"THE YOUNG IDEA" m r By Mossier S irrm "Jntt U prove hew I feel about yon Beverly, yea se two straws and III use only one!" j. Typographers To Defy Law FRENCH LICK, Ind., Sept. 24 (AVThe union employer section of the printing industry of Ameri ca voted unanimously Tuesday to insist upon lull compliance with the Taft-Hartley Jaw in negotia tions with tho International Ty pographical union (AFL). After discussing the operations of tho law and its probable ef fects on the industry .the group adopted a resolution which said in part: "Whereas the International Ty pographical union has announced a policy of. 'no contracts" in fu ture negotiations, and "Whereas this no-contract poli cy is in our opinion a violation of both the spirit and tho letter of the labor - management rela tions act i "Be it resolved, that the union employers section of. the print ing industry of America affirm its adherence to the law as passed World Bank to Seek Aid from U.S. Private Capital WASHINGTON, Sept. 24 -Jft-The financial task confronting the United States under the 16-nation propasal for putting western Eu rope on its feet loomed even great er today. For the world bank made plain that any money it puts into tho plan must come from Amer ican investors. This means that virtually all the funds requested by Europe a to tal of $22,440,000,000 in a four year period must come from the United States if they are provided. The 18 nations, declaring their needs for economic recovery under the Marshall plan, looked to the American continent for $19,330, 000,000 and to the world bank for $3,110,000,000 in loans. by tho congress of tho United States and pledges itself to con duct negotiations in full compli ance with the law." "1fFr A wot iuj (SO MUCH ) BLONDS ; M BEAT IT -v ( OUTDOORS AND ft PLAV WITH - 1 (CUt? FRIENDS. )1 I N SOI CAN yXfWi L better) - 1 U I I. II I llll II I Xthev want ) r to Play S rri a charm bracojet! I POUND just outside h THE POOI)USE I DICX TRACT UyXf THIS LITTLE GDFf POT I SUPPED FROM AUTUMN HEWS WRIST AUGUST TEMTM. FITS HERE EXACTtV "3&tM. aw I AND IM THE MOUSE. " tM LEAVING HERE. "T" GRANDMA? BUT BEFORE) i do, im TYJWG Vbuy QUICKf INTO THAT CLOSET' GET DOWN OKI THE FLOOR AKD DOMT MOVE AROyilDA Q-t,S4 M Vn.SBj aa. - w g w P O I WAS SMART ENOUGH TO KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH THIS TEDDY BAR- VGLCJ1 C 31 II LJ est- m , Ihi 111 i LITTLE ANNIE ROONET 0 FULL OF S k CAUSE THEY SAI0 TWEfO) BEAR CLAWS L II I KILL ME DEAD IF. I V LM STOLE RJ0M Ht BDNT- NOW I DONT I ITo STUFFED MONEY THAT AMO SILKY SAM BANK- r PROMISEO fl ll KNOW WHAT TO 00 THEM ID KEEP ITSAfE-J Rtli n WITH THE MONEY- Nr himn Stv rtrm. WHEftETHEY LAPE-I vq 1 IWIT fUAtU Will I II UW '31 - v IF I Tat MRS.CE6ALSHEU BE SCACE0 THE C0BBER5WILLC0MEI AN KILL HER -AM I CAN'T SEUOfi IMC 9CMM0U. MY LOVELY. tOT AVtSTV WHAT A PT. UMMl xom? AUNT rKK. JLL AT . BUZZ SAWYEB AUNT PffKIUAr 6 AUNT naCIUAAfSOUT? WHO, SIKT V 'SI f f MY AUNT rKICttUA OMl OH, Vf5, UT'5 GtT . CONFOUND IT! X KMEM9C TUt9 STRMOHf WHERE 15 SHE? I-1 W. 6AW0lf '---fBLieVE SHE I ATtOU0 ff I SAStCK,5tR, I NOO SVEM I AMI? POC5N'T JL HA VI AN . I TO BE V AUNT? P sN1A5Sw!Tweee)3 1 pav A . ATTENTTONj JfT tuic ' TOCKV.-I 4 I 075 U MICZEY MOUSE' r WATCH OUT1 TMERES ) I f MlCKl MICKEY! ) A Sia.l jil M ARC jllX FALLEN DOWN I ... IF VUWVSl TELA. MS I a7 I I f VXE, XXVE GOT 0uT IkCV ieeEa3MNa bax webs )hult I AfTBfliWT KXVE VONE'.I WHAT T A G ASOLINE ALLEY A5FK3U P0NT WOW 1V0U OhfT CO THAT TO MB. I . A ICCNT HAVE 10 TAKCfTf i v I WHO TOLP HEK ABOUT ME BEN CUT WITH I6ABEL LAST NWMT? llLWtSNA 50MESCCV Neoef L ' THE NSTT THE YOU LEAVE VOJR PlCTV CtP PIPE I .-d! ' N MV emNj BAACET lU BE CFP UR3e UFE! HOWOtt SKEPTFF TATT- DID OC GRANNY CREEPS KILL TH HAW ? WOPS -HE DISAPPEART KL LOOKy.S?iU?Fy!! VDRE FRONT DOOR 13 OPENIN' ALL BV ITSE'F BALLS T it Stock Market Stages Rally NEW YORK, Sept. 24 - lTi - Stocks reversed direction Uwiay and the market registered its first advance in five sessions. An early attempt to extend yesterday's fast sell-off dried up in the face of the slowest dealings in more than a 'week. Rails, steels, motors and selected industrials took the lead in a quiet upward movement, although there were some notable exceptions to the climb. " Gains of fractions to more than a point were in (he majority at the close. The Associated Press 60-stock composite was up .3 of a point at 64.3. Total transfers of 570,000 shares were the lowest since Sept. 15. Of 851 issues regi stering, 391 advanced and 266 declined. Standard Oil (N. J.), a promin ent casualty yesterday, regained Tii of a point to close at 737. Southern Pacific was up 1 at 43 i Chrysler ahead U at 59, U. S. Steel at 69. Air Reduction Iht at 28S. International Har vester H at 85, International Paper 1 at 51 Vb ; Chesapeake & Ohio at 454 and New York Central Vi at 14?.. Thm Statomaa. Salm, Ofqon. ThurmicrT. Spt tS. H47 H Statesman's Home-of-the-Weelt t I 41 I I ftea.oowt t"l MO MOM 1 It I. i .fnj fS " ' : T ffiB imoi WIS TUB CNM riOOKPUN tlTHE PENN Arab Nations to 'Get Touch' with Partition Backers NEW YORK. Sept. 24-(VTh! Arab countries Tuesday treatened counter-m e a s u r e s against the United States, and Syria pre dicted a complete rupture of re lations with any members that support the plan before the Unit ed Nations assembly for parti tion of Palestine. The middle east bloc said the Arab world would "take all nec essary measures to oppose the United States both inside and outside the United Nations" if Secretary of State Marshall sup ports the plan for Arab-Jewish partition. A HOUSING KAN SOrVICLkc THE PENN The solid burghers of many of our early American towns chose brick for their homes be- j cause of its strength and durability. Thousands of these early homes are today still worthily fulfilling their function, permanent testimony to the shrewdness of their builders. The Penn, pictured here, is a fine example, in perfect architectural taste, of the brick bungalow of the twentieth century. Although its appearance is that of a small house, ample space is provided in the plan to include a good sized living room, two bedrooms with good cross ventilation, a bathroom and a kitchen large enough to incorporate a dining nook. Sturdy dependability is not the only quality of brick. In addition to this desirable characteristic, it combines beauty and charm in its varied mellow colors, delightful textures and simple ornamental de sign effects. The Penn, like all the brick houses of our series carries the seal of approval of the Structural Clay Products Institute, conforms to the standards and construction requirements of the Federal Housing Ad ministration, and its wiring and electric installation complies with the efficiency and safety stan dards of the National Adequate Wiring Bureau. Complete detailed working drawings and specifications from which this house may be built may b had for $7.50 per set from Housing Plan Service, The Oregon Statesman 140 Nassau Street New York 7, N. Y. PILES TROUBLE? For Quick Relief IkOXT DVXAT ATI I.OXCES! Nov. a aortora formula you c u at hon t rail diatrasata dlarsrafort f pais Itc-h Iriitatloa dua ta plla. Tnda t aof taa aad atirtnk awaltta. La thla prv dartor'a fornul. Tau'll ba amaiad at Ita apdr actios rallaf. Ask yaur dnifclat ldar far Tbarataa A Minor' Raetal Olnt bmM ar BupfxiaUarlM. Follow laaal 1n atractloa. Vor aal at all drag atoras. In Saiem at Frrd Meyer Drug. . , Steady Upturn In Grain Mart CHICAGO, Sept. 24 - () -After selling off sharply in the first hour, grains staged a quiet ! but steady upturn on the Board I of Trade today. The rally left corn generally ahead of the pre ; ceedings close, but both wheat and i oats ended lower than yesterday. 1 WKAaf ii'i. lAum tnnph ao Q cents, corn 6 cents and oaU 3 cents at one time when heavy selling from commission houses caught the market without com mercial support. Wheat closed 2V4 to 4 cents lower, December 2.664-2.7V4, corn was V4 lower to 14 nigher. December $2.17-$2.174, and oats were s-lS lower,. December $l,05y.-S. During World War II when submarines were menacing At lantic and Caribbean shipping lanes. 1,442,868 tons of sugar were ferried from Havana to Miami (213 miles). a wm at The new 1948 furniture styled Motorola Radios. Styled by leading interior decorators. and Motorola Auto Radios, styled to fit your car. Famous the world over for expert craftsmanship. Come in and see the newest and the best in Radio at MORROW RADIO CO. THURSDAY'S BROADCASTS Kllecrcles: KSLM ISM. KOCO 14 t. KOIN 7. KOW KEX 11M notE tO:ll M:4S 6 KSLM toco KOIN KGW KEX Mora N.ws ITtm.keprr (March Tim. IN KOCO KLOCXIKOCO KLOCK IKOCO KIXXTK IN.wa News Roundup IKOIN Klock I KOIN Klock - KOIN Kloek Soncs at Six Upon Our Time Koeau Nw IRallads 1'arm Hour I farm Hour farm Hour I Farm Hour 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KUW KEX News Eddi Lamar KOIN Klota farm Tint. Siaf Cowboy RI.. Rhln. r Rittar N.ws farm Tim. Asronaky News Nw iu Garr4 Old Son ri Jama Abb. IFarm. Horn. ISantlh Sing N.wi a lock 8 .KSLM Haven Rest IHaven Reat IPIoneer I Barf am KOCO News, Oreo. (Newt. Orth. (Serenad (Over Cofte KOIN Uaer New (Aunt Jenny I Helen Trent ICal Sunday KGW . Fred Waring IFred Waring (Jack Berch I Barry Woo4 KEX Break f aat Club iBreaklaai I Break fait IBreakfaat 9 KSIJ4 KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Kat Sotttl Organ Big Sister T. Dorsey Travelers V. LindUhr K'hurch Ma Perkins T. Dorsey Travelers Paator'S Call Uan Uarbrr Or. Malone T. Doraey Breaklatt Art ltokr llim Kryaat IGuiding Light jr. Doraey IBreakiast 10 KSLM News KOCO Peg f y U KOIN Wendy Warren KGW Today's Child KEX G. Drake ! Variety Show Lullaby Perry Mason I Woman White I Ted Malone (Day Dreams (Hawaii I Lone Journey fit. Sloane . True Story Harmony Drcciestra -Rose Dreams Light World True Story 11 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Org anaUUea News Dble., Nothing Life Beautiful B. Crocker IE, Johnson Queen Today (Queen Today ILatm Amer. Salon Concert (Salon" Concert Dble..- Nothing. Mrs. Burton IGrand Slam Ma Perkins Pepper Young Hsppines I Melodies JD. KUgUen tEtheL Albert 12 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Hit Time Sunaiet . News Kneaaa News Wv Kieraan (News IHillbllly vine Lopu (News Come Get It IE. Winters Stella DalUs IU Jones tToday's Hits IP. White man Variety Mamboree Art Baker Wldder Brown P. Wniteman 1?V Hour rf00- HouT lOrchestra IBing Sings Be" Again Hello Again Hello Again IHeUo A flu. 5? Hm.P,!Ltr Hous. Party (Meet Mtus iMeet.Muaus Kt.W Girl Marries Portia Faces (Plain Bill frarrell KEX p. WhlUman P. Whlteman IKay West iKay Weat 2 H-erfs Daalr. IHeart's Destr. 3rehestr 3rrhatra KtPet ll? Kmtmn ,KtM' K 5 Papers Sw "Jf!i",p-r ifi Newspaper Lullaby Kwemary 5SW Life Lora Law ton Aunt Mary Dr. Paul Whats Dota' IWhafs Doin- I Bride. Groom Urid!; Grown ! 35 LM. ?,l!!i;tr Orchestra lOrehestra News I 5Sf S. KOCO Kapers KOCO Kspers KOCO Kapar 5W Wirl". ?" H'y lArt Godfrey Art Godrr?" I, . Won2'n sTer Jyce Jordan Stag. Wll Bob. Vk-ky KEX Be Seated Be Seated tcurrent , inysid. C 4 KSLM , Fulton Lewis Hemingway 5"tO pick. Play em iPick. Play em KOIN Bryan Trie One for Book GW Matinee 620 Matine. KEX Sunnysld. Up J North weal Noble Show -Women News Young Once stars Today' I Noble Show Women News Todds News 5afV UL,rr,g lAdventur. 1 Tap. MldntfhKT.m Mia Oil? 22 HZ' . l2'f ?Conl Khthm Haneu Spot ts Hrittee Knoe Manning JSparkle Musis (News Bob Garred KEX i:W fc nr IE. PetersW Tenn. Jaw ITerry. Pirates Bky King Sky King- 6 KOCO Sanl!? ..i- 7,nnru . Bock Party (Block Party I KnTw "Janhat Musle Manhat. Music News tN Cloutier ' "H Digest Radio Digest (Called X fcalied X I Sporto Rhythms (Harry James t Fart Oodwtn 7JJ '"JJ'F.Theatre'Famlly Theatre Playboys IPIayboys KOCO Public Service DeVol iDeVol tk.Zi7L" KOIN U Thomas . Jack Smith Mxee- Mr Ke JLOm Supper Club- IF Lawton ICol. Flack ICoL riirk X King .W.yn. King Farmer. Union JMr. PrejUent 8?y Country Houa. ICovntry House I Farmers Union Medicine KSf,? MwTi hrsssp' cWuy ten' 5ex KtllS, """r gwelrter Ne'bVter " KEX Kenny Bakar 1 Kenny Baker The Clock The Clock 9 KOCO n!T2 Mjr.t.ry iifalf Hour I Half Hour cnTi? VTT. ,ck Uebrt Juka Box IJuke Bo KGW ffcaot-SS? v" ?ver Rainbow Wer rT.dpww KEflT w!mTp7 ZtlZ? Z?dr "nd Marque' 3 rand Marque wtuie Piper Willie Piper I Retribution I Retribution , ; 10 KOCO Juke Box KOIN S-SUr Final KGW News KEX " News (N. lJ jc News INews mm. Juk. Box (Classics lr-lw .!. lOrchestra lOrchestra ktn-iiMir. . I Current. Choice: E. Cantor E. Cantor apping out (Concert Hour (Concert Roup 11 KSLM Open Houa. KOCO Buddy Rich KOIN Serenad. KGW News KEX Concert Hour Open House (Open Hous. J'cn (Buddy Rich M. Charles Alr.ria Rum Morgan (FiUpatrlck Concert Hour (Orchestra KOAC SM k. lOrOO News: 10:18 Especially for Women: 11. -OS Con. Hall; UjOO News: W:1S Noon Farm Hou; 10 Ride "Em Cowboy; 1:1S Variety Time; 1:43 Melody TUne; 100 Espec Ully for Women: 1:30 Memory Music: 3:00 News: US Music of Masters: 00 Oregon Reporter; 4:1 Song of Hawaii; 4 3 Child Theatre; 3. DO On Upbeat; 5:30 Stan Kenton Tune; 1:00 News: 1:13 W. Meeder; J0 'Round the Campfire; 7 J Farm Hour: S.1MI (Newa (BuddT Rich I Air-Flo I Fitrpatrick lOrchestra ( -YOU HAD JUST AS WELL IE HEALTHY 4. HAPPY HEMORRHOIDS FISTULA PROLAPSE ITCHING C4I VHlMVt iMCpUsMgaWtlwtta Dr. Reynolds Clinle Nataiw-Prwetologlst til N. Uaertj. Salea. Ore, Cuest SUr: S IS Research: S JO Snaw to Rememtter- B-as imm a m that Endures: t:43 Evening Medita tions: 10 00 Sign Off. - There are 41.159 persons em ployed on playgrounds and in door recreation centers through- A. it a H. out me united states. The Maori, people of New Zea land are closely allied to th Hawaiians. DRS. CHAN . . .LAM Dr.Y.TXajsuMJs. OrjO.CkaaUA CHINESE ITEKBA LISTS 241 North UbertF UpsUlra PurtUnd General Dectrtc Co. Ottkee open Saturday only. IS a m t I fjn. I Is I am. Consul lation Blood presmr. and enn testa are free ef cnerge. PracUcad since 19IT Morrow Radio Co. For f Repairs ONE TO TWO DAYS SERVICE SALES PACKARD-BELL, GILFILLAN Table and Console Combinations Motorola and Philco Auto Radios Pkone5955 15. LibierlSL Pbonc 5955 BABNTT GOOGLE 153 S. Liberty. St.