lThs BtatoMwn, Salem, Oregon. Friday. Sept 11 117 Great Books Club Resumes The Great ' IVxk:s discussion groups in Salem resumed their tneeunB thia week, with more than participeting. City Librar ian Hugh Merrew announced Thursday night. Difcustiona were held Tuesday and Thursday nights on Plato's Ao-olofy" and "Crito," with Ceorge Kaye r and Mrs. Harold BofcebiiUCh leaders Tuesday and Jill; J-res and David Duniway Readers Thursday. i When about 6e local residents (1 interested in the group spring, it was decided j. to Split fnQ two fections. Morrow explain ed. He aid the Tuesday group is about filled but ofenings exist in the Thursday group and a third section will be formed if interest v Next discussions will center 1 Opens 1:45 ) Af ' RAr rillAliD BUM STKH Anal Cast ! TlMsida f n.. -Child M Divorce' with Sharys MoffeU - Regis Teeaaey Madae Meredith I t -V9 with tar tps t itt4ritii i in! ft UeV M ef I- III I I AR CUT TO GET TladdT as a smwg " jsssfc gajsVar OjojBgjflksX 9jagssaajg4 I I to BMreer k SW pSHSMsOrteiSt BBSgeaBSBaaSB9aaS9 2nd Action Hit IVeyV Thundering Western gtery! THUNDER MOUNTAIN with Tim Holt Richard Martin SUNDAY! ,3:T-T1,--! 111 I nit. l I E3 COOL tl aBBBSBBBSSBBSBSSSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSSSSSBBBBSSBBSSaBBl MGM's COLORFUL STORt OF A DARING GIRL A SPECTACULAR HIT! WILLIAMS . aki TAJXOFF MAtr . ASTOt MS MTMOOUCSsa THt 910ST TUCSTUOUS new utm nwmnm ma. vauntino i w 6 1 around the Bibllcan book of Job and works of Aristopanes. The night meetings are held in the city library. j, Salem Markot Quotations BUTTRHrAT Premium No. 1 No. 3 PRINTS Wholesale Retail CUUS BUYINO Extra large ... Mrllum and standard Pulleta Cracks ..... f.uti Bellies. PrUs Wholesale, large Mediums . .80 so Ml Ml Ml Ml XX '31 .77 .71 n Ml Retail large Re till medium . POULTS Colored nans. No. 1 No. S , fryers LIVESTOCK (By Valley Pack) Choice spring lambs Yearling . up to Ewea 100 te 19.00 1300 S 00 rat dairy cows . to 11.50 UN 14. M 17 00 17 SO MOO Cutter cows ,, ., Dairy heifers Calves (300 to 430 lbs.) - Bull Veal I1S0 to SOS lbs ... 00 to S 00 to up to 1100 to uo to ' I'riMfiirp PORTLAND. Ore. Sept. 11 AP) Butterfat Tentative (subject to immediate change), premium quality maximum of Mi of 1 per' cent -acidity delivered la Portland. 91 -94c: first qual ity, S8-92c; aecond quality, 81-Sic;-valley route and country points, 2 cents lens than first or. 83-B7C. Butter Wholesale f o b. bulk cubes: Butter Wholesale f.o.b. bulk 88-lb cubes: Grade AA. 93 acore 83 to 8 cents a pound. Grade A 92 score S2 NOTICE OP PINAL. ACCOUNT No. 12301 Notice- Is hereby given that the undersigned. a administrator of the estate of ELIZABETHA PAULUS. de ceased, has filed in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, his final account as such administrator, and that Monday, the 6th day of October, 1947, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, and the courtroom of said court in the courthouse at Salem. Oregon, have been appointed by said court as the time and place for the hearing of objections to said final account and to the settlement of aaid estate. Dated and first published August IS, 1947. Last published September 20, 1947. FRED H. PAULUS Administrator of the Estate of Eltrahetha Paulus. dceased. August 29. September S. 12. 19. 20. 1947. 'V - t f era tomt CHAKISSE CAKKOLL, FOtrUNfO BONAKOYA RICARDO MOUTALBAII Flos A New Dr. Gillespie Hit! Lionel Bcxrrymors) Jaaaes Craig Lacille Bremer In "DARK DELUSION" wis. Oiade n 99 snore Tf sent. tirade C ss some 74 cents. ens Minna one la roniane wholesalers: Oregon singles. 41a-Me; Oregon S lb. loaf Oli-Ulic. Eggs To wholesalers, A grade, largo. 67la-fi8V,c; medium. 82VsC; A grsds, small. 48'; B grsds large. 8"-s7'te. StaaSFurfhased from farmeis: eur rent receipts. -ci buyers pay S J'c below wholesale quotations en graded basis (or neat nennery esgs. Live cmcsens rayuig price m pro ducers: No. 1 broiler under Ili lbs. 30c; 2' to 3 lbs. 33-38e: fryers I to 4 lbs. 37-40c: roasters a ids. ana over 37-38c; fowl .Leghorn under 4 lbs. 17-1W; lbs. ana ever su-zic; coiorea fowl all welghu 23-27c; atags all weights 12-14C lb. Hay U. S. No t green alfalfa or better, carload lots, 1" O.B. Portland. 130-32 ton; U. S. No- t timothy (east ern Oregon or Washington), ca riots r.O.B. Portland, 934-17 ton; eats ana vetch mixed hay, uncertified clover hay, $22-23, baled at Willamette val ley farms; depending upon quality and location. Rabbits Average to retailers. 48 82c lb dressed; price to producers, 43c. fryers, live. whit. 20-25c lb.: colored. 17-21c lb ' Onions to lb sacks Wssh. yellow s-inch Z 73-3 (XI; H rooks, ore., mediums; S2-1.1S; pickling SO lb 1.79-8; 23-lb sscks 4-4.10. Potstoes Oregon Deschutes Rus sets No. 1. 100 lbs 3.50-80: bakers 1.90-4: No. 2 bakers 1.80-2.90: medium No. 2 2.25-2.35 cwt; Washington Russets No. 1 1.40-3.50. Dressed meats: Vesl light top quality 2-Mc lb; heavy top quality ZB-30C b. zo-aoc. i, zz-xsc; cull is-zuc. ' Hogs block butchers packer style 125 180 lb 40-42C lb; over 21) lb 30-33C lb; sows all weights 30-40c lb. Lambs Best grade 3S-40C lb; others according to quality. to quality Beef Best quality. 33-39C lb, B. 25-30c: c. 22-24c; canner and cutter. IB-zOc: boloens bulls 27 -28c lb Cascara bark Green 10c lb.; dry 22c lb. Mohair 42c lb. on 12-month growth Stocks and Bonds (Compiled by the Associated Pressl Sept. It STOCK AVERAGES 20 19 IS 60 Ind. Rails Utit. Stocks Thursday - 90.8 33.8 42 8 64 J Previous day .... 90.5 33.7 42 8 84.4 Week ago 91.1 33.9 42.7 84 8 Month ago . 92 9 34 4 42 8 - 83 5 Year sgo 98.7 38.2 45 J 94.0 BONO AVERAGES 20 10 10 19 Rails Ind. Util Por. Thursday 93 8 103.9 104.9 69 0 Previous day .. 93.6 103 9 104.9 69.1 Week ago 93 9 103.3 104.9 109 Month ago 94 4 103.9 105.2 70 9 Year ago 98.9 102.9 108.9 15.6 1947 high 97.1 104 2 109.7 78 6 1947 low . 89.8 103.0 104.8 69.0 New 1947 low. Too . tate to Classif AFTERNOON Kindergarten, 1 to m., children 3 to I yrs. Ph. B960 or 6612. e" mi ex irt r icv Mat. Dally Frem 1 P M. Now Showing! II illtllil: run. Opens t:45 KMk. NOW SHOWING X .' f esuewsp) se '-y aVaes) V r'r Co-Uit! Adele Jergess "Wheat a Girl's Beaatlfsd" , Action Co-Hit! I., " . . - 1 Opens :4S PJaL NOW! (ADULTS tU) Gary Cooper Paulette Geddari la Technicolor -H.W. MOUNTED POLICE", : Wild BJuTEUleit "Conquest t Cheyenne' . "Son oi 2080 Ntx 10 1 Cartrotv-ftws ; ' Howe Waives Preliminary Examination In Marlon county jail awaiting action of the grand jury Is How ard Howe of Salem, who waived preliminary examination in Mar ion county district court Thurs day on charges connected with the shooting of Thomas Conyers, 2663 Portland rd., Wednesday night. Howe is held In lieu of $3,500 bail, on charges of carrying and being In possession of a concealed weapon and of assault with a deadly weapon. Conyers is in Sa lem General hospital with a bullet wound in his right knee. His con dition was reported as satisfac tory last night, by, the hospital. According to police reports, the shooting took place in the Conyers home at about 8:30, following considerable drinking. Present in the house, according to police re ports, were Mrs. Lois Conyers, wife of the wounded man. her sister, Mrs. Leota Wilkins of Sa lem, and Conyers and Howe. Police went to the Conyen home following a phone call from Leslie Beamish, manager of Ste venson restaurant, 2535 Portland rd., where Howe worked as a cook. The gun involved was re ported as a .38 calibre revolver, property of Beamish. No motive was given police for the shooting. Mrs. Conyers told police that the two men had engaged in a dispute prior to the shooting. Bad Check Case Sentence Today Following , his reported admis sion to police of writing eight bad checks totaling $75 in Salem and Eugene within the past three weeks, Donald D. Smith, 350 Hick ory St., is to appear for sentencing in Marion county district court to day on a charge of writing a check with insufficient funds. He Is held in Marion county jail Lin lieu of $500 bail following his arraignment in district court Thursday. Smith was arrested by city police Thursday and, accord ing to police reports, admitted the check passing. Police report that Smith has been paroled from five previous check charges and that Thursday's arrest was the sixth time he had been apprehended on those charges. TRADE-MARK NOTICE To whom It may concern: Mrs, Helen Ana Atkinson. S819 Praile Ave nue. City of Evsnston, County oi Cook, Biais or Illinois, naving mace appli cation for registration of a certain trade-mark in the State of Oregon hereby publishes a description of said trade-mark pursuant to the laws of the mate ei Oregon. The vraoe-marK eon atsts ef the words "Home Security." A.S9-SJ-1I NOW Oatcl tint Arr-ivh ' v r . y itjxhti BUD ABDOTT IOU COSTELLO IN OUCt'C TSteea Jeasfekea .Na--sS). 1 -flT No. 2 V JOIl j.ltCREA lake off Yi ''lrisD DOSAID CUSP DON DifOlE rttnoif f osm mm wwtiaw ritu Color Cartoon and Latest Newt " 1 1 AvYT 1 If A ABBOTT V Woman Hurt an Car Overlurns Mrs. Lottie Campbell. Glendale, Calif., Is in Kalem General hos pital with farial oils and several fractured ribs, incurred Thurs day afternoon when the car in which she was riding turned over near. Illihee school south of Sa lem. Charles Scott, Glendale, who also was in the car, suffered mi nor cuts and an injured ankle. Both were treated by Salem first aid men. The tar rolled over while taking a curve near the school about five miles south of Salem, according to state police who investigated the accident. Minister Tells Lions of Trip To Continent What the United States really must "feed" Europe; Is "Chris tianity and Spiritual Values," It was declared Thursday by the Rev. Lloyd T. Anderson, pastor of the First Baptist church, in an address before Salem Lions club at the Marion hotel. The Rev. Anderson told his luncheon audience he noted an "apathetic feeling in Europe from a spiritual standpoint" during his recent trip through England and Scandinavian countries while abroad to attend a Baptist world alliance meeting In Copenhagen The speaker reported his va rious impressions from the trip. mentioning that Sweden fears the prospect of another war into which she will this time be drawn, and that "the economic situation in England appears infinitely worse than we even dream of here." An English textile manufac turer predicted a British cabinet crisis by October, the Rev. .Mr Anderson reported, and declared that he and his colleagues were hoping for a coalition government to replace the present laborite government. DEWEY BACKS FASTI TION ALBANY, N. Y.. Sept. 11 -4P)- Uovernor Thomas E. Dewey cal led today for quick United Na tions adoption of a plan to estab lish separate Jewish and Arab states in Palestine to end what he termed the tragedy of ship ping homeless Jewa into Ger many. M0h, My Dear, We've missed so much, so much...' Tti most unusual love affair ever told! SUNDAY I At the GRAND Stafie 1 MIDGET TIME TRIALS 7:30 P. M. RACES 8:30 P. M. HOLLYWOOD BOWL SALEIJ (Fast K mile Pared Track) 4020 Portland Road - One Mile North of Underpass Admission $1 JO Inc. Tar. Nuvy Reserve Organization Mcetiim Held Salem's new naval reserve training division pointed to for mal activation and start of a training program Thursday night when 73 men reported for the or ganization session and finally- processed membership papers were received from the Seattle reserve headquarters for an offi cer and IS men. Lt. Com dr. Vernon Gilmore, head of the unit and already on duty status, said receipt of the first papers buck from Seattle In dicates formal activation will be in order soon. Meanwhile, several new members were signed and continuance of weekly meetings at 8 p.m. Thursday in building T514, Salem airport, was an nounced. First officer assigned, in addi tion to Gilmore, is Warrant Bos'n Henry Schimenek. Men assigned are SKD 1c Jack Knedler. MM 1c Charles J. Bourne. MM Sc Armon McDowell; F 1c Richard H. Smith, S 1c John Voves, S 1c Dennis O'Harra, S 2c Viril Coul son, and apprentice seamen Fred erick Savin, Dwight Bowen, Shel vie Huggins, Samuel Gillespie. Dale Whitaker. Eldon Richter, Lowell Weese and Donald Doug las. All are from Salem except Doug las, who is from Albany. Gilmore emphaaized last night that mem bership is open to all within a 50-mile radius of Salem. Announcement was made that a naval reserve training cruise from Seattle to San Francisco will be conducted in November, open to local members. In tonnage weight, air is the greatest raw material used by the iron industry. NOTICE OF FINAL. SETTLEMENT Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned has filed In the Probate De- fartment of the Circuit Court of the lata of Oregon, for the County of Marlon, his duly verified Final Ac count, as executor ef the estate of us- lie A. Robertson, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Monday, the 19th day of September, 1947. at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day as the time, and the Circuit Court Room In the County Court House at Salem. In Marlon County. Oregon, as the place for healing said Fuisl Account and all obJecUons thereto. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 19th day of Ausust. 194T. Oran Stratton. executor of the estate of Lizzie A. Robertson, De ceased. Ronald C. Clover. Attorney for becutor, 208 Oregon Building. Salem, Oregon. A 1S-SS-29-S S-IS V..v 4sW w SMrtawos5 j mmmm 0 tssssisew ws ts 0 BTTrl VKHIHOtS 627 ?. M. MEN ONLY shows stf P.M. Theatre Utilh Grower Talks To Garden Club Gradual increase of daffodil and tulip bulb growing in the Willam ette valley since the first world war was outlined at Thursday Men's Garden club by Roy Mills, night's meeting of the Salem Oswego district bulb grower. Growers from Holland have cul tivated a vast enterprise of bulb growing in the valley, Mill! said. He pointed to a bulb farm near Portland which produced IS mil lion bulbs last year. The speak er' illustrated his talks with color ed sclides on flower culture. A flower show followed the meet ing which was attended by a de legation from the newly-organised McMinnvllle club. U.S. CIS TO LEAVE ITALY ROME, Sept. ll(4VLt. Gen. John C. H. Lee, American com mander in Italy, announced today that withdrawal of allied military forces from Italy in compliance with the peace treaty would be gin tomorrow. i UKES PASS, PCNT LOS ANGEL.ES, Sept 11-WV The UCLA Bruins concentrated on passing and punt returning in today's workout Quarterback Benny Beiges, stung by Carl Benton's challenge for his post, completed a long string of passes. Ernie Johnson Gaaranteed Wateh aai aek Repairing j Save money and hi time by tetUne us do your watch and clock Keatalrinc TeeH like ear Bs6alBerg4t prfte&cfj Qalck Serrleel EllmlnaU the Watch RenaJr Ileaslaehe -Excellent Serrtce- Serrins; Salem ajsd Tlcinlty Siaiee 127 I Terfeet I Repair" HEABQUAQTEDS FOR : - 4101X141 1 Uills U SSore 432 SUto Salem Follow ths Crowd to the . . . Super Youth Rally Bob Hite, Speaker and the j Youth Center Choir j Male Octette I Soloist, Evelyn Turnidge ' j Saxophone Quartet 7:30 Ferry & Ubsrly City Dont Miss Dr. E. E, Bortaf To!1 suffer from eyestrain fect your work. Have your X"' ' ft"- ;s v . ,'i i glasses prescribed. DIGNIFIED CREDIT BORING OPTICAL COMPANY S?XtXm ouUn f ,Bf DAIJCE '-,. r Every Saturday Nlfht ! I Silvericn Aracry Musie by Glenn Woodrr'g lS-rteee Orchestra Dadia Bepairs AO Makes i Appliance Repairs 9221 340 Court TIRE SALE Friday and Saturday Sept. 12th aad lJta, 14T While They Last $12.00 'i" Other Sizes in Proportion HARBISON STATION 2M Ne, Hick : Ph. 4X31 NOTICE ; TrieanU ef Mario pest Ml Our Saturday Nlahl Old Tims Daneo Starts the Fall Season Saturday 13, 1947 WAYNE STRAND'S S Pteee 'Orchestra; V. F. W. Hall Decs! and Chareh St. Saol Janz, Owner Ice Arena How Open roi Mm Eve., 8:00 to 10:30 Sat. and Sun. 'Afternoons 2:00 to 4:00 j Parties and Private Instructions by Appointment j 610 N. Capitol Phone 6868 Armory This First Fall Rally! 1 ' : i I Your Eyesight and Your Work J Dr. 8am Hathes and eye discomfort is bound to af eyes examined and have correct