The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 11, 1947, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 The Statesman. Salem, Oregon Thvandaj. Sept 11. 1917
Au Revoir
Slated ;
Au revoir will be said in the
next few : weeks to two ponular
young SaJem iris, who will be
leaving for the east for extended
Miss Beth Siewert, daughter of
Mrs. A. A. Siewert, will fly east
to Philadelphia on September 22
lor an indefinite stay. She will be
the guest of Miss Shirley Butler,
who returns to her home in Phjl
ftdelphia after a year's stay in the
capital. Mix Butler leaves for the
eart next week. Miss Siewert
plans to continue with her vocal
lessons on the east coast. She has
been secretary at the local Red
Cross of lice here.
Mrs. Siewert hss invited a few
cf her daughter's friends to a
luncheon next Wednesday after
noon at her North Winter street
home.j -
Tuesday night Mrs. Robert
Brownell is planning a bridge
party- for Miss Siewert at her
Cascade Drive home. Mrs. Wil
liam Matlotte Smith will be a
luncheon ; hostess on September
99 at the H. G. Smith home for
the traveler. Mrs. Alan Siewert
is also planning a party for her
si5ter-in-law prior to her departure.-.
Hester MKs Peters
Miss Anna Peters will fly east
September 27 to New York City
fur a week's visit with a former
Salem resident. Mrs. J. Walter
IliffFrom there Mis Peters will
' go to Atlanta, Georgia, where she
will take special laboratory work I
. ' . : - i i ii J. . T !
j or' six wrtm ana men on wj nrw
Orteans for a month's etudy. She
will be away until the first of the j
year. Mis Peters is laboratory j
technician at the Salem Clinic. I
Tuesday night Miss Peters was
fried at an au revoir party when
her bridge club entertained at
dinner at Silver Creek Falls lodge.
Later the group returned to the
home of Mrs. Irving DeFrance
for veveral hours of bridge. Cov
ers were placed for Miss Peters,
Mr. DeFrance, Mrs. Robert Keu
ciell. Mr; Ardell Newell, Mrs.
Donald Ream, Mrs. William De
Pew, Mrs. Norval Edwards and
Mrs. Morris Stewart, a guest.
Dean and Mrs. Mclvin Geist,
Mrs. Howard Maple and daugh
ter, Marcia. will be among those
in Portland Saturday night for
Ahe San Francisco. Opera com
pany's presentation of "Faust,"
starring Pinza. Mrs. U. S. Doteon,
Miss Betty Dot son. Miss B rend a
Gla.cs and Miss Barbara Ortman
will be in Portland Friday night
for Madam Butterfly" at the Au
ditorium. Mrs. Ralph Ma pes will entertain
informally tonight at her D Street
home in honor of Mrs. Robert
Hauser. The evening will be spent
informally with a late supper
served by the hostess with covers
plfaced for thirty. The guests will
honor Mrs. Hauser with a shower
during the evening.
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Pomeroy
'Will have as their weekend house
Quests Mr. and Mrs. John Blair
cf Lakeview. Saturday night the
Pomeroys have invited a few
friends to a butfet supper at their
Center street home in honor of
the viiitors.
Mrs. W. F. Ewalt of Ohio. Illi
nois, is visiting with her daughter,
Mrs. Ralph Dobbs, and grandson,
Paul Jones, while Mr. Dobbs is
in Chicago. Mrs. Ewalt will re
turn east the end of the month.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Harbison
nd their daughter and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Juza and
daughter. Sally Jo, of Lebanon
have returned from a ten-day
stay at Netkowin.
Ladies : of the Grand Army of
the Republic will meet today at
10:30 a.m. at the home. of Mrs.
Louise Hall. 640 Water st., for all
day sewing. Sack lunches will be
Society .... Clubs
Music... .The Homo
Women's Missionary society of the
rirst Baptist church, with Mrs. Roy
Reynolds. 730 N. Capitol st.. 3 p.m.
Little Garden club of Salem Heights,
with Mrs. William Neimeyer, 1 o'clock
Willing Workers class of the First
Christian class with Mrs. W. H. Gard
ner, route 4, box 333. 3 p.m.
Ladles of the Grand .Army of the
Republic, all-day sewing meeting with
Mrs. Louise HaU. MO Water street. 10:30
a an. no-host luncheon.
Salem auxiliary. Marine Corps league,
meet at Normandy Manor. 8 p.m.
North Salem WCTU with Mrs. Ma
bel Benjamin. 1565 N. Winter it.. 2
Florence Vail Missionary society,
Calvary Baptist church, meet at church,
2 p.m.
Salem Heiehts Women's club, first
fall meeting at Community hall. 1 -30
p.m.. Hobby tea for new members.
Pad Resents. Chemeketa chapter
DAR. with Mrs. W. E. Hanson, 820 N.
Church it., 1 p.m. no-host luncheon.
United Spanish War Veterans and
auxiliary, at VrW hall at 8:30 p.m.. no
host dinner, business meeting at 8
Sojourners dessert luncheon, Salem
Woman's clubhouse. 1:15 p.m.
Doerksens Feted
On 40th Wedding
Open house, honoring Mr. and
Mrs. D. R. Doerksen on their
fortieth wedding anniversary,
was held in their home on Rich
mond avenue, September 7. They
were married in Langham, Sas
katchewan, Canada, August 24,
1907, where they lived for fifteen
years and four children were
born: Ben of Roseburg, Mary and
Lee of Salem, and Abe of Jen
nings Lodge. They came to the
states in 1922 and settled in Dal
las and later moved to Salem
where they have made their home
for the past twenty years.
Many relatives and friends
honored them and ' among the
guests were:
Mr. and Mrs. David K. Friesen and
family. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Classen.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Friesen. Misses
Hiie Janzen. Verna Balzer. Irene Hig-
5 ins and Helen Austin. Mr. and Mrr.
ohn S. Friesen, Mr. and Mrs. John R.
Classen. Mr. and Mrs. William Bran
son, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Reimer, Mr.
and M rs. George Gossen. Mr. and Mrs.
Max Kleman and family. Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Funk. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Friesen.
.lr. and Mrs Willard Friesen and
family. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Frisen
and family. Rev. and Mrs. George
Millen. Rev. ai d Mrs. Wilmer Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Nickel and Doro
thy Ann. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Friesen.
Mr. and Mrs E. B. Schroeder, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank K. Friesen and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Finden. Mrs. Betty
Friesen and family. Mrs. Lewis Pat
terson and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Abe
Doerkren, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Schroe
der. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Doerksen and
family. Mr. Wilbur Ewert. Mrs. George
Friesen. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Harms.
Mrs. Rosa Higgins. Mrs. Claude White
and Mrs. George Siefarth.
Officers Are
Mrs. W. H. Barber was re
elected president of the Deacon
ess Hospital auxiliary at a meet
ing held at the home of Mrs. R.
F. Polanski Monday afternoon.
Mrs. I. W. Ceer was reelected as
treasurer. New officers chosen
were Mrs. C. C. Edwards as vice
president and Mrs. Irwin Wedel
as secretary. Board members will
be Mesdames J. J. Nunn, Sam
Neufeldt and W. A. Kellar.
The group voted to purchase
an infant stethoscope for the ma
.ternity ward of the hospital and
to have markers placed on all
previous gifts given to the hos
pital by the auxiliary. The social
part of the afternoon was spent
in inspecting suggested articles
for a bazaar. Monday was chosen
as sewing day for the bazaar, the
work-to be done at the home of
Mrs. R. F. Polanski. Thursday,
September II, was announced as
sewing day at the hospital.
Are Honor
Brides - eject are sharing" In
much of the fall entertaining.
Miss Peggyr Paxson and her fi
ance, Budd Coons, will be honor
guests at an informal party Satur
day night when his brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Will
lam Bush, entertain members of
the bridal party at their Saginaw
street home. The affair will fol
low the wedding rehearsal. A des
sert supper will be served to
twenty guots. - The couple's mar
riage will take place Sunday at
St. Paul's Episcopal church.
Dr. and Mrs. Max Coons, brother
and sister-in-law of the groom
elect, will arrive today with their
1 daughter, Linda, from Selma, Cal
if, for the nuptials. Friday night
the two families will gather for
dinner at the home of Mrs. Ivy
Coons In honor of her birthday.
Sapper to Fete Couple
' Mr. and Mrs. William F. Leary
will be hosts for a buffet supper
Friday night at their D street
home in honor of their daughter,
Miss Patricia Leary, and her fi
ance. Jack Wright of Seattle. The
affair will precede the wedding
rehearsal. - The ceremony win be
an event of Saturday night at the
First Congregational church.
Covers will be placed for Miss
Leary and Mr. Wright.- Miss Bess
Wright, Miss Adeline Wright and
Everett Steward of Seattle, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Hoesley of Spo
kane, James Nash of Tacoma,
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hendrick, jr..
Dr. and Mrs. Jay Hendrick, sr
Mr. and Mrs. John Day, Karen,
Ronnie, Margaret and Juanita Day,
and Joseph Hendrick, all of Brem
erton, Miss Jean Lichty of Port'
land, Miss Lois Martin, Mrs. Jack
Bartelt, Mrs. John Copenhaver,
Mr. and Mrs. George Dunsmoor,
Mrs. William East and the hosts
Miss Riney Honored
Miss Delphine Riney, bride-elect
of Thomas Stevenson, was the
honor guest at a pre-nuptial
shower Wednesday night when
Mrs. Donald Beecroft entertained
at her State street apartment. A
dessert supper was served at a
late hour by the hostess.
Honoring Miss Riney were Mrs,
Elmer Riney, Mrs. Claude Steven
son, Mrs. Robert W. Gormsen,
Mrs. Frank Vernon Siemens, Mrs
Delmer Dewey, Mrs. Robert Burns,
Mrs. E. P. Dietz, Misses Donna
Unruh. Dorothv Boyes. Betty Vor
seth. Barbara Brundidge and Ves
ta Shinn.
Miss Burris
New Advisor
Election of officers followed
the picnic dinner held by Rain
bow girl Tuesday night at the
Masonic hall- Elected as worthy
advisor was Miss Marilyn Burris;
worthy associate advisor, Miss
Joan Smith; charity, Miss Bev
erly Kruger; hope, Miss Thais
Crandall, and faith, Miss Leah
Presiding over the meeting
were Miss Marilyn Hill as wor
thy advisor and Mrs. Wayne
Henry as mother advisor. Instal
lation of officers will take place
at the next meeting, Septem
ber 23. .
The newly elected worthy ad
visor is the . daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. W. G. Burris and a sister
of Lois Burris, past worthy ad
visor of Chadwick assembly. -
SILVERTOK Miss. Naomi Le-
ron, who will leave soon for Corf
vallis to enter college, was honored
Sunday at a birthday and farewell,
party when the Misses Evelyn,
Margaret and Gladys Averette en
tertained at their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. H. Averettes home on
Pine and Grant streets.
Autumn flowers were used by
the rooms and asked to - greet
Miss Loron were Misses June
Tofte, Margaret Uselman, Clara
Wolf, Lucille Miles.
"S ill
Betrothal of
Couple Told
At Party '
Youngsters Are
Party Guests
In honor of her eleventh birth
day, Ncvadca Pleasant was given
a birthday party Tuesday after
noon by her mother, Mrs. B. E.
Howe, at their Stale street home.
Games were played and refresh
ments were served later in the
Wedding bells will ring this
winter for Miss Darlene Gardner
and Douglas B. Armstrong, jr. The
exciting news was revealed Wed- j afternoon.
nesaay mgm at a party ior wnicn . .
the brtinette hriHe-elct wn hn.t. .Present at the party were Eu-
ess at the home of her narrnt, ! nIce and Gunderson. Mylrea
Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Garner, on
Miss Hazel Short, whose
engagement to Alvin Ma
zac was announced re
cently. She is the daugh
ter of Mrs. Pearl Short and
he Is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. A. J. Mazac, all of
West Salem. No dale has
been set for the wedding.
Miss Singh
A Visitor
Miss Justina Singh, who Is
studying for her master's degree
In textiles at Oregon State col
lege, is spending a week in Sa
lem as the guest of Miss Carolyn
Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Dewey F. Davis, at their home
on Lansing avenue.
Miss Singh was graduated from
the Lady Irwin college in New
Delhi, a school for girls of all
religions and nationalities spon
sored by the All-India Women'a
conference. She came to the Unit
ed States in February and en
rolled in the school of home eco
nomics where she became ac
quainted with Miss Davis.
Miss Singh just returned from
Seattle where she spoke at var
ious clubs and organizations. She
wears her native saris with 40
in her wardrobe.
First YW Board
Meeting Held
Salem YWCA board held its
first meeting of the fall Tuesday.
The two new staff program di
rectors, Miss Ellen Sangster and
Miss Rose Mary Essley, were wel
comed and introduced to the
board membership.
Observance of YWCA day on
October 14 was announced. De
tails as to hours and program will
be announced later. Similar ob
servances will be held by YWCA
groups throughout the nation
that day. It is planned to have all
age groups of the local YW par
ticipate in some form. Plans are
under supervision of the mem
bership ' committee with Mrs. W.
W. Baum as chairman.
Mrs. Harold A. Rosebraugh, YW
president, urged all members to
be active in support of the annual
Community Chest campaign
cbening this . fall. Mrs. Arthur
Madsen as chairman reported
from the camp committee and an
nounced dates fpr the 1948 sum
mer camp. The event next sum
mer will be held from June 25 to
July 23, inclusive; including a
four-day training event for staff
the first part of the camp and a
seven-day period for high school
girls from which group four jun
ior leaders will be selected for
the camp periods following.
Announcement was made , that
a rummage sale will be spon
sored October 24 and 25, proceeds
from which will be turned over
to the world work fund of the YW.
The North Salem WCTU will
meet with Mrs. Mabel Benjamin,
1565 North Winter St., Friday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. 4 The Rev.
R. A. Krueger will lea'd the de
votions. This is the' first meeting
of the fall for the group.
McCoy street. The benedict-elect
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Doug
las B. Armstrong.
Miss Gardner is a graduate of another
saiem nign school and attended
Willamette university. Her soror Delta Gamma. Her fiance,
also a Salem high school gradu
ate, served in the navy during
the war. He will register for his
sophomore year at
university this fall.
Miss Gardner invited a group
of the college set to a bridge par
ty with a late supper following.
Guests learned the news when
napkins, bearing the names of the
engaged duo, were passed.
Guests were Misses Jane Acton,
Connie Cocking. June Young, Car
olyn Carson, Edith Fairham. Mary
Alice Glath of Woodburn, Carroll
Gragg, Roberta Meyer, Helen
Paulon, Betty Manoles, Margie
Cooley, Addyse Lane, Elizabeth
Nelsort, Barbara Brundidge. Pat
Brown and Mrs. Leonard Odom.
Mulcahy, Carol Thompson, Judy
Foreman, Patty Johnson, Lea Rae
Hamilton, Gary Hamilton, Carol
Sittser, Teddy Sittser, Mrs. Ted
Sittser, the honor guest and her
To Mr. and Mrs. George Ross
man go congratulations on the
birth of a daughter Wednesday
at the Salem General hospital.
The baby's paternal grand par-
Willamette ents are Supreme Court Justice
and Mrs. George Rossman.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fisher are
vacationing this week at Florence
and other points along the coast.
Mrs. Wolfe
Is Honored
Mrs. Irvin B. Hill and Mrs. Ros
coe Wilson were hostesses for an
informal party Wednesday night
in compliment to Mrs. Paul S.
Wolfe at - the former's home.
A dessert supper was served by
the hostesses with an evening of
cards following. A surprise show
er honored Mrs. Wolfe.
Covers were placed for Mrs.
Wolfe, Mrs.- Francis Smith, Mrs.
George Neuner, Mrs. BothwelJ
Avison, Mrs. Tom Dunhanv Mrs.
Stuart Lancetield, Mrs. Wilmer
Smith. Mrs. Eugene Tupker, Mrs,
William Lidbcck, Mrs. Willard N.
Thompson. Mrs. L. Daye Idleman,
Mrs. Charles Campbell and the
hostesses. ' 0 .
LYONS Complimented Sunday
at a birthday dinner at his home
was Hershel Culwell.- Gueets were
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Culwell, Mr.
and Mrs. H. D. Weitmen, Mickel
and Lyons, A. B. Culwell, Harlin
Gibson, Mr. and Mrs.1 Adell Hutch
inson and Dean of Mill City, Mr.
and Mrs. G. A. llann, Deforest
and -Gerald, Mr. and Mrs. S. H.
Weitman and Rickie of Aumsville
and the horts, Mrs. Daisy Culwell,
Joyce and Thelma Mae Culwell.
Mrs. Dean - Ellis entertained
members of her j. club at bridge
and a late supper . Wednesday
night at her Lefelle street home.
Additional guests were Mrs. Jack
Price.and Mrs. Cofcurn Craben
horst' . : ' '
Mr. and Mrs. Roy II. Mills have
returned from a several days
stay at the Nelscott apartmenis.
They were joined there by their
daughter. Mrs. Elliott Price of i
Camas, Wash.
Open House
September 11, 1917 9 A. M. lo 5 I. M. 7 - 10 P. M.
Little House in Pringle Park
pore Fiction's
Hear hr on your
Mutual-Don Ut Station
9:00 A.M.
f 4b . "
lilt l rZ . 'iR At A-
k Goals
it Skirls
7r Sweaters
tJt Blouses
Both mother and daughter
will agree on these new, high
fashions, for they're styled
right ... long wearing ... co
lorful . . . gay. Get set for
school with a new wardrobe
chosen here.
The Moderne
305 Court Street
Phone 380'
Put Lighfr
On Your
CCiE-chen, Woiv!
"'jiis.';.v',. ' -"'. ' .
im & i
. . -.'tJ
BJKsenr- sunore odcjdti
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O Ideol Light for Kitchens, Offices, Rumpus Rooms, Stores .
You're in for on eye-soothing, work-easing treat under th soft fluores
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ceiling. Put one of these attractive, efficient units in your .Home, office, or
store; you'll admit it's "the best light you ever had IV .
Fluorescent Unit
With 20-W. Bulb 9.95
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Sink Drain
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ParniHs dish wash
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Works officiantly
with cold wafer.
Smart Ceiling Unit
Fluorescent 14.95
Stroomnood, ilcndor; nils kitchen,
bathroom, rocroation room with soft
glarolos Kght. Undorwritors Af
provod. With two 2v-W. blubs.
Homart Wall Unit 3-Speed Heat Pad
Kenmore Product I 5.93
Newest Style 4.98
A handsom, modem wal brocket
that spreads glorolots, soft CgM.
wgowood Blwo ond Wbito. I
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Select 3 different speeds for on
healthful, soothing heat Removable
washable cover. Easy-to-read indi
cator marks.
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Water System
Pump; 1 7-Ga I. Tank
Pay only 8:00 down
A complete water system for the
small home Galvanized cost Iron
pump; 17-gol steel tank. Cuaronteed
pump copocity 250 gallons per hou
Steel Cabinet Sink
60-inch Size
T7 only ILM down
Back again steel cabinet sinks. Gleaming white actd-rosisting
porcelain enamel sink with handy rinse spray, basket strainer and
other modem fitting. Baked-on enamel steel under ink cobinet.
484 Stole, St
Hears t U S:3I daily
to Friday
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