Aumsvillo-Firc Truck, Creiv Union Hill Booster Night Is Scheduled UNION HILL Forestry and taxation were discussed by Henry Hansen of the legislative commit tee at the Union Hill grange meet ing Saturday night. Members were reminded of the special election October 7 by Orlo Humphreys of the legislative committee. Grange booster night will be Saturday, Home Economics club will mee t October 22 at the grange hall when hostesses will be Mrs. Paul Jac quet and Mrs. C. C. Jones, it was announced by Alice Jacquet, chairman, who later had charge of Rriish College Club Plans Fall Meeting Brush College Community club will have a no-host 6:30 supper Friday night, September 26, as the Tho Statesman, Safam. Oregon. Thursday. Sept 25. 1947 first fall meeting. Mrs. Fred Mey er and Mrs. Ted Wacken com pose the supper committee. New comers are being invited to come and become acauainted. Hnt lunches will be discussed and of ficers elected for coming -year. -. DeLuxe -Serve Self laundry,, 349 sepiemDer Z7, at tne, hall me lecturer s program. jenerson. ZB317. - , , .Zjf j ' 1 i t;jvv ? AUMSVIIXE Pfetared here Is the new $9000 hish-pressure fire- fighting tmck of the Aamsvillc Rural fire Protection district. boBtht by this dltrkt and housed In this city, with the Atrmsvllle fire departoient manning H. Left to i:nt are members ef the rural , fire protection dhttrlet Galas Fasoa, chairman, Eobert Sphoon, William Gray, John Master and 8. K. Barry, secretary-treasurer. Bowan Sells to Freer of Pedee ! rAUJ? CITY Mr Rav TVn nis and children were shopping in Mr,, and Mrs. Leon Murphy and son, Te,aay, oi Columbia city vis ited friends and relatives over the week end.: Mr. aridMrs. B. E. Freer of . rede purchased the Floyd Bowan rrooertr and moved Saturday. t; Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Taylor and -cniiaren ox Moiaua are visiting . relatives here this week. I Mildred j Wray was given a birthday party Wednesday. Lunch .Was served, to Mrs. James Dicken sen, Mrs. William Mack, Mrs. Freer, Mrs. Eldon Shepard, Mrs. warvey jwarr, Mrs. raye Frinic, Mrs. Mae Smith, Mrs. George Kitchen nd Mrs. Jessie '- Moyer. Mrs. Clarence Lenhart enter tained the Poinsetta cluB Thurs day when lunch was served to Mrs. H. W. WaddelL Mrs. James Dickenson, Mrs. George Kitchen and Mildred Wray. Past Noble Grand club of the Rebekah lodge met with Mrs. Clarence Lenhart Tuesday. Amity Grade Schools Enroll 251 First Week j . AJMITY-r-TWo hundred and fifty-one pupils were enrolled at the end of the first week in the Amity grade school. Albert Yo der is principal. First grade, Effie Ellis. 34 pupils; 2nd grade. Verda Crook. 42: 3rd. Mm. Mari Ma. jors, 32; 4th, Eleanor Veach, 34; am, iorma Aiuier, 36; 6th, Mrs. Svea Minegat, ,22; 7th, Mrs. Miona Grajr. 25, ,and assists with 5th gxaae; ein, vioen yoaer and James McCoy, 26. Miss Miller is also music teacher besides 5th grade teacher; James McCoy .is coacn. - ; iYoder, Ellis and Menigat at tended a six-weeks course at Monmouth QCE summer school and Miss Veach attended summer school at the University ol Ore gon. -f Brush College Plans For Its HooMer Night BRUSH COLLEGE Brush College Home economic club spon sored a picnic at the community grove last week for members and their famDie. featuring ai auc tion conducteepby Ralph C. Shep ard, which netted them $11 to ward the grange building fund. ! Plans for Brush College grange Booster night to be held October I at the school house were made. A program will be given and re freshments served: Mrs. Wayne D. Henry is grange master, and Mrt. Ralph C. Shepard, lecturer. Silyerton Adopts Dance Regulations SILVERTON At a special meeting of the city council, called Tuesday night by Major George Christenson, Ordinance 364, regu- laung puouc dances in Silver ton, was passed on its first and recond readings. This ordinance included the oro. vision that dancers not be per mitted to leave the hall and return without buvinff an Additional ad mission, provided Tor two flood lights for the parking lot across the street from the Armory where dances are held, and set the mini. mum dance license fee at $10 plus cosi or necessary extra policing. Members of the council said it would be necesaarr to maintain two extra police outside of the nan during dance hours, one on the street and one in the narkincr lot. The license fee has been $5 as sei oy tne present ordinance. An ordinance providing for adequate fire Protection in the cuy passed tne first two readings. Silverton Pythians Resume Meetings ... - - - V-" MlLVtKTUN Home TomnU No. 21, Pythian Sisters, held its ursi meeung Tuesday night, fol lowing a two months' summr va cation. Presiding was Mrs. Casper j vveross. a membership attend ance Contest Was fimuvi on A plans will be made at the October tna meeting, when a no-host din ner will be held at 8:3ft Tn K in char fie of refreshment .t mgni are Aima McDonald, Mrs. uveross ana Lillian Nelson. Grand lodee session will K in Portland October 12 to 15. Marion mcoi earner will represent Home .Temple, with Nad a Grinde as the alternate. Helen M. Wrightman, past supreme representative, will also attend. A memorial service and draping' oi me cnarter for Mrs. Nettie Cusiter, charter member, who 4ied recently, was held. Taking pan, were jwrs. uveross, Mrs.! Zahler, Henrietta Loe, Irene Rou- Dai, Irene Moseng, Francis Ander son, j. ana wiiuii vinniv ana irs. wngntman as musician. C&neres Photographic Supplies COURT STREET RADIO AND APPLIANCE CO. 157 Court Street mm nUIITIIIG SEASQII OPEIIS OCT. 1 'Give Your Buck the. Best" Use a Store that buck in a Coltkpot freezer. g g r gV Holda approx. 240 Iba. 16 II. P. unit i lj liii means quick, economical freezing, lllllfJll 6 cubic feet. ' : n (.-.-. Immediate Delivery i l I f ;N Uao 8oars Eewy Pcrrmont Plcm -"' Pli 484 State Si BROWN'S ) . n i - If 'fi1 -""W '' yk a Av wkV (f a n ' ' Lady's lovely diamond - set onyx' ring In IQ 7C gold. Charming style 13J Many others $5.00 op Magnificently modern gold ring with diamonds and EST 85.00 Man's gold ring with his in itial handsomely ia rs set in onyx. In silver 0.05 Bow-knot ring for ladies In natural gold with 14 jr sparkling zircon. 14i9 Man's genuine diamond ring and sparkling stone FA yr et in MK gold. 01. 0 Bride and groom ring set Both 14K gold. Ff Matching floral motifs. Talr Nationally advertised genu ine Evans lighters. ; 4 fP Many others. Combination $3.00 Floral costume accessory spray with sparkling stones. Gold o tr color. a3 Silverplated on copper. Well and tree platter. a p Other fine pieces. wD "Remembrance" pattern 82 pc. service for 8. a if Chest included. D.3 1847 Rogers Bros. Lovely S-piece dresser set in matching designs, if ftp Gift boxed. 33 s Others up to JS.ftt. Famous Elgin J tc American compact v3 Others to 25.00 J0 Famous Gruens In a wider assortment This Q 7P man's model Just 0J.3 Our array of fine ladies wafthes is growing greater. This aa ijc model. mMttIO Man's Bulova wrist watch. Many other styles for men nd 24 75 women. "! J USE OUR 'SPafeGbeiolit9 PLAN FOR WitumaS GIFTS It is a plan whereby you may select gifts now, pay a littl each week, while we keep it sofa for you till -gift tim. Today's lower prices will prevafl. And you avoir yourself of todas better selections. No added charge for the convenience. JtWILERS OPTOMETRISTS mm or mm w We are factory distributors for Longines, the world's most honored watches. WHERE GEMS AND GOLD ARE FAIRLY SOLD 49.75 !o 350.00 Liberal Allowance for Your Old Watch A ;.ways ; Utaway wtzm 'Chagj, osrjy i TO PAY j PIAN PAYMENTS . TXMf FC3 CAt.'l "" " ' 1 J "" 1 1 - - 1 ' 1 "