The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 25, 1947, Page 9, Image 9

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    TcxIayV Pattern
Home From
The Statesman. Solans. Oreqoa. Thursday. Sept. 2S. 1847 9
Gilberts Fete
ROBERTS Mr. and Mrs.
Monroe Gilbert entertained in
formally Monday afternoon at
their home on Schurman Road
with a garden party in honor of
their ister-in-law, Mn. Leslie
Wilcox and her son, William Wil
cox of Minneapolis, Minn., who
have been visiting them for several
j Assisting with the refreshment
which were- served on the patio
were Misit Kaye Gouley and Mrs.
James Smith.
Among those invited were Uci.
John Emlen. Miss Irene LighUey,
Mm. Cheater Cox, Mrs. 'Frederick
Hill Thompson, Mrs. Francis
Welsh, Mrs. Chet Nelson, Mrs.
James Smith, Miss Kaye Gouley,
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hoi man, Col
onel and Mrr. Phillip Allison, Mrs.
George Weeks and her mother,
Mrs. E. J. Peck pd Miss Martha
Engle, both of Indianapolis, Inli-
ana. and Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair Mc
Cleilan of Cannel, California.
Shower For
Miss Lewis
Miss Florence Lewis, bride
elect of Dr. Robert Orr, will be
the honor guest at a pre-nuptial
siower Tuesday rtight when Mus
Georgia Hull entertains at the
Saginaw street home of her par
ents, the George Hulls.
A miscellaneous shower will
fete the bride-to-be. A dessert
supper will be served and guests
rill wrap the dream cakes.
' Bidden to honor Miss Lewis are
her mother, Mrs. George Lewis,
Mus Barbara Lew 15, Miss Elsie
Miller. Mr?. George Hull. Mrs.
-Robert Butte. Mrs. Donald Lom
bard, Mrs. Ralph Smither, Miss
Carolyn Brady, Mies Addyse Lane,
Miss flmUy. Turner, Miss Patricia
Searsj Miss Evelyn Johnson, Miss
Edith Schifferer of Turner, Miss
Georgia Leupold. Miss' Dorothy
Srmes and Mis Marjorie Luzador
of Portland. Mrs. James Barnard
and Mrs. Tneodore Mankertz, jr.,
of Corvailis.
Betty Auer
To Marry
', Friday, October 3 has been set
as the date for the coming mar
riage of Miss Betty Auer, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Auer of Dal
1m, to Lloyd Crabb. son of Mrs.
Ida Crabb of Salem. The ceremony
will take place in Dallas.
The bride-elect is a graduate of
Rickreall high school and attended
Oregon State college and Oregon
College of Education. Her fiance
attended: Salem schools and Ore
gon College of Education. Both are
new employed in the circulation
department of The Oregon States
man, s
Sunday Miss Auer was' honored
at a miscellaneous shower at the
htne of Mrs. Edmund O. Pratt.
The engaged duo were feted at
a party Thursday night at the
Rickreall Grange hall with Mes-
M . .1
Every line in this two-piece
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This pattern, easy to use, sim
ple to sew, is tested for fit. In
cludes complete illustrated in
Pattern 4805 comes in sizes 34,
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frock takes! 3 yds. 39-in.
Send TWENTY -FIVE cents In coins
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man. Anne Adams. IS , first St., San
rrancisco 0. Calif. Print plainly NAME,
NEWS! Our FaU and Winter ANNE
ADAMS Pattern Book is ready! Send
fifteen cents at once to ibe sure you
f et this easy-sow collection of fascin
ating new fashions. Printed right In
the book arc rKEE directions for mak
ina EIGHT useful sifts, each from 1
feed bag, or a fabric remnant. Order
now I
dames W. C. Hill, Harry Demptey,
John Winn and Earnest Let te ken
as hostesses. OVer a hundred at
tended with a shower honoring the
couple, followed by a late supper.
During the : evening; Mrs. Robert
Foster and Miss Eva Jean Miller
sang and Claude Larkin and Mrs.
Lee Miller played.
The Daughters of the Asaertcan
Revolution are holding a meeting
of their official board-at 12 noon
today at the home of .Mrs. L. C.
McLeod, 365 13th st. The meet
ing will be presided over by Hiss
Ruth Rulifson, regent of Che
meketa chapter.
Mrs. klchere' Haage entertalaea'
he club at bridge and a late-supper
Wednesday night at her East
Wilson : street home. Additionar
guests were Mrs. Selwyn Imlah
and Mrs. Wesley Ritchie.
Mrs. Mabel Lock wood, Mrs.
Mark Skiff and Mrs. Ben Randall
have returned from New York
City where they attended the na
tional American War Mothers
convention. They were registered
at the Philadelphia hotel, conven
tion headquarters, f
Mrs. Lock wood, a past state
president, was elected national
second vice-president, Mrs. Skiff
u also a past state president and
Mrs. Randall is president of the
Salem War Mothers. Accompany
ing the Salem women were Mrs.
Eva Wire of Albany, state presi
dent, Mrs. E. Conn and Mrs. J.
Stone, also of Albany.
Enroute home the travelers
made stops in Denver to visit the
American War Mothers Home and
Fitzsimmons General hospital.
Salt Lake City and San Francisco.
Dr. Jens Speaks
To Soroptimists
Soroptomists met for luncheon
Wednesday noon and heard Dr.
Ruth Jena, a club member and on
the staff of the Oregon State hos
pital, speak about the hospital, its
cases and conditions. Today there
are 2704 cases in the hospital, 1318
of which are ' women. Seventy-
five per cent of all new admissions
are discharged according to Dr,
Jens The types of patients are
changing, with 30 per cent in the
senile group, there are less patients
in the syphilitic group due to treat
ment and active public health
Mrs, Winifred Pettyjohn, past
president, will be a speaker at the
rounders Day banquet in fort
land September 29 at the Benson
hotel.- Guests present were Mrs.
Ethel Caruthers of the Santa Cruz
club, her sister, Miss Dorothy Kee
by of Salem and Miss Marian
Schmidt of the Billings, Montana,
branch. The next meeting will be
a business session at the Golden
Sorority Group
Elects Tuesday
First fall meeting of Alpha Xi
Delta alumnae was held at the
home of Mrs. John Hahn on Tues
day night. Miss Elsie Schroeder
was elected president; Mrs. Wil
liam Galloway, vice president;
Mrs. Eugene Laird, secretary and
Mrs. Andrew Hajverson, treasur
er. Miss Schroeder gave an ac
count of her trip to the national
convention in Quebec this sum
The officers, hostess and the
following .were present at the
meeting: - Mrs. M. E. Knickerboc
ker, Mrs. A. C. Newell, Mrs. El ma
Meade and Mrs. Bradford Hum
phreys of Independence. !
Mr. aai Mrs. Jahn Teafatiller
and their children, Joy and Alan,
are leaving Tuesday for - Long
Beach, California, where1 they
will make their home. They will
visit with her sister, Mrs. E.
L. Thielman, at Pittsburg. Call
fornra, enroute south.
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I Svc Rafwctory Sat l
""""""---J ii Jt I ' MlraaleVaatle tea la red ar Mae. 1
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Cor. Court and Liberty