The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 25, 1947, Page 5, Image 5

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Installation of Marion Curry as
president of Capitol Toastmast
ert club will take place at to
Righi meeting of the club in the
Geld Arrow restaurant beginning
1 8:15. Member wives are to
te special guest. Stearns dish
ing will be the installing officer.
Speaker are to be District Gov
ernor Dick Crakes, and Lieuten
ant Governor " Blair Alderman of
the Oregon district, both of Port
land. Curry replace William
B liven and will hold office for
th next tlx months.
Big feed at Carpenter' hall to
night. All members, are cordially
Invited. '
A truck driven by Bryre R.
Per ell. Brooks, and a car driven
by Eor Bigelow. Salem route 3,
collided Wednesday at Ferry and
South Commercial street?, re
sulting in flight! damage to the
car but no injury to the passen
gers, according to a city police
it port.
Big 1d at Carpenter' hall to
night. , All members are cordialrv
Jnvited. t
Slfittd to be arraigned in Mar
lon county district court this
morning on a charge of obtain-
lrv0 im hv ' false nretenses is
Charles Myers, - Silvtrton
route 2, wlio was arrested Wed
nesday by a sheriffs deputy.
a..u I U ILf i-ttv4 rAiirttv
Jail in lieu of $1,000 bail charged
with passing a false check re
cently in Salem.
Ripe tomatoes. Pearmines. 2-1103
Hard of Hearing? Fresh batteries
and supplies for all hearing aids
at Salem's newest ' hdq. See the
i,ew one with easy to wear but
ton. James Taft Associates; 218
Oregon Bldg. Ph. 24491. .
Following Hs plea' cf Innocent
to i charge of driving while In
toxicated, trial in . the case of
Harold Kenneth Howey, Alsea,
was set for November 12 by Mar
lon County District Judge Joseph
B. Felton i Wednesday. Howey
was arrested by state police early
Sunday morning south of Salem.
He is being held in Marion, coun
ty Jail in lieu of 1350 bail.
Bic feed at! Carpenter' hll to
night, All members are cordially
Invited. -
Hunters: Complete line of tents,
tarpt. deer, 'bags, binoculars.
scope?, signus iierping -wags,
S mattress, red hats and knives.
; Howard Maple, 372 .State St
Carl Greider, newly appointed
Veterans employment representa
tive at the; Salem office of the
mi t.t Miinlmmml rvir will
peak at the Monday noon lunch
eon meeting of the McMinnville
Chamber of Commerce. His sub
ject will be "Ability, Not Dis
ability, Counts," which Is .the
alogan of national - Employ, "the
Physically Handicapped week,
October 5 to 11.
; Air-Steamship tickets anywhere.
Kugtl, 7684. 735 N. Capitol St.
Regular reports and plans for
the coming Christmas seal sale
will be discussed at the monthly
meeting of the Marion county
public health association execu
tive board Friday noon at the
Gold Arrow restaurant Tinkham
Gilbert, board president, will
We wish to announce that Mr.
Ralph Stanton, doll specialist, has
Joined our company. Call 26727
lor your doll or toy repair prob
lems. The Repairatory, Salem's
Toy Clinic, 197 'i S. Com'l.
Salem friends learned Wednes
day of the death. In Sandusky,
Ohio, of John! Loesch, former Cin
cinnati, hop buyer who made an
nual business trips to Salem and
the Willamette valley before the
turn of the century and continued
to visit this area regularly from
his retirement many years ago
until failing health overtook him
In recent years. Jle died Saturday
and the funeral was to be held in
Cincinnati. '
See the exhibit ot watercolors by
the Northwest Watercolor Society
el Elfstrom's galleries. 340 Court.
Salem's Toastmistress club
Wednesday evening accepted an
Invitation to i join the Albany
Toastmistress club at an October
16 meeting in Albany. Salem
speakers at the. Joint meeting will
present the table topics. At last
evening's local meeting, sales tax
talks were given by Marie Ling
and Lenore Headley.
A 'civic committee to assist In
the Oregon national guard cam
paign for recruits will meet this
noon! in the Spa restaurant, under
chairmanship of Robert H. Board
man '; who was appointed to head
the group by Mayor R. L. Elf
strom. The local company B has
as its immediate goal the enlist
ing of men to bring it to full
strength of 188 men. A headquar
ters detachment of the guard also
it located in Salem. .
McAIvln'a Top Shop, Furniture
Upholster. Call 9560. . '
Raymond P. Gascon, 21, Salem
route j 3, critically injured in a
plane i crash near Prospect school
south t of Salem last Friday, re
mained unconscious in Salem
General hospital late Wednesday
night, according to hospital author
ities. Gascon suffered a fractured
skull, a broken and dislocated hip
and severe cuts and bruises.
Richard Crakes, Eugene, will be
featured speaker at a "Ladies
NighlT meetins of the Salem
i Toastmasters club tonight at 6:15
in the Gold Arrow restaurant.
Crakes, district governor of the
Toastmasters international, will
tell ofihis trip to the internation
al convention held last August in
Minneapolis. Blair Alderman, gov
ernor of this area, also will ad
dress members. Speakers 'from the
Salem j club will be . Dr. Harry
Moran and Elmer Amundson. ;
For a'i Bendix Automatic Home
Laundry demonstration call. Ralph
Johnson Appliances, 355 Center.
Ph. 4036.
The i Hollywood Lions . club
Wednesday noon heard arguments
in favor of the proposed Oregon
sales tax advanced by William H.
Crawford, Salem resident who
formerly served on a' state eco
nomic council. Last night the club
entertained wives at a "Hobo"
dinner at the Lions den.
Legal secretary wanted. Short
hand & typing required. Ph. 3224.
Dismissed frrom Salem General
hospital Wednesday with their
baby sons were Mrs. Orville Trus
sell. Turner; MrsManford Scott,
Albany ,iMrs. Norman Winslow,
840 Gaines st and Mrs. George
Duffy, 1848 Court st Mrs. Jack
Frisbie.j 1000 Garnet st, and Mrs.
Dan Seavy, Albany, took home
their baby daughters.
Tan may wish ta
speed a large amount.
7m may wish ta eon
. serve every penny
awaaible. Tram ane ex-,
treme ta (he ether,
yeu'll find that How
ell - E4 wards service
Is designed ta exactly
meet yoar require
ments. v i
runtRBi Homi
s mcmiAKX UT
1 II
I MB own JJ tgmjitu r ? ourt n hhA
At Santa Cruz. Calif., Mn. Emily
Warrai, widow of the late William
Joteph Warren, at the ace of 71 years.
Survived by four sons. Albert Warren
of Kuene. Edward Warren of fcanta
Cruz, Calif., Robert Waaley Warren of
an AmUmo, Calif., and Kred W. War
ren of Kan teandro, Calif two dauf h
ten, Mn. Gertrude K. Connelly ot Se
attle, and Mrs. Martha E. Burdette of
Miliaboro. Ore.; a brother. J. Bodkin
of Ireland;. a tiater, Mn. hutn Thomp
son of Long Beach, Calif.; nine grand
children and five nephewi. Services
will be held Thuieday, Keptrmber 2ft,
at I do p.m. at the W. T. Higdon chapel
with th Nev. James Warrcll officiating.
Interment in Lee Mission cemetery.
At the residence. 980 Market St.,
September 23, Mis Mary E. Reynolds.
Survived by two nieces, Mrs. Inez Gol
tra Gilbert of Portland and. Mrs. Helen
Goltra Bafley of Twenty-nine Palms,
Calif.; a sister-in-law, Mrs. Lloyd T.i
Reynolds of Salem; several relatives'
in Ohio. Funeral services will be Fri
day, September 28, at 1 JO p.m. in the
W. T. Rigdon chapel. Concluding serv
ices In the IOOF cemetery. The Rev.
Brooks Moore will officiate. Please
omit flowers.
Hiram Zdelbert Hart, at the family
residence at 1060 Gaines St.. September
23. at the age of S3 years. Survived by
his wife, Mrs. Susan Leota Hart of Sa
lem: to daughters. Mrs. Ruby Elva
Perkins of Saiem, and Mrs. Peggy Le
ota Fry of Portland; a son. Jamea El
bert Hart of Saiem; and three grand
children. Funeral services will be held
at the Howell-Edwards chapel Friday,
September 26. at 2 pjn. The Rev. R. A.
JOueger will officiate. Interment at
Belcrest Memorial park,
Mrs. Madge M. Mills, late resident of
Jefferson, in Salem, Tuesday, Septem
ber 23. Survived by two sisters. Funer
al announcements later front the
Clough-Barrick company.
Margaret C. Zerzan. at the residence,
2254 Hazel Ave., at .the age of 63 years.
Wednesday, September 24. Survived by
the husband, Cnarles J. Zerzan. Salem:
three children, Margaret M. Jackson.
San Francisco. Charles J, Jr, Milwau
kee, Wise, and Dorothy Zerzan, St.
Louis. Mo.; three sisters, Mrs. Nellie
Zelinek. Bruno. Nebraska, Mrs. Eles
tme, Omaha, and Mrs. Grace Moses,
Gervais: five brothers, George Ma
honey. Grand Cane. La . Kenneth Ma
honey. Seattle, Frank Mahoney, Junc
tion City, Leonard Mahoney. Wood
burn, and M. J. Mahoney, Gervais, and
by six grandchildren. Announcement
of services later by the W. T. Rigdon
company. ;
Everett Storer. late resident of Med
ford. In Oils city Tuesday, September
23. at the age of 12 years. Announce
ment of services will be made later by
the Howell-Edwards funeral company.
Wealthy ' Kenaxton. late resident ' of
Salem, at a local hospital at the age
of 60 years. Announcement of services
will be made later by the Howell-Edwards
funeral company.
On All Hakes")
AU War Gaaraateed
42M Ceart 81 Call 74X3
Mrs. Chester M. Cox In the new
chairman for volunteer special
services for Marion county chap
ter, American Red Cross, It was
announced Wednesday by the
chapter office. In this work, Mrs.
Cox will supervise activities of the
staff assistants, motor corps, home
service corps and production de
partment, coordinating the workr
ol tne volunteer , workers in these
departments. She also becomes a
new member of the chapter's gen
eral board of directors.
Motorola and Philco auto radios
to fit all cars. Now at Morrow
Radio Co. 153 S. Liberty.
River silt, top soil, and fill dirt,
Com'l. Sand & Gravel. Ph. 21966.
Mrs. Ray Edwards, Detroit, was
dismissed from ! Salem Deaconess
hospital Wednesday with her baby
son. ' -V
Richard Strom, 16, of 4280 Hud
son st., injured seriously when his
scooter collided : with a car east
of Salem September 12, was in
"good condition Wednesday night
in Salem Deaconess' hospital, at
tendant reported.
Soil for lawns for a few days
onlygood heavy loam, priced
reasonably. F. A. Doerfler it Sons.
Landscape Nursery, Phi 21322, 150
N.- Lancaster Drive. . .
Richard Knufeon, Salem, in
jured in an" automobile accident
near Gates September 20, was in
"satisfactory" condition in Salem
Deaconess hosDital Wednesriav
night, authorities reported. 1
For rent Floor Sanders. Wood
rows. 450 Center St
Salem's activated naval reserve
unit will begin formulating its
training program when it meets at
the, Salem airport Thursday at 8
p.m.t Lt. Cmdr. Vernon ,Gilmore,
unit commander, announced Wed
nesday. Officers will be assigned
to their duties and physical exam
inations will be given to appren
tice seamen, Gilmore said.
HATFIELD To Mr. am) Mn
T. D. Hatfield, Salem route 6, a
son, Wednesday, September 24, at
Salem General hospital.
R. O. Erickson. 776 Gerth t Wt
Salem, a son,- Wednesday, Sep
tembr 24, at Salem General hos
pital. ,
HA WORTH To Mr and Mr.
Glenn Ha worth, 1860 N. Winter
st a dauahter. wednesdav. ' Son-
tember 24, at Salem General hos
Anne Isaaksen, area representa
tive for Junior Red Cross work,
has been a visitor in Salem at the
offices of Marion county chapter,
American Red Cross: She consult
ed with Mrs. Arthur Weddle, coun
ty Junior Red Cross chairman, and
with other chapter officials. She
also visited the Chemawa school
and the state school for the blind
in the interests of Junior Red Cross
V i
Permanents 12.50 ? and up. The
Modern Beauty College, 179 N.
Liberty. Ph.- 8141. !
Robert Rawson, Teacher of piano
and harmony. Ph. 3058.
Information was received in Sa
lem . Wednesday that charges
against Robert Van Cleave, who
recently.was arrested by the Mar
ion county sheriff's office on a
warrant from Lincoln county for
larceny by bailee, have been dis
missed without trial j in Lincoln
county. ..
johns-Manville slate; surface
shingles applied by expert roofers
Nothing down, 3 years to pay
Buy the best at no extra cost Free
estimates Ph. 4642. Mathis Bros
Roofing Co., 164 S. Com'l.
Luncheon and dinner at Silver
Falls Lodge. Available to season
end on October 1st.
Baby sitter. Ph. 26876.!
Clarence B. Wilson and Loretta
King, both of Salem, have been
issued a marriage license at Van
couver, Wash. A license was also
issued at Portland to Orville W.
Shoemaker, Evanston, Wyo., and
Ilia Hunt of Salem.
All holders of Portland Electric
Power first preferred and prior
preferred or bonds should consult
Conad, Bruce & Co. j concerning
exchange. 203 Oregon Bldg. Ph.
Baby sitter. Ph. 26876.
Attention Please. Here is the ideal
rent naver. A very compact 1
bedroom home located on acre
view property, close in, This little
home ,' is new & is completely
furnished. We think you will like
it at only $4,250. Lee Ohmart &
Co., Realtors, 477 Court St. Ph.
Flowers for all occasions. Pem
berton's, 1980 S. 12th. ph. 23346
PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 24 -
(JP) ' The Oregon Association of
Nurserymen and the Oregon
chapter of the American Associa
tion oft Nurserymen will hold a
joint meeting here Friday and
Salem Night School Classes
Draw 204; Courses to Be Added
Preliminary enrollment in Salem's adult education night school
program which got underway last week at Salem senior high school
stood at 204 Wednesday. George D. Porter, program director reported.
Porter pointed out that following the usual annual trend, enroll
ment will continue to increase throifgh the fall months. Most of the
registration in. the 26 classes is in the related training division. Porter
said, with the rest in those cours
es which are below college credit
level and those-attended by 16
and 17-year-olds who are re
quired to do so by law.
Enrollment remains open in all
the classes, Porter said. Keen in
terest, he said, has been shown
in the public address and radio
speaking course by the nine en
rollees, but there is room for sev
eral more.
Shorthand Class
Because of increased demand,
a class in shorthand was organ
ized for meetings on Monday and
Wednesday nights at 8:30 in room
124 in the senior high school. If
the present demand for a mech
anical drawing class continues,
Porter said, a class in that course
also will be organized. The lea
therciaft class opening is delayed
until October 13, he revetilcd.
Other classes automotive
parts salesman's course and a
course in retail selling will be
gin next week. The salesman's
class, taught by Robert Hauser of
the Colyear Sales company, be
gins Wednesday, October 1, from
7 to 11 p. m. in room 226 at the
high school.
The class will meet one night
a week, with four hours' credit
given for each night attended, and
is to be scheduled for three 12
week terms.
Beginning Monday night, Sep-1 couraged. Porter said
tember 29, is the class in retail
selling, taught by R. L. Manning,
local J. C. Penney store execu
tive. It will be held weekly from
7 to 11 p. m. in room 226.
College Credit Courses
Porter also announced additions
to the college credit courses of
the state system of higher edu
cation which will begin Monday,
September 29 also at the senior
high school.
A class in designing for lower
division credits and a course in
art structure for upper division
credits, will be taught by Mar
garet McDevitt, new art supervi
sor of the .Salem public school
system. The classes will include
wood carving, ceramics, pottery
making and block printing arJrl
will begin Wednesday nightuit 7:15
in room 205.
Victor N. Phelps, instructor in
elementary education in the gen
eral extension system, will in
struct a class in improvement of
instruction in reading. The class
will meet Monday night at 7:15
in room 221 and will cover in
struction for classroom teachers'
responsibility in teaching of read
ing in the elementary grades.
Additional information may be
secured from Porter5 in the school
administration building. Sugges
tions for new courses also are en-
Th Stcrlaamcm. Solam. Orcon. Tnuradoy, Sapt 23. 11473
District Court
Jurors Chosen
A list of 12 names were drawn
Wednesday for the October term
jury of the Marion county dist
rict court Jurors selected are
ordered to be at the district court
rooms Thursday,- October 9, at
9:30 ajn , - according to Marion
County Clerk Harlan Judd.
The list Includes Leon Hilton,
West -Stay ton; Irene Hande, Eaat
Silverton; Louise Lesley. Stay ton;
Arthur . Olson, East Wood burn,
and Martha Hrubetz, Grace N.
Hartley, Pearl C. Harland. Ben
Ian L Follis, ' Florence Repine
Frank K. Mann, Thomas Barest
and Milan A. Meier, all of Sales.
Drawing was-done by Clerk
Judd and Denver Young, Marias
ccunty sheriff. .
Buy Now Before Prices Advance
355 N. Liberty Telephone 24173
Nighl School Opening September 29
Classes in
Spelling .
Business Law
Mondays and Thursdays, 7 to 9 V. M.
3 Subjects - $8 Month
345 Court St. Phone 5987
Avail able now at tha
340 Court
Phone 9221
Valnuls - Filberts - Hal Heals
Highest price cah on delivery for orchard run. "
See us before you sell
Ilprris Klorfein Packing Co,
460 N. Front Street. Salem Tel. 7633
Improved Patented
Dobbs Truss
Most Comfortable
Sanitary, Washable
No Stray
No Bells
No Bulbs
It holds the muscles together with a
soft concave pad . . . The rupture is
held secure, giving you the ! greatest
comfort and ease of movement . . . You
can bathe with It, as it dries in a few
minutes . . . .Lightweight, touches the
body in but two places.
Yea're Fitted Well Service Is
Reason should teach you not to place
a bulb or ball in opening of rupture
which keeps muscles spread apart.
Debbs truss Is in a field of Itself. Other trusses press into the open
Ing, which nuke it larger. Girve nature a chance, try a Dobbs truss.
Free Examination and Demonstration
by son of the Inventor. Thonday, Friday and Saturday. September
25, 2S, 27. Hours Thursday 1 p. m. to f p. m., Friday 8 a. m. to
t p. m., Saturday f a. mi to 1 p. m. Irj obligation
Hotel Senator, Salem, Oregon
. Ask for Mr. Dobbs
Do not hinder the circulation of your blood by
wearing a constricting band around the body.
- , . : ' r'
Lislen Jo a Radio Forum by
Farmers' Union Members
(1390 k.c.)
1 Thursday, September 25, 1947
8:30 P. II.
Sponsored by Oregon Anti-Sales Tax Committee, 1135 S. E.
Salmon Street, Portland, Elmer McClure, Sec.-Treas, Pd. Adv.
Upper Room ilssembly
31514 No. Commercial St.
Young People's High!, Tonight, 8:00
Scripture Visualised Sound Film
Evan. Sylvia Hootman of Fort Dodgo. Iowa.
Will Speak, "Th ChaUenge to Youth"
Friday High! - Prayer for ihe Sick
Evan. Leslie L. Hootman Will Speak.
The Subject "Benefits of Calvary"
Safely Campaign
lirake Adjustment Coupon
Free brake adjustment upon presentation of
this coupon at
league Motor Company
355 North Liberty Street '
Rom where I sit J Joe Marsh
We All Need Fun!
Nobody in Our Town is exactly
lazy (even though Pete Swanson'
missus claim he sleeps till seven
A.M.). Bat the hardest working
man of all is Doc Hollister on
call, morning, noon and night.
Funny thing. Doc's favorite pre
scription to his patients is: You
ought to have fun. The pare of
modern living, even on the farm,
demands some relaxation.
And as Doc says fun Is a per
sonal thing. For the mixsus it may
meaa a movie or a good book; for
Dad, a mellow and refreshing glass
of beer; and for the kids, parcheeai
or the radio. Doesn't mean every
body has to like the same thing
to long as they relax, have fan, to
gether, in the home.
Doc doesn't have much time him
self. After a hard day, hell relax
before the Are with a glass of beer
and wait for the phone to ring
again. And from where I sit, Doe
deserves each well-earned minute
of that relaxation.
Copyright, 1947, Umited Slates Brewers Foundation
Here's lo a Beller
1 ry
Venetian Blinds
O Window Treatments are Important
to room beauty ...
O An Attractive window, frames the
cutlock with Cheertncsa .. . . v .
O And lends joy to the interior. -
"We KNOW Venetian Bliiwii.
because we build them."
560 South 21st Street ' Phone 3 US dirt... no odor., .no
ash, long burning . . . no
storage problem . . . uso
N. Cherry Art. Ph. SKt2
Ph. 21322
For a Few Days Only
Good heavy loam priced reasonably.
F. IL Doerfler CiSots
; Landscape Nurnery -
150 N. Lancaster Drive
Bed Ilacldnaws
Bed Wool Shirts
Wine Wool Shirts .
Used Amy- Blankets
New Amy Blankets
Hew Grey Blankets .
All Types of Jackets,
Ilackinaws and Cruisers
. S10.50
Thos. Kay Woolen Ilill Co.
260 South 12th Street .
I I .tit
Improve Your
Dr. E. E. Boring Dr. Sasa Baghea
Our registered optometrists will examine your eyes, pre
scribe the finest lenses for yea help, choose the frame
that does the most for your appearance.
S83 Ceert - lbeee M