10 Tk Slalasman, Salem, Oregon. TuaadaT. Spt 18. 1917 galem Market Quotations MTTMfAT fwmium .-L- ....... Mo. I JI2 .82 .88 .03 .Ml B3 .38 .38 .n .67 .7 .73 n .22 .38 No. S j . TUNTI i ' .; Wholesale 4 ' Retail i . .; k.o Btnva Etr large j....... Medium and; standard .... Pullets ' Crack iU tt.os seiitrt Prtca Wholesale, large Mediums . Retail large Retail medium rtttltm Colored hen. No 1 No, a , , i ,. . ..i r fry era . LIVESTOCK (Bv Valley Choice spring lamb Yearling . ."- , Park) 19 00 up to 13 00 . S UO to s uo Fat dairy cow Cutter cdws ,. to 12 50 8 00 to 11 SO 9 00 to 14.50 up to 17 00 13 00 to 17 50 uo to 20 00 Dairy heifer Calves (300 to 450 lbs.) Bulls Veal 1M to 300 tba.) Stocks and Bonds (Compiled r the Associated Press! ! Sep. 15 TOCK AVERAGES j 30 13 r Ind. Rail Monday 4 89 9 33.3 IS 60 Util. Stock 42.5 63.9 42.5 04 0 Previous day 90.2 - 33.1 Week aio 99 ? 32 8 Month ago 92.9 35.0 Year ago 88.3 . 36.9 BOND AVERAGES j 20 10 , Rails Ind. 42.4 63.6 , 42.8 65.9 45.9 65 2 10 10 Vtll For. Monday I 93.1 102.7 104 9 68.1 Previous day 93 3 102.8 104 6 68.7 Week aco i 93 6 103 2 104.8 70.3 Month ago 94.5 103.4 103.3 70.6 Year ago 96 4 102 9 106.9 76.0 1947 low .. 89.8 102.7 104.0 68.1 New 1947 lowr Legal Notice EXECUTOR'S NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that CHARLES A. JOHNSTON has been. by order of the Circuit Court of the fctat of Oregon for Marion County, appointed executor of the estate of LILLIAN A. JOHNSTON, deceased. Any persons having claims againA said estate are requested to present them, with proper! vouchers, to said executor at 310 Pioneer Trust Building. Salem. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 2nd day of September, 1947. ! CHARLES A. JOHNSTON Executor of the Estate of Lillian A. Johnston, deceased. RHOTF.N A RHOTEN f AM F. SPEXRSTRA 310 Pioneer Trust Building Kalem. Oregon Attorneys for Executor, S --!-23-30 CITATION Na. 12.631 ta the Circuit Court ef the State of Oregoa far Marioa Coanty la Probate IN THE .-MATTER OF THE ESTATE o" 1 AN'KA M. ESPEY. Deceased. TO: U. R. ESPEY, MAE L. HECK. EU GENE V. ESPEY, DONALD E. ESPEY. DAVID L. ESPEY, RODNEY ESPEY, SHARON ANN ESPEY and any and alt 'other devisees and heirs UN KNOWN of ANNA M. ESPEY. the above named decedent. GREETINGS-, IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORSGON, You are notified and requir ed to appear within ten days from the date of the service of this citation upon you it served in Marion County, Oregon, and within twenty day from the date of such service if served in ,. any other County of the State of Ore gon, and if served, by publication with . Ing twenty-eight days from the date f the first publication thereof, to show cause, if any exists, why the above entitled Court should not make an Order authorizing the administrator f the Estate of Anna M. Espey to sell the following described, real property belonging? to the estate of said decedent and situated in The Dalles. County of Wasco, State of Oregon, to-wit; The West one-half CW, of Lot numbered : Three (31 of Block num bered Nine (9) -of Laughlin' Addi tion to Dalles City, Oregon, accord ing to the! recordedj plat of said Ad dition as the same appears of record In the County Clerk's office for said County and State. ; Dated this 5th dav of August. 1947. ' H. A. JUDD. Clerk of Marion County. Oregon. By R. G. HOWARD (SEAL) Deputy.i S 9-19-23-30-O 7 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE: Reg. Jersey. Fresh. 3rd eaif. 9175. O. L. Brown. Rt. 3. Box 743. l mi. w . oi uwny BAY part Morgan it Arabian year id colt. Ph. 2-4365 or 6144. 4 FEEfJEft pigs for sale, 'i mile west f Bush College school. Kt. 1, Box tsj. rn. zmzo X BUCKS, 1 Angora and 1 Chinchil la- Rt. 9. Box 12. TrORALE or trade for hay. Well reined bay stock horse, gentle for lit tle children, fast walker. Sound. New Shoes . 665. Pa. 23162 or 23168. BROUN Swiss heifefglving 3' gai. row. Be fresh in Jan. 3'i ml. east of Totem Pole. Watch for paint aign. it AJbert Franke, Rt., 7. Box 325. v AKCTIregUtered femalebloodhound with 4 pup wk. old. J. U Camp bell. 2555 D St fcTANTETj: at or thin cattle, calve and bulls.! Will call at farm. Writ Claude Edwards, 330 S. 14th St BOLL be vice niy artificial insem ination Sire from the best of blood Imes Reasonable fees All work per . sonally supervised by licensed eet armaria na I Salem Artlfiral Insemina tion Station Ph 6589 ""FOB SaXeI ChrartM N H babi etiick every Wed. Boytngtona 3719 ' 8t lnone 4BCT "NEW Hampshire baby chicks, start ed chicks A older pullets always avail- tew rn gwi. Lee Hatchery WANTED. AU kino ot cattle, fat BUes. lowt A hrtart At vaiir farm at aleltvered Market price E C McCand listi Rt 9. Bo 233. across from s- " r i n l. m . rt Bk. i . " CL'STOM ! dressing of chickens, any number Pri-mpt service Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty. Phone Z-7RK1 I a Hafr4ir WANTED AU kinds of cattle and bogs. Will call at farm Write C. L ttnethen. 1550 Lancaster Drive Pb. 2Ia& morn! or eve HJGHESl! QUALITY CHICKS New ftampthn-es: arid Whit Rocks. 100 tree of puliorum. Hatches every Tuea slay Send for free catalog. Wilson Hatcnery fouitry rarm. Lyons, w Auction Lane Sudtell's Community Auction ",.- Sales Yard Wednesday, Sept. 17. at 8.30 am aV 7 p.m. Located 1' ml. E. of Fair grounds on ISilverton Rd. Ph. 6098. 8 piece walhut dining rm, set, Duo Therm hot-water heater. New 9 x 12 rugs. 3 Electorluxes. Circulating Heat ers. Beds, springs, mattresses, blankets, sheets, pillow rases, tables, chairs tools ft many miscellaneous articles. 1939 A. O. John Deere tractor on rubber. 6 ft. tandem disc. Model K. Cletrac tractor New tractor loader. Chicken, rabbits aV turkeys. Day old & veal calve. Heif ers, cows A bulls. Consign your live stock A furniture to this big sale. early. Help Wanted Ladies Wanted TO OPERATE SPARE TIME OP PORTUNITY BUREAU. HAPPY. PROF IT ABLE 'WORK. NO SELLING OR CANVASSING. N O EXPERIENCE. WRITE H. G. JOY. 2170 N.E. HALSEY, PORTLAND 12, OREGON. Help Wanted FRY COOK, break fait shift. Nohl ren t, 440 Stale. h Hop rickrrt Wanted HOP PICKERS ; John t. Roberta Co. Du Schedule Transpoitation facilitie leaving each morning beginning September 1, 1947 At 6:00 A. M from Capitola Boi-tsteele Garaae Fairgrcunds Road A Myrtle Avenue Highland School Larmer Warehouse Commercial and Center Ladd Biuh Bank Owens and Commercial Capitol and D Capitol and Garden RuaJ Garden Road and 21st D ana 2 1st D and 17th 17th and Center 21st i and Center 24th and State 18th and State 12th and etate Ferry and Cottage Farm Employment Ofc. 361 Chemeketa Lee and Turner Road 12th nd Mission High and Mission Leslie School Commercial and Hoyt Jetfermin Hwy. and Hansen Avt. Salem Height School. Yard 4 miles out on South River Road. For further information Ph. 9623. "TrlO"iCKl:RS WANTED For: our yard, about 4 mi. SW of Salem, 250 acres of choice river bot tom hops Picking begins about Sept 1. Fine shady camp ground, fine cab ins, stoves, wood, electric 'ignis, snow er baths, tables, stools and straw for beds furnished with cabin. Store, butcher shop and restaurant on grounds. Bus transportation. Please write john 1. Roberts a co, sa lem. Oregon, stating number of adult Dickers and enclose 81 for registration and use of cabin, which will be re- funded at close of season HOP PICKERS wanted. Good- oick- lng. 5c per lb., 'ic bonus. R. H. Pom-' eroy. Rt. 1. Box 21. Brooks. 9 miles N. on St. Paul Road. Help Wauled Male APPRENTICE for garage and serv ice station. 809 Edgewatcr. W. Salem. . WANTED; Experienced body and fender man. Top wage. Box 518, Statesman. MILLWRIGHT-SAWYER, capable man to take immediate full charee setting up and operating 12,000 feet per day portable saw pi cutting pine. 1 New equipment throughout Highest earnings for right party. write Lake M. Bechtell, frlneviile, Oregon, stating qualifications and reference. RELIABLE oartv to drive truck to Los Angeles for transportation. C it. Haskett, Rt. 7, Box 363. l'i mi. eaat on 1st gravel road. North Hills Agate WANTED: Man as partner to do pruning, lawn- work. etc. Must be ex perienced, lisp N. cnurcn. fti. 70a. AFfUAfitc salesman, vacuum cleaner experience preferred. Guaran tee weekly draw and commission. NO canvassing. Apply 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Mr. Carroll. Montgomery Ward Co. 12 MEN for loading hops for pick ing machine. Ph.- 2-2449 or 2-1663. C. G. Hiltebrand. Rt. 2 MAN with ear to work for circula- tion dept Must be able to sell. See Mr. Clark at The Statesman. "PAYROLL clerk and general office work-; ior sawmill in Independence. Reply In own handwriting, giving' all details to, Box number. Write States man BOX 533. CARETAKER Board, room, salary. Permanent. Older man preferred. 1625 center. Help Wanted Female WOMAN for care of invalid and housework. No washing. 215 E. Lin coln EXF. waitress. 1 to 8:30 p. m. and short ' hours S to 1:30 p. m. Sunday off. The Meadows. 340 State. EXPERIENCED hotel" maid, ateady position. Good wages. Marion Hotel. WOMEN for light housework. Must drive- car. one adult. rn. acz. WANTED: Secretary and stenog rapher. Previous secretarial experience necessary. Best oi references required. Must be able to take dictation rapid ly. S175 beeinnine salary for 40 hr. wk. Write Statesman Box 531. LADY dinner cook, day bift. Sun- days. holidays off. Gd. work. cond. Ap ply in person after 4 p. m. Fade's Coffee Shop, 1241 State St. LADY for ice cream counter serv ice. Refs. Permanent. Hours 11 to 6. Of Tuesday. On Sundays. Steady. sept.i ana uci. fan time nov., use. and Jan. The fixe. 138 s. Liberty. EXf. Waitress, steady position, good wage. Marion hotel WANTED by elderly couple. Lady to share home and part of work for Doara and room. Ph, B360, WANTED: Cook, Oregon State School for Deaf. Phone 8891. aSP7wTitresses. day shift! "TTJhT PAVhOIX clerk and eeneral office work tor sawmill in Independence Reply In own handwriting- giving all aetaiis to box numDer. write aiaies man Box 532 " POULTRY pickers wanted. North- west Poultry and Dairy, 1305 N. Front Ph. 7007. giLtsIXDY. 20 to 35 years old. for tewelrv store. Air conditioned jewelry store. permanent position. Borne typw experience. Mate particulars and references, wrtta box w Mates man,; Salem. Or. Salesmen Wanted YOUNG married man. aggressive. ambitious. Salem resident, business course eolleae rraduate. some retail selling exp., 9' 10" or taller, pleasing personality, good cnaracter, neat dresser, willing worker. Steady lob. good pay with opportunity managerial appi. j. j. oaiem s wuamy usum Shop; for Men ana Young Men, mi State REAL ESTATE salesman by one of Salem oldest firm. Excellent oppor tunity for good man. Experience nec essary. Box 468. Statesman. SALESMAN wanted. 1326 State St. before 11 a. m. I Situations Wanted PRUNING Lawn, park or cemetery worn Fh. 7558. 1150 N. cnurcn. 'SfDEand outside painting. Qual ity work guaranteed. Ph. 7811 after 5:30 iC. C. Hamblen, 1150 Ruge St., West: Salem. , "M3ThR with 11 r. old daughter wants housework in city or country 1005 N. Cottaee or Ph. 26628. STEi?07Typing in my home. Ph. 4373 GOOD care for children. Fenced-in yard.: 1180 Elm St., West Salem SECRETARY, exp, available im mediately. Ph. 9461. IRONING done reasonable in my home. Call 2-1475. sPRXY painting, commercial and rarm work. Not a sntpyara painter vrs. exn. Ph. 7018 Salem. ATTENTION, -mother iit Kelzer district. Leave your children witn me while you work. Any age. Call eve nings. 2nd house on Prince and Har- court. . pJhuWlNG LAWN, park or cemetery work. Ph 7558.; I ISO n. cnurcn BOOKKEEPER desires permanent position, experienced In office man agement, partnership, payroll, ship ping. References. Pauline King. Ray Pooie. Rt. l, PhHomatn, ore. CURTAINS Washed & stretched. 395 S. 22nd. Mrs. B. Lieske. Ph. 26343 WILL CARE for children in my home days. 1 Will pick up mornings and return evenings. rn. z-ian SfTTJATiON wanted. Cook, hskpr Reliable, mid. age. Ref. 2 or S adults. SJI Statesman. TTCXlNED nurse, day or night duty, Ph. I30-R Dallas. - f6R"HlRE: l'i, t. stake back. 12 ft box, truck -and driver. 965 1 N. Bth St. ytx. 26652. Situations Wnnted ACCOUNTANT Competent, neat and accurate ha time available to handle two small busi ness books of account or will consider full time accountings and office man jjrmnt, Hum Soft, Statesman, COMMERCIAL plowing, disc plow, 8-ft. cut, 50 Diesel tractor on rub ber. By acre or by hr. Northwest Heavy Equipment. 3 mi. south on WE. Phone 3-5165. Eves. 2-2151. CRAlS refrigeration service! IPn". lW ' ' ' , . WILL care forcHiTd " in my home. i to iryrm.m uayiimc. rn, imzi Painting - PaperlwnginS Decorating, roof spraying, free esti mates. 2-5826. Rawlins Tibbetts. - ROTOTILUNG. Ph. 2-2122. HKSSMAKINGTlilteratton. deslen. Ing. Fittings made iny our home. 6361. HOUSEWdRK or washing arid iron ing. Call 6364. PAINTING. Good work. Reasonable prices. Free estimate. C Horn. Ph. 7-5518. W. E. DUGGER'S Furnace Chimney A OH Stove cleaning. Dial 7176. PLOW Bob Hulst. Ph. 2-1IJ8: Rt. 8, Box 587. Painting & Decorating WE SPECIALIZE IN INTERIORS 2-5444 DICK ORKY i -. 6265 GENERAL cement contracting. 24751. Hon pc Movers Kay Simmons & Co. Ph 3147 aft. 6p.m. ALL Wurk euaranteed Windows wMls woodwork cleaned. Floors waxed- - Insured workmen Professional Cleanlne Service Phone 4457 WOULD Like to bid on your spray painting. Your paint or ours.. Phone 4246. M. L. Gottenberg. 1450 N 19th St. PAINTER and Paperhanger. Reason able prices Free estimate. H. J Wood worth Ph 3015 EXPERT Repairs. New rolls. Olson Washer Repair. 80 ) Liberty Rd. Ph Z510O. WANTEDl Furniture to -glue and repair. Lee Bros. Ph. 21 233 DRAWING House and store plans Ph 9621 Painting and paperhahglng. 4325 Mike's Septic Service 1079 Elm. West Salem. Ph 9468 or 8327 Painting Contr9ct or by tht hour. Spray ot brush. PAUL BASSETT Bt Box 33 Phone 2-2B06 PieSchooi Playschool. 13il State. Ages 2-8 Part or all da Ph 8430 PAIMTIMP. mUPETKNT, workman. ship. Reasonable rates. Ph. 4-2773. Spray Painting 1 Ralph Alsman 1720 -Lancaster Dr Phone 2-4248 PIANO Tuning. Edwin Hamilton. Wills Music Store. Hollywood Transfer For local Ac long distance hauling Pickup and moving. Trailer for rent Ph 9764 Burton's Mobile Station Septic. Tanks Cleaned fC r! Hamel. 1143 8th. West Salem Phone 7404 PAINTING a Paoernaneine W Q Crowly. 857 Shipping Phone 9513 CHIMNEY sweep. Northnesa, p ft. 4450 For Sale Miscellaneous PRODUCTION BRED Farm Master CHICKS MEAN POULTRY PROFITS FOR YOU Available every day In the year. New Hampshire Reds Available on order Whit Leghorns, Austra White, White P. Rock. Barred P. Rocks, R. I. Reds, Cornish. Choose Sears Farm Master Chicks and Be Sure. SEARS FARM STORE Phone 9192 or 6333 173 S. Liberty TOMATOES for canning. 81.50 per bu.; for juice, 91. Bring containers. Out Silverton Hwy.. . 2', i past Fair grounds. Look tor sign. L. u. Egbert. If" YOUR timepiece needs attention, take it to 190 S. 14th, Salem.. Clock Doctor. : 7 CANNING tomatoes now - ready Imlah Fruit Farm. Vs ml. on Wallace na. rn. zzaze. - t " OIL CIRCULATORS bought, sold, exchanged, repaired. Ph. 6072. FlSRBetter reception at the coast the Tropic Mater raoto sss.du. YEATTR APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem. Oregon Phone 4311 "TtOTFoTNT 80 gaL waterTiater 'used). Y EATER APPUANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem, Oregon Phone 4311 ELECTRIC Hot water heater, 42 gal., unused. 879.50. 14 cu. ft. home fi Freezer. Phone 4284. BUILDING BLOCKS BRICKS PUMICE CONCRETE CEMENT, SEPTIC TANKS. CONCRETE WATIRPROOfTNU I mile south on River Rd. Phone, 8968 " VACUUM Cleaner and floor ' pol lahers. Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem, Oreon Phone 431' MILKING "MachlrTes. milk cooler and home size milk pasteurizers. Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem, Oregon i; Phone 4311 HOSPITAL Beds, wheel chairs, rent, sell, trade. Max Buren. Ph. 7779. 745 Court St. RADIOS and record player. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem. Oregon . - Phone 4311 PRESSURE Cookers for canning, also 4 quart size for every day cooking. Y EATER APPUANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem, Oregon Phone 4311 CUCUMBERS: U Pick, $1 bu. 3 mi. E. Totem Pole. Julius Slattum, Rt. 7, Box 345. - ' LIGHTING Fixture for the home, office or shop YEATIR APPUANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem, Oregon , -. f hone 4311 FULLER Brushes 1745 Grant P 8357 PAINT Sprayer rentals reduced with the purchase of Norris-Walker paints. Howser Bro. Ph. 3646. " RENT your tools and you save your- self time and money, Howser Bros. Phone 3646. Just Arrived David Bradlfey : Garden Tractors . SEARS FARM STORE Phone 9192 or 6333 173 S. Liberty BRAND NEW living room suite, finest maroon frieze covered daven port and chair, tapestry type material, mahogany coffee table. 1353 Edge water. West Salem, after 6 p. m. ALWAYS a big stock. Woodry's Furniture Mkt. Ph. 8110. RESTAURANT Type electric ranges 4 burner and 2 burner with grill, also 24 inch square electric grill, y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem, Oregon ihon 4311 For Sale Mifeellaneoui RED Shingles, delivered anywhere, also lumber. Ted Mutler. Ph 21196 or 25950iEnla Lbi Co.-ielem. Ore. salem Screen shop Windows and sawh. Frames, storm alt. screens mada to order. I Glass replacement and general cab inet wore. is o. lztn. tn. z-ssa i WOOD-BRlOUET circulator, excel- 1 lent condition. 653 N. JYont. Ph. 9379. j SEVERAL 5-gat. cams Sherwin-Wil liams and Miller paint, brick red. arern and dark gray,, 82 a gal . no white; or wiu trade for anything ! can use. Ph. 6821 or 1694 N. Commercial. MAN'S Bicycle. CallHiiter-6m". 1417 N. Liberty. Ph. 2-1576. MA-N'S bicycle. 822.50.' 1230 N. 17th. Phone 4927. 300 REM. Auto.. 3l 735 Rem. 257 Roberts. 38 Special SAW. Ph.- 6583. HOTPOlNT eTec. range wTth elec. clock. 875 Thompson Ave. Sun or Eve. ROUND OAK dining , table and 4 chairs. Bed, mattress 8c springs, like i new. Fruit Jars. 1170 Market St. 120 BASS White Ancona Accordian. Excellent cond. Call 254B6. 5 to7 p.m. DAVENPORT & chair. Fair cond.. $50. 260 S. 14th. Ph. 8631. MAN'S BICYCLE. Good condition. Equipped with 2-speed coaster brake. 1245 Nebraska. Ph. 3937. DUO THERM oil circulator heater. 2 barrels. Hospital bed. 6 ft. Wcstlng house refrigerator. Cabinet radio. AU in good cond. Mrs. Wm. Lurnmis, 1334 N. Summer. ' MAN'S BICYCLE. Good cond. 1898 S. 12th. GARAGE equipment and tools. 3 room apt. on premises. Located 3095 Portland Rd. See Wm. Sumner. SIDE ARM hot water' heater. 1 yr. old. 360 Park Ave. Ph. 2-4543. TOMATOES, you pick, 75c bu. 12 ml S. of Salem at -Midway. Holman's. VIOLIN, Stradivari model. $80. Ph. 2-2751. River Silt MASON SAND CONCRETE MIX READY MIX ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Cement Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH. 2-1966 2-3100 BUTTER Churns (electric). Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem. Oregon Phone 4311 HOTPLATES, 'ingie and two burner. Y EATER APPUANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem. Oregon Phone 4311 . LITTLE Giant washers, full size, to fit on your laundry trays. Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem. Oregon Phone 4311 GIRL'Sbicjxle. Ph. 25788. TNIandI)eiicious apple. , ml. Wert of Kelzer Sen.. Rt. 2. Box 156. 42-INCH Simplex Ironer, heated by gas, operated by elec. motor. Ph. 4964. STRIPED dip cover davenport, $50. Croll baby buggy. $25. Ph. 4834. LUMBER SALE 2x176x8. also 1-ln. boxing. Kash A Karry. 3155 N. River rd. lRLlSb(ke, $20. 1011 '6th, W. Salem. "WALLBOARD, $45 per thou. Plaster. Slaster board, ceiling tile. Rts. 7, Box HUMcCsin Avr. off Silverton Rd. ""WESTlNGHOUSE elec. stove, 3 bumer. side oven. Rt. 5, Box 98, a mi. eart of Girls' Sch on pavement. "TURE"BlUa5 miniature collies Ph. 4997. ONE custom built bolt action 30.06 S porter, $165; one 38-40 Marl in lever action carbine deer rifle, $45. Call 26438 eve. 2-WHEEL trailer. A-l condition. Extra wheel and tire. All new tires. 965 N. 18th St. . . . LARGE Montag circulator lieater, excellent condition. Phon SSSS; "nvHITEehamel 'wood: or coal range, $50. 3115 D St. ; MONT AG - wood range, hot water tan k and pipe. 1230 Fa irmount. ' NEW rubber tire law mower, $15". Steamer trunk, $10. 2185 Laurel. " H0"fPOrNf elec. range, cab. mod. washing mch., 4 ft. GE refrig., 9-pc. solid mah. din. rm. suite., double bed and mattress, single bed and mattress, unpainted chest of drawers, 3-section steel shelving, off. desk, small iron safe, small iron safe. ext. ladder. 18 ft. sec.. Westinehouse flood light, heating stove and pipe, 50 ft garden hose, step ladder.' G. R. HASKEN Rt. 7. Bfix 363, l'a ml. East Lytte Cor. NEW wood stove, hot water tank and fittings; battery radio: Westing hour elec. roaster: horsehide leather coat, size 44. Rt. 5. Box 292. D. L. Moore. Macleay Road. "REFRIGERAT6R7 7 foot new KeT vinator De Luxe model. Ph. 8125 or call at Apt. No. 101. 855 North Winter. PEARMINES TOMATOES BULBS Phone 2-1103 or 2-2343 West of Junc tion of N. River Rd and Cherry Ave. Look for signs, SPINET pianos. $50 or your old piano as down paymjnt. Easy pay ments on balance. Reconditional up rights, 175 to 8195. Rebuilt piano, like new, $240 to $395. Tallman's. 395 S. 12th. "A mile from high prices." ECKWITH piano, perfect cond.. bungalow size. $240. $25 down, 810 a mo. A map. Buy with safety at Tall man's. 395 S.12th. HrlEMlNGTON piano, rebuilt, sweet resonant tone, plain case. This piano is like new. $285. $35 down. $12 a mo. Shop Tallman'-i and save. 395 S. 12th. PIPE and plumbing. For your pipe and plumbing need check with u. Cspital Bargain House, 145 Center, St. FOR SALE: 1939 moderPid tractor with 11-25x36" rubber tires, with road gear and new two-bottom 16" Inter national No. plow ; with cutaway coulters. Bob Hulst. route 8, box 587. Turn right on 1st road north of Cherry ave. and North River rd. T)OGSboarded day or month), trained, bathed and trimmed. Free pickup and delivery. LeGray Ken nels Rt. 3. Ph. 2-3168. ""CINDERELLA Electric table wash ers ideal for apartments or trailer bouses. Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N Liberty Street Salem. Oregon Phone 4311 CHARIS CORSETlERE dresses. RAINCOATS. Ph. 7074. 437 S. Liberty. PUMICE BUILDING BLOCK AND BRICK 12th ST. BLOCK CO S 12th St at Vlrta Ave. Ph. 25363. Eve. 8904. ELECTRIC Loom wire conven ience outlets. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem. Oregon Phone 4311 Elj;CTRdLUXCXEANERCSale7i. Service. Supplies. 191 So. High. Ph. 771925407. ""'WATER Heaters 20. 30. 42. 52 and 66 gal. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty i Street Salem. Oregon Phone 4311 NO Waxing required when you use transparent Plasti-Kote on your floors or linoleum. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N Liberty Street Salem. Oregon Phone 4311 "FANS. Exhaust, pedestal and stand models. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem, Oregon Phone 4311 ""C6fTEE Maker and replacement bowls. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem Oregon Phone 311 GOOD Canning sweet corn, toma toes now ready. Call evenings. Bring containers. Box 167 Auburn Road. Ph. 22081. J R. Wat kins Co products 1717 Cen ter St. Sajem Pti 5395 Tree del ELECTRIC Blankets, comforters and heating pads. YEATER APPLIANCE COMRANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem. Oregon Phone 4311 LAFF-A-DAY u - I "Ha writes the most beautiful evidence!" For Sale Miscellaneous ELECTRIC Irons steam, travel and domestic. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 253 N. Liberty Stiret Salem. OtrKon Phone 4." 11 "CiliCKEIUNG parlor pi and" piano refimshed and irr fplendid condition throughout. A tfSiy fine instrument at a great saving. Stone Piano Co. "THE VALLEY'S FINEST PIANO STORE" 1540 Fairgrounds Rd. (Corner N. Cottage St.) "STEINWAY upright piano, refin ished. mahogany case, only 48 in. high. An exceptional piano. We also have several good reconditioned practice pianos. Stone Piano. Co. "THE VALLEY'S FINEST PIANO STORE" 1540 Fairgrounds Rd. (Corner N. Cottage St ) EASTERN Oregon hav laid down at $40. Write P. O. Box 355. STRAWBERRIES" You pick. Also potatoes and Bermuda onions. Ph. 22281. NOftGE oiPheaier .'heats' t'o"5"fm7. good conditittn ; Universal wood range with coils; iron bedstead and springs. Ph. 22205. CO"MPUTiN'6 gas pump, good eonf; small oil burner unit and elec. hoist, wheel anywhere. Service Sta. K. Cook, 5 mi. out Dallas Rd. , TOMATOES. U pick. $1 per bu. 2 miles out Wallace Road, turn right mi., turn right. W. Leo Nelson, Rt. 1, Box 193, Salem. Ore. Complete Setup 2 ice cream makers 2'2 gal. head. Mills Super Automatic. Viking De luxe popcorn machine. 20 ft. of coun ter. Deliver for $2100 complete. R. L. Elfstrom. 340Court. HOSPITAL beds. wheeTlrhrs. Rent. Max Buren. Ph. 7775. 745 Court St. DEERHUNTERS-The Ben Hur"2 wheel trailer is for you. Sleeps 4 or 6. Follows your car right into the brush and sets up in short order. Val ley Tractor Co.. 530 Chemeketa, Ph. S131 LARGE elec. restaurant rangei large automatic elec. grill, gray brick in sulated si8ing.Pi. 2J140 , WESTJTEljb "boy's bicycle, balloon, tires. 225 Vista Ave. " LAyINS hens. $255 each. Apples and grape. 2397 ' Hazel. BOY'S " used bike, $22. Good condi- tion. Phone 7181. 9-FT. spring tooth, nearly new. Must sell this week. Ph. 5590 eves, or 8590 days. Wfi BTP5? oil circulators, wood ranges, elec. and gas stoves, sewing machines, elec. motors, washing ma chines and used fruniture. 12 St. Fur niture Ph. 7141. . , HAY Phone 6084 after 5 Pm. ""GOOD electric stove, like new; elec tric refrigerator. Call 25547. BEAUTIFUL 8-piece walnut dining room set, rust dav.. 2 chairs., Chas. ot London chair, occ. chair. 5x15 rose rug and pad. 6x1 rose leaf rug. Call 2-5547. ""NEW antique white dinette set, $30. 396 East Superior. Ph. 24927. TWO 30-gal. range hot water tanks, 100-gal. galvanized range boiler or pressure tank, wood range. Zenith No. 2 cast circulating heater, Wedgewood gas stove, apt. size. Savage washer, bicycle, Stimpson balance scale. To ledo self-computing scale. Michigan cash register. 42-in. round top table. 3 lawn mowers, 3'4x4',4 Graflex cam era. 2455 Trade St. Phone 5085. HUNTING and camping trailer. $200. After lp.jm.2085 N. Commercial. NIW Seefy white swan single Ted mattress, $20; elec. radiator, $25. Ph. 9416. DALTONaddingmach.103 Marion. "ZENITH hearing "aid at a liberal discount. Ph. 24097. . WAR" SURPLUS " STORE, 1351 HOYT HUNTING TENTS Just received', 9 ft. by 9 ft. officers' wall tents. Also 16 ft. by 32 ft. A. tent and 16 ft. by 50 ft. hospital tent. 1351 Hoyt St.. S. EPh. 7916. TOMATOES "for canning. 75c per lug Bring container. 3355 Garden Rd. LIKE NEW Steel case carpet sweeper. $4: hdw. comb, high chair, toitee and play chair that can't tip over, good . looking, $12. Ph. 9416. DOD B LB" white bed. freshly " paint ed, complete with new box spring and mattress. Call before 7 p. m. Ph. 26068. - TWOWhEEL trailer for sale 1272 Franklin St . W. Salem. Phone 7704. DIAL telephone, desk type. A-T cond , $20. Ph. 22308 eves. FOR SALE:" Reasonable. Large oak dining table and 6 chairs, large wood circulator heater and large wood range with coils or will take vege tables and meat for part. H. C. Pratt. 866 N. 16th St. ' TWIN tapestry living room chairs, $35 apiece. 2050 N. 18th. AXMINSTER 9x12 rug and pad. Phllco radio phonograph, table model. Ph. 24542. WASHING" machine, refrigerator, small wardrobe, tilt chair with Otto man, radio and phonograph comb., pair of end tables, table with 4 chairs. Call at I860 S. 12th anytime. 50-LB. ICE Box. Good condition. 2590 Lee St. ; '46 MODEL vacuum cleaner. Air-Way Sanitizer. Used 2 mos. $70. See at 295 S. View Place, off Liberty Rd. LARGE, walnut dining room set. Mafic Chef gas range. 1196 Chemeketa. WOOT5 -Range: Good cond. WertTng house elec. roaster. Ph. 107F12. Rt. 4, Box 225E. OR TRADE: Montag enameled cook stove, like new, copper coils & stove pipe, for livestock or ?. D. Beach, R. 1, Box 370. ' W. of Lincoln store to Bethel Hts. WAR""SURPLUS" STORE. 1351 HOYT ST. MACHINERY PAINT. 40c QUART. 30 more double run windows with frame, $10 ea. Brass double faucet. 12 spout. $6. Kitchen swing faucets and sinks. Wash basins, shower stalls. Electrical, wiring, boxes, en trance fuse boxes, conveniences, switches, range cable 25c ft. Special on 42. gal. guaranteed electric water heaters. Bunk beds. 1351 HOYT NEAR SPRR.TEL. 7916. Tomatoes. $i per bu. you pick. Out Silverton Hwy., 2'i mi. past Fair grounds. Look for sign. No children, please. L. D. Egbert. Wanted Furniture GOOD Used wash mashlne & sewing machine. iiPb. 2-5Sll. 594 N. Liberty TOP Prices paid for used furniture, tools and hardware. Call Mr. Reis-r, 9885. 285 N. ComT. WED i FURNITURE Phone 51I0 WAN! TO Buy Usea Cameras a lenses McEwan Photo Shop. 435 State. CASH foi used piano A other mu steal instrument. Call 4641 days or 9537 evenings or send description to Jaqulth Music Co.. 191 S High. USED FURNITURE. "Ph. 9185. Wanted Miscellaneous 100 good rifle. Ph. 25511 or bring to 594 N. Liberty. piano Tuning Wills Musi Store, Salem Miscellaneous Dry For the answer to your water supplv pmblrm. rail West Well Drilling at Oirlr new number. ?3IM1 24 years' continuous opeialioii in this locality. FOR garbage service," call Salem Heights and Prtngle Garbage Co, Route 9 Box 364. Phone 21419. Rawlin's Music Studio A Violin and Piano. Ph 26013. MttrK Capital Bed Co Ph 4o9 PLll M blNU supplies ' water" systems' electric and gas automatic water heat ers. general repair .work Decatur A Maerr. 173 So Com'l Phone 6223 Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads Clearing Ditching Sewer A Basement Equipment Rental 15 B-'i yds 812 00 per hr 10 B-s yds. 9.60 per hr D-7 Cat a Dozer 9 60 per hr. D-6 Cat A Dozer 8 40 per hr D-4 Cat A Dozer 7 00 per hr Phone Dave 9408 Evenings 8246 or 24400 Sa 1 em. Oregon AUTO oainiing lust a shade better by Rav ETTER Call Shrock Motor Co 65(12 Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair DR HARRY SEMI. EH. DENTIST Arlolph Bide. 'State A Com Ph 3311 Guitar Studio. Banjo, Ukulele etc 1533 Court Ph 7569 WATER WELL drilling. Domestic or irrigation Duffield Bros, Rt 9. Box 423 Phone 2-1313 MEN'S HATS cleaned ana blocked tl 00 IF:s "SPRINGER 464 Court WEATHER strips Pullman. Ph. 5965 Financial $ $ MONEY $ $ 4. REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOATNS CAR LOANS We buy real estate mortgage & contracts. Mortgage for Investors net 5. amounts. 8500 to 85000 State Finance Co. 453 S. High St. llAe S 216 M 222 See Us for. Attractive Farm Loans ONLY 4 INTEREST 5 to 40 Years and NO Commission! Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. - Phone 9261 Money to Loan FARM and CITY LOANS 4i and it. Your own terms of repayment with in reason Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortcarea. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 207 Pioneer Trust Blrtg Phone 7162 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 5TH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N M 159 S 154 Mrs. Gallinger Knows 21 Ways To Say "Yes" No matter how I say "Yes." 4 out of 5 who ask for a loan, get one! Don't borrow needlessly, but if you can use extra cash avoid the risk of a "NO" see me first. Come in or phone Per sonal Finance Co.. 518 State St.. Rm. 125, Lie. S122, M165. Phone 3191. General Finance Corp. offers money at once on cars, trucks furniture, trailer house, livestock, farm marchinery; contract refinanced aad additional money advanced No co -signers General Finance Is locally owned and officered: was organized in 1927 and therefor knows and can help throughout the repaying of loan Ap plications tor loans made by phone . 138 South Commercial Sta.. Salem - Phone: 9168. License S-138 it M-338 Room and Board BOARD and room, single or double. 1563 Court. For Kent Rooms NICE Sip. rm, emp. man. Close in. Phone9396; " SEP. RM private entrance. Cooking privileges. Nr. bus. 1369 S. 13th. Ph. 26976. : ""TWd ' nice sleeping rooms for teacfT ers or business women. 745 N. Capitol. Ph. 5323. SL. RM. for student or business girl. On bus. No drinking. $18. Inq. 1456 Chemeketa. LARGE Sleeping, rm. 1417 N. Liberty. Ph 2-1576. SLEEPING mu.; near bus and res taurant. Quiet modern home. 1095 N. 5th St. I SLEEPING rm. for gentleman. 449 E. Meyers 3 NEW sleeping rooms, newly fur- nished and decorated. On bus line. Teachers preferred. No smoking or drinking. Lee Russell. 1555 N. Church St. Phone, 2-620. t "LEAN sip rm.lor clean, men. 2035 McCoy Ph. B093. DBL, rms" Office "girFs or clerks. No smoking. Close in. Ph. 26962. CNl:leeplng room. Call 2-6722. HAVE large downtown room. WfiT share with emoloyed young man. Writ Box 542, Statesman. For Rent Apartment 3-RM. apt., unfurnished. Ask for William Sumner. 3095 Portland Rd. COTTAGES By week or month. 3580 S. Commercial. SMALL turn. apt. Private bath. 4 blks to p.o. 1 woman. $45. Statesman Box 514. For Rent ONE 3-RM. furnished cabin. 1225 S. 25th, across from Ball Park. Must have refs. TRAILER apace, completely modern park. Free laundry privilege. Reason able rates 3580 S. Commercial. PART of double garage for rent. lmctot NOW you can rent a garden tractor plus sickle attachment at Howser Bros. Rates reasonable. ""LATEST" typehig)i speed floor sand ers. edgers and polishers for beautiful floors. Ho Alter Bros. Ph. 3646. 602 Edgewaer. TRAILERS 75c tlrsl hr 60c hrs. following. Woodry's Mkt, 1605 N Sum mer GOOD Used Piano. H. L. Still" ' FLOOR" SANTJER for"rnT MonT- gomery ward. ATMORAYS. Oione Good health. Rent-sell H C. Pugh. 884 N 17 4692 U -DRIVE" TRUCKS FOR RENT" BJa nkets fu rn 197 S Liberty PI. 9082 FLOOR Sander, elec ".floor polisher and lawn roller, weed burner. Rawlins Hardware, the Marshall Well store. Ph. 6877. Wanted to Rent 3 ADULTS, mother It 1 daughters, want apt or small house, turn, or partly furn. Permanent. References. Ph. 2-6857. Call eves, or early morn. WANTED: 2 bed room unfurn. house by Oct. 1. Call A. W. Morris, Salem Branch Tirst National Bank. " VETERAN. wife and i-yr.-old daughter desire 2 or 3 bedrm. house, furn. or unfurn. Call Mr. Manson. Salem 91 II. VETT"wife and baby need house ' apartment, Prion 1197, 24839. For Sale Real Estate McKILLOP REAL ESTATE ! 169 South High $ 4.800-3 nit house, Bath. I.R, DR. K. Builtlna, Nook, plasters Interior, ectric cooking and water heating, Ml heat, garage, tou and KhonJ close, fruit and nut tree, roncrel foundation for small nous In back. 7.300 Very nice 2 BR house. Bath. LR, Kitchen, Dinette. Bulltins. Venetian Blinds. HW floors, electric cooking and water heating, oil heat, garasw. s block to bus, 1 clocks to shopping center, 8 blocks to school, titcm fenced yard with outdoor fireplace, close In. $ 7.750 Large Lot, 60 x 190 approx , 2 BR house. Bath. LR, DR. K. Builtina, Venetian Blinds, Fireplace. HW At Fir floors, plastered interior, full basement, wired for electric range, garage, close te bus and school, im.nediate possession, 82500 down payment. $ 7.900 Modern 2 BR house, Bath. LR. DR. Kitchen, Bulltins. mapl flooring, plastered interior, automatic oil floor furnace, garage, bus, school and store close, immediate possession. $ 9.450 Two story. 4 BR house. Bath. LR. DR. K. Bulltins. Nook. Venetian, B inds. Fireplace. HW Ac Fir floors, plastered Interior, basement, elec tric rook In and water heat.ng, sawdust furnace, garage, bus and achcul rinse, grape arbor, fenced in bark yard with o.itaide ' fireplace. - $10,250 North. 3 BR house. Den. Balh, LR. DR. K. Butltln. Venetian Blinds. F "enlace. HW floors, plastered interior. Basement, electric cooking amtv water heating, sawdust heat, garage, bus and schools cioae. lovely , y-ird and shrubs. $10.750 Ranch Style. 2 BR house. LR. DR. Kitchen. Bulltins. Venetian Blinds. Fireplace, electric cooking and' heating, garage. 1 block to bus, 7 blocks to grade school, 5 blocks to high school, nice yard and shrubs, back vard fenced in. terms can be had. $13,500 Engiewood District. 3 BR home. LR. DR. K. Bulltins. Nook. Venetian Blinds. Fireplace, HW floors, plastered interior, electric cooking, oil heat, garage, bus by door, schools close, excellent yard, houte insulated and weatherstripped throughout. Terms can be had. $14.850 Five Acres close in. 4 BR house. LR. DR. K. Builtins. Nook. Fire place. HW floors, plastered interior. Basement, electric cooking, oil furnace, garage, bus by door, school close. Barn, large chicken bouse,) fiuit and nut tree. . COME IN OR CALL (131 or 8620 EVENING PHONES 6901 - 7163 - 4937 LEE OHM ART & $1,700 DOWN And $46.20 per month buy thi well located 2 bedroom home, south, just off Fairmount hill. Ga floor furnace, insulation, etc. Monthly pmt. Include interest, insurance and taxes. Full price, $7,800. Comer lot. McKINLEY DISTRICT Here i a very comfortable S bed room home located between Leslie Jr. HI and McKlnley grade school. Partial double plumbing, full base ment. new air-conditioned automatic furnace, newly redecorated through out. Mav be shown at any time. Price is $14,000. SUBURBAN EAST i acre and a late built 3 bedroom home located just east of Salem. Fully plastered. Imt.irdlate possession. 1 blk. to trade school and suburban bus. Fruit and nut trees. This is a good buy at $7,500. LISTINGS When listing your property for sale, remember our excellent photographic service. LEE OHM ART 4 477 Court St. Even. ph. ,7534 REIMANN'S REAL IOTS AND ACREAGES NORTH - -10 down, balance easy. Some -with creek, fruit tree. 82.SO0 DOWN 9 bedrooms, full basement. 14 acre with year round creek. Clnae to school and store. Bu by door. No. 310A. . i BARGAIN t ' F IS WOODED LOTS , NORTH - 89x135 US Down. $10 Mo. First Com Best Choice CASH GROCERY Crossing $10,000 per month. In cludes building. 170 food locker, all equipment. A steal at $25,000. 810.000 down. No. 703. REIMANN REAL ESTATE. "SALEM'S BUILDING REALTORS" Eve. As Sun. 2-6790 2-4628 TCI South High FOR A QUICK SALE and Immediate possession we offer ytws a three bed room home, with 1948 8-Cu. rt. Ga Ref, Wedgewood Gat rang. Break, set. Davenport. I Occasional chairs. Library table. Curtains and coda, carpets ist 2 room and halL Pric $6900 00. This will bear your careful Inspection, and . thi la a must order. C. V. Johnson, Realtor 2019 Fairground Road Evening rail Henry BEST BUYS IN BETTER HOMES LOVELY COLONIAL HOME M Creek location, terraced yard, thi home has lovely large living-room with fireplace, large dining-room, kitchen with nook and part bath down, master bedroom with full bath, plus 2 large bedrooms and bath up. beauti ful hardwood floors throughout, part basement with auto furnace and drying room $21,000. j r SOUTH SIDE VIEW PROPERTY I ! This home has an 1828 living-room with fireplace, dining-room ts 11T, beautiful carpeting stays, 2 bedrooms, den, kitchen with nook and bath down, 2 large bedrooms and bath up, also space for additional room up. basement with auto oil furnace, hardwood floors throughout, lovely view overlooking town $23,000. j KINGWOOD HEIGHTS , Beautiful unobstructed view property, new and modern home, ranel style hoire. large living-room with fireplace, dining-room 2 bedrooms, kitch en and ouble plumbing on main floor, basement finishing In ) knotty pine. 1 complete bedrooms, rumpus room with fireplace, part bath, ants oil furnace, lovely hardwood floors throughout, V. blinds, nearly acre ot land sas.ssss. CREEK LOCATION CLOSE IN F Modern well built 3 bedroom home with partly finished upstair, fun -basement with auto furnac. fireplace, hardwood floors, veryi Urge lot. fwh pond and lily pond, lota of shade trees, flower and shrub. Also haa at trac tive rental. 4 rooms, on rear of lot $29,500. I CALABA AND HABERNICHT,' REALTORS RUDY F. CALABA BROKER HABBY HABERNICHT BROKER LOU KLUMPP SALESMAN MITCHELL REAL ESTATE 3425 PORTLAND RD. PHONE 2-5181 THE liUOU tAKlH WE BtlU 11 2 brm. house, well located. - near schools and bus. $6,500. About half cash. ' . 3 brm. house. - well located, cmt. foundation, full bsmL $8,500. $2,000 cash. . A mnnllu mnA K.litifll1 t km. located among fine homes. Full bsmt.. on rurnace, iirepiace, (.wo. nw rt. pleasure to rhow. MOTEL with good 0 room iom and office, bhade. Splendid location. Noted for its "NO VACANCY" sign. See us for the price on this. $1950 -I mnA n..l S en. a at A htinea low home, wired for range, new elect. water heater, nice targe, snaaea 101. close in on paved st. with bus and stores close. down. Sullivan Realty, Inc. REALTORS 335 Portland Rd. Ph. 3253. Eve. 7057 THREE BEDROOMS , Six year old 3 B R. plastered home North, wired for range, att. garage, large lot with several fruit and nut trees. Bus at door. Full pric $6950. Sullivan Realty, Inc. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255, Eve. 7057 HERlTFlS that all modern home in Kelzer school dist.. 2 nice bedrooms, hwd. floors throughout, att. garage, on large lot, only $8000. Terms. Sullivan Realty, Inc. REALTOR S 3363 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255, Eve. 2-5831 Wanted to Rent WANTED, small house with yard for small daughter for small rent, at least reasonable. Ph. 3846. " "BANlC EXAMINER desires urn. or unfurn. 2 bdrm. house or apt. Refs. Ph 6927. . TWO" steadily 'emp. young women desperately In need of 2 or 3 rm. apt. or small house, furn. or unfurn. Call Miss Collier or Miss Cravens. 9241 days or 256 eve. 3-RM. furn. apt. or 2 bdrm. unfurn. house. North. Call ,5924 after p. m. Y6U"N"G couple desire furn. apt" No children or pets. Refs. Ph. 25444. Ph. 801 ave. Joe Miller. - . ' "FURBISHED apCby 2 teacher. Ph! 6395. 2B,DRM. Turn or unfurn house .by Sept, 20. Phone 4927. For Sale Real Eitate L CO., REALTORS NEW AN'D CLEAN Why not be the first occupant ef this new 2 bedroom i home located south? Hardwood floors throughout, range wiring and elec. hot water. Im mediate possession. 87 950. KINGWOOD HEIGHTS A lovely building site. 97x187. lo cated on Montrose Ave. Arking price is $1,200. Insured title furnished. BEN LOMAVD LOTS Several good lots stlil available ranging from $450 and tip. Now In side new city limits. PAST FOUR CORNERS You will like this very neat and clean t bedroom home located on a t acre tract; new lawn, large shade tree. Mav be shown at any tun. Full price is $6,250 ATTENTION. PLEASE f Our saleslady, Mrs. ; Mankertx, has) one of the most exclusive 3 bedroom homes in Salem for sale. Her horn phone is 2-1222. Appointment neces sary. One at time. oiks. CO., REALTORS Day phones 2-4115 2-411$ ESTATE COLUMN VERY EASY TERMS 4 bedrooms, completely fumtshed. Full basement. Wtv water, on pave ment. One acre land. $11,300. CHANCE Or A LIFETIME I 50 Acres. 43 Cleared. 33 cultivated. 14 Bottom land. Berries. 7 H pru. Ram. etc. Year around spring, '$8500. Terms. No., 1022. : 4 BEDROOMS Lots of room, large lot. desirable lo cation. Fireplace, full basement. Doa ble garage. $10,500. No. 402. A FARMER'S FARM 60 acres. Bottom land.1 Orchard arid pasture. 8 room house, I good barn and out bldgs. Desirable at 814.UU0. No. 1013. Phone $303 Phone 7819 Ford Phone 2-1421 231 NORTH HIGH STREET PHONE SR.1S EVE. PHONE im OR 2-5239 Don't Miss Seeing This Beautiful modern home. 3 bdrnut, double plumbing, fireplace, basement, automatic oil heat. 2 car garage. Good location. Not Just another house home. See It today. Pric $13400. Geo. D. Atderin REALTOR ' 403 Oregon Bldg. Phone T Ev, 214f? $4.200-LOCATED elo to S. ComT St. 2 BR. home with garage. Ah 1 attractive 1 room cottage bn back oft lot. Variety of fruit and berries. Cca ner lot 109x130. j Call O. V. Hunj with , ; State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. Hleh St. ph 4121 Eves 2S?nf SUBURBAN NORTH Bungalow style 4 year old. all plas tered 2 B R. home, autai oil heat. hwd. floors, att. garage. 1 blk to bus and store, extra large Jot. nlc yard. Ex cellent terms. i Sullivan Realty, Inc. R E AI .TO 3369 Portland Rd. Ph. 3B53, Eves. 1-883! ADVERTISING Western Advertisinf Representatives Ward-Griffith Company, bat. fkin Fra ncuco Eastern Advertising Representatives Ward-Crlffllh ComptnT, tnm. Chicago. New York. Detroit Boston, Atlanta - ! Member : Pacific Coast Division "" Bureau of Advertisinf Entered f the Postofftc at Sa lem, Oimss a Second Class Mat ter. Published every morning cr eep Monday, fiuttnesi flc 211 South Commercial Street. SUBSCRIPTION RATES '. Man Bubscrlptlon Rates In Ad vance: Within Oregon: Daily and Sunday. Mo. 60 cents: 8 mos. $323: t year, $6 M Elscwher 84) eents pes mo. or $1J0 for t year sa advaacsa Per copy cents. I By City Ca friar. TS ossts a anonth. s no a yea m advanea tm adjacaat untia.