The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 26, 1947, Page 9, Image 9

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    Miss Miller
- j i
Bride of
Tha Stataaman. Salom, Oroqon. Friday. Soptombor 2S. 1847
mom iff (Si u
The First Congregations! church
was the setting fur the marriage
of Mi Rogene Miller, daughter
bf Mr. apt! Mn. Loren Miller, to
twnald C. Regehr. ,USN, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Regehr'of
ia!la, Thursday night at 8 o'
tluk. The Rev. Seth Huntington
officiated. Aubrey Tutsi ng wax
the soloist and Jean Hotwon Rich
the organit. Lighting the taper
were Mist Mina t-ee Sprangrr
nd i Mii belores Miller, who
wore mit pink frocks. 1
; Of white satin was the bridal
gon. fashioned with a hooped
aJiirt entrain, long sleeves edged
in narrow lace and a high, round
neckline enhanced with lace and
yoke of net. The skirt was
caught up in front with a satin
bow to reveal rows of lace. From
hpart shepedcrown of lace and
range bloMifhs fell her finger
tip length tulle veil. She carried
a jcolorual bouquet of gardenia
rid sttphahotu. Mr. Miller gave
his daughter in marriage.
M.-a ArSene Boyington was the
honor rrw-ld and wore an aqua
taffeta frock with net skirt and
bridesmaid wa Miss Betty Buhl
er, whote drers was of yellow.
The girls carried circle loops
edged in pleated net bows and
adorned on One side with pink
carnations! They wore a bandeaux,
of the f lowers in their hair.
Marvin, Heibert of Dallas was
best man!-and ushers were Del
bert ant Lekter Miller, brothers
of the brice. James Regehr, bro
ther of the groom, and Norman
Terry of Dallas,
Mr. Miller wore a forest'
green kuit with black accessories
fox, her daughter's wedding and
Mrs. Regehr were a grey suit
with black acces'ones. Their, cor
sages were yitr.k roes.
A reception followed in , the
fireplace room. Mrs. John Abel
suid Mi. Nic k Wiebe of Dallas
presided it the coffee urn and
punch OovU. Mrs. Robert Covert
cut the bride's cake and serving
w ere the Miwes Fern Fry, Bar
bara BaikJcw. and Mary Tiger.
Wn Kalph Rawlins and Mrs. John
H jf ,'ert were in charge of the
gift and Mrs. Warren Miller
patwtd the gueft book. '
For going away the bride se
lected a Lrown Glenn plaid suit
wih bfown suede accesories, red
hat and blouse and grey.Jop coat,
to which was pinned a gardenia
curtate. The. bride will remain
here while her husband is sta
tioner in Br t merlon with the
navy as a teaman first class.
Engagement Told
Mrs Robert Kyle, has an
nounced the engagement of her
daughter. Mii-s Maxine. Widow
sky of 120 Carlton Way, form
erly of Saginaw, Mich, to Henry
J( Weiner. son of Mr. and Mr.
r. W. Weiinner cf 2370 Myrtle ave
nue. No date has been aet for the
Welcome newcomers la the
capital are lir. and Mriy Clifford
Robinson tr:d their two children,
who recer.tir moved ;here from
Albany. The Robinson have taken
the Din.'el Hay hodcief on Rose
street.-- V.r. Rcbiru4n, former
principal of Albany high school, is
now ith the state department of
Ta Mr. and Mrs. T. Vernon
Siemens (Tiet ma Smith) go con
gratulations on the birth of a
on. Dir.. el Robert, Wednesday
t the Salem Deaconea hospital.
The little toy, who weighed six
pound n and nine ounces, is the
grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Klony
Smith of filem and Mr. and
Mrs. F. E. Siemens of Portland.
.- -
A daughter. Joel Is Lee was
born September 21 at Salem Gen
eral hospital, to Mr. and Mrs.
Emmett Summer'ille jr. The
child's grancparents are Mrs.
Ethel Lew if, Salem. Emmett
SummerviHe. sr.. Portland and
Mr. and Mrs. William Koneten,
Shtesbert', Holland.
Slated nseellng of Salem chap
ters 162. O. E. S. will meet at the
Masonic Temple. Saturday, Sep
tember 27. Social guests of the
evening will be Adah chapter of
Independence and the meeetiqg
will be followed by dancing and
' Mr. and' Mrs. K. Iloffmeyer of
Sacramento, California were Sun
day dinner guests at the Elmer
Klein home. Mr. and Mrs. Hoff
tneyer are aunt and uncle of Mrs.
KUrin. i
Mrs. William H. LyUe ha re
turned from a fortnight's stay in
Pendleton, where she has been
the guest at the home of her
brother and sister-lin-law, Mr.
and Mrs. James Hill, sr.
- l ' r.
Mrs: K. A. Bonn aad son. Wil
liam, are arriving today from The
Dalles to spend the week end at
th home- or Mr. and Mrs. Ro
bert W. Craig.
Mrs. W. Carlton SoaiUi U spend
ing the week at her beach place
at .N'etkowin. She has as her
guest, Donald Neve.
ArciuVnt Death to
Result in Damage Suit
Authority to file Suit for dam
ages in the alleged wrongful
death last January 1 of Mrs.
Leah Rae Hibberd, was granted
Thursday in Marion county, pro
bate court to the administrator
of her estate.
' The suit will be against A. B.
McLauchlan, 1565 D at., driver
of the car in which Mra. Hibberd
wit rid. rig when it skid kd and
struck a tire on South Commer-
, rial street. '
Rivers eery year carry two
and three-fourth, billion tons of
disolved materials into the
oceans, and even larger quantities
SEC . .
Our Four Windows
Dovoted' to
"American Lady" '
LADY packed- full of
tjle and figure-control.
Designed to proride
proper foundation for
Fall's favored fashions
OtKor Amricmn, Lmdy All
(n-onas priced '
$1.0 U
a perfect girdle with
an interchangeable bra,
specially joined, by s
patented and exclusive
American Lady feature.
Othmr ArtlMt Modeloun
dmtiont priced
$!. to $27
mbh mw in
LADY all-Nylon gir- . IT fJ v.V.PJV
Jle that literally whisk, tt&7ffl& tfiiA . J A
itself dry after washing. fet! fFf-V ' ) ' M
Light, ,iry and wonder- ffW) iJM lA I A
, controlling. Colors: ( 1 - J a 'M
black, blue, nude, white. V (gpW 7 T
$15.00 mmh 'yr& L Vr . vl? iiVi, T '
Othmr Amricmn Lmdy gir
dU priced
GIRL all-Nylon gir
die, action-easy, com
fortable and casual ahd
ready to control your
Curves lightly, yet firmly.
Other Americmn Girl gir
dht priced
$.5 to $15.09
GIRL all-in-one in
tended for that junior
type figure which needs
just bit of figure con
trol. Colors: nude or
Other Ammricmn Girl mlU
iw-owa priced '
$7 U $1$.5
r ,,1 . o
'"K .
fS 4
shoulders, too waists nipped-in and bodices molded thigh
and torsos and hosbms so very smooth. These are highlights of
U lions New Look for Fall and these are the fashion
you can wear smartly, comfortahly and to advantage,
if ana onty your foundation embraces thes
self-same characteristics of Dressmaker Fit. WTiatevcr
your figure: junior, average or mature we can give it this New
Look in a foundation by American Lady, whose
famous and exclusive Vital Dimension Figure-Fitting
Formtda not only assures true Dressmaker Fit,
" but lets you wear to advantage the truly different
contours of fashion's new silhouette 1 .
mm jm mmv
If m I . ii'M
$7.50 vl I .d
Let one of our experienced eorsetieret fit you with a foundation by American
lady . . . see how oil your ciothet. this year's and last's, take on true Dressmaker
Fit, because your foundation is fashioned to your own individual proportions I
Dressmaker Fit more tasic,
Fall wlion il1irtiitte rf all clotliM
Las so raJically changed!
as hm.
more necessary than
Hips rounded
-..t ostaoQd4 mlMstriaisapj,