11 The Slaiunan. ScUrn, Or agon. Thursday. Sopi 25. 1917 Now York Stock Quotations NEW YORK, Sept. 24-(yT)-Today'i closing quotation: Al Chem it Dye 18 Gen Food Amrwin Can J. 83 Am Power & Lt 10 Gen iotor Goodyear Am Tel & Tel.. 159 Gt North pfd.. 40 Int Harvest . 85 Anaconda ... 34 H Atchison 81 Int Paper nnrii Avia 30 IJ Manville Beth Steel ST'.i'Kennecott Boeing Air Wk'Long Bell A Calif Pack .. 31 IMont Ward Canadian Pac - 11 Nash Kelvin Case J I - 37i!Nat Dairy Chrytler ,. 59' N Y Central Comwlth Sou 3 INorth Am Co Cons Edison AS ! Northern ZZ li'ilPac-Am Cons Vultee Crown Zel . Curtis Wr 31 !Pac Gas 54 P T & T I Pan American Douglas Air Dupont de Jffe.. 1 88 i Penney J C Gen Electric ... 35S;Radio Corp Portland Produce PORTLAND Ore, Sept. TTl Rutterlat tentative Uubjeet Jo Slivered in Portlsnd -'c duality -S9c: nd " 11 ,3L:. i ?a?ley route. ,r,d countrr po.nt. 2 "SSteT- M FOB., cube. of-deA. 93 score H' wnoSEters: Oregc ing'es. 41'.-S0c. Oregon lb. leaf 43,-31 V- . r,M to wholesalers: A r. ifr. 'i-70'ic: medium. 4',ac; A pade. email" B grade. rit rV - purchased from farmers: rw4,Di. 81-6-c; buyers pay UtoT quotation, on aded basts for best hennery ' ?W "keri Pyin price to 7JeerV NoTl broilers under 2' JSoredfowl. .11 .-hU 2S-28c; stag. J?r eard toll Fo.B Portl.nd, K- ton? U No 1 timothy (east s' Oregon or Washington I. carloU B Portland. 834-37 ?"LS"ol ru-h mixed h.y. uncertified clover Z m i baled .t WllUmette v.l ieV f.rrns, depending upon quality and - Average to fetal Jc tb orr-ed Price to produceiSc. fryers irve. wntte, 20-23e lb.: colored. "cmorlt-Creen. local mid -Columbia. VS-SOc doc bunches. . OnSmV - Ore. Brooks yellow. jned. M Iblk. J 00-2 25; licklln W b. 1 70-1 75. Wh. yellows , JJ8-BO. i ioo lbs. 3 40-5: bs.. $lo-li. LieVN.. 3 SO-SO: No S medium. 50 lbs.. I.11-3-DriSlid rnts: Ve.l - ht top uty-36e lb: he.vy top ou.Hty SSoc B. J0-Mc. C a-2c: cull U-Mjc. Roi. block butcher, pscker sty 1- 1M ib 40-42e lb; over 115 lb 30-Hc lb. .11 m.fhtt 30-40C lb. Smbs - Bert sr.d. -40c lb: others crordwf to qusUty. Cri bsrk - Green 10c lb.; dry "viohBlr-a lb on H-month growth Pfsrllanil Livestock ealV T: market fairly active, full, rteady: fw medium-steer. HOC 220. lood 700 lb feeders 10 00; comn-med-fuThe.frrs 19 00-20 00: odd .d 2LO0. canner-cutter eows 11 00-13.00. sheus wn to S AO: fat da.ry type cows J4 00. JSod WM. bull. 0O-S00. ood choice ve.lers sUtmg .t 00-24.00. ex treme top 24 JO; he.vy ves mosUy Ub1Tnhog. SO. total .00: holdover sac- market steady at Tuesday a oe-clmeood-choice 190-240 lb truck n. rtiv 29 00 1 lead 29 25; 290-350 lbs VwwJ 24 75-25 50: holc. feeder p m demand. ru" a SO. faulr close clearance In Prospect. Salable and toUl sheep ; market active. ste.dy: ; sod-rholce spring lambs 21 75-22 25: include. No J pelt lambs to 22 00: few medium-good erade IS -! ; medium 'drr ft 00; tew good heavy ewe. roo; only 4,ht ewe. with good pelt credit quot able to 1 SO. Psirtlaiul Grain PORTLAND, Ore . Sept. '24 (API Wheat: No futures quoted Cash wheat btd): soft hlte 2 45 eort white (excluding Rex I 2 45. white club i45; western red 2 45. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2 4; 10 per cent 2 47. lL,per cent 1M; 12 per H.rdt h.ti Brt: Ordinary 2 90; 10 per cent 2 SO; It per cent 2 98; 12 per Today s car receipts: Wheat 96; bar ley 12. flour 2. .corn 1; oats 4; mill Seed 9. Salem Market Quotations CtTEEFAT Premium Ko. 1 Ko. 2 - PRINTS Wholesaie Retail . rt.os BCTINO Extra Urge . Medium and standard Pullet. , .89 .97 .77 .94 M M .94 M J .73 .88 .79 .14 . tf 12 J9 Cracks ti.ci SellU Price V hfiiule. large Medium. Retail large Retail medium ,- , . ... POtLTRV Colored bens. N. 1 No. 1 ; iVriToCs is Vsltev Pack) Choice spring lambs , Yearling -,UP rWM 2 W to 19 00 13 00 900 1250 11 60 14 &0 17 00 17 50 2000 Fat dairy cows Cutter eosrs to 9 00 to 9 00 to Dairy heifers Calves O00 to 459 lbs.) uo to Bun. . 12 00 tp Veal tlSO to J00 lbs.! up to Stocks and Bonds I Compiled bv the Associated I Prewl ' Sept. 24 ' STOCK AVERAGES 30 19 15 SO Ind Rail. Utll. Stock. Wednesday 909 33 9 42 7 4 3 Previous day 90 3 33 2 42 9 94 0 Week ago . 919 343 42 9 85 1 Month ago 91 9 34 9 42 9 94 9 Tear ago 97 J 34 J -a 93 J BOKO AVERAGES 20 10 Rails Ind. Wednesday 92 7 102 3 19 Utll 103 3 103.9 104 3 103 2 1059 108? 1039 10- for. 99.1 89 7.7 705 75.1 78 97.7 Previous day .. wii lez s Week ago S3 I 1029 ' Month ago 94 9 103 4 92 7 102 9 Year ago 1S47 tih 97.1 104 2 1S47 tow .. S. S 102.2 New IS47 lows. , A. T. SAVAGE ESTATE Nntire hereby is given to all persona having claim, against the estate of A. T. Ravage, deceased, to present such claims, with proper vouchers, to the undersigned at the law office of Chris. J Kewiu. SO Guardian building. Sa lem, Oregon, within six months from tne date of this notice. Dated September II, 1947. VERA E. SAVAGE Esseutxta of Estate of A. T. Savage. S 11-19-2S-0 2-9 . 27 . '. 214 . 15 . 22 4 . 36 4 . 15 . 43 4 . 29 V. . 584 - 20 . 114 22 .136 . 20 . 22 . 69 . 13 . 27 . 45 itayonier pia... Tire 45 i Reynolds Met Richfield Safeway Sears Roeb .. Sinclair Oil pfd- 51a 42 44 23. So Pacific Start Brands . Stan Oil Cal .. 55, ISV-IStudebaker 30i ;Sun Mining MTilUnion Oil I 23',4lUn Pacific Pac 20fc Un Airlines Fish .. 15a4Un Aircraft .. Elec . 39 iU S Steel .101 ,Warner Bros . . 9 West Elec . 43'iWoolworth ... . 8'A .. . .. "America's Seven Wonders, New York City's skyline, Wash ington's buildings, Boston's colon ial homes, Detroit's industrial plant. Chicago's business section, San Francisco's restaurants and bridges, Los Angeles' film studios. N THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION Probate Department In the Matter of the EiUtt ) of A J. CRirriTH, Deceased. ' No. 12718 NOTICE Or SALE OF REAL PROPER. TY AT PRIVATE SALE TO BE PUBLISHED Notice Is hereby given thst, pursuant to an order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, duly made, rendered, and en' tered of record In said Court on th 18th day of August, 1M7. in the matter of the estate of A. J. Griffith, deceased, the undersigned, as executor of said estate, will proceed to sell at private ale. wholly and in one piece and with out being divided, from and after the 30th day of Sept, JM7. to the highest and moot renponilble bidder, on the terms-and conditions hereinafter men Uoned and subject to confirmation by said Court, all said decedent's right, title and interest in and to the follow in described real property, to-wit: The South One-half (St,) of Lot No. Six () In Block No. Eighteen (111 In the Town of North Salem, In Marlon County. State of Oregon, as designated on the recorded plat of aald town on record In Marlon County. Oregon. Terms and conditions of sale of last described property: Cash or credit terms. Dated August II. 1S47. " O. C. PATTERSON Executor of the Estate of A. J. Griffith, Deceased TYRONE GILLESPIE Attorney for Executor 412 Maeonic Building Salem. Oregon Date of first publication : August 21. 1947 Date of last publication: Sept. 25. 1947 AJ1-28-S.4-11-18-2S - NOTICE OF SUStJC Hrisivn NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held on October . 1S47. at fka kuie in-dA A. M. In the Neighbors of Woodcraft nau. s. w. Fourteenth and Morruon Streets. Portland. Orunn to Miiu. sworn testimony and documentary ev- uence in maiiera pertaining to revi sion of Official Orders issued by the Department of Agriculture. State Of Oregon. relaUng to minimum whole sale and retail prices for milk and cream, fntnlmum prices distributors shall Davt producers, nooline il. tlons and such other matters as are pertinent to the production, distribu tion, handling and transportation of nuld milk in the Portland Production and Sales Area. Dated at Portland. Oreeon. this IMh day of September, 1947 E. L. PETERSON Director of Agriculture State of Oregon 8 25 Livestock and Ponltrv ONE Grade Guernsey bull 15 dim. old. gentle. Rt. J. iBox 791. 2 mi. 8. Liberty on highway. DAY OLD Calves and horses wanted. Phone 2-3081 . ' Y"OUNGwHlte face beef. Ph. 22639 FOR "SALE: A " gentle "pony' has been raised a pet. Wm. Murray, Rte. 4 Bex 220. Salem. rOHSAEE": Christie li H bibv chicks every Wed Boylngtona. 3718 te St Phcirte 490S WAnTeU. AU ktnos ot cattle, fat nogs, sows boars Al your farm or delivered Market price E C McCand lth Rt S. Box 233. across from Waters Ball Park on 8 25 St Ph 8147 "XDSTONraressTnr ot chickens, any number Prompt service Dressed noul V wholesale our specialty. Phone 2-281 lt'i Hatchery WANTED: Ail kinds of cattle and nogs Will call at farm. Write E. L hnethen. 1550 Lancaster Drive Pn. 31345 mom or eve HBICTEST$PaT3'Ty' em3kSNew Hampthires and White Rocks. 100 free of pullorum Hatches every Tues day Send for free caUlog. Wilson's Hateherv Pnultrv Farm Lvnns Ore HOR51 F0RS AO:, "dappled gray. Have to sell cheap. Call 2-4290 after B 30 p. m "inus KaDDitrr pays top prices ftfryer rabbiU. 3085 State St. Ph. ' i. . . . . J. " K. II,.1 ' ' l BULL Service by artificial insem- nation Sim from the best of blood lutes. Reasonable fees All work per sonally supervised by licensed vet erinarians Salem Artlflcai Insemina tion "Station Ph 0585 NTWHampsnire baby chicks, start ed chicks older pullets always avail able. Ph 22881. Lee s Hatchery. T Help Wauled Male Wool presser, steady work. Inq. Foreman's Cleaners, 1070 S. Com'l. MAN. between 23 & 35 yrs. of age and with car. Sales experience necessary. Apply In person. Singer Sewing Ma ch ine Co.. 130N. Commercial St. tXPEftlENCED lathe and piston grinder man. Ph. 5919, 9 to 5. . BEAUTY operator in Salem Shop. Write Statesman Box 564. EX7erTNCeD waitress. Over 25. Nlcht shlt. Call after 9 p.m. Eola Inn. Phone 9003. Help Wanted Female EXPERIENCED Waitress, day shift. won I grens, 440 State. "EX P. WaitressTDay shift. Permanent. No Sundays. Bright Spot Cafe. 375 N. High OOD position open for clerk stenog- rapher. 9 day week, steady employ ment, first class working cond. Phone 9281 or call at State Forester's Office for interview appointment. Ask for Mr. Rainwater. T0firV"E te nographer. See Mrs. Orr between 11-12 a.m. James H. Maden Co 2055 Stlverton Rd.. Salem, Ore. E&N ELY-widow. 40-56. with or with out child, or .pinster to meet lonely widower jtith nice home salaried posi tion, with view to taking charge. Ad dress 829 co Statesman. "STENOTShorthand, typing and filing required. : Phone 3443 for appointment. AlJTlXlielfabirTsefelSSTn modem borne. Liberal time off. Board, some assistance with two children. Good salary. References. Phone Stayton 14-R collect. . 'ROTJSEKEEPERlor a S room gentle man's home In the country. Private room, board St wages. Can be per manent. E. J. Evans. Fall Creek, Ore. EFFlCTENTglrl for steady position. Stenographic and bookkeeping ex perl em e necessary. Good pay.' Apply MM titssrdian Bldg .. 3ftfRayonier Help Wanted HELP WANTED ! Women to work on pears 11 to 7 night shift. Also men for warehouse work on 3-11 and 11 to 7 night hift. Apply at once. Paulus Bros. Packing Co., 14th & Ox ford St. Help Wanted Female I CLERK-TYPIST for permanent posi tion. Salary 3130. Opportunity for ad-, vancement. Must be good typist. See Mr. PhUlippe, 122 Capitol fctldg. Situations Wanted rni.ITr.r Cirl wants part time work. Experienced waitress, salesgirl, or telephone operator. Ph. 2-5692. j "TnfiNINGTPh. 24949. HCEMNfCONTRACTiNCT Phone 2-3045. Stanley Fage;. ""WILL Care for aged people In my hesoe. Pleasant environment, good food. 1400 Birch St.. Dalla. Ore. WANTED: Contract cutting timber. Have power saw tt equipment. Write or Call 310 Taylor. A. Sluder. npOSlfTOlTw.nted: Account.nt. 5 yr. experience, well qualified, good refer ences. Would like to make permanent connection. W. J. Bishop, Rt. 4. Box 295. TTbESSMATcTNG. Phone 2-8153. PAlNf iNCTrtH decorating. Reason- ableprtces. Work gu.r.nteed. Ph. 3193. Va1baBLENOW. Neat appearing young lady, 2 yrs. college, general of fice exp., and f yrs. selling exp. on 1 job. Ph. 2-4094 moms, or after 9 p.m. WIIX CARE for children (2 to 9 years) in my home days. WiU pick up mornings and return evenings. Phone 2-1314 urrt.r. vnerienced vounf lady wishes care of child or children for working parents. Apply In person. 481 Ferry. BOY, IS, work after school and on Saturdays. Ph. 21578. lTnllvwnnfl Transfer . AAVS. T ww . For local and Ions; distance hauling Pickup and moving. Trailer for rent Ph. 9764. Burton's Mobile Station. TS6NlNG5cnr. My home 1928 McCoy, Hollywood Dtet Just bring It out "RADIO Louie Twenty years' ex perience. Low prices. Easy parking. Guaranteed work. 1470 N. Capitol St.. Salem. Look for our atyn. nWlLTTCare for children in my home, day, week or month. None too small. Ph. 3347. . " CHILD Hkkt, infanU special. Norway. ""DRESSMAKING, alUraUon. deslgn- l2f Ejttlngs msoe in your nome. qjqi - ..... -r- .. --- - - rTin fDCT 1 . r.rn.nt.r work. new or remodeled. Ph. 8281 after 8 p. m. CARt 6F child. Will tutor compan lon. Write Statesman Box 924. SHIM50NG and lathuig. Staples Bros.. Ph. 6102 or 2-6763. TBRAlTiarDslgning House and store plans. Ph. 9621. nCATSBSCATin New lawns. f yard woik, wood and sawdust, mainten- anre Ph. 25514. " unAft Am Sawdust put in. Call 2-5493 after 9 P.M. ALTERATIONS-done. Call 2S574 or 1444 S. 12thJt - ; ""PRUNING Lawn, park or cemetery 55rj!- Pjl-'558-1150 r. t-nurcn. Qm. I . . 'm I TiTttiT nu u.ahMl Mm stretched. 395 wnftr.... " CftAtO" refrigeration service. Fh. 244 II Painting - Paperhanging f..AllMar mmI Rnrsvfftsf. rM 4Mtl mates. RiiwhniiTibbettg. ROTOTILTJNG. Ph. 2-21ZZ. TiW 1 W 1 Al.. . . V m i. Tl6usEW6RK or washing and Iron. mg uii prices. Free estimate. C. Horn. Ph. 2-5518. Paintim? & Decorating n. CD.rT AT T7 rM IHTCltlOltS --.AAA DICK OREY 6ZM GENERAL cement conUactine:27M im Ui...b ni.r.nlMil W IndO WS IIU. www m ' - J ed Insured workmen i Professional wans woow wwi ; . . . Clesnlne Service rnone w "Tt5U"OirDke to bid on your spray painting. Your paint or ours. Phone 7... .. . 11U M 101h Kt tn. pn. M-t. tvjii. iiu. "a, . . - - , WANTED: rumuure 10 iuw repair. Lee Bros r-n Jitu XD P-rufffifirirs rurnace Chimney Oil Stove cleaning, uiai mo Mike's Sentic Service 1079 Elm. West Salem , PW 9489 or 8327 Painting Contract or by the hour. Spray or brush. aim BittrTT SJt Box 363 Phone 2-230S Paintiniand paperhanglng 4325 aTNTER and Psperhanger Reason able prices Free estimates H. J woodworm rn juu D..k,lr.i wihioiii 1381 State . i D.-t ap all da Ph 8430 nECTnERTHRepairs. New roll. Olson . m. i asA V iWaalu Dal Dn wanner ' itepau-. ow uwi j 25100. ; " Spray Painting ' Ralph - Alsman 1720 Lancaster Dr Phone 9-4248 , PlAN6" Tuning. Edwin Hamilton, Will.. Music store. Sentic Tanks Cleaned K. r. Hamel. 1143 8th. West Salem Phone 7404 "PAiNtlNG A P.pernanging W Crowlv. 957 Shipping Phone 9SI3 CHIMNEY sweep Northness. bh. 4450 For Sale Miscellaneous VACUUM Cleaners and floor pol- i Y EATER APPUANCI COMPANY 255 N. Uberty Street Salem. Oreeon D.A 1111 ' IIORX Dollars earned with Dicston chain saws. See or cau inousiruti Supply Co. for saws, parts k repairs. 11KB S. torn i. i-n. otu-j. . FnXriTiieMQTORS IN STOCK 10 h.p. 900 RP.M. 7", h.p. 1200 R.PM. 9 h.p. 1800 RP.M. ; 2 h.p. 1800 R P.M. 1W h:p. 1200 R.P.M. 3 n p. gearheads 54 R P.M. tluntlSTBIAl. KITPPLY CO. 1059 S Com 'I. Ph. 9023 "BALED Grass strsw In field. 8 a ton. Call 1X4. Stayton. Oregon. NEARLY New 20-caL Gas , Watei Heater. Boy's Bike in good cond Cheap. Phone 9858 "DIAMONDS watches, silverware. hardware and radios, use weisiteias easy credit terms as little at 25c a week. No interest or extra charge for credit. Open your easy Welsfield ac count nowl WEISFIELD & GOLDBERG JEWELERS Phone 2-5359 Agency 1316 State St LADY'S White shoe skates, size 9. Practically new. plus nice carrying ease. 320. Ph. 2-1914. 1165 Cross. "iTuBE Motorola car radio, model 302.1 j years old. Ph. 2-4962. "aHd Srilne sUnd. Good Location. Phone 9859 TlivTflNGTfcR R6LLS AND SERVICE All makes-washers. Van's Corner. 801 Edgewater. E. H. Ellis. Formerly with Nelson Bros. Phone e3i. CONNTromboneri35 Piedmont, W Salem. "DAVID Bradley farm trailer, flood condition. 8125. or will trade for elec. trie stove in good cond. 3 blks South Keizer, then East on Prince Rd. 3'i blks. Charles W. Ronk, Jr. WOOD range and circulator. Good cond. Reasonable. Call eves. 1030 WU bur Ft "APT. size elec. rangs. $70. Cabinet radio. 929. Pn. 2-4235. Help Wanted Fop Sale Miscellaneous! BUNK BEDS, aluminum, wood, or steel with mattrexses. Hoyt St. Sales Whse. 1351 Hoyt. Tel 7918. 9 MM RIFLE, 303 Enfield. 9 MM semi auto AMO. AVA. Phone 2-5879. Halls Garage. 3375 Portland Road. TOMATOES. 81-00 bu. You pick. 4 ml. N. Brunk's Corper. Allen Stevens. Ph. 18F24. RESTAURANT Type electric rsnges 4 burner and 2 burner with -grill. also 24 inch square electric frill. IUII.H ArrLlANtG UUMfAMY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem. Oregon Thone 4311 DOCS boarded (day or month I. trained, bathed mi trimmed. Free pickup and delivery. LeCray Ken nels tit. 3. rn. 2-3168. SELECT Vour Xmas gifts now. YEATEK APPLIANCE CO. HOBART M. CABLE player piano and rolls for sale. 2650 Hulsey Ave; Phone 26185. ; fiSS'WH EEL trailer. 19 in.' wheels, steLframe. 2308 N Liberty Eyes. UK luxe model spark oil beater. Used 4 mos. Ph. 24342. , BHANI5"Kt WT "D 9 with Trackson swing crane, telescopic boom, 12-18 rt. cap. s.ouo lbs. Crane removable. Eldon Turnldce. Ph. SSO. Jefferaon. jre. LARGE sweet Tomatoes. 75c Rn U pick; 81.50 picked. Keep left of Roberts School, 3rd house. L. H. Zlelke. Ph. 223V8. KING and Delicious iddIm HI ml Wert of Keizer Sch.. Rt. 2. Box 156. REACHES Late eannlne oeachea now r.,Hv Imlah Fruit Farm, mi. on Wallace Rd. Ph 22326. , " kalamazoo ranged Oil burner attached. Pre-war large wood circulator. Very good condition. L. Sherwood. Route 6, Box 300, 2 miles east of Krueger's Grocery on Fruit land Road. NO. 1 Deer rifle. Ph. 8336. GOOD 1939 Dodee car motor. See wm. aumner, auro fortiand Rd, GARAG equipment and tools, eood location in Salem city limits. I have all. tools needed to work with. This Is priced to sell. 3 rm. apt. on prem ises. Good lease on buildlne. See Wm. Sumner. 3095 Portland Rd. ALFALFA Hay: 150 ton wire tied. dairy quality. In stack on paved road is miles east of Bend. S30 ton you load and hauL Alfalfa Store Farms, Box 248, Bend. Oregon. Phone nT3. BLUE velour daveno At chair. Like new. 651 Piedmont Ave., W. Salem. FREE. 7 months old female Cocker Spaniel. 1245 Mill St. SEE the Gibson tractor. You ride. plow, disc, spring tooth harrow, cul tivators, dozer blade. Available now. L C. Miller, Rlckreall, Ore. Ph. Dallas 12F8. John Hancock, 3893 Rivercrest, Ph. Salem 2-4280. 20 FT. Cork lined Birkenwald meat case, 9x9x6 walk In cooler, complete witn ammonia Ice machine. Elec. meat grinder. Elec. meat slicer. American elec. meat saw. 10 sections of grocery shelves. Island display taoies. is cu. rt. (joiorpot frozen food case. Write Statesman Box 528. All equipment is in operation at the present time. ELECTRIC Irons steam, travel and domestic. Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem. Oregon . Phone 4.' 11 CINDERELLA Electric table wash- crs ideal for apartments or trailer houses. Y EATER APPUANCI COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem. Oregon Phone 4311 APPLES: You pick. Mrs. Cernik. Rt, S. .Box 293. Take Center St. out to Fruitland. 18 FT. sq. tent, complete witht poles and stakes. 3 registered female Cocker Spaniels ftt. 7, Box 233E. LARGE size Frogll oil circulator. used 4 mos. Paid f 120 and will sell for 885. Apt. 4. 2160 N. 9th after 5 p. m. 3-BURNJCR gaa range with oven. Congoleum rug. wine ahade: wood clr culator. 943 Center after 9 p. m. SALEMa SCREEN SHOP Windows and sash. ' 1 Frames, storm sash, screens made to order. i Glaus replacement and general cab inet work. 1444 So 12th Ph. 2-5574 WATER Heaters 20. 30. 42, 52 and 86 gal. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street 'Salem. Oregon Phone 4311 NO Wax ine reaulred when vou use transparent Plasti-Kote on your floors or imoieum. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N Liberty Street Salem. Oregon ' Phone 4311 BUY oil circulators, wood ranges, elec. and gas stoves, sewing machines, elec. motors, washing ma chines and used fruniture. 12 St, Fur niture. Ph. 7141. L COFFEE Makers and replacement DOW IK. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem Oregon i Phone 31 1 J R. Watkins Co products 1717 Cen ter St. Salem Pn 9395 Free del "TIQSPlf AX beds, wheel chrsT Rent MaxBujen.h.7775. 745ourtSr ELECTRIC Blankets.' comforters and beating pads. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem. Oregon Phone 4311 FANS, Exhaust, pedestal , and stand models. , YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem, Oregon Pno.ie 4311 PUMICE BUILDING BLOCK AND BRICK 12th ST. BLOCK CO.. S 12lh St at Virta Ave. Ph. 25363. Eve. 6904. ELECTRIC Loom wire conven ience outlets. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem. Oregon Phone 4311 TDSCfRQUnC CLEANERS Sales. Service. Supplies. 191 So. High. Ph. 7719 ZS407. yjQTlCE: Poultry and stock feed- ers. MiU feed is available In any quantity at Northwest Poultry, 1505 N. FYont. Ph. 7007. A!fi Com pressor, motor ) hose and gun $50. Band saw, latne. sender, all with motors. Royal Holford. P. O. Box 325. Aumsville. 110 FEET i mahogany plywood. Royal Holford. P. O. Box 325. Aums ville. . FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Electric Refrigerators Ranges " Apt. Rangea Gas apt. ranges. Oil -circulators Electric water heaters Washing machine. BROADWAY APPLIANCE CO. 419 Ferry Salem,pre. BUILDING BLOCKS BRICKS PUMICE CONCRETE CEMENT. SEPTIC TANKS. CONCRETE WATERPROOFING 1 mile south on River Rd. Phone 9969 USED Doors. 3-glass. Used windows and frames. 6000 ft. used shiplap. 2 x 4's 2 x 6 s. 2 X S's. 2 x 10 s. 3 good used oil heaters. 1260 Howard St, Mad aon Wrecking Co. LAFF-A-DAY "I can't even hiccup In here with out it affecting; production!" For Sale Miscellaneous ENAMELED Wood ranee. First class cond. Rt. 3, Box 752 B O. F. Plenge. TOMATOES You pick. 75c bu. 3'a mi. S.W. on S River Rd.. Int house on Brown Inland Road. Ph. 2-3104. E. N. Graves. COCKER Puppies Mrs. Gerald Knepjjer. Rt .0. Box 530, Liberty Dist. ELECTRIC Car for crippled person. 1144 Center St or Ph. 8630. WESTERN Electric ranee, leg type. eood hapeL 975 OtK 264 N Cottage 8 FT, serval gas remgtrator. almost new, beds, dressers, low NeDrasKa Ave. Ph. 8713. 30-40 MODEL 95 Winchester with 3 boxes of shells 870. Ph. 8136. . NEW 4". ft. bath tub with fixtures: Ph. 2-4478. 2555 S. Summer. ""fflNbOW and door frames made to order. Priced to interest home build ers. Kitchen cabinets. Free estimates. Royal Holford. Ph. 1784 Aumsville. LITTLE Giant washers." full size, to fit on your laundry treys. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem. Oregon Phone 4311 CAMP ADAIR: " Lumber, windows. doors. siding, glp lap. sheet rock it firtex. Ph. 22632. 6:30 to 8:00 a. m. Sa 9:30 to 10:30 p. m. ELEC. Hot water heater. 42 gal., unused. 979 50. Ph. 4284. "HOME Freezer, 14 cuft. Ph. 4284. MiLKIN6 Machines, milk coolers and home sire milk pasteurizers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMfAJNT 255 N. Liberty Street Salem, Oreeon Phone 4311 . " RADIOS and record players. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 M. Liberty Street Salem. Oregon P'ione 43)1 PRESSURE Cookers for canning. also 4 quart size for every dsy cooking. YEATER APPIJANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem. Oreeon Phone till ' LIGHTING fixtures for the home, office or shop YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Libet ty Street Salem, Oregon Fhone 4311 ' PAINT Sprayer rentals reduced with the purchase of Norris-Walker paints. Howser Bros. Ph. 3646. . ALWAYS a big stock. Woodry's Furniture Mkt Ph. 9110 River Silt MASON SAND. CONCRETE MIX. READY MIX ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Cement Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH. 2-1966 2-3100 BUTTER Chums (electric). YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 265 N Liberty Street Salem. Oregon Phone 4311 TOR SAXE: Almost new Servel gas refrigerator and gas range. 1005 Pine St. HSThTIATES. ingie and two burner. YEATER APPIJANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem. Oregon Phone 43 U RENT-your tools and you save your self time and money. Howser Bros. Phone 3646. CAMP ADAlR bid'g . 25 x 54' in sec tions. 8800. Contact 1232 N. Com'l. P. O. Box 688.Q,ulck. RlFLE ANBXaSST5006 Winchester model 54 with 330 Weaver scope and recoil pad. 3150. Also 8x24 Hensholdt Binoculars. 860. Both for $200. Ph. 5109. After B p. m. 8354. ; PHILCO 2-wav portable radio. Like new. 840. 6 boxes high power 12 gauge shotgun shells. 810. Ph. B12. SHETLAND Sheepdog ! puppies, reg istered. Salem Veterinary Hospital, Portland Road. GERMAN Roller Canary. Ph. 8756. Call eves or early morn. USED Oil Circulator! 1145 Norway. OVERSTUFFED rust "davenport and chair, very fine condition: 12x12 green wool rug. all over pattern; 9x12 maroon wool Wilton rug. 1556 Ferry. Ph. 8211 evenings. ""WAR SURPLUS STORE. 1351 HOYT ST. Typewriter tables, 2'x3'x30", 83.50. Electric water heaters, house wire, switches and outlets with boxes: steel fun cabinets, 17"x2T xSl . S40. Kitcnen sinks, bunk beds, steel, aluminum or wood. Electric heaters. Hunting tents. HOYT ST. AND S P. R R. TEL. 7916. MAitycie.i3jNii K1RESKY utility tvoe oil furnace, ex cellent condition. 8200. White enamel Occidental trash burner, good cond.. 830. .A. L. Ebert. Rt. 2. Box 338. Dallas. Ore.onJElleneale Road. FOR quick sale. Brand new 9x12 Har mony House heavy quality linoleum rug. 315. Donesley s Motor Clinic, 898 N. Liberty. " FULLER Brushes 1745. Grant P 8357 Time to Fertilize USE ORGANIC FERTILIZER PERFECT FOR LAAVNS St GARDENS. 6 SACKS 35 OR 810 PER TON Free delivery anywhere in Salem. West Mushroom Farm Ph. 8127 days:2-4397 eve. or 8127 " MOVING MUST SELL Jenny Lind twin spool beds. ' size, pre-war maple. 2 premier springs. Rome Beauty Rest matti esses, large vanity with morror. nipht stand, stool, chest of drawers to match and slipper chair spring construction, floral slip cover. Large rioipoini electric range, i burners, automatic oven control. Trash burner and pipe Hand forged andirons. Large davenport and club chair, slip covered. Can be seen at 2250 South 12th.. evenings. Sat. afternoon and Sunday afternoon. . BIRDS EYE maple desk, golden oak chiffonier, oak hall tree. 2 prs cretonne drapes with rods, silk floss mattress. Ph. 7151. APPLEST7ravenleins.?5c and 8L50 per box. Also several vane tics of win ter apples. 2476 Fairgrounds Rd. FOR Better reception at the coast the Tropic Ma'ter radio 359.50. YEATFR APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem. Oregon Phone 4311 . "TOFF EE table." small eTec. heater, man'a good wool overcoat. Size 40. Woman's black At white checked top coat, size 14. 2335 Center St NICHOLS riding" tractor a. cultivator with Wisconsin motor, 4'i h.p. Used 12 hrs. 3550. Ph. 2-4211. "TGmATOES, 81.00 bu. You pick. 1189 Jefferson. For Sale Miscellaneous l'EDLER Silver clarinet with pluah lined cate. Also child medium sized tricycle. Ph.25965. GIRL'S pre-war bicycle. Good con dilion S2S See at 30 IHinanA venue. T0Y Puppies. 2455 trade. PEARMlNfcS Tomatoes R'llhs Phone 2234.1 or 21103 Wet ot Junction of Cherry Ave. and N. River Road mile. Come to end of road BO YJT B icj -ele, cheapPh . C01 ft. ONE Montag circulator, wood cook Move, 4 windyws 28x34. rollaway bed. fireplace sciecns A andirons. JS5 N. 23rd 7'HA'RLES ot London Davenport and Chair, olive green freize. pre-war construction, excel, condition. Ph. 713 GOLDEN Ctoss corn "25c dor. W'encft. V 4 mi le on W a I lace Rd. Ph. 2-221 9 DlSSTON 3 ft. chainsawT used 60 hrs. $5S0. Rt. 4. Box 420 B On Or ihard Heights Rd. Elmer E. Over faard. USED Trior washer. Pn.j3448. " 9 MM Deer rifle w ith nhells. cheap. Want repeating shotgun. 7 ml. N. on 99 across from Lablsh school, before 2 PM. SLEEPING "BAGS. WOOL COM FORTERS. Hunting tents 9x9'; 14 x14' l'x32 Canvas water buckets. NAVY TF.l.ESCOPF.R $20 00. HITNKS AND MATTRESSES. SURPLUS iSTORE, 1351 HOYT ST. TcK 7316. 17 MM Mauser ft 1 Enfield 30-06 with shells 535 Waldo Ave. Ph.53!. ORDER NOW your gas and elec. water heater, Launrlerall. Bendix washers. Frecz-o-matic refrigerator ft Therm oil heaters. Stewards Dept. Store. 263 N. Com'l. St. "DUO-THERM Circulating heater. 2040 Laurel. Ph. . SALWAYannThg peaches are ready now. Patterson's Orchard. 12 mi. N. on Newberg highway. Turn 'j ml. on Wheatland Ferry Rd. Ph 2-2340. S DOORS, standard sire. 3 "window, water tank, alinort new, 4 burner wood stove. Phone 5016. C6MB.-Wond ft electric "Monarcfi runge Ph. 4279. ... " f o" GREEN Coat like new. Box. fur trim. 820 Medium size. Ph. 2-3156. Rt. 9. Box 020. If-20 EARMALlTractor on rubber ft new 2-bottom 16 In. I.H.C. plow. Rt. 8. Box M7. Ph. 21128 "CANNING "Tomatoes $FrTX bus. You pick. Leonard Kimkaid, Rt. 1. Box 184 Ph. 2-3062. ""WeSTINGHOUSE Elec. ranee. caT- rod units, deep well cooker, warming oven. therm, control. 9100. Rnse- brsugh. Rt. 9. Box 512F. mile South Liberty school on Liberty Rd. tTv2-87I. : GOOD Used Atlas baby c&rriage $30. Ph. 7924 L " HOTP6INT 90 gal. water "healer, re conditioned, new tank, 1 yr. guaran tee. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. STUDENTS fluorescent desk lamps. Y'-ATER APPLIANCE CO. Wanted Furniture FURNITURE and what have you bought for cash. Call any time. Sun dale Exchange. Ph. 2-5511. S4 N. Lib erty. GOOD Used wash mashine tt sewing machine. Ph.2rSSIL 594N. Liberty. TOP Prices paid for used " furniture, tools and hardware. Call Mr. Reiser. 9885 285N.; Com'l. ' USED FtjRN 1TURE Phone 5110 WANT TO Buy Used Cameras ft tenses McEwan Photo Shop 435 State CASH foi used piano ft other mu ical Instruments. Call 4641 days or 9537 evenings or send description to Jaouith Music Co.. 191 S Higl - osrA)rumrafrph9i8s: Wantetl -Miscellaneous OIL CIRCULATORS Bought. Sold. Exchanged and repair ed. Phone 6072 WANT 300 Savage rtfleTph. 2-1535 or 9339. WANTED: Small (as range. Ph. 35430. PIANO "TUNING WUU Music Store. Salem Miscellaneous We Move the Earth EXPERT BULLDOZER WORK Land clearing - grading - roadbuilding Basement - trench - sewer - excavating Power-hovels - Carryalls - Compressors Cranes - Bulldorers . EXCAVATING ENGINEERS Phone 8127 or 10SF11 DANIEL UHtf Instructor of sll brass instruments. 735 Piedmont, W. Salem. THE KIRBY CO. COMPLETE home-rcnov'ating system. Power polisher, complete portable at tachments. No mussv bag to empty, with FAMOUS SANI-EMPTOR Call for Free home demonstration. 721 S. 12th.Phone 2-5364. FILBERT At WALNUT drying. Have room for a few more lots. Ph. 3-2632. LEARN to sew! New classes In Dressmaking or home decorations now starting. Enroll now. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 130 N. Com'l. Ph. 3512. WE Repair all makes of sewing machines. Work guaranteed. Free estimates. Singer Sewing Machine Co . 130 N Com'l. Phone 3512. MM Robert ScrTroeder. state ac credited piano teacher. 1321 N. Capi tol. Ph. 6192. . Drv .9 For the answer to your water supply problem, call West Well Drilling at their new number. 26380. 24 years' continuous operation in this locality. - FOR garbage service, call Salem Heights and Pringle Garbage Co., Route 9 Box 364. Pbone 21419. Rawlin's Music Studio Violin and Piano. Ph. 26013. Mattresses Capital Bed Co. Pn 4069 Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads Clearing Ditching Sewer ft Basement Equipment Rental 13 B- yds $12.00 per nr. 10 B-s yds 980 per nr. D-7 Cat ft Dozer 990 per hr. D-6 Cat ft Dozer 8 40 per hr. D-4 Cat ft Dozer 7 00 per hr. Phone Days 9408 Evenings 8246 or 24400 Salem, Oregon AUTO painting, lust . .hade belief ty Ray ETTER Call Shrock Motor r-o 8502 PLUMBING Supplies, water systems electric and gas automatic water heat ers, general repatr work Decatur & Maerz. 173 So ComT Phone 6223 Dental Plate Repair TWO -HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mail Your Plates for Repatr DR HARRY SEMLER, DENTIST Adolph Bide- State At Com Ph 3311 Guitar Studio. Banjo, Ukulele etc I5.T3 Court Ph 7569 WATER WELL drilling. Domestic or Irrigation. Duffield Bros. Rt 9, Bos 423 Phone 2-1311 MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked si 00 l.sy SPRINGER 464 Court WE-THERstrips. Pullman. Pnl985 Financial Monev to Loan Wanted: Real estate mortgage loan, city or farm properties: loans made as small as $300. See us about refinancing your present contract or mortgage Ap proved city loans. G.I. loans, construc tion loans. Low interest rates. Leo N. Childs Inc. REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 9261 9 MONEY8 9 4U REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS We buy real estate mortgages a contracts Mortgage for Investors net 9 amounts 8500 to 95000 State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. Lie S 218 M 223 Money to Loan General Finance Corp. offers money at enos on ears, trucks furniture, trailer houses, livestock, farm marchlnery; contracts refinanced aad additional money, advanced : Ne co-signers. General Finance Is locally owned and officered, was erg anized in 1927 and therefore know, and can helo throughout the repaying of a loan Ap pltca lions for loans made by phone 136 Sou'h Commercial Sta.. Salem Pbone: 9169 l.lre'nee .Xg a, M Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 5TH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N M 159 S 154 Mrs. Gallinger Knows 21 Ways To Say "Yes" No matter how I say "Yes," 4 out of 5 wbo ask for a loan, get one I Don't borrow needlessly, but If you can use extra cash avoid the risk, of a "NO" see me first. Come In or phone Per sonal Finance Co.. 518 State St., Krn 125. Lie SI 22. M165 Phone 3191 FARM and CfTV " LOANS 4', and 9 Your own terms of repayment with in reason Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgage CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Phone T162 For Rent' -Rooms 2 FURN. Rooms for business or col lege girls, kitchen privileges. Ph. 21029. , SLEEPING Room dps in. Phone 7282. BDRM. with kitchen priv middle aged lady. In Christian home of widow. All conveniences. Phone 38iS. CjUlET. clean slcepine- rm. 2 cloeeTs. New twin beds. Near bus, restaurant. 1095 N. 5th. . HAVE large downtown room. Will share with employed young man. Write Box 542. Statesman. "CLOSE in alprmffemp. jentT48sT "W F-LLFURN . tmioi man only. ISi N. 13th. Ph. 4741 SL. RjWi. for student or business glrT. On bus. No drinking. 118. Inq. 1456 Chemeketa. ""ROOM with cooking privileges, women only. 1445 Saginaw. SLEEPING Room ft garage. For em ployed person. Kitchen privileges for breakfast. No drinker or smoker need apply. Bus by door. Phone 3397. Ad dress 11 as s. 13 St. CLEAN SLEEPING rooms for clean men. 2039 McCoy. Ph. 9093. Room and Board ROOM it board, adults or children. day care of children If deslred.y785 E. Kurai. WILL Board ft room two eTdVrly ladies. No smokers or drinkers. Chris liana pref. Phone 2-8327. For Rent Apartments COTTAGES By week ear month. 3SC0 S. Commercial. For Rent Houses MODERN S bed room furn.' house. Good district. Adults only. Call 3-eX)17. 1043 cross si. MODERN 3 bdrm. furn. home, adults only. 3165 Berry Ave. For Rent G A RAGE for rent. 1227 Court St. "NOW you can rent a garden tractor with a sickle attachment or a bull dozer blade. Also lawn mowers. ' Rea sonable rates. Howser Bros. Ph. 3646. TRAILER space, clean, modern, on bus. Close In. 1155 S. 14th. TRAILER " space, completely modern park. Free laundry privilege. Reason able rates. 3580 S. Commercial. ESTESTtyoe high speed floor sand- en. edgers and polishers for beautiful floors. Hoser Broa. - pn. 3648, fuz Edgewar. - TRAILERS 79e first nr. sec nrs following. Woodry's Mkt. 1S0S N Summer. ""GOOD Used PinoH.L. St if f. "TLOOR SANGER for. rent Idont eomery Ward. ' ATMORAYS! Ozone. Good health Rent-sell. H. C. Pugh. 684 N. 17 4692 nraiuvl tTTOckS f OR 5lNI Blankets furn 197S Liberty Pt. 9062 FLOOR Sander, eiec floor potlher and lawn roller, weed burner. Rawlins Hardware, the Marshall Well, .tore Ph.. 887T. - Wanted to Rent WANTED to rent Trailer for sev eral month.. Ph. 2-2850. RETIRED Nurse desires a one or two room apartment. Tel. 4371 VSUNG- Couole. both navy veU." need small furn. apartment. No chil dren. Box 566 Statesman. EMPT Publichealth nurs urgently needs small furn. apt. or lght house keeping room close in." No smoking, drinking or peta. Call 7773 after 1 P.M. on Friday only or write Stater man Box 565. .- . WaNTED: Furn. apt. Twp working girl, aged twenty. Please call 9678 after si x. , COUPLE Desires apt., furn. or un- furn. No pets. No children. Ph. 2-2082 urn. No peu "VETtRANT wife, desperately need 3 or 4 rm. apt. furnished. Write States man Box 567. DESPERATELY needed. Small a part -ment or housekeeping room. Girl stead ily employed. Good habits: o,ulet. Ref erences. CaU 9699 day time before 4:00 3 OR 4 ROOM apartment or court cottage, unfurnished, by refined lady. No smoker or drinker. Permanent rent er. Call 24129 durtnf day: 9420 evenings. ffSlSES-TGlRL wishes rm. nprP vale home with kitchen privileges or share apL with another business girl. Permanent. North Salem only. Ph. 9491. 2 OR 3 bedroom home. 10 acres or more. Close to Salem. Phone 22730 after 6 p. m. - YOUNG couple, both employed, wish, 3 or 3 room partly furnished apt. Ph. 6679. 3 or 4 Rm. furn. or unfurn. apt. or house, by young- couple and Infant. Guaranteed excel, care. Ph. 22653. GOVERNMENT employe and wile desire apartment. Ph. 5288. YOUNG Married couple, expectant paierts, desperately need 2 or 3 rm. furn. apt. Write Statesman Box 519. -l-PHNEl-XECUTWirNEEDS MODERN 2 OR 3 BDRM. HOME ON 1 FLOOR. AUTO HEAT, GOOD DIS TRICT. NON - DRINKERS. EXCEL LENT REF.-PH. 5193. ELECTRICAL Superintendent of new State Horp. and family desire 2 bdrm. furn. or unfurn. bouse. Statesman Box 921. SMALLHrrnTnouse or apt. by em ployed couple. Best of refs. Ph. 22587 btwn. 1 and . 9:30 P.M. ' V-TtKAlC wife and 3-yr.-o!d daughter desire 2 or 2 bedrm. house, furn. or unfurn. CaU Mr. Manson. Salem 9ft 1 2 BElRM. unfurn. house by reliable party. Not over 850. Ph. Mil For Sale Ileal Estate HOUSE at 2 lots In Brooks. 83200. 4 rooms with bath. Call at Rt. 1. Box 224. Brooks. Ore. BY OWNER: 2 bdrm. house, wired for range. S-KKH). Call after 9. Ph. 9-4970. BY OWNER: Beautiful I'.s acres South edge of Salem. Modern, late built 3 bdrm house. Wired tor ranee. Elec. h.w. heater. Large barn, chick en house, oak grove. School bus by door. Paved highway, city water, 940iK) down. bal. easy terms. Full price 1220. Phone 2-1148. 2 BEDRM. furn. house. 4 lots. Out- slde bldgs. 93.350. 2358 Hyde. wf;s1r SALEM - 8 rooms, attached garage. 97.500 TERMS HOLLYWOOD 2 bedrooms 82.500 will handle 88.909 AI.DEN BOWES REAL ESTATE 3819 Portland Rd. After 1 p. m. Ph. 24791 For Sale Real Estate FOR Efficient anal eff active aak- service ea II tne Salem Realty Co N yW, WE Will build you a teouse for 93000 and furnish the land. I1V8 down, ha I when house Is completed. Write Robert Douglas. Bo liluu. Farm Labor Camp, Salem. 860509 rm. house and garage, north. I large bedrm. down. 3 up. new eWe. water heater, wired foe range. Venetian blinds, wash tray., oil circulator. Quiet neignborhnod. Close to tus and store. Owner. Pn. ma. - . B Y5WN Eft : ' Creek property. ! lot.. All re-decorated home. 4 steepmar r-nstip ft one down. Living rm. 15x27. Fireplace, dirfing rm.. kitchen and breakfast nook Full basement. Apt. furn. Ph. 2519 after P.M. NEW 5 TROO.THdUSe ACRE. ELECTRIC heat. 94900. 1573 Shady Lane . KlCE Bklgrjof. northeast, in re stricted district. Will take late rMxiel trvk or ear as part parment Total price 85ono. Convenient terms on tal nt,lll N. Capitol, ph. ,g3T31. I BUHM Modern house. acre. fMitwi. teems lMonroe. E Sa'em, 60 ACRES."Jo Mdg".'Good soil. 12 miles N. 88.000, down. Call Ld. Lukinbeal. r Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 341 CH EM FK ETA T. Ph. 2-1549 Eves, 84J50 nCnM. plast. tjouse: PvcC St. City bus. L. traya. eiect, not Hater heater, gar. Call Omer. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 341 CHEMEKETA ST. Ph. 20549 Eves 2VU BV OWNER: 2 bdrrr.., I"ivirutanl din. room combined kitchen, bath, full bsmt.. sawdust furnace. Large hvt, Oo-t to school and bus. 9a50. Ca3 Ss5l3. MONEY TO IXIAN on nrst anoCV cages 4 to 9 Call for detail. BYRKIT POTTS Tt. Oemeheta Street Ph , seat BY0 NERrBe.Gtlfurrrm.rri i In perfect condition. Automatic J-rat.1 2427 SjCnttage Ph. T353 ' ; i j BEst;" Buy , in Salem rnalce me ait offer. Modern unga'.ow. 2 bdrma ; garage, on I l.us line, near grocery and school Ph. 3920. j alCS'f SELL, owner leaving ton.i two or three BR., largo kitchen, D R. fireplace, house insulated. Lots of fruit i aV nuts, beautiful lot. a A . priced te sell quick, better hurry. 2303 X. Riveri Rd.. Salem. Ore. r ; ONE ACRE. 4 rtr.s. and breakfast nook. 930 Evergreen Ave. 1 LOTi3xl00 ATfi-W E. Unco In ft, double garage, north front. Inquire Rt, 9. Box 550, HruMtz roa4. Liberty. i "ClidfCl'Tirt for sale. Northwl corner of Fifth and Gaines. Calli 2-4062 after 9 P M. I - fQjtgznr j SOME NICE building sites. 1 A. tract, located 9 miles so. of Salem just off t9E on Wilsey road, west of higlvl way, 3d house on fie-. left side. t Drive out and look them over, and then make me an oiler. Name on mail box la Chipfnan. See A. A.; Larsen REALTOR 402 State Street Phone 41893 if-VOU ARE looking lor a cheap building site, don't Os-eriook this Ketrer dutrict lot. excellent sod. Mx25. 9415V Salem Realty Co. RE ALTO Hi I4f N Hlfh St. Phone 76A 13i60 3BDRM. home in Englewosst District. 3 down and 1 up. Hwd. firs., basement, fireplace. Beautifully land scaped. Olson and Reeve. Realtors 943 S. ConTI St. Ph. 4590. Eve. 25839) 96.950 VERY neat 2 bedrm. horre ; near Englewood Sch. Elect, best. Wired i for; range. Nice lot. Call Mr. Walters. ' Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 241 CHEMEKETA ST. Ph. 3793 . ' . Eves.W-V 85502 BDRM. home and sievtir.g porch. 1 blka from Leslie Jr. Hi. Fvd. st. near bus. Furrfttura available. Call Mr. Walters, Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 341 CHEMEKETA T. Ph, 3793 Eves. 2S;eQ) 910.500 NEW 2 bdr m. none. Am. ua for more. Full basernt. Fur. also clet t, heat. Lawn and sidewalks. 43 min. fcua service. Lot 75x120, Pvd. Td. Lots af shade. Thta la nice. Call Ed. LukinbeeJ. Huff Real Estate Co. ! REALTORS J41 CHEMEKETA ST. Phone 3-1540 Eves. 2Saf On ttrst OMMSe gages to . Call for details. BYRKIT & POTTS ! fea)efceta Street Ptione fwt $7.700 NEW 1 rm. home irTlCeiae) Dist. Hwd. firs., attached garage, ut.le Ity rm. good elect, water system. CitJT bus. 91.700 down. : Olson and Reeve. .i Realtors l' 943 S. ComT St. pi 4590. Eve. 91393 89W)oBEAUTtr "home on i"jw tract. Large living rm., hwd. firs, ott heat 3 miles out, near 99 HigMway. Terms. Olson and Reeve, !; Realtors M 945 S. ComT St. Ph. 4590. Eve. S39) 98.fc50 3 BDRM. home, close in. rnljr 11 block, from city center. Hwd. tin fireplace, basement, nice yard, auto ma tic heat. lmra. post. Good terma. Olson and Reeve, ; j Realtors I"' 943 S. Cotnl St P1A1E,T!31 3 BDRM. home In Ha!!rwood"Di.t: ic. Fireplace, hwd. firs., nice yard. Hurry 1 This wont last long. Olson and Reeve, j Realt ors 943 S. Coml St. Ph. 4590. Eve. 25839) $8500.00 ! New 2 bedroom with unfinished up stairs. Keizer restricted district. Oil heat, electric water heater, attache! garage, a lovely kitchen. ImmediaSa possession with good terma. j Abrams & Skinner. Ine; 411 Masonic Bldg. Phone 9S19) insurance Mortgage Loans BY OWNER: New modern 4 rrrs, house. 2 bedmruL. Insulated, weather stripped, electrically heated. Some fur niture If desired. Possession by the 1st of October. Bus within a block every hour. 1229 6th St. Ph. 4361. TWO lovely homes at 1763sut. ADVERTISINO Western Advertlsin Representatives Ward-Grtfftth Company. Frsrvciecs) Eastern Advertaiii-f J; Representa Uvea Ward-Crtffllh Company, tne. Ciuesgo. New York. Detroit. Boston. AUantai Member Pacific Coast Division Bureau of Advertising; Entered at site PoetoffVe el Stvs lent, Orepoai as Second Clans Maim tee Ptibtttliedl every saormna tr cepf Monday 0s-es. ofice tU toulk Cosasaerciai Xtr est. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Malt Sunacrtptlon Rale. 1st AaV vsnce: Within Oregon: Dally and Sunday. Mo. 041 cents: moa. S3 ; 1 roar, 9 00. Elsewhere M eenU aw mo ee 87 JO tor I year as advaaeea, Per copy 9 cents. By City Carrier. IS eanta a mnth 99.09 m year lat advanoe as alar toss adjacent i