Best Buys I
1 RMS. North. $3300. Paved street.
immediate poss. 1 blk. from bus.'
83800 full price. Furnished, some
plumbing to be installed.
4 1UWS. ec DA in
Inside city. Lee. lot. bedrms. 8c sleep
ing porch, wired for range, lge. garage.
3 KMS. S2O0U
nim ftrenlar- with radiating heat.
almost finished, tnslde'dty limits, lge.
M. 0. Humphreys & Co.
2286 TaJr grounds Rd. Phone 3-4596
Owner Leaving City
Keillor very attractive S bdrm. home
at reduced price. Roaedale dist. Hdwd.
firs. V. blinds. Insl. Bamt; Well-land-scaped
yard. 1723 Madison, ph. 78Q5,
Ed Byrkit & Co.
- c sazao new
L.R. Dinette. 1 B.R. Bath, kitchen
and utility. $96000 down.
rsoo.OO l yr. old. large lot, s b.r.
L.R., kitchen Ac bath. Hwd. floors.
West Salem. ,
. $7800 00 So. L.R. Dinette. , 8 B.R. s
kitchen and bath, utility and garage.
Lot SO X 123. $1500 00 down.
$5750 NORTH
T.R. r.R. Kitchen, a B.R. Bath. In
closed back porch, garage. Lot SO x 150.
Fruit, nuts Sc berries. z.wv vu sown.
$11.000.00 Englewood dist Nice L.R.
Hwd floors, fireplace. Dining room,
kitchen. 2 B R s. and Bath. Fin large
Bsmt Auto air conditioned piped fur.
Ed Byrkit & Co.
339 Chemeketa . Phone 5981
Salem's Better Homes
For sale by
The Real Estate Market
433 N. High St. Phone 3-4793
JN Independence we have a house
that we cait give , immediate posses
sion. 3 bed rooms, living room and
kitchen, bath room, garage, inciuaea
In the prict is a gaa hot wster tank
and circulating oil heater. The price
is $3975.
51C Guardlan Bldg... Salem. Oregon
new 2 bed room nome on .
i home on
St. cutoff block
ew Ave.
$6500. Phone Z314Z,
x 357.
F&RS ALffTTlol lv wood . 3 bedrms
living room, fireplace, kitchen, nook,
full basement email party room in
basement nice back yard - Easy
terms. Call Ph. 24791 after 1:00 P.M.
Alden Bowes Real Estate.
"TiOffSAl-E: South, rooms, auto
oil heat, hwd floors, attacnea garage.
weU constructed, large lot. complete
ly furnished with all new furniture
including new U, eieciric range.
Ail this car. be pur. -based on con
venient terms. Call Ph. 84791 after
1 :00 P.M. Aiden Bowes Real a-t'ate.
Good hoMiTBUVS
1 R. home. 3 B. double plumbing near
schools Jc store, poss. soon, good loca
tion price 3200 terma
Nice 3 B. bungalow N. Salem floor
coverings, nice oil heater. Urge, ga
rage new roof a newly -painted good
location near school $7200,
VALLEY LAND CO- 370 State at.
HOME for sale at 1299 S. High. A
good income, reasonable buy. Ph.
OWNER: Large lot near Englewood
vhaal 19 IDS. City water, sewer.
payed street. 1723 Madison St. Ph. 7805.
limo nui!i in 13 lurnuuwo i en.
home. s blk off 99 hiway, nrth. Pius
! acres In fine strawberries, boysens
Ac filberts. Elec. water aysr. woos xur
ruture Owner must sacrificeat once,
Rosedale 1 acres with 3 B Rehouse
Larsen Home & Loan Co.
Exclusive Listings Personal Service
164 S. Cornl. St. Ph. 8389: Eve. 7440
Automatic oil heat wired for elec.
range and water heater, near Schools.
large lot, bus at door, stuoo,
Better ask us about this wall located
home? on nice shaded street east, full
basement, oil furnace, fireplace, at
tached garage, fenced yard. $11,000.
On acre tract NE. Tsvo bedrooms.
nice bath,- auto. elec. water system.
range wired, fine garden. kn.
149 N. High St. Phone 7680
Large lot build as you like. 50 x .
face north. Bus line, fine location.
Priced to sen. 2420 Lee St. Ph. 4353.
Englewood School District
Almost new a Dforn. nome, t'v.uu.
8 BEDRM. HOME. Dbl plumbing,
basement auto, oil heat, double ga
rage, plenty ot shade trees Ac shrubs.
bedrm. furnished home in rear renting
for $50. $18400. t f
The Real Estate Market
439 N. High St Phone 2-4793
3 BDRM. bom, elec. water heater,
chicken house, stable. Jfc acre. $8400,
113 Park Ave,
For Sale Real EaUta
Phone 2-S383, 3-8246: Silverton 3564
Baih. LR. K. BuUtths. Nook. Fireplace.
neat ceiec. in bbls , garage, dus ana
tnart for earden.'
Dist.. Bath. LR, DR. K. BuUtins. Nooaj.
lot. 9 BRs. Bath. LR. DR. Ifi Bullte
HW floors throughout. Fireplace, double)
Venetian ounos. -s oncwni. -
bus and school close, corner lot; houe
.1 Aon rfm.k wilt buv. i
Catholic School mnd Church. 0fl"f
house, double piummng. un, is.
or call
4937 - 8901 .7163
EXTRA Good 8 Brm. with unf. ante.
large L R, D R. HW floors, venetiart
blinds, full basemt. Auto. oiX hoot,
nice yard and shrubs. Prtee for quic
sale. .
Goodwin & -MbMUlih
474 Court Street
Eve. S71S or SlFtl
Phone 4707
NICE 3 Brm. home. Should go OX
Gpodwin & MeMillin
Realtors 74 Court Street
Phone 4707 Eve 8711 or 6lF21
83830 BUYS THIS furnished 1 BR.
home. ' blk off 99 hlway. north. Pkse
1 'i acres in fine strawberries, boysens
Ac filberts. Else, water srst. Good fur
niture Owner must sacrifice at once.:
Near Brooks. Oregon. 1 BR. bosn
furnished with 1 acre tend. $1850.
Rosedale 1 ', acre with 8 BR. houa.
$2300. .. .
Larsen Home & Loan Cd,
Exclusive Listings Personal Service
184 8. Cornl. t Ph. SAWS; tve 749
MONEY TO Lb AM M nrst snots,
gages 4 to 8. Call foe details. :
3j9 Chemeket
BY OWNER: Laaving town.
ri .... u"ij 1 w .wc ,
Living rm., fireplace, kitchen, dmlna
rm, k bath. Full basement, furnae
heat. Nice lot. Near school and bust.
Furnished or unfurnished . C F. Wee.
335 S. 84th. Ph. S5071.
$13.500 Dandy 4 bdrm. home wttH
beautiful lot. Din. room, nook. dbL
plumb., fireplace, run bamt furnace
laoxiso tot, fruit, nuts, norut.-$14,730-00.
Beautiful 8 yr. old 4 bdrm.
home, has a large Lv. rm. irn. 'mw,
Kitcn, bath, liwa. ris. throughout, pa;
ty rm. fireplace, bar in nut bsmt.
Ray Davis. :.
Huff Real Estate Co.
Realtors 341 Chemeketa St.
Phone 3793 Eves. 94jl
EARsT."vTNCENf TfifktCr
114.250 00. 4 bdrm home, about B years.
old, Basemt oil furnace. Insula
Beautiful location.
Huff Real Estate Co.
Realtors $41 Chemeketa St.
Phone 8799 ' Eyes. 9441
"TMM ED! ATC POSaiESSlON?. 1 bed
room home, about 1 yr. old. plastered
and Insulated. Garsgc. 73S0.
The Real Estate Markef
433 N. High St. Phone t-4"
BmnOGH HOME, Living rm. dT
Ing rm, hdw floors. Kitchen.
basement, oil furnace, dbl garage. $83001
The Real Estate Markef
433 Vf. High St. -Phone i-4Hi
I25O0 DOWN. Two bedroom homo
with complete two bedroom apartment
upstairs. Double plumbing Seperate
entrances. Double garage. Cloee la est
paved street, near one of beat achooisw
Bus at door. $190 full price.
The Real Estate Markef
$13,500. 4 bdrm. home, dble. plun
Basement, oil furnace, fireplace, dl
Huff Real Estate Co.
Realtors 341 Chemeketa. St,
Phone 3793 Eves. 9441
"RY OWNER: 3 B. R. suburban r-orh
10 yrs. old. Electric water heat wire
for range. Lot 78x308 feet. S fclocM
from public school. T blocks frawrt
parochial school. $98 Johnson SC.
Phone 6733. j
BY0WNI:R: ma!I auhurban horn
on ' acre. Swegle district. Dec. heafL
deep well water system. Chlckes)
house. Inq. 3033 Warner St or Fit.
Weetern Adrertlslrif
Eepreaantativea 1
Ward-Griffith Company, tarn.
ton ltarao .j
Eastern AdTertlsIng
Representattvea '
Ward-Griffith Company. Ike. '
Chicago. New York. Detroit, -Boston.
Atlanta J
Membr ' j
Pacific Coast Division
Bureau f Adrartlslna
-r- Entered at the Pottofflce at Few
Um. Orroon as Xtcond Clam Ma$a
tar. PublisHed evetir menu ea
eept Monday, auantaaa eics UM
South Ceansaereial gtreea.
Man RiibecriDtion Rates
ranee: Within- Oregoa: Daily an4
Sunday, Mo. so cants; a moa. iu
t year. $8 00. Elsewhero 98 aanta 9
mo. or S7US for 1 rang as edva-tee
Per eopy 8 -te,
By City Carrier. 73 eaats a mositlv
19.00 a year la advanoa aa atarlssi