The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 14, 1947, Page 7, Image 7

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Saturday's Nuptials ...
Misn Lorraine Macklin and C. Fog-reft Smith ex
changed marriage vows at a ceremony at the Roberts'
studio Saturday night at 8 o'clock with the Rev. Brooks
Mcore officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Scott Macklin and her husband is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Smith.
Miss Helen Doris Friesen sang and Professor T. S.
Roberts played the organ music. Lighting the tapers were
Mrs. Robert Lippis and Mrs. Howard Branch, who wore
white net frocks over taffeta with taffeta bodices. The
improvised altar was banked with white gladioluses and
candles. , . .
Of white slipper satin was the bridal gown designed
with a fitted bodice pointed in front at the waistline,
long sleeves and a full train. The neckline was high and
round. and fashioned w;th a marquisette yoke edged in
Jace. Her fingertip length veil was caught to a lace head
dress end she carried a bouquet of red roses. Mrs. Mack
ling gave his daughter in marriage.
Mrs. Ted Kightlinger was the bride's honor attend
ant and wore i yellow nylon net dress and carried a
colonial nosegay. Robert Lippis was best man and ushers
were Carl Arndt and Lawrence Macklin.
Mrs. Macklin wore royal blue gown for the nup
tials and Mrs. Smith chose a black ensemble. Their cor
sages were of, pink roses.
The wedding reception was held at the Macklin
home. Mrs. Thomas Schweigert cut the bridVs cake and
Mrs. Carl Arndt presided at the coffee urn. Mrs. Lawr
ence Macklin assisted in . the dining room.
When the couple left on their wedding trip the bride
donned a black suit with white accessories and black
hat . with white trim. Pinned to her suit was m orchid.
The newly weds will Jive in Salem where he is with the
stale highway department.
Au revoirs will socn be said to Mrs. Dald Shep
herd, above, and her two children, liancy
end Jeffery, who are leaving the first of October
icr Sacramento to make their heme, where
Shepherd is new in business.
At tie right, is Mrs. Marion Moore and chil
dren, Linda and Danny, who have returned to Sa
lem to live after seven years' absence. They have
been in j Long 3each, Calif., where he was with
the YMCA. He is new assistant secretary of the
Salem YMGA. (Kennell-Dlis photos).
Celebrate Founding
Salem branch, American Association of University
Women, will begin its fall activities with a one
o'clock luncheon in the Mirror Room of the Marion
hotel on; Saturday, September 20. Mrs. Virgil T.
Golden, president, will preside at the luncheon meet
ing. Profipective members are invited to attend and
reservations should be made with Miss Laura Hale at
6231 or Mrs. Golden, 8626. ,
The (luncheon will mark the twenty-fifth anni
versary of the Salem branch' and 'Miss Beryl Holt is
serving as chairman of arrangements. Honor.' guests
will be charter members, who will appear in cos
tume of that period and relate memories of the found
ing in 1922. Charter members who Will be present
include Mrs. E. T. Brown, Mrs. L. J. Chapin, Mr. L.
O. Clement, Mrs. J. M. Devers, Mrs. Raymond Wjalsh,
Mrs A. M. Chapman, Mrs. Grover C. ; Bellinger, Dr.
Helen Pcarce and Mrs. Ernest C. Richcrds.
Mrs. H. J. Thomas will lead the group in singing
songs of yesterday and Miss Leila Johnson will g've
history of the Salem branch. Miss Johnson will also
Introduce former presidents of the branch. A feature
of the program will be the skit entitled "Looking to
the Future" lay Mrs. John Burcham, president of the
Oregon division of AAUW. She will be assisted by
Mrs. Charles La port. Mrs. Gordon Leonard, Mis
Lenore HeadJey, Mrs. Russell Parmentef, Mips Eleanor
Roberts, Mrs. C. A. Fratzke and Mrs. Stearns Cuh
ing. Jr.
The firtt board meeting was held Tuesday night
at the. home of Mrs. Golden when committee chair
men snd member were appointed.
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Pictured with her attendants is Mrs. William Le e Ean (Janice Nelson), whese marriage wa3 an
event of September 7 at St. Paul's Episcopal church. Lelt to riht are Miss Marianne Low,
Miss Mary Fairchlid cf Bend, Miss Edith Moxley, the henor maid, and the bride, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Carl E. Nelson. The benedict is the sen of Mr. and Mrs-. E. L Ean cf Portland. The couple
will live in Ccrvailis while he is attending Oregon Slaie college. (JesMn-Miller).
Luncheon Will
Fete Leaders
Several hundred Salem women are busy
formulating plans for the women's divirion
of the annual Community Chest o'rive under
the direction of Mrs. L. V. Benson, women's
division chairman. Fre-campaign activities
begin Tuesday with the Jictual drive opening
October 7 md ending October 16.
Mrs. Benson will entertain her loaders
at a one o'clock luncheon on Friday siftcr
noon at her Etst Nob Hill home to complete
plans for the drive. A. C. Iu;ag. chairman of
the Chett drive, will be the main speaker.
Leaders of the women's division sue Mrs.
Leon Lasseis. Mrs. A. D. Woodma nce, Mrs.
Glenn S. Paxscn. Mrs. Frank Prime, Mrs.
Kenneth Potts, Mrs. A. A. Schramm. Mrs.
George Hoffman. Mrs. Richard A. Meyt-r,
Mrs. Coirad V. Paulus. M;s. Cieorife Spaur,
Mrs. Elmer O. Berg and Mrs. Phillip Allison.
Au Revoir Parties ...
By Jeryme English
Statesman Society Editor
A round of parties will fete Mus Beth Siewert this week prior
to her departure on September 22 for Philadelphia for an indefinite
May. M's Siewert, the daufhter cf Mr. A. A. Siewert, will lly east
and will be the guest rf Miss Shirley Eutkr, who has made her
heme in Salem the past year. Miss Butler is leaving this weak for
the taft coast and will be accompanied by her fiance, Raymond G.
Hutchinsc n, who w ill isit at the Robert J. Butler home before leav
ing for Eurcpe on business,
Mrs. Robert Brr.wnell will entertain with a dessert bridge Tues
day at her Cascade Drive home in hener of Miss Sieweit.
Guests will be the M.f?s Beth Sieweit. Marrtlla Sen war. Lorraine
TsylCi. Rita Karr, Mcidamcs William Whitmorc, Douglas Cham
bers. Rorcr Quacenbtjf;h, R;bert Lehto. A!an Siewert William M.
Smith. Herbert Stiff, jr., Wbetler R. English. John L. Syl!ivan
Hillary Ltzel, Dern Trumbo. Wilmcr If. Pige, ITlul BrowneU, Carl
tin McLcod -d Orville South.
Mrs. A. A. Siewert will be a luncheon hostess Wednesday after
nocn i:t her North Winter street horhe for tl-e pleasure cf her djuh
tcr and a few of her. friends. Mrs. William Mallotte Smith i enter
taining on Friday aftenoon for the traveller.
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Tells Bridal Plans
Miss Dclphire Riney, bride-elect of Thomas G. Stevenson, has j
c mpicted p!.ns for her mania re which will be an event of Satur-
day, September 20 at the First Conpretioorl church. The bride-to-be
is the daughter of Mr. and Mr. Elmer Riney and her fianc
is the son of Mr, i nd Miij. Claude H. Slexenson
Dr. C'l.ailes Durticn will officiate at the 7:30 o'clock naptiMls.
Miss Donna Uuruh will sing and Jean llub'cn Rich will be tie or
ganist. Lighting the candles will be Mrs. Donald Betcrcft and Misg
Dorothy Boyes.
Mr. Riney will give his daughter in msrriage and she has asked
Mrs. Ddrner Dewey (Jeanne Gooden) to te her only attendant.
Edward Dietz will serve as best man and ushers include Lyman
Sundin, Donald Zosel, Carl Ostrin and Robert Dunn of Dallas. A
reception will be held in the fireplace room. I
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bride of Saturday night "was Mrs. Jack J. Wright, the for
mer Patricia Anne Leary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will-
lam F. Leary. The nuptials were performed at the First Congre
gational church. The couple will make their home in Seattle.
CKenneU-FJlis): " '
n her white satin bridal gown is Mrs. Robert Butte (Barbara Spaulding, above, who was married
September 7 at the First Congregational church. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Loran
Spaulding and her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Butte.
Insert above shows Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L Prince (Carolyn Bates) leaving the first Congre
gational church September 5 following their wedding. The bride is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs.
Charles E. Bates and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Prince. (McEwan photo).
utting the cake at the reception which followed their wed
ding are Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Struble (Betty Zo Allen).
The ceremony took place at St. Paul's Episcopal church on
September 7. The bride is the daughtsr cf Mrs. Zona G. Allen
and the groom is the son cf Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Strubie. Th
newly weds will live In Eugene. (Jsten-Miller. - j