The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 26, 1947, Page 10, Image 10

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10 TBo Stat man, Salem. Orogon. Friday, September 26, 1947
FBI Holding
Taxi Driver
Theft Suspect
A suspect in the $37 armed rob
bery of a Salem taxicab driver
near Four Comers last June 2,
will soon be on his way to Salem
for Investigation byT Salem police,
, local authorities were informed
Thursday. y
Armand Muller, who was said to
have been implicated In the rob
bery of Jack Brennan, 234 S. Win
ter st. by "a man who is now an
v inmate of a federal prison, was
' arrested bf the FBI in Olympia,
Wash, recently. According to in
formation received here by cjty
police Thursday, Muller is being
held in Thurston county Jail.
Held in lieu of $3,500 bail, Mul
ler was arrested on a federal war
rant charging unlawful flight to
avoid proecutoin. Local authori
ties are advised by the FBI that
he wilj be returned to Salem.
Muller has waived extradition
proceedings, the FBI message said.
According to police reports,
Brennan picked up two men t
tKe east end of State street on the
night of June 2. The paii imme
diately drew pistols, took over the
taxi and driving east on Macleay
road forced him out of the vehi
cle at Rickey school. The cab was
found next day abandoned on Wi
nona court near a dead end street
Brennan is employed by Capitol
Ob Co.
During Investigation following
the holdup local police learned
through the FBI of the confession
to the robbery by Vernon Byers.
Byers said that he and Muller
were in Salem in June and held up
the taxi driver using guns they
had taken from a Lebanon store.
Byers is now in , a federal prison
following his implication in a
Wheatland, Cal., bank robbery,
police reported.
Edlund Tells
Legion of Trip
SILVERTON O scar Edlund,
commander of Delbert Reeves post
No. 7, American Legion returned
from a business trip to Chicago
Monday ifTtime to be in charge of
the organization meeting, of which
he is commander. During the eve
ning he gave a brief resume of
his trip.
The Marion county councrt will
meetat Woodburn, October 10,it
was announced.
The Legion voted to buy 200 Le
gion calenders as a publicity and
" i iinfam floors.--Wl
Fir CW
W 1
KlTCHlN ood bothrocBoor t
Improve Your
Dr. C E. Boring Dr. Sam Haghes
Our registered optometrists will examinS iyour eyes, pre
scribe -the fjoest lenses for you, help choose the frame
that does the most for your appearance.
advertising move. The name of
the group is to be on the calen
dars. Commander Edlund named Roy
Davenport to serve as chairman
of the Legion sports committee,
and C. E. Higinbotham chairman
of the Boy Scout committee.
Visitors from Stay ton, Scio and
Lyons were present during the so
cial hour.
Filial Rites for
Mrs. Zerzan
On Saturday
Reauiem mass for Mrs. Mar
garet C. Zerzan, 2250 Hazel ave.,
long-time Salem and Willamette
valley resident, who died Wednes
day here at the age of 63, will be
said Saturday morning at St.
Vincent de Paul Catholic church
at 9:30 o'clock. Concluding ser
vices will take place at Belcrest
Memorial park.
Recitation of the Rosary will
take place tonight at. 8 o'clock at
the W. T. Rigdon chapel. The
deceased is the wife of Charles
J. Zerzan, deputy district attor
ney of Marion county, and local
Born April 1, 1884 in Butler
county. Neb., Mrs. Zerzan came
to Oregon in 1903 with her par
ents Michael and Caroline Ma
hony. The family purchased the
Senator Harding ranch near Ger
vais. Married in 1908 at San Fran
cisco the Zerzans moved to Port
land and then to Salem in 1928.
In addition to her husband,
Mrs. Zerzan is survived by three
children, Margaret M. Jackson
of San Francisco, Charles jr., of
Milwaukee, Wis., and Dorothy
Zerzan of St Louis, Mo.; three
sisters, Mrs. Nellie Gelinek of
Bruno, Neb, Mrs. Celestine Street
er of Omaha, Neb., and Mrs. Grace
Moses of Gervais; five brothers,
George Mahony of Junction City,
Grand Cane, La., Kenneth Ma
hony of Seattle, Frank Mahony of
Junction City, Leonard Mahony
of Woodburn and M. J. Mahony
of Gervais, and six grandchildren.
No. 12301
Notice la hereby given that the
undersigned, as administrator of the
estate of ELIZABETH A PAULUS. de
ceased, has filed in the Circuit Court
of the State of Oregon, for the County
of Marion, his final account a such
administrator, and that Monday, the
Cth day of October. 1M7. at the hour
of 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon of said
day. and the courtroom .of said court
in the courthouse at Salem. Oregon,
have been appointed by said court as
the time and place for the hearing of
objections to said final account and to
the settlement of said estate.
Dated and first published August 2t.
1M7. Last published September 28.
Administrator of the Estate of
Elizabeths Paulus. deceased.
August 29. September i. 12. IS. 26. 1M7.
Primitive homes hdd
i - -.-.1(t homes have
rJn flooring!
mm Vn rv a v h vim tiissii
save yov tin and work, too. It
wipes away dirt and great
from washable surfaces quickly,
aiih. Excellent on automobiles.
It's safe an paint and hands. Ask
for loon at your grocers.
Portland Men
To Visit Salem
Shrine's Stag
A delegation from Al Kader
temple of Portland, headed by its
major officers, will attend the an-
Chubby children and their pets
in easy embroidery look Just like
applique! Do in one color or na
tural colors on your kitchen
Simple running stitch and oth
er easy stitches. Pattern 834 has
transfer of 13 motifs 2x3 i to
Laura Wheeler'a new, improv
ed pattern makes needlework so
simple with its charts, photos,
concise directions.
Send TWENTY CENTS In coins for
this pattern to The Oregon Statesman,
Laura Wheeler, 1st and Stevenson Sts.,
San Francisco. Calif. Print plainly
Fifteen cents more brings you our
Need leer aft Catalogue, there are 102
Illustrations of designs for crochet,
knitting, embroidery personal acces
sories, home decorations, toys. FREE
instructions for making . five useful,
decorative household accessories print
ed In book.
WHEREAS, the unregulated use of
the Tillamook Burn area Is, In my
Judgment, a menace to life and prop
erty due to the extreme fire haxard
and an excessive amount of inflam
mable debris on the grouad, and
WHEREAS, upon the showing of the
State Forester, it appears to me to be
necessary to close to all use the fol
lowing described area:
Area Ne. Z-A Tiilamoek Bant Ares:
Township 2 North, Range West:
Section 21.
Township 2 North, Range West:
' All of township in Tillamook coun
ty lying South of the Wilson Riv
er Highway.
Township 1 North. Range 5 West :
All of township lying West of the
Scoggtns Valley and Zigzag C.CjC.
Township 1 North, Range West:
All of township.
Township 1 North. Range 1 West:
All of township lying South of the
Wilson River Highway.
Township 1 North. Range I West:
All of township, excluding the Wil
son River Highway.
Township 1 South. Range West:
Sections 19. 20, 29. 30. 31 and 32.
Township 1 South, Range I West:
All of township.
Township t South. Range 7 West:
All of township.
Township 1 South, Range S West:
Sections 1 to I, inclusive; Sections
11 and 12; all of Sections 10. 13.
14, 19. 23 and 24 lying East of the
Trask C.C.C. road; all of Sec
tions 25 and 30,
Township 2 South, Range West:
All of township. 1
Township 2 South, Range T West:
All of township.
Township 2 South, Tlange S West:
Section 1; all of Sections 2. 3, t, 10
and 17 lying East of the Edward's
Butte Trail; all of Sections 11 to
15. inclusive; all of Sections 21 to'
28, inclusive; and Sections 33 to
36, inclusive.
Township 3 South. Range West:
Sections 9 and .
Township 3 South, Range 7 West:
Sections 1 to S. inclusive.
Township 3 South, Range S West:
Sections 1 and 2.
CORNETT. Governor of the State of
Oregon, by virtue of the authority
vested in me under the provisions of
Section 107-210. Oregon Compiled Laws
Annotated, as amended by Chapter 252,
Oregon Laws. IMS, do hereby proclaim
the use of the above-described area to
be unlawful and do hereby close said
area to all forms of use.
This proclamation shall be effective
from and after the 26th day of Seo-
tember. 1847 and shall remain in full
force and effect until the 31st day of
December, 1047.
Done at the Capitol in Salem, Ore
gon, mis zau day of September, 1S47.
ATTEST: Governor
Robt. S. FarrelL Jr.
Secretary of State. - 8 26
Save money and
time by letting
) us ao i your
watch and clock
Toull Like Our
Moderate Prices
Quick Service
Eliminate i tho
,. Watcb Repair
Headache .
Serving:' Salem and
Vicinity Sine 1927
nual Salem Shrine club's stag at
the Marion hotel at 6 o'clock tonight
Host and presiding officer of
the affair is Ted Medford, club
president, and program chairman
is Harris Leitz.
The Portland visitors of Al Ka
der will include Carl Donaugh,
potentate; Frank McGuire, acting
chief rabban; Ed Swink, oriental
guide; Walter Johnson, treasurer;
Kenneth Hill, marshal; Luther
Duckworth, recorder; Kit Conyers,
outer guard; and Ivan Cobe, long
time chairman of hospital guides.
Also to be here are Floyd Day,
manager of the Al Kader Chant
ers,, and several members of 'the
singing organization.
The Chanters, as well as the Al
Kader uniformed band, will give
a public concert : at the Salem
high school Saturday, November
15, at 8:30 p. m., preceded by a
parade of the band at 7:30 p. m.
Nine Cars of Velrh
Shipped from Aurora
AURORA Aurora Warehnucp
under the management of Todd
and Blair during the months of
August and September has ship
ped by train, nine cars of Wil
lamette vetcn to boutnern states
to be used for cover crops in the
cotton fields of Texas. Alaba ma-
Louisiana, Iowa, Tennessee and
the Carolines.
The number of railway raspn-
ger cars on U. S. class 1 railroads
reached a peak of 54,733 in 1926,
declining to 38,273 in 1945.
Opmiom fff, bvt ...
Trees-Mr . U. 1 Pet Off.
Cascade A
duality " MCri
Succotash with Franfurtert
Mix all ingredients and put in buttered pan.
Cover and bake at 350 degrees for one-half
hour. Meanwhile brown nicely eight frank
furters then place around edge of serving
dish and pour succotash in the center using
slices of green pepper to garnish. Serves 4
1 cup yellow whole kernel corn
l'i cups peas
14 enp finely chopped pimlento or sreen
1 cap baby lima beans
1 teaspoon salt, pepper and paprika
1 teaspoon sugar
1 enp coffee cream
Ex-0wners of
Camp Advised
To Claim Land
Advice to former owners of
land now occupied by the Salem
farm labor camp to claim such
land, except where buildings are
in use, was offered Thursday fol
lowing receipt by Roy R. Hewitt,
attorney representing some of the
landowner, of a letter from the
war assets administration that it
understood the counly "will ulti
mately dispose of excess lands to
the former landowners."
Hewitt wrote the Marion coun
ty court, which has purchased the
formpr army air base from the
WAA. that "it would seem that
the timber land and farm land
should now be available" and
that the remainder, site of the
buildings, be of fried to its former
owners if the camp project is
Officers of Salem Agricultural
Housing, Inc., which is to ope
rate the area as a labor camp
under lease from the county,
have reportedly discussed the
possibility of returning unneed
ed land to pie-war owners, hut
no action is expected until the
area is conveyed from the county
to the corporation.
The WAA letter, from C. T.
Mudge, Portland regional direct
or, said county disposition would
be expected "when and as cur
1. A blend of the world's finest coffees.
2. Controlled Roasting an exclusive Hills
Bros, process gives every pound the
same matchless flavor.
3. Comes to you fresh. Vacuum-packed in
cans and Ultra-Vac Jars.
t Drlst aawl Olesa SSefcer Grtnal
WasjMUr Ortnal
rent nefds for the labor camp as
a project cease."'
Meanwhile, about 35 families
remained in the camp today as
federal operation ended. Officers
of the local corporation, which
will not operate the area during
the winter, said no decision had
been reached as to those fami
lies, which were given notice to
vacate by September 25.
400 See WU
Team Lreave;
For Stockton
Some 400 cheering, singing col
legians serpentined the Southern
Pacific railroad station and near
by Salem streets Thursday night
in a rousing sendoff for Bearcat
footballers who were leaving by
train for their opening football
game at Stockton, Cal.
Athletic Director Jerry Lillie i
and his coaches promised their j
squad would do "real battle" in ,
the first Willamette encounter of
a college of Pacjfic eleven, but re
frained from further prediction.
Team members will leave the :
train at Davis and take special
busses to Stockton, arriving at 1
p. m. toduv. Game time is 8 o'-
After the year's first football
rally, the Willamette students re
turned to the campus where lead
ers were making plans for a return-home
"win or lose" recep
tion for the football team this
yA rvr r vvv
Zrv7 &U,
Everyone knows how good they
are that they are made of choice
cuts of meat only, seasoned . to
please. Now you can he sure you
get these top quality, extra deli
cious wieners made only hy Cas
cade. Look for the Cascade trade-mark
on the hand around each wiener
and too the U.;S. Government In
spection lahel on every Cascade
Yx mile north of
Standby, Pure.
No Pectin
Spic and Span Cleaner
- 230 2 for .450
16 oz.
Soap, Speedy
Reg. price 69c.
2 for
Lax Toilet Soap
n..:l J Tll H
S wills Cleanser
Tomalo Catsup
TT 1 lb. 33c.
,2 lbs.
faSeailla Pepular
Liqarelies canon
P-Nut Butter.
3 for
ice brudiu
All flavors
P r.J- Real
Uai jUnUaUS Just
50 100 150
Buy Ilea! the Ilcdcrn Way! Wrapped in
Sanitary Cellophane! In Our Sell Service
Ileal Ilarkels!
T-Done Steaks r.b. ..
Sirloin Slealis Vr!-.
Oysters ....
n-i .
Duiuynci Lb.
Skinless Weiners Lb.
Radishes Nit9vdL
Green Onions 9c
Lettuce u.
f" Fresh, shucked,
UUin, cellophane
lomatoes Apple
Fresh Crisp Spinach tb
Pepsi (Sola
Large package
1 lb. 33c
At the foot of the
West Salem
At the foot of tht
West Salem
Mb, 4 oz.390
Suds or Sanox
12 for $1.
size 2 for 13
oz. 12c.
C.H.B. 14 oz. 19c
c i'Vor
brands 14c.
of 10 1.....
Reg. 25c pkgs.
12 Butterfat Ice Cream.
right to eat while you drive
.. 3 bun.
wrapped in
box full .
1 lb.
Per bottle
Z lbs. VOJrfOJV
.3 bun. 25C
Lb. 120
Yi mile north of
X13 Caart
rboB 1901
- (i