IP The Statesman, Salem, Oregon, Sunday, Sept 11, 194T Chapter AB. PEO will meet Monday night at the home of Mrs. .Ralph Nohlgren. 10M S. High st, t 7:45 o'clock. Mn. Ross C. Miles and Mrs. H. E. Barrett will be as cisting: hoste&ses. SCOTTS MILLS Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. Johnson art an nouncing the birth of a daugh ter. Catherine Sue, at the Silver ton hospital September 19. Marten county Republican W en will meet at the chamber of commerce Monday night at 8 o'clock. This U the first meeting of the season and is open to the public. Mrs. R. L. Wright is pres ident of the organization. Mrs. Robert Wnlf will entertain members of chapter BQ, PEO Monday night at her home, 809 S. High st.f at 7:43 o'clock. 0 -Irh . T Extra Fine Northern Backs i IIUSKRAT j Featuring Sizei ! from 12 to 44 In Famous 'cd hamilton" Quality $300 $360 $399 $480 AT PRICES THAT DEFY ALL COMPETITION! 1 ENJOY'lT NOW! A LONG TIME TO PAY1 Seen and Heard U?rV V' ee ai Your 1 . B Convenience V jj Store Hours I H I : tSto 0 a O Acllv Client -elusive DORIS IXDSON plaid tiuue wool bf Ames, makes e clatMC ac (he head of lit clattl Black and white; navy and white; f reo mmd white. 9 to 15. 18J5 ?S9 030 IF! 0O 0(3 P4 Fe : . Smart 115 NORTH LIBERTY STREET MOVINO TIME . . . Change of address for the William McAf ees, former Salem residents, who nave been in bacramento . . . Bill has been promoted to the main offices of Standard Oil In San Francisco as an assistant man ager . . . They were fortunate in obtaining a house on the penin sula at San Carlos . .. . They moved the first of September and their new address is 2058 White Oaks Way ... BuUdlnr their ewn ... Don ald and Marie Ann Wells have a grand start on their new home in Modesto, Calif. ... A spacious house on one .floor with den, two bedrooms, kitchen and breakfast room, huge living room, patio and lull basement . . . They hope to be in lor Christmas ... and the Lester Newmans plan to go south to be with their daughter and son-in-law for the housewarming ... i he young couple sent their plans north for the Newmans to see, which makes them want to go south even sooner ... New address for Warren and Patricia Doolittle, who moved the past week to a five room cottage at 662 Thompson street . . . The Doolittles have property out on the Wallace road, -where they hope 10 Duua in a lew years . . . TRAVEL TIDBITS . . . Home again for the James Youngs, who returned this weekend from fortnight's motor trip to Colorado ... l ney visited in Denver, and then went on to Colorado Springs, wnere tney stayed at the Broad moor hotel, a gorgeous place i . only wishing they could have re mained longer ... uii xor urucago this week go Kooert and Maxine Need ham . . They leave Friday, on the Empire Builder and In the "windy city" will be registered at the Palmer House . . . and home again in two weeks ... lo uie warm series . . , go our sports editor, Al Lightner, and his wife . . . they will board a plane next Sunday for New York City, where they have reservations at the Waldorf-Astoria for the series . . . They will commute between Brooklyn and New York . . . While there they will see Al's friend. Bill Bevens, the Yankee pitcher, and his family . . . The Lightners will fly home after the series ... THAT "NEW LOOK" When, the Willamette university coeds arrived en masse on the campus this week, needless to say they all looked alike . . . having taken over the styles by storm . . . the new long skirts, pencil sum, ana long flooded coats . . The days of individual styles have gone . . they all want to be alike . . . even to loafers and bobby socks ... and we under stand tucked away in their trunks are dashing formats, many the new ballerina length . . . and fetching afternoon frocks with ac centuated hiplines and draped skirts. FROM DOWN SOUTH . comes news of the Charles Flit- tons (Mary Elizabeth Sisson).who are nicely situated in their duplex apartment in West wood, a suburb of Los Angeles . . . They are only a few blocks from the UCLA campus, where Charles will com plete his pre-dental course this winter . . . and Mary Elizabeth also has position on the campus as business manager of the stage department at Rice hall . . . She is looking forward to meeting the many stars, their accompanists, teachers and business managers, who will be there during the win ter . . . Her first introduction was to Margaret Truman's teach er ... as Miss Truman practiced at the hair before her appearance at the Hollywood Bowl . . . Mary Elizabeth has also met a lot of Pi Beta Phi alumnae and been to sev eral rush parties. On a sailing trip . . . last week end went the Peter Newells (Mar garet Nunn) of Oakland, Calif. . . They joined friends in Los Angeles and then out on a trip to Catalina Islands . . . The New ells have their own sailing boat moored up on the bay. where they enjoy many a weekend ... WEDDING ECHOES i . The weather man turned on his sun niest smile for last Sunday after noon's marriage of .petite Peggy f axson and tsuaa coons ... The attendants In colorful summer frocks, carrying out the yellow and orchid color scheme with a touch of blue . . . Peggy so calm and poised, much more so than her bridesmaids . . . noted one Iloycrs Beauty Shop Phone 7m Rayelle Cold Waves Rilling and Helene Curtis Prices Same Raser Halreutting Operators. Ruth Ferd. Gertrude (Feters) Brandner, Viola Meyer Open Evenings by Appointment Now on Exhibition Watercolors by Johann Swictefc Bad Aussee, Austria Black and Whites by F. Loren Soulier Salem, Ore.' ELFSTROM ART . GALLERIES - I? 340 Court . Salem whose bouquet shook all the way down the aisle ... At the reception ... the love ly Glenn Paxson home in Morn ingside the setting . . . guests strolling through the gardens, some bringing their cake and punch outside . . . The bridal party receiving in the living room ... Lt. CoL Donald Coons, now in Honolulu, couldn't be present for his brother's wedding so sent two leis of lavender baby orchids to the mothers . . , But instead, they divided them and had corsa ges for each ... and encircled the cake with a garland of orchids with clusters of the flowers ar ranged in the candelabras . . . About people ... A contingent of handsome Phi Delta Theta fra ternity brothers of the groom . . . at the church all in one pew Frank Brown squiring petite Midge Newton in a black crepe afternoon dress, long skirt, fuch sia drape and white blouse . . . Madeleine Keene over from Cor vallia and wearing a sapphire blue suit . . . With Mr. and Mrs. Donald Roberts their coed daugh ter, Georgia, in a becoming black moire taffeta suit ... Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Power and tall, blonde daughter, Marilyn, now a sophomore at high school . . . Here and there . . . The new ly weds represented by Bland and Beverly Simmons, Just home from their honeymoon trip south . . . Ted and Patsy Mankertz, both to enroll at Oregon State this week . . . Mrs. James Sears with her bride-elect daughter, Patricia sister, Peggy, one of the candle lighters . , . Maurice and Jane Fitzsimmons . . . she stunning in a snowcloud pr.v suit k. long skirt, short Jacket and grey felt with matching chiffon drape coming around in front. I Anniversary Of AAUW Is Celebrated The silver anniversary of the Salem branch, American Associa tion of University Women was celebrated at the first fall lunch eon meeting of the group Satur day afternoon at the Marion hotel with Mrs. Virgil Golden, presi dent, presiding. The tables were festive with colorful bouquets of marigolds and zinnias with places set far over a hundred. Mrs. H. J. Thomas lead the group in sing ing songs of yesterday with Miss Alice Crary Brown at the piano. Miss Beryl Holt arranged the anniversary program and intro duced the speakers, all charter members. Mrs. Raymond Walsh, who was responsible for start ing the Salem branch in Salem, spoke informally. Dr. Helen Pearce related the first meetings and programs, Mrs. Earl T. Brown told of her knoweldge of the existence of AAUW, Mrs. Grover C. Bellinger told briefly of the styles of 1922, Mrs. L. J. Chaflin talked, on "What Uni versity Women Meant to Her," and Mrs. A. M. Chapman, Mrs. L. O. Clement, Mrs. C. A. Kells and Mrs. Alice Edmundson re lated memories of 25 years ago. Miss Leila Johnsnn loM inter esting highlights from the history ui me Drancn and introduced the past presidents of the Salem branch, who are utm rHvm mem bers: Mesdames George Hug, W. Wells Baum, Ellen Fischer. John Jelderks. Milo R Zeller. Elmer O. Berg.' Virgil Golden. Floyd Utter, John Burch- am, igoert S. Oliver, Herbert Rahe. Georee Rossman Mf nii M. Dahl, Miss Beryl Holt, Miss Leila Johnson and Dr. Helen Pearce. Climaxing the program was HARGRAVE , ACCREDITED TEACHER PIANO GRADUATE Morningside Conservatory Sionx City, lows . Sherwood Conservatory Chicar INTERMEDIATE ADVANCED STUDIO: 732 NORTH COTTAGE Fr Appointment Telephone 417 5 Years In Salei 'Looking To the Future" by Mrs. John O. Burcham, president of the Oregon division of AAUW. She told of the objectives and plans for the next twenty-five years as pointed out at the na tional convention in Dallas, Tex as. She was assisted by chairmen of committees of the local branch, Mrs. Charles Layport. education; Mrs. Russell Parmenter, arts; Mrs. C. A. Frat2ke, fellowship; Mrs. Gordon Leonard, international relations; Miss Lenore Headley, social studies and Mrs. Stearns Cushing, membership. Miss Jo Ann Tweedie Is Married From Reno, Nevada comes ex Citing romantic news telling of the marriage there on Saturday afternoon of Miss Jo Ann Twee die, daughter of L. R. Tweedie of Salem, to Clyde E. Jantze of Oakland, Calif., son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Jantze of Sa lem. The ceremony was quietly performed at 1:30 o'clock. The couple's engagement was announced last winter on the Mills college campus, where the bride took her sophomore year. She is a graduate of Salem high school and attended Willamette university where she was Delta Gamma. She was a mem ber of the Salem Spinsters. Mr. Jantze Is also a graduate of Salem high school. The newty-g weds, on return from their hon eymoon, will reside in Oakland, Calif., where he Is with the Con tinental Can company. HALE OF HOLLYWOOD ON DIAMONDS: Diamonds are valuable because they are scarce, beautiful to the eye and nearly Indestructible. You couldn't burn a diamond if you tried - - unless you were scientist who knew how to create pure oxygen and heat it to several hundred degrees. A diamond is the hardest mineral known, because Its atoms are in a very rigidly fixed position. Diamonds are also pretty rigidly fixed in the earth, mostly In South Africa, although about 10,000 of them have been found In Pike county, Arkansas, in the past 40 year. Diamonds, la addition to their beauty and sentimental value, are always good investment, because they don't depreciate on the market like stocks and bonds. And you don't need to go to Africa or Arkansas to find them. Come In and look at ours. Good Jewelry Good Work P. IV. HALE, Jeweler 2031 Fairgrounds Road. Salem Phone S28S SGftfiGO 1 A wMiipi0(()):,t' 10 SUNDAY TWILIGHT CONCERTS November 9 through April 4, 194S Seeson Tickets $19.20, $14.40, $9.0, $7.20 Alt$ avallablt Season Tickets for 10 MONDAY EVENING CONCERTS $24, $19.20, $14.40, $9.40, $7.20 Werner ienuea. Cenewctlof fcujyerw ienuea. I ms'iiillns I "" if j ft 21 S. W. WMnto Portland S, Orf 1 L-m MM. XI, I I 1 i w SaI 1 Tm ten years older fh -i IUI I HIT . .1 employer U' thinks IV Ham REsrote $ptMO nowa ieauty to paomo don If you're a woman out battling for a living in a man's world, it is frequently a real financial asset to look younger than your actual years. That's why all such women have a particularly compelling reason to try rNnoriiF.Mr. For most women, this scientific face cream t an help the skin of face and throat retain or recapture firmness, freshness, smoothness, young-appearing loveliness in a way hitherto thought impossible through cosmetics, knoocrkmic alone contains ACTIVOI, an effective replacement for a certain natural feminine substance essential to skin heautifiralion. Absorbed by the skin, it helps restore normal growth to ageing cells and tissue. Its unequalled benefits have beea established by 10 years of widespread use. Many report marked results in as few as 30 days. $3.50 (plus tat), 30 days' supply. (Stattment t)-pical of thousands received from grateful EMDOCREME USCTS.) WILLETT'S CAPITAL DRUG STORE EFT SPE CIKh Short lines - broken lines - now greatly reduced for oar September specials. SEWS Values lo 6.95 ALL WOOL Res;. 2.98 to 3.9S 7 ALL WOOL mass Reg. 1.00 7WC mm Deg. 5.95 lo 6.95 Tax tacteiei urn Beg. 14.95 lo 19.59 Finl Qnalily Ilyloa H0SDSQ7' n Beg. 12.95 r Tax Incladed WOMEN'S ReruUr 7.93 nisiss Beg. 2.49 lo 153 A Valnes la 14.95 WOOL SIHIWS Reg. 5.95 Slack Soils Valnes lo 10.95 4E0 Stale Si. State, and Ltbert.SU Phone 3118