The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 14, 1947, Page 8, Image 8

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    Tho Slortosman. 8alom. Oregon. Sunday, SopL II, 1947
St. Paul's to
Be- Setting
Fori Rites-
Mies Margaret Paxson will re
ceive her golden circlet from
Uudd Coons this afternoon when
the couple's marriage takes place
at St Paul's Episcopal church at
3 o'clock. The bride is the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen S. Pax
son and will be given in marriage
by her father. The benedict is the
son of Mrs. Ivy Coons.
The Rev. George H. Swift will
perform i the nuptials before a
setting of white gladioluses, chry
santhemums and asters flanked
by white tapers in candelabras
wound in ivy. The alternate pews
will be marked.-with clusters of
gladiolus blossoms and white rib
bon. Miss Elizabeth Nelson will
be the soloist and Miss Ruth Bed
ford the organist. ,
Miss Peggy Sears and Miss
Patsy Nickens will light , the ta
pers before the bridal party en
ters. Their v dresses are of pastel
blue marquisette and they will
wear wrist bands of 'yellow and
white flowers.
The honor maid will be Miss
Suzanne Small, who will wear a
yellow marquisette frock fash
ioned with tucked bodice, cap,
sleeves, high neckline and a full
skirt. She will carry a bouquet
of yeliow and lavender chrysan
themums with white stephanotis.
Preceding her to the altar will be
the bridesmaids, Miss Joanne
Fitzmauric. and Mis Jane Car
ami, whs will wear orchid and
aqua net frocks respectively.
Their dresses are made with high,
round necklines, full skirts and
fitted bodices with a ruffle form
ing cap ' sleeves. . Their bouquets
will be of orchid chrysanthemums
and stephanotis. All the girls will
wear halo hats tied tn back with
a bow and ribbon streams to
match their frocks.
Bride te Wear MarajalaeUe
The petite bride will wear a
marquisette bridal gown design
ed with a full skirt terminating
in a train. At the waistline is an
Insertion of wide lace embroidery
and the bodice is made with a
aquare yoke edged In narrow lace,
below which is a wide ruffle in
front and back. A beaded crown
will hold in place her double veil
of illusion which is fingertip
length. She will carry a prayer
book marked -with white orchids.
Dr. Max Coons of Selma, Calif.,
will stand with his brother as best
man. Seating the guests will be
Max Maude, Fred Bynon, III,
Richard Schlicker and Edward
Mrs. Pax son has chosen a cho
colate brown afternoon dress with
cascade drape, gold studded belt
end keyhole neckline for her
As sturdy and as
honest as our Pilgrim
ancestors but modernized
to fit th needs of a
modern world.
C s rh
, United Spanish War Veterans and
auxiliary, mt VFW hall at S:JO p.m.. no.
host dinner, business meeting at
West Salem Lions auxiliary with Mrs.
Eunice Burk. eta Ed(watr at., a p.m.
American . Legion auxiliary. Capital
unit. Installation, Salem Woman's club,
Rjn. !
Alpha Oil Omega alumna with Mrs.
WUlum Phillips, West LefeU at.
p.m. i
Jayceettes meet at club rooms, 2043
Maple ave p.m.
West Salem Lions auxiliary with Mrs."
Earl Burk, tia Edgewater st, p.m.,
Harry Johnson, speaker.
i ,
KtokU Woman's crab with Mrs. Ma
son Bishop. 1M1 S. Church it., 1 :1S des
sert luncheon.
Salem Central WCTU with Mrs.
Mayme Hill. 1724 Chemeketa st S p.m.
Chadwick chapter. OES, meet at Ma
sonic Temple, p.m.
Westminster guild. First Presbyter
tan church, get-together at home of
Mm. L.V. Benson. 1899 E. Nob Hill. 1 30
4 JO o'clock.
Salem Writers club with Mrs.' J east
Singleton. CM Court sL. 7:30 p.m.
Pythian Sisters meet at KP hall, I
Luncheon at Knight Memorial church,
12 30 p.m.. followed by business meet
ing of Women's Fellowship.
Sojourners dessert luncheon. Salem
Woman's clubhouse. 1:1 J P-m.
Celd Star Mothers meet st VTW hall,
p.m.. initiation and refreshments.
Women's Council of First Christian
church at church, welfare luncheon at
noon, meeting at 1 p.m.
daughter's - nuptials. iUer wide
brimmed brown hat us adorned
with gold birds and her accessor
ies are brown. She will wear. a
corsage of Elfe roses. Mrs! Coons
will attend her son's marriage in
a spruce green dress made- with
peplum and three-quarter length
sleeves. Her accessories will be
black and she wiH have a corsage
of yellow roses. .
The Morningside home' of the
bride's parents will be the scene
of :: the wedding reception. Mrs.
Ernest Hobbe will preside at the
coffee urn, and Mrs. Edward Sal
strom the punch bowl. Mrs, Will
iam Buh and Mrs. Max Coons
will cut the bride's cake. Serving
will be the Misses Mary Bennett
of McKinnvills, Audrey Simmons,
Margaret Newton, Madeleine
Keene of Corvallis and Georgia
Roberts. Misses Gloria and Bar
bara McClintock wiH open the
When the couple leave on their
wedding trip the bride will wear
a deep rose wool suit with browrt
hat and accessories. They will
live in Corvallis and attend Ore
gon State college.
First fall meeting for the Etokta
Woman's club will be held Tues
day afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Mason Bishop, 1541 S. Church st,
with a 1:15 o'clock dessert lun
cheon. Assisting hostesses are
Mrs. L R. Springer, Mrs. H. W,
Winkler and Mrs. Samuel B. Gil
lette. i r ' 1 1 1
"u k
Miss Leona
Rex .Will
Exchanging marriage vows to
night will be Miss Leona Rex,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mike
Rex. and Gordon Hofstetter. son
of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Hofstetter.
The ceremony will be performed
at St Mark Evangelical Lutheran
church with the Rev. M. A. Getz
endaner officiating at 7:30 o'clock.
Miss Barbara Sthultz of Portland
will sing and Professor Maurice
Brennen'wiU be) the organist. Miss
Evelyn Hilfiker1, wearing a pink
taffeta gown, will light the altar
The bride, who will be given in
marriage by her father, will wear
an ivory ' slipper satin gown de
signed with full skirt ending in
a train. The bodice is made with
a peplum embellished with pearls
and the sweetheart neckline . is
edged in pearl design. The sleeves
are long and tiny buttons extend
down the back. Her fingertip
length tulle veil will be held in
place by a seed pearl crown. Her
only ornament will be a strand
of pearls, a gift of the groom. She
will carry a Bible, a gift of her
mother, which will be marked
with gardenias, ; roses and steph
anotls. " . . .
Miss Joyce Siegenthaler will be
maid of .honor for her aunt and
bridesmaids will be Mrs. E. X.
Siegenthaler, sister of the bride,
and -Miss Beverly Hofstetter, -sister
of the groom. The honor maid
will wear pink taffeta and the
attendants' frocks are of water
fall blue. The dresses are made
identical . with collars and tiny
buttons down the front of the
fitted bodices. The full skirts arc
ruffled in back forming short
trains. They will wear matching
mitts and flowered headdresses.
Their old fashioned nosegays will
be of pastel flowers.
Bratber Is Best Maa -
Janet Bean, the flower girl, will
wear a floor length blue satin
frock and carry a miniature nose
gay. Gary Siegenthaler will be
ring bearer. '.. -
Grovar Hofstetter will stand
with his brother as best man and
Kare and Beaniiful Antiques
For Gifts or
DPSTAms AimauE shop
Hours 11:00 to 5:00. Open anytime by appointment.
439 Court Phone 2-5046
In order to oprockrta the TREMENDOUS SAVINGS at
fhasa prices It Is nacaaaory to SEE THE MERCHANDISE
PLATFORM ROCKER - upholstered
in contrasting colors . . 36.75
CRICKET ROCKER .- . . . . 14.75
CRICKET CHAIR . . . . . 14.75
groomsmen will be Rodney Hof
stetter and Melvln Ilex. Ushers
will be Woody Carson, LuVerne
Bell and Eddie Edlund.
Mrs. Rex will attend her daugh
ter's wedding in a cinnamon
brown suit with deep brown ac
cessories. Mrs. Hofstetter will
wear frey suit with brown ac
cessories. Their corsages will be
of gardenias and roses.
After the ceremony a reception
will' be held in the Hofstetter
home on Hood street. Mrs. L. J.
Stewart' will preside at the coffee
urn and Mrs. Arlie Bean" at the
punch bowl. Mrs. G. E. Jaqua will
cut the . cake and Mrs. H. M.
Boesch will serve the ices. Miss
Marie Sherman will pass the guest
book "and Mrs. L V. Urban will
be in charge of the gifts. Assist
ing will be Johnny Rex and Leon
Mr. Hofstetter and his bride
will leave on a month's honey
moon trip to California and Mex
ico, returning to Salem to make
their home. For travelling the
bride will wear a mink brown suit
and brown hat . trimmed with a
chartreuse feather and chartreuse
accessories. ;
1 1
Alpha Chi Omega alumnae will
hold their first fall meeting Mon
day night at the home of Mrs.
William L. Phillips on West Le-
felle street. A dessert supper will
be served at 8 o'clock and assist- ;
ing hostesses are Mrs. Gardner
Knapp, Mrs. Lewis Griffith and
Mrs. Georgs) Fell. All Alpha Chis
In the city are invited and any
View alumnae desiring information
may call Mrs. Knapp or Mrs.
Griffith. '
' Slaying, at the home af Mrs,
Walter L. Spaulding this year
will be her niece, Miss Barbara
Miller of Gresham, and Miss
Gretchen Wright Jft Fremont,
Ohio, new speech caectionist for
the Salem public schools. Miss
Miller will enter Willamette uni
versity as a junior and the past
two years has been attending
Cottey college in Missouri on a
JPEO scholarship. , '
Jayreettes will meet Monday
night at the clubroom. 2045 Ma
ple avenue, at 8 o'clock. Installa
tion of officers will be held. The
committee includes Mrs. Elmo
Lindholm, Mrs. Leo Brockway
and Mrs. Kenneth Frad.
the Collector
Hi n) y
? (Pi -55 !
I bbbbbt aw a . . .
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert G.
were married on September 6
First Congregational church.
their home in Salem. (Joseph
Joan Farrell. daaghter af Sec
retary of State and Mrs. Robert
S. Farrell, jr, has left for Port
land where she has enrolled for
her junior year at the Catlin
school. She took her first two
years at Annie Wright seminary.
The Frrells are leaving Saturday
for Biloxi, Miss., to attend a sec
retary of states meeting. They
wil be joined in Chicago by the
Palmer Hoyts of Denver, formerly
of Portland.
Visiters ia Salem this week were
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Carlton
LVavit of Beverly Hills. Calif.,
who were guests for several days
at the home of Mrs. Ruth Hem
don. Mr. Leaivtt is transportation
director for the RKO studios in
Los Angeles. They are touring the
Radio Repairs
AO Makes
Appliance Repairs
340 Court
r ' f aiatssi ,a
Shaffer (Marjorio Knox) who
In the fireplace room of tho
The newlyweds will make
Tompkins photo).
northwest and left Thursday for
Lake Louise and Yellowstone
SaaUasa area e a a n e 1 1. Girl
Scouts of America, will hold the
first fall meeting Thursday at
Sweet Home. Attending'from here
will be Mrs. Leon Lassers, Mrs.
Arthur Jones, Mrs. Victor Wal
dele and Mrs. Walter L. Spauld
ing. Mrs. Key S. Keene has Invited
members of her study club to her
homeain Corvallis Tuesday after
noon for luncheon. This will be
the first fall meeting for the
group. .
The Reanly Bar
Kayette Old
Wave. Cay
ell Safe
Ware Tee
Baaaeata Operated ay Nan Willisana
Zaaa Hales
Pbaaa 392S
21 1st National Baak Bids.
Wed. Eve. Aapeiataaeats
As a result of a SPECIAL PURCHASE of solid East
em Hard Rock Maple we are able to bring -you this
beautiful well - constructed Living Room Furniture
at a price Far Below Today's Level.
Every piece has been manufactured by the Na-
tionally known Old Lyme Crafts of Massachusetts.
Compare These Values
Full Sized. Three-Cushioned Davenport. Uphol
stered in Rugged Tapestries. QTC
Reversible Cushions Wair
Matching Armchair 35.50
Three-Piece Sectional. May be used as a Love
Seat, Matching Chair, or OQSO
Oversized Sofa -
PrUdlla Rockers 9.95
We Will Gladly
Delegates to Be Nanml
Reports from the county WCTU
convention will be given at the
meeting of the Salem Central
WCTU meeting Tuesday after
noon at the home of Mrs. Mayme
Hill, 1724 Chemeketa street, at 2
o'clock. Announcement will be
made of the state convention to
which delegates will be elected to
attend the meeting In McMinn
vllle September SO-October 4.
New officers to be Installed are
Mrs. E. A. Young, president; Mrs.
J. R. Carruthers, recording secre
tary; and Mrs. J. J. Nunn, corre
sponding secretary. .. Mrs. L. G.
Prescott, vice-president; and Mrs.
H. R. Mitchell, treasurer, were
reelected. -
' Mf. and Mrs, T Harold Tom-
linson and Mr. and Mrs. H. T.
Irving will return today from a
weeks stay In Victoria and Van
couver, B.C.
Mrs. Free" Bernier arrived la
the . capital by plane this week
from her home in Dawson. Yukon
territory to spend the winter with
her sister, Mrs. H. K. StocjtweU.
Elf strom Art Galleries
Bad Ausoee, Austria
Black and Whites
Salem, Oregon
September 15 - October 10, 1947
Elfstrom Art Galleries
Salem, Oregon
" i
M HVT'i' W'iW ,'tfVHUBl 1 yppasggBaarag
S '
340 Court St.
Arrange Terms to Suit Your Budael
Mrs. Travis to V
de lnstauea 1
Mrs. Merle Travis will be In
stalled as president of Capital
Unit, American Legion auxiliary,
Monday night at the Salem Wo
man's clubhouse at 8 o'clock.
Elective and appointive officers
will also be Installed. Mrs. Leon
Brown, HUIsboro, formerly of Sa-
lem, and past department presi
dent, will be the Installing officer.
She will be assisted by the past
presidents of Capital Unit, who
will serve as the degree team.
Mrs. Marion Miller, president
of District 2, will be a special
guest. A social hour will follow
the installation, Mrs. L N. Bacon,
retiring president, is in charge of
arrangements. i
Mrs, Fhllllp Allisea wUl eater
tain members of the Gaiety Hill
garden club at luncheon Monday
afternoon at her Fairmount Hill
home. New officers are Mrs.
William L. Phillips, president;
Mis. Allison, vice-president; and
Mrs. W. Wells Bauro, secretary.