The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 25, 1947, Page 8, Image 8

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    t The Statesman, Salem, Oregon, Thursday. Sept 23, 1947
Miss Nancy
Austin a
WOODBURN Of interest to
the bride i many friends is - an--twuncement
of the marriage of
.Miss Nancy Austin,, daughter of
IX Cot and Mrs. Leland A. Aua
' tin- of Covernor't Island, New
York, to Maurice Hyde Gardner,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Gard
iner ct Woodland, Wash. The cere
mony took place on September
20 at 4 o'clock at the Woodburn
home of the bride's grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Austin. The
Rv. O. A. Jewell officiated and.
Moss Marjorie Simmi of Milton-
music. :'
' Colonel and Mrs. Austin came
west for their daughter's wedding
- and the bride was given in mar
"Tiage -by her father. --.jOt white
satin was her bridal gown de
signed on classic lines with train,
sweetheart , neckline and long
sleeves. Her fingertip length tulle
-veil was caught on either side
With clusters of orange blossoms.
; J Lli. - : v 1 1 l
with. a white orchid and a shower
t bouvardia.
i Miss Sally Austin was her sis
ter's only attendant and William
Field, stood with the groom 'as
best man.
..'A wedding reception followed
with the bride aunt, Mrs. Jay
Allen of Carmel Vail v. Callf
cutting the cake. Mrs. Wallace
Jones of Woodburn poured and
another aunt, Mrs. Jorul Kallak
of Corvallis, was in charge of the
cinlns; room. Assisting were Mrs.
Donald MacMiMn ' of Woodburn
and Mrs. Bessie West of Port
land. Mrs. Leslie Thayer of Port
land passed the sruest book.
The newlyweds will live In
Pasco, Wash., where he is con
nected with the General Electric
plant at Richland. The bride at
tended Willamette university
where she was the century girl,
and graduated from Oregon State
college. She Is a Kappa Kappa
Gamma. She returned in March
from Peiping, China where she
had been with her .parents. She
is also a past grand worthy advis
or of Rainbow Girls. Her husband
attended Oregon State college and
Siduated from the University of
lorado. His fraternity is Alpha
Tau Omega. During; the war he
served as an ensign with the
navy. ,
Miss Stettler Weds
Lester deLongh
age of the Haresville Bantut
(church was the letting for the
marriage or Elsie L. Stettler and
Lester E. DeLonsh Frldav. Kn
tember 19 at 8 o'clock the Rev.
Henry Bar-net officiated at the
double rinsr ceremonv.
The bride wore a wool rrn
suit of dove gray with hat and
snoes 10 matcn. titr corsage was
an orchid and she carried a lace
handkerchief which her grand
moter, Mrs. Rovilla McAfee car
ried nearly, oo years ago.
The bridesmaid was Ardith Eck
stein of Salem, who wor a ehar.
treuse crepe dress and white hat,
and a corsage of roses and gar
denias. . ,! i
William W. Holt, Jr., ofj Salem
was best man. ,
A small reception was held at
xce nome or hte bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stettler fol
lowing the ceremonr. ,
" " . iUl M
honeymoon in California after
wmcn tney wtumake their home
In Salem.
The bride was born and raised
in-iayesviue and graduated from
Salem high school.
' The eroom waa ralwt m
family farm near MariofT and
graauaiea irom the Aumsville high
SchooL He was with th amv
three and a half years, serving one
year over seas in, tne Pacific area.
He is employed at the Oregon
ruip ano faper co.:
Among these gelng te Portland
Saturday for the Oregon-University
of ..Texas game at Multnomah
stadium are Mr. and' Mr, ?nhn
Johnson, who will be Joined by
ir. ana wrs. ; wuuam Duncan
(Harriet Hawkins) of Silverton.
Dr. and Mrs. Tom Dunham will
join Portland friends for the game
Mr. and Mrs. Jack PrW anH Mr
and Mrs. Robert H. Hamilton will
be at the game as will Mr. and
rc. sianey Lewis.
U'eanaa's Bible claaa ef the First
Methodist church will meet with
Mrs. R. B. Putman, Route 9 on
Friday. Those wishing to go
. fuvuiu iane uie a. iv UDeriy
Boone bus.
For Digger, Better Birds!
At P Utter
Uatk form
Society .... Clubs
Music. ..The Home
Sojourners mt for luncheon, 1:19
pjn, slm , Woman's ciuhhnma. - :
Zonta club: tmrt auppor with Mrs.
Lelaca H. EUis, 2120 Garden road. 7:30
woman Benefit aasocuruon. with
Mrs. JennW Miller, 391 S. lth St
pjn., social nint. -
Woman's Bible Clau. Tint Method Lit
church, with Mrs. R. B. Putnam, Route
DAV auxiliary and chapter Torset-
Me-Not dinner and meetln with Mrs.
verne ixuanoer, ijq p. m.
M ON DAT ! ;
Oregon State Mothers dub, YWCA
' P Jn. !(.-
Rebekahs -Plan
Social Night
Mrs. Virgil Parker presided at
the regular session of Salem Re'
bekah lodge No. 1 Monday night
Committees for the social
meeting next Monday night were
appointed,' Mrs. George Nader-
man, Mrs.' Clyde Bancroft and
Mrs. Fred Barker, entertainment;
Mrs. ueorge Henderson, Mrs. O.
L. Scott, Mrs. Mary Southwkk,
Mrs. Anna Wan and Mrs. Mary
Dunn, refreshments.
Representatives voted to the
Salem Council of Women's Organ
lzauons axe Mrs. Marine Hill and
Mrs. Leon: Frohm. Volunteering to
help sell jrorget-rae-nots were Mrs,
M. W. Ready and Mrs. Goldie
Kyle. Mrs. Fred Shafer gave an
account of her vacation trip
through 10 states and Mexico.
Mrs. George Bean spoke on the
life of Schuyler Colfax, founder
of the order;
The Three Links club will meet
Friday afternoon and the ladies'
auxiliary will hold a card party
Thursday night.
Luncheon for Captains
Mrs. Leon Lassers entertained
informally at luncheon Monday
afternoon at her North 17th street
home In compliment to her cap
tains of i the Community Chest
drive. Mrs. Lassers is one of the
leaders. ;
Covers were placed for Mrs.
Paul Bale, Mrs. Walter Spaulding,
Mrs. . Chester W. Hamblin. Mrs
Herman Jochimsen, Mrs. Mark
Astrup and the hostess. ,
Oregon! State Mathers club is
meeting at the YWCA Monday at
Z o'clock. Old members, and
mothers of new students are in
vited to the meeting at which
plans wilt be made for a rumage
sale In October.
Cama Club
Dance on
The Cama dance club will hold
its first dance of the season Fri
day night at Crystal Gardens.
Claude Bird's orchestra will play
from 8:30 to 1230 o'clock for the
semi-formal affair.
New officers of the club, who
will serve as hosts for the first
dance, are Vern Reimann, presi
dent; Arnold Jarvis, vice-president;
and Wendell Willmarth. secretary-treasurer.
A number of parties are being
arranged to precede the dance.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur H. McCunc
and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Eb
ner , will entertain a group of
friends at the former's home on
Korth 19th street. Guests will be
Messrs. and Mesdames Hollis
Hamilton, George Martus, Vern
Reimann, Arnold Jarvis, W. J.
Sullivan, W. K Savage, Milo Van
Houten, Ralph Kinzer, . H. Hal
stead, Miss Pauline Hastings and
Budd Wickman.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Viesko will
be, hosts for an Informal gather
ing at their home on South Church
street before the dance for a few
Other pre-dance hosts will be
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Reimann, who
are entertaining at their hoip on
the Portland Road, Guests will be
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Conley, Mr.
and Mrs, Richard Reimann, Jr.,
Mr. and Mrs, La Verne Watrud and
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hadley.
Will Hear-
Sen. Taft :
A number of Salem people will
be in Gearhart Friday and Satur
day to attend the annual conven
tion of Republican clubs "of Ore
gon at tne uearnart hotel..
A reception will be held at the
hotel Friday night in honor of
United States 1 Senator and Mrs.
Robert Taft Mrs. George T. Ger-
linger of Portland Is in charge of
arrangements and has asked Mrs.
James W. Mott of Salem to pre
side at the serving table and Mrs.
Walter Spaulding to be on the
reception committee. A banquet
will be held Saturday night in
honor of Sen. and Mrs. Taft.
Among those attending from
Salem will be Mrs. Mott, who will
go on to Astoria for a visit at Mott
Basin and Tongue Point, Miss
Dorathea Steusloff, State Senator
a a m m m . J a
ana Mrs. jjougiag Mcivay, Air. ana
Mrs. Denver Young, Mrs. Virginia
Nocholls, Mrs. Dorothy Woodring,
Mrs. Walter Spaulding, Mrs; Flor
ence Wright, Mrs. Paul Ficke. Mr,
and Mrs. Robert Fischer, jr., Joe
Land, president ' of the Marion
county republican club. Earnest
Crockett, Frederick Lamport, Dr.
EL E. Borgin, Douglas Yeater,
Adam LeFor. Charles Bollinger,
Glenn Wade, Cliff Lewis, Giles
Smith, Henry Werner, B. E.
Owens, H. V. Collins and Paul
Warren, delegates, and alternates.
Golden Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Sundland
will observe their golden wedding
anniversary at their home, 2073
North Commercial street, on
Thursday, October 2.
The Sundlands will celebrate
the occasion at an open house at
their North Commercial street
residence this Sunday, September
28. Their friends are being Invited
through the press to call between
2 and 4 o clock.
Varied Social
Events Fill J
Calendar i
Entertaining during the early
autumn season centers around
many informal gatherings.
Mrs. Robert Drager was host
ess for an informal luncheon
Tuesday afternoon at her Ship
ping street home for the pleasure
of Mrs. Lewis West of Berkeley,
Calif- a visitor in the capital at
the home of her parents, the Roy
H. Wassams. ' i
Covers 'were placed for : Mrs.
West, Mrs. Harold Olinger, , Mrs.
Clayton Foreman, Mrs. Vernon
Perry, Mrs. Loring Schmidt and
Mrs. Drager. "
Mr. and Mrs. Silas Glaser were
Wednesday hosts for a buffet sup
per party at their home oh the
Turner road for a group of friends.
Guests were Dr. and Mrs. , David
Bennett Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
V. Collins and Mr. and Mrs. A. A.
Parties For Traveler
The home of Miss Jess McDon
ald on North 23rd street was the
scene of a surprise party Tuesday
night in honor of Miss Anna Pe
ters, who is leaving Saturday
for an extended trip east to
New York, Atlanta and New Or
leans. Miss Peters will take spe
cial laboratory work in the latter
two cities, returning home the
first of the year. A few of; Miss
Peters friends were bidden to
the party. A late supper followed
an informal evening and! the
guests presented the traveler with
a gift
Mrs. W. G. Ross and Mrs. Wil
liam Deeney were hostesses for
a farewell party Wednesday night
at the formers home on Tammar
ack street in honor of Miss Peters.
A handkerchief shower feted the
traveler, A late supper was served
following an informal evening.
Honoring Miss Peters were
Misses Beulah Graham, Betty
Sparks, Ella Olmquist, Marjorie
Mason, Shirley Sogge, Mesdames
Harry Swafford, Lester David
son, Esther Sheridan, A. C. New
ell, Donald Ream and the host
Mrs. Robert II. Hamilton will be
a club hostess tonight when she
entertains at bridge and a late sup
per. Additional guests will be Mrs.
Jack Price, Mrs. Arthur Fisher and
Mrs. Alfred Gerlinger.
Open Road
Vacationing in Lqte Summer Found
Satisfactory If Weather Is Favorable
By Maxine Bnren
Women's Editor, The Statesman
Reminiscences of a vacationer:
The states of Washington and Oregon furnish wide contrasts in
scenery, offering views of high mountains, deep valleys, wide rivers,
tiny mountain streamlets, barren wastelands and huge dams which
will send water down to them.
heavy trucks, many with trailers.
One place ix were running so
close together no car could have
passed one at a time. Another
truck had lost its trailer, veered
across the road, dragging the logs
a hundred feet, and coming to a
stop on the lefthand side of the
highway. No damage to traffic
was in evidence, certainly with no
credit going to a careless driver.
A patrolman bad him in charge,
and rightly.
Late fall vacations are fine, one
looks forward all summer to a
holiday. The rush is over, and if
weather favors, as it did us, the
vacation is as successful as one
dreams of.
Extension Unit
Meets Today
officers of Marion county's 29
home extension units will meet
today at the YMCA to receive
training for duties for the coming
year. Mrs. Azalea Sager, state
home demonstration leader, . will
be the main speaker. This meet
ing will start at 10:30 and" closes
around 3. Members of the Mar
ion county home extension com
mittee will serve as hostesses for
the meeting.
Mrs. Rex Hartley, chairman of
the county committee, will pre
side. The morning session will in
clude a talk by Mrs. Sager; Mrs.
Floyd Fox will report on state,
council activities; Mrs. Frank
Way will discuss the Azalea
House building fund, and Mrs.
Viva Keys will tell about ACWW
During the afternoon session
Mrs. Sager will speak and year
books will be distributed by Mar
ion county's home demonstration
agent. Miss Eleanor Trindle.
The day's program will include
group singing led by Mrs. George
Benson of Silverton Hills. The
pianist will be Mrs. Floyd Fox of
Union Hill. Members of the coun
As we drove along we were
struck' with the fact that Ore
gon's beautiful bridges were not
designed for lovers of scenery.
The view of the water below is
invariably hidden by heavy con
crete work along the bridge's
sides. In Washington the railings
have been placed low enough so
the traveler may look over them
to the water: below.
The "unsafe to pass when white
line Is on your side" is a grand
ideai but it defeats its purpose
by not being placed at every dan
ger spot. After some time, we fig
ured that the marks are placed
only on unsafe, rises in the high
way, Dut not on aangerous cor
ners. Many of the lines on even
the hillocks are now gone, so dan
ger lurks more than if the lines
were not expected by the tourists.
Late travelers seems almost en
tirely older folk with many out
of state cars on the highway. We
found hotel accommodations al
most aj scarce as in midsummer.
mgnways were iniea wim tourists.
One deep satisfaction in 2,100
miles of driving in these two
states, we saw evidence of only
one accident and that was wih
iii' an hour of home.
Food is poor. Stopping at Long-
mires on Mt. Rainier, we found
t so bad that we choose two cans
of fruit eaten in picnic grounds as
preferable to hotel fare. No food
stores were In evidence in the
park, so we ate the fruit which
happened to be in the car.
A lunch at Timberhne was more
edible, but the view from the win
dow was a thick sheet of rain
which entirely obscured the moun
tain. The management at the Ore
gon mountain was much more
friendly than the Washington
odge. Windows were boarded up
at Sunrise lodge at Yakima park,
the spot which . commands a
breathtaking view of several snow
capped peaks, dominated by Mt.
Menace to the traffic is the
large trailer house, pulled by an
inadequate car driven by a stub
born driver. A special driver's li
cense should be required for those
at the steering wheel of such
Too many logging trucks cause
hazards, too. In the distance of 10
miles south of Kelso, Wash., we
approached 19 logging and other
ft ' v
jlv f V "i'iLIt I
-!. pMJf
ESSEHTML gariieiits
Longlinc Bra
Youth fuL form-molding- bra of firm.
figured cotton. Elastic insets
assure comfort. Wide band
for extra support
Iln-Back' Girdle
Figure control 'with comfort achieved
by sliding back feature to
Erevent riding up. Flexi
le elastic panels . .
Won't Ride Up
Inner Belt
6.90 J
Shi all-ln-ene girdle fer summer.
Firm sappert .from Den-nut bea
ing. Elaatie bserts. Painty lace
pper bra.
Picinre Framing
Expert Week.
U9 Ceert
ty committee assisting with the
affair are: Mrs. Glenn Briedwell
of Silverton, Mrs. Roy Kuns of
West Woodburn. Mrs. Ralph Mer
cer of Four Corners, Mrs. Rich
ard Chittenden of Roberts and
Miss Rosa Ahrens of Turner.
Herman Lanke, count? recorder,
was the speaker at the meeting
of Marion County Republican
Women, held at the Chamber ef
Commerce Monday night. This 1st
the first of a series of talks by
Marion county officers on "Their
duties as officials and routine
work of their offices."
Mr. and Mrs. Arthar Ifartlsi
and Mrs. E. B. Perrine spent the
week end visiting the Frank Mar
tina of Eugene. The party motored
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uta leadiaf PqLlicatiB
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Iturd Red Goose Shoes!
Built of quality
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It's America's Firsl
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A striking beauty in a bowed front, far
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hour of radio, records or voice on one)
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See Yaw LeeaJ
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Hears: 9 a. m. U S:3f p. m.
9 a. m. te 9 p. m. Friday :