A 10 The Statesman, Salem. Cwym, Sanda-f. SapL 14. 1947 Twins Will Be Baptized Patty Lou and Peggy Sue Strickfaden, four month old twin daughter of , Mr. and Mrs. John C.T Strlckfaden, will be baptized this morning during cervices at the First Congregational church with the Rev. Seth Huntington officiating. Godparents for the little (iris will be Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ruggles; of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rhine of Homer City, Pennsylvania, uncle and aunt, who are here visting at the David 1L Cameron home. A buffet luncheon at the Strlck faden home will follow the serv ices for. members of the immedi ate family. Covers will be placed for twins'., great-grandmother, Mrs. Minnie Jane Bell of Inde pendence, the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. David If. Cameron, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Nagel and son, Larry David, of Corvallis, Mr. and Mrs. rrank Rhine, John Strlckfaden and the host. r . I . " ' "' - ! UCsirciof'BaixFMv ' X rT") Vf Jl the ndiaess aad baury "ilVw V r . - I '! dear dbere'i aw freedom - f VV 1 , tnm malic and 1 rffncel ,1 ' ) J " li s TU for toer Uswoit A f fj WSV I ' - mmi It's Beodix KWio fee wV ' ..tiam. -Hf" 7 rh . - l-eS. ' . JMav - '' - " r !!M ft it i Blare lurking yom mat is radio! Look at tfce deaa' tmarf of its sm-dassie sts-UnsT Hear botlT FM and 'wJirii broaacaact a their peak of perfecdoo! gofoy Ww brilliance la recorded saeelc!.'' 2ln Im aad hear this sw Beodix 71(7 Uodel in o akowroo-. Ooly ... 'jJfJ Jfiifr JHONrHLVrfi- riOCT Or SINSIX AVUTIOM,CttATIOi. S40 Court St. Ph. 9221 Mlas Shirley Durand has - ar rived from Rochester, N.Y. to en ter her Junior year at Willamette university. She. will make her home with Dr. and Mrs. C. L Blodgett and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Utley. Ex-King Carol, Wife Packing to Leave Brazil RIO DE JANEIRO, Sept'lS- Former King: Carol of Romania and Mme. Elena Lupescu, legally declared man and wile, were re ported by attendants Friday to be packing to leave Brazil. Where and when they win go remained a secret even among their closest friends." JANE YVTTHERS TO WED LOS ANGELES, Sept W-flPr- Jane Withers, 21-year-old film actress, and William Moss, 27, motion picture ' producer, ob tained a marriage license Friday. W 'r 'e' hS J t - V. I ' .T 'V.:.'",''- i:J i-. ', i ; .: J t- ' Telling ot her ongage-. ment to Howard Peterson, recenfly, Was Mias Luella Haugen. Her parents of Mr. and Mrs. Hjcdmer Haugen and. his are Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Peterson of Dallas. No wedding plans have "Friends wonder how I stay . looking so young ' - ,t:;' I I Htm mstou pmno nown iiauty to fawno won Does the Spring Flower beauty of jour face and throat skin still win you compliments? If not, may we suggest , EKDOCSEMK. For niost women, this widely approved face cream has helped the skin recapture and retain firmness, freshness, smoothness, youthful-looking loveliness and charm, endocreme alone contains Acnvot, an effective replacement for a certain natural feminine substance essential to skin beauty. Absorbed by the skin, ft helps restore normal growth to ageing cells and tissue. For ten years, endo chime has brought skin benefits to thousands to a degree hitherto thought impossible , through cosmetics. Many report marked results in only 80 days. $3.50 (plus tax), 80 days supply. (Statement typical of thousands received from grateful ENDOCKEME users.) PACE CREAM Alto Try lUDOCimi CleaaMng Cream to bit ten beautifying results. Wilktt's Capital Drug Store State and Liberty Sis. Ph. 3118 FITTS MARKET Fills IJarhcl 216 N. Commercial St. Ph. 4424 PEDERSEN'S GIFT SHOP Phone 7719 191 So. High St. WE DO YOUR GIFT WRAPPING Store Hour 9 to 8 IIOU FOR DELIVERY Toast-O-Lator Rec. U. 8. Pat. Office THE LUXURY TOASTMASTER V Moves the teast p and tows and forward while be lar toasted, maklnc It ernnchy brown all ever. Is desirned U make perfect ioo.t from all kinds of bread either" fresh or dry Timing Is accurate sad as tir adjustable U salt cither high or lew vo!te Touts Urge or small slices, even English snaf fins, equally well, at speed at approximately a slice a ml ate. Toast Is made light or dark suit the Individual taste simply by adjusting the tim ing lever for lighter er dar ker toast. Prevents burning teast hf ejecting the teast automat ically when the toasting Is complete. Heating elements will last for years but can be re placed In a few minutes If necessary Haa a beautiful plastic base that never gets hot and will not damage the finest table. Is easy to clean ' simply' lift eff the chromium' top and brash' out the crumbs. Will reheat cold toast la 10 seconds by placing the slice in the exit end ef the toaat- er. Is factory tested, with mon ey back guarantee against all mechanical and electric al defects. . ' Haa a generous eight foot cord with plug attached. Ill to 124 volts - AC ealy. As Ilcdcrn as Tcaorrow . urd It's Years Tc jay Several Styles to Shoose From ' ilparimcni Size Uashing Ilochincs Nuptials to Be Read At a 2 o'clock ceremony this af ternoon in the fireplace room of the First Congregational church Miss lielenmae Armstrong. daughter of Mn. Delbert Rund, will become the bride of Loren Wiederkehr, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Wiederkehr of Jefferson. The fireplace will be banked with arrangements of white gladioluses and blue delphinium. Delbert Rund will give the bride in marriage and for her wedding she has chosen a white gabardine dressmaker suit fash ioned with long Jacket, navy blue hat and accessories. She will car ry a fan shaped bouquet of white flowers centered with an orchid. Mrs. Theodore Walt will be the bride's only attendant and she will wear a mist blue suit with navy accessories and carry a bou quet of pink gladioluses and blue delphinium. Donald Gilmore will stand with the groom as best man. Mrs. Rund will attend her daughter's wedding in a black wool suit with matching acces sories and Mrs. Wiederkehr will wear a pastel blue suit with black accessories. Their corsages will be. of pink and white roses and bouvardia. A reception will follow the cer emony in the fireplace room. Mrs. Thomas Pramas will cut the cake and Mrs. Clarence Rund will pre side at the coffee urn. Mrs. Dale Reeves will assist. The couple will drive north to Lake Louise and Alaska on their honeymoon. Mrs. Trascliel, Children to Start for China Mrs. Laura C. Traschel and her three daughters will leave Salem this week for China where they will Join her husband, the Rev. J. Traschel, in his missionary work near Chungking. China. His family will sail from San Fran cisco September 19, sailing via Manila and Shanghai, thence 1,000 miles up the Yangtze river. The Rev. Traschel, missionary for the National Holiness Mission ary society, returned to China a year and a half ago after having returned to this country on the last passage of the Gripsholm during the war, following a 20 months imprisonment by the Japanese. His family had return ed from China earlier. Mrs. Traschel will be heard In a talk at the Sunday evening ser vice this week at Evangelical United Brethren church at Sum mer and Marion streets. i The Traschel daughters are Helen Marie, 11, Carol Faith. 5. 1 and Joy Elizabeth, 3. I Ed Haynes, Mr. and Mrs. George Cree, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Cree, Patricia, Betty Lou and Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson, Joan and Frances, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cree. Shirley and Bob by; Carol and Shirley Johnston from Lyons; Ina Harold from Silverton; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wight and Mr. and Mrs. John White from Lebanon; Mrs. Lillie Conser from La comb, and Mr. and Mrs. John Garner, Dennis from Detroit . Terry and A person's Intake of lair is four to seven times by weight of his Intake of food and water. Burton Family Reunion Is Held MILL CITY Members of the Burton clan met August 24 at the St ay ton city park for their first annual reunion. Harvey Wight of Lebanon presided. It was voted to hold a reunion each year on the fourth Sunday in August, the place to be announc ed. Officers elected are Mrs. George Cree, president. Mill City; Mrs. Robert Brown, Salem, vice president; Mrs. Lowell Cree, Mill City, secretary-treasurer. Gifts were presented to Robert Gayle Brown, 3 months old, of Salem, , youngest present, and Mrs. AnHa Stayton, 96, of Stay- ton,, oldest one present, and to Mrs. Alice Barton, 77, of Scio, the oldest relative present. Present were, from Salem. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Downing, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown and Robert Gayle, Mrs. Nora Taylor, and Mrs. Warren Richardson. From Scio, Mrs. Alice Burton, Mrs. Lena Yeoman, Warren Bur ton, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bur ton, Kenneth and James, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Wells, Keith Burton and Arlene and Floyd. From Stayton, Mr. Anna Stayton, Mrs. Everett Downing. Mr, and Mrs. Carl Titus, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Harold, Mrs. Frank Linderman, Susie Kearns, Willis Cox, Frank Thomas, General Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Thurston Thoma?. Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Harold, Kathleen and Clara Ma rie, and Donald and Marlene Burton. From Mill City, Mr. and Mrs. When Illness Strikes We use only pure, fresh in gredients to fill your doc tor's prescription. And there is always a well trained professional man on duty to compound it ac curately and conscientious ly. Depend on us to help you when Illness strikes. Schaefer's Drug Store 1895 1947 Phone 517 er 97U 135 Nerth Commercial 3 SA 3 ' ewe mf - II vr ti, ill ale .... c nniversary .'Via':i-.H. REDUCED! this week only Special buy! Figure flattering bra circular stitched for support and up lift! Rayon satin, tearose, white. Sm. 32 36, At. 32-38, FuU 34-40. refl. oo iptc 88 Sale on a hip-hugging 2-wiy stretch; elastio bound top fal bottom. Of .strong rayon, cotton, synthetic rub ber. Nude, white. S. M. and L 2? sptc 48 Buy en Wards Monthly Payment Plan :j fi 153 No. Liberty Phono 3114 J t i ... v-ee.sNinging HOODED COAT New" for Fall.;. Budget-priced 24. 75 ,. 35.03 j; i ! The newest coat fashion that's taking the country by storm! The xace-framinf hood la wonderfully flattering - is to cosily warm, so smart and new-looking. Teamed with a graceful awing back, If s -. - i the top favorite for Talll Pure " i wool auede In plain colore and plaids. 10 to 10. Elevator to All Floors US! WARDS IAYAWAY PIAII I Only SI Down holds ytmr toat until Oct. 6th while joa cony; dele the wecil or monthly payments. n