Oregon 40 ct8 Rewarded BritiHh to Force Workers to Take Essential Johs : LONDON. Sept. 19 - (4") - The British government published a decree under its emergency eco nomic powers last night which La bor Minister George? Isaacs said would force "a small minority" of workers to "accept essential Jobs against their will." The decree was part o fa cam paign to drive Britain's manpower into production for export. 'i The order was limited to workers who become jobless in the future. Under it. men between the ages of 18 and 30 and women from 18 to 40, with a few excep tions, who lose or give up present Jobs, will be obliged to apply for new employment only through the labor ministry or face fines of 100 pounds ($400) and prison terms of three months. Women rearing children under 15 and workers engaged in pro- fcskional, managerial, administra tive or executive capacities were excepted from the order. Mill City Has Many Visitors MILL CITY Guests of the Edward Cruxon family include his mother, Mrs. Louise Cruson of Vancouver, Wash., and his two sisters. Mrs. D. E. Wofford. Portland, and Mrs. R. L. Smith of Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Shaw have returned from a 10 day trip to Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Cree, Pa tricia, Hetty Lou and Donald were in Portland with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. George Dickinson, a week ago. Paul Mason is a patient at Good Samaritan hospital in Port land for two weeks, receiving treatment.. Jack Col burn has purchased Mrs. John Dawes interest in the Booth and Dawes meat market. Colburn is a son of Mrs. Harry Woods from Idaho Falls, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Schroe- der have returned from trip to San Francisco where they vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen (Marjory Schroeder). Weekend guests of the Harry Wood . were Lloyd Wood and son Donald of Bend. Mrs. Anna Swift has returned after a two months visit with relatives in Washington. it.- . Jerold Mulkcy to Write WU News Beg ijrming-Jhis we, Willam ette uimrrtify news coverage for The &tatetman is to be handled by Jerold Mulkejr, WU Junior in journalism. t Mulkey, vwbo is married and ha two children, la veteran of fightang in the toulhweat Pacific with Oregon's! national guard di vuionj the 41t.i with which he went overseas early in 1942. He is theson of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Mulkey of Salem. wp' m ipr Dean Reese Talks At'Get Acquainted' Law School Dinner Dean Seward P. Reese, head of Willamette university's law school, was featured speaker at a "get acquainted" banquet at the Mar ion hotel Saturday night to wel come new students who enrolled in the law school earlier in the day. The banquet was sponsored by the law school and was attended by more than 100 persons. Purpose of the meeting was to acquaint new students with the school. Reese stressed the qualities necessary in law students and gave them the history of the Wil lamette law school and its alumni. State Sen. Allan Carson, Salem attorney, and president of the alumni association also addressed the students. VAN CLEVE ARRESTED Robert Van Cleve, 4424 Court st., was arrested by .Marion coun ty sheriffs about 10- p. m. Satur day on warrant from Toledo, Lincoln county, charging larceny by bailee. lie was being held for Lincoln county sheriffs int he Marion county jail in lieu of $500 bail, according to the sheriff..' office.- , Tee Bcanly Bar ,i- Featmrias; MackJa. Macalaelesa Kayette Old Ware. Cay.' cite Safe Wave Fer- r J v.. Operated by Kaa WUUaaaa Zaaa Hales Pboae SMS tit 1st NaUesal Baak Bldg. Wed. Eve. AaslatataU t The StaWtman. Sod. Oregon. Sunday, Sept. 21, 1917 r r v. 1 A.J . 1 Because of the direraitr of their own- lions, farmers and ranchers are particu larly subject to damage claims arid suits. To Dies! this situation General of America has created a special Farmers Blanket Liability Policy that covers almost all possible angles. Keep your self "in the clear with this famous policy. Ask Tor details today! Hcggiss Insurance Agency 129 N. Commercial St. Phone 9119 -Salem, Oregon fff? II Says All ycu children who just couldn't wait for school to start are r.appy now and we sure love happy children. VmsnaYy I couldn't fjt enthused about starting to school ur.til the lat yjra of high school, that was about the time r.e school board got smart and went glamorous. My teacher wan cmi of those gals like the teacher that Just went to the beauty contest at Atlantic City and I realize Ict the fust time why men bought diamond rings. It imprcrred me so vividly that I always had a yen to buy hundreds ot thm. yeh thousands. Well in order to buy thev-sends of them I had to sell some and that is how 1 happened to get into the jewelry business. Yes, I have gu.te a lot of thorn now, perfect toot (the diamonds that is) t c m coae you know a "school teacher" or some or. else ;hat is "right up there" come on over and let's talk about a diamond. Jackson Jewelers 255 No. Liberty Opposite Leon's Oregon members of the 49 and S, fan organization of the American Legion, were recognised for their membership activities during the past year with the award of two trophies at the recent national American lVegtosi convention In New York City. Shown above are, left and right, Kelly Owens, state department vice-commander, and Ira Pllcher, Oregon grand chef de care, tellinr At Feilcn. cen ter, new Marion connty voitnre chef de care, how Oregon was only state to receive two trophies at the convention. Large trophy at left Is the Ferdinand Fraser trophy awarded for voiture of less than 2,00 members which first eq nailed foil quota, and other Is E. Snapper Ingram trophy awarded to voitnre with largest member ship exceeding previous year. (Photo by Don Dill, Statesman staff photographer.) Student Pilot Unconscious, 'Very Critical' Raymond P. Gascon, 21, Salem route 3, was still ip "very critical condition and unconscious" in Salem General hospital Satur day night from injuries received Friday afternoon when he crashed in an airplane near the Prospect school 3 "4 miles south of here. Gascon is suffering from a pos sible fractured skull, a broken and dislocated hip, serious in ternal injuries and cuts and abra sions, hospital attendants said. H narrowlr esraned instant death Friday when his light ship struck a tree, went out of control Lnd turned end-over-end for 300 feet before coming to a stop, al most completely demolished. He was pulled from the wreckage by neighbor children and - rushed to the hospital in the Salem first aid car. - The ship, a Luseombe Silvaire, was owned by the Capitol Fly ing service where the youth was taking a GI flying course. He had about IS hours flying time accord ing to Clemen Fischer, owner of the company. Gascon Is the son of John Gascon of Gold Hill. Ore., and Mrs. W. T. Perry, Walla Walla. Wash., route 4. He lives in Salem with his stepfather W. T. Perry. Silverton Fires Investigated SILVERTON, Sept. 20 Sever al fires reported burning in forest lands southeast of here today were found upon investigation to be all permitted fires which were aet by owners in logging off pro perties. Largest of these were on the Gary Neal and Hal leek Funrue places in the Silver Creek canyon where over 100 acres are being burned over. Across from this burn is the Forrest Turner pro perty where 60 acres are being burned over by Willard Benson and farther up the canyon the John Jacobsen place had a set fire burning tonight. Alt fires are reported under control. Airplane pilots flying over the vicinity of the fires reported that they saw deer running ahead of the fires. leiofistratiii ATTENTION Famers and Jeep Owners A public "JEEP" demonstration will be held on Sept. 23rd at 1 p.m. on the'H. O. Haury farm, located lz miles East of Lancaster Drive on Pratum Road, Salem, Ore. This will be your opportunity to see the Jeep in operation with Hydraulic equipment and various implements such as plows, jdiscs, p ring-tooth harrow, skip loader, etc. It Will Be Well Worth You Time, So Be There Eisner Motor Company 352 North Hi2h SALEM, DREGON WILLYS JEEPS "CARS TRUCKS Grains Tumble Limit Declines; Selling Heavy CHICAGO, Sept. 20-f-All contracts of all grains tumbled for limit declines at one time on the Board of Trade today, but wheat and oats managed to cancel part of their losses before the final gong. Corn ended down 8 cents, the limit, for the third straight session. Heavy liquidation struck the pits at the opening, largely a carry-over from the preceding session when there were unfilled selling order in all grains at the limit decline. When all grains were down their limits, substantial buying developed in wheat. The bread cereal spurted as much as 12 cents from iU low, all contracts moving above yesterday's close. Corn and oats, aided by the action of wheat, managed to climb a few cent. But .the rally didn't hold Re newed Belling came from com mission houses. Wheat closed Si-TH Iowen, September $2.57 i, ; corn was 8 cents lower, September $2.38, Oats were 3i-5 lower, Sep tember $1.08. and November soy beans 6 cents lower at $3.20. Th slump hiH brought about heavy liquidation, both from com mission houses and local traders. J 55 fmtUVuMf A HI I U4t GattfcaV aM dUw ty. jjjij J ' Ms aw--. sgr' I 1554) C94ity I r ()lllf!ElEI 'OUTS HMtV-fOIHT fQUMtAim HH FOR SALE Al Needhan's Book Store 465 State Street Salem Oregon YOU HAD JUST AS WELL BE HEALTHY & HAPPY HEMORRHOIDS FISTULA PROLAPSE ITCHING Ml tkar r ! Ilwlwi im rMMt fcaaettaUntlM. Dr. R. Reynold's Clinic Nataro-Proctolorist tit N. Liberty, Salem. Ore. For thai Hard-lo-Heal Room For These Cool Mornings and Evenings Enjoy the comfort, convenience, and economy of electric heat. Westinghouse - radiant and circulating heater. Wesix - Automatic, portable, or built-in. Electresteem - a radiator for electric steam heat. Chromalox range type element, heavy duty fan. innum - high wattage for forced heat. Comfortair - for heating in winter, cooling in summer. l.aSalle - two speed heater with fan. Also Noma, MulVaney, Hy-temp, Arvin, Burkaw, and Witie. ITealer Appliance Co. 253 N. Liberty Phone 4311 Here's lo a Seller Outlook with J . Venetian Blinds O Window Treatments are Important to room beauty ... O An Attractive window, frames lh outlook with Cheeriness . . . O And lends Joy to the interior. "Wo KNOW Venetian BUntU. because we build them." fl El OHO LOT flOD L f LU IS MANUFACTURERS 560 South 21st Street Ph. Sltt ire New Cudliumfeed Furnitui SENSATIONAL DEVELOPMENT KR0EHLER RESEARCH You've never seen . . never sac on . . furniture so comfortable! Both seat and back are doubly comfortable because dual decked springs . . the right kind in the right places . . rest and relax you as no other furniture can. J Vw1 - V' 1 A 3 01 I aassasawBs. m T llff .lift X 4 . . - Tarcif lc h'j 1 This stunning new modern living room furniture is new ... all new . . . frame-to-fabric new. Kroehler Cushionized Furniture is excitingly beautiful and billowy comfortable. Come, see for your self how Kroehler Otshionized Furniture differs from all other upholstered furniture. See this new suite today. Try it for comfort. Buy it for value. HAMILTON FURNITURE CO. 230 CHEMEKETA SALEM. OREGON